Axinite: magical properties, description and color of the stone. Zodiac signs and axinite. Axinite. A precious stone. Physical research methods


general description

The word "axinite" is of Greek origin and translated into Russian means "ax".

Axinite is a complex calcium-aluminum borosilicate. The color of the mineral is different: clove brown, honey yellow, violet blue, pearl gray, pale olive green, light brown. The shine is glassy.

Hardness - 6.9-7.0; density 3.27-3.29 g / cm3.

The main deposits: the island of Tasmania, the Alps, Cornwall, Canada, the USA, etc.

Healing properties

Axinite helps to heal many female diseases... Wearing it in the form of a brooch protects against mastopathy. The stone is recommended for nursing mothers as it is believed to increase lactation.

Earrings with axinite take off headache, calm the nerves, stabilize the psyche. Rings with this stone, worn on ring finger left hand, cure frigidity and even infertility.

Magical properties

In ancient times, this stone was part of the sacred ritual of initiating girls "into priestesses of the Moon. Depending on which lunar deity the girl was supposed to serve (the growing Moon - Artemis, full - Selene, waning and dark - Hecate), the color of the stone was chosen. that the axinite "connects" the priestess with the goddess and through him, she receives orders, advice and warnings from her mistress. - dark purple.

In China, it is believed that axinite is the accumulator of Yin energy and with the help of crystals and products made from it, Feng Shui masters neutralize the aggressive Yang energy, creating harmony in human dwellings.

The natives of Tasmania believe that the crystals of akspnite are the tears of the moon. They collect the fireplace and throw them into the ponds to dry the tears of the night luminary. Jewelry with axinite is worn on newlyweds and women in labor, as they believe that "moonlit tears" cleanse people from the consequences of voluntary or involuntary misdeeds.

Products with axinite can be worn by people born under all signs, except for the signs of Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius).

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/ mineral Axinite

Axinite(English Axinite) -the name comes from the Greek "αξ? να" - "ax". - mineral, aluminoborosilicate of calcium, iron, manganese. The composition is expressed by the formula Ca 2 (Fe, Mg, Mn) Al 2 B. According to the ratio of Fe 2+ and Mn 2+. Currently, the term axinite does not denote a specific mineral species, but is used as a general name for minerals of the axinite group in cases where it is not possible to specify the mineral. According to the modern nomenclature of silicates, axinite is a group of minerals chemically and structurally similar to island borosilicates, the basis of the crystal structure of which is formed by island tetrahedral groups.

The axinite group includes:

  • axinite- (Fe) = ferroaxinite
  • axinite- (Mg) = magnesioaxinite
  • axinite- (Mn) = manganaxinite
  • Tintzenite

Axinite crystallizes in the triclinic system. Usually forms crystals lamellar or spear-shaped, with sharp edges and shading on the edges. The main simple forms: (010), (120), (110), (121), (011), (111) Hardness 6.5-7; density 3.25-3.3 g / cm 3. The color of axinite is mostly brownish-brown to black, often with bluish or purple tint, sometimes blue, white, pink, purple, gray, or yellow. Glass luster. The color of the line is white. Transparency opaque, slightly translucent. Cleavage is average along (010), fracture to uneven fracture. Under p. Tr. axinite melts with swelling, easily fusing into dark green glass; with soda gives a reaction to manganese. After calcining, axinite is soluble in HCl with the release of a gelatinous silica precipitate.

Axinite is widespread in contact-metamorphic rocks: contact marbles, calcareous-silicate hornfels. Also in skarns, in contact-metamorphogenic diabases, and green shales, less often in gneisses and eclogites. It is distinguished in cracks of metamorphic rocks (amphibolites, pyroxenites, marbles, gneisses) as a low-temperature hydrothermal mineral; also in sheared greywackes. Often, axinite is found in close connection with ores of iron, copper, polymetals, tin and manganese. Axinite of corresponding compositions is associated with various mineral parageneses. Thus, manganese axinite accompanies tin and polymetallic mineralization, while ferruginous ones are characteristic of copper and iron deposits.

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Mineral properties

Colour brownish brown to black, sometimes greenish yellow, violet, bluish, pinkish.
Line color colorless
Chemical formula Ca2 (Fe, Mn) Al2 (OH).
Shine glass
Transparency shines through

Severginite, ferroaxinite, magnesioaxenite, tumite, tintzenite - all these are the names of the mineral. Axinite contains magnesium, manganese, iron. And as a result of the predominance of one or another element, four of its varieties are distinguished. Ferroaxinite, where iron predominates, is the most common. V jewelry stores he does not come across often. This is due to the fact that rather rare mineral, and besides, not every copy of it is suitable for processing by jewelers. The largest specimen is in Washington, D.C. Smithsonian University.

Features and origin of the crystal

Axinite beautiful, unusual stone... It is different interesting effect optics, the so-called pleochroism... Which in Greek means multicolor. This effect is expressed in the fact that light rays passing through the layered structure of the mineral are refracted in different ways, and therefore its color can change depending on the illumination and on the viewing angle. The same optical effect occurs in corundum, tanzanite, alexandrite and some others.

In addition, stones are capable of electrifying, an electrical discharge is formed in them. This can happen when heated or when pressure changes. As a result, jewelry made from it is able to attract dust.

The name comes from the Greek "AXE", which translates as "ax". Due to the unusual pointed shape of most of the stones, he got this name. French famous mineralogist Gayuy Rene Just first discovered and described this mineral in 1797.

The most common minerals are brown-gold. But there are also lilac (ferroaxinite), black and violet (magnesioaxinite). There are beautiful blue, they are mined in Brazil and Tanzania. And the most, extremely rare, are yellow and orange minerals. The stones have a layered structure and, as a result, they are quite brittle. They are considered fairly inexpensive stones, but to buy decoration with axinite you will have to try, they are not often found on the free sale. When making jewelry do not undergo any processing, since it cannot be improved artificially. And this is its advantage. By itself, it has a very beautiful glassy luster. One of axinite deficiencies is that when exposed to direct rays of the sun, it can turn pale.

There are many names. It is also known as severginite, named after V. Severgin, a famous mineralogist, tumit from the name of the territory in Germany, tintzen from the name of a town in Switzerland.

Axinite found almost everywhere. There are two large deposits in Russia. It is mined in Chukotka and the Urals. There is a lot of it in North America and Mexico. In Europe it is also mined in some countries such as Switzerland, Poland, Finland and Norway, France.

The magical properties of the mineral

It is believed that he is endowed magical qualities... In Asia, in China, they believe that it accumulates positive (Yin) energy, and neutralizes negative (Yang). In Tasmania locals believe that his stones are the tears of the moon, and amulets with them are able to protect against any mistakes.

It helps writers, poets, artists to realize themselves in creativity.

Axinite and its medicinal qualities

Axinite is an female stone... It helps in the fight against infertility, mastopathy. Nursing mothers need to wear it on their breasts in the form of an amulet or a brooch. This will help increase lactation. To deal with migraines and improve mental condition it is recommended to wear axinite earrings.

Axinite is a popular mineral

After all, the shape of the crystals is almost always pointed, reminiscent of an ax, which can be seen in the photo. This was used by ancient people, they made effective tools of labor from large crystals of axinite, since the mineral is quite hard and strong.

Physical and chemical properties of axinite

Axinite has a very complex formula Ca2 (Fe, Mn) Al2BSi4O15 (OH). Also, the crystal has excellent physical characteristics... Hardness - 7 according to the Mohs table. Density - 3.3 g / cm3. It can be seen that it does not lag behind popular gemstones.

Axinite can be one of following colors or combine several of them:

  • brown;
  • blue;
  • purple.

It is prized for being translucent and sometimes transparent. Perfectly translucent, has good optical properties. The luster is very bright, of a glassy character. Blue axinites sparkle beautifully and look great in jewelry. Each crystal is great. The mineral has perfect cleavage.

The refractive index is very high: 1.7. Manganese and iron give axinite color. Not luminescent. It is interesting that in sunlight the stone (crystal) turns pale, but later restores the color intensity. Since ancient times, it was considered a manifestation of otherworldly or divine powers. Piezoelectric properties are present. Let's determine the percentage of each of the substances included in axinite:

  • silicon oxide - 43%;
  • calcium oxide - 20%;
  • aluminum oxide - 18%;
  • bromine oxide - 6%;
  • magnesium oxide - 3%;
  • water - 1%.

The composition makes it clear why ore, which is not suitable for the production of ornamental or jewelry axinite (especially blue crystals), is actively used for industrial purposes for the extraction of metals and other important chemical substances, connections.

Extraction of the mineral axinite

The mineral is quite widespread throughout the world. For example, in Russia there are two deposits of axinite crystals: in the Urals and in Chukotka. Rich in axinite North America, the places of extraction of axinite are in the USA, Mexico. In Europe, they are mined in the following countries:

  • France;
  • Switzerland;
  • Finland;
  • Poland;
  • Norway.

Interestingly, axinite is also used for jewelry purposes, but only minerals that are mined in Tanzania are suitable for this. The crystal of such a mineral has a charming blue hue. Jewelry with a crystal of axinite is very expensive. Local sorcerers report that the axinite crystal has miraculous magical properties, which will be discussed below.

The magical properties of the mineral axinite

Axinite mineral has a number of magical properties. The crystal is considered the stone of the moon, therefore it acts most strongly at night. Most effective when used by girls to attract a loved one. You can call it a love spell with a mineral. The fact is that the crystal is saturated with light most of all in dark time days. The mineral becomes so blue and deep that even the most non-superstitious person may have doubts. Doesn't fit fire signs zodiac.

Axinite stone got its name from the Greek word "ax" - an ax, for the sharp wedge-shaped shape of the crystal head.

Axinite is a complex calcium-aluminum borosilicate.

Main deposits: Tasmania Island, Alps, Cornwall, Canada, USA, etc.

Genetic classification... Refers to silicates.

Composition- complex borosilicate.

Physical properties

a) color: brown, violet-brown, bluish-violet,
b) hardness: 6.5 - 7,
c) density: 3.27 - 3.29,
d) the degree of transparency: translucent or transparent.

Features of education... Formed in skarns.

Distributed in the earth's crust: France (dep. Isere), Mexico (Baja-California), USA (California).

Axinite can be confused with smoky quartz... Has a strong glass luster.

Healing properties

Axinite helps to heal many female diseases. Wearing it in the form of a brooch protects against mastopathy. The stone is recommended for nursing mothers as it is believed to increase lactation.

Earrings with axinite relieve headaches, calm nerves, and stabilize the psyche. Rings with this stone, worn on the ring finger of the left hand, cure frigidity and even infertility.

Magical properties

In ancient times, this stone was part of the sacred ritual of initiating girls "into priestesses of the Moon. Depending on which lunar deity the girl was supposed to serve (the growing Moon - Artemis, full - Selene, waning and dark - Hecate), the color of the stone was chosen. that the axinite "connects" the priestess with the goddess and through him she receives orders, advice and warnings from her mistress. The priestesses who served Artemis wore pendants with axinite pearl gray; Selene — honey yellow; Hecate — dark purple.

In China, it is believed that axinite is the accumulator of Yin energy and with the help of crystals and products made from it, Feng Shui masters neutralize the aggressive Yang energy, creating harmony in human dwellings.

The natives of Tasmania believe that axinite crystals are the tears of the moon. They collect the fireplace and throw them into the ponds to dry the tears of the night luminary. Jewelry with axinite is worn on newlyweds and women in labor, as they believe that "moonlit tears" cleanse people from the consequences of voluntary or involuntary misdeeds.