Pregnant heart aches. Why are pains in the heart of a mother dangerous for an unborn baby? Healthy heart of a pregnant woman

The cardiovascular system also undergoes changes and works more intensively. Therefore, a woman in a position may experience new, unfamiliar before pregnancy sensations in the region of the heart: it can hurt, ache, tingle. And also, if a woman had some heart problems before pregnancy, then they can worsen and seriously disturb the expectant mother. The article will discuss the main causes of heart pain during pregnancy, as well as ways of possible elimination this symptom and facilitating the well-being of the expectant mother.

1 What happens to a healthy heart?

Are all painful sensations in the heart of the expectant mother pathological in nature? Not at all! Some pains are called physiological. These are sensations that appeared not because the myocardium "suffers" from any disease, but because of changes during pregnancy. Before considering the possible causes of pain in the heart during pregnancy, I would like to touch upon the physiological adaptive mechanisms taking place inside the woman's body.

So, what changes in the "heart-vessels" system of the organism of the expectant mother with the onset of an "interesting" situation?

These are the main changes in the cardiovascular vascular system pregnant, such changes can cause heart pain of a functional nature, which occurs when the heart adapts, changes the rhythm and strength of its work. Women may feel tingling, pulling pains, mild burning sensations, accelerated heartbeats, or "sinking" sensations. Discomfort or discomfort in the heart of a functional nature often occurs after exercise, psychoemotional stress, excitement, fast walking.

May be accompanied by dizziness, headache, general malaise, excessive sweating, sensation of heat. Functional pain usually disappears after a short period of time, after rest, normalization of the psycho-emotional background of the woman, fresh air, change in body position.

2 Pathological causes of heart pain during pregnancy

A woman who has problems with the heart and blood vessels before the onset of an "interesting" situation is more likely to face an exacerbation of chronic pathology and aggravation of symptoms of heart disease. As a rule, if a woman had an asymptomatic increase in blood pressure, then during pregnancy, blood pressure will rise more and may be accompanied by pain, angina attacks may become more frequent, hidden pathologies may manifest as pain in the heart.

The "crawling" out of the hidden and sluggish problems during pregnancy is easy to explain: a weakened heart simply cannot adapt to changes, its compensatory reserves are depleted, and the symptoms of heart disease become obvious. So often newly diagnosed arrhythmias, previously not diagnosed anomalies in the development of the heart, valve prolapses with and without regurgitation are diagnosed.

Cardiac pathologies are manifested by pains of varying intensity and duration, edema of the feet, legs, a dry obsessive cough, painful sensations in the liver area may be present. Dangerous symptoms there are burning, pressing pains behind the sternum, radiating to the scapula or arm, which does not stop after rest. The appearance of such pain indicates an urgent visit to the doctor.

3 "Cases not heart"

Heart pain that occurs during pregnancy is not always directly related to heart problems and changes. Other causes of occurrence:

  1. Intercostal neuralgia. With this disease, shooting pain, aggravated by turns, sneezing, coughing. When you touch the intercostal spaces with your fingers and press, it sharply increases. With these symptoms, a neurologist's consultation is necessary.
  2. Anemia. Iron deficiency anemia is a common occurrence in pregnant women and can be accompanied by heart pain. Also, the doctor will listen to the murmur at the apex of the heart, which accompanies anemic manifestations. Decreased hemoglobin in a blood test will confirm the diagnosis. Correction of anemia with iron preparations helps to normalize the level of hemoglobin, increase the delivery of oxygen to the myocardium and remove pain, palpitations, and normalize the general well-being of a woman.
  3. Diseases of the esophagus. A frequent occurrence in pregnant women is an exacerbation of esophagitis, which can manifest itself with pains similar to. Heartburn, belching, the appearance of pain mainly after eating, relief of the condition after taking antacids will indicate a connection between pain and pathology of the esophagus. Consultation of a gastroenterologist is necessary for such patients.

4 How to treat?

Women carrying a baby should clearly understand that a doctor should deal with the treatment of pain of any origin. The task of a pregnant woman is to monitor her well-being, and at the first symptoms of malaise - the appearance of pain in the heart, consult a specialist. You should not blame the occurrence of pain on fatigue, wait "until it passes by itself," or brush it off: "I have had this more than once." It should be understood that now you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for the health of the unborn child.

Therefore, if your heart hurts during pregnancy, if discomfort appears, even at first glance, insignificant, you should consult a doctor. The doctor will conduct necessary diagnostics and will select the appropriate treatment for you.

Heart pain during pregnancy can occur for both physiological and psychological reasons. In both cases, experts recommend unbuttoning your outerwear, possibly a bra, and sitting down. You can lie down: a ventilated room or a bench is suitable if everything happens on the street. Always carry a bottle of ordinary water in your purse and mobile phone... Nursing assistance may be needed at the first symptoms of a serious disorder.

Restless heart?

The time of bearing a child is associated not only with pleasant chores, but also with colossal changes within the female body. New circle circulation forces the main organ to quickly distill the increased volumes of fluid through the blood vessels. The changes are dramatic:

  • So, in the third semester interesting situation it passes almost 7 liters of blood per minute.
  • The very same pregnancy goes into a stage when blood supplies increase by a third, or even half of the previous amount.
  • Excess body fat accumulated by the expectant mother also increases the burden on the heart.
  • The uterus increases in volume so much that it begins to squeeze the surrounding organs, the diaphragm. The heart shifts to the side and / or up.
  • It is possible that the heart hurts when the heart muscle increases in diameter, which occurs during pregnancy. The blood is not retained by the valve, and a violation occurs, accompanied by pain.
  • During pregnancy, limited cardiac capabilities, small anomalies in the development of muscles, chords may appear, since the load on the main organ increases sharply of cardio-vascular system.

Despite the harmlessness of such processes, you need to devote time to your health and come for a consultation. It will be necessary to describe clear pain symptoms (acute, aching or, conversely, tingling pain). The life of the mother and the development of the baby depend on this.

Not scary at all

Fortunately for expectant mothers, the heart can hurt during pregnancy. physiological indicators, and not because of serious violations. Perhaps a woman in a position did not accept comfortable posture(sits for a long time, crossed her legs) or is prone to increased susceptibility to changes in weather conditions. But sometimes the reasons are hidden in something else:

  • elevated temperature environment(outdoors, indoors, in transport);
  • stress;
  • not proportionate physical exercise when a woman suddenly decides to do overwhelming housework, she moves too much without rest.

Important! Carrying heavy weights during an interesting position is out of the question. It is conventionally considered that the maximum permissible weight is 3 kg, but for some pathologies ( low location uterus, hypertonicity), it is recommended to generally exclude situations with lifting and rearranging objects.

Intercostal neuralgia. This syndrome is expressed in a sharp tingling attack of pain. The severity of the manifestation is so strong that it cannot be tolerated.

The pathology consists in compression of the spinal nerve, which sends a signal all the way to the heart. The cause may be a draft or, more often, disorders in the spine (curvature, osteochondrosis, sciatica). In expectant mothers, especially closer to childbirth or during multiple pregnancies, the center of gravity is shifted to the lumbar region, and with the growth of the uterus, to the thoracic region. Tingling sensations are constant or periodic. The pain is sharp, burning. Often it gives exactly to the section where the heart is located, but it can also occur in another area of ​​the chest.

Despite the safety of such manifestations, heart pain during pregnancy is not the norm, they darken the happiest period of the life of the expectant mother. The advice of a gynecologist and a therapist can help in this, for which you need to apply not only during the period scheduled examinations, but also at the slightest complaint. Unfortunately, sometimes serious illnesses are hidden behind the inconspicuous pain.

Need to see a doctor!

Any discomfort or soreness should be an urgent call for a visit to the antenatal clinic. The development of serious diseases is especially dangerous for a woman carrying a child and her baby:

  • Heart pain during pregnancy can indicate a complication such as gestosis.

About 10 - 15% of the fair sex, carrying a baby, are faced with this unpleasant (and dangerous) syndrome. It lies in the fact that the woman's body cannot cope with physiological changes... It has a depressing effect on the heart, brain and kidneys of a woman. It is accompanied by swelling of the legs, arms and face. The heart beats faster, often - with bouts of pain, blood pressure rises. A woman begins toxemia due to problems with the functioning of the kidneys. Such a deviation can lead to the death of the mother and child, to oxygen starvation of the baby and a delay in its development.

Important! During routine examinations with the gynecologist leading the pregnancy (he is especially often visited in the third trimester), you need to talk about all the disturbing signs, even if they seem trifling to the pregnant woman.

  • A distant sign of anemia is also a painful syndrome that is observed in the left side of the chest.

This is due to a decrease in hemoglobin levels. Cyanotic circles under the eyes, pallor, yellowness of the skin and the desire to eat "herring with jam" ( food deviations) often speak of anemia. She is able to significantly harm normal development fetus, provoke its unfolding and cause wrong position, which complicates the very process of childbirth.

  • Cardiomyopathy. A significant change in the heart muscle can lead to sad consequences.

Unfortunately, heartache during pregnancy can also be due to an acquired disease such as cardiomyopathy. The muscle of the main organ pumping blood dramatically changes its structure, the volume of all cardiac parts changes. The disease is treated, sometimes there is an improvement after childbirth (one of the reasons for the appearance of pathology is hormonal changes and weight gain).

  • The manifestation of pathologies that the expectant mother did not know about before.

A woman during the most crucial period of her life must think about the baby and must not forget about herself. Only calmness and an optimistic attitude to life will help you quickly and adequately cope with any problems. As statistics show, serious pathologies with a heart in women in the position there is little. But they are also treatable, especially at the beginning of their development.

Time to collect stones

It is in vain to think that the time of an interesting position allows you to relax and give up on a healthy diet and exercise that stimulates the heart and maintains weight. You need to do everything possible for the health of your own and your baby. We are talking about walking in the park and including in the diet of fatty fish, fruits (with vitamin A - apricots, carrots), cereals (buckwheat, oatmeal, rice). You need to remember about magnesium (bananas, potatoes) and calcium (dairy products, sesame seeds).

Prophylaxis is required for the entire 9 months. But if the pain is caught by surprise, you need to do this:

  • Provide air access to the victim. Take off or unfasten tight clothing, ventilate the room (move into the shade).
  • Take comfortable horizontal position, but let the head be slightly raised.
  • Wipe off with a damp towel and drink some water.
  • Important! Remove Corvalol and Valocardin from your medicine cabinet before the woman stops breastfeeding. Herbal components of the above sedatives can lead to abnormalities in the development of the fetus! The only one affordable means consider validol (it is put under the tongue, from there the substance reflexively binds to the heart muscle, therefore it is considered relatively harmless).

At severe pain it is advised to put the pill under the tongue and immediately call ambulance... With frequent recurrence of seizures, it is necessary to tell about this at the reception at the gynecologist. In order not to forget, all complaints are recorded in advance in a notebook.

The stage of pregnancy for girls and women is probably the most exciting moment of their entire life. All sorts of emotions are manifested here: from responsibility to full of happiness... It is important to understand that during such a period, the human body is "worried" not only nervous system... Any physiological process can not proceed as usual and disturb the expectant mother. The activity of many organs is increased. The load is greater and this is logical, because the whole body provides a normal state for the development of the baby.

It follows from this that some discomfort is not paid attention to. Along with all organs in the heart, sometimes there are some pains and spasms. For example, heart colitis during pregnancy is the most common reason for a pregnant woman to see a doctor, let's see how serious it is.

It is important to understand that the body during such a period is seriously changing and often this is the reason for periodic pains in the region of the heart, the left side of the body. After the child is born, the pain dissipates and the mother no longer bothers, because the loads are weakened, the heart begins to work in its usual rhythm.

But ignoring and refusing to visit a doctor with a complaint sometimes leads to the development of rather serious diseases. After all, any discomfort means that some of the organs in the cardiovascular system cannot cope. Yes, it turns out that on the one hand, it's okay and everything will pass, but on the other, it's still important to see a doctor and get a consultation. After contacting a doctor, it is possible that the pathology is diagnosed at the time and will begin complex treatment at the course.

Safe heart pains

If suddenly colitis on the left in the area of ​​the heart - everything is normal or not.

Understand that the weight of the mother grows during pregnancy, this suggests that it is more difficult for the heart to work during and after physical activity. The uterus is subject to increase, the size of the placenta increases. On the fourth - fifth month, there is an increase in pressure on the diaphragm, and, accordingly, on the lungs with the heart. Double stress on the heart, an increase in heart rate - all this affects the condition of the main muscle and sometimes leads to discomfort in this area. And in the appearance of any pain - this is a common case. It's just that the heart is also a muscle, it is also capable of getting tired, especially with such constant loads. These pains are of a physiological nature (with scientific point vision).

Why sometimes it hurts near or in the heart and what to do. Many people ask this question, and there is an answer that is as simple as possible from any point of view. Such external reasons such as uncomfortable postures during sleep or work, being in stuffy rooms, constant changes climatic conditions... Yes, such simple reasons able to make the expectant mother worry. But it is important to understand that it is best to see a doctor.

Short-term discomfort occurs due to the fact that the heart or brain transmits information that there is not enough oxygen in this way. Stabbing both nearby and in the very heart. Intercostal neuralgia can become a source of pain. The pain is sharp and sudden. The pressure in this case is within normal limits, the pulse is also. The peculiarity is that it only hurts when you breathe. Everything passes by itself, drugs in this case are not used. Stress, physical activity are the main indications for neuralgia. And if they still go to the doctor with stabbing pain, in this case everything will go away by itself.

Heart pains that lead to serious complications

Yes, it was written above that heart pains are noticed by many, if not all pregnant women, but still serious problems with a heart, which the expectant mother does not know about is rarely diagnosed. After all, a girl during this period undergoes many different examinations, thereby she knows about her cardiovascular problems. And if something is discovered during the diagnosis, the patient receives all sorts of recommendations and advice, a course and a complex of treatment.

Nevertheless, the disease can develop in a very short period of time. And there are special pains in the heart, when it is important to consult a doctor as early as possible. Gestosis is the main cause of heart pain during this crucial period of time. It manifests itself in headache and heartache at the time of high blood pressure. The pain has a compressive character, radiates to the area of ​​the left shoulder blade, left side shoulder, chin - everything that is written about in this sentence becomes the main reason for going to the doctor. How earlier that better, because it is extremely serious. Complications not only for the mother, but also for the child.

Anemia of pregnant women is called the most popular extragenital pathology. And pain in the heart is one of the symptoms. Strengthening of tachycardia occurs against the background of an increase in the load on the myocardium. On the left in the region of the heart, pulling pains appear, the entire left region of the body is in discomfort. Regular visit antenatal clinic, timely delivery of blood tests helps to avoid this kind of disease.


We will refer this disease to a separate section, since it is rare, but at the same time dangerous. If a woman has not had heart disease before, then she has a chance of the appearance of such a pathology. Development immediately after the first child is born. Symptoms are serious and it is rather difficult not to notice them: frequent attacks of pain in the heart, tachycardia, arrhythmias, shortness of breath, swelling of the legs.

All sorts of symptoms develop each time. The condition deteriorates sharply. Seeing a doctor is as necessary and as early as possible. It is impossible to diagnose the development of the disease earlier. Risk groups - women over thirty, overweight, problems with a previous pregnancy. The appointment of such examinations as ultrasound and ECG takes place.

A timely visit to a doctor in this case can save the life of mom and baby.

What to do with pain

The heart hurts badly - go to the doctor, unconditionally, the consultation will not be superfluous a priori and it is important to understand this. What to do is a common question, but the answer that you get from any adequate doctor in the previous sentence. Self-medication can worsen the condition of the mother and child by one or two. Some drugs are simply contraindicated, some are often allergic to the fetus. And it is important that you understand that you are responsible not for your own health, but for the health of the child.

In the body of a pregnant woman, from the moment of conception, cardinal changes begin to occur. Is changing hormonal background, as well as internal organs begin to work in a different mode. The main organ through which blood circulation is ensured is no exception and is also at risk. Often, the heart hurts during pregnancy or gives other signs: aches, pulls, pricks. But in most cases, expectant mothers are not able to describe their condition: there is something bad, but what it is is not clear.

Impact of external factors

Because of its " special status", And this is what some women call pregnancy, their body becomes susceptible to many environmental influences.

Sometimes some of these factors provoke painful sensations in the heart, and these may include the following:

  • Abrupt change weather conditions.
  • Long stay in an uncomfortable position.
  • Impact of stress.
  • Overwork.
  • Loud extraneous sounds (music, screams, street noise).
  • Being in a poorly ventilated room or in crowded places.

Often, these factors lead to pain in the heart. In this case, it is enough to eliminate the provoking cause, and the symptoms will begin to decrease. That is, if heart problems are caused by stuffiness in the room, you should open the windows, and better windows, and ventilate the room. The influx of fresh air will have a positive effect on the condition of the pregnant woman.

Internal reasons

However, when the heart hurts during pregnancy, there are reasons for this, which are not related to external environment and are due to purely internal problems of the body. As a rule, they are persistent and vivid. In this case, timely consultation with a specialist is required. Let us examine several cases when pain in the heart provokes any pathological condition of the body.

Diseases of the cardiovascular system

Moreover, we are talking about those diseases that were diagnosed before the moment of conception. Among the options are arterial hypertension, heart defects (acquired or congenital) ischemic disease hearts, different kinds cardiomyopathy. As it is now known, the heart of the expectant mother is subjected to colossal stress, and in the presence of any disease, the pathological condition becomes aggravated.

Those diseases that are in the chronic stage are an extremely serious pathological condition. In this case, the woman who carries the child under the heart should be under vigilant medical supervision... She is also eligible for supportive care. And when the heart hurts during pregnancy, all this is a prerequisite.

Anemia or anemia

The most common condition among pregnant women is iron deficiency anemia. This is primarily due to the fact that in the womb it develops new life, and she also needs iron. Therefore, there is a high demand for this element. And the usual diet is often not enough to make up for the loss.

In this case, the appearance characteristic features cannot be avoided:

  • pallor;
  • dizziness attacks;
  • weakness;
  • heart pains.

Diagnose given view pathological condition not difficult. To do this, it is enough to hand over general analysis blood, which will show the amount of hemoglobin. Treatment consists in adjusting the diet, as well as the need to take iron supplements.

Why does the heart hurt during pregnancy, or the manifestation of toxicosis

In some cases, heart pain is characterized by a persistent and growing character, and against the background of an increase blood pressure, swelling and headaches. In the presence of such signs, it is necessary to immediately go to the doctor. After all, all these symptoms indicate developing toxicosis, which, without proper medical care, tends to progress.

It should be borne in mind that such a pathologically complex condition negatively affects not only the mother's body, the child also suffers.

A comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out, and if necessary, adequate therapy should be prescribed. In this case, without fail, a woman must be under vigilant supervision from the side medical professionals... In addition, it is also impossible to do without clinical and laboratory control.

Pain on the left side

And why does it hurt under the heart on the left during pregnancy? The manifestation of any symptom usually indicates a problem in relation to an internal organ or even the entire system. In the presence of such signs, a pregnant woman should definitely visit a doctor in order to perform diagnostics, which will determine the cause of pain. Based on this, the necessary therapy will be prescribed.

As a rule, this is due to certain diseases, among which the following can be distinguished:

  • pleurisy;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • heart disease;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • hernia;
  • pneumonia;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • colds.

During pregnancy, the body produces the hormone relaxin, which has a special effect on all internal organs - they soften so that the uterus is freely located. Besides, reproductive organ can put pressure on the ribs, and for this reason, during pregnancy, it hurts under the heart on the left side.

In addition, the expectant mother's body weight increases, which in turn increases the load on the spine. Sometimes the center of gravity shifts, due to which its uneven distribution occurs. In this case, the pain is also localized on the left side of the chest.

Healthy heart of a pregnant woman

Pain in the heart is not always pathological in nature and, as a rule, the reason for this phenomenon lies in physiology. The pain may appear not due to the fact that there is any disease, but due to internal changes organism.

What exactly can cause this? The whole point is this:

  • Increased blood volume.
  • Downgrade blood pressure.
  • The influence of the genital organ.

In the body of a pregnant woman, there is more blood by 22-25%. Moreover, it becomes more fluid, which leads to an increase in the load on the myocardium and blood vessels. In other words, the heart now has to work with a vengeance to pump all this increased volume of plasma. Vessels also have a difficult time, because they need to accommodate all this amount.

As for blood pressure, because of its fluctuations, it also hurts in the region of the heart during pregnancy. This is mainly due to the fact that the value begins to decrease with the arrival of the second trimester by 10-15 mm. rt. Art., due to the impact placental hormones... In this case, the frequency of contractions of the heart muscles increases by 15-20 beats per minute. It also happens for the reason that the female genital organ puts pressure on the inferior vena cava, which leads to a decrease in the flow of venous blood to the heart and a drop in blood pressure. In this regard, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to suffer from tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).

Since the uterus increases in size over time, this leads to a displacement of the row internal organs up. The diaphragm is limited and lifted. As a result, the heart literally takes a recumbent position. In this case, physiological noise can be heard at the apex or pulmonary artery.

Reason to seek medical attention

As we have now found out, if the heart hurts during pregnancy, this can endanger not only the body of the pregnant woman, but also the health of the child himself. When should you go to the doctor immediately? This must be done when following symptoms:

  • Increased systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
  • Puffiness lower limbs and the whole body.
  • The presence of headaches.
  • Fainting, dizziness.
  • Blurred eyes with flies in the background.
  • Nausea, vomiting, stool changes.

A pregnant woman should be doubly serious about her health during the period of gestation, because she now has a double responsibility. The presence of at least one of the listed signs against the background of heart pain should be alarming. You should not hesitate to go to the doctor, who will prescribe a comprehensive examination, and also select the necessary course of treatment.

How do heart problems affect a child?

Why can the heart hurt during early pregnancy? At normal conditions oxygen-rich plasma bypasses placental barrier and enters the circulatory system of the embryo through the umbilical vein. During the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, its small circle of blood circulation is not yet able to function, since the lungs do not work. Therefore, the main source of oxygen for the child is only the mother's body.

Now we can draw a simple conclusion - any dysfunction of the circulatory system of a pregnant woman leads to a violation of oxygen supply to the fetus. In this case, events can occur along one of two main paths.

Option number 1

Lack of oxygen may be due to anemia in the female body. In other words, anemia is implied when hemoglobin is clearly not enough to transport required amount O 2. The lack of this element is noticeably reflected in both the mother and the child, and the consequences for the baby can be the most severe.

Option number 2

Violation of oxygen transport (as a result of which the heart hurts during pregnancy on early date) is sometimes associated with its dysfunction. This may be due to arterial hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and other manifestations. Despite the fact that the reasons may be different, the mechanism is the same - cardiac output decreases, blood volume decreases, therefore, less plasma flows to the fetus (the same applies to oxygen).

How important is O2?

The role of oxygen can hardly be underestimated - it is necessary to maintain the vital activity of every cell in human body... And in relation to the developing life in the womb, its value increases hundreds of times, if not more!

Lack of oxygen leads to different consequences and sometimes very difficult. We can talk about intrauterine hypoxia or the formation of various developmental anomalies. Even the death of the fetus is not excluded.

However, do not worry too much, because the timely provided health care, especially in modern conditions, when medicine has reached perfection, will avoid undesirable consequences... At adequate treatment the baby will be born healthy and unharmed.

Heart hurts during pregnancy - what to do?

Every woman should take pregnancy seriously, because this is the most crucial period in her life. And with the appearance of heart pain, it is highly discouraged to self-medicate in order to avoid more serious health problems.

What can be done? First of all, it is worthwhile to understand that it is strictly forbidden to take any medications without the approval of a doctor! In this regard, it is preferable to do the following:

  • Unbutton the top buttons outerwear and a bra.
  • Straighten your back, take a deep breath, then exhale. Repeat several times if necessary.
  • Open the window.
  • Lie down or take any comfortable position and relax.

If the pain is strong and paroxysmal, you should immediately call an ambulance, and before that, ensure yourself complete peace by providing fresh air. Since many drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, when the heart hurts during pregnancy, what can be drunk is decided only by the doctor and only after full examination patients. Usually such agents as "Riboxin", "ATP-Long", "Kratal", "Panangin", valerian extract appear. In this case, increased caution is observed.

Diuretic drugs ("Hypothiazide") will help to cope with puffiness. Cardiac glycosides, beta-blockers ("Metoprolol") can be prescribed for tachycardia. In case of high blood pressure, the drug Dopegit (250 mg) will be useful.

Prevention measures

During pregnancy, every woman should adhere to simple rules in order to prevent problems with the heart and other internal organs. In this case, such a problem, when the heart hurts during pregnancy, will worry less often, or even not at all. Actually, the recommendations themselves:

  • If possible, spend most of the time outdoors, and it is recommended to walk.
  • Ventilate the room regularly.
  • Alcohol consumption, as well as tobacco products under the strictest prohibition!
  • Wear a special maternity bandage at a later date.
  • Give yourself good rest and sleep at least 8 hours.
  • Accept only comfortable positions, and sit only with a straight back.
  • Avoid stress, experience less nervous shock.
  • Consume 1.5-2 liters of water daily.
  • Monitor your weight and avoid obesity.
  • Monitor a balanced diet, where to include raw vegetables, walnuts, apples, linseed or olive oil.

In addition, it does not hurt to perform simple physical exercises you can even go swimming. The main thing is not to overdo it, otherwise not only will the heart ache during pregnancy, but other problems may arise.

The changes that occur in the body of a pregnant woman, naturally, cannot but affect the cardiovascular system. Pain, tingling in the heart during pregnancy is the lot of many expectant mothers.

So, what reasons can cause?

Many expectant mothers often complain about the heart: pulls, pricks, hurts. Meanwhile, in most cases we are talking about a completely understandable phenomenon: the heart is as susceptible to pregnancy as other systems and organs. Moreover, the load on the heart increases significantly: the pressure changes, the stroke and minute volume of the heart increases, the load on the heart is also increased by a significant weight gain, therefore, in some cases, pain in the heart is quite natural.

Do not forget that expectant mothers become more emotional during the period of carrying a baby, and emotional stress, fatigue, stress can also provoke pain in the heart. Try to create the most favorable environment around you - do not be nervous, exclude from your environment people who cause negative emotions in you, ensure yourself a healthy sound sleep, be sure to find time to rest.

Among the "everyday" reasons that can cause pain in the heart during pregnancy, one can also note changes in the weather, stale air in the room, heat, uncomfortable posture during prolonged sitting.

Sometimes heart pain during pregnancy is associated with intercostal neuralgia or vegetative-vascular dystonia... For your baby, this does not pose any danger, but you still need to contact a neurologist.

Do not worry too much even with strong and sharp tingling, stretching in the heart area - try to calm down: inhale and exhale gently, drink warm tea, relax, your condition will probably return to normal.

However, heart pain during pregnancy can be caused by more serious reasons. If pain in the heart is accompanied, then an urgent need to consult a doctor. You will be assigned examinations, additional analyzes... Expectant mothers are not immune from cardiovascular diseases. Every tenth pregnant woman suffers from pregnancy hypertension, implying, in particular, late toxicosis. In this case, inpatient treatment will be required.

Pain in the heart, accompanied by a pronounced palpitations, increased heart rate are often signs of iron deficiency anemia. However, if you undergo preventive examinations on time, your doctor will not allow the development of the disease, he will take all the necessary measures in time.

It is very important to exclude from the life of the expectant mother all factors that can provoke the appearance and development of cardiac diseases. Eliminate alcohol, smoking, provide yourself with a full-fledged balanced diet, keep your weight under control, do not forget about physical activity. In the event that you have heart problems, do not forget to tell the gynecologist who is accompanying you about them.

Having become pregnant, a woman has to get used to a lot: her whole body begins to function differently, the hormonal background changes, immunity falls, serious changes occur associated with the emergence of a new life. All organs in the body receive additional stress, and one of our main organs, the heart, is no exception.

Many expectant mothers are faced with a problem such as tingling and pain in the heart. At the doctor's appointment, many complain about the appearance of strange sensations in the region of the heart, which were not previously there. Within nine months, you may encounter such a problem more than once, and the pains will intensify and disappear, depending on the course of pregnancy.

Why does the heart hurt during pregnancy?

Heart pain during pregnancy is associated with increased heart rate, weight gain, which significantly increases the load on the heart. In addition, the heart muscle works for two and more intensively distills blood. And to avoid stressful situations expectant mothers rarely succeed, and the nerves also adversely affect their well-being.

Sometimes, due to physiological characteristics, a woman may feel that her heart hurts. In fact, the growing fetus simply puts pressure on the chest, thereby causing pulling pains.

In order to minimize the possibility of unpleasant sensations in the area of ​​the heart, try to walk in the fresh air more often, protect yourself from negative impact from the outside, stressful situations; eat right and sleep for the prescribed amount of time; try to do physical therapy and yoga for pregnant women, this helps to relax and reduce the pressure of the fetus on the organs; do not stay in one position for a long period of time and try not to overextend yourself.

What other factors can affect the appearance of pain in the region of the heart? It can be a sharp change in temperature outside, stagnant air in the apartment, vegetative-vascular dystonia, intercostal neuralgia.

The last two diseases will not harm your baby, but it is better to consult with experienced specialist- a neurologist, perhaps he will tell you how to alleviate the condition. Try not to overcool and avoid drafts.

What to do if your heart hurts and shakes

If your heart begins to tingle, but no disease was found as a result of the examination, do not worry. In moments of exacerbations, try to relax and calm down as much as possible, take a position that is comfortable for you, normalize your heart rate with slow inhalation and exhalation, and then drink warm tea.

If painful symptoms in the heart area are accompanied by headaches, swelling of the extremities, immediately seek the help of a qualified specialist and notify the doctor leading the pregnancy. The possibility of cardiovascular diseases cannot be ruled out.

About ten percent of all pregnant women suffer from hypertension, accompanied by late toxicosis. A sharp increase in heart rate may also indicate the presence of anemia. In order to avoid unpleasant consequences from these diseases, try to consult a doctor in time and do not forget about routine examinations.

Don't try to shoot yourself painful symptoms improvised means: drugs such as Corvalol are strictly prohibited for use by expectant mothers.

An important point is weight gain control. The fact that the expectant mother needs to eat for two is complete nonsense. Your diet needs to be enriched with useful micro and macro elements, vitamins, and without fail calcium. But do not overeat and feed the child. This can lead to excess weight, back problems, musculoskeletal system, and heart problems as well.

An additional burden falls on the heart during pregnancy, especially if the expectant mother has gained a lot in weight or is prone to suspiciousness and constantly thinks about what awaits her and the baby during childbirth. In addition, do not forget that during these nine months the most important organ of your body will have to work for two. Therefore, minor interruptions in his work are quite acceptable, even if your heart behaved like an excellent student before pregnancy.

You should not immediately rush to the Internet in search of an answer to the question "what to do if the heart hurts", because not only it can hurt in the chest area. For example, advanced pneumonia can cause severe chest pain or, say, neuralgia. But if you are still sure that it is your heart that hurts, the main thing is not to panic. Get in a comfortable position, have a drink herbal tea, think good.

Heart pain: causes

Pain in the region of the heart during pregnancy may appear for the following reasons:

  • uncomfortable posture (try to sit or lie down differently);
  • excessive weight gain;
  • exacerbation of vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • anemia;
  • angina pectoris;
  • heart attack or pre-infarction condition;
  • nerves.

What to do if a pregnant woman has a heartache? To begin with, you should exclude any thought of self-medication, even if you already had experience with certain drugs that relieve heart pain before pregnancy. No traditional medicine or dubious unconventional ways to put the body in order, such as: massagers, all kinds of lamps, heating and the like. The heart is not the organ on which anyone should experiment, let alone a pregnant woman.

What to do if your heart hurts?

It is ideal to see a doctor as soon as possible, especially if the tingling sensation in the heart area or feeling of pressure have become chronic or are accompanied by other symptoms such as swelling, headache or weakness.

After the cause of pain in the heart area is eliminated, engage in prevention. Revise your menu, be outdoors more often, get rid of bad habits, if any, and avoid stressful situations. If doctors consider your heart problems to be serious, make sure in advance that the maternity hospital in which your child will be born is equipped with everything necessary for patients with this kind of pathologies.

Complaints of women that the heart hurts during pregnancy relate to frequent occurrences... The doctor should take into account the emotional state of the expectant mother, check the life history and information about the past diseases. Sometimes you have to talk with relatives and close people.

The symptom of pain in the heart during pregnancy in the second half of the term does not mean a severe cardiological pathology in a woman. But such manifestations require targeted additional examination.

Unplanned pregnancy is the cause of cardioneurosis

Unfortunately, pregnancy rarely occurs as planned, when spouses decide to have a child together.

Failure to comply with the contraceptive regimen leads to a unilateral decision by the mother. The onset of an unexpected pregnancy proceeds in disputes, uncertainty, in the organization of life, doubts about the future family budget... All questions require persistence, deliberate actions, calmness from a pregnant woman, although the body has already begun to rebuild due to hormones.

During pregnancy, the obstetrician-gynecologist has to monitor mental state patients, give advice on changing behavior, adapting to new conditions. Not everyone can afford to consult a psychologist. Like emotional background contributes to the occurrence of cardioneurosis.

Symptoms are reduced to aching, stabbing, prolonged pain in the region of the heart. They can be accompanied by a feeling of palpitations, lack of air, sleep disturbance. As a rule, these symptoms occur after conflicts, nervous overload, in a stuffy hot room.

One should take into account the great sensitivity of a pregnant woman to changing weather conditions, offenses, the appearance of suspicion and distrust in character.

Neurotic pains in the heart during pregnancy are eliminated by themselves after creating the necessary living conditions, attentive attitude of loved ones. Special drugs not required. It is recommended to provide daily walks, proper nutrition, stop night work.

Why do pains appear?

5. An uncomfortable posture (sitting, lying) may be a commonplace cause of discomfort and pain on the left side. Just try to change your position and the pain should immediately stop bothering you.

6. Also pain syndrome may well be a harbinger of the manifestation of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. It means that it is necessary to start taking vitamins, which contribute to the replenishment of the necessary microelements and vitamin complexes in the body, which necessarily include "iron". A deficiency may indicate the presence of dark circles under the eyes or pallor of the skin. All dairy products, eggs, green leafy vegetables (cabbage, peas), fruits, etc. are rich in iron.

7. Try to protect your health from drafts during gestation. Do not overcool in winter and beware of the direct sun rays in the hot summer period. This can also affect the pain of the heart and the further bearing of the child.

8. Hypertension (high blood pressure) in pregnant women can also contribute to sharp or stabbing pain in the region of the heart. If, with hypertension, you have severe swelling of the legs (gestosis during pregnancy) and frequent headaches, then you will urgently have to go through all the examinations and pass the necessary tests. Although, most likely the doctor will prescribe you hospital treatment.

9. Angina pectoris is a heart disease that is quite common in expectant mothers. The disease is not threatening, but in any case it is necessary to see a specialist.

10. A heart attack or pre-infarction condition can cause sudden and sharp pains in the heart muscle. In this case, the countdown goes not for minutes, but for seconds. In such cases, unfortunately, termination of pregnancy is inevitable in order to save the mother's life. But this happens very rarely.

11. Stress, nervousness, worries - all this can also aggravate the situation and become a precursor of heart pain during pregnancy. Remember, nothing and no one should become the cause of your worries and nerves. After all, you are now responsible not only for yourself, but also 100% for your health. little miracle living in your tummy.

In any case, if you find you have a sudden or constant aching, pulling, stabbing pain, it is best to consult a specialist. So you will be calmer for your health and for the health of your baby.

Prevention for pregnant women

If, nevertheless, the heart hurts during pregnancy is insignificant and it does not have an aggravating character for your health and future motherhood in general, then you should know what needs to be done to somehow reduce the exciting pain in the heart.

First, try to completely relax and calm down, making sure to eliminate all negative thoughts. You can make a soothing herbal tea and get some sleep.

Secondly, during pregnancy, it is necessary to correct and balanced diet... Consumption of all essential vitamins and minerals, which will also "nourish" your heart.

Thirdly, try to walk in the fresh air as often as possible to avoid "oxygen starvation". The norm for the expectant mother is to walk at least twice a day for about two to three hours. A little exercise will also benefit you and your heart.

We wish your heart to be always healthy!

Heart pain during pregnancy

Pregnancy leads to dramatic changes in the female body, affecting the usual work of internal organs and systems. In this respect, unfortunately, the heart is no exception. When heart pains or characteristic tingling sensations appear, it should be taken into account - these are not isolated cases, many women are forced to face this problem. According to gynecologists, pain in the heart is a fairly common complaint of pregnant women - sometimes pain occurs, sometimes it hurts, pulls, sometimes it is very difficult to determine the nature of the pain. The work of the heart is really affected by pregnancy, many reasons can provoke certain sensations in the area of ​​the heart while carrying a baby

The nature of heart pain during pregnancy

During the course and development of pregnancy, quite frequent fluctuations in pressure are possible (it can both decrease and increase), with an increase in the minute and stroke volume of the heart. In this case, the heart is subject to greater stress, given the rather significant weight gain. At the same time, it is not necessary once again to remind that a woman's heart is forced to work literally for two, a pregnant woman is more prone to experiences, stress, nervousness for various reasons.

It is also important to take into account the peculiarities of physiology in this period... During pregnancy, the abdomen is stretched, which increases the pressure in relation to the chest - as a result, often pulling pain is "given" to the region of the heart.

Tachycardia during pregnancy

More about the onset and prevention of heart pain during pregnancy

Pain or similar sensations in the area of ​​the heart during pregnancy are quite common. If possible, eliminate stress, nervousness and anxiety from your life, protecting yourself from negative emotions, thoughts and people, provide comfortable conditions for a good healthy sleep. Tingling of the heart during pregnancy in most women is caused by fatigue or emotional stress. Prolonged sitting in an uncomfortable position can lead to a pulling pain. Heat, fluctuations in the weather, stale air in the room can also be factors leading to pain in the heart - in fact, there are many possible causes.

It should also be borne in mind that heart pain during pregnancy in most women is directly associated with cases of intercostal neuralgia and vegetative-vascular dystonia. Such a condition does not pose any threat to the child, but still, you should definitely inform your neurologist about this problem. It is also important to avoid hypothermia and drafts during pregnancy. Stretching and tingling in the heart area during pregnancy can be quite strong and harsh, but still they usually do not pose a serious threat and cause for excitement - just make warm tea, inhale and exhale gently, try to relax and rest as much as possible.

However, in any case, due vigilance must be maintained. The unambiguous reason for going to the doctor is regular discomfort in the heart area, complemented by swelling of the legs and headaches. V a similar situation you will definitely need appropriate examinations with additional tests.

Ribs hurt during pregnancy

Heart pain during pregnancy with cardiovascular diseases

Pregnancy is often accompanied by cardiovascular and other diseases. Every tenth expectant mother has to deal with pregnancy hypertension, including the appearance of late toxicosis. In such a situation, there is a need for urgent treatment in an inpatient setting. The appearance of pain in the heart, palpitations, increased heart rate are the main manifestations of iron deficiency anemia. But when a woman passes the appropriate preventive examinations the disease will be necessarily identified by the attending physician in order to take the necessary measures in a timely manner. Therefore, in this respect you don't have to worry too much.

It is important in the life of a pregnant woman to exclude from her factors that can provoke cardiological diseases - you should adhere to a balanced diet, spend more time in the fresh air, completely quit smoking and alcohol consumption, you should also be careful about controlling your weight during pregnancy ... Be sure to remember about moderate physical activity - a certain activity during this period is quite justified.

Sports activities also deserve special attention - you should consult your doctor, you can resort to sports during pregnancy. Such a decision should be made by the doctor on an individual basis. It is imperative to inform the doctor about emerging problems with the condition of the heart, having foreseen qualified medical supervision if necessary.

With pain in the heart during pregnancy, self-medication is unacceptable.

Last important factor- self-medication during pregnancy. In fact, many people are really used to resorting to self-medication. But the onset of pregnancy forces a woman to be extremely responsible. Now comes a period when self-medication is not at all a place. If you experience pain in the heart, you should not resort to the usual Corvalol, given the contraindications for its use during pregnancy. Also, the reception of valocordin is undesirable, it can be taken only on strict indications. If it hurts and hurts so much that you no longer have the strength to endure, you can limit yourself to valerian. However, after this, it is imperative to inform your doctor about the disturbing symptoms, asking him to clarify the appropriate measures and actions in such a situation.

11 reasons to see a doctor for heart pain during pregnancy

    During pregnancy, the abdomen is constantly enlarged and stretched, which can become physiological cause pain from the heart. After all, the stomach begins to lead to everything for the chest, which provokes the appearance of a pulling, aching pain.

    Pregnancy is accompanied by a significant increase in the woman's weight, provoking the work of the heart 2 times faster. The consequence of the increase in weight is an increase in the load for the work of the heart muscle. In fact, during this period, the heart is forced to work for two - not only for the woman herself, but also for the child. Therefore, it is strictly forbidden to be exposed to nervousness and stress.

    If you experience a tingling sensation, aching pains on the left side of the ribs or on the left side of the scapula - these signs may indicate vegetative-vascular dystonia or intercostal neuralgia. In this case, there is no particular danger for the child, but the woman herself needs a consultation with a specialist.

    Aching pains of a blurred nature in the heart during pregnancy can occur due to sudden temperature fluctuations: snow, unexpected rain, magnetic storms, an increase or decrease in temperature, sudden changes atmospheric pressure or other factors.

    The commonplace cause of pain and discomfort on the left side may simply be an uncomfortable posture (lying, sitting). In this case, you need to try to change the position, the pain should stop almost immediately.

    Heart pain can be a harbinger of iron deficiency anemia during pregnancy. In this case, you will need a course of vitamins that replenish the necessary trace elements and vitamin complexes v female body, necessarily containing "iron". A sign of iron deficiency in the body may be dark circles under the eyes or pallor of the skin. Iron-rich foods include dairy products, green leafy vegetables (peas, cabbage), eggs, fruits, etc.

    Draft protection is important during pregnancy. Hypothermia in winter should be excluded, sun rays should be avoided in sultry summer. Such natural influences can also lead to heart pain, negatively affecting the course of pregnancy.

    Increased pressure (hypertension) of pregnant women - can also lead to the appearance of stabbing or sharp pain in the region of the heart. If hypertension is accompanied severe edema legs (preeclampsia) and frequent headaches, an urgent examination is required, with delivery required analyzes... Although it is likely that the doctor will insist on inpatient treatment.

    Angina is a heart condition that is quite common among pregnant women. In this case, there is no threat, but in any case, you will need to consult your doctor.

    A heart attack or pre-infarction condition may be accompanied by sharp and sudden pain in the heart muscle. In such a situation, the account goes literally for seconds. In this case, to save the woman, it is necessary to terminate the pregnancy - but such situations are extremely rare.

    Stress, anxiety and a state of nervousness - they can lead to an aggravation of the situation, leading to heart pain during pregnancy.

In any case, if a constant or sudden pulling, aching, stabbing pain appears, it is recommended to consult with your doctor as soon as possible - for peace of mind and confidence in a normal state of health and pregnancy without complications.

What can be done for heart pain during pregnancy?

    A pregnant woman needs to understand that various factors that can lead to cardiac disease should be excluded in every possible way. A balanced and quality food, with the addition of trace elements and vitamins.

    Consider preventing obesity.

    Walk in the fresh air more often.

    Stop drinking and smoking.

    Do not exclude physical activity in your life - but it does not mean at all that you need to sign up for the gym. You must first consult with your doctor, who can recommend suitable view sports. Moreover, today many gymnastic complexes for pregnant women have been developed. Yoga classes are also gaining in popularity today.

    Never self-medicate - especially during pregnancy. After all, previously used, effective drugs can be dangerous while carrying a child.

Prevention of heart pain during pregnancy

    Experts believe that for the normal and full functioning of the cardiovascular system, a woman needs good food... But we are not talking about a large amount of food at all, but about a balanced diet - getting along with food enough vitamins, nutrients and trace elements.

    Drinking deserves special attention. During pregnancy, plenty of fluids are also required - at least 1.5 liters per day. If possible, supplement your daily diet with fatty acids, calcium and potassium, taking into account unique property- with the improvement of the heart and cardiovascular system.

    Speaking directly about foods, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, dairy products, sea ​​fish, bananas and dried apricots - help the heart to work "for two."

Heart pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, many changes occur in a woman's body, which affect the work of all organs and systems. And the heart in this sense is no exception. If you are worried about heart pain or tingling, then first of all you need to know: you are not alone.

Gynecologists say that pregnant women often complain of the heart: it hurts, then it pulls, then it hurts, then "it is somehow so incomprehensible." But the heart is alive, it is also susceptible to the influence of pregnancy, and many factors can cause certain sensations in the area of ​​the heart in a pregnant woman. During the development and course of pregnancy, pressure can often change (and in both directions), the minute and stroke volume of the heart increases, weight gain (often very significant) also increases the load on this organ. We are not even talking about the fact that now the mother's heart works for two, and the mother herself is worried and nervous for any convenient reason. Do not forget about physiology: stretching the abdomen, which puts pressure on chest, often "gives off" pulling pains in the region of the heart.

What is all this for? Painful or similar sensations in the area of ​​the heart during pregnancy are quite common. Try to be as little nervous as possible, protect yourself from negative people and emotions, provide a strong healthy sleep... Most women observe tingling in the heart precisely due to emotional stress or fatigue. Uncomfortable posture prolonged sitting can also cause pulling pain.

Change in weather, heat, stale air in the room - there can be a lot of reasons. In addition, in most pregnant women, heart pain is associated with vegetative-vascular dystonia and intercostal neuralgia. For the child, this does not pose any danger, but it still requires an appeal to a neurologist. So you should beware of drafts and hypothermia during this period.

Despite the fact that tingling and stretching in the area of ​​the heart can actually be sharp and strong, as a rule, they are not a reason for serious worries: drink warm tea, inhale and exhale gently, relax and, if possible, rest.