A man with a tattoo on his whole body. Beautiful ideas for tattoos

A person with a large, visible tattoo on their arm will always attract the attention of strangers on the street. Moreover, the views of others will be both positive and sharply negative. Someone considers tattooing on the body as art, while others condemn. It is not surprising that tattooed people do not understand those whose skin has never been touched by ink.

To help our readers better understand people with tattoos, we have put together some interesting facts from their lives.

These people are mentally and physically stable.

Applying ink under the skin is a really painful process. The tattoo indicates the physical stamina and courage of a person, because he deliberately decided to subject his body to tests. Do you think it is easy to tolerate rude remarks and discontent with this way of expressing yourself from other people? To do this, you need to have an iron endurance. That is why our heroes, in addition to physical stability, can boast of emotional stability.

They can turn the other cheek

If a stranger, say, in a line at a store begins to publicly criticize a tattooed person, our hero could easily go into a fierce counterattack. However, people with tattoos don't do that. Not all of us can ignore hateful comments. This quality alone deserves deep respect.

They are committed to life values.

Tattoos reflect a person's life path, indicate his commitment. By capturing one moment on the body, they demonstrate to society about their readiness to perform other, no less important things. So, it is customary to apply tattoos in honor of children, wives, close friends, events, achievements and important dates.

They have knowledge

There are several million different types of tattoos in the world. But only tattooed people know exactly what they want to put on their bodies. They also know about which part of the body it is worth putting their "adornment" on. A tattoo is not only beautiful, but also for life. And this characterizes our today's heroes as people ready to make permanent decisions.

These people value deep meaning.

Some images are so non-trivial that it can be incredibly difficult to make out their meaning. However, tattooed people are ready to turn the routine of the past into something more meaningful.

They can't be terrible parents.

Persons with stereotypical thinking believe that a person with a skull on their hand, by definition, cannot be a good parent. It's a delusion. A gloomy picture on the body is not a guarantee of bad parenting.

These people value unconventional beauty.

Some tattoos look like true works of art. But there are also ridiculous options. However, such a ridiculous and ugly tattoo can have a touch of beauty for its owner.

Profession and tattoo: confidence in prospects

Indeed, some workplaces categorically do not allow workers to have tattoos on their bodies, either visible or hidden from prying eyes. The decision to "spoil the body with ink" means a voluntary refusal of a person from enviable positions. Tattooed people are aware of the limitations, and, therefore, have firmly decided on their field of activity.

These people can be mysterious

People around us often ask our heroes about the meanings of their tattoos. And if a person does not consider it necessary to explain to others the artistic meaning of a masterpiece applied to the body, this is his right. A light touch of mystery can be very attractive.

They know how to look good.

If a person has tattoos, it is much more difficult to be fashionable. You need to choose the appropriate clothes and accessories, do not forget to take into account the color combination of the details. There are even special color schemes for visible tattoos to harmonize with the style and color of clothing. And our heroes easily understand all this.

There are people who, having begun to apply drawings to the body, can no longer stop. Many stars apply tattoos, often they can be seen on the body of football players. There is a list of application champions.

The most tattooed woman in the world

There is a woman who is almost completely covered in tattoos. She is called The Illustrated Maiden. The surname of the record holder for the number of drawings on the body is Julia Gnuse.

It all started not from a great love for tattoos. By nature, she suffered from a violation of pigment metabolism. To hide the scars on her legs, the woman applied the first small tattoos, but was unhappy with the result. Then she continued applying, but already colored tattoos. Quite a little time passed, and the drawings covered all the visible places on the woman's body.

Julia admitted in an interview that she is addicted to tattoos. She also applied tattoos on closed areas, and even on her face. According to her, this allows her to feel confident and not to be complex about spots and scars, which are now hidden by multi-colored drawings on a wide variety of topics.

Among the pictures there are many images of famous people, there are also cartoon characters. Today the surname of Gnuse can be found in the Guinness Book of Records. It is noteworthy that all the drawings were applied to Julia's body by one master.

TOP most tattooed people

Among the tattooed people of the planet, there are ten surnames on whose body the tattoo occupies the largest area. In the first place is a young man named Rick Genest. The drawings on his body were made by Montreal tattooists. Rick has a skull on his face.

Lucky Diamond Rich is also among the ten most tattooed people. It is known that he even has tattoos on his gums. Julia Gnuse, as the most tattooed woman, also made it to the TOP.

The body of Tom Leppard, who is also called the "Leopard Man", is covered with a tattoo. Its body is covered with patterns that resemble spots on the body of a leopard. Another feline lover is Denis Avner. He covered his body in stripes, and also changed his appearance to become as much like a hunting cat as possible.

The body of another tattoo lover is 75% covered with colorful tattoos. His surname is Kala Kaiwi. He owns a tattoo parlor and is his live advertisement. The ten most tattooed women also included a woman with 2.5 thousand tattoos on her body. This is Elaine Davidson.

Eric Spargue's entire body is covered with drawings depicting green scales. They call him "Lizard Man". The images cover the body of a literary critic named Etienne Dumont, as well as a man who is recognized as the most modified on the planet. His surname is Pauly Mowery.

The most tattooed stars

There are many celebrities who like to apply drawings to the body. One of the most famous is Angelina Jolie. Colin Farrell is proud of his shoulder tattoo. In his opinion, she helps him win victories over women's hearts. Colin prefers to wear short sleeved shirts and tank tops to show off the painted shoulder.

Susan Sarandon's back is decorated with tattoos in the form of her children's initials. The names of the children are an adornment of the body and the well-known Johnny Depp. There are more than ten designs on his skin altogether.

Megan Fox has a portrait of Marilyn Monroe on her arm, and Scarlett Johansson also has a tattoo. Drew Barrymore turned out to be much bolder in applying drawings and symbols to the body. She has tattoos on her back, on her right leg, on her left hip and on her stomach.

Charlize Theron was not left without tattoos. In 1991, she had a drawing of two fish on her right ankle, and a lotus flower was painted on her right foot.

Among the stars, there are many who want to additionally decorate themselves with a tattoo. The list can be endless.

Tattooed soccer players

Athletes, including football players, keep up with the stars in tattooing their bodies. So David Beckham dedicated all available tattoos to his family, and they cover almost the entire body.

There are more than twenty drawings on the body of Marco Materazzi, and each has its own meaning for him. Andriy Shevchenko's shoulder is decorated with a dragon. He himself does not comment on the reason for the appearance of such a tattoo on his body.

On the hands of Zlatan Ibrahimovich are the dates of birth of all family members, as well as the names of close relatives in Arabic. Francesco Totti has a picture of a Roman gladiator, while Diego Maradona has drawings by Fidel Castro and Che.

The most tattooed man in the world

Finally, you should find out who has the most tattoos on the planet. His name is Lucky Diamond Rich. There are several layers of tattoos on his body.

So that there are no areas of the body that do not have a tattoo, the young man applied drawings even on the gums, ears and skin under the nails. After painting the whole body, Lucky decided not to stop. He is now covering himself with a third layer of tattoos. This time the drawings are done in red. So he will set his own record.

True, some believe that smart people do not get tattoos, but differ from society in other qualities .. You can read more about the smartest children in the world.
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The plots of modern tattoos are extremely variable and varied. Someone prefers to decorate their body with symbolic ornamental images, while others are more attracted by realistic drawings of animals, birds, plants. And some people like the human body.

Man tattoo meanings

Tattoos depicting the human body have appeared relatively recently, but have already become quite popular among both men and women. They have a huge number of options. Sometimes the meaning of a tattoo a person is associated with the psychology of character.

Did you know? Psychologists can identify basic personality traits by how an individual draws a person. So, the image of a head that is too large indicates high requirements for one's own intellectual development, and large eyes indicate anxiety and dependence on the opinions of others.

A tattoo of a person (see photo below) must be distinguished from its subspecies - a portrait tattoo. In general, tattoos that fit the definition of a person are divided into three types:

  1. figure / silhouette;
  2. part of the body;
  3. portrait.

The first type of tattoos are divided into three main categories:

  • the running Man: associated with haste, chaos, self-doubt;
  • peacefully walking man: symbolizes calmness, focus, restraint;
  • figure of a standing man: indicates balance, firmness, inner harmony.

The meaning of a tattoo with a figure or silhouette is influenced not only by the person's posture, but also by the color scheme of the drawing, and additional details, which will be discussed below.

Images of body parts speaks of certain character traits of the owner of the tattoo. Meet the following types similar images:

  • drawing eyes symbolizes the inner world (after all, the eyes are called the mirror of the soul) and at the same time they give out in the wearer of the tattoo a nervous person, prone to thoughts and feelings. Closed eyes are associated with withdrawal and social phobia;
  • mouth drawing talks about hidden aggression and at the same time - about the need for society, about loneliness. The half-open female mouth traditionally symbolizes seduction, sexuality. A mouth sewn up with seams indicates anxiety, dissatisfaction with one's place in society, a sense of guilt;
  • images of limbs (arms and legs) speaks about the desire of a person to achieve everything with his mind, about self-confidence and the desire to dominate others.

In the portrait, the main role is played by the personality of the depicted person, as well as the connection of this person with the tattoo wearer.

Advice. When choosing a tattoo for a person, be sure to analyze the psychological subtext of the sketch you like. It is possible that its meaning will not seem very original to you (especially when it comes to a tattoo depicting a part of the body).

Some options for tattoo man

In addition to the sketches described above, there are some separate variants of tattoos depicting a person or a humanoid creature representing a certain type:

  1. Warrior. Such an image is associated with courage, nobility, the desire to serve lofty ideals.
  2. Samurai. Such a tattoo symbolizes mental strength, will, and readiness for self-sacrifice.
  3. Clown, joker. Images like these suggest that the tattoo wearer is risk averse and capable of lies and deceit. At the same time, a clown tattoo can be perceived as a symbol of hidden sadness (clowns, as you know, are sad people), unwillingness to show others their true intentions and thoughts.
  4. Witches, Valkyries. Tattoos depicting mythological evil female creatures symbolize feminism, belief in the influence of external forces on human life, interest in everything unknown and secret.
  5. Pirate. The drawing of an unnamed pirate should be taken as a symbol of rebellion, unlimited freedom, adventurism and love of travel.
  6. Indians. This fairly common image is associated with the spirit of freedom, faith in nature and the desire to defend your home from enemies.
  7. Geisha, fairy. Such tattoos are associated with female attractiveness, the ability to seduce, external and internal harmony.

Sometimes you can find a man-tree tattoo, where branches and roots seem to sprout from the arms and legs of the figure. Such an image symbolizes the harmony of nature, the unity of the internal and the external, the interdependence of the explicit and the hidden.

The color scheme of the tattoo man

A tattoo of a man, the meaning of which is described below, can be done in black or in different colors. If you prefer to decorate your body with a color image, there are some factors to consider:

  1. Combination of contrasting colors (blue and red, green and red) visually emphasizes the details of the drawing, but makes the image expressive and catchy. For example, a tattoo depicting a clown, made using a gamut of green and red, accentuates the symbolism of the image: sarcasm, disobedience to the system, protest and irony.
  2. Warm colors (orange, red, yellow) in combination with green shades are suitable for images of magical creatures: fairies,

One of the most famous freaks and perhaps the most famous tattooed guy in the fashion world, Rick Genes, better known as the Zombie Boy, was found dead after falling from a height at his home in Canada. His death is still surrounded by speculation, the official reason has not yet been announced, but Lady Gaga, with whom Zombie Boy collaborated 7 years ago, became one of the first to react to his death in her official public pages.

Rick Genest, 32, was world famous as the Zombie Boy due to his tattoos, which completely covered his body from head to toe. He has been featured in ads for Dermablend cosmetics, in Lady Gaga's "Born This Way," in "47 Ronin" opposite Keanu Reeves, and on the catwalk at numerous fashion shows.

The name of Rick Genest was twice entered into the Guinness Book of Records. Once as the person with the most tattoos of bones on the body - there were as many as 139 at the time of the record, and the second time - as the person with the most insect tattoos - 176.

Rick's family believes that his death was a tragic accident - he could not stay on the balcony when he smoked. Moreover, the police could not find any suicide note. The police call the most probable cause of his death so far - suicide. One way or another, on August 1, 2018, a 32-year-old guy fell from the 4th floor and did not manage to survive after this fall.

“The suicide of my friend Rick Genest, the Zombie Boy, was devastating to me,” Lady Gaga writes on her Twitter. family or friends. We must save each other. "

Lady Gaga's posts are explained by the fact that Rick Genest suffered from mental disorders. While no one elaborates on what exactly bothered Zombie Boy, this fact was not new to the people he spent a lot of time with.

Eight years ago, the Zombie Boy was opened to the general public by Nicola Formichetti, Lady Gaga's stylist and creative director of the French fashion house MUGLER. Rick, who began to fill his tattoos from the age of 16, by that time was already strongly distinguished from the people around him. The reason for this was a strong experience - at the age of 15 he was diagnosed with a tumor in the brain, and he had to spend six months waiting for brain surgery, which could have the most disastrous consequences for a teenager.

His goal was to get tattoos that mimic the inside of a person - so that one could see a brain tattoo on Rick's skull, his face imitated a naked skull, and almost all bones were drawn on his body.

Despite his defiant appearance, and perhaps because of him, Zombie Boy was invited to fashion shows several times as models in Paris and New York. He has also appeared in many well-known magazines including GQ, Vanity Fair and Vogue Hommes.

For many, a tattoo is a way of self-expression, while others think that it is just fashionable. Some Hollywood stars, as well as football players, have tattoos. But some people, starting to get tattoos, can no longer stop and try to cover every centimeter of their body with a new pattern.

Record holder Lucky Diamond Rich

Lucky was born in New Zealand in 1971 and has worked in a circus since the age of fifteen. He got his first tattoo at the age of seventeen, done by a huge hairy biker, to put it mildly, not in the most prestigious salon. His first tattoo was a mace that he juggled with. Such a tattoo is located on his thigh.

There are records in the Guinness Book of Records, where it is reported that Lucky Diamond Rich got himself tattooed in salons scattered across different continents, cities and countries. The theme of his tattoos is quite diverse. If you try very hard, you can even find the face of Christ and the paintings of ancient Tibetan prayers on his body.

Initially, the most tattooed person was Tom Leppard. His body was 92% covered in tattoos, but Lucky broke his record as he filled his body 100%. It covered the eyelids, ears, and even the gums. Today we can assume that he has 350% covered his body with tattoos, as he continues to do them, and they are superimposed in layers. At first they were black, then new ones were applied over the old tattoos, but this time with white paint, then black again. The record was set in 2006.

To add even more shocking to his image, the world record holder for the number of tattoos pierced his nipples, made unusual ear piercings, inserted silver teeth and covered them with diamond dust. To date, no one has broken Lucky's record yet. To do this, a person will have to get tattoos on the eyeballs and possibly even on the internal organs.

If we calculate how much time he spent "drawing" on himself, then the total comes out to be about fifty days! The most long-term tattooing on his body is a seven-week session. Now that Rich is completely covered in tattoos, he does not stop there and applies the tattoo with red paint for the third layer on his skin. Thus, he sets his own record.

Because of his, to put it mildly, not quite usual image for everyday life, the most tattooed world record holder also got into the top ten of the so-called physically modified persons of the planet. If you once look at such a person, then trendy tattoos and teenage piercings will seem very harmless to you.

Top 5 tattooed people

At the moment, the most popular tattooed person in the world is the skeleton man, or in other words, Rick Genest. His body is covered with a tattoo that depicts a human skeleton. He became famous thanks to the created Facebook page, which has collected over 1,500,000 subscribers. Thanks to his image, he took part in the filming of Lady Gaga's video and played in the film "47 Ronin". But besides Rick, there are also the top 5 most tattooed people:

Eric Sprague or the lizard man

About 10 years ago, Eric decided to transform into a lizard.
At that time he was a little over 30 years old. The first thing he did in approaching the image of a lizard was a full body tattoo under the scales, which took about 700 hours or 29 days of continuous work. After that, he took up his face.

Above each eyebrow, he implanted implants, which became growths like a lizard. He made his lip a dark green color, and also sharpened his teeth in a peculiar way. He later cut his tongue in two. He just had to make a tail. But since the real one cannot be implanted in him, he refrains from this operation.

Denis Avner

He is known to many as the cat-man.

Denis served in the navy, but one day he wanted to become a tiger and gradually he began to make his dream come true. First, he painted his body with stripes, like the desired animal. And then he implanted a mustache. But even this seemed to him insufficient to complete the image. Denis continued to move on to his dream and inserted fangs, like a tiger, sharpened his teeth.

Every day until his death, he ate raw meat.

His fate was very tragic. In 2012, at the age of 54, the cat man committed suicide. The reason for this death was prolonged depression.

Julia Gnas

Her thirst for tattoos was awakened when she was diagnosed with porphyria. The girl's skin has become very sensitive to sunlight. It is possible to treat such a disease, but in this case there is one side effect and this is loss of vision. Gradually, burns and blisters began to appear on the girl's body, which left behind huge scars. Then Julia Gnas decided to cover her entire body with tattoos to cover those scars that disfigured her body. Now her body is covered with tattoos for almost 95%. On her body you can find cartoon characters, famous Hollywood movie stars, as well as various landscapes.

Maria Jose Cristerna

This girl has an extraordinary appearance.

Until the fateful days in her life, only a few amateur tattoos were found on her body. In her first marriage, Maria was very unhappy. Her husband constantly beat her, humiliated her and provoked a premature birth. All this, as a defensive reaction to all the events that she experienced led to the desire to change her body.

Now Maria is a mother of 4 children. She is married a second time. Works as a lawyer, runs his own tattoo parlor.

Her vampire image helped her become a popular girl.

Tom Leppard

At the age of 28, he finished his military service and realized that he would not be able to work for the good of society. Therefore, after getting tattoos for $ 10,000, he fled from civilization and moved to live on an island called Skye.

Gradually, Tom covered almost the entire body of the tattoo. He was recorded in the Guinness Book of Records, but after a while his record was broken by the aforementioned Lucky and the others. Now he is 80 years old and once a week he travels to the city to buy groceries and collect his pension. He continues to live in a small house on his island.