What to do with kids at home: useful tips and exciting ideas. Things to do with your child Ways to have fun without a computer for kids

Great job for parents. But sometimes moms and dads are forced to do urgent things, and the child is bored, does not know what to do. All children are different, and each kid likes to do something different - someone flips through books, someone rattles pots, and someone sits still for 5 minutes - torture, and he rushes all upside down. How to calm little fidgets? Houses? Let's try to find a fascinating thing for any crumb - calm or restless.

Summer days and baby at home

It's hard to sit at home when it's summer outside, it's sunny, warm and fun outside. Of course, rain, thunder, wind or, on the contrary, scorching heat does not make anyone want to go outside. Even a child will understand that it is better not to go for a walk yet. And if there are urgent matters or one of the family members is sick, which does not allow you to immediately leave the house with the baby, the question arises: what to do with the child at home in the summer? Every parent has an arsenal of things to distract their little one. Although you can always find something new for your child.

Here, for example, arrange a disco for the baby. Children love to move. Turn on fun music. There is time - set an example - dance with the baby, this will bring you together and cheer you up. If the child is not alone, let them arrange competitions - who is better, who dances longer. Anyone can be a judge - mom, dad or someone who is now next to the children. Competitions are a great stimulus for grown-up kids. You can build towers from cubes - whoever is taller. Or put together puzzles - who is faster, etc. Almost all children love to splash in the water. There will be no question of what to do with a child at home in the summer if he is healthy. It is enough to pour water into the bath, give toys, and that's it - your child will play in the water with pleasure, especially when it's hot outside. It is important not to leave the child alone for a long time, you need to monitor the safety of the bathing process and, of course, control the temperature of the water, because your plans do not include the child's illness.

Lessons for the little ones

It is clear that different games are suitable for children of different ages. For example, there are not many options for what to do with a three-month-old baby at home. For such a baby, entertainment with toys hanging in the crib is suitable, it is better if they are bright rattles. The kid will lie, look at objects with interest, touch it with a pen or a leg and listen to what sounds are produced. For kids of this age, this is a favorite pastime. With such children you need to constantly talk, sing songs to them. Even if you are busy, you can tell your baby what you are doing. Take the baby in your arms as often as possible, do not be afraid to spoil - there is not much love, affection and warmth. If the baby is naughty, does not want to stay in the crib in any way, but urgent matters are waiting for you, take the baby with you. Sling is the solution. Many household chores can be done in the company with the baby, putting him in a sling. There are many variations of this product. You can borrow a little one and sew them from different fabrics. the baby also needs to develop. These toys can be filled with various cereals - buckwheat, beans, pearl barley, etc. The child will touch with his hands, and when he grows up, he will be interested in kneading such home-made things.

Activities for one year olds

What to do with a one year old at home? The answer is not so simple. Sometimes a child can get carried away with such a thing, an object that an adult would not even think about. Almost all children at this age like to play with saucepans, unbreakable jars and bottles, spoons, ladles and other kitchen utensils that are safe for a child. If you are busy in the kitchen with your own business, put the baby next to him, give him a few items, let him study. When he gets tired of examining, opening and closing, replace some objects with others, and the child, if he is not hungry and does not want to sleep, will sit a little longer, doing what you gave him. In plastic bottles, you can pour some beans, beans or some kind of cereal. The kid will be happy to rattle with a homemade toy. You can also offer the baby colorful books, preferably such that they do not tear. Children love to look at pictures, but you need to make sure that the baby does not take books in his mouth, some mischievous people bite off or tear off paper and chew, or they can swallow it.

Do you have an urgent job related to the computer, and you do not know what to do with a one-year-old child at home? Plant him side by side, give him a clean sheet, pencils, a pen and just make sure that the baby does not take anything in his mouth. The child will occupy himself for a while. Many kids love to tear paper. You can give your child an unnecessary magazine or an old book, show how to tear sheets, but make sure that the baby does not pull anything into his mouth. In addition, children begin to play with pyramids and cubes a year. Offer them to your little one, show them how to build, and when he gets carried away, leave him to play alone. Put a box or drawer with clothes - and you will be surprised how the baby will sort things out with enthusiasm, trying to try them on.

What to do with a 2 year old at home

A two-year-old child has already learned a lot, but does not always find something to do on his own, especially if he is alone in the family. If there are several children, then they often find something to do. Of course, at any age, children love to play naughty, so supervision is always important and necessary. Some kids love to draw on the wallpaper. For such artists, offer pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, and blank paper. Let them show their talent where it will not interfere with anyone. Other children are not indifferent to telephones, remotes from equipment, etc. It is better for them to give them a broken remote control or telephone, and let the child take it to press buttons or make faces at parents while talking to an imaginary interlocutor. All the same cubes and pyramids are of interest to two-year-old children no less than one-year-olds. And the child will try on clothes even harder than a year ago. Many girls are very fond of helping their mother with the housework, for example, washing the dishes. And here you don’t have to think about what to do with a two-year-old child at home. Just put a chair near the sink and do business with your daughter. She will simply be delighted with this lesson. You can pour water into a cup and give toy dishes or ordinary spoons, unbreakable plates, mugs.

Activities for older kids

It's no secret that modern children can watch TV with interest for hours on end, and almost from the cradle. Naturally, parents get free time when the child is sitting in front of the screen. But keep in mind that watching cartoons affects vision, psyche, behavior, so you should not get carried away with this activity. Twenty or twenty-five minutes a day is the threshold of safe time for watching cartoons and children's shows. Leave the TV as a last resort. Look for other ways to keep your three year old busy at home when you need to get things done.

You can ask the baby to bring two bears, three blue plates, etc. The baby will be busy, while you and your child will repeat or learn colors and counting. In addition, looking for the right items, the child will be distracted and play himself. Turning on the fantasy, you can easily figure out what to do with a small child at home. Tell the baby that one of the toys is sick, it needs to be treated, boiled porridge, fed, put to sleep. Lots of options. You can iterate over all of them. Ask the baby to treat, then say that the toy has gotten better, and now she wants to eat. Let the child feed his friend, etc.

Evening activities for children

Many experts, when answering the question of what to do with children in the evening at home, will say that they need quiet games, reading books, classes without physical activity, so that the child gets ready for bed. But not all parents can boast of an obedient and calm child, especially in the evenings. For some reason, it is at this time that your child seems to turn into a hurricane - he needs to jump, run, squeal. And the more you calm him down, the more he tries to indulge. What to do with children at home? You can give a lot of old magazines and newspapers, let the baby tear them up, throw them on the floor, jump on crumpled sheets (many children like how they spring), throw paper into the basket. This way of splashing out the emotions accumulated during the day is suitable for children who are calm during the day. Every child loves to splash in the water. Bathing is another way to pacify the fidget and set you up for sleep. Water will calm the nervous system, relieve fatigue, and the baby will be able to become calmer. And then, after listening to a fairy tale or a song, he will fall into a sound sleep.

Hyperactive baby at home

A child with increased activity can be seen almost from birth. He starts crawling and walking early. Everywhere climbs and does not listen to the elders. You can talk a lot about raising such kids, but now we are talking about something else. What to do at home? The most important thing is that the type of activity should be somehow connected with movements. Even a child should be allowed to listen to a book with a toy in his hands, otherwise the baby simply will not sit still. Give the crumbs tasks: jump five times, run three times to the kitchen and back, jump 10 times over an obstacle, for example, over a rope lying on the floor. Bathing for such children is also an opportunity to relax. The most important thing is not to scold or punish the child. Hyperactive babies are receptive to praise, and punishment does not work on them. So you can scare the baby and lose his trust.

Unusual activities for kids

When the child is tired of all the usual things, I want to offer him something new and exciting. If you look at what you have in the pantry, you can think of something to do with young children at home. Left a large cardboard box from household appliances? Great! Making a tunnel for climbing. You can use old wallpaper and tape to make the same tunnel. If the baby does not want to climb himself, show him an example. The child will surely like this activity.
Did you find a closet door or an old shelf in the pantry? Amazing! We make a hill. We put a board, a shelf or a door to the sofa at an angle, and that's it. The hill is ready. Let the kid ride himself or lower the cars. Show your child how to knock down cubes, castles built at the foot of the hill, using a typewriter.

Useful activities for the crumbs

What can you do with children at home so that the business is beneficial and interesting for kids? Here are some easy and fun activities to develop fine motor skills. Take beans, mug, cup and spoon. Let the baby try to pour all the beans from the cup into the mug with a spoon. You can pour water into a container with beans and instruct the child to catch all the beans with a spoon or strainer. Take a small box, cut a hole in the top, ask them to put all the beans through the hole. Instead of a box, you can use a plastic bottle. And if you cut a hole at the bottom, objects lowered through the neck will fall out through it. Such a common thing for an adult, how to peel a boiled egg, for a little man is an exciting activity. And if you offer your child not a chicken, but a quail egg, the child's interest will only increase. This is not the whole list of what to do with children at home.

Hour of fun

Sometimes allow yourself to become a child for a while. The kid will really appreciate it. He will trust you more, see you as his friend. Take all soft toys, small pillows, paper balls - everything that does not have solid parts on it. You can stand still, run from one to another, chase each other, hide in cover and throw these soft objects. The fun will be unforgettable. It is better to end such entertainment with hugs. You can play unusual hide and seek. Looking for a toy. The leader remains alone in the room, hides the item that was chosen in advance, and then the second participant looks for it. It is better to accompany the search with the words "cold", "warmer", "hot" to make the task easier for the child.

Letting go is also a lot of fun. Children love to run after bubbles and catch them. And how much laughter and joy at the same time! By the way, a solution for soap bubbles can be prepared independently at home. To do this, you need to take water, boil it. Let it stand for a while. Take 600 ml of water and 200 ml of dishwashing liquid. We add 100 ml of glycerin to this mixture, mix everything thoroughly and leave it to infuse the solution for about a day. This amount of soap bubbles is enough to amuse the kids many, many times and not think about what to do with the children at home.

Children are capable of doing things with enthusiasm that an adult would never even think about. Toddlers are inventors and dreamers. Show them an example of how to spend time, and when they grow up, they will not watch TV or play computer for days, but will figure out what to do on their own. Teach your child to make the most of their time!

All games and pastimes with two-year-old little ones have long been known to many parents. It remains only to refresh their memory and put them into practice.

The second year of life can be characterized by 3 main new acquisitions: the child begins to actively move, talk and interact with the outside world.

The main means of communication is speech, which is actively developing due to the unique ability of children one and a half years and older to imitate. The play activity of the kids is also improving, now they reproduce in the game literally everything that they see around.

To understand what to do with a child in a year or two, you need to understand in more detail the features of this age period. Among the features of babies older than 12 months are:

The behavior of a crumb at 1.5 - 2 years, unlike a child at 4 months, is characterized by greater perseverance and attentiveness. At two years old, the baby is able to enthusiastically engage in any activity for a quarter of an hour, especially when the mother is also involved in the activity.

What kind of games will a small child like?

  • bubble. Not a single kid will remain indifferent, watching how the soap foam turns into iridescent bubbles, which, moreover, can be burst;
  • drawing. You can interest a one-year-old peanut with special finger paints. A two-year-old child will be able to draw with watercolors, gouache paints and markers. The main thing is that all items are non-toxic;
  • modeling. Plasticine mass or salt dough is an ideal material for the development of fine motor skills. Initially, mother needs to demonstrate how balls and sausages are rolled, but more complex forms are left for later;
  • role-playing games. An interested child can feed the dolls with pleasure for a long time, swaddle them, put them in a crib or stroller. That is, the baby performs familiar actions;
  • reading. Since babies at one or two years old still cannot understand the intricacies of fairy tales, it is best to read short poems and nursery rhymes to them. Chukovsky, Barto - ideal;
  • . You definitely can’t do without them, so it’s important to stock up on cubes, pyramids, liners, constructors with large durable elements;
  • Balloons. Another favorite activity for little kids is to have fun with balloons. They can be inflated and deflated, painted with a felt-tip pen, depicting funny faces.

In addition, children love to play with water. A bowl of water and rubber toys, a bath with dolls is a great option for entertainment. The child can splash, pour water from various containers, wash his favorite baby dolls, “wash” doll clothes.

Distracting a child for a few minutes to go about their business is not an easy task. It is necessary to provide him with such an occupation so that he does not even think about going on a dangerous “journey” to study the world around him. What can you do with your child for a while?

The classes presented above must be “diluted” with minutes of idleness. It is not necessary to try to fill all the free time of the baby with a game or a cartoon. Let him sit idle for a while and invent his own entertainment. Otherwise, there is a risk of reducing his natural curiosity.

Great idea to buy for little kids. Find out the main advantages of different models and read how to choose these useful accessories.

What to do with a child in a year or two on the street?

Such entertainment is feasible at home, but street games are no less useful. It is no secret that daily walks in the yard strengthen children's health and activate the development of the child.

Perhaps the first object for studying the world around us is the familiar sandbox. For games in it, you need to stock up on molds, a bucket and a scoop. By the way, such manipulations will prepare the child's hand for the possession of cutlery.

In winter, you can sculpt snowmen, draw with paints or sticks in the snow. In spring and autumn, the same stick is useful for measuring the depth of puddles. And in the spring streams, paper or wooden boats float perfectly.

Any walk for a child is an adventure and discovery of something new. He is interested in everything: a flying bird, a flashing cat, a passing car. That is why it is necessary to change the location in order to diversify the experience.

As soon as the child is three years old, you can introduce him to social life. For example, three-year-olds are taken to youth theaters, zoos, amusement parks. This will further expand the children's horizons.

The question of what to do with a child at 1 or 2 years old is solved with the help of mother's imagination and the desire to instill in the baby greater independence.

It should be understood that you should not take every free minute of children's time. Sometimes apparent inactivity is even useful, and a bored child is more likely to find a useful activity for himself.

In general, with a two-year-old baby, you can do several activities.

Fun with parents:

  • blowing soap bubbles;
  • inflating balloons;
  • drawing;
  • work with plasticine;
  • reading;
  • role-playing games;
  • entertainment with toys.

"Independent" activities for children:

  • paper games;
  • business board;
  • fun with cereals;
  • household chores (cleaning, washing plastic dishes);
  • watching cartoons.

Street entertainment:

  • sandbox games;
  • snowman modeling;
  • observation of the surrounding world;
  • launching boats;
  • measuring the depth of puddles;
  • visiting the zoo, etc.

Thus, the entertainment of a two-year-old child always goes hand in hand with his development. Active and didactic games will help throw out energy, develop perseverance and mental processes. Parents will only have to put a happy and calm child in the crib.

Hello dear readers!

All parents can already be congratulated on the almost coming Day of Knowledge - September 1. That is, the happy time of the year for all the children of schoolchildren - the summer holidays, alas, is over.

Days loaded with lessons begin, and it seems not the time to write about entertainment, but there are still reasons to write an article.

Ahead of us is the academic year in which there will be entrance, holidays, and, unfortunately, sick days, and just the need for a break from schoolwork. After all, not just studying ... 😉 Therefore, it's time to think about what to do when the children are bored at home and what to do with the children at home.

I'll start with a general piece of good advice I read in one of the psychological magazines intended for "alarmed", always busy moms who are unable to distribute their time between work, household chores and activities with a child and constantly feel guilty about this.

How wisely it was said there - do not think that good mothers constantly and inseparably play with the child. No. You must know:

If during the day you give the child at least 15 to 30 minutes of your time, but devote it fully, to nothing else but the child, without being distracted, then this will be enough for the child to feel that his mother loves him.

Well, and do not forget in the remaining time to exchange a couple of phrases with the baby, drive for the mess in the room, and for the sweets eaten before dinner. Everything, as it should be for a real mother 🙂

After all, our task is not so much even to entertain the child, but to show him how many different activities there are, how interesting it is to do them, and what, in my opinion, is very important, to teach the child to do some part of the time on his own, and not to languish with boredom Or spend hours on the internet.

This list is suitable for classes with children of primary and secondary school age, but it may well suit younger and older children, although when compiling it I was guided by the question of what to do when children of 10 years old are bored at home, in particular, a girl who stays at home alone, because my daughter just the same age) So,

1. Board games

They were the main attraction of this summer. I had no idea how much the board game industry has come a long way in recent years.

During the next purchase of books in the online store, I accidentally noticed what beautiful and varied games it offered. I approached the choice carefully, in which the Igroved online store helped me a lot, on the site of which you can not only buy games, but also watch videos with detailed information on how to play them.

As a result, we bought the board game "Carcassonne", which allows you to play together with your daughter and a larger company.

Among the variety of board games, you can choose a game that meets all your needs: the age of the child, his interests, the number of expected participants.

If you know that your family members at their leisure will be happy to “buy new lands”, trade on the stock exchanges, or make the longest words, then you can safely buy a game designed for a large number of participants. If only mother “loves” to play them, then there are games for two participants, and in some the child will be able to play on his own.

Pros: Board games are fun.

You can "officially" enjoy a child's game, I'm not talking about a child.

Cons: The biggest disadvantage is that board games are expensive.

You can get acquainted with Carcassonne and other board games in more detail in the article.

2. Puzzles

On the one hand, this is also a board game, on the other hand, it is so peculiar that I want to highlight it as a separate item.

Helping your child to pick up pieces of the picture will have a good time, but if you are busy, then the child can handle it on his own. Invite him to collect at least part of the picture, be sure to admire the result.

It is very good if there are puzzles of different levels of complexity at home: easy, collecting which the child will always feel like a superhero, and more difficult, as an option for “assembly” with the help of adults.

Advice from personal experience - do not buy puzzles with a large number of pieces, 300 or more, which depict animals. The beautiful mane of a lion and the fluffy fur of cute dogs will give you a nervous tic in just 10 minutes of selection. Even the endless blue sky is somehow easier to collect.

Pros: Few activities compare to jigsaw puzzles in terms of benefits for fine motor skills.

In addition, they develop perseverance and spatial imagination.

"Easy" puzzles the child will be able to fold independently.

Cons: During the next cleaning of the apartment, you have a chance to periodically “enjoy” the characteristic sound of puzzles tapping in the pipe of the vacuum cleaner))

3. Reading books

There are two options: the child reads with pleasure; The child refuses to read.

Everything is clear with the first one, if you have a reader at home, then there will be time not only for homework, but also for your own hobbies, it is enough to periodically update the children's library.

Everything else is not so simple, there are methods for teaching a child to read, but you have to work hard to achieve a result. Well, being a parent is not only fun 😉

Pros: There is no point in listing them. In short - useful, interesting, accessible (libraries now have almost everything).

Cons: If the child loves to read, you will have to select books to force him to do his homework or go to the store.

If the child does not like to read, you will have to develop a strategy to attract him to reading. A good "initial" option would be books based on cartoons or "biography" of your favorite toy characters. We had one of them.

4. Checkers, chess, dominoes, backgammon, lotto.

Unfortunately, I can only play checkers, and also lotto :)), but if you are a master of all other types of games, then this is just wonderful.

Pros: Very, very useful and developing activity.

Cons: Since these are paired games, they are only suitable for activities with a child if you have a considerable amount of time to play with him.

5. Games with cards, solitaire, tricks

About eleven years ago, children and playing with cards were considered incompatible concepts, since such games were considered gambling. In principle, it is such now, but nevertheless, now the passions have subsided, and against the backdrop of casinos and "one-armed bandits" cards look like innocent entertainment.

Moreover, in addition to the games themselves, there are solitaire games from which you can find out if your wish will come true. And tricks that are always interesting.

Pros: Develop memory and attention.

Knowing a certain number of tricks, a child at leisure can “shine” in the company of his peers.

Cons: The child must be taught all the tricks and games you know, and if you forgot or did not know them, you will have to learn it yourself.

The cards have not had a very good reputation since Soviet times.

6. Educational activities - coloring, drawings, plasticine

A great job that doesn't require a lot of investment.

I myself loved to paint as a child, and my youngest daughter sculpts well from plasticine, and she manages to sculpt her products well, oh, very tiny. I wanted to show you my favorite “works of art”, but I hid it somewhere that I couldn’t find it, they are small 🙂

Therefore, I had to steal their “breakfast” from the table at the dolls - scrambled eggs, a sandwich and a cake 😉 To show the “grandness” of crafts, I put a small 11-cm salt bowl next to it.

Pros: Of course, develops creativity.

If you are busy, you can safely go about your business, your participation is not needed, all that is required of you is just to praise the end result.

Cons: You will have to teach your child to do everything carefully, and clean up after yourself after class, if you can do it, there will be no problems with developmental activities. (At first, our entire floor was covered in multi-colored sticky blots of plasticine, which my husband had to pick off from his socks 😉).

7. Useful games

How many there are now! No, there were a lot of them before, but thanks to moms and dads, inventors and the media that tell us about these inventions, they have become simply unimaginable. This point deserves a separate article.

As an example, I will cite Galina Kuzmina's blog "Merry Science". That's where the inexhaustible fantasy))

Pros: Just a lot. And interesting, and development, well, just comprehensive.

Cons: Happiness, if you are a born organizer and experimenter, if not, you will have to learn this, which, admittedly, is not easy.

8. Needlework

A wonderful activity, especially if mom or dad is fond of it, who can teach the child. And there are a lot of handmade options: knitting, embroidery, beading, weaving from newspapers, wood carving, batik ... and this is only a small part.

Pros: These skills will always come in handy.

Cons: You will have to spend a long and tedious briefing that the needles should always be in the needle case, the knitting needles in the covers, and the threads and pieces of fabric in special bags and boxes. And after a session of needlework, find all this in different angles and put it in place.

9. Pen and paper games

These are games that are played most often during lessons, because this is the best time for sea battle and tic-tac-toe 😉 But playing them at home, you will also get a lot of fun, and the child will train well so that later, at school, beat your classmates.

Pros: Do not require any material investments.

Cons: I don't even know what...

10. Stickers

Oddly enough, but they can be singled out as a separate item as a full-fledged lesson.

It seems to me that the production of stickers is just on a large scale. Firstly, on sale you can find a sticker of any hero of any cartoon. During my daughter's passion for the Winx fairies, my eyes and head just rippled from all these Flores, Muses and Techn (names of fairies), made based on all 120 episodes.

Secondly, stickers can be very interesting in terms of texture: glitter, voids with balls, volume, and many more various chips are added to them.

So that the child does not try to “update” the furniture with the help of Spider-Man or Gummi Bears, buy him a common notebook in which he will glue his favorite characters.

Pros: The child, snoring from effort, will be busy for a long time.

Cons: There is a chance to find stickers that unobtrusively decorate your documents or household utensils :)).

11. Useful activities - putting things in order after the game, washing doll clothes, cooking, etc.

As a child, girls love to wash doll clothes, sweep the floor and help their mother knead the dough, and the boys are happy to spoil the nails by hammering them, and sawing the planks, and they will also help to sculpt pies for their mother with enthusiasm. Here, the main thing is to allow.

But I have never heard of any of the children like to clean up after the game 🙂

Pros: Excellent development of skills needed in the future.

Often, children can really help you, most importantly, entrust a feasible task.

Cons: Well, here you all perfectly imagine ... spilled water, scattered flour, everything is smeared and turned upside down, but you have to endure ... The efficiency is too high 😉

12. Watch TV. Computer games

All our efforts come down to ensuring that the child spends as little time as possible near the TV screen and computer monitor, but we can’t get away from progress.

The only thing is to teach the child to skillfully use these benefits of civilization. Moreover, the child must be aware of popular films, cartoons and computer games, otherwise it may turn out to be a situation similar to what happened with the son of Yulia Menshova, which I mentioned in the article “Children on the Internet. Harm and benefit.

In situations where mom is really busy, cartoons and computer games are a lifesaver. The main thing is to help the child make the right choice, but, among the huge number of options, this will not be difficult to do.

We have a Disney channel connected at home, which almost always justifies the expectations placed on it. But to convince the child that old, but such beautiful and meaningful cartoon fairy tales are also very interesting, I fail, alas ...

Pros: Properly selected programs will help you learn a lot of new and useful things.

With a reasonable and metered choice of programs and games, the child gets a lot of pleasure.

Minuses: Basically one - how to get the child out of there.

I have listed our favorite pastimes, I hope they will help you at least a little when looking for an answer to the question of what to do when the children are bored at home, and maybe you will also tell me what else you can do with the children at home :))

The most important thing a child needs is love and understanding. In the modern age of high technology, people really lack live measured communication. Therefore, it is very important to communicate with children, such interaction is effective at the time of the game. Let's imagine that the weather has made its own adjustments to the daily schedule, and you are left alone with the baby. Ideas with games can come in handy if you are organizing a children's party or evening.

Joint activities with children - better pastime

Ideas for joint activities must be recorded, for some reason, at the most necessary moment, all ideas do not come to mind, and children are not used to waiting and preparing for a game for a long time.

Games for the little ones

Fun for older kids

The option of role-playing games is very interesting for children, where you can entertain each other by changing roles with children, play school, hospital, veterinary clinic, atelier, shop. Inventory can always be found in the household. For such entertainment games are easy, at ease, for a long time.

joint crafts

If you have the skills to make crafts, you can make a real puppet theater or a puppet with hinges together with children, for making you will need the simplest materials at hand, such a toy is easy to transform and develop. If the next day the weather has not changed, you know how to entertain the baby.

Crafts from pasta and cereals - make a competition, who will come up with the best

If you have a lot of cardboard boxes, then you can start designing a house. It will be interesting for both girls and boys. Creative thought has no boundaries, you can build your own multi-storey building, develop a layout of rooms and an interior. If you still have building materials after repair, then it would be nice to find a use for them, especially since you won’t need a lot of them to equip a toy house.

This activity is very interesting, you can paste wallpaper on the walls, draw pictures, sew curtains, make small dolls.

Water activities

If you do not have lighting, then you can try to make an original candle based on cardboard and a flashlight. Make a cylinder out of cardboard, apply a pattern on the side surface with a hole punch or needle. Different paintings can shine on the walls of the apartment. In such an environment, you can try to organize a shadow theater, children are always very mesmerized.

A homemade bottle feeder will be a source of pride

If the child loves animals and birds, then you can try to make a bird feeder with him. It is desirable that dad participate in this. Such a house can be hung in the yard or park, every time you walk you can pour seeds, grains of bread crumbs into the feeder. In this way, you will develop a sense of compassion in your child.

If you are in the kitchen, you can make paintings and crafts from cereals and pasta. For creativity, you will need a board with a layer of plasticine, on it you can depict the plot of a fairy tale or a story you have invented. From pasta, you can make a set of beads and a bracelet. If you have food coloring or paints on hand, then paint the crafts in different colors. The kid will be delighted, so the whole exhibition is organized.

If you have a balcony, then you can organize the launch of soap bubbles. This activity captivates not only children, but also adults. Just try to keep the wind away from the neighboring balconies. No one wants to wash soap stains from glass.

Ice crafts are very easy to make.

An interesting direction of creativity is work based on ice. Mono collect flowering and green plants on the street, form a composition, pour water, add a little food coloring for a rich color. Of course, the lifetime of such a work is limited, but you can take a picture of the craft as a keepsake.

In the refrigerator, you can freeze water in balloons with the addition of food coloring. When the mixture is frozen, just cut the balls. As a result, you get multi-colored ice balls.

Make snowflakes for the Christmas tree with your child

As the New Year holidays approach, you can decorate the apartment, make snowflakes and lanterns. Often, winter weather does not always make us happy, so it's time to start creating comfort on the eve of the New Year holidays. You can find many instructions for making crafts. The child is very pleased to see the fruits of his creativity at home.

Give your child a magnifying glass - he will find something for himself

If you are fond of yoga, then you can conduct classes with your child at home, such exercises will not cause inconvenience to the neighbors, but you will be busy with physical activity. On the Internet and through children's channels, you can find a whole course of classes for children. You will be a great example for your child.

If you know how to play a musical instrument, then it's time to teach your child this. Perhaps the first sounds of the house will not be melodious, but an example of a beautiful game will arouse interest in the child. The kid will ask to enroll him in a music school.

Board games are a great way to pass the time

At home, you can entertain your child with board games; intellectual development is always held in high esteem. Using your game as an example, you will teach your child tricks; while playing with peers, this will increase the chance of success.

Comments 1

Soap bubbles can be blown almost endlessly. At least until the solution runs out. To make this happen not soon, make a large supply: 3.5 liters of water, a glass of dishwashing detergent, a tablespoon of glycerin. The solution barrel is ready!

22. Painting without spots

If you pour a little shower gel mixed with dyes into a strong hermetically sealed bag, the child will be able to draw futuristic pictures with his fingers and not get dirty!

23. DIY car wash

Children can play for hours in the bathroom with a real car wash, which can be made from a five-liter plastic canister, dishwashing sponges and moisture-resistant adhesive tape.

From the canister, you need to cut out the sink body with entry and exit. Cut dish sponges into thin, long sticks and glue them vertically to the sink ceiling. Color the design with permanent markers. Place shaving foam in empty yogurt jars, take old toothbrushes and toy cars. The rest will be done by the imagination.

24. Science experiment with balloons

Show your child a chemistry experiment in the kitchen. Pour a spoonful of baking soda into a balloon, and pour vinegar into an empty plastic bottle. Put the ball on the neck of the bottle and fasten tightly. Gradually pour the soda from the ball into the bottle. The neutralization reaction will result in the release of a large amount of carbon dioxide, which will inflate the balloon.

25. Frozen dinosaur egg

If your child loves dinosaurs, show him how ancient dinosaurs hatched from eggs. Put a dinosaur figurine in a balloon and fill it with tinted water, then send the balloon to the freezer. When the water freezes, call the young paleontologists. Remove the “shell” of the ball from the eggs, consider the dinosaur in the thickness of the ice. You can get the toy with a small hammer (only you need to do this with swimming goggles so that small pieces of ice do not damage your eyes).

26. Banana ice cream

You can make popsicles with just one ingredient. Take bananas (preferably a little overripe), remove the peel and cut into thin pieces. Put in the freezer. After a couple of hours, take out the frozen bananas and mix in a blender until the mass resembles thick sour cream. Ice cream can be eaten immediately or put into molds and re-frozen. Older kids can do the cooking themselves!