What to give to Gemini men: ideas for an exclusive gift for a dual nature. Birthday present for twin woman

Try to describe your girlfriend or boyfriend who was born under the sign of Gemini in one sentence. The most suitable option: "You won't get bored with him!" Therefore, when the question arises before you: "What to give to Gemini?"

Choosing a gift

Passion for novelty. It's like a drug for them. Gemini is constantly on the lookout. To feed themselves with energy, they constantly need bright emotions. So if you manage to get the latest model of a popularized novelty (a smartphone that has not yet gone on sale, mascara with an extraordinary effect, etc.), you can consider that you have coped with the task.

Practicality... For all the impulsiveness of character and the instability of emotions, Gemini is not prone to romanticism. Therefore, they will not appreciate a gift with a lyrical note. The originality of the idea should be combined with functionality - then the gift will be perfect.

Extravagance... The price doesn't matter. If the object that you present will amaze everyone, no matter how much it costs, even three rubles on a market day, the birthday man will proudly demonstrate it to all his acquaintances.

What to give a Gemini man

Appliances and gadgets... Keep in mind that novelty and originality are not everything. Gemini will happily accept only the thing that can be carried with them. So choose something compact - a mobile phone of the latest model, a photo or video camera, an MP3 player.

Books... All Gemini are incredibly inquisitive. The world for them is, first of all, a source of information. And this is exactly the case when a book is the best gift. But not every one. Fashionable novels of modern writers, beautifully designed encyclopedias, books of aphorisms and wise sayings will do.

Puzzle... Any simulators for intelligence will delight the birthday boy, as well as well-made chess, backgammon, etc. He will not miss the opportunity to develop his already versatile mind and shine in the company.

Accessories for tourism and recreation... These people are passionate travelers. And even if there is no opportunity for long trips, they try to get out to the nearest forest park in search of new experiences. A functional backpack or bag with many compartments, a thermo mug, comfortable sneakers - all this will do, just buy in a specialized store.

What to give a Gemini woman

Household novelties. Of course, the super-modern phone will delight her too. But she will be no less happy, having received a robot vacuum cleaner or an original radio for a shower. Kitchen accessories are where you can roam. Just first find out what she already has, so as not to repeat yourself.

Jewelry... No gold chains or traditional rings, no matter how solid they look! Only handmade jewelry, exclusive, original design, best of all - author's.

Perfume... If you are giving a gift to a close friend, you roughly know her preferences, but want to please with something new, focus on two criteria - the perfume should be very persistent and, at the same time, light and fresh (notes of menthol, cucumber, lemon).

For interior... Gemini can and should be given beautiful objects made of glass - they symbolize the element of Air to which this sign belongs. It is important that even the trinket has at least some practical use. At least work for the image.

Flowers... Give any, large, small, with a lot of greenery and fluffy grass. Moreover, do not even waste money on packaging. The twins do not care at all how the present is packaged - they simply will not pay attention to it.

What not to give Gemini

Forget about money in an envelope or gifts bought on the run and standing on all counters. The only thing that the birthday man will not forgive you is the lack of imagination. So, at least try to come up with something unusual, just for him.

Representatives of the strong half of humanity, born under the auspices of Mercury, are very bright and extraordinary personalities. They cannot live without surprises and come to a state of delight from everything unusual, exotic, out of the ordinary! A trinket brought from the overseas islands, a clock whose hands go in the opposite direction, a designer suit issued in a single copy - a charismatic person will like everything extravagant and distinctive. To guess with a gift for Gemini men, you have to use all your imagination and ingenuity.

Character traits

It should be borne in mind that the sign leaves a "double" imprint on the personality of Gemini men. In one body, two contradictory natures coexist, which are sometimes so strikingly different from each other that a gift will need to be given to each of them.

A small amount of romanticism and daydreaming coexist with an active, active position. Wherever they are, they immediately become the soul of the company. Any, even a small period of loneliness turns out to be an ordeal. They love to argue and unrestrainedly prove their case, and the restless spirit of adventurism constantly pushes in search of new sensations. This quality can be taken into account when thinking about the upcoming surprise. A gift in the form of an "impression" - whether it be flying in a hot air balloon, diving or breaking dishes in a specially equipped closed room, will certainly remain in the memory for a lifetime.

The cost of the gift does not matter for Gemini men. The main property that a present should have is to emphasize the exclusivity of a man. The targeted nature of the surprise will make it exclusive in the eyes of Gemini. Forget about the duty versions, they will settle somewhere far away in the closet on the far shelf. A freshly baked gadget is unlikely to surprise: an expensive toy in their eyes turns into an everyday thing that is not of particular interest. But they will appreciate the gift in which you put a piece of your soul.

Stop list

Do not try to give money. In the hands of the birthday man, they will flow like sand through his fingers. In no case try to find out the direction in which to make a gift. The element of surprise will be lost, and the very fact of the presentation will lose its meaning. You can always easily figure out the scope of their preferences, bringing the conversation back on track. They value communication very much and during the conversation they themselves will tell about their hobbies.

It's not worth spending a lot of effort on gift wrapping. If suddenly you decide to give an interior item, give up this crazy idea. They do not like to force the apartment with anything cumbersome, and guessing with a small detail that fits perfectly into the home is quite problematic. Much more to their taste they will have a stylish accessory - a belt or a lighter. It can be easily displayed in any company and be the center of attention.

A win-win

If you intend to defeat the passionate nature of Gemini on the spot - present. Such a gift will be especially relevant for a birthday. Self-esteem will be amused only by the thought that an exclusive item belongs only to him, and to no one else in the whole world!

Make sure that the surprise is not too massive. Gemini belongs to the air element: they like everything light and weightless. Graceful masterpieces made of glass, steel or clay will be more than appropriate.


If you do not have time to study Gemini men at all, and the New Year, Defender of the Fatherland Day or a professional holiday is approaching, try choosing any option from the list:

  1. Book. Gemini men are born intellectuals and cannot imagine their existence without her. Plunging headlong into the wonderful world of books, they reboot their overly restless consciousness.
  2. Adventure. Skydiving or windsurfing training sessions - adventurous nature will make any time with an element of risk happy.
  3. Jewelry. Vintage, limited edition, exclusive work - these are the main criteria when choosing a product. The quality of the metal does not matter, focus on the unusual shape and originality of the product.
  4. Perfumery. Choose a cologne that is not available in the mass market. The perfume should be light and fresh, like a breath of breeze. And always persistent, able to stay on the skin all day long.
  5. Do not accompany the gift with flowers. Gemini will not understand the meaning of such a gift and will not appreciate it.

In fact, catering to Gemini men is not that difficult. The main secret of success: try to emphasize their individuality and make them feel uniqueness. If you cope with this task, you will surely see their shining and grateful eyes!

Choosing gifts for men is a task that should be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. And not only because pleasing the stronger sex is not as easy as it is commonly believed. Simply, in order for your present to "come to the court" and make the right impression on its potential recipient, it is worth considering a variety of factors. Including belonging to one or another sign of the zodiac. For example, in order to answer the question: "What to give a man a twin?", You need to be well versed in the features of this sign.

Character, habits, individual characteristics of the sign

People born under the auspices of Mercury are truly unique and extraordinary. They can be called a kind of "mystery of nature", because this is just such a case when two rather contradictory natures coexist in the body of one person, sometimes radically different from each other. In general, you will not get bored with them.

They are very dreamy and romantic, however, sometimes these incorrigible dreamers are distinguished by some frivolity and inconstancy. By the way, Gemini men, like no one else, love holidays, know how to organize them and take part in various events with pleasure. They are sociable, open and cannot live without society, so even short and short loneliness is a real test for them. They are always in action, not afraid to change places of residence, work and even friends.

In addition, men born under the sign of Gemini do not tolerate conservatism and love to enter into discussions on various occasions, and at the same time speak quickly and a lot, often without listening and interrupting their opponent. And, such a peculiar demeanor is not explained at all by a lack of respect for the opposite side, but rather by the peculiarities of the character of this sign, which is distinguished by some intemperance and impatience.

At the same time, Gemini men have a rather bright charisma and charm, thanks to which they easily find a common language with others. Therefore, in order to choose the "right" gift for a Gemini man, it is worth showing a lot of imagination and creativity, taking into account all the subtleties and specifics of their bright and multifaceted nature.

Passion for novelty

Gemini men are constantly on the lookout for something new. In order to receive the necessary energy, they must receive fresh impressions and vivid emotions. The same can be attributed to gifts.

Do not try to surprise Gemini with any gadget or technical device that appeared a couple of seasons or even a season ago. In general, they treat everything ordinary and everyday with a certain amount of criticism and skepticism. Want to impress? Then start looking for something extraordinary, spectacular and exclusive.

Impulsive and volatile nature

Despite the outward lightness, Gemini are quite hot-tempered and emotional natures. They are very restless and energetic, and at the same time they are always in a hurry somewhere, are late and do not have time.

Men of this sign are very talkative, so they can easily find a place in any company. It is customary to say about such people that "they have seven Fridays in the week." Yesterday they liked one thing, but today they don't want to hear about it, so this must be taken into account when choosing presents for them.

Another distinctive feature of the character of the Gemini man can be called the almost complete absence of romanticism in them. That is, they will perceive gifts with such a note, rather, critically than enthusiastically. It is better to choose something useful and functional for them, however, at the same time, quite original and unusual.

Originality and extravagance

Taking into account the peculiarities of the Gemini's character, it is better for him to give gifts that maximally emphasize his uniqueness and individuality. At the same time, the price does not matter globally. Men of this sign with great pleasure will accept as a gift not very valuable, but interesting, targeted gifts.

That is, what you give Gemini should be intended for him, and it is for him. They simply will not understand the standard and "duty" options. So, you can hardly get rid of them with traditional options for congratulations. Here you will be required to show all your creativity and invention.

List of "Right" and Appropriate Gifts

So that the search for a gift for a Gemini man does not become a real nightmare for you, we recommend that you pay attention to the list of gifts of various types that will definitely "come to the court" and will make the right impression on the representative of the air element.

Appliances and gadgets

When choosing a present for a Gemini man, you need to understand that it must have a specific practical application. Any thing that can somehow facilitate his life and make it more interesting, he will perceive positively.

In addition, Gemini men are very fond of gifts that they can always have with them. That is, if you plan to purchase something from the field of technology for the people of this sign, it is better if it is a personal item, for example:

  • Latest mobile phones or tablets. When buying these technical devices, always pay attention to the model and year of their manufacture.
  • Photo or video camera. A wonderful gift for a person with a sharp mind and a special perception of the world. The main thing is that this thing is modern and functional enough.
  • MP3 player. Suitable for music lovers. In the kit, you can also present good, high-quality headphones.
  • Laptop, computer or accessories. Moreover, it is better if these are the latest technical achievements, released in a limited edition.


Since Gemini are very curious, gifts from the field of literature suit them in the best way. However, here it is worth considering some of the "subtleties" of the mentality of the representatives of this sign. Men born under the auspices of Mercury will not read what they are not interested in. Therefore, the choice of books for them should be taken seriously. Good options:

  • New-fashioned glossy editions. These can be magazines with different topics. When choosing, you can focus on the Gemini's taste preferences and the area of ​​his hobbies.
  • Books by contemporary writers. It is better if it is interesting, discussed literature in a bright, exclusive cover.
  • Encyclopedias. It is desirable that they are well illustrated and informative.
  • Books of aphorisms and wise sayings. As a rule, men of the Gemini sign are distinguished by the gift of eloquence, they are very talkative and sharp-tongued. Therefore, they will not refuse such a gift. Still would! Indeed, after reading books of this kind, they will certainly find an opportunity to show off their newly acquired knowledge, demonstrating them to all their friends and acquaintances.

When buying a book as a gift, you need to pay attention to its packaging. It should be beautiful, showy and eye-catching.

"Trainers for Mind and Intellect"

Despite the fact that men born under the sign of Gemini are naturally diversified and erudite, they will never miss an opportunity to further hone and develop their intellectual abilities. Therefore, they love to receive as a gift all kinds of adaptations that contribute to their self-development and improvement.

It can be various puzzles, as well as backgammon, chess, checkers and other games that contribute to the development of logical thinking and memory.

Accessories for tourism and recreation

Since Gemini men are energetic and passionate about changing places, this character trait is reflected in their hobbies and hobbies. They love to go hiking, travel all over the world, getting from this a lot of new impressions that make their life truly fulfilling and interesting.

Therefore, as a gift, they can be presented with all kinds of recreational equipment, including:

  • A functional backpack or bag with many pockets and compartments. Such, in which it will be possible to fit a lot of useful little things necessary for a good rest outside the home.
  • A fold-out tent, essential for any outing. It's good if it is both practical and original enough. For example, it may have an unusual design or color scheme.
  • Thermos or thermo mug. A good option: a set of several containers with a heat-saving function, where you can put the first, second and third.
  • Sneakers. An irreplaceable attribute in the wardrobe of any athlete or traveler. But, in addition to being practical and comfortable, they also need to have a bright, expressive design in order to match the character and personality of their owner.

Souvenirs, gifts from the field of Feng Shui and astrology

Lovers of everything extravagant and unusual, Gemini men will positively react to all kinds of presentations from the field of astrology.

It is desirable that they be unusual and mysterious, have some unusual shape and design.

Surprise gifts

Representatives of the Gemini sign, by their nature very far from everyday life and everyday life, are suitable for gifts and gifts of an unusual nature. These include:

  • A certificate for a hot air balloon trip or a parachute jump. This option of congratulations to people born under the influence of the air element, and striving at all costs to soar above the earth and reality, will certainly please.
  • Leisure trip. An ideal gift for Gemini men who love changing places and changing experiences. And it is not at all necessary to purchase expensive tours to spa resorts. He will be delighted with simpler things. For example, from a voucher for a few days to some interesting country and not very distant country located in Europe.
  • Certificate for a scuba diving or diving course. Such a present will delight the Gemini man and make an indelible impression on him.

When buying a gift for a Gemini man, it is important to remember that the people of that sign are great originals, therefore, in order for it to please its potential recipient, it is necessary to pack and present it in some unusual way. Then, in response to its presentation, you will receive a whole sea of ​​positive emotions, joy and positiveness.

He is like a two-faced Janus, one in two faces. Today he is cheerful, sociable, the soul of the company, infects everyone with his wit and good mood.

For no apparent reason, tomorrow his wit turns into sarcasm and sarcasm, he can make fun of you for something, without fear of offending. After a while, his mood may change again. It is original and unpredictable.

Stability, calmness and the Gemini man are incompatible concepts. He is always full of ideas, it is sometimes difficult to predict his behavior and actions. Therefore, the question of what to give a Gemini man does not seem easy, at least at first glance.

A gift for this sign should emphasize its originality, he will not like a faceless, duty gift. Giving a Gemini man a traditional gift is not a good idea.

Give a Gemini man his hobby

The interests of this sign are varied and, usually, he has more than one hobby. Many men of this type collect stamps, and giving him a stamp album (if you know for sure that he collects stamps) is not a bad idea.

You can, of course, donate stamps, but you just need to find out exactly what stamps he collects. Most often, collectors collect stamps on topics: flora, fauna, art galleries, countries. Sometimes stamps are collected by the time of issue: pre-revolutionary, pre-war, stamps of the second millennium.

Some representatives of the stronger sex collect smoking pipes and if your birthday boy has such a hobby, he will definitely be delighted with a given smoking pipe. Naturally, first you need to make sure that he does not have one.
So, you just need to find out what his hobby is, and give the Gemini man something corresponding to his hobby.

Technique in his life

These men do not like to do household chores, so giving a Gemini man some kind of household appliance is in vain to throw money down the drain and cause him, albeit internal, but displeasure.

Although, even for lazy Gemini, you can find such a home technique that is associated precisely with their laziness and unwillingness to spend extra time cooking breakfast (if you know for sure that he sometimes does this).

The electric whisk, which can quickly prepare eggs for an omelet or whip cream for cappuccino coffee, will save him time when preparing breakfast.

Cars, and everything connected with them, is what this sign likes. You can give him a mini car wash or a car vacuum cleaner powered by a cigarette lighter.

If you want to give a Gemini man a more significant, financially, car-related gift, you can give a set of tires for his car.

A set of spare tires will not hurt, even if its tires do not need to be replaced just yet. And you can also give original wheel caps or rims, there are those that spin in the opposite direction while the car is moving - an original and useful gift.

Give a Gemini man original clothes

Have you forgotten that this representative of the stronger sex loves everything original, and that he is "two in one"? There are some clothes that perform double functions, for example, pants can be turned into shorts, a jacket into a vest.

There are a lot of such original clothes in stores now, of different styles, sizes and colors. These are usually beachwear or leisure wear. The birthday person will, of course, choose business and festive clothes himself, and such clothes for relaxation can be presented without fear that he will not like them.

Such a congratulatory gift can be associated with the dual zodiac nature of Gemini. It will be even better if these clothes have many internal and external pockets. Gemini do not like to constantly carry bags and purses, but there are a lot of little things in his pockets, such a gift will come in handy.

Give a Gemini man a trip or vacation

Gemini do not like to sunbathe and wallow on the beach, mindlessly contemplating the sea, they are attracted by active rest and a quick change of impressions.

If your financial capabilities allow it, present him with a bus tour that involves visiting several countries. Bright unforgettable impressions and their quick change - this cannot but please the Gemini, with his restless and active nature.

Give a Gemini man scent and grooming

The favorite scents of the Gemini man are the scents of forest and meadow flowers. Present him eau de toilette with the smell of spruce, pine, field carnation, cornflower and he will be pleased that his taste was guessed.

Like a real Gemini, he loves cosmetics for the face and body with a dual purpose, for example, shampoo, which can also serve as a shower gel, eau de toilette in the form of a deodorant. Any male cosmetics that has a dual purpose will delight him.

Talismans and jewelry for the Gemini man

His amulet stone is blue beryl, so giving a Gemini man a keychain or a phone pendant with such a stone is to please him not only with the originality of the gift, but also with the fact that you preferred to give him not a faceless gift, but a gift with his stone - talisman.

But Gemini prefer rings and bracelets without inserted stones. You can give a Gemini man a ring or bracelet, but the style of these products should be restrained or sporty, without stones.

What to give a Gemini man, boss or colleague

Gemini's laziness and their unwillingness to clean up even their own desktop is a characteristic, although not the best quality, of this sign. Therefore, any container for office supplies will be very useful to both a colleague and a boss.

It can be a stand for paper, a stand for notes for writing, a glass for vertical office supplies: pens, pencils, scissors, knives. For the boss, these items can be purchased in a more expensive version, for a colleague, in a more economical one.

Before purchasing such gifts, find out what is already on the Gemini's desktop, and what material (wood, metal, plastic) they are made of so that your gift matches the general style of decorating his desktop.

When deciding what to give a Gemini man, it is imperative to take into account not only his tastes and preferences, but also some of the features of this sign. Then your gift will not only please the birthday man, but will also be appreciated by him.

Authors: ladymag, chucha, mashunya, astarta-15

What is worth giving: Movie premiere ticket; romantic dinner in a trendy restaurant; mobile phone; new digital camera; Handsfree (bluetooth headset for a mobile phone, attaches to the ear); netbook; iPod (mini mp3 player; electronic notebook; expensive branded cosmetics (shower gels, eau de toilette); intellectual board games; Parker pen, Chuck flash drive (brass, stainless steel); branded lighter from Aleksandrof or Zippo; table device with a clock , pen and paper for notes; wine set (thermometer, corkscrew knife, neck ring, cork, watering can cork); What not to give: soft pears (let's bring up masculinity in our beloved ones); houseplant (if gardening is not his strong point); pets (if he did not ask you about it); tools and building materials for apartment renovation; clock (punctuality is not the twins' hobbyhorse, they will still be late); socks and handkerchiefs (this is not a gift, but a vital necessity that every man can buy for himself); sharp and stabbing objects (bad omen); books (if you don't know his tastes); money (this is not a man's gift, and it will most likely be spent for other purposes).

Let's try to choose a suitable gift for a man who is always on the move, dexterous, intelligent and smart, who can do two things at once and often change his activities, who loves beautiful and original things. Gemini love to receive various gifts, they are not even interested in the material value of the gift, the main thing is that the gift is presented in an interesting and unusual way.


A wonderful gift for an energetic man - new places, new countries, a lot of pleasant impressions and new emotions, a favorable change of scenery. What could be better! But just giving tickets for a trip is somehow boring. Put the tickets in a shoebox, put simple house slippers there, and under them - tickets. It will be great! Astrologers have designated the United States as a country for twins, so head there.

How poorly our friends know us can sometimes be judged by the gifts we receive from them .. Sigmund Graff

Symbolic gifts

Give gifts that represent this zodiac sign. A jewelry in the form of a pendant with the image of Gemini will be a beautiful gift. You can give a pendant in the form of a mask or a snake, since these images are symbols and talismans of Gemini. Jewelry with Gemini stones: pomegranate, agate, jasper, mountain crystal, will be a wonderful gift, and a gift that will have a beneficial effect on the gifted. A snake-shaped tie clip will be a beautiful gift. You can gift a large tea cup with twins. How would you like a leather belt with a twin buckle as a present? In my opinion, unusual and original.

When planning a birthday party for a twin man, keep in mind that this is a very cheerful, perky person who is the soul of the company. He is friendly, always on the move, easily communicates with other people, he has many friends. Therefore, the gift must be chosen carefully. That's what you definitely shouldn't give. Do not give to twin men money... The fact is that this zodiac sign tends to spend large sums on little things, trifles. As a rule, they rarely buy something they really need. At first, they are happy with their purchases, but after a while they begin to regret that they spent the entire amount so quickly and uselessly. Of course, giving money is easy, simple, convenient, but maybe it is better to leave the memory of yourself in the soul of the person being gifted by giving a memorable and original gift? Don't give a birthday present to twin men watch... Not only is such a gift considered by many to be a bad omen, but you are unlikely to save the twin man from the habit of being late everywhere and always. This is inherent in most of the representatives of this zodiac sign. Therefore, patience, only patience. Don't give to Gemini books... Yes, they love to read, but they only read what they are really interested in. If you know exactly the tastes of a man, then feel free to give such a gift. And if in doubt, then there is no need to take risks. Perhaps your gift will lie on the shelf that has never been opened for a very, very long time. And even more than books, they love to read magazines. Take note of this. Don't give a twin man tools, building materials, etc.... Even if you dream that he will continue or begin an endless repair, you do not need to do this. Most likely, you will be convinced in the words: "And things are still there ..." And you will agree, what kind of gift it is? You don't want to get a set of frying pans or a pretty, fancy mop in return, do you? Do not give a twin man for his birthday gifts that cause boredom and longing... After all, Gemini is very spontaneous; even in adulthood, they remain a little children. So prepare something fun, uplifting, and memorable.


A wonderful souvenir gift will be the planet Mercury on a stand, since Mercury is the ruler of Gemini. Or you can donate a small 3D picture with the image of Mercury. It will be very effective. Or even a small planet-shaped lamp would be interesting.

Cool gifts

If the gifted is your loved one, then you can give him cool panties, which will depict twins glowing in the dark. Or you can give the twin bed linen with the image of his zodiac sign.

What gift to choose for a Gemini man for his birthday? Unusual surprise gift Gemini men are very fond of being presented with gifts. But the most important condition is that the gift must be original, unusual, best of all, if it is a surprise gift. Gemini do not tolerate boring routine, they always try to come up with something new. So, if you are thinking of giving a Gemini man a portrait, try to order it from chocolate, for example, or from crystal. An adventure gift would be the perfect gift. Here is both a surprise and an uncommonness in one bottle. We advise you to choose the most exotic and original experiences as a gift, for example, "Mastering Hydrocosmos".
Sports gift Gemini - they prefer to relax actively, so a sports gift will be a pretty good choice for a man born under this sign. A certificate for climbing lessons, an exercise bike or some kind of sports equipment (a tent, for example) will greatly delight the recipient.
Gift as a carrier of information Men - Gemini are people endowed with interest and curiosity not only for new impressions, but also for knowledge. A gift that carries some useful information, or is its keeper, will be the best present for a Gemini man. This can be a laptop, an original USB stick, a book, or a paid Japanese course. Just remember that Gemini gets tired of everything very quickly, so it's good if it is an external course.
And finally ... When handing an unusual gift to a Gemini man, do not say hackneyed phrases or banal congratulations. Originality should be in everything! In congratulations and in packaging, by the way, too!

These are the gifts we offer to your attention. Do you know what gift will be the best and most long-awaited in a situation when a twin man is expecting the birth of a baby? Give him twins for his birthday! Such a gift will be the most expensive for the gifted.