What to do if waterproof mascara is dry. How to restore dried mascara. Strong freshly brewed tea

Mascara is very tricky! You don't have time to buy a new one, but it already starts to dry up - is this really the case? Every girl has probably encountered such a phenomenon, this fact cannot but annoy, since you have to abandon the planned makeup and run to the store for a new remedy for beautiful, long and fluffy eyelashes.

Many representatives of the fair sex have more than one mascara in their cosmetic bag, but of course - each way out needs its own effect! For work - discreet brown or gray, for going to the pool - waterproof, for the club - mega-lengthening and charcoal black. And we have not yet remembered about the color mascaras that are fashionable this season - purple, blue, emerald, which look so great with a proper make-up and dress!

If you follow the rules, then ink should be used only three months after opening., and then it must be thrown away. But this is pure robbery and swindle - rarely a girl will be able to fully use a full tube of mascara during this time, but she will be able to dry mascara from frequent opening. Dried mascara can be revived by diluting it to its previous consistency, and do not let this scare you, there is nothing dangerous to health in this, only you need to act, of course, wisely. Not every tool is suitable for thinning mascara, but most of them are at your fingertips - in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the first-aid kit, and you have no idea that they can be effectively used for your own purposes.

let's consider all options for thinning mascara, find out their pros and cons.

The first in our hit parade will be, if not the best, but definitely the most shocking way to dilute mascara - using saliva... Well, remember all the mascara in a box called "Leningradskaya" - what do you think it was diluted with? Saliva, of course. It is not entirely clear what is happening there at the chemical level, but after such an intervention mascara really revives, begins to paint better, lengthen, add volume. We completely agree that this method is not aesthetically pleasing, but if there is no other way out, you know how to make your mascara do its job.

You can dilute mascara using your favorite perfume- one small puff in a tube of mascara is enough. But this method has several drawbacks - the mascara will become thinner only for a short period of time, for a day or two. After the alcohol evaporates, the ink dries up again. Also, the essential oils contained in the perfume can negatively affect the properties of the mascara, therefore it is better to use eau de toilette to dilute the mascara, rather than perfume. Another negative component of this method is the danger of getting diluted mascara in the eyes - from alcohol you will feel a burning sensation and your eyes will turn red. To prevent this from happening, after you add perfume to mascara, leave it for 5-10 minutes.

You can also dilute mascara with alcohol- cognac. At one time in magazines one could often find advice to dilute mascara with this particular alcoholic drink. Apparently, this cosmetic product is favorably influenced by tannins and oils contained in cognac. The rubbing alcohol will quickly dilute the mascara, and all other ingredients will maintain its consistency. It is enough to add one or two drops of brandy to the tube, then actively stir the contents with a brush, wait 5 minutes and, voila, the ink is ready for use.

Ordinary water is also suitable for thinning the mascara.... Of course, it is better to use filtered or boiled water, although regular water from the tap is also fine. The water should be warm, room temperature. You can add a couple of drops of water to the tube, or just wet the brush and then stir the mascara. If the mascara has not yet dried, but has become too thick, then the situation can be corrected simply by thoroughly rinsing the brush under running water. Remove excess water from the brush, but do not wipe it dry - the remaining moisture will be enough to return the mascara to its normal consistency.

Good to help restore mascara ordinary eye drops(no antibiotic!). Add a couple of drops to the tube, actively move with the brush, and the mascara will instantly become usable. This method is also absolutely safe for the eyes, the drops are sterile and do not contain harmful impurities. But do not rush to buy eye drops specifically for thinning mascara, as drops can only be used for a month after opening. Everything with the drug must be handled more strictly than with ink.

With the task at hand - to dilute the mascara - such means as glycerin or castor oil... Lubricate a brush of mascara with one of the substances, and then with quick movements mix it with dried mascara in a tube. However, keep in mind that after the glycerin and castor oil, the mascara will take a little longer to dry.

All cosmetics have an expiration date and must be followed. But sometimes it happens that this or that tube fails much earlier, as it happens with mascara. Sometimes it dries up just at the moment of urgent need to make up or when the tube is half full. You can dilute the coloring substance, in this situation it will last for some time. You should carefully read all acceptable methods so as not to harm yourself and not completely spoil the product.

  • Expiration date approaching its end. Such a product has lost its qualities from old age and is no longer suitable for use. You shouldn't reanimate him.
  • Dried ink is a natural result if they forget to cover it, leave it in the sun or near a battery.
  • The brasmatik brush should be screwed in and out with gentle movements. If it is abruptly pulled out and inserted, air gets into the bottle, contributing to a change in consistency.
  • The narrower the hole in the tube, the slower the composition will dry. This must be considered before purchasing.

What should I do?

There are several proven and safe ways to resuscitate. Before throwing it away, you should try to dilute the dried mascara.

1. You can do it with water. If the composition contains paraffin, immerse the tube in hot water for a few minutes, and then shake well. It is possible to dilute the product without this ingredient with the help of a few drops of the same liquid added inside. It is important to observe two conditions: firstly, it is imperative to use distilled water so as not to promote the development of bacteria, and secondly, not to overdo it with volume. Use a pipette to measure the exact number of drops (no more than 2-3). Plain boiled water will not work, because it is not sterile.

2. Medical drops for moisturizing the mucous membrane of the eye. The most common and effective of them is Vizin, there are others, the assortment in pharmacies is quite wide. Drops are good because they prevent the spread of harmful organisms in the tube. Another advantage is that it is quite possible to dilute waterproof mascara using this medicine at home. Before diluting the contents of the tube, read the instructions and make sure that there are no contraindications for you.

3. A solution for storing contact lenses is also suitable. This is a hypoallergenic remedy, similar in composition to eye drops, necessarily sterile, but not very cheap. It can be thinned with waterproof mascara. Lens solution requires careful and precise storage conditions. When applying a diluted mixture that was contained in heat and light, you can harm the mucous membranes of the eyes and the inner part of the eyelid.

4. Another proven folk version is strong black large leaf tea. Fresh tea leaves should be well sweetened and with a pipette, dilute the dried mascara by adding 3-4 drops to the brasmatic. You can dip a brush into tea, screw it in and out several times, shake the container, wait a little. In no case should you use hot tea.

5. Makeup remover lotion is a great option to dissolve a thickened mass. The only condition is to choose a product without alcohol, because it will irritate and even burn the mucous membrane. Diluting waterproof mascara, it is advisable to add one drop more lotion, but it is important not to overdo it, otherwise the substance will lose the necessary structure and it will be impossible to make up the eyelashes.

6. Natural base oils. The extracts of jojoba, sweet almond, apricot or grape seeds used in cosmetology will not only help if the mascara thickens, but also serve as an additional source of nutrition for the hair structure. These oils almost never cause allergies, but you need to carefully read the label when buying to make sure that the shelf life is in accordance with all standards.

7. If the ink has dried up, it is advised to dilute it fresh. To accomplish this, you can use a conventional medical syringe. Manufacturers install a ring-shaped stopper on the neck of the brasmatik, which removes excess coloring matter from the brush. It is easy to clean it at home in order to thoroughly mix the mixture, and then put it back in place. The manufacturers of the new and old products must be the same.

How to dilute waterproof mascara?

If the above options do not work, experts recommend the following methods:

  • waterproof makeup remover;
  • dip in boiling water for 30-40 seconds.

Any makeup for eyelashes after dilution takes some time for the reaction to take place. Therefore, it is inconvenient to dilute mascara, which thickens at the last moment before going out. It is better to do this in advance by trying to put on makeup and seeing how well the product lays down and whether there is a negative reaction of the mucous membranes of the eyes and eyelids.

Diluting mascara is easy and practical, but it is worth protecting it from bacteria. Before starting the procedure, wash your hands, use a syringe or pipette that has been well washed and boiled water. Do not forget about the expiration date and storage rules, because we are talking not only about beauty, but also about the health of the organ of vision.

What is dangerous to use?

  • Your own saliva. Spit on the brush is just unhygienic. Bacteria that penetrate the brasmatik will make the makeup unusable.
  • Answering the question, what can be used to dilute mascara, many girls mention perfume. This is unsafe, because the alcohol and essential oils contained in the composition can injure the mucous membrane of the eye or cause allergies.
  • Cognac, vodka, or other alcoholic beverages are dangerous for the same reason.
  • Hydrogen peroxide. Diluting her mascara, if she thickens, you can get a burn or even be left without eyelashes. It not only irritates the mucous membranes: use is fraught with loss of vision.
  • Sunflower or olive oil, which differ in consistency from the base oil, will completely spoil the product. If after such "resuscitation" you try to put on makeup, the makeup product will smear on your eyelashes without holding onto them.

Each of the girls at least once in her life faced the problem of thickening of mascara, but not all of them found a solution to this problem and just bought a new one for themselves. We propose to teach you how to save on decorative cosmetics and consider how and with what to dilute dried or thickened mascara.

Proven ways to thin your carcass

Almost every mother used Leningradskaya ink at one time. Now it seems generally incredible, but this mascara was a small briquette with a relatively dry content, which had to be “smeared” every time with a special brush (or brush). This kind of mascara has been around for years. there was no chemistry in it, and it was prepared according to a special GOST. Now, on this recipe, they make ordinary, but quite expensive carcasses, which, due to their special composition, often dry out. How to dilute them?

Many magazines advise you to use a simple warm water, there are two sides to this. From one point of view, it is very cheap and affordable, but from the other it is relatively unhygienic. Advantages and disadvantages:

  • water is the habitat of many microorganisms, which, under the influence of constant room temperature, become the causes of many diseases, from conjunctivitis to barley;
  • it is difficult to guess the dosage, and sometimes instead of a very thick mascara, we get too liquid not suitable for use;
  • water promotes the formation of lumps;
  • such a liquid evaporates very quickly and after that the mascara becomes even thicker.

But, if there is no other way out, we must make such recommendations. Boil the water first and cool. It is advisable to use a pipette for dilution, as it is easier to measure drops. After such an action, mascara should be stored in the refrigerator (ideally, all cosmetics should be stored there in order for its shelf life to increase).

Purchased mascara thinners

As we said, water is not the only way to thin out mascara, it is better to use eye drops that contain anti-anxiety and antibiotic supplements. By doing this, we reduce the likelihood of the formation of any eye disease to a minimum. Most often Vizin, Oftagel and others are bought for such purposes.

Not everyone knows that makeup artists of even the most famous companies also sometimes sin by diluting mascara. To do this, they advise using a simple makeup remover... Of course, you need to give preference to tonics and lotions that do not contain alcohol, but if necessary or desperate, you can drop a little alcoholic tincture. Why it is not advisable to use alcohol:

  • it evaporates quickly, even faster than water;
  • a negative reaction of the eyes, redness and itching is possible;
  • often eyelashes dry out and begin to fall out, and serious systematic treatment will help here, including not only burdock oil, but also purchased ones.

The same drugs include a gel or solution for cleaning eye lenses. It would seem, what could be simpler? Dilute dry mascara with plain water to wash the lenses, but here you need to be extremely careful. First, watch your dosage closely - a lot is bad too. Secondly, if possible, you need to consult a doctor, because often such drugs have side effects, it all depends on the individual reaction of the body. Moreover, check it, i.e. there is no way to test for allergies on the eyes.

  • if the ink is too thick (but not dry), drop one drop of boiled water mixed with Vizin into it, and mix it well with a brush;
  • do not dilute mascara more than once a month, this will increase the guarantee of the healthy use of cosmetics, and will also monitor its service life;
  • before looking for how you can dilute mascara, if it has dried, read its composition. For example, in Bourgeois or Yves Saint Laurent (ysl), cosmetics contain natural ingredients, so that they are not used to dilute it, this can cause significant harm to expensive cosmetics.

Video: how to restore dried mascara

How to dilute long-lasting mascara

Photo - Antique ink

It is she who is most exposed to thickening. How can you dilute waterproof mascara? All the same professional drugs. Moreover, for such products, separate solutions are made, for example, they can be seen in the brands Dior (Dior), Chanel, Maybelin (even in the Volum Express series), and many others.

We propose to dilute both casein and silicone mascara using the same methods. There is no need to look for new solutions if there are already ready ones, because experiments with such cosmetics can result in undesirable consequences.

Having considered the question of how to dilute mascara, one cannot but touch on the topic of mistakes. Than mascara categorically it is forbidden to dilute(makeup artist advice):

  • saliva. Yes, it comes to this, but you must always remember how many microbes are in our mouth, and that they are not always friendly to other mucous membranes;
  • sometimes they try to refresh dried mascara with oil, say, cosmetic, castor, olive and others. In this case, the roots of the eyelashes are clogged and barley forms;
  • before diluting mascaras with cologne or simple perfumes, consult a specialist, a severe allergic reaction is very likely, up to and including temporary loss of vision.

According to many professionals in the field of cosmetics, it is best to use eye drops for such an operation - they are as safe and affordable as possible.

Often we meet with a situation where mascara dries up, and this happens, often at the most inopportune moment. Of course, if you have time, it is better to go to a specialty store and purchase a new bottle of mascara. Otherwise, if you urgently need to look perfect, which is called "being in all its glory" right now, then you can try to revive it, that is, dilute it. With what? This is what will be discussed today.

In fact, the problem is easily solvable, there are several harmless, and most importantly safe for health, tricks that you can resort to if your favorite mascara fails at the most crucial moment. Immediately I will make a reservation that ink can be diluted only if its expiration date has not expired. Otherwise, it can only be thrown into the trash.

Means for thinning carcasses.
It should be noted that before you start experimenting with your own mascara, study its composition. The content of paraffin in it will give you the opportunity to quickly solve the problem that has arisen by holding the tube of mascara (closed) in very hot water for several minutes (five to ten). After that, it will be enough to shake the bottle so that the mascara regains the lost qualities and properties. If there is no paraffin in the composition of this cosmetic product, you will need to try to reanimate it with other means.

Plain water, of course, is not a panacea for dried carcasses. Mascara diluted with water can be used to paint eyelashes, you just need to know that the effect of such manipulation will be temporary. In addition, after a couple of hours, such mascara will crumble from the eyelashes. It is important to know that this method of resuscitating mascara will not work if you have eye problems and there is a tendency to allergic reactions. Ordinary water can become a source of development of pathogenic flora, contributing to the irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes. To dilute dry mascara, you can use distilled or mineral water without gas, just drop a few drops of water on the brush and make it move several times into the bottle and back. It should be noted that this method is only suitable for water-based carcasses.

Eyelid makeup remover (alcohol-free lotions and toners).
The eye make-up remover liquid copes well with the problem of dried mascara. These alcohol-free cosmetics are great helpers to help restore lost qualities to mascaras. Ideally, the brand of the diluent for the mascara is the same as the manufacturer.

Eye drops.
Any eye drops (Vizin, Oftagel, etc.) also dilute dried mascara well. The advantages of this method are that it prevents the occurrence of inflammation and irritation of the mucous eyes, minimizes the action of microbes, which, in any case, appear in the bubble with ink even before the end of its use.

Contact lens fluid.
If you wear contact lenses, you probably have a special liquid in which to store them. This liquid works very well for thinning dry mascara. There is no risk of developing an allergic reaction, since the liquid is as close as possible in composition to the composition of a human tear. This solution will not only restore its properties to the carcass, but also prevent the development of microbes.

What can not be used to dilute dried mascara?
Of course, our women are hard to blame for the lack of fantasy. Sometimes, in order to dilute dried mascara, they resort to the most incredible tricks that are not always safe for our health. If anyone remembers, in Soviet times, the fair sex before applying dry mascara "spat" on the brush. This method does not stand up to criticism, since it is no secret that a huge number of bacteria and microbes live in human saliva. Some, with a particularly rich imagination, diluted mascara with cologne, cognac, ordinary perfumes and alcohol-containing lotions and tonics, which is categorically contraindicated, since this is fraught with allergies, irritation and redness of the eyes. Other originals have adapted to dilute mascara with vegetable oil (almond, jojoba, peach). Yes, a drop of oil will really help restore the properties of mascara, but as a rule, such application leaves all the mascara on the skin of the eyelids and under the eyes, making the makeup look disgustingly floating.

The most dangerous remedy, which rarely, but still happens these days, is used by women to urgently revive mascara is hydrogen peroxide. This method can not only cause severe burns to the mucous eyes, but also cause the development of serious complications.

Finally, I will say once again that it is possible to use the methods of reanimating mascara, which were described above, only in emergency cases, when there is no time to buy a new one. Also, if the mascara is dry because it has expired, don't even try to thin it. Health should take precedence over beauty.

Mascara is an integral part of make-up, giving expressiveness to the look. Even the ancient Egyptians came up with the idea of ​​applying a coloring composition to the eyelashes, but then they thought more not about beauty, but about saving the soul from evil spirits. The Egyptians believed that the eyes were a gateway for evil spirits. Modern ink appeared in the middle of the 19th century, but was popularized in the 20s of the last century thanks to cinema. With the advent of mascara in tubes, women are faced with a problem - what to do if the mascara has dried up?

The sealed ink has a shelf life of one year. So much it is stored in the store, without using it. Cosmetics may have an expiration date instead of a production date.
From the moment the cap is unscrewed, its shelf life is three months, which has been confirmed by numerous studies. Manufacturers' recommendations - use cosmetics for no more than 1.5 months. It is dangerous to neglect this.

The dry solid ink contains artificial waxes, mineral oil, petrolatum (a mixture of soft paraffin with petroleum oil), isopropyl myristate (colorless oil), dyes and pigments. This mascara with an impeccable reputation is now rarely found on sale. Initially it is produced in dry form and for use it must be dissolved with water.

To release liquid ink in tubes, water or a special solvent is used. The content of water or hydrocarbon solvent in it is not less than 55%. When you open the tube, the water evaporates over time, so dried mascara is not uncommon. Also, mascara can thicken over time - you will find 3 ways to deal with this.

  • Loosely screwed tube
  • Pouring lumps of ink on the tube thread, which again leads to loose screwing;
  • Rare use of brasmatics
  • Improper store storage
  • Low quality cosmetics

The main reason for the drying of the ink in the tube is the ingress of a large amount of air into it. Don't try to shake the mascara with a brush!

The brush should enter the inside of the tube in smooth circular motions to prevent large amounts of air from entering.

Top 5 ways to restore dried mascara

To understand how to dilute mascara, it is advisable to know the reasons for its drying and the composition. Different manufacturers have different mascara structures. It is usually 50% purified water, oils, waxes, dyes and fragrances. When it dries, water most often evaporates. Sometimes wax or oil dry out. Based on the composition of the mascara, you can understand what is the best way to dilute it.

You can dilute dried mascara in different ways, even with spitting. But will it be right? There are five main ways to safely reconstitute mascara.

Distilled water or mineral table water

A few drops of lukewarm purified water can be used to soften dried water-based cosmetics. In an emergency, you can use boiled or distilled water.

Do not use tap water. Chlorine is used to disinfect water, which is very irritating to the eyes. After diluting with water, store the tube in the refrigerator.

Eye drops

Oftagel, Vizin, Sofradex are made on the basis of water for injection and soothing substances that relieve inflammation and swelling.

A few eye drops are applied to the brush, the tube is screwed up and after a few minutes the cosmetics can be used.

Strong black tea

A few drops of freshly brewed tea will restore the consistency without changing the properties and harm to the eyes. Tea has a beneficial effect on the eyes. The eyes are washed with a decoction of tea in case of inflammation and suppuration.

Makeup remover

Refilling the tube with a non-alcoholic or oil-free product can help restore the desired thickness if the eyes are very sensitive or irritated.

Water-salt contact lens storage solution

It is similar in composition to the lacrimal fluid. In addition to water, the product contains disinfectants that destroy microorganisms and hyaluronic acid, which is responsible for moisturizing the lenses. But the composition contains substances such as soap that cleanse the lens from dirt. Therefore, a few drops of such a product is an emergency, but the best dilution option.

Duraline cosmetic product

Recently, a new cosmetic product from INGLOT, Duraline, has appeared on the market. It is an anhydrous transparent liquid containing a silicone polymer. The product is intended for diluting and fixing dry eyeshadows, blush, dry pigments, eyeliners and mascara.

Despite the fact that all means for diluting dried mascara are harmless, their interaction with components of cosmetics is unknown. Therefore, use the reconstituted mascara carefully. At the first sign of skin or eye irritation, use should be discontinued.

The composition of waterproof cosmetics is dominated by waxes, which cannot be dissolved with water. Most cosmetic manufacturers produce special thinners that are similar in composition to mascara and restore it perfectly. There are two ways you can try at home.

  1. Warming up in hot water. Dip a tightly closed tube in hot water for 2-3 minutes. Paraffin or wax, which is part of cosmetics, will be warmed up by the high temperature.
  2. Makeup remover. Specially formulated to remove stubborn brands of mascara without alcohol or oils in the formulation, will help dissolve the thick structure.


Poor quality cosmetics can be recognized by several signs.

  • Inhomogeneous composition
  • Bad smell
  • Imbalance on the skin
  • Changed consistency

Store mascara at room temperature, away from the hot sun or humid bathroom air. If mascara of a certain brand always dries up before the expiration date, this indicates poor product quality.

Do not dilute cosmetics with the following products

  • Hydrogen peroxide, which can burn eyes
  • Alcohol-containing substances, they strongly irritate the mucous membranes of the eyes
  • Vegetable oils, mascara sticks together and becomes unusable

Remember! It is better to use cheap but fresh cosmetics than expensive but expired ones. No one will use lost food or wear faded clothing. Cosmetics do not change their appearance after the expiration date. But it changes its composition, it ceases to be safe. Manufacturers care about their customers by specifying terms of use. All that remains is to take care of ourselves and use high-quality and safe cosmetics.