What parents should know about karate - says the champion. Choosing a sports section for a child: martial arts

Karate (karate) from Japanese karate-do or otherwise “the way of an empty hand” is one of the martial arts, a system of using defense and attack without weapons, only using strikes and blocks with hands and feet. Karate differs from other Japanese martial arts (for example: jiu-jitsu, judo), in karate the level of direct (full) contact is minimal, and to defeat the enemy, precise blows are used with the upper and lower limbs of the body, which are applied to the vital places of the enemy's body ( stomach, neck, eyes, etc.).

Today, karate is one of the most popular and effective martial arts, it is not uncommon to see athletes performing for the public and demonstrating inhuman strength. Professionals in this sport are able to break a large block of ice with their fist, turn a 20 cm thick pine wood beam into chips with a kick of their foot, break a pile of bricks or tiles with their heads.

History of "Karate"

This type of martial arts came to the land of the "Rising Sun" from the island of Okinawa, located approximately in the middle between Kyushu and Taiwan in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. There is an opinion that the civilian population of Okinawa waged a constant guerrilla war against the Japanese invaders and it was for this that they created the martial art, which we know as "Karate". The martial art on this island was practiced mainly among the descendants of settlers from China, and from them subsequently passed on to other inhabitants of the island. On the territory of our country, this sport became popular in the 20th century, when in the USSR the Sports Committee issued several decrees on the development of karate. The Russian Karate Federation was established in mid-2003. Soon, about 200 karate clubs appeared in the Russian Federation, in which more than 200 thousand people trained.

Now almost all international competitions are held in English. This language is most often used when holding meetings between representatives of different countries. Therefore, if a child decides to seriously go in for sports, it is worthwhile to study English. Following the link, you can go to a site where you will be offered to study a foreign language, regardless of the level of preparation, they even teach English for kids here.

Techniques and elements in Karate

  1. kihon - basic training or basic technique.
  2. kumite - training with a partner, it can be presented as a conditional duel or in the form of a free fight. Various sports competitions are held in free combat. In this case, the blows are only indicative (to show the advantage). Strikes can be applied with hands or feet to the head area or to the upper part of the belt. Sometimes the blows are actually applied and then the judges evaluate their severity. A three-point grading system is also used: ippon, nihon, sanbon. During the competition, participants are divided into different weight categories.
  3. cataformal exercises, (shadow boxing) fight with one or more imaginary opponents. Exercises are performed as a whole. The moves used can be offensive or defensive. Sports competitions in kata are held both in singles and in group categories (this type of karate can often be seen at the Olympic Games).

Karate for kids

Is it possible to teach karate to young children under the age of 7?

It is possible, but only in groups where there will be no more than 10 children. One of the reasons for this is that children perceive information much worse than an adult. Plus, the discipline of young athletes is also not always established, which of course prevents the coach from teaching children, so of course it will be easier to keep track of a small group of children involved, and in this case training will be much faster and more productive.

It must be taken into account that it is quite difficult (sometimes not possible) to get children to perform the same exercise many times, so the trainer must create a training program that the children will like, in other words: it will be varied. To enable children to consolidate the exercise, it is necessary to repeat it at least through training.

How hard is it to teach karate to kids?

Teaching children Karate is difficult, but perhaps you just need to skillfully educate the child in the ability to work hard and hard. It is also necessary not to allow stereotypedness in classes, and if this phenomenon is noticed, then it should be corrected as soon as possible. In general, it is always much more difficult to teach children, so it is very important to pay a lot of attention to a little athlete.

At what age is it best to send a child to a sport like karate?

The most optimal sports age for a child is 10-14 years. During this period, children have a good ability to learn, and there will still be a lot of time ahead to hone their skills and correct mistakes.

Are karate classes dangerous for children?

With the right approach to training and personal responsibility, any danger will be reduced to a minimum. It is necessary to make it clear to the child that it is impossible to indulge here and set him up for serious work.

Is it necessary to send a child to karate?

In general, it is desirable to send children to sports no matter what it is (provided that it is interesting for the child himself), this will fence him off from many problems in the upcoming adult life, because as a rule, athletes do not have bad habits, which is very useful in life, athletes much more disciplined. Karate classes will help a child to stand up for himself, for his honor and dignity, help protect relatives and friends and not let them offend in this sometimes very cruel world.

Considerable benefits and pleasure from playing sports can be obtained even at a young age, while karate classes, contrary to common stereotypes, do not interfere, but rather contribute to the mental activity of a person. Many karate masters lived a long life, as they believed, precisely because of their passion. Therefore, if you care about the physical health and mental development of your child, then karate classes are what you need.

Recently, among other sports, sections of martial arts, in which not only adults, but also children, are becoming more and more popular.

Karate classes for children, what is it? A tribute to fashion or a unique opportunity not only to ensure the physical development of the child, but to teach him basic self-defense skills?

Karate and its features

Everyone knows that karate is one of the most famous and widespread systems of Japanese self-defense. The main types of movements that form the basis of this fight are strikes that are delivered with the legs and arms. In parallel with this, the technique of throws and sharp attacks of the body is actively practiced, as well as the impact on the joints of the attacker with pain, which appears as a result of blows to specific points of the human body.

In addition to physical training and gaining self-defense skills, these classes require an intellectual background. After all, this type of wrestling is not only useful gymnastics, thanks to which your child will be in great shape, it is also a certain philosophy, way of thinking.

That is why karate classes for adults are different from training that is carried out with young children. After all, teachers of this type of martial arts who work with kids should be not only excellent karatekas, but also teachers and psychologists.

Karate for children, at what age to start classes?

In the homeland of this type of martial art, in Japan, karate training is part of the culture of educating the younger generation. Therefore, children aged 4-5 years engaged in this type of wrestling are not at all an exception there. Often, ten-year-old Japanese already have a certain dan (level, skill level) in karate.

In Russia, the situation is somewhat different. Since teaching martial arts to young children has not yet become a widespread tradition (as, for example, swimming or football), the number of sections that can boast of high-class professionals who know how and love to work with preschoolers is not so great.

The average age at which children start training is approaching 7-8 years. It is during this period that children's motivation to train and achieve success in the chosen sport becomes pronounced.

Features of teaching karate to children

It is very difficult for preschoolers aged 5-6 years to consciously control the movements of the feet and hands. In many children at this age, the limbs often live their own lives, so there is no point in starting karate classes until the kids learn to feel the peripheral muscles of the arms and legs, and subsequently control them in random order.

Teachers working in children's groups note that the most favorable period for starting classes is determined by the age range of 6-8 years, when children enter school. This is due to the fact that at this age they begin to feel like full members of the team, and understand what the teacher expects from them. If the initial stage of classes at the school coincides with the start of karate training, then the quality level of the training is significantly higher.

What do karate classes develop

Development of body and physical skills:

  • The physical data of the baby are improved and developed, the flexibility and mobility of his joints increase.
  • Coordination of movements is trained, special exercises help to correct deviations in the development of the musculoskeletal system
  • In karate classes, children learn proper breathing, master the skills of controlling their muscular apparatus, learn to relax and strain their muscles when necessary.

Mental development

This type of oriental wrestling contributes to the development of the ability to concentrate, which is an extremely useful and necessary skill for modern children. After all, it is often difficult for them to concentrate even on the lessons at school, performing the tasks of the teacher. In addition, training is excellent for improving children's memory, they teach you to avoid stereotypes in thinking.

We can say that in children engaged in this type of wrestling, both hemispheres of the brain develop harmoniously, thus ensuring the full formation of not only a figurative, but also an analytical, logical type of thinking.

Impact on personality

In the process of regular karate classes, an insecure and shy child becomes more confident in himself and his abilities, purposeful, possessing basic self-control skills.

Engaging in this type of wrestling for a long period of time is an excellent illustration for children, demonstrating how success can be achieved if approached consistently and conscientiously. As a result of regular training, the child is repeatedly convinced of the existence of a close connection between hard work and the result.

When can you talk about success?

If children study with pleasure and under the guidance of a professional teacher, then by the end of the first year of classes they can achieve success. However, serious qualitative shifts in mastering karate skills can be expected no earlier than 2.5-3 years after the start of classes.

Lecturer, child development center specialist
Druzhinina Elena

Program about karate classes for children:

Greetings to all lovers of a healthy lifestyle and sports!

If your child is hyperactive and he is bored with just general physical education, you can involve him in classes in the karate section. Today we will look at what karate lessons and classes for children give.

Karate classes in the section for children

Who does not know or has forgotten, I would like to remind you that KARATE or KARATE-DO from the Japanese phrase “the way of an empty hand” is one of the oldest martial arts in which defense and attack techniques are used without weapons. The difference from other martial types of wrestling lies in minimal contact with the enemy using precise blows to vital places of the body. Probably there is no middle-aged man in our country, like me who in the early 90s did not watch videos and did not go to gyms in schools in the evenings. As I remember now, my teacher (sensei) was San Sanych Durandin.

Well, now let's go directly to the topic of the article.

Any sport should be present in your child's life, so you can choose a section of any sport to your child's liking. You can find out how to choose a section for a child in this one. But if you want your boy or girl to direct their restless energy in the right direction, while the psychophysical training is at the highest level. Feel free to go and enroll your baby in the karate section. Martial arts will help not only develop your child's flexibility, stretching strength, but also memory, attentiveness. In karate sections, children learn discipline, unquestioning performance, overcome their own laziness and for some personal ambitions, get used to practicing in a team of different ages. And most importantly, karate lessons will allow children to stand for themselves and their loved ones, they will become physically stronger, and at the same time, spiritual education in such sections will teach children not to offend the weak and respect the elders.

At what age can children take karate classes

In our time, we were young teenagers and went to such sections on our own initiative on a wave of admiration for videos. Today we ourselves send our children to karate sections. The age of 10-14 years is considered the most optimal, at this age the child is already well developed the ability to learn and conscientiousness in obtaining the mastery of this sport and correcting mistakes in the learning process.

Today, children from the age of 5 are accepted in the karate section, if you want earlier, it is better to use individual lessons. Karate lessons are held in groups of no more than 15 people, and of different ages. Why exactly 15 people, because the teacher is the main person in hall (Japanese dojo hall), he must see each child and help him perform various exercises and hone his technique. In addition, the youngest and least experienced karatekas will watch the older guys and strive for them.

I would like to remind you that the teacher (coach) in the karate section is a sensei. He introduces your kid to the combat and spiritual world of karate and health. Pay attention to the achievements of the teacher. When talking, you can immediately understand how professional the future sensei of your child is. Yes, and the appearance in such sections speaks for itself. they gave their lives to this sport and really want to pass on their knowledge and skills to future athletes. Sensei teaches only what he can do, while demonstrating it by his own example. Sensei is a man of his word, a man with a strong character. He teaches children to be responsible for their actions, to keep their word, not to allow the acquired knowledge of martial art to harm others. You can turn to him with any question and he will come to the rescue. It is this relationship between teacher and student that exists in the classroom in the karate section for your child.

What do children learn in the classroom in the karate section

The main elements of lessons in karate are

  • Kihon- in translation means ki-energy, hon-basis. This is a form of training in which a technique is practiced without a real partner. Kihon learns the technique first on the spot, then in the process of moving using racks and combinations.
  • Kumite is training with a partner, this is a free fight, when the participants indicatively strike various parts of the body with kicks and hands in the head area or in the upper body. , sanbon).
  • Kata-formal exercises, the so-called shadow boxing. A block of exercises for classes in the section for children demonstrates a single whole movement. Kata can be attacking and defensive. In sports competitions, single performances and group performances are held.

Karate training for kids

Karate classes for children are held for 2 hours without interruption and consist of warm-up, stretching, technique and practice. Warm-up usually takes 40 minutes, where elements of general physical exercises, gymnastics are involved and at the same time a constant warm-up of the joints in the process of running. One of the most difficult parts of the training process in karate. But for children, this time passes easier than for adults, our children have enough energy. After warming up, stretching of the longitudinal muscles begins and takes 20 minutes. Then, for 40 minutes, the sensei explains and shows the new technique and checks the material previously learned by the children. Then, work in pairs takes place for 20 minutes, the so-called sparring with a partner. Once a month, classes in the applied form of martial arts-nunchaku are held in the children's karate sections, and this is interesting for children.

If you came to the section for the first time, they will usually conduct it for you for free, then there will already be a monthly payment. For the first few classes, it will be enough for your child to take a T-shirt and sports trousers and possibly Czechs, mostly classes are held barefoot. Then you will need to purchase a kimono , white color is usually welcome. For the first 2 years, purchase a 100% cotton kimono with a margin of 10-15 cm larger so that after several washes it sits down and fits your baby perfectly. Then you can buy a kimono made of corrugated material. Choose a belt in this way so that you can wrap the child around the waist twice, these are the rules in karate for equipment. For girls, a t-shirt is required. Kimono is worn on a naked body. , leg pads, bib and gloves.

The main point, try to stay outside the gym during the training and while waiting for the end, so as not to attract the attention of children to you, and let your child concentrate only on the teacher and the execution technique. To evaluate the results that your girl or boy received, certification exams are held every six months and competitions. Where you can enjoy the success of your child. The result in karate is marked by awards in the form of a belt.

The color of the belt determines what level a fighter has in the martial art hierarchy. Beginners wear a white belt, but it must also be earned. Colored belts indicate step-by-step kyu advancement. White-6 kyu, yellow 5 kyu, red -4 kyu, green - 3 kyu, blue -2 kyu, brown - 1 kyu. The black belt is the highest belt and speaks of the achievement of the highest art of its owner. In addition, the black belt is also divided into "dans" depending on the level of skill.

And finally, dear parents, I would like to remind you of the unspoken rules that have been observed by all admirers of karate for centuries and which are observed to this day. And you try to convey them to your baby in simple language. After all, karate is a serious sport.

Rules for karate classes that children must follow

  1. You must enter the hall in changeable shoes, which are already prepared near the edge of the tatami.
  2. At the entrance and exit from the hall, a ritual bow is performed, then a bow to the sensei.
  3. Before classes, you must remove all jewelry, this applies to girls.
  4. The kimono is worn on the naked body, except for the lower part of the body, the girls wear a T-shirt under the kimono jacket.
  5. All students sit in a row in front of the teacher, according to the received belts. The lesson began when everyone sat facing the sensei.
  6. During warm-ups and training, any conversations are excluded. All sensei commands are unquestioningly executed. During an individual explanation of the teacher, the student must bow to the teacher and say “os”.
  7. In the process of practicing karate, children should not chew or eat anything.
  8. It is allowed to leave the tatami during training only with the permission of the teacher, bowing is obligatory when addressing.
  9. If you are late for the start of classes, the latecomer must go to the teacher to bow, say “os” and, after permission, sits in the last row. Even if you have a higher belt.
  10. After finishing karate classes, be sure to express your gratitude to the tatami with a bow.

Karate is an oriental martial art that has been proving its effectiveness for a very long time.

Parents always wonder what classes to send their children to. The whole problem lies in the fact that at a young age it is still difficult for a child to make such a choice on his own.

Develops willpower and self-esteem

Martial arts is different for everyone. But if you have a boy, then he must be able to stand up for himself, starting from elementary school, since it is there that the first conflicts with peers occur.

Karate for children is an excellent teacher who will teach from a young age to respect elders, go ahead through any obstacles and be purposeful.

If you can still argue about girls, then the future hero must be given to contact sports.

Modern martial arts schools teach karate to children from the age of 4-5. Of course, karate training for children in such groups is not similar to the classes of older groups. It is more like a game than an applied combat sport.

What will be needed for classes?

So it is accepted that it is considered indecent to train in shorts or a T-shirt. In addition to the fact that karate for children becomes the best friend, it brings up respect for the people around them.

It transmits such a character trait to children through strict discipline, which should always be observed. One of the rules is training in special clothes - this is a kimono for karate. It will be interesting for children to wear it, especially because the jacket is always tied with a belt, which can be used to judge the level of knowledge and skills of a roommate.

Often it is belts that become a good way for children to express their abilities and ambitions. So karate for children becomes a kind of competition where everyone wants to have a more serious belt.

If you have a kimono, shoes (some train in Czech shoes or barefoot - it depends on the temperature of the hall and the type of coverage), then all that remains is to find money to pay for the work of the trainer, and also decide on the style of karate.

How to choose a karate style?

There are actually a lot of varieties of this martial art, and they all differ in some way. For example, in kyokushin (also called kyokushin karate) in competitions, you can’t hit your head with your hand. Is it good or bad? Someone may say that this is good, because the head is needed in order to think, and from blows a person only becomes dumber.

One can argue with this, but let’s say right away - it’s even less pleasant to miss a head than a hand. And karatekas know how to kick with such speed that you don’t have time to blink. While practicing the basic technique, the students still practice hitting the head.

If you want to completely protect the child from head injuries, then you can send him to the kudo section, where before the fights students are put on special

Undecided what to choose, judo or karate for a child, or maybe there are other options?

Do not spray, try to find out from your child where he likes best - take him to work out both there and there.

How to choose a coach?

This question is very important, since the benefit that the child will receive from classes directly depends on it.

It is impossible to say unequivocally which trainer is better - a young one or one that already has several decades of teaching experience.

A more experienced trainer is most likely needed by older fighters, whom he can teach new and effective fighting techniques. And the young just do a good job with young karatekas, as they can interest them in some new exercises, ideas that they can easily implement in a playful manner.

But then again, each coach has its own reputation, reviews of other parents. It is worth listening to them carefully, since you will entrust the education of your own child to this person.

Much depends on the qualification of the coach: the ability to find a common language with children, the ability to reach out or convey the idea to absolutely all students, educational skills, experience and confidence in words, the ability to maintain discipline in the group, and much more.

How can you protect your child from injury?

Of course, it will not work to completely protect the little man from bodily injury, no matter how much we would like to.

But you can avoid some of them if there is protection for karate for children. You can buy it in any store. Usually these are gloves for hands, pads for legs, a shell for the inguinal zone, a helmet.

If you want to send a girl to karate, then you still need to take care of bibs, because she obviously does not need breast diseases in adulthood.

Can I let my child compete?

Of course, but only with the permission of the karate coach. For beginners, this will be the very first way to test their strength and skills.

There is such a practice when the coach and parents force little karatekas to take part in competitions. This is extremely wrong and has a detrimental effect on the child's psyche.

If you do not want the child to be squeezed inside himself, then you should not force him to do something like that. He must decide for himself whether to enter the competitive tatami or not.

Of course, he will be very scared for the first time - at such a moment he will need support. Yes, and in other cases too. So do not miss such events and let's understand the child that you love him and worry about him.

What are the contraindications for karate classes for children?

Given the fact that karate is a martial art, not all children are suitable for such an active sport.

You should not give your child to the karate section if he has:

    there are obvious health problems;

    there is heart failure;

    too high or low pressure;

    visible backwardness in development, both physical and mental;

    there are chronic diseases that interfere with sports;

    there are mental disorders.

Most schools that teach, for example, kyokushin karate for children, require a certificate from a doctor stating that the child can be allowed to train and is allowed to exercise.

Why should a child do karate?

First of all, karate for children is an excellent system of psychophysical training and directs children's energy in the right direction: they do gymnastics, stretching, develop memory and attentiveness, learn unconditional obedience and discipline, overcome their own laziness and ambitions, adapt to different age groups. Children will be protected from the harmful influence of the street, idleness and lack of work, they will spend less time at the computer and communicate more with their peers. As a result, children will be able to stand up for themselves, become stronger, more disciplined, more self-confident, loyal to the weak and defeated. Karate is a good preparation for the kid to school. It's one thing to come to the first grade as a home boy, quite another - a student of a karate school, owning a good set of self-defense techniques.

At what age should a child start karate?

The teaching of karate for children is partially conducted in Japanese. In addition, the child must have the initial concepts of discipline, teamwork, patience and endurance. Therefore, it is considered that the child is ready to engage in a karate group from the age of 5. For children under the age of 5 who have a desire to learn karate, it is still better to attend individual classes.

Do I need a twine for classes in a children's karate group?

The style of Narayana karate differs from others, first of all, in the reverse technique, the complete and effective mastery of which requires the presence of a twine. That is why in karate for children great attention is paid to stretching according to the system of A.Ya. Yashkin, although there is no mandatory requirement for the presence of twine. However, it has been noticed that well-stretched students show a more effective, beautiful technique of kicks, they are less injured, they master basic kicks faster. Therefore, twine must be strived for!

Can the parents of the students attend the classes?

The doors to our hall are always open. We give parents the opportunity to see how and what their children are doing. However, it should be noted that children, as a rule, are distracted by their parents and run up to them. Some parents begin to give instructions to their child or feel sorry for him, which adversely affects the training process. To evaluate the results of classes, certification exams and competitions are held every six months, photo and video recording of classes and competitions are carried out, which can be viewed at any time in the relevant sections of our website.

Do you have hits to the head and other parts of the body in your style?

The Narayana style of karate is a contact form of karate, so hits to the head and other parts of the body are allowed. It is forbidden to use blows that cause obvious harm to health - to the back of the head, to the knee, to the groin. At the same time, the child always fights in full protection - a helmet with an iron mask, pads on the arms and legs, a protective vest. Full equipment is used for the safety of the health of the child, while allowing you to feel the strength and power of real strikes, and not sketchy techniques with a stop a few centimeters from the face. More than 20 years of experience of our Sensei Yashkin Alexei Yakovlevich with children allows us to avoid injury to children. In addition, all our gyms are equipped with special soft sheets for martial arts (tatami), which eliminates injuries during acrobatics and especially difficult elements of karate.

Who is Sensei?

Sensei is the teacher who introduces your child to the world of karate and health. Therefore, it is simply necessary to choose the right teacher. Classes with children in the Narayana Karate Federation are conducted by Sensei Yashkin Alexei Yakovlevich, black belt 4th dan (born in 1959). Sensei started teaching karate over 20 years ago. Unlike many modern teachers, our Sensei does not teach what he does not know how and does not know. Everything from splits to acrobatics, Sensei can and knows how to do himself. In addition, our Sensei does not just talk and tries to teach life, but by his own example proves the benefits of a healthy diet and ascetic habits. Sensei is an absolute vegetarian - he does not eat meat, fish, caviar, etc., does not drink alcohol even on holidays, as well as any tonic drinks - black tea, coffee, does not consume sugar, salt, cakes, sweets, cakes, does not smoke. He does not take pills and does not take medications. Sensei has a strong will, he is a man of his word, has a strong masculine character. With unquestioning obedience, children are not afraid of him, but they listen and respect him. Sensei talks to children without regard for age, teaches them to be responsible for their actions, keep their word, respect elders, not to use the knowledge gained about karate to the detriment of others. You can always turn to him for any question, and he will never refuse to help. It is this kind of relationship that is preferred between the Student and the Teacher.

What is the size of the group?

Usually a children's karate group for children consists of 15-20 students of different ages. Beginners and advanced students study together, which gives newcomers a role model in the face of older students, and older ones the experience of transferring their knowledge to beginners.

Beginner karateka

What do you need for the first lesson?

The first lesson of the Narayana Karate Federation in the children's karate group can be visited free of charge. It is not necessary to buy a kimono for this. It will be enough to take a tracksuit or a T-shirt with trousers and slippers to reach the hall. In the hall they train barefoot or in Czechs. In the future, it will be necessary to purchase a strictly white kimono (karategi). For recommendations on choosing a kimono, it is better to contact Sensei first. To practice kumite afterwards, it is desirable to have an individual helmet and closed boxing gloves.

Do I need a doctor's note to practice?

For classes in the children's group of the Narayan Karate Federation, a certificate is not required, since in our time of private clinics, paid certificates and a formal approach to such certificates in children's clinics, nothing can be learned from them about the real state of the child's health. It is better to immediately warn Sensei if the child has congenital or chronic diseases, so that he can correct the karate program on an individual basis.

What are kihon, kata and kumite taught in all schools of karate?

The main method of studying karate technique and developing the necessary motor skills is kihon(ki - energy, khon - basis). Kihon is a special form of training for learning and practicing techniques without a real partner. With the help of kihon, the technique is first studied on the spot, then with various types of movements, in various stances and combinations, in various directions and trajectories of movement. The technique of all levels is studied by the Kihon method. There are two types of kihon: "kihon A" - a list of certain movements performed in a certain sequence, and "kihon B" - practicing the learned elements of "kihon A" on the opponent. In Narayana karate, kihon "A" and "B" are mandatory components of the qualifying exams, starting from the white belt. Kata- these are combinations of techniques (mainly strikes and blocks in movement), in which the student performs each action as if it should hit an imaginary enemy. Kata is one of the most effective ways to practice techniques. Kata teach correct stances and movements, learn to correctly perceive the opponent's intentions and actions, and, finally, discipline kata. In Narayana karate, kata are taught from white to black belt and are required to pass the exam starting from white belt. For junior student belts, one kata is rented, for a blue belt (2 kyu) - 2 kata, for brown (1 kyu) - 5 kata, for black (1 dan) - 9 kata. The technique of higher karate karate Narayana for brown and black belts is closer to the style of Shotokan karate. In addition, starting with the yellow belt in the exam, you will need to come up with and explain 5 technical actions of your own kata. Kumite- this is a combat sport according to the rules, carried out under the strict control of the Sensei. All techniques that are dangerous for the participants in the duel are prohibited for use (strike to the groin, knee, throat, back of the head). In Narayana karate, kumite is held weekly, in full gear (protective helmet with iron mask, vest, shin pads, shell for men, closed boxing gloves). The presence of protection allows the opponent to strike at full contact, without stopping them a few centimeters from the opponent, avoiding light, ineffective strikes. All equipment is provided by the Narayan Karate Federation, but it's still better to have your own helmet and boxing gloves, since putting them on after 10 current fights is not a pleasant "pleasure". The goal of kumite in Narayana karate is to win. Hence the general principles of victory: no need to kick into the upper level if you have a bad stretch, just to show off in front of others; do not constantly jump around an opponent if you have insufficient stamina or shortness of breath; you don’t need to work with your hands if your hands are weak and bend from a strong blow. In kumite, you should use only your strengths! And let the victory be not so "beautiful" as that of karate professionals. The main thing is that you won, and the winners, as you know, are not judged. Kumite is taken in the exam, starting from the red belt (one fight lasting 3 minutes in full contact and in full force).

How should one behave in the hall (dojo)?

Entering a traditional martial arts dojo for the first time, a beginner usually feels uncomfortable due to unfamiliar bowing and various etiquette. However, each item of etiquette is, in its origin, related to personal safety and general well-being. Therefore, the implementation of these simple rules helps to maintain an atmosphere that is vital for the study of karate. At the same time, the implementation of etiquette should in no case be perceived as a humiliation of personal dignity or a manifestation of sectarianism. These are the centuries-old traditions of karate.

  • They enter the hall in interchangeable shoes, placed in a row along the edge of the tatami.
  • When entering and leaving the hall, a ritual bow is made, then a personal bow to Sensei and senior students (if you came earlier and they are already in the hall).
  • Kimonos are worn on the naked body, with the exception of underwear and T-shirts for girls. It is also necessary to remove socks, slippers and practice barefoot, as is customary in all dojos. When performing sweeps and some strikes, it is allowed to wear socks or shoes.
  • Watches, rings, chains, earrings and other jewelry that can harm you or your partner are removed during class.
  • The students sit in a row opposite the Sensei according to the received belts - from the oldest to the youngest. The class formally begins when everyone is seated facing Sensei.
  • During warm-ups and training, conversations are excluded. The commands of the Sensei, senior belts or the assigned senior student are not questioned and are carried out unquestioningly. After an individual explanation of the technique, the explainer is thanked with a bow and the words "Os".
  • During classes, it is forbidden to eat or chew anything.
  • Tatami is not left during the lesson without the permission of the teacher. If it is necessary to leave the tatami, the student approaches Sensei with a bow, communicates his request and, after permission to leave the hall, leaves.
  • If a student is late for class, he quickly approaches Sensei with a bow and greets him with the words “Os”, then sits down last in a row, regardless of the color of his belt and the belt of the student sitting last.
  • A ritual bow when leaving the tatami is an expression of gratitude and means goodbye until the next lesson.
  • If you're not sure what to do in a particular situation, ask a senior student or just follow their lead.

Organizational moments

What are the elements of a lesson?

A lesson in a children's karate group lasts 2 hours (without a break) and consists of four main blocks: warm-up, stretching, technique, practice. The warm-up is given 40 minutes, during which the students perform a number of general physical exercises, special exercises and gymnastics elements, combined with continuous running, a general warm-up of the joints. This is the most difficult part of training, but, oddly enough, it is easier for children than for adults. After all, the reserves of children's energy are simply inexhaustible! At the initial stages, it is allowed to stop and just walk in a circle. After the body is warmed up, the group proceeds to stretching the longitudinal muscles according to a certain system, which takes 20 minutes. The next 40 minutes, Sensei explains the new technique, checks the previously learned material. 20 minutes are allotted for work in pairs. Every month in the children's karate group for children, classes are held in the applied type of martial arts - nunchaku.

What is the style of the belt system?

The color of the belt determines the level of training of the karateka. Beginners wear white belts. Colored belts are successive steps ("kyu") to the black belt - the hallmark of a truly skilled fighter. In turn, black belts are also divided into various degrees ("dans"), depending on the skill level of the karateka. There are 6 levels of student skill in Narayana karate: junior student belts - white (6 kyu), yellow (5 kyu), red (4 kyu), green (3 kyu), blue (2 kyu); senior student belt: brown (1 kyu); master's degree: black belt (1 dan) and above.

How often are exams and what are they?

The Belt Examination is taken by a student who wishes to qualify for a belt, who has been accepted by Sensei and who has fully mastered the elements of the program for the skill level being passed. Examinations are held once every 6 months, after receiving the first dan - once every 3 years. Children's and adult groups take the exam together. All exam takers gather in the hall half an hour before the start of the exam to warm up on their own. Delivery begins with the fulfillment of physical standards (push-ups from the floor, press). Students who have successfully completed the standards for their belt are allowed to further pass the basic stances and kihon.
Basic stances and kihon are surrendered simultaneously by the whole group, the technique is shown up to their waist. The student who has completed the stances and kihon bows to Sensei and remains in place in heiko-dachi until the other dealers complete the technique. Passed stances and kihon are divided into groups in accordance with the surrendered belt and proceed to the surrender of the main program and kumite. The rest of the students prepare, repeat the program, clarify incomprehensible points with older students. The last exam is taken by senior belts. Those who successfully passed the exam are assigned a belt and a mark is made in the Budo passport indicating the qualifications received.
The assigned degree of mastery is valid without time limits, so a student who left classes for a long time and then decided to resume them begins to train with the belt for which he was qualified in the last exam he passed. Students who have a color belt in other styles of karate begin classes in the Narayan karate section with a white belt and take all belt exams again. Those who have been awarded a master's degree in other styles of karate (black belt 1 dan and above) continue their studies in Narayana karate with a black belt.

Do I need to retake exams as an adult?

Teaching karate to children is essentially not much different from karate to adults. Children learn the same stances, the same patterns of movements, the same kata, they pass the same kumite as adults. Exams for belts for children and adults are taken together. The level of complexity of the karate program for children is fully consistent with the adult program. In the Narayana Karate Federation, there are no special patches, chevrons or any other insignia on a child's belt or kimono, indicating that he received the belt in childhood. If the child has successfully passed the white, color or black belt exams, his level of knowledge fully meets the requirements for the adult Narayana Karate style exams. Even after a very long break, perhaps already as an adult, the student will come to class with the belt for which he was certified.