What not to do in the last month of pregnancy. The appearance of bleeding from the vagina. Is it possible to eat on the day of birth

From the first weeks of pregnancy, when a woman finds out that she is no longer alone and a future little man is growing in her, she begins to listen more carefully to the feelings and changes that are happening to her. Particular concern and anxiety in pregnant women cause discomfort in the lower abdomen and drawing pains. The abdomen can hurt and pull both in its earliest stages, and in the last weeks before the onset of childbirth. It is worth remembering that pulling pains in the lower abdomen can signal the development of pregnancy pathology, about spontaneous miscarriage or zemershey pregnancy, also about uterine hypertonicity, and pose a threat to the fetus. In what cases do you need to calm down and treat unpleasant sensations as a natural physiological process, and in what cases should you sound the alarm and consult a doctor?

Breast swelling, changes taste sensations, accompanied by nausea, hostility to certain odors, pulls the lower abdomen - the first clear signs of pregnancy. future mommy feels unwell, feels that he is pulling the lower abdomen as during menstruation, taking pain for premenstrual syndrome. The nature of pain for each woman is individual. Someone pain almost imperceptible, and for some, pain causes discomfort and becomes a cause for concern. If at the beginning of pregnancy a pregnant woman pulls her lower abdomen, you should not worry, it happens natural process associated with changing hormonal background. During this initial period, everything is restructured female body- He is preparing for the bearing of the unborn child.

Consider the physiological causes of pulling pain in early pregnancy:

  1. For many women, the first week long-awaited pregnancy accompanied by pain - pulling and aching lower abdomen. This is how the natural process of implantation occurs. gestational sac into the uterine mucosa, and before the fertilized egg is fixed in the uterine cavity, it “clears” a place for itself. This physiological process of pregnancy is accompanied by discomfort, pulls the lower abdomen, small and weak discharges appear, sometimes bloody. For many women, they are perceived as scanty menstruation, which began prematurely.
  2. Sipping the lower abdomen in the first month of bearing a baby may be the result of changes occurring in the uterus. The uterus begins to grow rapidly and shift slightly due to softening and stretching of the surrounding ligaments and tissues. The blood circulation in the uterus increases, which ensures the delivery of nutrition and oxygen to the embryo. In connection with hormonal changes and an increase in progesterone in the body, which is responsible for normal development the future baby and the course of pregnancy, women experience pulling pains in the lower back, lower abdomen, upper legs.

In what cases it is necessary to be alert and consult a gynecologist

If in the first or second month of pregnancy the lower abdomen is pulled, but the pain is not just pulling, but rather cramping, when the pain increases, intensifies, accompanied by the appearance of spotting, this condition of the pregnant woman may pose a threat to the unborn child. If the pain becomes obsessive and does not go away, even if the pregnant woman takes a horizontal position and takes an anesthetic pill (No-shpy), then it is not recommended to endure such pain - call a doctor. These can be warning signs of an ectopic pregnancy.

Why pulls the lower abdomen in the last stages of pregnancy

The last month of pregnancy is the most responsible and alarming for pregnant women, because childbirth can begin at any time. Therefore, expectant mothers should be especially careful and attentive to their feelings. Sipping in the abdomen is an integral symptom of the last weeks of gestation, when the body is intensively preparing for childbirth, there is an active production of progesterone. Under its action, all the smooth muscles of the female body relax, which is very important for stretching the fibers of the uterus, which is actively growing and stretching. But, along with the uterus, there is a relaxation of the digestive organs, because of which pregnant women feel heaviness in the abdomen, heartburn, belching and pulling pains.

In the last weeks before childbirth, the child changes its position with its head down, the abdomen drops and the pregnant woman feels a pulling pain both in the abdomen and in the lower back. The fetus grows rapidly and intensively, and, consequently, the size of the uterus increases, causing stretching of the uterine ligaments. The consequence of this process are pulling pains in the lower abdomen. Sometimes the pain comes on suddenly if the pregnant woman sneezes or coughs. A pregnant woman may feel that her abdominal muscles are being pulled, pain appears on the sides, which disappears if you change your position. If discomfort appears, it is better to lie down to rest, taking a horizontal position (preferably on your left side).

To alleviate the condition and relieve pulling pains, pregnant women benefit from light physical activity, special exercises, which are performed during yoga, aqua aerobics, swimming or Pilates. These activities also help general strengthening muscles and help to cope with childbirth more easily.

The last weeks of pregnancy, what to look for

At 36 weeks pregnant pregnant women may experience training contractions, as the body prepares for important event. The pain appears suddenly, pulls the lower abdomen, passes after a short period of time. No-shpa helps to cope with cramping pain. But, if the pain is sharp, cramping, it may be an alarming symptom detachment of the placenta. As a rule, placental abruption is accompanied by bleeding. The cause of placental abruption may be physical overexertion or a sharp increase in pressure. In this case, the pregnant woman urgently needs to be hospitalized. To save the baby, a caesarean section is performed.

If at 37 weeks pregnant the uterus is too active, pulls the lower abdomen and the pain is like contractions - this is a symptom of a harbinger premature birth they might start soon. Drawing pain is sometimes accompanied by convulsions with short constant contractions in the lower abdomen, this is due to the gradual opening of the cervix. In the presence of this symptom, as well as the appearance of spotting brownish discharge, immediately contact your gynecologist or call an ambulance. After the cervix opens, the waters will break and childbirth will occur, so it is necessary to stop this process as soon as possible, because the baby is still too early to be born.

At 38 weeks pregnant there is a gradual opening of the cervix, so it pulls the lower abdomen, there are discomfort, labor activity will begin very soon. Depending on the structure of the uterus and the hormonal background of the pregnant woman, pulling pains can continue for several hours or days before the onset of childbirth.

When do you need to urgently see a doctor?

Let's summarize the cases in which pregnant women need to urgently seek help:

  • If the pain does not decrease, but only increases even after taking No-shpa, you should call a doctor. Before his arrival, try to relax and unwind.
  • If it pulls the lower abdomen and lower back during pregnancy and this prevents you from Everyday life- visit a gynecologist.
  • The pain is localized in a certain place in the abdomen - you will need to undergo an urgent ultrasound.
  • If discharge appears, which can be either pale pinkish or brownish, accompanied by sipping in the lower abdomen, consult a doctor urgently to save the pregnancy.
  • If the lower abdomen is pulled in late pregnancy, severe nausea has appeared and vomiting has opened - urgently see a doctor.

Experienced gynecologists strongly recommend that expectant mothers, regardless of the gestational age, at the slightest suspicion of a special nature of pain, general malaise, spotting, seek advice from their gynecologist and report even small changes that occur to them. Assessing the situation by necessary examinations, the doctor will be able to recognize the pathology in time and save the pregnancy. In case your alarms turned out to be false, and in the body there are physiological processes, which are typical for a successful pregnancy, the doctor will dispel your fears, tell you how to improve your well-being and instill confidence that your pregnancy is normal and soon you will become the mother of a wonderful baby.

In the minds of most people, a woman last term pregnancy - a kind of clumsy madam with an immense belly-watermelon, one exit of which to the street already arouses admiration among housemates! However, the slowness and regularity of some "deeply pregnant" women with lice are compensated by the remarkable, frightening activity of others. If you feel a surge of strength and good mood - walk, sew, go to concerts and exhibitions. Do not limit yourself in entertainment and hobbies, this is only for the benefit. Let's be frank: everything is normal - and excessive energy, and similar. Excessive passivity. Hormones, you know, are naughty! And in most cases, you don’t have to day after day, and such different states harmoniously alternate. Today you iron your sliders with enthusiasm -overalls, literally lick the apartment (although, you must admit, doing this with a tummy is not very convenient) And in addition, in the evening you gather guests, surprising them incredibly delicious dish with an unpronounceable name ... And tomorrow lie all day, curled up, forgetting about exercises, a walk to freshly squeezed fruit juices. Yes, and in a sad mood! How to treat it? How to natural course development of your pregnancy. One of the experienced mothers of three children, with all sorts of different "violations", was very helped by such a move - to praise herself, her beloved, remembering that:

* NOT gained extra 30 kg during pregnancy;
* DID NOT exercise for just a couple of days. and many, by the way, do not get up from the couch for nine months at all;
* DID NOT go to the pool (options: to see a gynecologist, take tests, buy new vitamins for pregnant women) only today, but next week - for sure!

By the way, do not forget to warn relatives, including children, about possible surges and fluctuations in our desires, activity and mood. And be capricious on health! There is not long to be in a privileged position - use it while you can.

Hurry up, you can't be late!

Yes, that's right: we put a comma after the first word, because we are talking about choosing an obstetrician and a maternity hospital. If all the previous eight months you have been short of time, now is the time to resolve this issue. You can, of course, rely on Russian maybe and already with contractions go to the nearest district maternity hospital, comforting yourself with the hope that even in the most beautiful clinics “by agreement” there are slips ... But in this case risk is not a noble cause, because a successful start in life and the health of your child are at stake. What if you are not lucky, and there will be an immeasurable amount of difficulties in a "bad maternity hospital"? No, dear pregnant women, only a well-prepared impromptu is possible!

How to choose a maternity hospital and a doctor - so much has already been said about this that you just have to weigh all the pros and cons, evaluate your own preparation for childbirth and decide on the financial capabilities of the family. The main thing is that, in the case of a personal agreement, the doctor gives you a home and mobile phone, after all, childbirth does not always happen at a convenient time. And you want to count on the help of this particular person. If an agreement is signed paid services with a certain medical institution, then it is also desirable to indicate the last name and first name of the doctor you have chosen.

By the way, your own apartment can also become the “best chance” maternity hospital. But in this case, you probably already decided where and with whom to give birth, having worked out with your husband in special courses. Responsible, competent obstetricians who help with home natural childbirth, would never agree to come to an unprepared married couple who decided "suddenly" to give birth at home. Of course, there are exceptions: for example, your midwife is currently in other births at a given historical moment. But in this case, at the last lessons of the course, you should be introduced to those who can replace her. Although many experienced instructors - midwives say that at the same time, it is extremely rare for all women from the group to give birth at once. Newborns are smart and insightful children, they correctly decide to be born at the best moment. That is, exactly when parents can count on the help of their "personal" midwife.

You still have time

What else needs and can be done a month before the birth? We hope that with moral and psychological aspects preparation for childbirth, you have already successfully coped: your mood is excellent, you are talking with the baby, they have come up with a name for the baby, classical music listen, they threw out the TV ... Life is beautiful! Therefore, your main task now is to have time to prepare for childbirth, as far as possible from a physical point of view. If you still haven't been able to do this, full program(charger, breathing exercises, relaxation, balanced diet, courses for mothers. swimming pool, etc.), then in recent weeks, titanic efforts to cover everything “undone” are simply excluded. physical activity and power plan. But there's still a lot to be done!

Daily long walks not only cheer up, but also improve the functions of respiration and blood circulation, help to increase the muscle tone of the body.
Devote a few minutes a day while walking to breathing exercises:

1. Stopping the left nostril with your finger, inhale through the right nostril, then, holding the right, dry the air through the left. And so several times. Make sure you don't get dizzy;
2. take a deep breath through the nose, exhale through the mouth, so that the lips make the sound of a "train" (useful during contractions);
3. dog-like breathing (it will help when attempts begin): a deep breath through the nose or mouth, then a long exhalation with an open mouth, breathing often, often;
4. Take a deep breath in through your nose, while exhaling, sing lingering sounds for a long time (“ah-ah-ah”, “oh-oh-oh”, “oo-oo”) until the air runs out completely. Such breathing is very important during contractions - the diaphragm goes down and helps the baby move down.

* Comfortable cold and hot shower during the day (at least with a slight decrease in water temperature) will give vivacity, increase muscle tone, strengthen the immune system, veins and blood vessels.
* Give elasticity to the tissues of the perineum with a massage with almond, olive and other oils. At night, lubricate the area of ​​the perineum and the outer part of the vagina with gentle rubbing movements with any vegetable oil that does not cause you allergies.
* Practice tensing and relaxing your muscles several times a day pelvic floor that surround anus and vagina: tense them during inhalation and relax during exhalation while washing dishes, reading, etc. Such a simple exercise will replace the well-known Kegel exercise.
* Eliminate or minimize consumption meat products(we hope you stopped eating smoked sausage and canned food a long time ago), replacing animal meat with boiled and stewed fish, cheese, in extreme cases - turkey or chicken meat. Animal proteins unnecessarily "load" the vessels and make them less elastic.
* 2 weeks before childbirth, it does not hurt to drink a prophylactic course of bifidumbacterin (5 doses 2 times a day) and "clean" the birth canal with vaginal suppositories with the same bifidumbacterin. Perhaps your gynecologist will recommend other suppositories.
* Solve the problem by any means good sleep and rest in the last "pregnant" days: otherwise, you simply will not have the strength to adequately withstand the physical and spiritual stress of childbirth. So stock up on energy now!

Anxiety of the last days

Most of all pregnant women, regardless of the number of children they already have, are concerned about one thing: “I don’t have the same thing as everyone else.” But after all, there are the same pregnancies and childbirth. What questions can you worry about?

No colostrum in breast. And I so want to feed the baby myself! In some women, colostrum forms and is released from the breast after 6 months, in others it will begin to be released only after childbirth. You may not even notice this when you put your baby to your breast. But you have colostrum, that's for sure. Perhaps you are one of those mothers who, like others, safely breastfeed their babies. Colostrum is an invaluable product of nature, a few drops of it will protect your baby from infections, allergies and other misfortunes. Be sure to arrange with midwives that you put the baby to the breast for the first time during the first 30-40 minutes after birth.

The baby almost completely stopped spinning in the stomach. He is OK? Or like this: My baby before childbirth is spinning as much as ever! Indeed, the activity of the baby before childbirth decreases, it is already crowded in the tummy. But the intensification of "twisting-spinning" may be due to the temperament of the child, for sure, the babies have not been sitting in one place for the previous 5 months. And then, the birth is approaching, the child wants to be free ...

I don't feel if my stomach has dropped or not. But this should happen 2-4 weeks before the birth? Wrong due date? No one but the baby can know when natural childbirth will begin (options with emergency stimulation or caesarean section do not count). Until now, there is no single point of view on how the birth starts, why on this day and hour the child “gives the go-ahead”. Full-term and physiologically mature children are born in the interval from the 38th to the 42nd week of pregnancy. in several ways: by the day of the beginning of the last menstruation, by the first movement of the baby and by ultrasound readings.Sometimes - by lowering the abdomen down, which happens just 2-4 weeks before the expected birth.None of these "predictions" can be considered one hundred percent reliable . Perhaps the baby will want to sit in a cozy nest-tummy for a longer time or, conversely, go out early “in the light.” Only he decides!

A lowering of the fundus of the uterus (feeling that the abdomen has dropped) is usually clearly noticeable only in the first pregnancy. In other cases, you may not feel the decline of the uterus at all. Whether your stomach has dropped or not, you will understand by the following signs: it will become much easier to breathe and sit on a chair, disappear severe heartburn, if there was one. There are also negative points- the uterus with the baby is now low, the stomach protrudes quite strongly forward, which means that the center of gravity of the body is shifting. This may affect your balance. Be careful!

Sometimes there are periodic pain in the perineum and pelvis. The most unpleasant thing is the pressure of the grown uterus on bladder, you will now have to visit the toilet at least once every hour and a half.

My mucosal plug has come off, but the birth still does not start ... The plug can go away both a few hours before the birth, and 1-2 weeks before them. With the departure of amniotic fluid, the same story: it rarely happens that at the very beginning of childbirth, a large number of water and the baby finds himself in a "waterless space". More often the amount amniotic fluid in childbirth is slightly restored, and the gap amniotic sac can occur only before attempts or during them. Pay attention to the color of the amniotic fluid, if you suddenly see them: when they are yellowish-green, medical help is needed.

Olga, who is preparing to become a mother for the third time, recalls: “When I was pregnant for the first time, it was this ill-fated cork that became the beginning of medical, that is, induced childbirth. The cork went away, and there was no labor activity even after a few hours. After a series of events that ended with the opening of the fetal bladder and the outpouring of all the amniotic fluid, I was stimulated for 14 hours by this very tribal activity. Not very fun for a first birth. But the second time the mucus plug went away ten days before the expected birth, I was ready for this and did not worry. But the waters broke just before the attempts - 10 minutes after that, my baby was born. "By the way, you may not notice the cork at all!

Well, you must have memorized the symptoms of real and imaginary harbingers of childbirth. We can only say one thing: when the birth begins for real, you will not confuse them with anything! And in a matter of hours your pregnancy will end - the state is not always easy, but still unusual, impossibly joyful and a little magical. After all, you gave life to a new person ...

Only a few weeks left before the due date. The expectant mother is worried about a lot of questions: when will the contractions begin, how to deal with swelling, what dowry to buy for the baby? However, one of the most important issues at 9 months of pregnancy - compliance special diet before giving birth.

Diet before childbirth helps to get rid of edema

Even if you are one of those lucky ones whose weight increases slowly and smoothly, model shoes do not pinch even at the end. have a hard day, and the skin is as elastic as it was before pregnancy, it doesn’t interfere with insurance. If there is swelling during pregnancy and your doctor keeps trying to find protein in your urine, it's time to switch to a decongestant diet.

Healthy: drink non-carbonated low-mineralized water (up to 1.5 liters per day), cranberry and lingonberry fruit drinks, eat cereals with water and low-fat milk, stewed or boiled vegetables and meat, boiled eggs, fresh fruits.

It is forbidden: fatty, fried, spicy, salty. Sauerkraut, dried fish, salty croutons and nuts, pickled cucumbers, hot sauces, smoked brisket and other joys will wait until better times. Like strong tea and coffee.

Carefully: all kinds of diuretics. Be sure to consult your doctor before drinking them. With uncontrolled use, “healthy herbs” can reduce the amount of fluid in the body, which will lead to an increase in blood pressure.

The diet before childbirth saturates the body with calcium, so necessary for mom and baby

On the one hand, this element is necessary for both the baby and the expectant mother. The fetus is actively developing nervous system, skeleton, internal organs, eyes, the rudiments of teeth, and for everything to go well, the child must receive through the umbilical cord enough calcium: after all, it is necessary for the development of absolutely all of its tissues. If there is a lack of calcium in the diet of a pregnant woman, the fetus will involuntarily "pull" it from the mother's tissues.

On the other hand, many doctors recommend just at the ninth month of pregnancy to limit the intake of calcium-rich foods in order to prevent premature closure of the fontanel in the fetus and, accordingly, minimize the likelihood of birth trauma.

How to be? Listen to yourself: our body is very smart.

Healthy: Eat dairy products, lean boiled meats, almonds, and green leafy vegetables if you really crave them. If you don't want to, don't force yourself.

It is forbidden: self-prescribe calcium supplements. Usually it is their unreasonable use that leads to an excess of this element in the body of a pregnant woman.

Carefully: coffee, tea and some types sweet soda disrupt calcium metabolism in the body; don't abuse them.

Diet before childbirth relieves pregnant women of heartburn

The child grows, the multiply enlarged uterus presses on the stomach and diaphragm. The body begins to produce hormones that relax smooth muscles. Hence such an attack as heartburn in pregnant women; it happens in 90% of expectant mothers. Sometimes, in order to cope with it, it is enough to establish a diet - eat little and fractionally every 3.5 hours, not more often. But sometimes it is necessary to make changes in the diet.

Healthy: after eating, drink a glass of milk or a third of a glass of alkaline mineral water without gas, eat grated carrots without sugar, take a tablespoon of freshly squeezed potato juice, drink linseed infusion during the day.

It is forbidden: eat smoked meats, pickles, fast food, and also arrange dinners too late.

Carefully: sour fruits and berries, as well as juices from them, canned food, sweets and yeast baked goods. Honey helps many with heartburn, but it is also a potential allergen. And don't swallow baking soda or antacids without your doctor's advice.

Diet before childbirth normalizes bowel activity

Abdominal pain, flatulence, constant fatigue- these are the unpleasant consequences of constipation. Alas, in late pregnancy they become commonplace for many: the growing uterus puts pressure on the rectum, progesterone not only relaxes the muscles of the uterus, but also prevents normal intestinal motility. Pay attention to constipation: neither the processes of decay in the body, nor the need for a pregnant woman to push hard.

Healthy: eat soup at least once a day, lean on kefir and vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, cereals (except semolina), whole grain bread, bran; season salads with unrefined vegetable oil.

It is forbidden: eat dry food, eat too fatty meat dishes and soups with strong broths, take strong laxatives.

Carefully: limit pastries made from white flour.

So that childbirth goes like clockwork

Every woman wants the childbirth to be as safe as possible. From this point of view, it is very useful to eat unrefined and uncooked foods. vegetable oils- sunflower, olive, linseed. The fatty acids contained in them are involved in the production of the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for labor activity. Oily sea fish is no less useful.

Can I eat on the day of delivery?

There is an opinion that after the start of contractions, nothing can be eaten. This is not entirely true. Yes, if, as they say, a piece does not fit in your throat, you should not force yourself. However, if the contractions are still irregular, between them you feel like a strong, vigorous woman with a good appetite, be sure to have a snack. The feeling of hunger increases the concentration of adrenaline in the blood, which in turn inhibits the production of oxytocin and interferes with the development of normal labor activity.

Healthy: drink dried fruit compote, weak sweet tea with lemon, a little vegetable or low-fat meat broth, a glass of kefir, eat a couple of crackers, a baked apple, a banana.

It is forbidden: eat to satiety, eat and drink during violent contractions.

Carefully: it is better to push heavy, long-digesting food aside: leave the roast and meat pies to your husband.

Don't over-liquid

It is true that a nursing mother needs to drink quite a lot of liquid. But you need to increase its amount gradually. Otherwise, too much milk may come, and the baby, who is nothing at all, will not be able to suck everything out. Stagnation of milk is an unpleasant phenomenon, so be moderate.

Advice! IN last days before childbirth, do not let the intestines be lazy, vegetables, cereals, kefir will help to establish its regular work.

What should be the diet of a nursing mother?

What the baby will eat shortly after birth is clear: mother's milk. What to eat to restore strength and provide a newborn with the best nutrition in the world?

Healthy: sparse and undersalted porridge on the water, stewed or boiled vegetables, vegetable soups, chamomile or rosehip broth.

It is forbidden: yeast pastries, grapes, white and Brussels sprouts, legumes - all this is prohibited for the first time after childbirth: such products can cause increased gas formation in the baby. Fatty, spicy, canned, very sour and too odorous (garlic and onions, for example) are also not for you yet. Not suitable for recently given birth and boiled eggs. Foods that are potential allergens (citrus fruits, honey, all brightly colored fruits, whole cow's milk, seafood, chocolate, mushrooms), you will try later and little by little.

Carefully: boiled meat and fish, cheeses and dairy products, dried fruits and nuts enter into the diet for 2-3 days after childbirth.


Finally, the almost year-long waiting for a miracle is coming to an end. Very soon you will become a mother. Only a month left. But it is the last weeks before childbirth that are most difficult for a woman.

It seems that there is absolutely nothing to do, it remains only to wait, languishing with boredom and impatience. And in vain. In fact, you have a lot of worries! To begin with, let's figure out what is happening now inside your body. By the end of the eighth month, the formation of the fetus is almost complete. The heart acquires an almost final shape, the blood circulation of the liver is improved, it becomes passable digestive tract and the intestines begin to work. The respiratory organs are fully formed. By the beginning of the ninth month, the growth of the fetus reaches about 45 cm, and the weight is about 2.5 kg. It is not surprising that it occupies almost the entire space of the uterus and pushes not so chaotically. But the pressure on your mother's bladder increases - hence your endless desire to take a walk to the toilet. Don't worry, this is quite normal and everything will be back to normal with the birth of a child.

The body of the expectant mother is preparing with might and main for the upcoming birth: colostrum is produced in the mammary glands, sometimes so actively that the bra gets wet. To avoid irritation, wear cotton underwear, and special pads can be inserted into the bra cups. The fetus is also preparing for birth and by the ninth month it occupies the “correct” position - on the left side with the head down. True, it happens that he turns over and lies with his buttocks down or across the uterus. Here, in order to notice changes in time, you need to go to women's consultation. In addition, regular testing and check-ups are necessary to make sure: pregnancy is coming without complications and the mother is ready for childbirth.

Our advice - get busy breathing exercises. Firstly, the ability to breathe properly will help during childbirth. Secondly, these exercises will relieve tension and help you calm down. Sit in comfortable posture, relax. One hand lies on the stomach, the other on the chest. First, take a short breath in through your nose and a long breath out through your mouth. Then a deep breath in through the nose and again a long exhalation through the mouth. At correct execution of this exercise, the hand lying on the stomach will remain motionless, and the hand lying on the chest will rise and fall with the diaphragm.

Perhaps the most a big problem in the last month of pregnancy, it is that time drags on unbearably slowly and expectant mothers do not know what to do with themselves. On the one hand, all the usual household chores have long been redone, on the other hand, everything is difficult in your current state. I don’t feel like going to the clinic once again, not like going to the store or for a walk. And here lies future mom on the couch, counting the minutes… Of course, rest is very good. Firstly, in the ninth month of pregnancy, rest is really necessary, and secondly, you need to gain strength: they will still be needed during childbirth and after the baby is born. And yet, be sure to alternate rest on the couch with walks on fresh air, best of all among coniferous trees - both you and your child need oxygen so much!

Don't rush to storm the bus to drive a couple of stops to the clinic - when walking, blood circulation improves, the heart strengthens. But setting speed records is not at all necessary - take a leisurely walk through the park, at the same time look at the routes along which you will be walking with a stroller in a month, dream. Thus, you will not only "kill" time, but also get a charge of vivacity, a surge of strength and good mood. But emotional condition for expectant mothers is no less important than the physical. Therefore, give yourself pleasure and look at the nearest children's stores. Perhaps, throughout your pregnancy, you did not dare to make some kind of global purchases - as you can see, children are not purchased in advance. But now, at the finish line, you can finally relax and afford to buy both the jumpsuit you like and the stroller. Moreover, do not put off these purchases - after the birth of the baby, it will not be easy to find time for shopping.

Now is the time to collect a dowry for the newborn, which the husband will bring to the maternity hospital for discharge. Wash and iron all undershirts and put them in a bag. Be sure to attach a note for your husband at the top so that he knows what to do with these things. Do not rely on his ingenuity - with joy, newly-made dads often forget everything in the world! Therefore, just as thoughtfully collect the knots for yourself. You will take one bag to the hospital before childbirth, the second - with things that you will change into when you are discharged - will be brought to you by your husband. It's time to prepare the nursery, put the crib, stock up on bedding, blankets, pacifiers. Check if you have enough. And is it done? Then see your friends - there will definitely not be time for this in the first months. But now, in a pleasant company, you can take a walk and go to a store or clinic.

Our advice: on the eve of childbirth, you want to know literally everything about them, and your friends who gave birth readily stuff you with the most different stories. Protect yourself from negative emotions- Everything will be ok! It’s better to watch simple, kind films in which the heroines give birth and raise children, and everything works out for them the most. in the best way. There are many such plots in the old Soviet cinema. And instead medical encyclopedia read love story co happy ending. What not to do in the last month long trips. Even if your pregnancy is going wonderfully, you don’t have to go to visit relatives from other cities in the last month. Childbirth is just around the corner, any excitement or stress can provoke their onset. You don't want to give birth in a foreign city, do you?

Don't overload yourself. Looking at children's things in the store and going to the supermarket for groceries for the week ahead are far from the same thing. And if the first will bring only pleasure and benefit, then the second will not only take away strength, but can also be harmful to health. Take care of yourself! Do not stay in one position for a long time. Lying on the couch all day is no less harmful than standing or sitting or walking for a long time. Alternate positions of the body so that the blood does not stagnate. When sitting, stretch your legs to a horizontal position if possible - after all, they are now under increased stress, so give them the opportunity to rest. Refrain from physical love. Even if the pregnancy proceeds without complications, doctors urge to give up intimacy a month before the birth. The hormone oxytocin, which is produced during sexual arousal, stimulates uterine contractions and may cause preterm labor.