What decorates a woman quotes. The biggest mystery. Aphorisms, quotes and sayings about women

  • Women are usually not out of malice, but by nature they hate those whom their husbands love. Thomas More
  • Women's intuition is the result of millions of years of not thinking. Rupert Hughes.
  • A pretty face is a silent recommendation. Bacon F.
  • A woman's dream is to be a woman of dreams. - E. Sevrus
  • A woman is the most powerful being in the world, and it depends on her to direct a man to where the Lord wants to lead him. Heinrich Ibsen
  • All women are charming, and the love of men gives them beauty. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin - Quotes about women.
  • Feminine instinct is worth the sagacity of great men O. de Balzac
  • The fault of any woman is the fault of a man. Herder I.
  • Woman is sacred; the woman you love is doubly sacred. Alexandre Dumas - father
  • A woman is both an apple and a snake. Heinrich Heine
  • A divinely beautiful woman often has a devilish character. E. Sevrus
  • A woman will always sacrifice herself if you present her with a suitable opportunity for this. This is her favorite way to please herself Somerset Maugham
  • An intelligent woman is one in whose society you can behave as stupid as you like. Paul Valerie
  • If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen. Oscar Wilde
  • The female sex is another part of our human race: however, due to its weakness, it was born more secretive and crafty. Plato.
  • The guesses of women are much more accurate than the certainties of men. Rudyard Kipling.
  • Beauty is also a virtue; a beautiful woman cannot have faults. Schiller F.
  • A man can give everything to his faithful friend - everything, just not the woman he loves. Heinrich Ibsen
  • Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her midday without joy. Pierre Bouast
  • A woman has all her heart, even her head Jean Paul
  • Many women come to the performances only to turn into the spectacle themselves. Ovid.
  • Intuition is what replaces common sense for a woman. English wisdom.
  • The woman everyone thinks is cold has simply not yet met a person who would awaken love in her. La Bruyere F
  • A loving woman's heart is always full of hope; to kill them, you need more than one blow with a dagger, she loves to the last drop of blood. Honore de Balzac
  • Grumpy women understand life as a boxing match. They fight with their chest, backside and always make false lunges.
  • Women treat those who love them with disdain and love those who neglect them. M. Cervantes.
  • A woman has only one opportunity to be beautiful, but there are a hundred thousand opportunities to be attractive. Montesquieu
  • The outfit is a preface to a woman, and sometimes the whole book. Shamphor
  • A woman inspires a man to great accomplishments, the implementation of which then makes it difficult for him. Alexandre Dumas - son
  • A woman must manage to look so wise that her accidental stupidity turns out to be a real gift for a man. Karl Kraus.

The love of a woman should be more feared than the hatred of a man. This is a poison, all the more dangerous because it is pleasant.


Many women come to the performances only to turn into the spectacle themselves.


There are no women who, going to the theater, would not hope that they themselves will also be a little bit of the subject of the show.

"A. Carr "

There are thousands of tricks to get women to talk, but there isn't one to silence them.

"G. Boucher "

Women have no second love; their nature is too tender to be able to bear this terrible shock of the senses twice.

"G. Heine "

An ordinary woman has as much intelligence as a chicken, and an extraordinary woman has as much as two.


Smart women love it when stupid things are done for them, especially dear ones. Only for the most part at the same time they love not the one who does stupid things, but the other.

"AND. Goncharov "

I looked for wisdom and found that a woman whose heart is like a trap and her hands are like nets is more terrible than death.


The woman whom the gods endowed with the beauty of the soul, combined with the beauty of the body, is both a reality and a mystery. Its truth is open to those who look at it with the eyes of purity and love, but is hidden in a fog of confused confusion from those eager to describe it in words.

“D. Gibran "

The woman everyone thinks is cold has simply not yet met a person who can awaken love in her.

“J. La Bruyere "

Women surrender to God when the devil no longer wants to deal with them.

"WITH. Arnu "

Women demand the biggest and the smallest; they demand love and also kindness towards them - in the form of a million for petty expenses.

"TO. Berne "

Women at home are crows, in society - peacocks, alone with a friend of the heart - doves.

"TO. Weber "

God makes a woman beautiful, and the devil makes pretty.

"V. Hugo "

Even the severity of a beloved woman is full of endless charm, which we do not find in our happiest moments in other women.


If God had appointed a woman to be the mistress of a man, he would have created her from the head; if he had been a slave, he would have created from the leg; but since he appointed her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created her from a rib.

"Aurelius Augustine"

There are women in whose character self-esteem dominates to such a strong degree that they confiscate any praise, no matter who it is said, in their favor.

"G. Fielding "

There are many women who scream at the sight of a mouse or a rat, but are capable of poisoning their husband or, even worse, driving him to the point that he himself is poisoned.

"G. Fielding "

A woman would be in despair if nature created her the way her fashion does.

"NS. Bourget "

A woman can sometimes confess her sins, but I have not known a single woman who would confess her weaknesses.

Beautiful short quotes of great women. Phrases, sayings and aphorisms from Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Coco Chanel, Sophia Loren, Angelina Jolie, Madonna, Maya Plisetskaya, Margaret Thatcher, Mother Teresa and Indira Gandhi.

Each of these representatives of the fair sex was able to achieve success in their business, become a symbol for generations and an example to follow.

They proved that the female sex is in vain called weak.

Absolutely any woman can become strong, successful and famous by choosing her own path for this.

A great woman always knows what she wants from life and does everything to achieve her goal. Self-confidence, the ability to correctly prioritize, hard work, dedication and feminine charm - these are the rules that will help you on your way to heights.

Quotes, sayings and sayings from 10 great women

Marilyn Monroe

Always believe in yourself, because if you don’t believe, then who else will believe?

A career is a wonderful thing, but it can't keep anyone warm on a cold night.

Only a man humiliated by fate can offend a woman.

I agree to live in a world ruled by men, as long as I can be a woman in this world.

Better to be alone than unhappy with someone.

Marlene Dietrich

A true woman is not worried, but worried.

It's important to know your Achilles' heel and not let others touch it.

Every man is more interested in a woman who is interested in him than in a woman who has beautiful legs.

It's so easy to be kind. You just need to imagine yourself in the place of another person before you start judging him.

Happiness always comes to the diligent.

Coco Chanel

Restraining yourself when it hurts, and not making scenes when it hurts - that's what the ideal woman is.

Self-care should start with the heart, otherwise no cosmetics will help.

Women want to change. They are wrong. Happiness is in constancy and in not cheating on yourself.

If a woman is cheating, there is no need to look for reasonable reasons here: the whole point is not in reason, but in feelings.

The paradox is that the more stupid and mediocre a man is, the more claims he has against a woman.

Sophia Loren

If a girl is incredibly good in her youth, but is absent-minded and does not bring anything to the end, beauty will quickly go away. If she has very modest external data, but a strong character, the charm will increase over the years.

A woman who is firmly confident in her beauty will eventually be able to convince everyone else of her.

A woman is the image, style and standard of life of a man.

It is believed that facial imperfections need to be hidden. But what are the disadvantages? Very often, unusual features are best emphasized rather than hidden.

There is a source of youth: it is your mind, your talent, the creativity that you bring into your life and the lives of your loved ones. When you learn to drink from this source, you will truly beat age.

Angelina Jolie

When you do something for others from the bottom of your heart, without expecting gratitude, someone writes it down in the book of destinies and sends happiness that you never dreamed of.

Without pain there would be no suffering, without suffering we would never learn from our mistakes. Pain and suffering are the keys that open all doors on the path of life.

If you ask people what they have always wanted to do, it turns out that most of them never did what they wanted. It just breaks my heart.

People say that you are on the wrong path when it is your own path.

Crazy love passes quickly, the love of two crazy - never!


Physical beauty is beautiful but ephemeral. The self-confidence that comes with achieving your goals is the most beautiful thing in the world.

I am my own experiment, and my own masterpiece.

My fear of something usually means I have to do it.

My biggest flaw is insecurity. I know that no one will ever believe this. I am terribly afraid all the time. Uncertainty pursues me around the clock, seven days a week.

The biggest mistake we make in our life is believing in what other people say about us.

Maya Plisetskaya

I'm not sure that the highest manifestation of mind is kindness. Good people are also full of fools.

All my life I love new things, all my life I look into the future, I am always interested in this!

People are not divided into classes, races, state systems. People are divided into good and bad. The only way. Good are always an exception, a gift from Heaven.

There is no escape from wrinkles ... But a young old man or an old woman is funny ... You know, there is an old garden and a new garden. But whether he is well-groomed or not is a completely different matter. It's the same with a person's face: you can always see whether it is well-groomed or neglected.

I will give you advice, future generations. Listen to me. Do not humble yourself, do not humble yourself to the very brink. Even then - fight, shoot back, blow the trumpets, beat the drums ... Fight until the last moment ... My victories rested only on that. Character is destiny.

Margaret Thatcher

The house should be the center, but not the border of the woman's world.

Defeat? I do not understand the meaning of this word.

You need to study your enemy well, then one day you can turn him into a friend.

It is not at all necessary to agree with the interlocutor in order to find a common language with him.

When a woman shows character, they say “bitch” about her. When a man shows character, they say about him "a great guy."

Mother Teresa

The more love, wisdom, beauty, kindness you discover in yourself, the more you will notice them in the world around you.

It is easy to love those who are far away, but it is not so easy to love those who are close to you.

When you judge people, you don't have time to love them.

Love, and let love be as natural to you as breathing. Don't ask for anything. Don't expect anything. If something comes to you, be grateful. If nothing comes, then this does not need to come.

I will never join the movement against the war. Call me when the peace movement appears.

Indira Gandhi

There is no path to freedom, because freedom is the path.

The true path of life is the path of Truth, Nonviolence and Love.

Experience has taught me that if people do something against you, it will ultimately benefit you.

I am like a bird in too small a cage - wherever I go, my wings beat against the rods ...

You cannot shake a hand clenched into a fist.

The Russian classic also spoke about the huge potential of a woman among others, admiring the fact that a representative of the fair sex can stop a galloping horse and enter a burning hut. Why should she do this - this is, as they say, the tenth thing. But the fact that the beautiful half of humanity is ready to do great things, in no way inferior, and sometimes even ahead of men, quotes from great women, we hope, have proved to you.

  • If the woman is silent, it is better not to interrupt her.
  • Ancient wisdom says, "What a woman wants, God wants." - So, God wants flowers, French perfume and marriage.
  • It is absurd to say that women have no logic: We do not deny the presence of atoms, just because we have never seen them.
  • It’s bad without women and bad with women ... But on the other hand, it’s good with women, and it’s also good without them!
  • On one issue, men and women certainly agree with each other: both do not trust women.
  • Choosing a bride is stupid! The main thing is to choose a mother-in-law!
  • What is it - both of my guys are cheating on me?
  • The girl is a bullet with a displaced center of gravity: it hits the eye, passes through the heart, hits in the pocket and comes out sideways.
  • - Honey, look, I parked the car not too far from the curb? - From the right or from the left?
  • If you want to marry smart, beautiful and rich, you have to marry three times.
  • If a woman doesn't give up, she wins. If he surrenders, dictates conditions to the winner.
  • If a woman asks for something, she must be given it. Otherwise, she will take it herself.
  • If I jump into the water, will you save me, darling? - If I say yes, will you jump, love?
  • There are two ways to command women. But nobody knows them.
  • Getting married is not a lottery. In the lottery, you still have a chance.
  • A woman is a mirror in which a man tries to see himself. This latter, running from one mirror to another, with a tenacity worthy of a better application, seeks out the one in which it would be reflected in the most attractive way for itself. ... And truly unhappy are those representatives of the weaker sex, in the reflection of which a man sees himself as he really is.
  • A woman is a weak, defenseless creature from which it is impossible to escape.
  • A woman can be mysterious, a man can only be misunderstood ...
  • A woman never lies - she simply does not remember what she said a minute ago.
  • A woman does not know how to hammer in a nail, but she knows exactly where.
  • The woman is invincible in the ability to surrender
  • A woman takes offense at a man in two cases: when he wants only one thing from her, and when he does not need anything from her.
  • Women underestimate everything: age, weight, shoe size and the number of men they owned. And men exaggerate everything, including the fact that women underestimate.
  • Women dye their hair, face, undergo plastic surgery and silicone breasts - and then they say that there are no real men!
  • Women certainly know how to keep a secret ... but together.
  • Women, for the most part, love to listen to the truth, no matter how flattering it is.
  • The age-old question of women: what would it be to eat in order to lose weight?
  • Intuition is an amazing instinct that tells a woman that she is right, whether she is right or not.
  • Every man is waiting for a woman somewhere, but no one knows where, so not everyone manages to avoid this meeting.
  • A beautiful woman pleases a man's gaze, an ugly woman pleases a woman's.
  • The best woman is the one who makes you forget about the ideal.
  • Love helps to kill time; time helps kill love.
  • The man chases the woman until she catches him.
  • A real woman has to cut down a tree, destroy a house and raise a daughter.
  • Our women spend much more on cosmetics than the country on armaments. This is understandable: they also win victories more often.
  • Do not try to understand a woman, otherwise, God forbid, you will understand!
  • It's not true that married people live longer. It seems so to them.
  • Legs allow a man to walk, and a woman also to advance.
  • She was the girl of my dreams ... Until I recognized my girlfriend's dream.
  • She was a rare bitch. Although I may be wrong. In the adjective ...
  • Attractive women are distracting.
  • Tell me, women can be trusted? - Can. Let them believe.
  • Rushing a woman is like trying to speed up the boot of your computer. The program still has to do all the obviously necessary things and much more that always remains hidden from our understanding.
  • She had eyes like dominoes "empty-empty" ...
  • If he killed a woman, he saved a beaver ... and a mink ... and a sable ... and a crocodile ....
  • Would you like to admire Mona Lisa's enigmatic smile without visiting the Louvre? Ask your wife where she is doing your salary ...
  • Man came from a monkey, and woman from a bird or a fish.
  • In order not to feel like an idiot, never consult a woman about anything. They simply overwhelm with their competence in any matter.
  • I love you! I will love you both in sorrow and in joy until the very wedding!

  • Quotes about women that show what the world really thinks about them ...

    "Being a woman is very difficult, mainly because they have to deal with men all the time." Joseph Conrad, writer

    "A woman must, in spite of everything, live her life as she wants, or she will have to admit that she did not live at all." David Lawrence, writer

    "A woman who knows how to feel passion does not need cosmetics." Yves Saint Laurent

    "The problem with some women is that at first they get very aroused about nothing, and then they marry nothing." Cher, singer

    "A woman becomes a full-fledged person only when someone loves her." Alexandre Dumas, writer

    “A woman cannot be defeated. If you don’t like trouble, then you won’t try. ” William Faulkner, writer

    “Women who only know how to love are boring. Much more interesting are those who also know how to hate. " Oscar Wilde, writer

    "If a man thinks that he has defeated a woman, then he is just a fool and did not notice how she beat him two moves ago." Gary Oldman, actor

    "If women knew how to understand masculine characters, they would never get married." George Bernard Shaw, writer

    "Women who are just trying to be on equal terms with men have little ambition." Marilyn Monroe, actress

    “A woman can make a man softer, she can make him weaker and can decide for herself what to do with him. This is why she is scary. " Sigmund Freud

    Smart is the woman in whose society you can behave as stupid as you like. P. Valerie

    A feminine guess is more accurate than a masculine confidence. R. Kipling

    Without a woman, the dawn and evening of life would be helpless, and her midday without joy.
    Pierre Bouast

    If you want to know what a woman really thinks, look at her, but don't listen. Oscar Wilde

    Women's hatred, in fact, the same love, only changed direction. Heinrich Heine

    A woman is both an apple and a snake. Heinrich Heine

    For some women, it is enough to walk down the street once to remain in the memory of a man forever. Kipling R.

    The man wants to be the first with the woman, while the woman wants to be the last with the man.

    He who has not seen a woman in love cannot say what a woman is. T. Gauthier

    A man who reads morality is usually a hypocrite, and a woman who reads morality is invariably ugly. Oscar Wilde

    The night gives shine to the stars and women. Byron

    You can kiss a beautiful woman endlessly and never end up in the same place. Janusz Makarchik

    I don't know why women demand everything that men have. After all, women, among other things, have men. Coco Chanel

    To understand women, one must become a woman, and if it is impossible for her to become, then all that remains is to accept women as they are - full of mysteries and sweet charm in their individuality. Gray