What excites you the most. What turns men on the most. Girls in military uniform and strict business suit

Before I tell you how to arouse a man, I need to go over the facts a bit ...

It is easier to excite a male representative than a woman. They have a different limbic system, which is responsible for aggression and arousal. This means that the average man can be easily aroused not only by the thought of the woman he loves, but also by simply looking at a beautiful photograph of a naked female body.

Arousal is the occurrence of an erection. Some of the male representatives are excited faster from a visual image, someone from touch.

There is a spontaneous erection that often occurs in men during sleep, a psychogenic erection (thoughts about an object of the opposite sex, anticipation of sex with him, a smell, a beautiful appearance) as well as a reflex erection that appears directly from stroking the genitals, for example, during massage. But for this you need to learn more about how to excite a man correctly with your hands.

Most men love with their eyes, and they are most excited by the beautiful appearance of a woman. But in order for him to want sex with a certain woman again and again, it is not enough to “hook” him with his appearance. It is necessary that he experienced quivering feelings towards the source of excitation and he produced oxytocin.

If he quickly fulfills his sexual desire before he falls in love with his partner, then, after a while, the element of novelty will disappear from sex with this woman, and she will no longer excite him, as before. Therefore, before you start to excite a man, you need to learn how to make him fall in love with you.

We love people with whom we feel good. Falling in love is an unconscious impulse that does not accept any standards and rules, except for one: the thought of a loved one causes positive emotions. A person remembers his childhood friends best of all, because he felt good with his childhood friends. Lovers think about the object of their love, because it is for them a source of pleasure and positive emotions.

Every man and every woman needs something different to start falling in love. We all have some kind of fetishes. Some people prefer blondes, some brunettes. But most of all they want those girls with whom they feel in harmony and comfort, and can afford to take off the mask and be the way he is.

Prostitution is condemned in society, but, oddly enough, there is a demand for corrupt women among men of all ages and social categories. This paradox explains why freedom plays a significant role in a man's life. Many normal males would like to find the “one”, and do a pleasant thing only with her. But in order to afford the luxury of being yourself, you have to buy it.

Representatives of the stronger sex use the services of women of the “dirty” profession, often in order to get emotions from them that they are not able to get when communicating with ordinary women. In addition, many men, in principle, cannot fully relax with their wives.

They get used to the constant humiliation on her part and the neglect of her appearance. Some time after the beginning of the relationship, the “man” no longer sees a gentle princess in his chosen one, she no longer supports the image that she invented for herself at the beginning of the relationship. And he registers on dating sites, looking for available girls for one night to somehow color his life.

The first thing to remember is to always take care of yourself. The guy will really like it if you take care of your hair, do hair removal and wear beautiful things. Second: never humiliate him.

Head massage does not cause excitement, but rather just relaxes. Doing a head massage to a loved one, he can fall asleep like a baby. Therefore, it is better to give him a passionate kiss, preferably with the tongue. For many people, the erogenous place is the ears.

Whisper something enticing but not vulgar in your ear. You should not say any super vulgar or rude phrases from films. Otherwise, the guy may have the image of not a gentle cat, but a habalka. Gently bite his lobe and kiss behind the ear. If he starts to breathe heavily, keep going.

Then move on to the neck

In many "men" the neck is no less erogenous than in women. Take advantage of this fact and, after kissing behind the ear, touch the neck a little. Stroke this part of the body with your hand (not your nails).

Then, most likely, the guy will want to take off his shirt, expose his torso, and you can move on to caressing the upper body.

Despite the fact that male nipples do not feel touch as much as female ones, the breasts of the stronger sex are also excited. You can just stroke them with your palm or even kiss them. If you hear an increased heartbeat, then this means that the excitement is increasing, and you are acting correctly. In addition, you will feel that the man has begun to actively act on his own, he directs your hand (most likely lower).

To do or not to do a blowjob?

Many men love oral sex, some treat them calmly, and there is such a category of guys who, in general, do not accept their fiancee giving them a blowjob, considering it to be “dirty” unworthy of a normal woman as a caress. But there are very few of these guys. Most men love oral sex.

What about those who have long nails?

Extended nails may not excite, but only tickle. But this problem can be avoided if you know how to use such a "weapon".

Gently run your nails along the vertebrae (spine). Pay special attention to the area between the shoulder blades. Also, kiss this place.

You can pay attention to the buttocks. But do not stroke them gently, but feel them. This will make the person cheer up a little.

How to turn on a guy you've been dating for a long time

What your guy likes visually is exciting in itself. It is worth remembering this always. Therefore, pay attention to your hair and figure.

You can give the guy a little surprise: buy a beautiful maid outfit, consisting of an apron and a short dress, and bring him, for example, breakfast in bed. Thus, a man will see your figure, appreciate your moderately relaxed, but not vulgar image, and, accordingly, become excited.

Don't give up right away. You need to play a little and resist. This will make the guy even more excited.

Before having sex, you need to make sure that a man likes you, that he is in love with you, that he is in the mood for sex. In addition, you need to take into account such a factor as sexual temperament.

You may have wondered more than once: why some men are "horny maniacs" and are turned on by touch, while others are not even led by your sexual tricks.

There are only three types of love temperament: medium, calm (low) and high.

Psychologists and sexologists assure that the harmony of a couple consists of two factors: the presence of common interests and a similar sex temperament. Couples with equally high or equally low temperament are most harmonious in bed. If a woman with a high temperament decides to start a family with a “calm” man, then sooner or later she will think about betrayal, but if, on the contrary, a “strong” man in love affairs falls in love with a “calm” woman, then, disappointed, she will christen her a “log” ".

Sex temperament of a person: an “innate” property, and it is impossible to change it. It depends on the presence of certain hormones in the body, the production of which is practically impossible to increase, except with powerful medications. There are cases when people with a low temperament tried to become "hot" to please their partner. And one Hollywood actress specifically sought out numerous romance novels for herself and exhausted herself with pleasures in order to better enter the role of “sexy thing” during the filming of the film, having a naturally calm disposition.

But it ended in nervous breakdowns and did not lead to anything good. Temperament is set for life, just like, for example, eye color. And it's pointless to fight nature.

High sex temperament

In order to feel normal, people with a high temperament need to have sex at least 4 times a week, and preferably every day. They begin to be interested in sex, the opposite sex, early (from about 12 years old). At the same age, the first masturbation occurs.

Women with a high temperament are distinguished from others by one feature: they can have sex only for the sake of sex. They are not preoccupied with caresses, tenderness, they love various experiments, they are interested in the quality of sexual intercourse. This gives them some resemblance to men.

If a girl with a high temperament does not know how to control her needs, she can receive the status of “weak in the front”, “walking” in society.

low sexual temperament

People with a weak, never statute look for a "partner for sex", "partner for one night". They are interested in building long-term relationships, they are romantic, they treat sex as a way to express tenderness (or to get some material resources for themselves) and not to experience satisfaction. Sex for them is not the main thing in life and in relationships. They rarely experience attraction, and if it comes and is not carried out, they easily “switch” to other things (sports, work).

A person with a low temperament needs sex 1-2 times a month. To get excited, he must experience a range of emotions for a partner, fall deeply in love with him.

Do not confuse low sexual temperament with or impotence. People with a low need for sex, like everyone else, are attracted to the opposite sex, but the fundamental factor for them is the establishment of a psychological connection.

Average temperament

People with an average temperament exercise about 3 times a week. Without intimacy can do for quite a long time. During intercourse, a lot of attention is paid to petting. They just won’t engage in sex without experiencing a special attraction to a partner. They are concerned about the appearance of the partner, the emotions that he evokes. Since it is not so much physical satisfaction that plays a role, but emotional. If a person with an average temperament falls in love, then his desire for intimacy increases, if he is not in a state of love, then it decreases.

Is it possible to determine the "temperament" of a person by appearance?

This fact is quite controversial. However, sexologists say that the main indicator is the length of a person's legs. The longer they are, the lower the temperament and “calmer” attitude towards sex, the shorter, the more hot and passionate a person is. This applies to both men and women. No wonder the inhabitants of the mountains, who cannot boast of high growth, are called the sexiest.

Guys with a powerful temperament tend to have a strong build, look stocky, have a height of up to 172 cm and broad shoulders. They look strong, but do not have excess fat.

"Cool" guys with a low temperament have, as a rule, long legs, high growth, medium-sized shoulders, poorly developed chest.

As mentioned earlier, not all men are only interested in sexual intercourse, as such. The emotional component is important to them. In order to excite a man with a normal or low temperament, it is not enough just to offer him sex. You need to understand what kind of person he is, what kind of disposition he has and act on this basis. In the 21st century, this can be done simply by examining a photo of a person on a social network.

It is impossible, after reading a few messages, to understand how the person who is corresponding with you lives. But on the page of a person you can see a large number of photos.

There are users who do not know how to determine temperament from a photograph. These users of the site have a hard time.

A girl who does not know how to guess the psychotype from a photo or appearance can fall in love with a representative of a hot temperament. These guys always look beautiful, they are smart, take care of their health and often go in for sports. But at the same time they have an independent character and are not inclined to deify their partner. They also do not particularly like romantic confessions and songs under the moon.

Passionate people are most often womanizers. Psychologists assure that such people need freedom, impressions and adrenaline for life. But women like them by nature.

To excite a "hot" guy, it is not necessary to resort to some tricks. He gets aroused easily, but can also easily leave his partner after the first night.

Man cannot live without love and sex. Women who are interested in creating strong relationships, or looking for a partner for regular sex, need to pay attention to the "nerds". These people prefer noisy parties and going to clubs to sit at home and read books. They often love history. Sometimes they know foreign languages. But they usually have a calm temperament in bed and are hard to get excited.

Only the spouse who, one way or another, has exactly the traits of a "nerd" can be faithful. How to know this? Guys "for a strong family" usually look modest in appearance. They are full. They clearly lack some gloss and eccentricity. Such men do not have the habit of taking pictures of themselves from different angles using mobile applications.

The sphere of hobbies of "reliable" guys can include different things, but most often they are typically masculine, such as fishing, hunting. They have little money, but they are loyal, predictable and do not forgive betrayal. First of all, in girls they are attracted by femininity and modesty, and not by pronounced sexuality. If you behave aggressively and actively in close communication, you can scare a house guy with a low temperament. It is worth giving him tenderness.

Those who do not want to deny themselves anything should pay attention to the "sponsors". He will fully provide, and, in addition, constantly monitor himself and his body. But at the same time, a rich man cannot be turned on by a simple girl. To lure this, you need to look perfect. Even one stretch mark on the body or split ends of the hair can scare him.

There are many photos on the social network with his body and the attributes of a “beautiful life”. Sometimes you can see interesting tattoos and jewelry. Male sponsors can have different hobbies, get involved in gambling. They are attracted, first of all, by beautiful and bright women. Quiet and a gray mouse will not attract such a man. When starting a relationship with a businessman, it is worth considering that betrayal, most likely, will not be something unnatural for him. Such guys raise their self-esteem by changing partners, especially if there are temporary difficulties with money and you can’t earn a lot. They are quite cynical and will not communicate with a woman if they do not like her, for example, a hairstyle or figure.

Only those men who have a creative beginning are capable of passionate sex in all its manifestations. Such people, as a rule, work in public organizations that bring good or are stars. First of all, in a photo on a social network, a creative person gives out a facial expression, an eye. A look, even just in a photo, conveys a range of emotions.

Such people are always physically beautiful by nature, even if there are some minor flaws, the opposite sex still likes them. They love new acquaintances. A creative man is looking for a companion who is not deprived of beauty, soft character, broad outlook, sex appeal. It should be both attractive in appearance and quite developed.

Having met such a guy, you don’t need to immediately hint at the bed. It should be remembered that such people, although they know how to have sex, are not obsessed with sex. First you need to enter into his confidence and talk on various topics: politics, art, social life, etc. You need to try to understand his emotional state.

If you wanted to have sex with some guy, but he refused you or does not want to take the initiative, then you should not continue to excite him. Perhaps you are not his type and there is nothing you can do about it. Even if, after your persistent attempts, he still agrees to have sex, he will not be up to par.

But not only this factor can turn a man away from intimacy with you. Many women and young girls like to caress and kiss, but do not dare to have sex after petting. This is extremely disliked by a man, and they equate such actions with a "dynamo". For example, there was such a case when a girl invited a guy for a cup of coffee to her house. They began to caress and kiss, after which the young man had an erection. But the girl did not allow him to "take" more. And the young man left with an unpleasant feeling of disappointment. They didn't communicate anymore.

If you want sex, then, of course, you first need to make sure that he shows interest in you and wants to get to know you. What tricks should be resorted to?

Improving your appearance

Usually women who pay a lot of attention to their appearance are disliked. They are considered narcissistic, fixated on themselves. But psychologists say that women who generally do not pay attention to their appearance are less successful in life than narcissistic Barbies.

American scientists conducted a survey, during which the guys were shown photographs of female models and ordinary in appearance. Beautiful women were credited with positive character traits, even those that they did not have, many of them were lesbians, and ordinary-looking women were attributed negative character traits, despite the fact that they were kind and sought to find worthy men.

But the point is not only in the special perception of a beautiful person by others. Psychologists say that if a woman stops taking care of herself properly, she begins to lose her health. Such simple manipulations, like applying maxi on the face, increase self-love and energize. The well-groomedness of a woman directly depends on how much she loves herself.

It is worth considering that beauty procedures should be done not only in order to remove some defects in appearance (bruises under the eyes, cellulite), but in order to pamper the body with additional “vitamins of pleasure”. The purpose of beauty treatments is not to remake yourself, but to pay tribute to your body.

The appearance of a person will tell about how he relates to himself, to others and, in general, to life. It is thanks to the appearance that others subconsciously "read" this information. A woman can read many books about self-development, psychology, relationships with the opposite sex, but still fail to find happiness without noticing an obvious problem.

Sometimes only a change of wardrobe, an improvement in the figure, completely changed the life of a girl for the better, without psychologists and any special tricks. How to start improving your appearance? First of all, you need to become confident in yourself.

But it is worth remembering that self-confidence has nothing to do with narcissism, arrogance and rudeness, the ability to stand up for yourself. Self-confidence for a woman is a benevolent attitude towards herself and others. You can fight your shortcomings, try to turn them into virtues, but you should not berate yourself for them.

Take time to improve yourself and your appearance

If you didn’t find it, you should think about what you are doing wrong in your life, that you don’t have time to paint your nails, make a hair mask and go to a beautician? Where do all your resources, your energy go? Work on your mental state. Beautiful appearance can be created only by internally balanced women. They are not rude, clamped, shy, notorious.


In order not to talk about materialism and obsession with clothes, the emotional state strongly depends on the dress. Many people have a habit of "holding" beautiful clothes for the holidays. But this is wrong. Daily enjoyment of beautiful clothes, dressing in a feminine dress raises self-esteem. Home clothes should not be selected according to the principle “what you don’t mind wearing”. Putting on cast-offs, we gradually get used to untidiness, disregard for our appearance and image. We spend a lot of time at home, and therefore, putting on cast-offs, we get used to being ugly.

No money to take care of yourself, what to do?

It is worth remembering that by saving on such an expense item as appearance, you lose more than you gain. As already noted, beauty for a woman is her health. Groomed hair, nails, skin energetically devastate and attract trouble. Do not put off buying beautiful clothes and cosmetics for later.

You need to do the following: go up to any guy (man), look at him closely and say that you have already seen him somewhere.

An easier way: just stare into the eyes without looking away. Either the guy will be embarrassed and look away, or he will remember his acquaintances and will be the first to speak, if only he is interested in you.

Ideal for the shy. Carry a book, a bag, or some kind of trinket with you. When you see a guy resting on a bench, just “forget” the thing on the bench or in his field of vision. Or drop it by accident. If a guy liked you visually or “hooked” him with something, then he himself will look for a way to continue the acquaintance, giving away the forgotten thing.

You need to stop the man and ask him a couple of questions, but they should be non-trivial so that he does not think that you are distributing, for example, dietary supplements. You can ask a question regarding the guy's style or tastes, listen to him. If a guy is open to communication and interested, then you can directly ask what kind of girls he likes.

If the situation is favorable (the object is not particularly in a hurry), approach the guy (man) and ask him to pretend to be your boyfriend, explaining that you want to get rid of the obsessive boyfriend or take revenge on your ex.

If a guy is reading a book or a newspaper in a public place, then you can ask about the topic of the latest news bulletin or impressions of reading matter.

No man will refuse a conversation with an attractive woman. An exception can only be the death of his beloved great-grandmother yesterday or today's news about a terrible diagnosis. A beautiful girl with a slender figure has a very high chance of meeting you even on the street. Therefore, the first thing to consider: you need to put your appearance in order. Despite the fact that guys like to talk about spirituality, they always pay attention to the figure, hair and eyes (in principle, just like us girls).

Second: you don’t need to worry too much about getting to know each other and somehow strain a lot, choose words and expressions. You need to communicate naturally and naturally, without being nervous, as if you are dealing with a neighbor in the stairwell or old acquaintances. But, if you yourself are very constrained and shy, it won’t work the first time. Nervousness will still be present, and the voice will tremble. But the fear that can spoil the first attempts is removed by the practice of communication.

If, after all these measures, you still achieved your goal and were invited on a date, in order to bring the matter to sex, it remains to invite the guy to your place “for a cup of coffee.” Most likely, he himself will take the initiative into his own hands, and he will not have to initiate further. To enhance the pleasant effect of the evening, you can prepare some kind of dessert with aphrodisiacs, using cinnamon, nutmeg, dark chocolate, a little cognac and cocoa powder.

So we examined what excites a man, what actions need to be applied for this. You will succeed one hundred percent, just be a little bolder!

The interest of partners to each other should be felt in all spheres of life. Sex at any stage of a relationship should bring unforgettable feelings and emotions.

One of the main rules of good sex is a strong arousal of both partners. It is in the power of any woman to turn her man into a strong male who will certainly want to take possession of his prey.

  • To make the excitement strong, act sincerely and intuitively. By the behavior and signs of the body, you yourself will understand what a man needs
  • All actions must be sincere, and words must not be strained.
  • If you are notorious, then choose the method of excitation of the partner, which seems to you the most acceptable. The main thing is to be yourself and try to open up as the relationship develops.

Signs of an excited man

  • An experienced woman will always be able to recognize when her actions have led to the proper result. If there is no result, then you should change tactics.
  • When a person is aroused, blood pressure naturally rises: the heartbeat quickens, breathing goes astray and dizziness
  • If a person looks at someone who delivers aesthetic pleasure, his pupils involuntarily dilate.
  • When excited, many men are lost in words, cannot coherently support the conversation.
  • A man's gaze can be either very focused on you or wandering if he is discouraged by his condition.
  • He will try to get closer to you, try to touch or snuggle
  • An erotic penis is another weighty argument in favor of a man being aroused. Sometimes, however, the male organ can be aroused not because of sexual activity at all, but because of blood stasis in the pelvic area.

What turns men on the most?

  • Each man is individual and it is impossible to identify the factor that excites all men as much as possible.
  • Among the most exciting factors are: a beautiful woman and her forms, touching erogenous zones, talking about intimate topics, massage, smells
  • If you have known each other for a short time, then you can unobtrusively ask about what a man likes and what turns him on.
  • Unfortunately, not all men themselves know what excites them as much as possible.
  • You can find out what your man likes more experimentally. Use different stimulation methods and watch his reaction

Preparations and means for excitation of men

  • Since ancient times, people have known natural aphrodisiacs that can increase the excitability of a man. These include: mussels, avocado, aloe juice, artichoke, asparagus
  • Many spices actively influence the libido of men. Among the most effective: cayenne pepper, ginger, cinnamon, garlic and saffron
  • Small doses of alcohol, such as a glass of red wine, can help a man relax and turn on.
  • Medicines such as Eleutherococcus tincture increase blood pressure and promote arousal.
  • There are a number of pills and creams that can help arouse. But you need to use them with caution and better after consulting a doctor.

Actions that turn men on

  • Sincere desire for intimacy and admiration for your partner. Every man is a conqueror by nature and he wants to be the very best for his woman.
  • Frank conversations with erotic overtones are very exciting for many men
  • Erotic dance will surely be appreciated by every representative of the stronger sex
  • Massage and pleasant touches will help a man relax and tune in the right way.
  • Try not to rush things. Let a man feel like a conqueror, and you just direct him in the right direction

How to excite a man in bed?

  • Sexy appearance is already half the battle. Put on erotic lingerie or a playsuit, shoes or heeled sandals. This is sure to please your man.
  • As you walk around the house, give him hints, pet him, and gently whisper obscene phrases in his ear. All men love it
  • Light candles and turn on some soothing music. such an atmosphere will set you in the right mood
  • Use his favorite women's perfume. Apply it on pulsation areas: wrist, neck
  • Give the man a relaxing massage, starting at the feet and working your way up.
  • If it's in your power, dance an erotic dance for a man
  • Let him take the lead. Let him manage the process himself, and you support his enthusiasm in every possible way.

Phrases, words that excite men. How to excite a man by SMS?

  • No need to speak or write too abstruse phrases, this will break the whole intimate atmosphere
  • Men do not understand hints well, try to express your thoughts as straightforwardly as possible.
  • Often texting a man when he is really busy is not a good idea. Save your candid texts for when he gets home from work.
  • SMS of an erotic nature can be written even at home, when you and your partner are in different rooms
  • Send a man your candid photo with the phrase "I want you!". It will definitely work properly.
  • It is not necessary to write something completely vulgar, especially if this is not typical of your character. even the innocuous phrase "you drive me crazy" can have a striking effect

How to excite a man with a kiss?

  • Different men are turned on by different kisses. But, perhaps, the most optimal for love games is a French kiss.
  • If you started kissing a man, then try to keep this initiative. This will add a touch of variety and let your partner know about your future intentions.
  • Don't be monotonous. Combine different kissing techniques
  • Tease the man. The stronger sex likes to be a conqueror and achieve a cherished kiss
  • Kissing isn't just for the lips. The neck area, behind the ear is also an erogenous zone.

Exciting massage for men

  • To get started, prepare the appropriate atmosphere: dim the lights or light candles, turn on pleasant calm music, lay a beautiful bed, and put on a sexy set of lingerie yourself
  • Start the massage with stroking the whole body, setting your partner on the right wave.
  • Use fragrant massage oil to increase the stimulating effect. Find out in advance what smell your man likes
  • Next, do a light massage, starting from the feet and rising higher and higher. Just lightly touch the erogenous zones
  • After this stage, he can kiss a man in the most sensitive places. After such a massage, a man will not be able to resist any woman

Clothing that excites men

  • Everyday home clothes for women should be, if not sexy, then at least attractive. Stretched sweaters and oversized pants with fraying are not allowed.
  • Pay attention to your hair, do light makeup or lubricate your face with a special lotion
  • Especially try to look beautiful in the evening, when household chores are over. Evening is a special moment when you are alone with each other
  • Be sure to wear nice lingerie that goes well with each other. Ask what style of underwear excites your man. You can give him the initiative to choose underwear for you.
  • In order to diversify your sex life, you can purchase a playsuit. They are sold in online stores or in shops for intimate goods.

Essential oils and scents that turn men on

  • The essential oil of orange and other citrus fruits has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. Plus, everyone loves this scent.
  • Vanilla and cinnamon - these smells are suitable for lovers of sweet smells, they liberate and relax
  • Sandalwood oil can greatly affect male libido and even improve potency.
  • Rose and jasmine are delicate scents that can be paired with many scents. They are not intrusive and create an aura of love in the room.
  • Essential oils can be used in aroma lamps. To do this, you need to know which oils are combined with each other.

  • Remember that men are by nature the stronger sex. Your Arousal Methods Shouldn't Be Too Pushy
  • A light hint, ambiguous phrases or light touches will already turn an indifferent man
  • Arousal techniques need to be applied not only at the beginning of a relationship. They are extremely effective in long-term relationships.
  • A woman should remain a mystery that a man will be pleased to solve.
  • Use a variety of methods of arousal so that they have the desired effect

Video: How to massage a man

We are all used to what excites men open or tight clothes, high bust, thin waist, steep hips, long legs and so on. We do our best to be sexy, we study articles on this topic, we learn to walk, speak, and gesticulate correctly. And everything seems to be working out. Young people are sometimes successfully aroused. And sometimes they look at us with indifferent eyes, sometimes driving us to despair. What's the matter?! So much effort, and all in vain! And here's the thing. It turns out that what is usually presented as a factor that especially excites the male imagination and blood does not always justify itself. They are not so primitive, our men, so that everyone, as one, lights up at the sight of long legs, a deep decollete and sexy underwear. Many of them start from completely different things. What really seems seductive to these fastidious representatives of the stronger sex?

Sexologists, exploring the male half of humanity for excitability, made a lot of unexpected discoveries. It turns out that many of our young and not so people seem sexy:

face and hair

The absence of cosmetics on a woman. Why? Yes, because, firstly, under the make-up it is difficult to see how she really looks. And secondly, passionately kissing the face of a painted lady is not very pleasant. Wipe off lipstick and powder afterwards! That's why our men don't like it when we overdo it with makeup;

Smeared makeup. According to the strong half of the human race, he says that the woman spent a stormy night. And the mascara under the eyes is evidence of unquenchable passion until dawn. There was no time later, before work, to put myself in order! Sexologists say that men perceive a lady with stale makeup as an insatiable lover who has just got out of bed. So, my dears, you should not spend a lot of time on perfect makeup. Ink smudged? And so it will!

Regrown roots of previously dyed hair. This is a must!!! You fiddle with your hair, trying to make it always look luxurious and well-groomed, and give it regrown roots! Well, how is this to be understood? Yes, everything is very simple. Men are alarmed by an outwardly impeccable woman in everything. She looks too much like a mannequin. But when there is a slight negligence in the appearance of a lady in the form of regrown undyed hair roots, she becomes alive. And similar to the "bad girl" that you so want to get to know better!

Wrinkles. Yes, men are turned on by our wrinkles! We fight them with all our might, get upset when these nasty folds appear. And the representatives of the stronger sex from them, you see, go crazy! They believe that wrinkles are not so much evidence of age as of a woman's rich sexual experience. And they really want to check how rich he is! There are no words ... Especially now to start wrinkles, or what?


Soft round belly. That's it. We, therefore, puff on the simulators, diligently pumping up the muscles on the stomach, and sit because of this on terrible diets. And they, then, give a small tummy! It turns out that this is not “overweight” at all, but a “pretty belly”, which makes a woman natural, soft and comfortable. And besides, often ladies with graceful forms make men complex because of their own imperfect figure. So, dear chubby ones, stop torturing yourself with diets. Long live pies, buns, fried potatoes and cakes!

Stretch marks. How often they bring us serious inner suffering! It turns out that these torments are in vain. Because men consider them a manifestation of naturalness. And if stretch marks are also located in intimate places of the body, then they generally turn on the representatives of the stronger sex. After all, access to them is allowed only to those who have been given special trust;

Small chest. Oddly enough, but not all men are obsessed with large busts. Many are more attracted to small breasts, which always seem to be elastic evidence of the youth and health of the fairer sex. And what excites a man in a woman more than signs of youth, freshness and vitality?


A phone call from a lady who had taken too much. Not everyone, of course, because sometimes a drunk person can say such a thing!!! After such a call, not only intimacy with her, but simply meetings will not be desirable. But when a woman, after a corporate party or a bachelorette party, purrs into the phone with a slurring tongue: “Mmmm, I tttaaak missed you!”, It ignites. Since she, even being drunk, remembers that she needs to call her man, it means that she loves. And that means she can be extremely liberated in bed. Especially in this state;

Good appetite and a healthy attitude towards alcohol. According to men, a lady at a romantic dinner should by no means be limited to a salad, dessert and a glass of dry wine. Let her eat and drink as much as she wants, without worrying about what others think. This speaks of a woman's self-confidence and that in sex she can be as insatiable as at the table;

Woman walking barefoot. Here we are suffering, walking for several hours on high heels, and give them barefoot! No, stilettos are actually sexy. But she looks somewhat formal and aggressive. As for bare feet, they are both a hint of nudity, and a kind of its promise, and a symbol of defenselessness. And then, if a woman allows herself to walk barefoot, it means that fanatical adherence to the rules of decency is alien to her. This fact greatly stimulates the development of male sexual fantasies;

Easy stupidity. Stupid bats batting their eyelashes in confusion when they are asked basic questions are sexier than intellectual know-it-alls. That's what a lot of men think. The intellectual frightens and strains, but the silly one seems simpler, closer, more accessible. You can relax in company with her. And in a society with a smart girl, you need to always prove your intellectual worth. There is no time for excitement!

The ability to freely find a common language with children of acquaintances or relatives. Quite a strange exciting factor, isn't it? Well, we know how to talk and play with other people's children, so what? And what about sexuality? It turned out that very much even moreover. In this case, it is caused by the ancient instinct of procreation, which, in fact, is the primary source of sexual relations. The ease of a woman in dealing with children makes this instinct run amok. He seems to be saying to the man: “This female will be a good mother! What are you looking at? Grab her and drag her to your cave!”


Comfortable everyday underwear. Yes, many men are turned on by everyday underwear made of cotton or synthetics! Not lacy panties and a bra that we wear to seduce a loved one. But he is not tempted, because sex, you see, was planned by us in advance. It's boring. Now, if a woman was dressed in ordinary underwear, then yes! Then it would turn out that intimacy was not foreseen, but unexpectedly happened due to the irresistibility of the man;

Old sports shorts and a baggy T-shirt. Just think about it! And this is instead of a chic translucent peignoir! Well, how to understand them, these men? Everything is explained simply. Peignoirs are good in the romantic period of the beginning of a relationship. When weekdays begin, comfort comes to the fore. And he means comfortable clothes, which indicate that a woman feels calm, relaxed. It turns out that such a state of ours seems very seductive to men;

Skinny jeans and low-waisted skirts. We are convinced that only women with a beautiful figure can wear such things. Dudki. The strong half of humanity thinks differently. Men are very impressed with the folds of the female body hanging over jeans. A little fullness, you see, looks very piquant in such clothes and awakens the desire laid down by nature itself.

Well, with what excites men, we sorted it out a bit. Now let's see what they consider non-sexual.

Non-sexual women from the point of view of men

So, what repels many of the stronger sex in women?

1. Too bleached hair with dark skin color. No, men still love blondes. Their delight is not caused by the snowy hair color, which (and a no brainer) cannot be natural. But that would be fine. But when unnaturally white hair is combined with skin that is dark from self-tanning ... Here, one can hardly count on the fact that all men, blazing with passion, will begin to pile up;
2. Created with hair extensions mane. Here's the thing. And we think it's great. And we are building up our hair with might and main, hoping for amazing success with the opposite sex. He, this floor, does not even think about jumping with delight. Because men fall for the natural, considering it sensual. Artificial beauty does not turn them on;
3. Fake stupidity. Yes, silly girls seem sexy to our men. But when they really are. And when some glamorous girl begins to intensively portray the likeness of Ellochka the cannibal - this is already too much. Why this image has suddenly become quite popular among today's girls is not clear. Introduced it into life and replicated, in all likelihood, some kind of misogynist. After all, in general, the stronger sex prefers pretty smart women. And "Ellochek-cannibal" its representatives call chickens;
4. Excessive thinness. Who and when decided that model appearance is the standard of beauty? Is it possible to call beautiful flat young ladies with protruding ribs and handles as thick as the handle of a five-year-old child? Well, where did this passion to lose weight to a terrible state come from? Most likely, she was born by the desire to get on the podium and the thirst for fame. But after all, the catwalks are not rubber, they cannot accommodate all those who are diligently losing weight. And these female shadows can be sexy only from the point of view of perverts. Because thinness and thinness are not the same thing. Slenderness is harmonious lines and the presence of rounded shapes. And angular knees and protruding bones, by definition, cannot be;
5. Long false nails. This miracle seems to us quite beautiful and convenient, because it takes a long and tedious time to grow your own nails. And you don't need to, it turns out! Because the stronger sex starts from beautiful female hands with neat nails, and not from knife-like claws. Try it, give a stimulating massage to a man with such nails, yeah! Not long and cut it into pieces;
6. Too plump lips. Today plump lips have become a real hit of the times. We increase them to ugly sizes in all sorts of different ways, believing that the opposite sex goes crazy from this. No matter how… In men, a too protruding mouth is associated with… Well, of course, with what. It seems to be sexy. But a rare representative of the stronger sex will not decide that IT has already happened to a hundred men. No, he wouldn't refuse THIS either. But somehow I don’t really want to kiss a lipped lady.

That's it, dear women. We're excelling here, fashioning ourselves as a supermodel or a sex bomb. And our dear ones do not need this at all. Well, how can you not be angry? So much effort, time, money spent. And it's all for nothing. However, maybe it's for the best? You can stress less trying to captivate someone. Well, let's reorganize. No options.

Each of us has our own secrets of how to drive a man crazy. But there are things that excite all men without exception.

Probably, each of us often asks ourselves the question, what would we come up with this time and how to surprise him in bed? The mass of literature, Internet forums, films are not able to provide objective information, since any person

individual and unpredictable. But, according to experts, seven things are guaranteed to turn on any man, and at first glance it seems that they are unoriginal and even banal. But you try!

Mmmm... clothes...

According to the results of numerous studies, sexologists have concluded that the most exciting picture for a man is a woman standing in unbuttoned jeans. And if she has not only an unbuttoned fly, but also an open top - this is generally a bomb! In addition, the image of a woman in a men's T-shirt or shirt worn over a naked body attracts the opposite sex: so that she barely covers her ass. Glasses - this sexy accessory also acts on many like a red rag on a bull.


A certain percentage of men make love to their partners without taking off their panties, but only pushing them a little to the side. The male sex loves to admire the underwear of their favorite ladies - lacy, openwork, transparent. There are no special preferences for men in terms of styles, only many are afraid of grandmother's leggings. And some people don't like thongs - they don't find them sexy or exciting. As for the color of underwear, they prefer black, white and red, but gray, pink and lilac underwear are asked not to buy.

Mmm... groans...

The vast majority of men simply explode with pleasure when a woman moans or speaks in a hushed voice. But loud screams can excite only 6% of lovers.

Mmm...obscene words...

Partners love it when their ladies say obscene things. But this only applies to sex - during foreplay, intercourse or on the phone.

Mmm...the smell...

Many men go crazy over women's perfumes, and literally - from persistent heavy aromas. In fact, they love the natural feminine scent. And as for fragrances for the room during a stormy night, sage, sanadal, ylang-ylang, orange, pine needles and vanilla will do their job perfectly.

Mmm... habits...

According to British scientists, a man is incredibly excited by a lady who is angry. And this is due to the fact that the girl at this moment is unusually beautiful and sexy - her chest rises, her eyes shine and her breathing quickens.

Mmm... her chips...

More than half of men (55%) note that there is nothing sexier than a woman's walk and alluring gaze. But the rest boldly declare that they are led by the female temperament.

In other words, men are turned on by what they see.

That is why boys in adolescence, going through the path of sexual development, choose pornographic magazines, and girls read romance novels.

It is important for us to understand this for several reasons.

1. The way you look will have a decisive impact on how passionate your partner will be with you.

I know how tired you are of hearing this, but there's no getting around it, it's the truth. The primary source of arousal for your man will be how you look in his eyes.

This is why men care so much about a woman's body parts, her figure, her lingerie, and so on. In interviewing men for this book, I was amazed to find out how much a woman's sexuality is killed in the eyes of men by baggy flannel nightgowns, awkward underwear, or excessive makeup.

2. Men look at other women not because they don't like you, but because they get turned on through visual stimulation. Has it ever happened to you that, having come to a restaurant with a man, you suddenly find that you yourself look only at him, and he does not miss a single woman with his eyes?

I mean, he doesn't devour them with his eyes lustfully, but simply admires them innocently. You think that if he loves you, he should not look at anyone. And he thinks that you get annoyed over trifles and act like a possessive.

This is a very delicate question, but the more I work with men, the more I begin to understand them and the less I worry about such things. The thing is that men react much faster than women to visual stimuli, while women react faster to verbal ones.

Your husband says, "Honey, look where you're going - can't you see the cars?" And you say, "Darling, why should I chant?

Didn't you hear what I just said?"

It's not about which of you is right and which is wrong - you're just different. The problem is that when we see a man looking at another woman, we assume that he has an emotional attraction to her, instead of realizing that this attraction is just visual.

Important! I am by no means saying that it is normal for a man with whom you have a stable relationship to flirt with other women.

This kind of disrespectful behavior is detrimental to relationships. Even if he just starts to make eyes - it's rude and vulgar, especially if you're around. But it is so natural for men to notice beautiful faces and figures and admire them just as they admire you.


1. If you want to excite your man, you must look very attractive. Ladies, we need to realize this. Arousal in men will always come through visual stimulation.

You can rebel against this reality and deliberately not look after yourself, wanting to get "proof" from your man that he loves you even when you look terrible.

Or you can accept the fact that your partner will be more attracted to you if they like the way you look.

Review your wardrobe in terms of his tastes, not yours. Take him to the store with you when you're shopping for new clothes and listen to his opinion, or let him choose the lingerie for you in which he thinks you'll look the sexiest.

You don't have to become a mannequin to be dressed up according to the tastes of men, just as you don't have to make love in a bright red bandage around your hips. If you don't like it, try suggesting some of your own clothing options so that you like it too.

2. If you are used to making love in the dark, try leaving the lights on or light candles in the room. Remember: men get turned on in bed by what they see. While you are waiting for your partner to tell you how much he loves you, his eyes are already moving all over your body, since visual impressions are much more important to him. Give him some light so he can see you!

3. Discuss with your partner how he views other women. If your man is not a complete rake and not a vulgar seducer of women, and while your marriage is not under threat, most likely, looking at other women, he does not feel any desire or excitement, but simply admires. Discuss it with him. Ask him how he feels looking at other women.

If you see how he admires the figure of any woman, admire with him. You might say, "Don't she have beautiful legs?" He may at first be shocked or even embarrassed that he was caught doing this, but then he will feel even more close to you, appreciate that you reserve his right to look around, and, most importantly, he will not feel misunderstood.

I have an agreement with my partner that concerns both of us.

I told him that I understand why he, as a man, likes to look at women, and that it does not hurt me. But I can accept this only insofar as he also admires me. This means that if he sees a woman with a deep cleavage and pays attention to her breasts, I would like him to remember at that moment what magnificent breasts I have.

And walking down the street, he would think: "What a beautiful woman. Isn't it true, women are beautiful? Look, what an irresistible woman is walking with me, she is mine. How lucky I am!"