Ecological education of preschoolers, taking into account FGOS literature. "Modern approaches to environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account the implementation of fgos doo

Environmental education of preschoolers according to the Federal State Educational Standard is a continuous process of children's development, aimed at forming their ecological culture, which is expressed in the presence of:

  • sustainable knowledge about nature and the relationships existing in it;
  • respect for nature;
  • correct understanding of the concept of "healthy lifestyle";
  • moral and environmentally valuable attitudes, behavioral skills;
  • emotional responsiveness to wildlife;
  • positive aesthetic feelings from admiring nature;
  • skills to cognize the features of the surrounding world.

The issues of the implementation of environmental education in a preschool educational institution are especially important. After all, just at the age of 3-5 years, the foundations of the worldview are laid. On the other hand, the child's cognition of nature is an important factor in the educational process.

Environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, can be implemented through the following activities:

  • observation;
  • experiences;
  • research;
  • games;
  • work;
  • artistic and aesthetic practice;
  • acquaintance with natural history literature;
  • physical education and sports.

An important point is the need to implement environmental education in two directions:

  • in training sessions;
  • in everyday life.

It is necessary to strive, as far as possible, the theoretical knowledge gained in the classroom, to consolidate in the process of subject-transforming activity in nature. Children should be involved in caring for plants and animals, maintaining a favorable ecological environment. As a result, preschoolers develop a personal experience of influencing nature, activate cognitive interests, and develop a need for activity in nature.

Forms of environmental education

The kindergarten teacher has a wide range of forms of environmental education:

  • collective;
  • group;
  • individual.

Among collective forms the most popular are the ecological holidays "Gifts of Nature", "Autumn Ball", "Hello Summer", "Oh you, winter-winter", etc. Also, joint labor activities are often practiced for cleaning and landscaping, working on flower beds and a plot. Children should be encouraged to participate in trainings, conferences, kindness lessons, environmental marathons and festivals.

TO group work include excursions, research and experiments. An effective form of group work is to involve children in project design. In addition, for small groups of pupils, it is recommended to organize such events as performances of the propaganda team, role-playing games, activities of circles or clubs of environmental orientation, participation in environmental actions.

V individual form nature observations are organized. Such kinds of individual activities as participation in competitions, artistic and aesthetic activities: making crafts, modeling, creating drawings, etc., evoke positive emotions in children.

Separately, you should pay attention to the existing forms of interaction with parents:

  • consultations;
  • contests;
  • family meetings;
  • exhibitions of children's works;
  • methodological bulletins;
  • holidays.

The participation of parents in joint work with children increases the interest of preschoolers in the task, helps to establish contact between family members, bring them together emotionally, and contributes to the formation of an ecological culture in adults. The main thing is to interest parents in such activities, to offer them personally meaningful environmental information.

Methods of ecological education of preschoolers

Determining the most effective methods of environmental education of preschoolers, taking into account the Federal State Educational Standard, it is necessary to give preference to the game, visual-effective and project-based.


The main method of environmental education is observation. It allows you to realize sensory knowledge of objects of nature. In this case, all forms of perception can be involved.

Most often, preschoolers are invited to observe the state of nature and plant life. Such observations should be carried out regularly throughout the year. This type of work is an indispensable element of daily walks. In addition, birds, pets and insects are periodically monitored. About 1-2 times a month, children observe social objects, the peculiarities of the labor activity of adults.

When organizing monitoring, it is important to observe the following rules:

  • the object of observation must be accessible for perception;
  • observation time should be 5-10 minutes;
  • it is necessary to take into account the age and individual characteristics of children, their interests.

The main thing is that observation is not an end in itself. It is necessary that this process be multi-stage:

  • perception of natural objects;
  • study of the characteristics of a given object, its relationship with other objects or phenomena;
  • creative display of the information received.

The teacher should guide the activities of preschoolers in the process of observation, ask questions, and pose problematic tasks to them. The main thing is to evoke an emotional response in children and a desire to continue such activities on their own.

The game

Play provides children with freedom of action, relaxedness and the opportunity to take initiative. However, in order to use play activities in the process of environmental education, it is necessary to organize them in such a way that there is no threat or harm to wildlife.

Toys that depict objects of nature are an obligatory attribute of a child's life. By playing with them, preschoolers imitate the habits and lifestyle of animals.

A separate type of work on environmental education is the manufacture of toys from natural materials. Children will get acquainted with the characteristics of natural objects, and the fact that as a result of such activities a beautiful bright toy will be obtained increases interest in these activities.

In kindergarten story games, games-workshops, games-illustrations and dramatizations are practiced. It is very helpful to offer children practical games with objects such as sand, water, clay. The purpose of these games is not only to have fun and make a figure or make a house (splash water, blow bubbles, etc.), but also to learn the properties of these natural materials.

Project activities

A great way to combine a variety of activities aimed at learning about the world around you is the project method. It provides for the implementation of practical purposeful activities by preschoolers and contributes to the formation of their personal life experience in interacting with natural objects.

Working on a project gives the child the opportunity to consolidate theoretical knowledge, to feel like a tester, to participate "on an equal footing" with adults in joint cognitive activity. With preschoolers, you can implement research, practice-orientation, role-playing, creative projects. Usually these are short-term group or individual projects.

Creation of ecological environment

An important educational aspect influencing the formation of ecological culture in preschoolers is the creation of a favorable ecological environment in kindergarten. This is an ongoing process, which implies the organization of a special ecological space and the implementation of regular actions aimed at maintaining the conditions necessary for wildlife in it.

The most common types of this form of work are the creation of a "living corner", cultivation of indoor flowers, flower bed design. The educational effect will be achieved only if children not only observe animals and plants, but take an active part in caring for them.

The relevance of environmental problems in modern society brings the issues of environmental education to the fore. In a preschool institution, an important task is being solved - not only to reveal the beauty of nature to children, but also to teach them to notice and appreciate it on their own.

“A man became a man when he heard the whisper of leaves and the song of a grasshopper, the murmur of a spring brook and the ringing of silver bells in the bottomless summer sky, the rustle of snowflakes and the howling of a blizzard outside the window, the gentle lapping of the waves and the solemn silence of the night, - he heard, and, holding his breath, listens hundreds and thousands of years of wonderful music of life " .

V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

One of the main tasks of education, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On education" - this is the formation of a spiritually moral personality. Spiritual education of children is multidimensional in terms of content.

This is love for native places, pride in one's people, feeling of one's own indignity with the surrounding world, a desire to preserve and increase the wealth of one's country.

Each of the directions of spiritually-minded development and upbringing is based on a specific system of basic values ​​and must ensure the assimilation of them by pupils. Environmental education has already become an integral part of preschool pedagogy.

Ecological education of preschoolers is a continuous process of teaching, upbringing and development of a child, aimed at the formation of his ecological culture, which is manifested in an emotionally positive attitude to nature, to the world around him, in a responsible attitude to his health and the state of the environment, in observance in the system of value orientations.

The relevance of the topic we are raising lies in the fact that environmental education and education of preschoolers is an extremely urgent problem of the present time: only the ecological worldview, the ecological culture of living people can lead the planet and humanity out of the catastrophic state in which they are arriving now.

Problems of today:

  • Difficult ecological situation in the world
  • its dire consequences
  • ecology of the native land
  • weediness of the habitat
  • more often polluted and become lifeless reservoirs
  • lose soil fertility
  • flora and fauna are becoming impoverished.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky considered nature to be the main source of the child's all-round development. KD Ushinsky called nature a great educator: "To induce in children a living sense of nature is to arouse one of the most beneficent, soul-nurturing influences." ... The great writer Mikhail Prishvin said: “Everything beautiful on Earth is from the Sun, and everything good is from man. Fish - water, bird - air, beast - forest, steppe, mountains. And a man needs a Motherland. To protect nature means to protect the Motherland " .

Preschoolers are the initial link in the system of continuous education, which means that the content of their education should be linked to the content of environmental education at the next stages - schoolchildren. Elementary ecological knowledge acquired by children at a young age will help them in the future to master environmental subjects.

The goal of environmental education is that today it is very important to form a person of a new type with new environmental thinking, who is able to realize the consequences of his actions in relation to the environment and who knows how to live in relative harmony with nature.

Ekologicheskoe vospitanie znachimo with pozitsy lichnostnogo pazvitiya pebenka - ppavilno opganizovannoe, sistematicheski osyschestvlyaemoe in obpazovatelnyx ychpezhdeniyax pod pykovodstvom lyudey, obladayuschih ekologicheskoy kyltypoy, ono okazyvaet intensivnoe vliyanie nA ego mind, senses, volyu.


  1. Development in pupils of ideas and elementary concepts about the interconnections and relationships between man and nature;
  2. Formation of an emotional - value attitude towards nature;
  3. Awareness of your own "I AM" as part of nature;
  4. Generalization of the experience of practical activities to reflect the knowledge gained and impressions from interaction with nature, the surrounding world.

How to create an effective system of environmental education in kindergarten based on an integrated approach? How to make sure that the ideas of environmental education are realized through different types of child activities:

  • experimentation
  • observation
  • musical activity
  • visual activity
  • physical activity

The kindergarten teacher is the main figure in the pedagogical process, including environmental education. Being the bearer of ecological culture, owning the method of ecological education, he organizes the activities of children so that it is meaningful, emotionally rich, contributes to the formation of practical skills and necessary ideas about nature and gradually "Crossed over" in the independent behavior of children. The joint activity of an adult and a child should be the leading one in this process. The processes of upbringing and learning do not directly develop the child by themselves, but only when they have active forms and have adequate content.

One of the ways to improve the efficiency of environmental education is to use a variety of methods and methods of work.

List of forms and methods of ecological work with preschoolers:

  • ecological excursions;
  • terms of additions;
  • lessons of thinking;
  • eco-friendly mugs;
  • environmental competitions;
  • eco-logical auctions, quizzes, marathons;
  • ecological fairy tales;
  • a nature researcher's club;
  • laboratory of a young ecologist;
  • compilation of ecological maps;
  • ecological exhibitions and expositions;
  • ecological museums;
  • days of ecological creativity;
  • ecological holidays and festivals;

One of the conditions for the successful upbringing of the foundations of ecological culture is not only work with children, but also with their families. Environmental education (education) parenting is one of the most important and at the same time one of the most difficult areas of work of a preschool institution. Cooperation with families of children in the environmental direction, jointly organized events not only help to ensure the unity and continuity of the pedagogical process, but also bring into this process a special positive emotional coloring necessary for the child.

Thus, the most important condition for successful work on environmental education is the implementation of an integrated approach, the creation of an environment in which adults, by personal example, demonstrate to children the correct attitude to nature and actively, as far as possible, participate with children in environmental activities.

All good things in children from childhood!
How to awaken the origins of good?
Touch nature with all your heart:
Surprise, learn, love!

We want the earth to flourish.
They grew like flowers, kids.
So that for them the ecology becomes
Not science, but part of the soul!

The personality of each person is made up not only of a genetically determined set of individual traits, but also of the individual's attitude to the world around him, to other people and, of course, to nature. Modern children have very specific ideas about living things, most often limited by information provided by the Internet and concerning specific manifestations of the world of flora and fauna. But such a fragmentary study of the issue, disinterest in preserving the conditions for life, leads to a consumer attitude towards nature in general and deprives oneself of an important moral and aesthetic component of life in particular. It is necessary to solve this problem as early as possible, which is what the concept of upbringing children, including preschool age, is aimed at.

Relevance of the issue

Environmental education of children is about the future of the planet

The modern educational system recognizes environmental education as one of the priority directions of the psychological and pedagogical activity of teachers and educators, when it comes to preschool child development. Such an early formation of an ecological orientation in the growth of a personality is explained by the fact that up to 7 years of age a child has

  • a foundation is created for laying a conscious attitude to the surrounding nature;
  • there is an accumulation of vivid emotions;
  • direct perception of information allows you to remember it firmly and easily.

It is interesting. Modern research has shown that at the psychological level, the perception of the world around in a child under 7 years old is formed by 70%. But after reaching this line, the remaining 30% accumulate until the end of the day.

Working with kids from 2.5 to 6 years old is important for the formation of the ecological culture of the individual. This concept implies an understanding and acceptance of common global problems, as well as an awareness of personal responsibility for the state of the planet.

Principles, goals and objectives of environmental education

The best way to teach your child about nature is to teach her how to help.

The study of nature at the preschool stage, as well as in the subsequent, affects all areas of the child's intellectual, spiritual and moral development, namely

  • forms a sympathetic attitude towards the surrounding world, that is, it is engaged in the formation of moral values;
  • fills the system of consciousnesses and ideas, that is, develops the intellect;
  • teaches to see the beauty of the world through an activity-based approach (for example, caring for plants, pets, etc.).

To do this, at each lesson dedicated to the study of the surrounding world, you need

  • to form the simplest ideas about nature, about the interconnections of all living things;
  • to involve in work, as this is an indicator of care for the world around;
  • foster respect and love for nature, as well as instill an understanding of the importance of caring for it.

The tasks of fostering ecological self-awareness should work to achieve the goals set, that is,

  • to form and develop the curiosity of kids;
  • develop creativity;
  • to give elementary ideas about yourself, other people, individual components of nature (color, size, material, shape, sound, pace, causes and effects of this or that phenomenon), as well as about the relationship between them;
  • foster respect for the common home - the planet Earth - and treat the peoples inhabiting it with reverence.


Federal State Educational Standard regulates the directions of eco-upbringing of children at different stages of the educational ladder

As you know, work with children is regulated by the legal framework. With regard to environmental education, the aspects of working with this component are regulated by

  • The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”;
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On Environmental Protection”;
  • FSES DO.

By the Federal State Educational Standard, starting from January 1, 2014, the component of environmental education has undergone some revision, in particular, instead of 10 educational strategies, 5 were left:

  • social and communicative development
  • cognitive development
  • speech development;
  • artistic and aesthetic development;
  • physical development.

Acquaintance with the outside world in a preschool institution is now regulated by the "Cognitive Development" strategy (earlier it was called "Cognition"). And all the work acquired an intellectual and cognitive-creative character instead of a research and productive-activity one, which was the leading one until 2014. Meanwhile, the principle of individualization of education as a whole, including the ecological component, has been preserved. It lies in the fact that the learning trajectory is based on the interests of each particular kid. So, if a child loves to watch birds, feed them and build birdhouses, then it is better for him to tell about the types of precipitation using signs associated with birds. For example, if the swallows fly low, then it will rain, and if the chickens are walking in bad weather, then the bad weather will soon be replaced by sunshine. Thus, the assimilation of the material is easier and faster.

Federal State Educational Standards Program for Eco-education of Preschoolers

The GEF program pays great attention to practical activities

The program of the Federal State Educational Standard provides for a systematic approach to the upbringing of the ecological culture of preschoolers. This means that each year the topics of the classes are repeated, but at the same time some types of work are added.... For example, in the junior group, a reading competition in the middle group is added to applications on a given topic, and in the senior group, an illustration of a book about nature is added. In general, the study of topics related to

  • seasonal changes in animate and inanimate nature:
  • a change in the way of life of plants and animals in connection with the change of seasons;
  • human impact on the world around us in winter, summer, autumn and spring.

The program includes theoretical and practical understanding of the topic, therefore, work on each block is carried out in 6 directions:

  • software component (in other words, the topic itself);
  • regional component (aspect of the topic that has territorial significance, for example, the protection of a local forest or river);
  • variable component of a preschool institution (implementation of the general concept of a kindergarten through a specific topic, which is especially important for specialized institutions, for others this component coincides with the software component);
  • preliminary work (didactic games, reading on the topic, observing natural phenomena, modeling the change of seasons with the help of lotto, pictures or applications);
  • practical activity (experiments, for example, how quickly water freezes at sub-zero temperatures);
  • accompanying forms of work (garbage collection, creative tasks in the form of drawings, drawing up puzzles, etc.).

An approximate program of environmental education for preschoolers in the middle group

Variable component
Observations, experiments Companion forms
Topic 1. "Inanimate nature in autumn"
"I and nature" To foster in children a love of nature, the desire to take care of plants and animals; instill intolerance to senseless damage to plants and the destruction of animals Show the uniqueness of the nature of Siberia, its fragility and, at the same time,
To form ideas about the inextricable connection between man and nature (man is a part of nature) Didactic game "Nature is not nature",
"Guess what's in the bag"
Observations on the ecological trail "What is nature" Garbage collection on the ecological trail
"Our home is nature" Foster respect for the environment Demonstrate the joy of being in touch with the nature of your area To form concepts about inanimate nature as a factor in the life of all living things Reading fiction: E. Moshkovskaya "There lived a man in the world", V. Orlov "House under a blue roof" Compare: "House - human dwelling" and "House - nature" Application "I and nature"
Excursion to the forest during the golden autumn Seasonal changes in the forest The beauty of the surrounding nature. Rules of conduct in the forest A forest is a community of plants and animals. The relationship between living and inanimate nature Hike with parents to the forest. Drawing "We are in the autumn forest" Viewing "Forest Finds" Collecting and drying autumn leaves "Autumn palette"
Autumn phenomena in inanimate nature Seasonal changes: the day gets shorter, it gets colder, it rains often, and cold winds blow. Dependence of changes in living nature on changes in inanimate nature Features of natural phenomena in Siberia. Nature calendar To acquaint with the complex of characteristic phenomena of inanimate nature and their seasonal changes Reading fiction, memorizing poetry. Didactic game "When it happens" Observing the state of the weather and seasonal changes in the life of plants and animals "Autumn Tracks" "Poetic Pages", "Autumn" - a competition of readers.
"The sun is a big star" Give an idea of ​​the Sun as a star. Clarify knowledge about the structure of the solar system Drawing up the layout of the "Solar System"
Why are there different seasons? The sun is a source of light and heat. Change of seasons. Seasonal changes in nature. The role of the sun in human life Game "Day and Night" Simulation "Change of seasons"
"Introducing children to the soil" Soil as the top layer of the earth: "living earth". Soil contamination, possible consequences. The need for soil protection Experience: soil properties, how soil contamination occurs Seasonal observation of fallen leaves "Let's Help the Earth Prepare for Winter" campaign
Topic 2. "Plant world in autumn"
Excursion to the meadow. "Meadow-ecosystem" Recognize six meadow plants. To consolidate the rules of behavior in nature Show the beauty of the meadow. Rare, medicinal, poisonous plants A meadow as an ecosystem. The relationship of plants with insects. Influence of light, heat, water on plant life Reading The Adventures of Kuzi the Grasshopper. Didactic game "Guess the plants" Observation "Live barometers" (weather prediction) Drawing "Meadow in autumn"
How Plants Prepare for Winter (targeted walk) Recognize and name 5-6 trees, 3-4 shrubs, 4-5 garden flowering plants by leaves and fruits: foliage coloring, fruits, leaf fall, life fading Acquaintance with local plants of the immediate environment. Nature calendar Perception of plants as living beings, compassion for them, respectful attitude. Appointment of all organs. Influence of light, water, heat on plant life. Trees, shrubs, herbs, their characteristic features Making models "Flower", "Living conditions" Observing the flowering plants of the flower garden brought into the group Application "Autumn Landscape" (from dried leaves)
Flowering plants Fix the names of 4-5 flowering plants A variety of plant species in nature. Parts of plants and their functions. Plant development. Aesthetic attitude to plants Sowing seeds, caring for plants Observing the growth and development of flowering plants Seed collection
Topic 3. "Animal world in autumn"
"Let's help the earthworm find its home" Soil as the top layer of the earth. Inhabitants of the soil (for example, earthworms), their role in soil formation Homework: learn about the benefits of earthworms Watching earthworms after rain
"Conversation about the mole" To give children an idea about the features of the appearance and behavior of a mole, about its adaptability to the underground lifestyle Reading the books "Blind mole rats", V. Tanasiychuk, "Ecology in pictures" Search for molehills Drawing illustrations for the book "Blind Mole rats"
Comparison of wild and domestic animals Expand and deepen children's understanding of wildlife and domestic animals Expand ideas about the peculiarities of the appearance of animals, life manifestations, habits, features of adaptation (molting, hibernation), the conditions necessary for their life. Living conditions for pets are created by a person (benefit, care). Wild animals take care of themselves Reading stories from the book "Forest Mosaic" by V. Zolotov Search for wintering places for animals, insects Collection of animal feed. Questionnaire for parents "Your attitude to animals"
Comparison of fish and frogs To consolidate the idea of ​​the adaptation of wild animals in natural conditions (frog disguise) To form a generalized view: fish are aquatic inhabitants, frogs are inhabitants of water and land. Adapting to life in the water Game - competition "How do fish and frogs differ from each other, how are fish and frogs similar to each other?" Cycle of observations of aquarium fish Homework: Look for books with illustrations about different aquatic animals
"By the water, on the water, and in the water" Seasonal changes in nature Respect for the nature of the native land Reservoir as a habitat for animals and plants. Adaptation to life in the aquatic environment Viewing illustrations, reading books about the inhabitants of the reservoir Observation of the inhabitants of the reservoir
Excursion to the river Seasonal changes in nature Rules of conduct in nature. The beauty of the surrounding nature Learn to observe and compare seasonal changes in nature (summer - autumn) Homework: pollution of water bodies and the impact of this factor on the life of plants, animals, humans Watching the river in different seasons Environmental action "We want to live in a clean village"
Migratory Birds Reinforce and expand the understanding of birds: to provide an understanding of migratory birds. The departure of birds is associated with the disappearance of insects, freezing of water bodies Introduce specific bird species in your area. Nature calendar Adaptation of birds to the ground-air way of life, to the seasonally changing conditions of inanimate nature. The relationship of birds with their habitat. Caring for birds Manufacturing of feeders, preparation of feed Observing the behavior of birds Action "Help the birds to survive"
Topic 4. "Man and Nature"
"Vegetables and fruits on our table" To acquaint children with the work of people in picking vegetables, fruits in orchards and vegetable gardens Teach adults to take an active part in the work of adults; sowing some vegetables in the autumn, preparing the garden for winter, harvesting land for the garden at the window Cooking vegetable salad Observing the growth and development of vegetable crops Harvesting
"Bread is the head of everything" Expansion of ideas about cultivated plants of the field (cereals) Wheat is grown in Siberia The concept of "Cultivated plants". Respect for the work of grain growers, bread. Influence of light, heat, moisture on plant growth Examination of different ears, their comparison Excursion to the kitchen, observing the kneading of the dough for patties
"Planet Earth is in danger" The role of humans in conservation work Give an idea of ​​the planet Earth, about the inhabitants of the Earth. To preserve our planet, we must love nature from childhood, study it, and treat it with care. Globe viewing: continents, oceans, seas, North Pole and South Pole Inspection of the kindergarten territory, garbage collection Environmental work: clearing the glade, "treating" trees, bushes
"Through good deeds you can become a young ecologist" To educate children to take care of the environment Show that a young ecologist is a child who loves nature, cares about living things, creates good living conditions for them Reveal to children with specific examples that there are good and bad actions Monitoring the condition of trees, bushes of the site Dry (unhappy) tree model. Stand "Panorama of Good Deeds"
"Conversations about Autumn" Summarize and systematize children's knowledge about autumn Nature calendar Establishing a connection between the length of the day, air temperature, the state of plants, the availability of food for animals and plants and their adaptation to winter Reading fiction about autumn, changes in nature; didactic games Observing seasonal changes in nature Autumn holiday
Topic 5 "Ecosystem - forest"
"Forest multi-storey house" Forest as an example of community. The relationship of living organisms with each other. "Houses" of forest plants and animals. Respect for all forest dwellers Homework: the forest and its inhabitants. Didactic game "Everyone has their own house" Excursion to the forest.
"Chains in the forest" Interaction of forest dwellers, their food dependence on each other Homework: find literature on the nutrition of forest dwellers Drawing up power chain diagrams
"Who is in charge in the forest?" Recognize 5-6 trees, 3-4 shrubs The main link in the forest is plants. Consequences of tree destruction. The relationship of living organisms with each other. Respect for the forest Game "What grows in the forest?", "Who lives in the forest?", "Deforestation" Target walk "Identifying tree and shrub species"
Topic 6. "Inanimate nature in winter"
"The water cycle in nature." "This sorceress is water" The transition of water to a solid state and back with a sharp change in temperature Encourage independent observation, experimentation, experimentation The state of water in nature (liquid, solid in the form of ice and snow, gaseous in the form of vapor). Basic properties of water, snow, ice, steam Freezing colored ice Research work, experiments to identify properties. Watching the snow, the frost "About living and dead water". Release of “Save Water” leaflets
"Water and its pollution" Foster respect for natural resources Human use of water. The need to save water. Water and our health Reading the ecological fairy tale "How people offended the river" Observing frosty patterns, clouds, icicles. "What is water like" Environmental Alert "Dirty Water is a Trouble for Everyone"
Air conversation Systematize knowledge about the properties of air. The importance of air in the life of humans and other living organisms Games with turntables, inflatable toys Experiments to identify the properties of air
"How the Wind Is Born" Give an idea of ​​the movement of air (wind) The role of wind in nature and human life. Waves, hurricanes, storms Determination of wind direction and strength Candlelight Experience "How the Wind Is Born"
Getting to know the thermometer Establishing a connection: cooling leads to changes in flora and fauna Introduce the thermometer: what it is used for, how it works. Air temperature measurement Sketching the signs of winter Experiments: measuring the temperature of water, snow, air with a thermometer "Window to nature" stand. "What can you do with your child while walking." "Check the folk wisdom"
Conversation about winter phenomena in inanimate nature Winter phenomena in inanimate nature: cold, often frosts, the ground is covered with snow, and reservoirs are ice Winter phenomena of the nature of Siberia (winter is long, harsh, snowy, frosty, etc.) The night is long, the day is short; the sun does not rise high in the sky, gives little heat; cold, frost, the sky is often gray, cloudy; it's snowing, sometimes there is a blizzard, a blizzard Observation of seasonal phenomena in winter; changing the position of the sun
Hike to the forest "Winter Kingdom" Seasonal changes in nature, dependence of changes in living nature on changes in inanimate nature The beauty of the winter forest. Recognize the footprints of forest dwellers in the snow The relationship of various components of nature (soil, water, plants, animals). Respect for the world around you Didactic game "Whose Trace?" Drawing "Winter Kingdom"
Topic 7. "Plants in winter"
"How Plants Have Adapted to Winter" Trees and shrubs without leaves Difficulties in the existence of living things in Siberia A variety of plant species in nature. Ways of adapting plants to seasonal changes in nature. Trees, shrubs, grasses: their characteristic features Distinguish trees and bushes by trunk, branches, bud characteristics Composing an ecological fairy tale "What trees dream about in winter"
Indoor plant - living organism Houseplant concept. Recognize and name 5-6 indoor plants by shape, color of leaves, flowers, stems A plant is a living organism. Parts of plants, their functions. Influence of heat, light, water on plant life. Understanding the role of plants in nature and human life. Formation of plant care skills Houseplant care Houseplant observation cycle Group exhibition of drawings "My favorite houseplant"
Moisture-loving and drought-resistant plants. Light-loving and shade-tolerant plants Show the dependence of the growth of indoor plants on conditions. To give an idea of ​​moisture-loving and drought-resistant, light-loving and shade-tolerant plants Differentiated needs of indoor plants for moisture and light. Build care skills according to their needs Caring for plants in a corner of nature Experience: the influence of light, heat and water on plant life Determine the correct care for plants at home
Topic 8. "Animal world in winter"
"How do animals spend the winter in the forest?" Compassion for animals. Difficult living conditions in Siberia The importance of external factors in the life of animals. Animal nutrition in winter, modes of movement, habitats Reading fiction about the life of animals in the forest in winter, looking at paintings Observing seasonal changes in nature
"Animals of cold countries" Features of weather conditions. Adaptation of plants and animals to conditions, peculiarities of life Reading fiction about the harsh climate of the Arctic, about life in a cold climate Making the model "Animals of cold countries"
Why don't polar bears live in the forest? Adaptation of animals to life in natural conditions Outline the law of nature: all animals live in the places to which they are adapted Reading the book "Ecology in Pictures" Drawing according to the book "Ecology in Pictures". Book making
"Conversation about wintering birds" Recognize wintering birds by their appearance, behavior, and sounds. Seasonal changes in bird life. Bird feeding Birds of the nearest neighborhood Adaptation to the ground-air way of life, to the seasonally changing conditions of inanimate nature. Bird feeding Didactic classification game Wintering bird observation cycle Application "Birds at the trough"
Topic 9. "Nature and Man"
"Wintering of wild and domestic animals" Seasonal changes in animal life Clarify the signs of wild and domestic animals, their similarities and differences. The role of man in the life of pets Homework: find literature on the wintering of wild and domestic animals Excursion along the ecological trail
Complex lesson "The cold winter will pass ..." Generalization of knowledge about winter Nature observation calendar The dependence of all living things on environmental conditions. Plants and animals have adapted to the harsh conditions of winter Exhibition "Winter landscapes". Learning poems and songs about winter Winter holiday
"Red Book" Respect for plants and animals. Rules of conduct in nature Rare plants and animals Facts of negative impact on nature. Examples of rational use of nature by man Production of the "Red Book"
"My native land" Respect for nature The nature of our village How to live in friendship with nature. Protection of rare animals and plants Production of the "Red Book" Excursion to the forest Drawing (collective work) "The nature of our village"
Topic 10. "Inanimate nature in spring"
"How the sun gives life to the earth" The role of the sun - a source of light and heat - in the life of living beings Search activity on the topic "Awakening of wildlife" Sun observation cycle Maslenitsa holiday
"Spring phenomena in inanimate nature" The day gets longer, it gets warmer, the snow melts, the rivers are freed from ice. The relationship of wildlife Warming, floods, soil thawing Increasing the day and shortening the night. The sun gives more light and heat. Living conditions are getting better, so everything comes to life Comparison of signs of winter and spring Observations on the topic "Influence of light, heat, water on the life of plants, animals" Saturday clean-up "We meet with cleanliness"
"Stones, sand, clay" Sand: flowability, looseness, water permeability. Clay: density, plasticity, viscosity. How man uses sand and clay. Distinctive features of stones, their variety Experiments to identify the properties of sand, clay, stones
Excursion to the forest Signs of the coming of spring. Changes in wildlife are associated with warming and the emergence of necessary conditions for life Spring periods Establishing connections and dependencies between changes in animate and inanimate nature Drawing up stories about spring using reference pictures, diagrams Observation cycle "Awakening of nature" Working with parents "Window to nature", "Did you know?" (popular wisdom)
Topic 11. "Plants in spring"
"Plants in spring" Buds swell, leaves and flowers appear The flora of the forest: trees bloom (alder, then aspen, willow, poplar, birch, bird cherry), leaf blooming (larch turns green, followed by aspen, birch, willow) A variety of plant species in nature. Trees, bushes, grasses, their characteristic features. The relationship of plants with insects. Adaptation of plants to seasonal changes in nature. Aesthetic attitude to plants Comparison: tree - bush, bush - grass Observations of the state of plants at different times of the year
"Take care of the primroses" Learn to recognize and name the first spring flowers by leaves and flowers Rare, endangered plants of Siberia. How to save them The role of plants in human life and the natural environment in general. All plants are alive. Features of the structure of all organs Didactic game about flowers Primroses observation cycle Release of leaflets "Take care of primroses"
"Green service of Aibolit: spring care of indoor plants" Consolidation of skills in caring for indoor plants. Dependence of plant growth on environmental conditions Determination of a good or sick condition of plants by external
signs, identification of missing conditions, methods of care that can make up for them. Light-loving - shade-loving, drought-resistant - moisture-loving
"Garden on the Window". Caring for plants in a corner of nature Experiments with seeds Determination of plant health at home. Helping children of the younger group in caring for indoor plants
Plant propagation Learn to transplant indoor plants. To acquaint with the methods of vegetative propagation of indoor plants (cuttings, mustaches, leaves) Reproduction by shoots (geranium, fuchsia, begonia), cuttings (violet, sansevier), bushes (chlorophytum) Stages of growth and development of plants. Influence of light, heat, moisture on plant life. New indoor plants can be grown from a cuttings, leaves, bulbs, dividing the bush Transplanting indoor plants and sowing flower seeds for seedlings Monitoring the growth and development of transplanted plants
Topic 12. "Fauna in the spring"
"Features of the life of animals in the spring" Features of the life of animals in the spring. Changes in wildlife are associated with warming and the emergence of necessary conditions for the life of plants and animals Reproduction of animals on the example of 1-2 species inhabiting the territory of Siberia Reproduction of animals for example 1 - 2 species Watching the video "Wildlife" (growth and reproduction of animals) Birdwatching during hatching
"About animals that are not loved" Acquaintance with some representatives of amphibians, reptiles. Their distinctive features. The value of external features in the life of animals. Understanding the need for the existence of all species without exception Homework: find information about the benefits of amphibians, reptiles Making a model of an aquarium
"We meet the birds" Improve knowledge of migratory birds. Seasonal changes in bird life (nesting, hatching of chicks from eggs) The first arrival of starlings, wagtails, then waterfowl - ducks, geese, seagulls Formation of a generalized view of birds as animals that can live on the ground and fly in the air. Helping the animals that live near us Classify Birds: Insectivores, Waterfowl, Granivores, Carnivores Observation of arriving birds, their behavior
"When there are few or many animals in nature." Disruption of balance in nature. Interrelation of forest dwellers, food chains. The positive role of predators in the balance of the forest community "Ecology in pictures", reading "Explosion without noise", "What to do with rabbits?" didactic game "Invisible threads"
Excursion to the reservoir Adaptation of wild animals to life in natural conditions Observe the rules of conduct in nature A body of water is a community of aquatic inhabitants that have adapted to life in and near water Formation of ideas about certain types of plants and animals of the reservoir (drawing them, showing pictures, reading stories) Observing the animals and plants in the aquarium
"The sea is in trouble" Adaptation of wild animals to life in natural conditions The idea of ​​the sea, its inhabitants. The relationship of modern man with nature. Factors of negative human impact on nature Reading the book "Ecology in Pictures", "Oil in the Sea," Why the whales died. " Didactic game "Who lives in the sea?" Experiment "Birds and Oil", "Oil River" Drawing illustrations for read stories
Topic 13. "Nature and Man"
"Earth is a living planet" Life on earth, general conditions for plants, animals and people. A sense of pride in your planet: it is the only "living" planet in the solar system, is a common home for all living things, this house must be protected Reading fiction about the life of plants and animals in different ecosystems, the necessary living conditions. Didactic game "Where is whose home?" Observations of living objects, necessary living conditions Release of leaflets, posters "Let's Save Our Planet"
"We are responsible for those we have tamed" Introduce animals from the corner of nature, tell how to care for them Generalization of the idea that animals and plants are living beings and need certain living conditions that satisfy their needs. Creation of appropriate conditions close to natural Acquaintance of children with the life of animals in natural conditions. Highlighting the rules for communicating with animals Animal observation cycle Caring for the inhabitants of the natural corner. Growing green fodder
"We are tourists" (excursion) Strengthen the ability to behave in nature: do not break bushes and trees, do not leave garbage in resting places Environmentally sound and safe behavior for human health in nature Production of signs "Protect nature" Operation "Caution, anthill!"
"This wonderful world of insects" (excursion) Seasonal changes in insect life Timing of awakening insects: mosquitoes, beetles (May), butterflies (lemongrass, urticaria), ants Variety of insects. The value of external features in the life of animals. Insects in different habitats. Positive and negative relationships in ecosystems Research activities on the topic "Search for insects in nature" Cycle of observation of the development of insects Quiz "About insects". "Mysterious transformations"
(the game)
Excursion to the meadow Recognize the four herbaceous plants in the meadow. Light-loving plants Study of native plants Typical representatives. The relationship between the conditions and needs of plants and animals. Protection of rare species of animals and plants. Nature as a habitat - "man's house" Insect observation cycle Consultation "Why do children offend insects?"
Conversation about spring Seasonal changes in nature. The relationship between living and inanimate nature. Spring work in the garden, in the garden, field Keeping a nature calendar locally The sequence of spring changes in nature, dependence on weather changes Reading fiction about spring Cycles for observing seasonal changes in nature, for the life of plants and animals Work at the children's site

Environmental projects for preschoolers

Environmental projects for preschoolers are usually long-term jobs, such as planting and caring for fruit trees

One of the most relevant forms of work with children in recent years is the project. This type of activity allows you to combine the components of preliminary work, practical activities and related forms of consideration of the topic. The topic of project assignments is selected based on an individual approach to learning, but also taking into account the age of the baby.

Junior group

Kids watch with pleasure how seeds germinate in crafts, the so-called "eco-people"

All work of children in this age category is carried out jointly with their parents.

  • "Miracle Garden". Objectives: fostering interest in research activities, gaining knowledge about the conditions necessary for growing plants, getting to know the variety of seeds, developing sensory skills, fostering a sense of pride in the results of one's work, as well as respect for the results of the work of other people. The essence of the project boils down to the fact that in the Red Corner of the kindergarten you need to create a mini-vegetable garden, for this each child is given the task of germinating the seeds of a certain agricultural crop. The project is long-term.
  • Decoration of the corner "World of Nature". Objectives: the formation of conscious ideas about nature, the development of skills in observing the world around them, the creation of conditions for the formation of the ability to foresee the results of some of their actions. The essence of the project is that children create handicrafts from natural materials available at different times of the year.

Middle group

One of the projects in the middle group is to observe and compare germinated seeds

  • Hello tree. The main goal of this project is to get acquainted with the trees of the native land. And also to form ideas about the life of trees, to develop observation, imagination, speech, to foster respect for the nature of their native land. The essence of the project is that children, together with their parents, choose a tree, which they observe for 12 months, describing the changes that are taking place with it. These observations are presented in the form of drawings, memorization of poems, handicrafts made from natural materials.
  • "Secrets of Water". Objectives: to form children's ideas about the importance of water in life, to show the properties of water in its different states, as well as its properties during these transitions (changes in taste, color, smell). The essence of the project: a selection of riddles, poems about water, creating a wall newspaper, conducting experiments on freezing, heating water, as well as mixing with other substances (food colors, sugar, salt).

Senior group

In the senior group, projects are aimed at visualizing the rules of careful handling of nature.

  • "Miracle Seeds". Objectives: to get acquainted with the seeds of vegetables, the peculiarities of their planting, trace the process of germinating seeds, develop the ability to compare, draw conclusions, apply theory in practice, develop speech, instill respect for work, as well as a responsible attitude to business. The essence of the project boils down to the fact that children in the period from April to May are engaged in the germination of vegetable seeds, comparing them, studying the peculiarities of caring for specific plants.
  • "Clean World". Objectives: to form ecological knowledge in children, to develop practical skills of respect for the environment, the ability to creatively process waste material, to develop ideas about the nature of their native land. The essence of the project is that children regularly clean the area, making a photo report on the work done, as well as making crafts from waste material, that is, from waste that is safe for life and health.

Didactic games

Didactic games on ecology are aimed not only at intellectual development, but also at physical

Almost all environmental projects are long-term, and, taking into account the age of children, one cannot but focus on one of the most favorite forms of interaction between children and adults - play. This form of work allows you to consolidate knowledge of ecology or present it in an accessible and entertaining form.

For the younger group

  • "Little Men of Mood"

Purpose: to develop the ability to compare emotions and the reasons for their appearance, the development of a sense of empathy, a positive attitude towards the world around us.

Material: model cards "Little Men of Mood" depicting two main emotions (joy, sadness). Move. The teacher invites children to consider the plants of the corner of nature and determine how they feel, pick up "little people of the mood."

Questions for children: “How does a dry plant feel? How does a watered plant feel? " (Children accompany the answers with a demonstration of cards.)

  • "Flower" (accompanied by flowing music)

Purpose: removal of muscle, psychoemotional tension, formation of the ability to express feelings and emotions.

Move. The teacher invites children to "turn" into a seed - a warm sunbeam fell on the ground and warmed the seed in it. A sprout emerged from the seed. A beautiful flower grew out of the sprout. The flower is soft in the sun, each petal is exposed to warmth and light.

  • "Draw an animal"

Purpose: removal of psycho-emotional stress.

Topics: "Angry dog", "Funny puppy", "Sad bunny", "Funny bunny", "Sly fox", "Mischievous kitten", "Frightened chick", "Big-footed bear", "Cowardly bunny", "Brave hare "," Sad cat "," Cheerful kitten ".

For the middle group

  • "Rain"

Purpose: removal of psycho-emotional stress, reduction of aggression, weakening of negative emotions. Material: sheets of paper, scissors.

Move. The teacher invites the children to cut the paper into small pieces - to make "raindrops" (within 3 minutes). At the end of the work, the children take turns throwing up "droplets", showering each other. Then, it is discussed what feelings children experience when they fall under a warm (cold) rain, a downpour, drizzling rain, etc. (The training game "Snow" can be performed in the same way.)

  • "Walk along the stream"

Purpose: to stimulate activity, develop cohesion, relieve muscle tension.

Move. A winding stream is drawn on the floor with chalk, now wide, now narrow. Children-tourists line up one after another and put their hands on each other's shoulders. Tourists all together slowly move along the bank of the brook.

  • "Conversations with trees"

Purpose: to teach children to see and emotionally respond to the beautiful in nature; cultivate a humane attitude towards her.

Preliminary work. Reading fairy tales and stories on the topic.

The course of the game. Educator. See how many trees there are on our site. Pick a tree that you like, walk up to it, hug it and stand there with your eyes closed. Listen to what it "tells" you. Come back at my signal.

When they return, the children, if they wish, talk about "their" tree.

You can conduct a "Conversation with Flowers" using plants from a flower garden or a corner of nature; "Conversation with animals" using animals from the corner of nature.

For the older group

  • "Joy and sorrow"

Purpose: to form your own attitude to nature.

Material: old man-woodland doll; the chips are bright - yellow, green, red; dark - gray, brown.

Preliminary work. Excursion to the park, to the shore of the lake, etc.

The course of the game. Option 1. The game is played on the "finish the sentence" type. The teacher starts the sentence, and the children finish it at will. For example:

The most beautiful place in the park \ square \ ...

I was happy when ...

I was very upset when ...

I felt sad when ... etc.

For each answer, preschoolers receive a token: a bright one - for the continuation of the first two sentences and a dark one - for the continuation of the last two. After the game, a summary is made - which chips turned out to be more: if there are more dark ones \ for example, there is a lot of garbage in the park, tree branches are broken, etc. \, it is discussed what the children can do to fix the situation.

Option 2. The game is conducted according to the "question-answer" type. The old forest man asks the children questions. For example:

What made you happy during the walk?

What upset you?

For each answer, children receive a token of a certain color. After the game, the results are summed up (as in the first version).

  • "Travel"

Purpose: to educate a respectful attitude towards nature.

Material. Pictures depicting hares, cats, flowers; chips.

The course of the game. In different places of the group room, the furnishings are equipped: pictures with the image of hares, cats, flowers are placed. The teacher invites the children to go on a journey. At each stop, he tells about the image in the picture.

1 stop - "Grandfather Mazai and the Hares"

Once, during a spring flood, the river overflowed its banks and flooded the forest. Grandfather Mazai went on a boat to get firewood, and this is what he says: “I see one small island - Hares gathered in a crowd on it. From every minute the water was getting close to the poor animals; already under them remained Less than an arshin of land in width, Less than fathoms in length. Then I drove up: they were buzzing with their ears, Themselves from a place; I took one, ordered the others: jump yourself! My hares jumped - nothing! " The teacher asks the children questions, for example: What have we learned about grandfather Mazai?

How can humans help animals in distress? Children answer.

2 stop - "Cat"

A cat meowed in the street. Boy Sasha will ask his mother to give her food. He went outside, gave the cat milk and watched her eat. The cat was happy, and Sasha was glad ... What can you say about Sasha?

Stop 3 - "Flowers"

In the spring, Lena and her mother planted flowers in the flowerbed. In the summer they have grown and blossomed. Once Lena went to the flower bed to pick flowers, but then she thought and decided: “Better let the flowers grow here, the houses will soon fade anyway, and they will have to be thrown away.”

What can you say about Lena?

  • "What is good and what is bad"

Purpose: to clarify children's ideas about environmentally sound behavior. Material: plot pictures \ children plant trees, water flowers; children break tree branches, pick flowers; children make a birdhouse; children destroy a bird's nest; the boy shoots the birds with a slingshot \. Dark and bright color cards for each child.

The course of the game. The teacher shows the picture. Children tell what is depicted on it, then, at the request of the teacher, they evaluate the actions of the characters - they raise a card of light (if the assessment is positive) or dark.

Useful literature

Proper environmental education is an important aspect of the development of a whole personality

  • The program of education and training in kindergarten, edited by M.A. Vasilyeva, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova.
  • The program of ecological education of preschoolers "Young ecologist" S.N. Nikolaev.
  • Environmental education program for preschoolers "Our home is nature" N.А. Ryzhova.
  • Bondarenko T.M. Environmental classes with children 6-7 years old "
  • Bondarenko T.M. Methodological guide Walks in kindergarten
  • Teplyuk S.N.
  • Ryzhova N.A.Ecological education in kindergarten.
  • Molodova L.P. Game environmental activities with children.

The Federal State Educational Standard defines the main strategies for environmental education of preschoolers. The task of the methodologists and educators, taking into account the individuality of each toddler, is to find the right approach to the baby in order to show how important it is to live in harmony with nature. And if from an early age children will understand the whole need to take care of the world around them, if it becomes natural for them, then in the future we will be able to talk about the peaceful and good-neighborly coexistence of Man and Nature as a really existing concept, and not as a distant dream.

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Natasha Shilina
Environmental education of younger preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard (from the experience of the teacher)

« Ecological education of younger preschoolers

v conditions for the implementation of FSES DO»

from work experience of a junior teacher age group

MBOU Seshchinskaya secondary school Shilina N.N.

« Ecological education is much more than knowledge, abilities and skills, it is a worldview, it is a belief in priority, therefore the most important part of education consists in concrete actions, deeds that consolidate and develop this worldview ”.

G. A. Yagodin

Amazing world of nature. He meets the child with a sea of ​​sounds, smells, hundreds of riddles and secrets, makes him look, listen, think. In the heart of each of us from childhood, tender nagging memories: a narrow path in the forest, a quiet pond with green shores, a golden field of wheat. These memorable pictures warm the heart in an adult's hectic life.

Preschool childhood the initial stage of the formation of a human personality this period lays the foundations of personal culture, including ecological.

One of the main tasks FSES DO - the formation of a general culture of the personality of children, the development of their social, moral, aesthetic, intellectual, physical qualities, initiative, independence and responsibility of the child, the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities.

the main objective environmental education is the creation of conditions to form the foundations ecological culture of younger preschoolers through different types of activities, the formation of the correct attitude of the child to the nature of his environment, to himself and to people, as to a part of nature.

The main tasks that I set for myself - this is:

1. To develop the observation and curiosity of children.

2. To form generalized ideas about the signs of natural objects and phenomena.

3. Develop aesthetic perception of natural phenomena.

4. Learn to determine the state of the weather.

5. To form an idea of ​​seasonal changes in the behavior of animals and birds.

6. Bring up children have a sensitive attitude to all living things.

7. Foster a love of nature, interest and caring attitude to flora and fauna

One of the important components environmental education is a developing subject-spatial environment, in the creation of which I take into account the requirements GEF DO.

A corner of nature has been created in the group, in which children daily come into contact with the wonderful world of plants, learn to observe, interact with it, take care and take care of it. Big educational labor in a corner of nature matters. Children develop a careful, caring attitude towards nature, brought up responsible attitude to their duties. In the process of care, children get an idea of ​​the diversity of the plant world, how plants grow and develop, what conditions for them you need to create.

To organize and conduct experiences and experiments in the group, a laboratory of inanimate nature was created. It contains natural and waste material necessary for carrying out experienced- experimental activities. In our laboratory we carry out various experiments with water, air, sand, paper. In the process of experimenting, kids get the opportunity to satisfy their curiosity, to feel like researchers. Simple sand experiments, water, air cause great delight and a desire to understand why this is happening. Every time children are happy to go to the laboratory for new knowledge. Here they broaden their horizons, develop cognitive activity and independence.

Games on ecological the topic is an effective and interesting tool environmental education... While playing, children better assimilate knowledge about objects and phenomena of the natural environment, learn to establish relationships between them and the environment, about the sequential change of seasons and about changes in animate and inanimate nature. Reflecting the impressions of life phenomena in the images of play, children experience aesthetic and moral feelings. The game contributes to the experience of children, to expand their ideas about the world.

Since children preschool age is characterized by visual - figurative and visual - effective thinking, the principle of my work contributing to the development of the cognitive interest of children, is the Chinese folk wisdom: "Tell me - and I will forget, show me - and I will remember, let me act on my own - and I will understand."

Outdoor games of a natural history, associated with imitating the habits of animals, their way of life, cause special joy and interest in children. In order to introduce kids to the surrounding nature in a playful, entertaining way, to consolidate knowledge about it, educate respect for the objects of nature, I have created a card index of physical education minutes and finger gymnastics, outdoor games, which I widely use in work... Children are happy to do the exercises and quickly memorize the necessary information.

Artistic and aesthetic development and productive activities in environmental education form work skills with natural material; develop aesthetic perception of natural objects, creativity, imagination. Children learn to reflect all their knowledge, observations in a productive activities: in drawing, modeling, application. In the process of looking at illustrations in books, memorizing poems, looking at paintings on ecological the topic in children develops speech, aesthetic perception of natural phenomena... Also, a card index of observations, didactic games, a card index for conducting experiences and experiments.

Holidays and entertainment that we spend in our kindergarten bring great joy to children. They willingly take part in their implementation.

The concept of modernization of Russian education, in connection with the transition to GEF DO, emphasizes the exceptional role of the family in solving problems education the younger generation. That's why Work with parents is the most important aspect in implementation of environmental education since it is the family that gives the first an experience interaction with nature, introduces to vigorous activity, shows an example of attitude to objects of flora and fauna. Together with our parents, we conduct environmental actions, holidays, excursions to nature, we organize contests. One of these contests was held in the fall under the title “Golden autumn came to visit us”, in winter - “Symbol of the year. A monkey. "

V work I use the project activity method. In this direction by me projects developed and implemented... “Seasons”, “Little Thumbelina's Garden”, “The Red Book of Our Group”, “Laboratory of Inanimate Nature”.

The design method helps to realize the principle of integration of educational areas and can be aimed at organizing play, cognitive research, communicative, productive children's activities. The project can combine the content of education from various fields of knowledge, in addition, great opportunities open up in the organization of joint cognitive and search activities preschoolers, teachers and parents. This approach promotes cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between parents and children.

My environmental education work children give positive results: children show interest in vivid natural phenomena; creative activity, independence, initiative develops; children begin to establish causal relationships; begin to treat nature more carefully, master the basic norms of behavior in nature; take care of plants with love for birds and animals.

Also the result of my work are created me: methodical piggy bank, developing the subject-spatial environment, card indexes (observations in nature, outdoor games, finger gymnastics, physical education minutes, game and didactic materials.

Task educators and parents _ to bring children to the understanding that we are together, and each of us is responsible for the Earth, and everyone can preserve and increase its beauty.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 35 combined type"

Compiled by:

Okuneva T. M.,


Polysaevo 2015

"Love for the Motherland begins with love for nature"

E. V. Pavlenko.

At the main stage of the development of society, the issue of environmental education becomes especially acute. In this regard, it is necessary to pay more attention to the ecological education of children from the very first years of their life, since it is during this period that the child develops the first perception of the world - he receives emotional impressions about nature and society, accumulates ideas about different forms of life, forms the basis of ecological thinking , consciousness and culture.

During this period, the foundations of interaction with nature are laid, with the help of adults, the child begins to realize it as a common value for all people. Wildlife has long been recognized in pedagogy as one of the most important factors in the education and upbringing of preschoolers.

Communicating with her, studying her objects and phenomena, preschool children gradually comprehend the world in which they live: they discover the amazing variety of flora and fauna, realize the role of nature in human life, the value of its knowledge, experience moral and aesthetic feelings and experiences that stimulate them to take care of the preservation and enhancement of natural resources.

The severity of modern environmental problems has put forward before the pedagogical theory and practice the task of educating the young generation in the spirit of a careful, responsible attitude to nature, capable of solving issues of rational nature management, protection and renewal of natural resources. In order for these requirements to become the norm of every person's behavior, it is necessary to purposefully cultivate a sense of responsibility for the state of the environment from childhood.

The purpose of our work is to form ideas in preschool children about the flora and fauna of the nature of their native land in conjunction with the environment, environmentally competent behavior in nature and a humane attitude towards it.

To achieve this goal, the main tasks were identified:

Deepen and expand environmental knowledge;

To instill basic environmental skills and abilities - behavioral, cognitive;

To develop cognitive, creative, social activity of preschoolers in the course of environmental activities;

To form (educate) feelings of respect for nature.

All work on environmental education was carried out in two directions: in the classroom and in everyday life. The knowledge, skills and abilities acquired by children in the classroom were reinforced in everyday life.

Starting from 2-3 years old, the attention of children was drawn to some of the most striking noticeable phenomena and events characteristic of different seasons. They gave the children a little information, using games and fun. And they returned several times to the same objects and phenomena.

In the second junior group, the work continued. The children were attracted to active participation in the care of indoor plants: they watered, loosened, wiped the leaves, washed trays, etc. Each child gradually got acquainted with the material for caring for plants so as not to harm them. With the onset of winter, the birds were fed on the site. They made feeders together with their parents and placed them closer to the window so that the children could watch the birds every day.

At the senior preschool age, they were involved in subject-transforming activity among nature. They taught them to use wisely, work, conserve natural resources, and assimilate practical experience, and their attitude to the natural environment. As a result, the children acquired practical knowledge, personal experience of influencing the environment and preserving wealth, enriching their cognitive interests, and the need for the activity of the natural environment.

Based on the leading didactic principles and analysis of the interests and inclinations of preschoolers, various forms of environmental education were used:

a) massive;

b) group;

c) individual.

The mass forms included the work of children on the improvement and landscaping of premises and the territory of the preschool educational institution, nature conservation holidays, conferences, environmental festivals, role-playing games, work on the site.

The group forms included film lectures, excursions, hiking trips to study nature, and an ecological workshop.

Individual forms of observation of animals and plants, making crafts, drawing, modeling.

A small amount of information was selected for each observation. The preschoolers gradually formed ideas about objects and natural phenomena in the process of multiple “encounters” with them (in the process of using cycles of observations of the same object). In each subsequent observation, they recalled, clarified, consolidated and concretized, expanded the received ideas. In the organization of observations, they thought over the system, their interconnection, which ensured the awareness of the children of the processes and phenomena that they observed. Observation stimulated the interest of children, their cognitive activity.

Along with observations, visual illustrative material was widely used, which helped to consolidate and clarify the ideas of children obtained in the course of direct observations. With their help, preschoolers formed ideas about objects, natural phenomena that cannot be observed at the moment, children got acquainted with the phenomena occurring in nature (seasonal changes), generalization and systematization of information of natural history content and nature took place.

A large role in acquainting preschoolers with nature was assigned to play. Role-playing games assumed the presence of natural history, nature conservation and ecological content and the existence of certain knowledge: "A trip to the exhibition", "Expedition to Africa", "Travel to the sea."

We selected a variety of didactic games of ecological content: "Wild - domestic", "Poisonous and safe plant", "Where, whose house?", "What is harmful and useful for nature (water)?", "Dangerous - not dangerous", "Choose edible mushrooms, berries "," Let's pack a backpack for the road ", etc.

They used object games using natural material (cones, pebbles, shells, etc.) and contributed to the development of the child's thinking. For example, objects can be classified according to different characteristics (color, size, shape). It is important that children also participate in the collection of natural material.

They played intellectual games - "KVN", "What? Where? When? ”,“ Brain-ring ”, the children were delighted not only by the game, but also by the preparation for the game itself.

Creation of conditions for independent play of ecological orientation, research activities and modeling requires special attention. In a corner of nature, a collection of natural waste materials for making crafts was created, a mini-town was planted on the windowsills.

The most important form of work with children is work in nature. This type of activity, like no other, contributed to the formation in preschoolers of the awareness of the correct attitude to nature. In the course of their labor activity, the children had the opportunity to put their knowledge into practice, acquire new ones, and clearly see the existence of various interrelationships in nature (plants, animals and the environment). They developed the necessary care skills, a sense of responsibility for a living organism.

Children in the classroom evoked positive emotions in drawing, application, modeling and design, acting out performances on natural history topics, reading fiction - all this contributed to the formation of a consciously correct attitude towards nature in preschoolers, and attracted them to nature conservation activities.

Environmental education of preschoolers can be viewed as a process of continuous parenting, aimed at shaping the environmental culture of all family members. Environmental education (enlightenment) of parents is one of the extremely important and at the same time one of the most difficult areas of work of a preschool institution. One of the primary tasks is to attract adult family members (even grandparents to a greater extent than busy dads and mothers) to work together. The preschool age of a child is a period when many of them themselves strive for contact, cooperation with teachers, which is very important for environmental education. The family as an environment for the formation of a personality also has a huge impact on the formation of the foundations of an ecological worldview in a child. The foundation of moral education is also laid in the family, and it is during early childhood.

Adults received environmental information:

At parent-teacher meetings;

In the process of visiting the territory of the kindergarten;

From parenting counseling;

In joint activities with children.

In addition to traditional forms of work and preschool educational institutions and families, we actively use innovative forms and methods of work:

1. Round table "Ways to implement the system of environmental education in kindergarten";

2. Thematic exhibitions: photo exhibition "Pets", an exhibition of drawings "Don't be late, save the planet!";

3. Family meetings of ecological orientation: "Together along our ecological path", "Plant a tree";

4. Competition of family talents: "Miracle - vegetables", "Save the Christmas tree", "Bird's dining room".

Working with parents should be a gradual and continuous process, and the environmental information we offer parents is personally meaningful to them. The joint activity of an adult and a child promoted cooperation, emotional, psychological rapprochement between the child and the adult.

Thus, based on all of the above, we can conclude that when organizing work with preschool children, it is necessary to focus on the age, individual and differentiated characteristics of children. It is also necessary to properly organize interaction with the family, so that the work on environmental education continues at home.


1. Kulikovskaya, I. E. Children's experimentation [Text] / I. E. Kulikovskaya, N. N. Sovgir. - M .: Publishing House of the Pedagogical Society of Russia, 2011. _ P.79.

2. Makhaneva, MD Ecology in kindergarten and primary school. Methodical manual [Text] / M. D. Makhaneva. - M .: TC Sphere, 2010 .-- P. 171.

3. Nikolaeva, SN Methods of ecological education of preschoolers [Text] / SN Nikolaeva. - M., 2009 .-- S. 57.