Hunger in pregnancy. Now experts do not have a consensus about fasting during pregnancy. You can’t starve pregnant women - what to do

Starvation is voluntary refusal from food in order to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins. Various techniques therapeutic refusal of food implies the absence of contraindications, but fasting during pregnancy and lactation is an unreasonable risk.

Pregnancy and lactation is a time when experiments with the body can provoke both physical and emotional failure.

The period of pregnancy and lactation in general is not the right time to worry about the figure, even from excess weight also undesirable. Especially if you have not practiced diets and fasting before. It is definitely dangerous for a nursing mother to starve with or without water.

Fasting is considered one of the strongest ways to influence the body. There is a powerful restructuring of internal metabolic processes. At stressful situation the body is able to use its own energy reserves.

Therapeutic starvation helps to cleanse the body at the cell level, frees from accumulated toxins. Improvements can be observed in diseases of the cardiovascular, digestive, respiratory systems, allergies, skin problems.

The future mother, starving, risks the health of the baby, since the body of a pregnant woman needs an increased intake of vitamins, proteins and fats. Even short fasting can cause hypoxia ( oxygen starvation) and malnutrition (chronic indigestion) of the fetus, leading to miscarriage.

During lactation fasting days indicated by doctors in exceptional cases. Avoid dry fasting. The baby receives useful substances through mother's milk, and if you limit yourself in water and healthy diet, then the child's nutrition will be inadequate.

It is necessary to be careful about the conditional refusal of food according to M. Oganyan - liquid food based on herbs. The method has not been fully studied, and you should not take risks in such a crucial period.

Fasting is also not indicated during the planning period of the child - an organism that does not receive the proper amount useful substances, does not feel ready for procreation.

Dry fasting during pregnancy, when a woman refuses to eat and drink, is not welcomed by doctors.

How lactation affects the body of a woman and a child

It's no secret for new mothers that breast-feeding irreplaceable for the crumbs.

Benefits of breastfeeding for a newborn:

  • Breast milk - powerful protection child's immunity. The antibodies he received through the placenta are rapidly disappearing. Mother's milk compensates for the loss in full, helping the immune system to get stronger.
  • Compound breast milk ideal for a small organism, conditions are created for the functioning of the intestinal microflora.
  • Thanks to breastfeeding, the maxillofacial apparatus, speech, and hearing are correctly formed. Mom helps the baby to form a bite and healthy teeth.

The benefits of breastfeeding for the mother are:

  • Helps to recover faster after childbirth. Early attachment of the baby to the breast promotes uterine contraction, minimizes postpartum hemorrhage. In the first months of feeding, the uterus returns to the usual form, internal organs occupy their places.
  • Removes postpartum depression. A close psychological connection with the baby is established, the mother feels calmer.
  • Reduces the risk of breast cancer. When breastfeeding a child for at least 3 months, the chance of avoiding the disease increases to 50%. Long-term feeding helps to defeat mastopathy.
  • Absorption of calcium reduces the chances of developing osteoporosis in adulthood.
  • Helps a woman to lose weight. At prolonged feeding, from six months to a year, the fat reserves deposited by the female body disappear.
  • The reproductive system of a woman rests and recovers. At breastfeeding the hormone prolactin is produced - it interferes with the production of estrogen and progesterone, hormones responsible for procreation.

Features of fasting at different stages of pregnancy

organism future mother, which is in dire need of vitamins and minerals, is depleted. Fasting during pregnancy early dates dangerous for the health of the unborn child.

If you refuse food in the first trimester, there is a risk of genetic abnormalities, the fetal brain does not develop properly. It is at the beginning of pregnancy that brain neurons are formed, so such treatment during this period is fraught with a decrease in the intelligence of the unborn child and mental problems.

fasting on later dates no less dangerous: premature birth may begin.

During what period of pregnancy is fasting safe?

Refusal of food is possible only under the supervision of a doctor.

  1. It is very important to prepare the body in advance.
    Three to four days before the start of fasting, eat more vegetables, fruits, give up fatty, starchy foods, reduce the consumption of dairy products.
  2. You should not sharply and for a long time limit yourself in nutrition, a one-day refusal will be enough.
  3. You should come out of fasting gradually. Drink plenty of water, natural juices, eat vegetables.

Periodic fasting days are found positive reviews among expectant mothers. Experts advise practicing them after the 28th week of pregnancy, when the baby is actively gaining weight. It is enough to do fasting days 1-2 times a week. Drink up to 2-3 liters clean water in a day.

In anticipation of a child, many women experience changes in the body and, in particular, in a change in appetite. Appetite in the early stages of pregnancy either disappears altogether, or comes with some oddities that are unique to pregnant women. These can be addictions to certain foods or to combinations of foods that amaze with their eccentricity. So, first you want fresh strawberries in the middle of winter and certainly at night, another time vanilla ice cream with pickles.
It is not uncommon for there to be a sharp aversion to some specific product. Most often it is a fish meat products, cottage cheese. Moreover, before you enjoyed this type of food, but now you can’t even look at it. This is a normal situation in the early stages, and you just need to endure " unpleasant moments”, which usually disappear after 12 weeks of pregnancy.
However, despite the aversion to food in some women in the position, in others, the appetite flares up so that throughout the day you want to eat all the new food. Doctors usually explain such a manifestation of an enviable appetite with the growth and development of the fetus. Increased appetite in early pregnancy is not a whim at all, but a natural reaction of your body to hormonal disbalance, on which the increase in food consumed and its variety depend. Women who are expecting a baby seem to intuitively feel what kind of food they need, how much and how often. However, this is not always proper food and should be kept special diet for pregnant women, excluding fast food, some semi-finished products and products stuffed with chemical additives. If you have an increased appetite and prefer unusual combinations products, you can try to create your own individual diet, taking into account personal taste preferences.
It is important that a woman's desire to eat any product is a signal of a lack of vitality. important elements. If you have, for example, a calcium deficiency, then you strive to compensate for it by consuming excessive amounts of dairy and fermented milk products, and if there is not enough sodium, then your main food will be foods such as cheese, celery, carrots, sea ​​kale. Lack of iron in the body will be expressed in the consumption of apples, pomegranates, chalk. I would like to additionally note that most of all pregnant women suffer from anemia, which is precisely characterized by poor performance iron (hemoglobin). If you have anemia, then it is necessary for the health of the unborn baby, in addition to iron-containing products, to take special medications prescribed by your gynecologist, and it is better to start taking medications in the first trimester of pregnancy.
Eating too much sweets while expecting a baby can significantly lift your mood, but be aware that this can gradually lead to a drop or rise in blood sugar levels and, in the future, to the development of diabetes and obesity. Therefore, it is necessary to rationally approach the consumption of food, take into account nutritional properties of each ingredient and do not forget about additional vitamins.

After all, the expectant mother eats not only for herself, but also for her baby. Therefore, food should be tasty, healthy, varied, properly prepared and hypoallergenic. It is especially important to control nutrition in difficult period expectations of the baby, which is accompanied by "hunger attacks".

As you know, some women during pregnancy experience bouts of "wolf" hunger. At such moments, they are so hungry that they are ready to “sweep away” everything that is at hand. The degree of such attacks, of course, is very individual. Someone just starts to eat a little more often, but there are also women who, without a box of snacks, are afraid to even step out of the house. What if hunger catches them on a walk or in line at the antenatal clinic.
Attacks of hunger are observed, as a rule, in the middle of pregnancy. Has died down already early toxicosis with constant nausea, and the body tries to compensate for the period of forced hunger strike. And now the expectant mother eats and eats. But after all, it’s so short and gaining extra weight, which is fraught feeling unwell in mother and oxygen deficiency in the baby. To prevent this from happening, consider healthy snacks - homemade and those that you can take with you when you go on business. In this case, "and the wolves are full, and the sheep are safe." That is, the weight is normal, and the mother is full and satisfied.

Healthy snacks

Among the snacks that you can hastily cook at home, a lot of delicious and healthy meals. Their choice depends only on your taste preferences. Here are a few options for hearty and healthy snacks that you can transform "for yourself."

Raspberry jelly. It perfectly "interrupts" the appetite, allows you to indulge in sweets, but at the same time low in calories. In addition, gelatin is very useful for the bones of the unborn baby.

Berry yogurt. Berries give the child vitamins, and regular use yogurt allows you to normalize the intestinal flora and prevent constipation - very frequent occurrence in pregnant women.

Turkey sandwich. Lettuce leaves are a storehouse of vitamins, turkey is a low-fat and hypoallergenic source of protein, bran bread is a normalization of mom's digestion. What else do you need for a healthy snack?

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Fish sandwich. Vegetables (tomatoes, cucumbers, bell pepper, broccoli) in this sandwich are rich in vitamins and microelements, and thanks to fiber, they stimulate intestinal motility in the expectant mother. Salmon is rich in fatty acids necessary for normal development fetal nervous system.

Steam omelet. The dish gives a feeling of satiety, pacifies hunger and supplies protein - construction material all fetal cells.

Light salad. Any vegetables for a vitamin charge, and boiled chicken or tuna for satiety. And here is a wonderful, but low-fat and non-calorie weapon against bouts of hunger is ready!

Syrniki. Cheesecakes baked in the oven are a source of protein, and besides, they do not load gallbladder and liver, like their fried counterparts.

You can take it for a walk

Berries, fruits and vegetables. Fruits and berries: wash and dry thoroughly. Berries can be put in the tray as a whole, and fruits can be cut into several parts. In the tray, your snack will not be wrinkled and will help you out if an attack of hunger catches you on a walk or in line at the antenatal clinic.

Vegetables. Raw seasonal vegetables are the best snack. It is easiest to take with you those products that do not crumple, do not burst and do not give a lot of juice. Ideal companions to fight hunger - fresh cucumbers and carrot. They are nutritious, healthy and contain a large number of vitamins and minerals. Isn't that what a baby most of all expects from his mother's meal?

Sandwiches. Take a light sandwich with you when you go for a walk. After all, it is more pleasant and healthier to eat on fresh air. Moreover, the appetite is sure to play out! Remember that such a dish can be stored in your purse for no more than an hour (unless you are the owner of a thermal bag or a special cooler bag).

Yogurt. Drinking yogurt can keep its freshness for 2-3 hours out of the refrigerator. Wrap it in newspaper before going for a walk - this will slow down the process of heating it in your bag in the summer heat.

Flakes. If you want to satisfy your hunger on a walk, take a handful of corn flakes with you - you can nibble them with juice. Tasty, healthy, and not high in calories.

Dried fruits. You can wash and dry dried fruits in advance and put them in a camping tray. They perfectly satisfy hunger. However, remember that they are very high in calories, so you should not abuse them.

Hearty snacks. If you want to have a good meal, take a hard-boiled egg or a baked “in their skins” potato with you.

Products under the ban

  • Coffee, strong tea and alcohol - they excite nervous system fetus and can lead to the formation of congenital anomalies.
  • Pickles - put a strain on the kidneys and can provoke edema or increase existing ones. Therefore, pickles, especially in the second half of pregnancy, should be forgotten.
  • Persona non grata also: smoked sausage and fish, hot spices, marinades and fatty sauces.
  • You can not snack on fast food, chips, chocolates and soda.
  • Be careful with strawberries, citrus fruits, nuts, seafood - they are pronounced allergens and can provoke negative reactions.

Many pregnant women have an increased appetite. As a result, the woman is gaining extra pounds. However, what provoked the feeling of hunger during early pregnancy? Let's try to figure it out together.

The constant desire to eat something during pregnancy is considered more normal. Since a woman during this period needs a lot of calories to endure healthy baby. However, doctors say that the main reason for the "wolf" appetite lies in psychology.

It's all about estrogen. When the level of this hormone rises in female body, the brain receives a signal that it is time to eat something. It also depends on the level of estrogen emotional condition person. That is why pregnant women have a constant change of mood and strange taste preferences. In the middle of winter, a girl may want strawberries or watermelons.

However, there is another factor increased appetite. A woman, bearing a fetus, begins to think about what is now necessary to eat for two. However, this belief is erroneous. After all daily rate diet should increase by three hundred to four hundred calories, depending on the trimester.

The constant feeling of hunger can be overcome, it is enough to follow some rules. The nutritional recommendations are absolutely safe and can be used by every woman. However, we still recommend that you consult with your doctor.

  • As a snack, it is best to use natural and healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, muesli or cereal biscuits.
  • Instead of white bread, it is better to eat whole grains.
  • Try to eat small meals, but often.
  • Drink plenty of fluids, it is possible that instead of feeling hungry, you are thirsty.
  • Do not eat sour and overly salty foods.
  • Eat meat. This product will help you keep feeling full for a long time.
  • Don't forget foods high in calcium.
  • Try to find a hobby that will distract you from food.

Weight gain during pregnancy

Do not starve yourself and go on strict diets. This will adversely affect the health of the unborn child. A woman must gain weight during pregnancy. The following indicators are considered normal:

  • If you were underweight before pregnancy, then during pregnancy you should gain 13-18 kilograms.
  • Moms with normal weight should gain from 11 to 16 kilograms.
  • Women with overweight recover by 7-11 kilograms.
  • With obesity, a normal weight gain during pregnancy is 5-9 kilograms.

Exists whole line foods that are not recommended for pregnant women. Forbidden foods include:

  • all kinds of smoked meats and pickles;
  • marinades and hot sauces;
  • fast food, including crackers and chips;
  • seafood and citrus fruits, as these foods are allergens;
  • flour products in large quantities;

As we have already said, feeling hungry during pregnancy is quite normal. You need to accept this factor and try to adapt to it. However, insatiability can also indicate diseases. These include: peptic ulcer, diabetes hyperthyroidism.

As a rule, expectant mothers know about their diseases in advance. In the case of diseases, the elimination of hunger occurs in a different way and is of a medicinal nature.

Many pregnant women struggle with constant feeling hunger. Although you can indulge your desires from time to time, remember that your child needs rational and well-chosen nutrition. Therefore, a pregnant woman should monitor her diet, include only healthy foods that will benefit both her and her baby. Balanced diet It will also help you not to gain extra weight during pregnancy.


Part 1

healthy eating habits

    Talk to your doctor about correct set weight during pregnancy. Skinny women need to gain more pounds during pregnancy. Women with more high rate body mass index (BMI) should monitor their weight during pregnancy in order not to gain extra pounds. Adhere to the following principles:

    Follow a calorie intake schedule. You don't have to eat for two. If your BMI was within the normal range before pregnancy, you should increase your calorie intake by 340 during your second trimester. In the third trimester, increase this value to 452. Stick to the following rules:

    Limit access to unhealthy food. Although sometimes you may have an irresistible desire to eat a pickle or a chocolate bar, you should stay away from fast food. Try to limit your intake of potato chips, cookies, and sugary sodas. Remember, everything you eat, your child eats.

    Disaccustom yourself to "seize" emotions. Change during pregnancy hormonal background causes abrupt change moods, so many women find solace in food. If you feel overwhelmed, take a walk or spend time with good friend. Alternatively, you can treat yourself useful fruit, such as a banana, which contains amino acids that help increase dopamine and serotonin levels, which are responsible for good mood.

    Eat slowly. Slow absorption of food allows the body to feel full before you have time to overeat. If you eat slowly and take small breaks during meals, hormones associated with the process of digestion give the brain a signal that you are full. Try to have fun while eating. Do not watch TV while eating - it is unlikely that you will be able to enjoy food in such an environment.

    • To eat more slowly, try cutting or breaking food into pieces. small size, if possible.
    • Eat from a small plate. By filling a small plate with food, you will create the illusion that you are eating a lot. In fact, you will eat much less, but at the same time you will be satisfied.
  1. Listen to yourself. Pay attention to the signs your body is giving you. If you're craving something sweet, you may be deficient in certain vitamins found in fruits. If you crave salty foods, your body may need more sodium. Try to listen to your body, instead of indulging all its desires.

    Part 2

    Formulating a diet
    1. Include grains in your diet. Carbohydrates are the main source of human energy. Whole grain products should be an integral part of your diet. About 50% of your total grain intake should be whole grains, such as pasta, rice, or bread. You can purchase breads and cereals fortified with vitamins, iron, fiber, minerals and folic acid.

      Include fruits and vegetables in your diet. You must eat enough fruits and vegetables that are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. Opt for dark green vegetables like spinach as they are a great source of fiber, folic acid and vitamin A. Citrus fruits are a great source of vitamin C. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables daily.

      Include protein foods in your diet. Proteins are essential for the normal development of the fetus. So include in your daily diet protein food. Meat, fish, beans, eggs are the main sources of protein. Fish contains important omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for the development of the child's brain. Include at least 150-200 g of protein foods in your diet.