How to keep your hair silky and soft. How to make your hair silky soft in a week

But this can be difficult to achieve. Coarse hair can be caused not only by heredity. Sometimes we ourselves make them as such with daily hairdressing and modern cosmetic procedures.

Curling irons, hair dryers, irons, frequent dyeing are the "culprits" of coarse hair. And if you want to make your hair soft, healthy, manageable and silky, do not overuse various styling devices.

Even girls who do not dye their hair face the problem of stiffness. However, you don't have to resort to expensive salon treatments to soften your curls. We suggest you take advantage of a comprehensive, and most importantly - budgetary - program right at home.

How to soften your hair at home: tips and tricks available

Cosmetical tools

You need to start with the right one and the choice of shampoo, since an incorrectly selected product can nullify even the efforts of cosmetologists. In addition to shampoo, be sure to use conditioners, serums, oils, balms and masks.

It is better to select shampoo depending on ... Stick to the basic rules - .

The Avon Naturals collection has a line “ Natural softness. Avocado and almonds»: and the mask balm care to help cope with the problem of coarse hair. The composition of the line's products is enriched with avocado and almond oils, which nourish and soften hair literally after the first shampoo.

Effective effect on the hair structure is provided by products with keratin : shampoos, masks, balms. For the best result, it is worth using a complex of products. The series with keratin of such brands received positive reviews and good recommendations:

  • Kativa - Keratina line;
  • LOREAL Professional - Line for weakened hair Pro-Keratin Refill;
  • Schauma - Line Strength of Keratin.
  • Avon - the line for damaged hair in the Advance Techniques series “ ».

To make the ends softer, you need to use serums, fluids and oils. Modern cosmetic products are offered in the form of small dispenser bottles, which makes them easy to use.

Folk recipes: how to soften hair

Sour cream mask - an affordable and effective hair softening mask

This recipe is more than a dozen years old, but it continues to be passed down from generation to generation. After using the mask, the hair becomes not only soft, but healthy and shiny.

Actually, the recipe itself is simple: add a spoonful of lemon juice and olive oil to two tablespoons of homemade sour cream. Mix. This mask is applied to damp hair for 30 minutes. For a more effective effect, wrap your head with a towel.

Parsley rinse

The greens found in every refrigerator can also make hair softer. The infusion, which should be used instead of the rinse aid, should be prepared in advance. A bunch of parsley is poured with boiling water (1 liter is enough) and infused for at least an hour. After rinsing, you do not need to rinse it off.

Mint spray

Also indelible. It should be applied to dry strands whenever the opportunity arises.

It is prepared like an ordinary mint tea from fresh or dry leaves, and then the cooled drink is poured into a spray bottle.

Yolk wrap

A potent old remedy can be made very easily with two whipped yolks and a few tablespoons of vodka. After applying the mixture, the hair must be carefully wrapped. Soak for at least two hours, and then wash off using shampoo.

Onion-lemon mask for hair softening

Restores natural softness and elasticity of hair, but at the same time it has one characteristic drawback - smell. But if this is not a problem, then it is imperative to do it. In addition to the fact that such a mask makes hair soft, it also affects the intensity of their growth.

Kill two peeled onions in a blender. Add 4-5 tablespoons of lemon juice to the resulting gruel. Mix. Keep the mask for 20-30 minutes and then rinse thoroughly.

Aloe Vera Mask

Fresh aloe leaf gel diluted with warm water, apply to the strands, spread with a comb or a special hair brush, leave for 30 minutes and rinse. It is best to use freshly squeezed gel for such a mask; you can also purchase it at a pharmacy, but check that there is no alcohol in the composition.

In masks, you can add a few drops of lavender or other .

Hair Drying

Wet hair does not need to be rubbed; this will harden it and damage its structure. It is enough to blot them with a towel and let them dry naturally. Use a hair dryer to minimize or eliminate this procedure.

Body health

The softness and silkiness of hair directly depends on the health of the body. Do not forget about a proper balanced diet, include in the diet foods, especially fruits and vegetables, rich in trace elements and vitamins. Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5, calcium panthetonate), which is found in large quantities in hazelnuts, buckwheat and oatmeal, in egg yolk and milk, in broccoli, peas, beans and cauliflower, can help make hair soft.

Here are our tips on how to make your hair soft and silky at home. What recipes do you know? Write in the comments your secrets on how to soften your hair and give it a well-groomed healthy look. How do you keep your hair soft and manageable?

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Long, richly colored, shiny hair still sits at the top of every woman's beauty wish list. While some women are born with glossy hair, many of them, alas, are born with dull and dry hair.

Many women suffer from unmanageable hair that lacks shine. Regardless of whether short hair is in trend or long, still many girls crave soft and silky hair.

We have always strived to find the secret to getting silky, shiny hair. The answer lies in the right hair care.

Here are some easy home remedies for silky hair.

Eat healthy food

Vitamins play an important role in maintaining hair and cuticle growth. Try to consume as many vitamins as possible in the form of fruits, especially citrus fruits.

Our body needs to get enough moisture, keep the water level constantly, as dehydration can lead to dry skin of the face and scalp, and as a result, lifeless hair. Try to drink as much water and liquids as you can.

Choose the right care products

Wondering how to make your hair silky and shiny? To do this, you need to choose the right products to pamper your hair.

Chemically loaded shampoos, conditioners and styling products can have adverse effects on our hair in the long term.

Long-term use of these products leads to the build-up of chemicals, which can be extremely bad for your hair and overall health. Use shampoos and conditioners as mild as possible.

Buy only good natural remedies, it is very important for your hair and only in this way you will always be sure of the beauty of your hair.

Avoid shampoos that contain alcohol. It tends to strip the hair of its natural oils.

Head massage with oil

Oil massage is very important for your hair as it is for any other part of your body. Oiling the roots provides nourishment and strength and helps hair grow long, strong and shiny. It also helps to rejuvenate dead hair cells.

Massage is one of the simplest and most relaxed hair care essentials. It improves blood circulation and stimulates blood flow. You can use coconut oil or almond oil to massage your scalp.

Combing hair

Combing your hair is our daily task, but if you approach this process correctly, it will lead to an increase in hair growth.

Moderate pressure is required on the comb when brushing, which will very well stimulate blood circulation. Brushing also helps to diffuse natural oils from the scalp to the ends of the hair.

Avoid brushing your hair while it is still damp. Wet hair tends to stretch more and breaks easily compared to dry hair.

If you want to make combing easier, use your fingers and gently run them through each section of hair. Also use a soft-bristled comb.

Cold water "cure"

Hot showers can be detrimental to your hair and strip it of moisture. Rinsing with cold water, on the other hand, helps seal the cuticles and strengthens the roots, thereby helping the hair retain some of the moisture. This makes the hair soft and silky.

Regular pruning

Many professional hairdressers strongly recommend that you trim your hair regularly so that it grows faster and gets thicker. By trimming the edges of your hair, you make it look more attractive, as it removes the problematic ones.

Do not use hot tools

The biggest culprit for damaged hair is hot tools. It is not very good if you use hot tongs, curling irons and a hair dryer on a regular basis to dry your hair.

Try to dry your hair naturally, just dip it in a towel (don't rub!). If you urgently need to dry your hair, then just do it with lukewarm air (not hot!) And also try to curl your hair in more gentle ways.

Proper conditioning

Conditioner is essential for good hair - it blocks moisture from the hairs, prevents dry skin, and provides protection from environmental pollution and, to some extent, from the sun too.

It also helps replace lipids and proteins inside the hair shaft and tightens the cuticle to prevent further damage.

How to get silky smooth hair with eggs

Hair of any type can be made silky smooth with an egg mask. This mask will act as a conditioner to further nourish, protect and smooth your hair.

You will need:

2 eggs

How to make a mask:

  1. Break two eggs
  2. Beat well and apply to hair
  3. Leave the mixture on your head for 30 minutes

Shampoo your hair with a good shampoo to get rid of the egg smell.

Why it works

Plain eggs are one of the best known sources of protein and are great for your hair. Eggs greatly improve the structure of the hair, making it stronger and more voluminous.

Egg cream mask

You will need:

2 eggs

1 tablespoon fresh cream

How to make a mask

  1. Mix eggs with cream and apply the mixture to your hair
  2. Leave it on for 20 minutes.
  3. Rinse your hair with a mild shampoo

Why it works

Eggs are mostly protein. And protein is what your hair needs to get smooth and strong. Regularly making such a mask, you will achieve that the hair gets shine, and the curls will shimmer with a healthy glow.

Egg and shampoo mask

I love eggs, but I'm not a fan of their smell. And you probably don't love either. Yes, I understand you want your hair to be thick, but the fact that eggs don't smell good keeps you going. But don't worry, there is a way out of this.

You will need

1 egg


How to make a mask

  1. You can mix the contents of an egg with shampoo or use a shampoo with egg extracts
  2. Rinse it off with cold water

Your hair quality improves as the protein works for every hair.

Egg and henna mask

You will need:

1 egg

2 tablespoons of powdered henna

How to make a mask

  1. Mix the contents of the egg with henna and apply to all strands
  2. Leave it on for half an hour and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo

Why it works

Eggs and henna work together at their best. Henna is also used to color gray hair. You won't believe how strong and smooth your hair can get with this mask.

Egg and avocado mask

You will need

1 egg

Half avocado

How to make a mask

  1. Mix eggs and avocado until smooth.
  2. Apply to hair and leave it on the scalp for about forty minutes.
  3. Rinse your hair with cold water.

Why it works

Using avocados is a great way to relieve itchy scalp. It promotes healing, nourishes and improves the condition of hair and scalp, leaving your strands soft and shiny.

Egg oil mask

Egg oil, unlike many other oils, is a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, the cholesterol present in egg oil adds shine to the hair and eliminates dandruff.

Egg, olive oil and honey mask

You will need

3 egg yolks

1 tablespoon honey

1 tablespoon olive oil

How to make a mask

  1. Combine egg yolks, olive oil and one tablespoon of honey.
  2. Mix well and apply to hair.
  3. Rinse your hair with warm water after thirty minutes.
  4. Use a good shampoo and conditioner to remove all traces of the egg from your hair.

Why it works

Honey, being a natural moisturizer, provides moisture and stimulates hair growth. The addition of olive oil to it facilitates the nourishment and hydration process and promotes healthy scalp and hair.

Hurry up and buy some eggs. You have no idea what amazing things they can do to make your hair look beautiful!

Mayonnaise and Avocado Hair Mask

Add 2 tablespoons of warm avocado oil to 1 cup of mayonnaise and mix well.

Apply over the entire length of your hair as a conditioner. This mixture acts as a conditioner and you can use it whenever you have free time.

Keep it on for at least 3 hours if you have time. For best results, wrap your head in a warm towel. Rinse your hair thoroughly.

Hair mask Honey and Aloe

Add equal amounts of honey and aloe vera gel to your conditioner.

Massage it into your hair and leave it on for about 5 to 10 minutes. This is great for dry hair.

Make sure you add Aloe Vera, which does not contain other ingredients such as alcohol. This will damage the hair.

Instant natural darkening mask with coffee

For natural and instant hair color, brew regular coffee and wait for it to cool slightly. Do not let it cool completely, the coffee must be lukewarm to use.

Dip your hair in coffee, moisten each strand well, then twist it into a tourniquet and a bun, and leave it on for half an hour. If you regularly do this procedure, then your color will become saturated and bright.

Yogurt mask for silky hair

Apply plain yogurt all over your hair from roots to ends. Make sure you massage the roots with yogurt properly, leave it on for 30 minutes until it is completely dry.

Then wash off your hair with shampoo. Yogurt acts as a great conditioner and makes your hair shiny.

You can also try another amazing mask: yogurt, olive oil and honey.

Add a few drops of vinegar to the water and rinse your hair with it. Do this for at least a month and you will be surprised how your hair starts to shine.

How to get silky and shiny hair in minutes

If you're in a rush and need to add last-minute shine to your hair, follow the steps below.

Note: This method will not improve the health of your hair, it should be considered a "quick action" method in case of an emergency.

You will need the following:

  1. Straightener for curly or wavy hair
  2. Smoothing Shampoo & Conditioner
  3. thermal spray
  4. smoothing serum

Steps to get shiny hair

Curly hair is not glossy and it is noticeable with an unarmed look. Slightly wavy or straight hair is easier to add shine to using a few simple tricks.

This is because straight hair has a flat surface that reflects light in such a way that gloss is visible. Hence, straightening the hair can be viewed positively to create a glossy look.

Step 1

If you want shiny hair, avoid hot water baths. It is proven that hot water washes oils from hair, making it dull and dry.

A good smoothing shampoo should be enough to wash away dirt from your hair. If you really need to take a hot shower, put on a shower cap or use moisturizing hair masks later to replenish lost oils and moisture.

This is just the first step you cannot skip if you want shiny, glossy hair.

Step 2

Rinsing removes moisture from the hair, making it rough and unruly. Using a good conditioner after shampooing will leave your hair looking shiny and healthy.

Use a good conditioner and always leave it on your scalp for a couple of minutes to keep your hair in moisture.

Step 3

Curly hair is usually coarser and dull-looking. If you want your hair to shine, you can straighten it. In this case, be sure to use a thermal spray before straightening with an iron. The spray helps protect hair from excessive damage.

Step 4

After straightening your hair and it has cooled down completely, use a smoothing serum.

Do not apply too much serum to your hair, the amount should be minimal so that the hair does not look wet and you do not have to wash it after a short time.

Be careful that the spray does not contain alcohol, because it makes the hair dry and unmanageable. Then just comb your hair with a wide toothed comb and you're done!

Natural remedies for silky hair

We have a few simple ways to use the products that are found in every home:

Method 1

Natural foods and ingredients from their kitchen are powerful enough to help you with your hair problem.

If you need to quickly "fix" dull hair, it is a good idea to rinse your hair with a mixture of water and two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar / white wine / plain vinegar

Method 2

Mayonnaise is also great for hair as it nourishes it and makes it shinier. This is due to the vegetable oils it contains. Depending on the volume of your hair and length, take mayonnaise, put in a glass dish.

Before use, take the mayonnaise out of the refrigerator for about an hour so that it is at room temperature. Before applying this mask, the hair should be washed with warm water, which will allow the follicles to open.

Then apply it all over your hair, covering it completely. After covering all the strands with mayonnaise, put on a shower cap. It is best to keep it for about an hour or more. This method leaves hair soft, silky and shiny.

Other important tips for silky hair

  • Whenever you go out, cover your hair with a hat. Dirt and sun are the main factors contributing to hair damage.
  • Avoid using shampoos that contain sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate. Try herbal home remedies for hair restoration; harsh chemicals will make your hair look even worse.
  • Do not tie your hair very tightly; this leads to hair damage.
  • Wash your hair three times a week if you have an oily scalp, otherwise twice a week is enough. Because washing your hair often dries out the scalp's natural oils and leads to dry hair.
  • Use a good conditioner after every wash. This is a must! It nourishes dry, brittle and damaged hair. It also adds shine and makes hair manageable. Choose the right conditioner for your hair.
  • Massage your scalp for a few minutes every day. It not only stimulates blood circulation, but also removes dead skin cells, helps prevent dandruff and improves hair growth.
  • Use brushes for brushing, preferably with a soft bristled brush.
  • Cover your hair when out in the sun. The sun is bad for your hair. Dries them out and makes them dull and brittle.
  • If you have oily hair, add vinegar or lemon to the water while rinsing to help remove oil and add shine to your hair.
  • If you visit the pool or gym every day, then you need to wash your head every day too. So use a gentle moisturizing shampoo followed by a light conditioner to replenish lost natural oils.
  • To prevent dry and lifeless hair, simple hair masks should be used.
  • Avoid washing your hair with soap. Shampoo is always best for your hair as a cleanser, and soap will dry your hair completely.

Now that you know how to get silky hair at home, you don't have to worry about the condition of your hair anymore. Because now you know the secret!


To achieve soft and silky hair, you can use the services of a salon, but they are expensive and not always effective. It is better to prepare high-quality and healthy formulations at home. Consider excellent recipes for homemade masks and rinses, rules for caring for curls and ways to consolidate the result.

Hair care rules for softness

When caring for curls, compliance with some rules is extremely important:

Traditional methods

Folk remedies are widely used by women, and their effectiveness has been proven by many positive reviews. There are many recipes. Let's consider the simplest and best of them.

Apple and egg mask:

Soda Serum Will Repair Damaged Strands:

  • mix carbonated mineral water (0.5 cups) with shampoo (10ml)
  • beat the composition with a mixer into a foam
  • apply to curls and massage for up to 40 minutes. Hardness disappears, softness appears. For full recovery, you need to use it for 7-14 weeks.

Lemon onion will give your hair softness in a few days:

  • two onions, chopped in mashed potatoes, diluted with lemon juice (2 tbsp. l)
  • apply the composition to unwashed curls, cover with cling film
  • withstand 25 minutes
  • to wash hair
  • add lemon water to rinse. The mask helps to strengthen curls, stimulates the production of collagen in the body, giving them elasticity and shine.

Coconut to restore and soften dry curls:

  • coconut milk (100g) mixed with lemon juice (1 tbsp. l)
  • beat with a mixer
  • cool, put in the refrigerator for up to 4 hours to get a creamy composition
  • apply to curls, leave to fully absorb for 25 minutes
  • rinse with running water. The composition is saturated with antioxidants and vitamins, will bring invaluable benefits to hair and the whole body.

In fact, moisturizing masks give softness to curls, so vegetables, fruits, medicinal herbs, eggs, dairy products, honey, aromatic oils can be used as nutritious ingredients in the manufacture of masks. The use of these components will save you from falling out, sectioning the tips.

The main thing is to use masks regularly, at least 2-3 times a week. As a result, you can achieve very real and excellent results.

The best recipes for hair softening masks and rinses

  1. Herbal decoctions soften the curls well, rinsing with which is always useful, regardless of the type of hair. Chamomile, linden and calendula have a beneficial effect.

    and honey. Combine 2-3 aloe leaves chopped with a knife with liquid honey (1 tbsp. L) and (2 tbsp. L). Put in a water bath, remove after 20 minutes, cool. Apply to roots, spreading over the entire length. Cover your head with plastic and a towel on top. Soak for 1 hour, then rinse. The mask is effective for dandruff.

  2. Egg with honey. Honey (1 tbsp. L) is beaten with an egg. It is applied to the hair, kept for 1 hour, washed off, but only with warm water, so that the protein does not curl on the head.
  3. . The mask is suitable for eliminating the stiffness of curls. Dilute 20 g of gelatin with 4-5 tbsp. water, leave to swell for 40 minutes. Add the yolk, egg, honey (3 tbsp. L.) In a warm form, apple cider vinegar (1 tsp. L). Apply to curls along the entire length, wrap with cellophane, stand for 30-40 minutes, then rinse, massaging the scalp.
  4. ... To the crushed aloe leaf (2 tbsp. L) add natural honey and glycerin 1 tbsp. l, beat until smooth, apply to curls, stand for 1 hour, rinse. It is glycerin that will add softness, smoothness and shine.
  5. Yogurt or sour cream suitable for. Apply fatty yogurt or sour cream to hair, cover with plastic, rinse off after 30 minutes. If the curls are oily, then it is better to use kefir, if normal - natural yogurt. Rinse off the mask and rinse the strands thoroughly. The remains of fermented milk products as a result of fermentation can give the hair a sour, unpleasant odor.
  6. Sea buckthorn and burdock oil combine in equal proportions, add honey (1 tsp. l), (1 tsp. l). Warm the composition slightly in a water bath, apply starting from the hair roots. Spread over the entire length, wrap your head, leave for 40-50 minutes, then rinse.
  7. Crumb of black bread. Scald dry crusts with boiling water. Stir the softened mass, apply warm to the hair, distribute. Wrap up, stand for 1.5 hours, then rinse. If the strands are dry, then it will not be superfluous to add burdock or olive oil in 1 tsp. The mask softens the hair and enhances its growth.
  8. Olive oil, eggs and mayonnaise mix. Apply the ingredients in a small amount to the hair, put on a hat, rinse the curls with warm water after 25 minutes, then shampoo. Dried curls will become soft after the first procedure.
  9. Egg with vegetable oil for rinsing. Combine 1 egg with water (50g), add vegetable oil (6 drops), mix. Apply, rub into the scalp. Leave for 40 minutes, then rinse with running water. Rinse with a decoction of St. John's wort, calendula or chamomile.
  10. Mustard shampoo. Dilute dry mustard powder (50g) with water (2 tablespoons), rub the mixture into the scalp, then rinse off after 5-7 minutes. For rinsing, prepare a decoction of coltsfoot or nettle.
  11. Kefir. Many different recipes are known from it. This ingredient nourishes, moisturizes, softens hair, is suitable for wrapping, preparing healing mixes. Prepare a mask. Heat the kefir, add honey and base oil (4 ml), rub into the hair roots, distribute over the entire length, rinse off after 25 minutes. It is useful to add yeast to kefir. Live bacteria, when air bubbles appear as a result of the preparation of the composition, have a beneficial effect on the roots and the structure of the curls.
  12. Acetic lotion. Acid (50ml) must be diluted with water (1l), add (2 drops). Apply to damp and clean hair. Softness and silkiness are provided. For rinsing, you can use apple cider vinegar to add shine and volume. You can also rinse them with a decoction of parsley, boil the herbs with boiling water and leave for 20 minutes.

What hair products to choose

When using purchased funds, you need to pay attention to their composition. Curls require careful attitude to themselves, and if you want to heal them, you need to use only natural ingredients when applying.

Masks should also be nourishing and moisturizing. Useful for tough curls with olive burdock oil.

The moisturizing effect is provided by mayonnaise with a high fat content of up to 72%. Use only moisturizing cosmetics with nourishing oils. After regular use, even the toughest curls will become soft, pliable and shiny, and most importantly, healthier.

Beware of products that dry your hair. For example, when painting, do not use paint containing ammonia.

If possible, use soft warm water, and conditioner with aran and shea butter. Hair softness can be achieved with the regular use of funds, holding events in the complex. When choosing, it is not necessary to look for expensive products in stores. You can give the strands softness with quite affordable and simple homemade recipes.

Every girl dreams of healthy, shiny, as well as smooth and manageable hair. Everyone is wondering how to make hair silky, smooth and shiny at home? Let's understand the intricacies of the issue thoroughly.

It is possible to achieve that the hair exudes beauty and is well-groomed not only by contacting the salon, but also by performing all the procedures at home. Masks, rinses and oils, selected correctly, will help make them outwardly beautiful, as well as strengthen them from the inside, saturating them with useful vitamin formulations.

  • rinse or wash your head only with cold water. It is she who helps against brittleness, sealing hair scales, and also helps to obtain a charge of vigor;
  • after washing, do not rub the hair heavily with a towel - this will damage it. You just need to gently blot the strands;
  • do not abuse a hairdryer, curling iron, iron. Hot air dries out the hair, causing damage. Thermal protective spray will help to mitigate the negative effect;
  • you should wash your hair twice a week;
  • trim the ends, even for girls who want to grow their hair, need once a month, a maximum of one and a half. This procedure is aimed at improving hair and preventing splitting and dryness;
  • for five minutes, you should comb the curls with a wooden natural comb to circulate the scalp and stimulate the growth of curls. This procedure should be carried out several times throughout the day. The actual procedure is before shampooing and going to bed;
  • in summer, care should be taken to protect hair from the negative effects of solar ultraviolet rays, and in winter - from hypothermia.
  • homemade natural masks should be done;
  • it is impossible to frequently dye the hair, and apply the method of curling with chemical agents without damaging the hair, therefore, such procedures should be avoided.

Elements included in masks

The main natural elements that make up the composition are:

  • essential oils: lavender and coconut, burdock, almond and castor;
  • vitamin complex;
  • gelatin;
  • chicken eggs;
  • liquid honey;
  • lemon juice;
  • scarlet;
  • kefir;
  • and other natural ingredients.

Masks for shine, as well as health, incredible smoothness and excellent silkiness, which include these components, are suitable for all hair types.

Recipes and methods for making masks

There are many masks for shine and smoothness of curls, available for preparation, as well as for use at home. Let's take a look at how to make your hair silky with natural masks and take a look at their basic recipes.

Honey and oil mask

To make it you will need:

  • olive or burdock oil in the amount of three tablespoons;
  • yolk;
  • fresh lemon juice in the amount of two tablespoons;
  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of honey in liquid form.

The yolk needs to be rubbed well with honey. Pour oil and lemon juice into the resulting consistency. After that, everything must be thoroughly mixed and brought to a state of a homogeneous mass. The composition should be spread on dry hair. Cover them with cellophane on top. Roll up well with a towel. Rinse the solution off the hair with lukewarm water. The mask can be done once a week.

For shine, nutrition and smoothness

It is easy to prepare it. You just need to mix three tablespoons of three types of oils: coconut or almond, olive and burdock. Then reheat. Massage warm mixed oil into hair. Put a hat on your head and wrap it in a thick towel. The composition must be kept on the head for an hour. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water. The mask is not easy to wash off, you will have to wash your hair with shampoo repeatedly. This mask can be easily made at home.

For shine, silkiness and volume

Would need:

  • chamomile tincture - six tablespoons;
  • gelatin in the amount of two tablespoons;
  • balm for hair. Only 6 teaspoons.

Cooking steps:

  • dissolve gelatin in chamomile tincture;
  • add balm
  • mix thoroughly and bring to a homogeneous mass.

The solution is applied to clean and well-dried hair. After that, they should be wrapped in cellophane and wrap well with a towel. The mask on the curls should remain for one hour. Then the mask should be washed off under running water. Shampoo or balms cannot be used to achieve the effect.

Butter and egg mask for curls

Elasticity, smoothness, silkiness of the hair will help to give an oil and egg mask.

To make it you need:

  • 2 tbsp. tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 2 chicken egg yolks;
  • burdock oil in the amount of two tablespoons.

A method for making a mask at home:

  • Place the yolks in porridge and grind;
  • pour in oil and stir in mayonnaise;
  • mix everything well.

The composition must be applied to the hair and roots. Leave the mask for thirty minutes, then wash your hair with water and shampoo.

Kefir mask for shine

To make it, you only need warm kefir in the amount of four tablespoons. It should be distributed over the strands. Then wrap your hair in plastic or put on a shower cap. Wrap with a towel on top. The mask should be kept on the hair for one hour and then rinsed with water.

Rinse aids

Conditioners containing natural ingredients will help to make curls smoother, silky, and also shiny.

Some recipes:

  • chopped birch leaves need to be poured with 200 milliliters of boiling water. Insist fifteen to twenty minutes. Strain the solution and use it to rinse your hair two to three times a week for a month;
  • peel 3-4 apples and pour a liter of water from them. Then boil, let cool, strain and use as a rinse;
  • add a tablespoon of lemon juice to a liter of boiled water;
  • broth of parsley: 50 grams of greens, half a liter of water. It is necessary to boil for a quarter of an hour, allow to cool and strain through cheesecloth;
  • chop the burdock, boil and insist for half an hour. Rinse hair with hot broth;
  • nettle rinse. Add a decoction of nettle to the water, and rinse the curls.

All homemade products, only from natural ingredients created by nature, will help give curls shine, silkiness and smoothness. Their preparation will not be difficult.

The lively shine of beautiful, silky hair attracts the eye and gives a woman extra charm. And dull, lifeless strands hanging in untidy icicles can destroy even the most ideal image and spoil the impression of acquaintance. Therefore, for many representatives of the fair sex, the most urgent question is how to make hair shiny and restore health and beauty to them.

Experts offer different ways to solve the problem. It is necessary to provide your hair with proper care, use high-quality cosmetics, take vitamins and do not forget about modern salon procedures that can return live shine to curls. An excellent effect can be achieved by using homemade masks and folk remedies, rinsing and massages. Let's take a closer look at each option and tell you how to make your hair shiny and silky.

If your hair becomes dry, dull and brittle, pay attention to your diet first. Perhaps the body simply does not have enough vitamins, and the hair needs additional intake of nutrients. To remedy the situation, include in your daily diet fresh vegetables and fruits, meat, seafood, fish, eggs, nuts, vegetable oils and sprouted wheat grains.

Another reason could be health problems. These are chronic diseases of internal organs, metabolic disorders, vitamin deficiency, anemia, circulatory disorders. Such conditions lead to a deterioration in well-being and negatively affect the condition of the hair and scalp.

Ways of caring for hair play an important role. Regular heat exposure when using a curling iron or hair dryer dehydrates the curls and makes them dull and brittle. The problem is aggravated by the wrong selection of cosmetics (shampoos, balms, conditioners). To rectify the situation, heed the advice of experts and follow their recommendations.

To make your hair play with lively shine, be strong, voluminous and thick, when caring for them, adhere to the following rules:

In addition to the basic rules of care, pay attention to your health, treat diseases of internal organs in a timely manner, avoid stress, be less nervous, give up bad habits, try to get enough sleep and observe the daily routine. All these measures in combination will give a positive result, help improve health and have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

Folk recipes based on the use of natural ingredients will help to restore shine and strength to your hair. Especially popular are masks based on dairy products, eggs, fresh fruit, oil compresses and rinsing with herbal flocks. Let's take a closer look at the most popular home procedures.

Hair shine masks

To achieve a brilliant shine, cosmetologists recommend changing the alkaline environment and using water acidified with lemon juice, table vinegar or apple cider vinegar to rinse your hair. This procedure normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands, removes excess oily hair and helps them stay fresh, clean and shiny for a long time. For the procedure, it is enough to dilute the juice of one lemon or 50 ml of vinegar in three liters of boiled water. An acidified rinse is more suitable for normal to oily hair. If the hair is dry and the scalp is irritated, it is better to use masks based on fermented milk products.

How to make your hair shine with herbal rinses? This is not difficult to accomplish. Choose the plant materials that are most suitable for your hair type and prepare decoctions for rinsing with them. To enhance the shine, you can use a decoction of hops, oak bark, chamomile, sage, calendula.

  • How do I prepare an effective rinse aid? Prepare an herbal mix of equal parts calendula, nasturtium, and rosemary. Take 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour 500 ml of boiling water and boil over low heat for 15 minutes. Strain the finished broth and use it warm when rinsing hair after washing.
  • The rinse with white wine will wake up the hair follicles and activate the blood circulation in the scalp. To prepare it, take a collection of chamomile, marjoram and rosemary. Pour a small handful of chopped plant materials into a bottle of dry white wine and put it in a warm, dark place for a week. After that, strain the infusion, and add 4 tablespoons at each rinse. per liter of water. This procedure will restore vitality and shine to the hair.

To give hair a healthy shine, experts recommend using shampoos, conditioners or balms that contain glycine or silicone. These substances gently envelop each hair, creating an effect similar to biolamination. This will give your hairstyle a glossy shine. But it is not worth using such tools all the time. The fact is that silicone creates an airtight film that prevents free tissue breathing and can provoke weakening and hair loss. Therefore, professionals recommend choosing only high-quality products containing water-soluble silicones that are easily washed off with water. Otherwise, the hair will soon take on an unkempt look and hang with greasy icicles.

Many manufacturers of professional cosmetics offer to solve the problem of dull hair with the help of special series of care products: serums, sprays, oils, balms. Let's list the most popular ones:

To make your hair look well-groomed and shimmer with a rich shine, professionals offer a lamination procedure. This option is especially good in cases where the hair is weakened and depleted by constant heat exposure and aggressive dyes. In just a few hours, the masters will return the hair to a well-groomed appearance, glossy shine and silkiness. The specificity of the salon procedure consists in applying to the curls a special chemical composition based on protein, vitamin complexes and other bioactive components.

The effect of this procedure lasts for 4-6 weeks, after which it can be repeated. Lamination is safe for hair, after it the hair acquires volume, smoothness and dazzling shine. Due to the saturation of proteins, the curls become strong and elastic, they can withstand mechanical damage and aggressive environmental influences. The film that forms on the hair does not interfere with the flow of oxygen, but prevents the loss of nutrients, moisture and vitamins. There are no contraindications for the lamination procedure; it can be used for any type of hair with varying degrees of damage.

The procedure can be done in the salon or at home. For home lamination, special formulations or ordinary gelatin are used. This product contains a sufficient amount of protein, which acts as a constructor and effectively restores the structure of the hair, making it manageable, shiny and silky.

World famous celebrities have special recipes for maintaining the beauty and shine of their hair. This allows them to hit the catwalks with luxurious hairstyles that shimmer with a glossy sheen. Let's reveal a few secrets from the beauties of Hollywood.

Jennifer Lopez and Catherine Zeta-Jones love to drink light beer. Do not be alarmed, they do not drink it, but use it to rinse their hair after washing. For these purposes, light unfiltered beer is suitable, it contains a lot of vitamins and nutrients. After this rinsing, the hair comes to life and gains shine and shine. If your hair is too dry and damaged, you can add a little olive oil or honey to your beer.

Blonde Melanie Griffith daubs curls with almond oil, it nourishes, moisturizes, and revitalizes dull hair. Sexy brunette and just beauty Angelina Jolie uses an oriental recipe to make her hair shine and shine. In a porcelain teapot, the actress brews a pinch of strong Ceylon tea and a small handful of sawdust. The resulting infusion is filtered and added to the water to rinse the hair.

Use our hair care tips and you will soon be boasting beautiful, well-groomed, healthy and shiny curls.