How to prolong sea tan. When there is still time. How to keep a tan after the sea at home

  1. Use a gentle scrub or exfoliation daily for a week or two before your trip to the sun. Dead cells on the surface of your skin cause your tan to become uneven.
  2. Start drinking vitamins A and E, in combination or separately. Vitamin A stimulates the production of melanin, and you become chocolate faster, and vitamin E softens and moisturizes the skin, which will make it look great.
  3. Drink carrot juice, which is rich in beta-carotene, which is also needed for melanin production. Remember that beta-carotene is fat-soluble, which means that fats are needed to assimilate it. Add cream or a spoonful of vegetable oil to the juice.
  4. To get a tan quickly, you do not need to lie (stand) for an hour, turning one side to the sun, then the other. The tan lays down better and faster when you are on the move. Play, run, have fun, and the sun will do its job.
  5. If you remember that tanning should be not only fast, but also beautiful and healthy, stay in the sun until 11-12 o'clock in the afternoon and after 16. And be sure to use sunscreen!
  6. Bronzers will help you get tanned quickly in the sun. This is not a self-tanner, but a special lotion or cream with ingredients that stimulate the production of melatonin.
  7. While sunbathing, drink! Water, of course. Increase your daily allowance per liter, your skin will thank you and will be firm and smooth, despite the dehydrating effect of ultraviolet radiation.
  8. Before going to bed, be sure to apply a nourishing cream from the "After the Sun" line or any emollient and soothing cream. This will allow the skin to rest and recover by the next day.
  9. When you return from the sea, my body is coffee grounds. Do not rub! Coffee is often recommended as a scrub, which is a really great idea, but not if you want to keep your skin dark. Simply lightly apply the coffee grounds to your body and rinse with warm water. Coffee will intensify pigmentation.
  10. Wash yourself with tea. Sleeping tea leaves are an excellent antiseptic, prevent inflammation and acne, tea extract tightens and refreshes the skin and helps to maintain its dark complexion.
  11. Apply a light auto bronzer once a week. You do not run the risk of becoming orange or spotty, because the skin is already tanned! Support her with a self-tanner and enjoy the effect for months.
  12. Do not go to the sauna and bathhouse, do not rub your skin with a towel. More careful, more tender!
  13. Eat the salmon! Fatty fish help the skin retain the dark pigment for longer.
  14. Take a cool shower. By toning blood vessels and skin, you will at the same time slow down the process of exfoliation of the pigmented layers.
  15. If the weather permits, you can go to nature and sunbathe in your free time or on weekends, thereby refreshing your tan and strengthening it. Tanned skin "absorbs" the sun's rays well, and an hour or two a week is enough.

Over time, any tan begins to fade, lighten, and in the end there is no trace of the former beauty. But there are ways to help keep it for a long time.

Sunburn is different. That is, the duration of its presence on the skin often depends on how and where it was obtained. It is believed that a southern tan goes away faster than one acquired in the country.

This is true, but on condition that we are talking about being in direct sunlight. Skin that is not adapted to such aggressive effects of the southern sun immediately begins to suffer. And even when you sunbathe according to all the rules - only in the morning or evening, using high-quality sunscreens. In this case, the epidermis will still receive sunburn. Naturally, after the recovery process starts, that is. there is an intensive exfoliation of "burnt" cells, the upper layers are renewed, and, as a result, the tan quickly disappears.

Basic rules for preserving tan

  • First, it is best to get it in the shade. True, you will need more time to get it. But it will be worth it, because the skin will be healthy, and its shade will be beautiful.
  • Secondly, the longevity of any tan depends on the characteristics of your skin.

Sometimes it turns out that your golden hue faded after a week, and your friend, with whom you spent a vacation, lasts for a whole month, and she is not at all worried, unlike you, by the problem of maintaining a tan. Perhaps the reason is that your friend's skin is dark, and you are naturally white - this is the reason.

To keep your tan longer, you need to start by preparing your skin. The preparatory process includes a visit to a bath or sauna, as well as other water procedures in which you need to use exfoliating agents. Such procedures steam the skin well and remove from its surface not only all impurities, but also keratinized particles. If you are not a big fan of baths and saunas, then you can take, for example, a bath with sea salt and vegetable oils. After any tan, it will lie down evenly and "stick" to your skin will be much faster.

Another secret of how to preserve a dark southern shade for a longer time is special cosmetics. After sunbathing, use moisturizers to care for your skin.

Intense hydration will slow down the tanning process. Such after-sun skin care products have a whole range of useful and necessary functions that preserve their golden hue well. They soothe the epidermis even after intense UV exposure and moisturize the skin.

Take the time to take special cosmetics with you on vacation and use them before and after sunbathing.

Other products with the opposite effect, whitening, can only harm and nullify your efforts, so it is better not to use them temporarily. This applies not only to masks and creams, but also to other cosmetics for the skin, decorative cosmetics and even some home recipes that contain components with a whitening or exfoliating effect.

Outside the salon, you should not use fermented milk products, lemon, cucumber, pumpkin seeds for the skin. Therefore, if you want to keep your tan as long as possible, forget about all the whitening products for a while, no matter how useful they are.

Home remedies to keep your tan

There are effective recipes for long-term maintenance of a golden hue. These include rubbing the skin or rinsing it with coffee, cocoa, or tea. The latter also tightens pores well, moisturizes the epidermis. And one of the ways to keep a tan on your face is to wipe the skin with an infusion of a string or chamomile: pour eight tablespoons with a liter of boiling water, close the lid, leave for two hours. This tool can be used daily during morning water procedures.

Carrot mask: grate carrots or squeeze some juice, mix with a little olive oil, then apply for 15–20 minutes, then rinse. The only caveat here is that for too pale skin such a mask is contraindicated - it can turn yellow, not dark.

The summer beauty of the skin will be prolonged by a tomato mask. To prepare it, take two tomatoes, mash them, add one tablespoon of olive oil and four tablespoons of fat cottage cheese. This mask can be applied to the whole body and kept for 15–20 minutes. After that, the skin should be rinsed in turn with cool and then warm water.

Tanning diet

While on vacation, you must drink at least one and a half liters of water per day. It can be carbonated or non-carbonated, mineral or regular refined. It is also impossible to deprive the skin of healthy fat, which is found in many types of fish (mackerel, tuna, sardine, salmon) and vegetable oils. And also in these products there is also the amino acid tyrosine, which supports the dark pigment of the skin.

They keep the tan for a long time with the help of vitamins A, C and E, which simultaneously preserve the golden hue, eliminate the effects of shock ultraviolet doses and promote the rapid absorption of selenium, a powerful antioxidant. Increase your intake of beta-carotene, or provitamin A, which stimulates the production of melanin. It is one of the strongest natural tanning activators and fixers. Most of all it is found in carrots. Lay on this orange vegetable to keep the golden skin tone on for as long as possible. Beta-carotene champions are also watermelon, spinach, peach, melon, apricot, mango.

Vitamin C is found in fresh summer fruits and vegetables. You need to eat them raw, while using freshly squeezed juices. Summer sources of vitamin C include citrus fruits, black currants, tomatoes, watercress, peppers, and strawberries.

Vitamin A is found in milk, egg yolk, apricots, spinach, carrots, beef liver, fatty fish, butter, tomatoes, and cheeses. It is well absorbed only together with fats, so it is better to eat the same grated carrot with vegetable oil or sour cream. Retains tan yellow and red fruits, vegetables, lettuce. Vitamin A can be taken as an oily solution. But let the doctor-therapist determine its dosage and duration of admission.

Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils, especially sunflower and corn oils. There is also a lot of it in fresh vegetables and almonds.

Gentle cleansing

This does not mean that you need to deny yourself water treatments, and scrubs and washcloths are no longer needed at all. It's just that if you used to enjoy soaking in a hot bath, then in order to preserve a dark complexion, this habit should be abandoned until winter. After all, high temperature water can irritate the skin, and this will lead to unwanted flaking. It is better to limit yourself to taking a warm shower for a while. But the sauna will have to say a clear "no", since frequent visits to it or the bath can quickly "wash off" the resulting tan.

It is better not to use a hard washcloth and a scrub with abrasive particles now. Instead, use a soft natural fiber sponge and a gentle, oil-infused cream-gel. In this way, you cleanse the skin, but at the same time you will be able to avoid damage and do not dry it out. Tea and coffee keep tanning well. This is because they contain natural dyes. It is useful from time to time to wipe the skin with frozen tea or coffee ice cubes, take baths with the addition of strong tea leaves (just a few teaspoons). Only the water should be moderately warm.

Face, neck, décolleté area can be further cleaned with a natural blueberry mask. This berry contains a large amount of antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, which are responsible for oncological processes on the skin, in its aging. To prepare such a magic mask, you will need three to four tablespoons of natural yogurt and ten blueberries.

The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed, then the resulting composition must be applied to the face, neck, décolleté in a thin even layer for twenty minutes. Before applying, look at the color of the mask - it should not be purple, otherwise you risk getting a bluish tint. As a result, you will not only delicately remove dead cells thanks to the mild action of the lactic acid contained in yogurt, but also nourish the skin with vitamins E and C, which are abundant in blueberries.

Self-tanning and solarium

How to keep your tan with self-tanning and tanning beds? You can maintain the resulting golden skin tone using various creams. There are products that give a natural tanned appearance, which restore the epidermis after sunburn. Such creams should be of high quality and expensive brands, so that the skin does not go after them with spots, but retains an even tan.

In conclusion, let's talk about the most effective way to preserve the golden hue, which is a solarium. It should be used in the absence of medical contraindications. Then one visit to the solarium per week or even in two weeks will be enough to keep the golden hue lasting as long as possible.

A group of excellent cosmetics comes to the rescue, which are prolongers, or simply fixers. They are just needed after being in the open sun and after a session in a solarium.

Such drugs fix the tan, keep it as long as possible. Usually these are saturated moisturizing complexes that tone and restore the epidermis, as well as provide a rejuvenating effect. Some of them contain special ingredients that give the skin a beautiful shimmery shine.

To choose a cream that suits your type and will keep your tan after a tanning bed for a long time, you will always be helped by a specialist of the salon where you will have tanning sessions. After all, professional cosmetics will be the key to getting not only a beautiful and lasting, but also a safe tan.

Particular attention to face and décolleté

It is in these places that your skin is most delicate and vulnerable. It burns quickly and renews itself more intensively, losing its dark color. In addition, you expose your face to another daily additional load in the form of makeup. Therefore, moisturizing alone will not allow you to tan for long on these areas of the body. You will need a special nighttime nourishing cream with a regenerating function, which will have to be applied to the face, neck, and décolleté.

A cosmetologist will best of all help you to choose it in accordance with your skin type and degree of tan, but you can cope with this task yourself if you use several different probes before making the final choice. Homemade masks will help to keep your tan for a long time. Here is one of the most effective recipes.

Avocado mask. This composition perfectly rejuvenates and nourishes the skin. You will need: half a very ripe avocado, one teaspoon of wheat germ oil, the same amount of carrot. Don't be upset if you don't find all the ingredients. Substitute olive oil and regular freshly squeezed carrot juice.

Mash the avocado, add the rest of the ingredients to it, heat it up in a water bath. The resulting mass must be applied to previously cleansed skin, left for fifteen minutes, and removed with cotton pads. As a result, your skin will glow with freshness thanks to the rich omega-3 acids contained in avocados, oil from wheat germ or olive oil will saturate it with vitamin E, and carrot juice will give your tan a golden hue, preserving it for longer.

Lovers of a dark skin tone and sun are faced with an important task - how to maintain a tan after sunbathing? Obviously, in the summer you can get it almost everywhere: at a picnic, on the beach, in the country, and just for a walk. There would be sun and desire. But what to do after ...

In this article, you will read not only about how to keep a tan on your face and body, but also about how it is useful, the rules of sunbathing, small tips about the solarium.

Why do we darken in the sun?

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation in the lower layers of the epidermis, a pigment is formed - melanin, which is, in fact, a protective reaction of the body to ultraviolet radiation. An example of this is the inhabitants of the African continent.

The body tries to renew the epidermis and gets rid of the layers exposed to ultraviolet radiation, a natural process occurs, so the skin brightens over time, returning to its natural state.

Coming from vacation or after a weekend in nature, many women are tormented by the question - how to maintain a tan after the sea or a trip to nature? After all, after the trip, I want to save not only memorable photos, but also a dark, beautiful skin tone.

Experts in the field of cosmetology argue that it is possible to prolong the life of a tan, and it does not even require any extra effort. In order to preserve beautiful color as long as possible, cosmetologists advise to do the following things:

  1. Cleanse your body properly.
  • For daily cleansing of the body and face, use only mild and delicate shower gels and soaps. Choose cosmetics that contain natural plant extracts and oils.
  • Do not swim with too hot water, only slightly lukewarm.
  • Within one to two months, say no to the bath and sauna.
  • Choose only gentle scrubs. And even then, experts do not advise doing them in order to keep your tan longer after the sea and solarium.


The sun dries out the upper layer of the epidermis, so it is necessary to moisturize it using conditioners, lotions, milk. Especially carefully you need to take care of your skin after water procedures - showering or visiting the pool. Intensive moisturizers are best applied several times a day, especially if you feel dry. This should be done after each contact with the sun.

3.Nourish your skin.

Nutrition plays a huge role in the beauty and health of the skin. This can be done using folk remedies (masks, wraps) or purchased creams, oils, lotions.

4. Eat a healthy diet.

Proper nutrition is the key to the health and beauty of any woman. Even the most expensive cream will not help if it is not available. And best of all, a healthy diet helps keep your tan.

There are foods that stimulate the production of melanin, a dark pigment. These include carrots, peaches, grapes, watermelon, apricots, tomatoes, melon, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, seafood.

The products are extremely rich in vitamins and useful elements, prepare for contact with the sun and help preserve the bronze tint.

Also, the menu should include foods in which there are many nutrients (these are biological elements necessary for the normal life of a person or animal). Include liver, dairy products, cheeses, vegetables and fruits, nuts in the daily diet. Food should be varied and healthy

5.Limit yourself only to high-quality cosmetics.

  • It is highly discouraged to apply chemical, cheap cosmetics.
  • Do not use cosmetics containing whitening ingredients.

It is important to follow these tips at the same time. An integrated approach will help you keep your tan for a longer time.

And one last tip - if you wish, you can sometimes use self-tanning creams. Now you do not need to worry that it will lie unevenly, with spots. Manufacturers have eliminated this disadvantage. Lotions, balms, milk, perfectly fit, have a delicate texture, moisturize and nourish.

How to keep a tan after the sea or solarium using folk remedies

Masks using vegetables or fruits with an intense color will preserve beautiful color on the face and décolleté for a long time. And for the body, you can do wraps that will give you moisture and elasticity.

Useful masks containing plant extracts - aloe, arnica, witch hazel.

At home, you can make the following masks:

  • Tomato + yolk + linseed oil. Finely chop the tomato, drive the yolk of one chicken egg and 1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil into the mass. Mix ingredients thoroughly. Then apply on the face and décolleté area (and, if desired, on the whole body), hold for 20 minutes.
  • Carrots + cottage cheese + olive oil... Grate the carrots on a fine grater, add 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese and one teaspoon of olive oil. Mix all the ingredients well! Recommended to apply twice a week.
  • Coffee + aloe. Pour the ground coffee with hot infusion of aloe leaves, let it brew, mix and apply on the face. Keep it for no more than 10 minutes.
  • Tea ice cubes. Brew strong black tea (preferably high quality large leaf tea) and cool. Then pour it into molds and place it in the freezer. And then you can wipe your face and décolleté with ice every morning. This wonderful method will not only keep your tan, but also relieve swelling, moisturize the skin, giving a healthy glow. And these are the desired effects, aren't they?
  • Carrot juice. It can be used for regular washing. Just dilute the concentrated carrot juice with boiled water. Such washing is beneficial for the face (due to the high content of nutrients) and gives a pleasant shade.

You can apply the described masks to the whole body, but then the amount of ingredients used should be greater.

Interesting video on this topic:

Tips: how to properly tan in a tanning bed

If you are a fan of tanning with a tanning bed, you should always follow these precautions (even if there are no contraindications):

  • cover moles and nipples with protective stickers, apply hygienic lipstick on the lips;
  • apply a special cream or milk before the session;
  • use the cream after the session;
  • just before going to the solarium with soap or gel - they remove the protective lipid layer;
  • remove makeup.

To maintain a beautiful bronze tan, it is enough to visit the solarium once a week for just a few minutes.

Note! Before visiting the solarium, you should consult a doctor, as there may be individual contraindications.

The benefits of sunbathing

Solar radiation is necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, these substances are involved in strengthening muscles and bones, in wound healing. The sun activates many processes in the body, including participating in the metabolism and the work of the endocrine system, protects against colds, and relieves rheumatism. In moderate doses, UV radiation is good for human health.

Admission rulessunbathing

In order for your tan to be even, attractive and safe, there are a few things you must do. And you need to prepare for this in advance:

  • First, before the trip, do a peeling (better in the salon, but not critical at home);
  • Second, be sure to always use protective equipment;
  • Third, purchase special protective lotions in advance. When buying them, pay attention to the labeling on the packaging, there must be indicated the degree of protection against UF radiation: SPF 30-40 - for people with very pale skin / 25-30 - for people with light skin and light brown hair / 15-20 - for brown-haired people with darker skin / SPF 10-15 - for dark-haired and brown-eyed people.

Important! Cosmetologists and dermatologists advise purchasing a cream not with greater protection, but individually, since improperly selected filters themselves can be a source of an allergic reaction, provoke a rash or irritation.

In order not to overshadow your vacation and not harm your health, you must remember:

  • you can not sunbathe on an empty stomach, it is better an hour after eating;
  • sunbathing should be avoided from 10 am to 4 pm;
  • it is dangerous to drink alcohol on the beach;
  • you shouldn't sleep, you can;
  • and do not use cologne.

Now you know some useful tricks and can put them into practice. We wish you not only a beautiful skin tone, but a great rest and vivid impressions!

In contact with

Before moving on to the secrets of maintaining a tan, you need to understand why our skin changes its tone.

Many people do not think that UV rays are beneficial for our body only for the first minutes of exposure to the sun. Excessive use of sunbathing is fraught with burns.

Under the influence of sunlight, the skin loses a lot of moisture, its elasticity deteriorates, and wrinkles appear. At the same time, the body triggers the production of melanin, due to which the skin changes its shade to a darker one.

The sun's rays affect all people in different ways. For dark-skinned people, tan "sticks" more easily and lasts longer, and fair-skinned people suffer from excessive redness with minimal exposure to the sun.

Many women, getting to the seaside, treat sun procedures with fanaticism. They sunbathe until they get burned. After their skin turns red, it darkens over time, flakes and peels off. Thus, the skin is restored, rejecting damaged cells.

At the moment when the skin peels off, the acquired tan disappears, and the skin acquires its natural color.

Therefore, in order for the tan to last longer, it is important not to get burned and constantly moisturize the skin.

Preparing your body for tanning

Basically, all women think about keeping their own when the tan has already been obtained. But this is not entirely correct. In order for your tan to last longer, you need to prepare your skin before you go to the beach.

These are simple daily routines that are familiar to each of you. So, before going to the sea you need to:

  • Cleanse skin with acid-free scrubbers... Thanks to this, you get rid of dead skin cells, the tan will lie flat and last longer. Just remember that this procedure must be done a few days before the first time you go to the beach. During this time, the skin will recover after the cleansing procedure.
  • Visit the bathhouse or sauna... In the steam bath, your skin is steamed and cleansed. At this point, you can perform a whole body peeling procedure.
  • Take a hot bath... If you do not have the opportunity to visit the sauna, then a hot bath with the addition of sea salt can be a great alternative.
  • Be in the sun more often... In order to get the desired tan faster, try to start sunbathing before going to the sea. Swarthy people do not burn out so quickly, and they can stay in the sun longer. This leads to a more intense tan.
  • Drink 1 glass of carrot juice... Start drinking carrot juice a week before your trip. This vegetable stimulates the process of melanin production, thanks to which our skin acquires the desired tone.

Preparing the skin for tanning

Our face suffers the most from the sun's rays. Probably every woman is familiar with the situation when, and after the appearance of sunburn, they have a more pronounced brown tint.

In order for the tan to lie flat on the face and last a long time, it is necessary to make a light peeling with a cosmetic product based on oatmeal.

Rules for exposure to the sun and getting a tan

In order for a tan to stay with you for many months, you need to acquire it correctly. Many women know, but don't follow the simple advice of getting in the sun.

But how seriously you will approach this issue depends not only on the quality of your tan, but also on your health in general.

We have compiled basic rules to help minimize the negative effects of aggressive sunlight.

  1. It is better not to take sunbathing in the period from 11.00 to 16.00.
  2. Be sure to use sunscreen with an SPF filter.
  3. Sunbathing in the shade is recommended for the first few days on the beach. This way you will tan longer, but allow the skin to adapt and you will definitely not get burned.
  4. The first 3 days should not be in the open sun for more than 30 minutes.
  5. After returning from the beach and showering, apply after-sun products to your skin.

Tanning products

But for those who want to tan, these methods are unlikely to suit. Sunscreen is a great alternative to a tank top and an umbrella. Such creams and lotions must contain an SPF factor. It is he who blocks or reflects the rays.

Different sunscreens have different degrees of protection. When purchasing such a product, pay attention to the numbers next to the inscription "". They can range from 2 to 50+. The higher the value of the number, the higher the degree of protection.

We recommend purchasing 2 sunscreens. One is more powerful and the other is weaker. For example, a cream with SPF 50 and SPF15. Use a highly protective product for the first few days of sun exposure, and when your skin is bronzed with a less intense tan.

You need to choose tanning products based on yours. If you are naturally dark, then the likelihood of sunburn is not so high for you, so you can choose a cream with SPF30 as a highly protective product.

After sun products

In addition to creams, lotions and tanning sprays, you should have some in your cosmetic bag. They are also called prolongators.

They moisturize and nourish the skin well, make it supple and firm. In addition, the tan is fixed.

Give preference to cosmetics containing aloe. It is good if the composition contains an extract of arnica, witch hazel or horsetail, as well as citrus essential oils.

How to keep your tan after the sea

After you return from vacation, you will have to make an effort to ensure that the acquired tan does not disappear after a few weeks.

It is worth noting that sea tan is washed off faster than a tan obtained on the banks of a river reservoir or at a summer cottage. All due to the fact that going to the sea, we find ourselves in an unusual climate for you. The body is under stress and is rebuilding. After returning home, active recovery processes are launched in the body. As a result, the acquired tan disappears, and the skin acquires its natural shade.

This process cannot be stopped, but it can be slowed down. To do this, follow these tips.

  1. Apply a moisturizing lotion to your skin every day after showering.
  2. Take baths with sea salt or flaxseed oil.
  3. For a while, give up visiting baths and saunas.
  4. Do not use hard washcloths for daily hygiene.
  5. Skip scrubs.
  6. Do not use cosmetics that contain ingredients that whiten the skin (cucumber, lemon, etc.).

How to keep your tan after tanning

In order for a spectacular bronze tan after a tanning bed to not disappear for a long time, you must adhere to the following rules. Namely:

  • Prepare the skin for tanning by making a gentle peeling;
  • Use sunscreens that are suitable specifically for tanning in a solarium;
  • After acquiring the desired skin tone, do not use cosmetics with a whitening effect.

How to maintain an intense tan without sun exposure

In order to maintain your acquired tan until next summer, you will have to visit regularly. This is the only way that will 100% preserve your bronze skin tone. For many people, these procedures, therefore, before visiting a solarium, we recommend that you consult a doctor.

If there are no contraindications, then within a month after returning from the sea coast you can go to the solarium. To maintain your existing tan, it will be enough for you to carry out 1 session per week, lasting 5-6 minutes.

Some women actively use cosmetics for self-tanning. These are creams, lotions or sprays that change the color of the skin after contact with the skin.

How to keep a tan for a long time: folk remedies

If you do not have the time and opportunity to visit solariums, then folk recipes for skin care will come to the rescue, which are no less effective than a solarium.

Hot baths

  • Make a strong chamomile tea, strain it, and pour it into a tub of water. After taking such a bath, the tan lasts longer and the skin becomes velvety.
  • Brew a strong black tea and pour all of the resulting infusion into the tub. After just a few procedures, you will notice how the skin has softened and become more toned.
  • Melt a bar of chocolate and mix with 100 g of water, then pour this mixture into a bath of water. Thanks to this procedure, the skin is rejuvenated.
  • Perfectly moisturizes and nourishes the skin of the olive oil bath. Simply pour 0.5 cups of olive oil into the water bath.


  • Wipe your skin daily with a swab dipped in black tea, cocoa, or coffee.
  • You can wipe your face with infusions, for example, from a string or chamomile. To do this, take 10 tbsp. herbs or inflorescences and pour 1 liter of very hot water. All insist for 2 hours.
  • You can wash your face with green tea or milk.
  • Rub the skin with cream.


  • Take the bulk of your freshly brewed coffee and apply it to your face. Wait for the mask to dry. Then rinse off the coffee with light strokes. Massage the skin at that moment while the mask on the face is not needed.


  • Take some carrot juice and olive oil. Mix these 2 ingredients. Apply the mask to your face and rinse off after 15 minutes with cool water.
  • Mash 2 ripe tomatoes until gruel forms and mix with 1 tbsp. olive oil and 4 tablespoons. fatty cottage cheese. Apply this mixture to your face and rinse off with water after 1/3 hour.

Every housewife has most of the constituent folk remedies. The main thing here is not to be lazy and use them regularly.

Why does the persistence of tanning depend on the diet?

Under the influence of sunlight, the skin becomes dehydrated and it must be nourished not only with cosmetics, but also with vitamins, amino acids and fats from the inside. Do not forget about good nutrition. Summer is the time when you can and should eat the maximum amount of fruits and vegetables. Some gifts of nature help to fix tanning on our skin.

Pay attention to the products:

  • Containing vitamin A- milk, apricots, cheeses, egg yolk, beef liver, etc. These products must be consumed in combination with fats (fatty fish, nuts, etc.). This is how vitamin A is absorbed best.
  • Containing vitamin C- mainly fresh berries, fruits and vegetables (strawberries, black currants, tomatoes, peppers, etc.).
  • Containing vitamin E- vegetable oil (corn or sunflower), almonds.
  • Containing beta-carotene- spinach, peach, watermelon, carrot, melon, mango, etc.

The nutrients in these foods are powerful antioxidants. They contribute to the rapid assimilation of selenium and eliminate the consequences of the negative effects of sunlight on the human body.

  1. Drink 1 glass of apricot or carrot juice daily before heading to the beach.
  2. Moisturize your skin constantly.
  3. Do not use folk remedies whose ingredients can whiten your skin (cucumber, lemon juice, etc.).
  4. Forget about harsh scrubs.
  5. Visit the solarium periodically.
  6. Drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water a day.

Excellent folk tips for prolonging your tan.


All the fair sex dream of dark skin. But a tan cannot last forever. The main condition for its preservation for a longer time is intensive skin hydration and proper care.

Regular beauty treatments, proper nutrition and a solarium - this is what will help you to always be "chocolate"!

Almost every woman, basking in the summer on the beach, dreams of a beautiful and even tan, which can surprise her acquaintances for a long time. And the women themselves, frankly, enjoy the dark complexion. However, unfortunately, over time, any tan begins to lighten, fade, and as a result, no trace of the swarthy shade remains. Therefore, women are worried: how to keep the tan longer, how to make it more persistent?

To begin with, it should be noted that the duration of the tanning preservation is influenced by exactly where you got it: in the country, in the village or in the south, near the sea. It is known that sea tan tends to fade faster than northern tan lightens. A tan that has been formed correctly within fourteen days on a dark skin lasts on average about 60 days, on a light skin - up to 45 days, and on an almost white skin - only 20 days. Of course, the intensity of tanning also differs depending on the skin type. But in any case, there are some methods to preserve it.

The main rules for preserving tan

Add Vitamin A to Your Diet

Due to exposure to the sun, the skin becomes dry, so it needs to be replenished with vitamin A from the outside and from the inside. To do this, after a shower and bath, it is recommended to use various body oils and apply a drop of retinol palmitate orally on a piece of brown bread every day (you can find this remedy in almost any pharmacy).

Monitor your diet

The menu should include eggs, milk, carrots, spinach, beef liver, apricots and various vegetables and fruits of red and yellow colors. Be sure to increase your intake of beta-carotene, which stimulates the production of melanin. Beta-carotene is one of the strongest natural tanning activators and fixers. Make it a rule to drink one glass of carrot juice every day, starting before the sunbathing period - this will help the tan to "lie" more intensively on the skin and gain a foothold for a longer time.

Do not forget about nourishing the skin with a sufficient amount of fats contained in food - for this you should eat fish (especially tuna, salmon, mackerel, sardine), as well as vegetable oils. In addition, these products also contain tyrosine - an amino acid that supports the dark skin pigment.

Provide the skin with hydration and protection

Be sure to apply a moisturizer to your skin. As a rule, after sunburn, the skin becomes very dry and therefore begins to flake off, as a result of which you can forget about tanning. Hydrated skin, on the other hand, stays tanned longer.

If you are wondering how to keep your tan after the sea, use special after sun products. They are used immediately after sunbathing, but you can continue to apply them after the holiday, as they contribute to the long-term fixation of the tan.

Also, prolongators will come to your aid, or simply fixers - special cosmetics that fix the tan and keep it as long as possible. As a rule, these are rich moisturizing complexes that restore and tone the epidermis, as well as provide a skin rejuvenation effect. Some prolongers contain special ingredients that give the skin a seductive, shimmery shine.

Don't forget about gentle peeling

Over time, skin tone becomes less attractive, which means it's time to refresh it. Of course, you want to constantly maintain and improve your tan, so many resort to using a tanning bed. However, visiting it too often leads to dry skin. For this reason, it is best to lightly exfoliate and apply a moisturizing toning lotion to your skin a few weeks after your vacation - this will help your tan look fresher and skin well-groomed.

Refrain from visiting the bathhouse

You should refuse to visit the sauna and bathhouse for a while, because the sunburn very quickly "peels off" from the steamed skin. Also refrain from using scrubs.

As for the bath, it should not be taken very long. A bath with vegetable oils and sea salt will be especially useful for the skin, and in particular for sunburn.

Folk remedies to preserve sunburn

There are many effective recipes for those who are looking for an answer to the question of how to keep a tan for a long time using traditional methods. One of these is rinsing or rubbing the skin with tea or coffee. Tea, moreover, perfectly moisturizes the epidermis and tightens pores.

Another way to keep your tan is to wipe your skin with chamomile or string infusion. Pour 8 tablespoons of dried flowers with a liter of boiling water, cover and leave for 2 hours. It is recommended to use this remedy daily during morning procedures.

Also, a carrot mask will help preserve the dark skin tone. Grate the carrots on a fine grater or squeeze a small amount of carrot juice and mix with olive oil, apply to the skin for 20 minutes, and then rinse. But it must be borne in mind that such a mask is contraindicated for too pale skin - it may not acquire a dark shade, but turn yellow.

Crab from freshly brewed coffee will help cleanse the skin of impurities and maintain a tan.

A tomato mask will help prolong the temporary darkening of the skin. Mash two tomatoes, mix with one tablespoon of olive oil and four tablespoons of full-fat cottage cheese, apply to the skin for 20 minutes, and then rinse first with cold and then warm water.

Cucumbers, lemons, and milk should be temporarily excluded from the diet, as well as the list of products that help to care for the skin, as they whiten the skin.
