How does the child perceive the people around him? Small children perceive the world around them differently from what is commonly believed.

Immediately after birth, babies take their first breath and begin to intensively learn about such an unfamiliar world around them. Newborns perceive the world through their senses. What is the reality of the newborn's perception of the environment? This question can be answered by specialists who have conducted a number of studies that have opened the veil of this mystery.

What do the baby's eyes see?

A newborn baby is able to see and distinguish light. The very first thing, after birth, the visual perception of the baby brings him closer to his mother. This is not surprising, for the reason that all babies in the first few days of their life, clearly see only at a distance of no more than thirty centimeters. Beloved mom and food are the main visual objects for a newborn baby in these days of his life. Everything else that surrounds the little toddler can panic him. Newborn babies have very weak eyesight and therefore they are not able to distinguish objects located at some distance from them. For this reason, newborn gaze is wandering and poorly coordinated. The reason for this phenomenon is the not fully formed optic nerve. The process of its formation and development can last up to three months of age. When the baby turns one year old, he will already be fully adapted visually to the world that will surround him.

What do baby ears hear?

As long as the baby is in the mother's womb, he can clearly distinguish how his mother's heart is beating. He hears all kinds of muted sounds coming to him from the outside world. The hearing aid of young children continues to develop and form until the first year of their life. But do not think that the baby is born hearing nothing. The toddler perfectly hears the mother's voice, which he is familiar with since prenatal development. He also distinguishes other people's voices. It is very noticeable that a newborn baby is very fond of high-pitched voices, and bass voices are not very well perceived.

What does a newborn's nose smell?

The baby's nose is a kind of barometer. At the level of reflexes, all babies are drawn to their mothers. The reason for this is that the mother smells like breast milk, i.e. food. Therefore, babies recognize their mothers immediately. The perception of the world by newborns with the help of smell gives him the opportunity to navigate in the environment.

Is the baby able to perceive taste?

The baby begins to distinguish the taste in the womb of his mother. Babies have several thousand more taste buds in their mouths compared to adults. But the main taste target for a newborn baby is breast milk. All little children love sweets, but they do not perceive sour, salty and bitter ones.

How does a child feel when touched?

Tactile sensations are very developed in newborns. They feel great heat, cold and pain. Newborn babies are often carried and stroked. For babies, this is a very important process. Children constantly ask to take them in their arms not because they are harmful, but because they better perceive the world around them, this is necessary for their development and growth.

Does the baby think?

What is thinking? Thinking is the ability of the human mind to analyze problems that have arisen and find solutions to these problems through experience. As you know, newborns do not yet have life experience, so it is difficult to say whether he can reflect and think.

Whose self-esteem is high, creates an atmosphere of honesty, responsibility, compassion around him, he feels important and needed, he feels that world became better because he exists in him (it is not for nothing that there is such an expression "as in me, so outside ... of your relatives. When you finish this exercise, allow yourself to talk about what happened to you now." Child comes to world without a past, without any idea of \u200b\u200bhow to behave, without criteria for self-esteem. He has to ...

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Perception of the world by a baby

Which interfered with the main character. How can these behavioral changes be explained? Models of explanation In the eyes of a baby, this is our world seems like a very simple place. Scientists suggest that they associate the person they love with a "helper." Although ... their basic needs are met. Epilogue: Taoist philosophy - the path to a true person Many scientists have tried to acquire perception and the forms of judgment of infants and young children to combine with their own abilities. Taoist ways ...

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Perception of the world

And the more logical thinking is developed, the less access to the subconscious becomes. This means: what we put in baby in early childhood, it will grow out of it. But in fact, most children repeat the fate of their parents, so ... he just does not notice it, does not focus his attention on it), and he is ready to kiss the whole world, even a smelly sick bum, as in his perception this is not just a bum, but a reflection of his bliss. Why, when taking certain narcotic drugs, there is ...

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Perception of the world

Have you seen a sleeping heron? Basho says: serene nobility. This is said about you when silence happens to you - serene nobility. Suddenly you become an emperor. Insight gives you the whole universe. It takes away all that is false and gives you all that is true, all that is beautiful, all that is noble, all that is sheer joy. A person like Basho - a person of deep meditation - begins to see this everywhere. Even in a sleeping heron, he will see ...

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Perception of the world

Bordered the crystal
It has become higher in price.
An order of magnitude more expensive
Can make an appearance.

Perception of the body
He managed to deceive the mind.
Subjectivity of judgment,
They give us a feeling.

And in their own way,
Word, song and sign
Believing in the body, he will understand
And his in ...

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The inner world of a child is in his room

They grow, and subsequently there will be no need to change furniture and decor. The other extreme is the use of an overly saturated range of colors and a very large number of elements in the interior. World baby differs from the world adults, perception reality is also naturally different, therefore, it is more correct to equip his room, in accordance with his hobbies and preferences - it is better to change a little from year to year ...

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Parable about the perception of the world

Violin! "- What is the understanding, so is the action. It is not the action that needs to be changed, but the worldview. - What needs to be done to change it? - Just understand that your way perception the world has disadvantages.

And if adults understood this, most family problems could be avoided. One dad amazed with his reasoning. He said that he wants to raise his daughter as a kind and independent person. For this, he believes, it is not necessary to protect the child from life's difficulties, because, according to his observations, people who have endured hardships and troubles in life were more compassionate to others, more kind, because they learned from personal experience that so bad. " Getting to know the cruelty of the world better personally is the first principle of its upbringing. Another principle is to raise a child with the thought “you are nothing until you prove otherwise”. According to the Pope, the need to prove that he is worth something, can do something, will serve as a stimulus for the development of the child. When I disagreed with him, saying that by instilling in the child the thought “you are nothing”, he would most likely form such an attitude towards himself in him, he objected, stating that he would only say such things occasionally, and not every day, and nothing to worry about.

In fact, it may be enough for a child to hear something unpleasant in his address from a close adult once in order to remember these words for life. Children believe everything that adults tell them, especially mom or dad. The way we treat a child influences his attitude towards himself - he simply copies the attitude towards himself from others. If you instill in a child that he is "nothing", then he will grow up to be nobody or will think so of himself. Children always strive to meet the expectations of their parents, even to the detriment of themselves.

Children tend to take everything personally, especially what is happening in the family. If, for example, at home a child often witnesses scandals, he begins to consider himself the culprit. It is better not to give cause for such thoughts. It is the adults who understand that the child is not to blame for their quarrel, but the child perceives the situation in his own way.

If the mother directly told the child something unpleasant about him, then he will not only take the words literally, sincerely believe in them, he will also exaggerate what has been said: “I am a fool, so I am a fool. And not just a fool, but the stupidest boy in the world. Mom knows better. " This opinion of himself subconsciously can remain with him for life. It is not surprising that so few people are satisfied with their lives, able to achieve success in personal relationships and in professional activities - they are used to thinking that success is not for them. To raise a strong and self-confident person, you need to teach a child to love himself and believe in the best! And he will love himself if his parents love him. Since only people who love themselves achieve success, those who are loved by their parents are more likely to succeed in life.

Parents' words are a program of action for children.

Two boys are playing in a puddle.

Mom looks out from one window:

  • - Peter! Fool! Fool! Why did you get into a puddle? Get dirty, you idiot!

From the second window:

  • - Borya, you're a smart boy, what are you doing in this puddle?

Borya will think: “Yes, I'm a smart boy. That's what Mom said. Indeed, it is necessary to get out of the puddle ", and Petya thinks:" Yes, I'm a fool, I can continue to sit in the puddle. " Numerous experiments confirm that if children are treated differently, they will behave differently. The attitude towards the child is very important. If the parents of a disobedient child begin to treat him as obedient (for example, often praise him for good behavior), then he will begin to obey more often. If, however, an obedient child is told that he is disobedient, then he will begin to behave accordingly. Every parent ultimately gets what they believe in. Whoever believes that his child is smart will be the parent of a smart child, and who is sure that he is not ... well, his child is likely to justify the parents' faith in the same way. Faith really works miracles. That is why you need to believe in your child: believe that he is good, smart, that he can achieve what he wants, that he will succeed.

This is inherent in human nature - the expectations of other people affect us and our behavior, and we ourselves contribute to the fact that these expectations are met (the so-called self-fulfilling prophecy). And if adults can resist and not follow the expectations of others about themselves when they do not like those expectations, then children do it very badly. Back in the 60s of the last century, on the basis of his clinical experience, Dr. Albert Moll came to this conclusion, and later the American psychologist Robert Rosenthal confirmed his hypothesis by a series of scientific experiments. In particular, experiments have shown that teachers' expectations of a student's academic success often play the role of a self-fulfilling prophecy. And since the child is emotionally dependent on the parents much more than on other people, it is the parental expectations that most often come true.

The essence of one of Rosenthal's experiments was as follows: at the beginning of the academic term, one group of students was told that they had outstanding abilities according to the test results; the other is that their abilities are below average. The results stunned the experimenters: the first group of children began to study much better, and the second - much worse than before, although the children were the most ordinary, randomly chosen to participate in the experiment. The main reason for the self-fulfillment of the prophecy is a psychological phenomenon, which consists in the fact that a person expects its realization, and this expectation determines the nature of his actions (he himself does everything to make this prophecy come true).

This phenomenon was called in psychology "The Pygmalion Effect", in honor of the legendary ancient Greek king Pygmalion, skilled in sculpture, who sculpted such a beautiful statue that he fell in love with it. He turned with a prayer to the goddess of love Aphrodite, asking to revive his beloved. The goddess was so moved by the power of his feelings that she breathed life into the statue, and the king received his Galatea. That is, Pygmalion received what he sincerely believed in. Nevertheless, I want to emphasize that he not only believed, but also made efforts to fulfill his desire.

Precisely because it is easy to program a child, you cannot tell children “don't run - you will fall”, “don't take a knife - you will cut yourself”, “don't take a bead - stick it in your ear”. The child hears it and does it. Better to say "carefully", "let me show you how to use a knife." It makes more sense to use any situation for growth and development, instead of programming children for failure. Although this does not mean at all that you do not need to tell the child that you can fall, if you run quickly, the knife cuts not only vegetables, but also fingers, and the beads need to be used only in a certain way (that you can stick them in your ears or nose , it is better not to prompt the child at all).

That is why it is very important to say only pleasant words to children. The child is very sensitive to praise and expects a positive assessment of himself and what he has done. Praise is the best stimulus for personal growth and development. If you've praised your child once, they'll want to hear those words again. Praise a preschool child often, for any, even the smallest, achievements, and he will try to achieve more. But praise correctly: for specific deeds. Say not just general: "you are great", but specific: "you drew a beautiful flower", "you folded toys well", "you are great for helping me clean up the closet."

You should not label your child from childhood or program for failure. Repeated repetition of phrases: "you are a bully", "you are a slob", "you can not do anything right", "do not run - you will fall", "do not take - you will break" - this is nothing more than programming behavior. The child will fall, and break, and grow up to be a slob or a bully, if you so desire. If you don't want to, then it is better to replace these destructive, negative images with positive and constructive ones. For example, “you are a bully”, “you are a slob” can be replaced with “how active you are with me”, “oh, we have a creative mess again”, “you are inventive with me”. "Do not run - you will fall", "do not take - you will break" is better replaced by: "take it carefully", "run carefully", "be careful."

Of course, children are children for that, so as not to always behave well and obediently. It is also necessary to tell the child that he is behaving badly, and to explain why he is not good, but it is important to convey to him the idea that he has bad behavior, and not he himself is bad. Saying "you are a bad boy" or "you are a bad girl" is not worth it. Better to say "you are a good boy (good girl), but your act is bad." We all make mistakes and do not very good deeds, but we don't automatically become bad people from this, right?

Parents often find it difficult to correctly interpret the child's behavior, but if they know at least in general terms about the peculiarities of child psychology, this helps them to avoid the biggest misunderstandings. For example, childhood fears often lead to conflicts if the parent does not understand their causes. Children are afraid of many things - something that is a trifle for an adult, for a child can become a real tragedy. The peculiarities of children's perception of the world must be taken for granted. Some fears appear in a child thanks to the parents themselves: if they deliberately frighten him for educational purposes. It is especially harmful to frighten a child with the loss of loved ones, a break in affection: "Mom will leave without you", "Someone else's uncle will take you away." Mom will not go anywhere and will never leave the child, no matter what he does and no matter how he behaves, he should know about it, and not be afraid that his mother will leave him, not live in constant anxiety. And his uncle won't take him - that's a cruel lie.

Children should have the right to express their emotions, as suppressing them leads to behavioral problems and is fraught with illness. You need to be a very attentive parent to understand the child and help him overcome his fears. Fears need to be conquered, to get rid of them: if a child is afraid of some thing (a terrible picture, a toy, a terrible feather) - destroy it with him and throw it away. So the child will understand that there is nothing to be afraid of - the fear is destroyed. If the child is afraid of the dark, let the light burn constantly.

If a child is afraid that it is impossible to "win" physically by destroying it in the real world, this fear can be overcome with the help of fairy tale therapy, with the help of a scary fairy tale invented. Playing in the imagination a scary tale, where the main character is struggling with what is the main fear for the child, the child will conquer his fear. Children (and adults as well) always associate themselves with the main character of a fairy tale (any other invented story), and when he overcomes evil (or what the child considers evil), then the child thinks that he is defeating him. So fears go away.

But by scaring a child of an early age with a bogeyman or a fictional evil uncle who “will now come and take you”, you can, on the contrary, instill fear in him. Such "innocent" educational methods are extremely dangerous for the child's psyche. If, telling a fairy tale, fear is destroyed, then, by threatening babai, fear, on the contrary, is generated.

Also, with the help of a fairy tale, a child can change his behavior (the field of application of fairy tale therapy is quite wide), but if possible, it is better to turn to a specialist who conducts such "fabulous classes" for children. A good example of how one fairy tale helped a boy change his behavior is in the cartoon How Petya Pyatochkin believed elephants. True, there was not a fairy tale, but a dream (the boy had a dream about the story), but the essence is the same and the principle of operation is the same.

To understand the child, the parent should often remember himself in childhood. The child is in many ways similar to his parents, and in general children's experiences and thoughts are similar, so this method will help out parents more than once. What will each of us understand when we remember our childhood? That a child should not be forced to do something unless absolutely necessary (and an emergency is safety issues). That one should not be forced to say something if the child does not want to. You cannot laugh when the child is bad, even if you give birth to the gel from the height of his life experience, the reason for crying seems to be a trifle. Children have the right to cry over trifles. And not only girls, but also boys. You shouldn't say "wow, how ugly it is to cry, you are a boy." Before you is the child first, and only then is it a boy or a girl.

Tears help the child more easily accept the prohibitions and restrictions that are an integral part of our life, adapt to life circumstances that he cannot change, and thereby help him fully grow up.

The child also needs to be pitied when he feels bad. This seems obvious, but many parents deliberately do not do this in order to educate in their children the ability to independently cope with any, including emotional problems. Then they are surprised that the child does not share their feelings, and are offended and struck to the core by the callousness of a teenage child.

Most often, a grown-up child behaves towards parents and other people in the same way as they behaved towards him. “Don't put on hands, so as not to spoil,” “don't regret it when crying, so that you don't come to complain in the future,” “don't help, so that you learn to cope with difficulties yourself” - all these are lessons that the child learns well and then applies in practice communication with loved ones. But loved ones are somehow not happy with successful training, although it was they who taught him these lessons - “your problems are only your problems,” you should not contact your loved ones, because you will not get help and sympathy from them.

But this is exactly what a mother is needed for - to help cope with emotions while the child cannot do this on his own, and to teach empathy. No, I do not mean that you need to cry with your child about the loss of a toy, but it is worth expressing sympathy in a few words and demonstrating your emotional support (hug, pat on the head). A child who has no one to complain to or who never “needs” to be understood and empathized is not at all independent - he is simply lonely, not understood and was not understood by loved ones. Because of which, he most likely learned only two things well: first, no matter how much you ask for sympathy, it will not be there; and secondly, that such an attitude towards people is normal.

The birth of their own child refreshes the memory of parents well - they remember from their childhood even what they did not remember before. For example, my husband remembered how insulting it was for him when he was little when his father, at his own discretion, “audited” his things and “treasures” and threw away most of them without asking or warning. With this in mind, my husband says that the child's ownership of his toys and personal belongings must be respected.

Children, by the way, have a very developed sense of ownership, and the concepts of “mine” and “someone else's” at an early age are still poorly distinguished. Or they do not differ at all: children at an early age do not like to give their things to others at all, but everything that is alien that the child saw, he immediately wants to appropriate and not give to anyone. And if it’s his toy, then you don’t want to share it, no matter how much the child is convinced that it is necessary to share, and “it is ugly to be greedy”. A child is not “greedy”, for him such a concept does not exist at all, so you should not call children “greedy beef” when they do not want to let another child play with their toy or even exchange toys with him for a while. On the contrary, you need to support your child or a stranger in this (if the stranger does not want to give his toy) and thus teach children to respect the rights of others.

Parents are often embarrassed for such behavior of their child, and they try to make sure that others have no reason to judge them. For example, parents try to make the child feel guilty by resenting him for his unwanted behavior. They are ashamed of the child's behavior in front of others and, in order to have reason to be proud, they are ready for anything. Most often, punishments and insults, humiliation and insults, appeals to conscience and reproaches are used for sacrificing much for the sake of a negligent child. Is it worth it? Is the approval of your neighbor more important than the feelings of your own child?

It is worth learning to always be on the side of your child, especially when he is right, for example, if he does not give another child his own toy - after all, he has the right to do so. Doesn't want to give your toy? So he doesn't want to. Sorry, next time. The best way to teach sharing is to teach to share toys: "you - to me, I - to you." This is fairer than letting someone play with their toy just like that. Over time, the child will learn how to change toys, and share them, and will understand that other people's things cannot be touched without permission. The main thing is not to blame the child for behaving like a child until he has matured to a different behavior.

It seems to me that the best way to understand a child's feelings and needs is to live “in the here and now”. This is generally the best way to understand a person, since the perception of reality is sharpened and it is easier to tune in to the "necessary wave". It is equally important to learn to put yourself in the child's shoes. Everyone knows this advice - if you want to understand someone, try to put yourself in his place. In the case of a child, this is complicated by the fact that adults and children perceive the world differently. The child takes everything literally, "at face value." For example, if a 2-3-year-old kid laughs at his father's joke, this does not mean that he understands that it is a joke. No, he thinks it's true, but laughs because he just imitates those around him.

From birth, a child trusts his parents completely, 100%. It is important not to lose trust. How to do it? First, never lie to a child. And all the more not to lie, at the same time frightening him, for example, "if you do not obey, I will give you to this uncle." A grown-up child will most likely cease to be afraid of such threats, but the belief that parents cannot be trusted, or fear that they can give him to a stranger, will sink into his subconscious. Secondly, if the parents have promised something, it is better to keep their word, otherwise the child will also very quickly understand that parents cannot be trusted, and problems in relationships cannot be avoided.

Adults should not be offended by the child. Resentment is a demonstration of weakness and powerlessness, which is why adults, who seem to children to be omniscient and omnipotent, should not show it in relation to a child. An adult who takes offense at a child behaves like a child himself. One mother was so offended by the child that she wrote a letter to a psychologist in a magazine. Its content was something like this: “Recently, when my three-year-old son was playing, I went up to him and asked what he was doing. To which he said to me. "" Go away, you're bothering me. "It hurt a lot. Why did he do that?"

Because he is small. This is the obvious answer. The boy, apparently, could not act otherwise, and his mother, instead of teaching him a lesson on how to behave correctly, showed him how to behave incorrectly. She allowed herself to be offended by someone who is weaker than her, whose emotional state largely depends on her condition. In such a case, you can say: “Sorry, I didn't want to disturb you. Next time, calmly say that you want to play alone. Have you agreed? " Even if the child grows up and says to the parent “I hate you,” you should not take these words as the end of the world, especially since this is not true. This speaks in the child of resentment against the parents, and where an adult would say "it makes me very angry", the child says "I hate you."

Parents should not show their child their fear or insecurity, as this scares the child very much and he feels defenseless. Children love stability - it makes them feel safe. The child is also frightened and disturbed by scandals in the family: when he sees them, his usual world collapses, he thinks that he himself is to blame for them. Yes, yes, children always think that they are the main reason for everything that happens in the world around them, especially if something bad happens.

The formation of a child's personality is most influenced not by real relationships in the family, but by his personal perception of these relationships, personal interpretation. Therefore, if the parents are sure that “the dear ones scold - only amuse themselves”, they should understand that the child does not share this opinion and, in any of their quarrels, feels terrible. You should not burden the child with adult problems and tell him how bad it is for mom or dad, how difficult it is, etc. If mom or dad has no one to share their problems with, this does not mean that they can tell everything to the child, and even more so, one should not instruct the child to solve their problems, for example, to reconcile the parents. A child cannot bear such a huge emotional burden, he is beyond his strength, deprives him of peace and carelessness. It is the child who should find emotional support from the parents, not they from him. Moreover, parents should not become the cause of the child's mental suffering.

For a little crumb, the world seems so big and unexplored! Adults often forget that a child sees the world around him in a completely different way. Knowing some of the subtleties of children's perception, parents will be able to quickly help the child adapt to the environment, as well as avoid stress. Indeed, sometimes even the most ordinary crackling of branches outside the window can play out the baby's fantasy and scare him in earnest.

Acquaintance with the outside world and its stages

First you need to figure out how the kid gets to know the world around him and how to help him in this difficult matter. Observing the world around you is very important for a baby. Observing the behavior of adults, animals, objects, the baby tries to give them an emotional assessment. He can respond with laughter to laughter, to answer another joke with crying. Most often, the child correctly understands this or that emotion, so there is even an opinion that the child cannot be deceived - he feels everything on an intuitive level.

In addition to observation, kids get acquainted with the world around them using physical methods: touching with their hands, trying by mouth, etc. It is necessary to select toys for the child by age, so that gradually the child can master more and more new horizons. For example, if in the first months the baby simply rattled with rattles, then in the following months he has logical thinking - he can already assemble the pyramid, and later completely assemble the constructor. Then the baby begins to learn to draw, sculpt, weave, etc. With the help of play and creativity, the kid learns the world further and further. Nature occupies an important place in acquaintance with the child with the surrounding world. Children need to be in nature often so that they can observe natural phenomena, animals, etc.

Various natural phenomena make the little man think and fantasize, for example, acquaintance with snow can cause a great delight in the kid, and when he learns that you can make snowballs or a snowman out of it, he will be even more delighted. It is important from childhood to instill in the child love and respect for nature, to make it clear to the child that nature is alive and cannot be offended.

The closest surrounding world for a child is the family, therefore the relationship and harmony of the family greatly affect the child's perception of the world as a whole. It is important to understand that for the child, parents are the undisputed authorities and role models. The situation in the family instills in a person certain habits and views of the world, and this happens on a subconscious level. It is important to create a calm and warm atmosphere in the house, then the child will look at many things more calmly, if, on the contrary, there are often abuse and scandals in the family, the child may behave rudely in society.

Also, the child's social contacts influence the child's perception of the world around him. The kid can communicate with other children in the yard near the sandbox, in kindergarten, and then at school, as well as in various circles and additional activities. When communicating with other children, the child feels that he belongs to a group, and also begins to understand that he is surrounded by other personalities with whom it is necessary to reckon. If parents help their baby to perceive the world around him correctly, then in the future it will be much easier for him to adapt to an independent adult life, as well as to form his own character. Lack of parental help can lead to aggression, misunderstanding of simple things and generally accepted morals.

Children's perception of time

Children perceive time differently than adults. For a child, the phrase "Time flies unnoticed" seems incomprehensible. Children perceive time much more slowly. The child cannot sit quietly even for a couple of minutes - it seems to him that a lot of time has passed, and he has not done anything. It is necessary to constantly interest the child with something, from time to time to change the situation. The time is especially long for children on trips and queues. Here you need to grab some interesting games for the kid and be patient. Also, children will not immediately answer the question you asked, because the children perceive what they hear with a delay of a couple of seconds.

Visual perception of children

The visual perception of children differs from that of an adult in the first two months of life. The child's visual apparatus is not yet developed, he sees the image washed out and blurry. There is an opinion that a newborn child sees the world around him upside down. There is a lot of controversy about this. the fact that the image is upside down on the retina does not guarantee that the child sees it upside down. For the development of the visual apparatus in the first months of life, the child should be shown toys of yellow and red colors, because at this age, they will be more understandable for the baby.

Taste perception of children

Taste perception in children is more developed than in adults. From very different ages, the child is already able to distinguish sweet, sour, salty, etc. It is believed that the tastes of salty and sweet are most preferred for children, because they are more pronounced. Therefore, children often refuse healthy food - porridge, vegetables, etc. It's just that their taste is not very pronounced. Bitter is perceived by children extremely negatively.

A single source of perception information in children

It is believed that up to 8 years of age, a child is able to analyze information about the world around him from only one sense organ, and cannot analyze them all together. Scientists have conducted a number of experiments where children showed the best results in the perception of the world, using only one source of information.


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How does the preschooler perceive the surrounding reality? Let's start with the simplest - with what is predetermined by its physical qualities. Due to his height, a child sees the world differently from adults! Parents sometimes forget about this simple fact, which can lead to all sorts of incidents.

Mom and her four-year-old son walked around the Hermitage. He didn't seem bored, he looked around with curiosity. Then she asked him what he saw there and what he remembered the most. “Mom, there are big paws all around! With claws, ”was the answer. What are these paws, one wonders? The child could not explain this, he simply repeated over and over that he had seen them there. At first, mom was surprised, then worried, what happened to the child, did he get sick, maybe he has a high fever and hallucinations? Mom already wanted to call "emergency help", but then suddenly she remembered and understood! There is a lot of antique furniture, and the carved legs of chairs and tables are often made in the form of animal paws. It is from our height that we can clearly see these pieces of furniture themselves, as well as pictures hung on the walls. The child is much more noticeable what is located below.

The child also perceives the sizes of the surrounding objects differently from us, for the simple reason that his own sizes differ from ours. A dandelion for him is like a small palm tree for you and me, and a large shepherd dog looks from top to bottom like a medium-sized elephant. There is something to be afraid of!

And now - the most intriguing part. How does a child see parents? Imagine that you are surrounded by giants 6-7 meters tall. They can pick you up and carry you wherever they want. They can caress, or they can be spanked painfully. You are, in general, powerless in front of them: wherever they need, they drag you there. They feed and watered (when they want, and not you), dress (as they see fit), distribute awards and punishments. And they do it all lovingly. With some degree of convention, we can say that in the eyes of a baby, parents are the same omnipotent beings, like God in the picture of the world of a deeply religious person. It remains only to admire the courage of the naughty kids - those who challenge these almighty giants!

Scientifically speaking, a person understands the world using schemes - psychological structures that organize our experience, allowing us to systematize the flow of information that we receive with the help of the senses. Such schemes include our knowledge of objects, events, people around us and ourselves. So, as the child grows up, these schemes, the ways of organizing the experience, fundamentally change several times. As a result, the pictures of the surrounding reality in children of different ages are qualitatively different. The point is not so much that with age, the capabilities of the senses improve or, say, the amount of memory increases, but that the very way of perceiving and comprehending the world changes. Such radical changes occur, on average, at the age of 2, 7 and 11 years.

In the first two years of life, most of the schemes through which the child perceives and comprehends the surrounding reality are based on actions. At this age, children learn about the objects around them by means of what actions (in the literal, physical sense!) They can perform with them and what kind of sensations they will have as a result. Scientifically, this stage of development is called sensorimotor (sense - sensation, motion - movement).

A small child exists in the world of things and objects, a kind of "force field" formed by them. Most of the objects that come into the field of view literally attract, make you touch them, pick them up, taste and explore in other available ways. The ball must be rolled, the box must be opened and closed, any object that makes a sound when shaken must be shaken again and again. Such actions are sometimes repeated many times in a row and from the standpoint of adults seem meaningless. Remember the plot from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh, where the Eeyore donkey several times in a row lowers a burst balloon into a honey pot and takes it out again, repeating: “In and out! It comes out great. " These are the so-called "circular reactions" - repeated actions aimed at training one or another way of interacting with an object.