How to make a St. George ribbon with your own hands: from beads, on a transparent background, a brooch from the St. George ribbon. How to draw the St.George ribbon in stages. How to make a St. George ribbon from satin ribbons

One of the symbols of Victory is the St. George ribbon. It is customary to pin the braid of an unusual orange-black color on the chest and go to the parade dedicated to May 9. But a traditional ribbon can be folded into a flower, add colorful elements like flowers, and get a whole decoration for the holiday. In this master class with step-by-step photographs, you will learn how to make a flower using the kanzashi technique from the St. George ribbon for Victory Day.

For a flower using the kanzashi technique for Victory Day, you will need:

  • St. George ribbon 3 cm wide, as a rule, it is made of rep.
  • Satin ribbons 2.5 cm wide in orange and black.
  • Hot melt glue.
  • Sharp scissors.
  • Lighter and metal tweezers.
  • Black bead for the middle.

Master class "Flower in the kanzashi technique from the St. George ribbon for Victory Day"

1) Cut a 15 cm strip of ribbon and fold it at a sharp angle to form the base for the St. George flower. To reduce the scattering of the tape, you only need to use sharp scissors. The edges of the tape are cut at an angle and melted over the flame.

2) The St.George ribbon must be cut into 6 7 cm long cuts.

3) Each element is bent in the center at a right angle and forms such a shape.

4) Then the workpiece is bent again to get this shape with a sharp top.

5) At the base of the petal, two symmetrical folds are created in the direction from each other. Next, hold the bottom of the sheet with tweezers and burn it with a flame from a lighter. The melted tape can be easily glued and formed into the desired shape.

6) You need to create 6 petals of the same shape, they will make up the bottom layer. Due to the fact that reps are denser than satin, the shape of the flower will hold perfectly and not bend even from the wind.

7) The next stage is the assembly of the lower flower from the St.George ribbon. Each element is glued to the base and together the blanks form a six-pointed flower. In the center, you do not need to glue the elements close, but leave more space.

8) From a black ribbon, create similar petals, but use 6 cm cuts.

9) All blanks from black satin are glued into the slots of the petals of the first tier.

10) Next, you need to create five blanks from the orange satin ribbon. Each element will require a 5 cm cut.

11) By reducing the length of the cuts for each color, smaller petals are created. And in this case, when assembling a flower, all layers are visible.

12) Orange elements are glued in the shape of a star, that is, one petal is directed straight up, while the others look sideways in pairs.

13) The middle of the flower is decorated with a strictly black bead to emphasize the contrast of colors.

14) Cut 25 cm from the St.George ribbon and create a loop-shaped element. On top of it, paste the previously created flower.

15) In order for the product to be conveniently attached to the jacket, it is necessary to turn the work over and glue the brooch base or a large pin to the back side.

The St. George commemorative ribbon is a popular attribute of May. Everyone associates this most blooming month of the year with the Great Victory, with the gray hair of humble veterans who have done an invaluable feat for our and future generations. To honor those who are still alive, to honor the memory of those who are no longer with us, we march in the Parade, we take part in the Immortal Regiment action. And St. George's ribbon is a thin thread that unites people of the future and the past, whole generations.

This master class describes how to make an elegant St. George ribbon with a hand-made kanzashi flower. The accessory will turn out to be beautiful and impressive. To decorate the brooch, you should prepare a black-orange marshmallow and oval pointed petals.

To make a kanzashi brooch you will need:

  • 1 piece of St. George (black-orange) ribbon - 2.5 * 16 cm;
  • 8 pieces of St. George (black-orange) ribbon - 2.5 * 7 cm;
  • 8 pieces of orange satin ribbon - 5 * 5 cm;
  • 8 pieces of deep black satin ribbon - 5 * 5 cm;
  • black felt base - 4 cm in diameter (for St. George's petals);
  • black felt base - 3 cm in diameter (under the central black-orange marshmallow);
  • felt rectangle (under the pin);
  • hugger 2 cm - 1 element;
  • black half-bead 1.4 cm - 1 element.

How to make a brooch by May 9 in stages:

The bottom layer of the flower will be made of pointed petals, which will take a St. George (rep) ribbon 2.5 cm by 7 cm in size.To make all the petals, you should prepare 8 identical cuts. Then singe them as needed for a neat job. Bend each strip at a right angle to mark the middle. Remember that reps are much denser than atlas, but easier to work with.

Then bend the resulting angle diagonally, combining the two processes, clearly joining the strips. You will end up with an acute-angled detail, on one side of which you will see a pocket. This side will become the back of the petal, turn the blank towards you with the solid side. At the bottom of the petal, weld the rep ends and make folds. Striped petals are all done using this technique.

Take a longer St. George ribbon, but the same width. The parameters of the segment are 2.5 cm by 16. Bend, but not at a right angle, but at an acute angle to get the base of the brooch. Prepare a larger black felt circle. For the bottom layer of the flower, 8 striped rep petals should be ready.

Glue all the petals into a flower, make a felt circle as the base. Next, glue the resulting blank onto a large loop. The lower part of the brooch is ready.

Move on to the second part of the work. To make an elegant central marshmallow, prepare orange and black satin squares with a side of 5 cm. Fold the details diagonally.

Pin the black triangle to the orange one (align them clearly over the entire surface). In the resulting multi-layer workpiece, bend two sharp corners. There should be a gap in the center.

Cut the place in the combined tape where all the corners meet, backing off by about 0.5 cm. Then bend the rest, making a fold clearly along the side corners. Bend the resulting triangle in height, combining sharp corners and splitting the central slit, revealing a black ribbon. Glue the corners with a flame.

Prepare 8 identical brightly colored marshmallow tubes. And also at this stage you will need a hugger with a black half-bead.

Glue the marshmallow, glue the core in the center. All parts are glued to a small black felt circle.

Prepare a felt rectangle with a pin.

Residents of Russia celebrate Victory Day every year, paying tribute and respect to the Red Army, which broke the back of the Nazi regime. On this special day, it is customary to wear the St.George ribbon. Someone even wears this symbol all year round, it all depends on the desire of the person. Now there is an opportunity to buy a ready-made version of a folded tape in a trade pavilion, but you can learn how to fold it yourself. In this regard, the question arises, how to tie the St. George ribbon?

How to wear a St. George ribbon on clothes

To understand how to make a St. George ribbon, you need to familiarize yourself with the history of the symbol. The commemorative ribbon was created not just for fashion and style, it carries a deep meaning. Unfortunately, many young people still do not know the history of the creation of the ribbon.

Now it is not so easy to understand the history, especially when this sign appeared. There is a category of people who believe that the ribbon arose during the time of the Russian Empire. As a rule, it was worn by the military. The symbol itself was initially yellow, but after some time it was repainted orange. So, in the end, the already familiar St. George ribbon with orange stripes on a dark background appeared. It was proudly worn on the chest by the troops of Imperial Russia. They knew exactly how to properly wear the St. George ribbon on their clothes.

It is no secret that most citizens associate the black and orange ribbon with the symbol of victory in the Second World War. It was in 1945 that the Soviet army won a victory over the Nazis. Since then, first in the USSR, and then in Russia, every year on May 9, they celebrate a great victory. Despite the fact that more than half a century has passed, Russians still remember those memorable events, because in every family there is a hero who gave his life so that the children could get their homeland. Therefore, on May 9, citizens of the Russian Federation put on the St. George ribbon to express their respect and gratitude to the defenders of the country.

If you look further in history, you can find out that at the beginning of the 1940s, the People's Committee of the Navy proposed to approve the colors of the breastplate for sailors. This symbol was similar to the St. George ribbon. However, there are sources that claim that in 1710, many ships for military merit hung out a flag similar to the St. George ribbon. This feature indicated that the ship received a guard status.

As for the Victory Day in 1945, all participants in the hostilities received awards with the title "For Victory". This medal was trimmed on all sides with black and orange fabric.

How beautiful to tie a St. George ribbon?

A few days before May 9, many Russians lose ribbons or simply don’t know how to make a St. George ribbon with their own hands so that it looks festive. It is worth noting that many people may know the methods of tying the St.George ribbon, but they may not understand the whole scheme.

First of all, you need to tie the fabric in the form of a bow or make it with a regular loop. It is possible that it will be necessary to learn how to do this, not everyone succeeds the first time.

Techniques for tying a St.George ribbon:

  1. How to tie a St. George ribbon? If a person has never tied bows before, then you can experiment by buying a meter of satin ribbon. The main thing is that the ribbon should be black and orange.
  2. For convenience, lay out the fabric on a flat surface and make a loop out of it.
  3. After that, you need to do the same with the second end of the ribbon.
  4. Finally, cross the ends of the fabric and secure them with a pin.

How to fold the St.George ribbon beautifully? There is nothing difficult in this, since this method of tying is considered the easiest. People tie a ribbon like this when they wear it on a daily basis. Even a schoolboy can cope with this task, because it does not require special skills.

How to make a bow from a St.George ribbon? There is another way to tie a ribbon on a bow:

  1. To make a bow from a St. George ribbon with your own hands, you first need to create an ordinary ribbon bow.
  2. For these actions, you need a black elastic band. This thing serves as a fastener for the bow. As a result, the result may surprise with beauty, grace and reliability.

How beautiful it is to fold the St.George ribbon so that the bow is appropriate. For example, a badge does not always look good on a person with a presentable appearance, especially if the bow is pinned to the chest.

In this case, an option is provided in the form of a loop:

  1. To easily handle the ribbon, you need to put it on the table and then fold it in half.
  2. Tighten one end a little to make it shorter than the other.
  3. Then it is worth pulling a little to the side, creating the letter "G".
  4. The upper end of the ribbon should be pulled again, forming a loop.

Methods for tying a St.George ribbon

How to tie a St. George ribbon diagram? To date, many options for tying a ribbon have been invented. Although you will have to spend a lot of time to get it right.

You can learn how to make a ribbon in the form of a "butterfly", which is attached to the neck:

  1. It should be noted that it is inconvenient to tie a ribbon around the neck, so it is better to experiment on some large toy. Even a regular cup will do.
  2. At the very beginning, make one end of the tape shorter than the other.
  3. When crossing the ends of the tape, you want the long end to be on top.
  4. Then make a loop by folding the short section in half. The result is a pretty bow.
  5. Then again the long end should be passed through the loop so that it is on top.
  6. At the very end, you need to pull both ends in different directions.

How beautiful to fold the St.George ribbon in a bow

There is also a fun way to tie a holiday ribbon. A ribbon folded in a pentagon will decorate any formal suit. In addition, this option is considered very reliable and durable, since the tape stays in the same state for a super long time.

  1. You need to fold the tape so that one end is wrapped around your fingers.
  2. Then we thread one end of the ribbon, turning it in the opposite direction.
  3. We flatten both ends by tightening them tightly.
  4. The ends can be trimmed if necessary. However, do not singe them, the ribbon may lose its natural beauty.

Now, how to make a bow from a St. George ribbon will not be difficult for anyone, the main thing is patience and diligence. But there are also a few more things to consider. For example, on May 9, the St.George ribbon is worn on the chest on the left side, where the heart is. But don't be surprised if someone chooses to tie it around an arm or strap it over clothing. Also, do not forget that the St.George ribbon was not created for flaunting in front of others. This symbol personifies the feat of our ancestors, so this sign must be respected.

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One of the most famous symbols of Russian patriotism is the Ribbon of St. George. Jewelry with the symbol is proudly worn on holidays. The color distinctions of the Catherine II award passed through the layer of time and serve to express patriotic convictions to the current generation of people.
Make kanzashi from the St.George ribbon with your own hands with us. Detailed instructions will allow you to make an attractive brooch quickly and without mistakes. The made decoration will be appropriate for decorating a gift for veterans and loved ones.

If the store did not manage to buy a ready-made ribbon, there is an easy way to make a St. George ribbon with your own hands. This will require:

Brown or orange tape;
a strip of cardboard, the width of which is 4 cm larger than the tape;
spray paint, brown for orange or orange for brown tape;

We cut out a stencil in cardboard in accordance with the color pattern of the St.George ribbon. We have a brown ribbon, a stencil for her. For orange, you need to cut out the inverse version.

We fix the stencil on both sides and fix it with tape if necessary. We apply paint from a spray can. Don't forget to paint the edges of the tape.

After the paint has dried, we repeat everything in the same way for the reverse side. As a result, we get the St. George ribbon.

Beautiful beaded jewelry

Making a beaded ribbon of St. George with your own hands in the form of a bracelet is a great idea for someone who wants to emphasize their individuality.

For weaving, we need:
Beads. Black and orange glossy, silver metallic. Bead size 10/0.
A needle for working with beads.
A thread.
Bracelet clasp.

Agree, beading is a good meditation. At the very beginning, we fix the silver bead by passing the thread several times with a needle through the hole. We leave 10 cm of thread.

We string 9 more beads of the same color.

Thread a needle with a bead into the 9th bead of the formed first row. The thread needs to be tightened.

Repeat the steps for 7 and 5 beads of the first row. The thread needs to be pulled up each time.

Weave to the end of the row. If you do not tighten the thread, the beads will dangle and the geometric shapes of the product will be broken. We pull up the thread every time.

Take the next silver piece and repeat for row 3.

Weave the fourth row with colored beads according to the pattern. Black, orange, then repeat the alternation again and finish with a black bead at the end.

Weave the fifth row like the previous one.

We braid repeating the sequence of beads similar to the previous rows. For a bracelet, the number of rows should correspond to the size of your hand. For example, if the diameter of the wrist is 15 cm, then weave five fragments (between the white stripes), plus the beginning and end of the bracelet. The length of one fragment is about 2.5 cm.

We fasten the clasp by hiding the ends of the threads.

In order for the bracelet to become wavy, we pass the thread diagonally as shown in the diagram.

We get such a beautiful do-it-yourself St.George ribbon.

Making a brooch with a St. George ribbon with your own hands

A kanzashi brooch from a St. George ribbon always attracts attention. A strict symbol of victory, love for the homeland is worthy of any sane person.

To make this jewelry from the St. George ribbon, you need to prepare materials and tools:

George satin ribbon 60 cm;
decorative beads or rhinestones;
brooch clasp;
a candle, small gas burner or lighter;
glue, you can use a hot melt glue gun.

In the first step, we will make 7 cm segments from the St.George ribbon.

We take one segment and form a right angle from it.

Fold this element so that the right side of the ribbon forms on the left and align the bottom edges.

Wrap the resulting fragment as shown in the photo inward in half.

Bend the lower side so that the edge is aligned with the upper border of the element.

Cut off the flat edge. So that the cut edge does not bloom, we melt it with a lighter or a small gas burner. When reflowing, press the layers. They stick together. As a result, we get a brooch element, the front and back sides of which are shown in the photographs.

A total of five such petals are needed.

We roll up the St.George ribbon with our own hands as shown in the photo and fix it with glue.

From the seamy side, we sew the fastener for the brooch. We glue the threads with glue.

At the next stage, we fix with glue five petals on the front side of the tape. In the center we glue the prepared decorative ornament - beads or rhinestones.

If you want to make the ends of a brooch in different lengths, take a 25 cm ribbon.

Having spent about 15 minutes of time, we made with our own hands a magnificent decoration from the St. George ribbon for any official holiday.

How to decorate a St. George ribbon with a beautiful spikelet of kanzashi

The kanzashi technique came to us from Japan. The petals made of silk were carefully folded and a unique miracle arose. Let's make a small piece of art together with our own hands to decorate the St.George ribbon.

We will need:

St. George Ribbon;
satin ribbons of black and orange colors, matching the tone of the St. George ribbon;
black beads for decoration;
glue, you can use a hot melt glue gun;
lighter, candle or small gas burner.

We cut the satin ribbons into squares with a side of 5 cm. In total, you need to make 7 black elements and fourteen from an orange ribbon. We process the edges on a flame so that they do not bloom.

Take an orange square and fold it diagonally.

We fold the resulting triangle again, forming a sharp-shaped petal. We fix the element with tweezers.

Cut off the edge with scissors and process with a flame. The edges will stick together in this way.
We take the workpiece along with tweezers. Cut off the bottom side with scissors. We melt the cut edges with a flame.

Similarly to the first, we make the remaining orange petals from all the prepared squares.
In the next step, take a black square. Fold diagonally. Then, take an orange petal and wrap it in a black triangle. On top of the black element, add another orange petal. We get a detail consisting of three layers of satin ribbons.

We cut off the lower part and process the cut with a flame so that all the edges are securely connected to each other.

By repeating the steps, we get seven sharp petals, each of which contains black and orange.
Next, we collect the elements into a beautiful spikelet. We attach the petals to each other with hot glue. We form the central line from the prepared decorative black beads.

In the next step, we make a loop from the St.George ribbon. Glue a spikelet on top of it.

If you attach a fastener from the wrong side, you will get an original brooch. A self-decorated St. George ribbon can be used to decorate a gift for a loved one. The jewelry will favorably emphasize the character of the owner at the Victory Day celebrations, on other patriotic holidays.

How to decorate a St. George ribbon with tulips

Let's make tulips of three colors with our own hands to decorate the St.George ribbon. It doesn't take much time thanks to the detailed instructions. With beautiful tulips made using the kanzashi technique, the St. George ribbon will acquire a new shade and a connection with the flag of Russia.

To create a product, we need:

Satin ribbon in three colors, white, red, blue;
St. George Ribbon;
emerald ribbon;
ribbon for making bows;
glue and heat gun;
small gas burner or candle;

We take red, white and blue satin ribbons and make three squares each with a side of five centimeters.

Fold the square diagonally.

We fold the resulting triangle in half.

We cut off the edges and melt them with fire so that they join together. We repeat the operations for all prepared squares.

We turn out the elements.

Form a tulip bud. To do this, we connect three petals of the same color with glue.

Next step. Take a 10 cm long emerald satin ribbon. Roll it up as shown in the photo. We process the edges with a flame so that they do not bloom. Press the ends and glue them. We make three elements in total.

Place the buds in the resulting elements and fix them with glue. We collect all parts in a beautiful bouquet. We form a butterfly from the ribbon for bows and decorate our bouquet. We attach the tulips to the folded St.George ribbon with glue.

We now have a St. George ribbon with the colors of the Russian flag. The made symbol of victory and courage can be proudly worn by yourself or presented to a close friend.

A detailed video on how to make a St. George ribbon with kanzashi with your own hands.

Look closely at the narrow ribbon consisting of three black and two orange stripes associated with the smoke and flames of battles. She appeared in our state back in 1769 together with the Order of St. George. For modern Russians, it serves as a symbol of victory in the Great Patriotic War. Expressing boundless respect for the veterans, grief for the lost defenders of the fatherland, before May 9, we decorate our clothes with St. George ribbons.

Ways to tie a St.George ribbon beautifully

Before Victory Day, taking a small piece in our hands, we get a little lost and think about how to tie a ribbon, scroll through all kinds of options so that it looks beautiful and solemn. There are no clearly defined rules here. There are many ways to tie the victory symbol. Having shown imagination, you may well invent your own, exclusive way and create an elegant bow with your own hands.

Loop or check mark

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the simplest way of tying a St.George ribbon, available to everyone.

  • Place the ribbon on the table in front of you.
  • Fold it in half.
  • Pull one end up to make it shorter.
  • Pull it slightly to the side. It turned out to be a check mark.
  • To get the eyelet, slide the end that is on top of the tape up a little. The loop should not be large, but not too small.

Simple bow

Don't know how to tie a St. George ribbon with a bow? This is not difficult. The method of tying a St. George ribbon in the form of a bow is often used by schoolchildren and veterans, and does not require any special skills.

  • In the above way, we make a large loop.
  • On the other hand, we make the same loop.
  • We cross both sides of the ribbon in the middle and fasten it with a pin.

Elegant bow

Do you want to tie the St. George ribbon in a special, elegant and beautiful way? Then turn a simple bow into an elegant one.

  • Form a simple bow.
  • Pull the middle of the bow with an elastic band.


St. George's ribbon in the form of a motley butterfly will certainly attract enthusiastic gaze. With a little knack, you will be able to create this masterpiece in minutes.

  • It will be inconvenient to knit a butterfly on the weight, so put the ribbon over some object that imitates the neck (pencil, finger). Make one end slightly longer than the other.
  • Cross the ends, the long one should be on top of the short one.
  • Pass the long end from bottom to top into the loop.
  • Fold the short end in half to form a bow.
  • Put the long end through the loop and place it over the resulting bow.
  • With the bow tightly fixed with your fingers, fold the long end in half, then pass it through the loop at the back.
  • Straighten the ends of the bow by pulling them out to the sides.


The St. George ribbon looks very nice in the form of a small tie. If you are not the first to tie a tie for a man, you can easily cope with this task.

  • Wrap the ribbon around the base so that the right end is longer than the left.
  • Place the right end over the left and run crosswise under it.
  • Wrap the right end again around the left end and thread from bottom to top into the loop.
  • After pulling the end out of the loop, thread it into the resulting eyelet and tighten the tie.


You have seen more than once on the lapel of your jacket a St. George ribbon, similar to a zipper. But you don't even know how easy it is to do it.

  • Without cutting the tape, fold it in three.
  • Stretch the top end to the left and the bottom end to the right.
  • Use pins to fasten the zipper to your garment at the folds.

The letter "M"

This method is very similar to the previous one.

  • Fold the St.George ribbon in four and place it on the table.
  • Stretch the top end to the left and the bottom end to the right to form a distinctive “M”.
  • Attach the resulting letter with pins to your clothing.

How and where is it better to attach the St.George ribbon

Before the holiday of the Great Victory, we are given the famous St. George ribbons so that we can wear them with pride in our country. This should be done consciously, and not imitating others. Experience shows that not all people know how to tie a St. George ribbon correctly. In your hands is not a fashion accessory, but a symbol of military valor, so it is not woven into your hair, attached to a skirt or trousers, or cling to a bag. It should be in the upper torso, on the left side, closer to the heart.

The origin of the St. George ribbon goes back to the distant 18th century. But during the Soviet Union, she experienced her rebirth, becoming part of the Order of Glory in 1943. Warriors who proved themselves to be real heroes of the Great Patriotic War and accomplished a feat were awarded with such an order. And after the end of the battle, the St. George ribbon with a carnation became an invariable symbol of victory over Nazi Germany.

If you were handed a St. George ribbon on the eve of the holiday, think carefully about where you will place it. Mostly it is attached to a jacket or dress in the area where veterans wear orders, that is, on the left side of the chest. A brooch made of satin St. George ribbons, made in the kanzashi style, also looks beautiful here. It is allowed to wear the attribute on the wrist, it is tied with a double knot. Drivers place colorful bows inside the car, or attach them to a mirror or antenna.

Do not use St. George's Ribbon as a hair tie or shoe lace. Do not tie it around your trouser belt or your dog's collar. At the very least, this is not ethical, but by and large - disrespect for the memory of the soldiers who defended their homeland from the Nazis and gave their lives for the happy future of their children and grandchildren. Treat the symbol with respect and explain the meaning of the St.George ribbon to the younger generation.

Video instruction: how to tie a St. George ribbon

Observe the people present at the Victory Parade. True Russian patriots wear St. George's ribbons, and they are tied in a variety of ways - a bow, a flower, a star, a nine, a serpentine. You won't be able to make such a ribbon with your own hands; it is better to buy it at a printing house or a sewing supply store. Well, everyone can tie it in an original way, with a little effort and imagination.

How to tie a bow beautifully or make a lightning from a St. George ribbon is described on many sites on the Internet, and even special schemes and video tutorials are provided. We have prepared one such master class especially for you. We recommend that you work through a few lessons, practice on your own, and then the question of how to properly handle the symbol of military glory will disappear for you once and for all.

Photo of originally tied St.George ribbons

A beautifully, non-standard tied St. George ribbon attracts the attention of others, makes you stand out from the crowd. Originality has always adorned a person. But the whole secret is that it doesn't really matter in what way you tied the St. George's ribbon. If pride for your fatherland reigns in your heart and great gratitude to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War for their feat of arms, the very presence of this attribute on clothes will significantly enhance the atmosphere of the holiday and raise the patriotic spirit.