How to wash shoes in a washing machine. How to wash your shoes in a washing machine. Sports and fabric shoes

The opinions of housewives about washing shoes in an automatic machine differ. Not every owner dares to wash a pair of favorite boots or shoes in the washer. And rightly so, since not every thing can withstand machine cleaning. Often, rubbing with a cloth or brush by hand will not be enough to tidy up moccasins or low shoes. Therefore, the question arises: how to wash shoes in a washing machine and can it be done?

It will not be possible to answer in one sentence - there are rules that must be adhered to even before loading things into the drum. But first things first.

We erase in an automatic machine: is it possible or not?

What kind of footwear is allowed to be washed in the washing machine? This is the first question that should concern you before the cleaning procedure. Not every thing is well tolerated by the long-term mechanical stress to which it is exposed during the intensive rotation of the drum. What can and cannot be washed depends on many factors. We will talk about them further.

The type of shoe and the material from which it is made

Housewives often wonder if their shoes can be washed in a washing machine? It is better to refuse to wash any demi-season or winter boots, boots, ankle boots, especially if they are made of leather or suede, and inside they are insulated with natural fur. Machine wash guaranteed and irrevocably ruin the fur on the inside and damage the material on the outside.

To clean boots, it is enough to wipe them with a damp cloth, and after completely dry, apply a cream or other special care product, depending on the material.

Leather or suede items should also not be washed in the CMA. After prolonged contact with water, the skin will stretch, wrinkle, lose its shine, and the suede will quickly be wiped off. How to wash leather shoes if it is forbidden to do it in the SM? In this case, only wet cleaning is possible, sometimes with the use of special means.

Do not wipe your skin with wet wipes. The contained alcohol degreases it and deprives it of its natural shine.

Can quilts be washed in an automatic machine? Since they are made of textile materials, and not leather, they can be washed in CM, but adhering to the correct temperature regime.

Other textiles are also perfectly tolerated by machine cleaning: sneakers, slippers, sneakers, moccasins, ballet flats. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether slippers can be washed is obvious. The only exception will be slippers with leather inserts or fur. It is better to wash them by hand.

Availability of decor

Refuse to wash shoes, including textile ones, which are decorated with sequins, appliqués, rivets and other decorations. There is a high probability that the hardware, which is attached to the product mainly with glue, will simply fly off. As a result, you will receive not only a damaged pair of flip flops or slippers, but also the failure of the "home assistant".

Flying off fittings can easily clog the drain filter, the washing machine will begin to drain water poorly or refuse to do it altogether.

Product quality and condition

Do not throw things of the quality of which you doubt the quality of the washing machine. Chinese goods, with poorly glued soles and poor material quality, will fall apart even at the first stage of washing, without waiting for the rinse cycle. Is it worth the risk? Decide for yourself.

You cannot use the automatic machine for washing damaged items, in which the sole falls off or the seams come apart. The first thing they need is not washing, but repairing. But even after all the holes are sewn up, the sole will stick firmly, it is better to play it safe and tidy up this pair manually.

As you can see, it is easy to determine whether or not machine cleaning is suitable for a particular pair of shoes. The main thing is to take into account the material and the absence of defects and damage.

Preparatory stage

Washing any item should not start with loading it into the drum and choosing the next program, but with preparation for the cleaning process. This will protect not only the product from possible damage, but also the household appliances themselves.

How to properly prepare for cleaning, read the step-by-step instructions below.

1. Pull out the laces and insoles (if any). It is best to wash them separately.

2. Rinse the sole under running water, removing adhering dirt, sand, stones and other debris stuck in it. If necessary, you can soak the product for a while in soapy warm water.

3. Take care of the automatic machine and purchase special bag for washing in the AGR. This will help mitigate the impact of the hard sole on the sides of the tank and on the loading door during vigorous drum rotation.

If there is no special bag, any cloth bag or regular pillowcase will do.

4. It is better to treat existing stains in advance, as the machine will not always be able to remove them. Use dishwashing detergent to remove machine oil stains. Grass stains can be removed with laundry soap or ammonia.

A simple preparation procedure will help reduce the risk of possible damage to the product and the machine. Therefore, do not ignore this event.

How to wash correctly

So, if the preparatory stage was successful, you can load the products into the drum.

Don't put a lot of pairs at the same time. It is better to limit yourself to two, so as not to overload the washer, and also not to create an imbalance inside.

  • Place the item in the bag. Elongated insoles and neatly tied laces can be placed there.
  • Close the loading door.
  • Select a program. If the automatic machine has a “Sports Shoes” mode, set it. Otherwise, put on a delicate program.

  • Make sure that the water heating on the selected program does not exceed 40 degrees.
  • If possible, deactivate the "Spin" function. If this cannot be done according to the technical characteristics of the automatic machine, set the minimum speed - 400 rpm, maximum - 600.
  • Be sure to turn off the "Drying" function.
  • Pour powder into the powder receptacle. Choose a special liquid cleaner for sportswear or for membrane products... It washes away stains and dirt well, rinses out easily without leaving white streaks on surfaces.

Now it remains to wait for the end of the cycle and dry the washed.

To dry the washed, take the paper, crumple it and stick it inside the boot. Place the washed item in a warm, preferably well-ventilated place, avoiding direct sunlight. Do not use heaters, batteries, hair dryers to speed up the drying process. But it is necessary to ensure relatively quick drying so that the thing inside does not get damp and does not become saturated with an unpleasant odor.

Not all shoes can be washed in the washing machine, but sports shoes made of synthetic materials can.

Preparing shoes for washing

Make sure that there are no parts threatening to fall off - rivets, reflectors, inserts; that the shoes are not torn or unstuck. If there are such defects, then you cannot wash the shoes: the filter will clog up, and the sneakers themselves will suffer even more. Clean the sole, remove pebbles and sand from the protectors. It is necessary to remove the laces and insoles, place the laces in an old sock and throw them into the drum, and the insoles should be replaced if necessary, but not washed: they are most likely deformed. You can use a shoe wash bag or a regular old pillowcase.

Which wash program should I choose?

If the car has a special shoe program, then the issue is resolved. If not, but there is a program for sportswear (impregnated clothing), then you can choose it. If the car has a fairly simple set of programs, then choose the mode for synthetics. If you want to set everything up manually, then select the low-temperature mode - 30 degrees, the spin speed is the lowest (300-400 rpm) or turn off the spin, leave only the water drain. Don't choose a short program to freshen things up.

How many shoes do you put in the drum?

Depends on the load of the machine and the size of the shoes, but it is quite possible to load two or three pairs (if the load is very large, from 8 kg). Be sure to put a few rags with your shoes - there will be no imbalance during spinning.

Which detergent to choose?

You can either powder or liquid, but always without optical brighteners (except if you wash white or very light sneakers or sneakers). A liquid product always has advantages over a powder: it dissolves better, is easier to wash out, softens due to the balm included in the composition. You can use an automatic stain remover.

How to machine wash your shoes, thereby saving time on caring for them?

Of course, winter boots are unlikely to be cleaned in this way if they are not ugg boots, but with ballet flats and slippers, flip flops, and other types of shoes made of fabric, such a procedure is possible. It is also not recommended to wash your boots in a washing machine.

So can your shoes be machine washed? It is not only possible, even necessary, since with this method of cleaning it will acquire bright colors and initial freshness, because it is rather difficult and laborious to achieve the results by hand, as with the help of an automatic machine.

Stages of washing shoes in a washing machine

Stage 1

Before washing your shoes in the washing machine, carefully look at the pair from all sides. It is necessary to determine the integrity of the shoe. And if your accessory wears a lot of all kinds of chains, sequins or is strewn with decorative stones, then this method of cleaning will not give the expected effect, because all kinds of jewelry may suffer, and you will have nothing to do but throw away the spoiled thing.

Then we proceed to cleaning the soles from external contamination. This is done in order not to spoil your machine, since the stones and other impurities that have got in will damage the electronics of your technical device.

You need to free your shoes from laces and insoles, pack them in a special case for washing. If you have not found such a device at home, then do not despair, you can adapt what comes to hand, for example, the well-known pillowcase for a pillow, which will play the role of a cover.

Stage 2

Prepare your washing machine. The set of functions of modern units already includes the program "washing shoes", so you only need to add powder or liquid soap and turn on this mode. However, if you do not have such a function, you need to take a few simple steps:

  • put the temperature selection lever at 30–40 ° С, because under the influence of higher temperatures, your shoes can undergo deformation;
  • remove the setting that is responsible for push-ups;
  • check the settings for additional drying, if any is provided in the washing machine;
  • turn on a gentle mode for washing delicate fabrics;
  • add cleanser.

Advice: If your shoes are white, bleach can be added for best effect, but without chlorine, to avoid damaging the fabric.

Stage 3

After the washing machine has finished washing the shoes and switched off, it is necessary to ensure proper drying. To do this, you need to take clean white paper, since using color printing you can achieve the effect of shedding fabric, fill the shoes abundantly with this paper so that they do not undergo changes in shape, and wait until your shoes are completely dry.

If you wash your shoes at the height of the summer season, it will be enough to put them on the loggia under the influence of direct sunlight, then you will not have to wait very long in order to shine in a fresh, updated accessory.

Advice: To make your shoes last longer, you can soak them generously with a water-repellent spray before drying.

Thus, it is safe to say that washing your shoes in a washing machine is possible! But it should be remembered that this method of cleaning can be done once a month, otherwise you can say goodbye to your favorite thing forever. It should be noted that only one pair can be washed in the washing machine at a time. You can only wash shoes in a washing machine from high-quality and trusted manufacturers.

Today we will consider such a question as shoe washing in the washing machine. Under the concept of "Shoes" here we mean sneakers, sandals, slippers, moccasins and other similar shoes. It makes no sense to wash shoes or boots, especially leather ones, and can be dangerous for the shoes themselves. Read on to wash the rest of your shoes.

Can my shoes be machine washed?

Yes, it is possible and necessary, since shoes are washed better in the washing machine, and after washing they become like new. And although most manufacturers of shoes and washing machines unanimously prohibit doing this, but if you adhere to some simple rules for washing shoes, which we give below, then nothing terrible should happen. By the way, earlier we talked about, if anyone is interested.

Attention! Washing shoes in a washing machine can result in damage to the shoes themselves (in case of poor quality), and damage to the machine. Therefore, all responsibility for washing shoes in the washing machine lies entirely with you. We can only give some useful advice, answering the question: "How to wash your shoes?"

How to wash shoes in the washing machine?

You can also wash your shoes by hand, but believe me, they wash MUCH better in the washing machine and will smell like new only from the store. When washing shoes, stronger than usual. This must be taken into account when choosing the time of day for washing.

Tips for washing shoes in the washing machine:

  1. Inspect your shoes carefully before washing.... Is it intact, are there any detachable elements that can fall off during washing in the machine and get stuck somewhere?
  2. Remove the laces and insoles from the shoes... The laces can be put to wash with the shoes, and the insoles are best cleaned with a powder brush.
  3. From the sole it is necessary remove all stuck dirt, pebbles, branches etc. Rinse your shoes underwater to maximize sand and dust removal.
  4. If there is shoe washing bag, we use to wash it by putting our shoes in it. If you don't have such a bag, you can put old rags / towels with your shoes, or you can wrap your shoes in an old pillowcase. So the shoes are washed better in the washing machine, and the blades (activators / ribs) of the drum will be more intact, because heavy sneakers will not hit them with a motor.
  5. We put in the washing machine one or two pairs of shoes, since there are cases when many pairs of shoes knocked out glass in the door of the washing machine.
  6. The program we choose special for shoes or delicate ones. Washing temperature for shoes is 30-40 degrees. As a result, up to temperatures dangerous for shoes. By the way, washing at this temperature helps to avoid.
  7. Pour the powder in the usual quantities... If the shoes are white you can add Vanish.
  8. We turn off the spin in order to protect the bearings of the washing machine from destruction due to.
  9. Function drying(if available) turn off, as shoes may deform due to high temperatures.
  10. We are waiting for the end of the wash and. After washing, we take out the shoes from the washing machine and there is only a good deal of it left. dry... We ram into the shoes with white paper to give it the required shape. The paper will absorb moisture and prevent the shoes from losing their shape after washing. The paper can be changed as it becomes damp. In summer, you can put your shoes on the balcony. In winter - on the radiator, after putting some kind of towel on it.

I hope that the washing of shoes in the washing machine was successful and no troubles with the shoes happened 🙂 Congratulations on your clean shoes! Now you know how to wash shoes in a washing machine and you can even teach your friends by telling them about your personal experiences and sharing the tricks you just read. We wish you good washings and see you soon!

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Reading time: 1 minute

It is not for nothing that they say that laziness is the engine of progress. If someone had not thrown sneakers, sneakers in " washing machine”, We would never have guessed that there was such a quick, efficient and hassle-free way to clean them. But at the same time, it is correct to ask the question: how to wash shoes in a washing machine? In what cases is it better to refuse such cleaning? How to dry the items? All of this will be the subject of our article.

We will not put all the heavily soiled shoes into the drum of the washing machine, ignoring the instructions of its manufacturers. The fact is that in this device the product is exposed to thermal and mechanical influences that are not typical for it. And this " shock therapy»Not everyone can withstand, even branded, high-quality and expensive footwear.

Let's see in the table whether shoes can be machine washed.

Can: It is forbidden:
High quality fabric sneakers. Shoes made of both natural and artificial leather. The material may shrink, lose its shape, aesthetic appearance, color ( especially if the leather is dyed).
A durable sneaker with a long-lasting adhesive, and best of all, stitched. All suede shoes are very susceptible to excessive moisture. You can spoil a thing so much that you just have to throw it away.
Other sports shoes, the manufacturer of which allows washing in an automatic machine. Shoes with decor: rhinestones, sequins, prints, patches, reflective elements, stickers, ribbons, ribbons, etc. Perhaps the shoes will endure washing, but you will have to say goodbye to jewelry. In addition, there is a high probability that the flying decor will fall into the "insides" of the machine, which can cause it to break down.
Classic leatherette shoes with stitched rather than glued soles also tolerate washing well. Shoes of questionable quality. If you bought a product on the market, " Ali Express»Or in another place at a low price, then such a thing is most likely not intended for machine washing. For inexpensive products, low-quality glue is used, which does not withstand contact with water - you run the risk of getting “ constructor"From their sneakers.
Textile ballet flats, moccasins, but only if this is a quality product. Damaged shoes: if the sole peels off a little on the product, some layer comes off, " blinked»Fabric or leather, then washing will increase the damaged area several times, if it does not lead to the complete uselessness of the thing.
Ugg boots, slippers- " footprints»And other household footwear: machine washable if the quality of the product allows it. Membrane shoes: before you is a rather capricious material that can ruin being in water, strong mechanical stress.
Sandals, slippers. Insulation made of natural or artificial fur: only with the approval of the manufacturer, decide to wash these shoes. There is a great risk that the fur inner edge will become bald, and your once warm shoes will no longer protect you from the cold.
Boots, ankle boots, ankle boots, massive winter boots, " blowers», Model and lacquered pieces: all these shoes are not for the washing machine.

So we figured out whether it is possible to wash shoes in a washing machine.

Shoes will lose their decor in the washing machine Membrane shoes are not recommended to be washed
Washing will ruin the fur
It is a crime to send varnished shoes to a typewriter Winter boots are cleaned only by hand

Advice! Most of all, fabric shoes with a good adhesive base are intended for washing.


Washing shoes in a washing machine is a procedure for which the latter must be prepared:

  1. The first thing is to refer to such an important document as instructions for a product - a label, brochure, booklet, recommendations on the box, tag, etc. It is according to what is written there that we decide whether it is possible to wash the shoes in the machine or whether it is better to give preference to manual cleaning.
  2. Separate everything you can: unlace the laces, pull out the insoles, remove some kind of detachable decor. This has to be washed separately and unfortunately by hand. Laundry soap is perfect for laces, and insoles are well washed when brushing them with an old toothbrush and washing powder.

  1. If the shoes are very dirty, you will have to act with your own hands again: wash off all the adhering dirt, shake out the sand, scrape off the adhering gum, clean out the stuck pebbles, thorns, twigs. All this, if separated in the drum, can cause serious damage to the machine.
  2. Soak very dirty shoes for a while in soapy water before washing.
  3. If fabric shoes are heavily soiled, we advise you to additionally rub these areas with detergent, laundry soap applied to the brush before machine wash. Then you need to give some time to influence, after which just place it in the drum.

  1. We advise you to purchase a special bag for washing shoes - something like the one in the photo. As a last resort, the product can be placed in an old pillowcase, wrapped in unnecessary sheets, a towel, old ( but clean) a linen bag. It will do and just wrap unnecessary rags around the shoes. The drum of the machine, like the glass of the door, is not designed to be hit by a heavy shoe sole during washing. Therefore, such impacts must be mitigated.
  2. Expect to wash only one pair per wash cycle. A maximum of two - and then, if these are products with light soles, small children's sneakers. More - an unbearable load on " washing machine».


Well, we went directly to the wash itself. Let's analyze its correct process - how to wash shoes in an automatic machine.


For shoes, it is best to choose a liquid detergent or capsules that are popular today. They are easier to wash out without leaving streaks, undissolved grains, than washing powder is in this case. Also, yellow spots may remain on a light surface from it. If the shoes are white, you can add oxygen bleach like “ Vanish», Which is intended specifically for use in an automatic machine.

Which remedy is the best to choose? Ideal for washing sportswear, membrane fabric. If you have nothing but powder, then you should put the very minimum amount of it. It would be a mistake to replace the detergent with shampoo, liquid soap or dishwashing gel - they foam too much, which is why they are not suitable for machine washing.

Cloth, sports shoes

How to wash shoes in an automatic machine? To do this, you need to set the following characteristics:

  • Mode: the best mode is the one designed specifically for washing sports shoes. If your car does not have such a program, then you need to stop at a delicate wash or a mode for sports ( membrane) clothing, synthetics. Do not choose the shortest program - micro particles of dirt from dense shoe material will not have time to wash out in a couple of tens of minutes.
  • Before washing your shoes in the washing machine, set the temperature to no more than 40 degrees.

  • Rinsing: Since shoes are not clothes, it is harder to wash out the detergent from them. Therefore, it is better to stop at a double rinse. Otherwise, you will get ugly whitish stains. To get them out of your fabric shoes, you will need to wash them again.
  • Spin: disable this function. Spinning in a shoe drum is no easy test anyway. And spinning at high speeds can ruin the thing. It is also not surprising to break the glass of the door with the sole. Only drain the water from the drum.
  • Drying: be sure to deactivate it! High-temperature exposure is detrimental to both the glue base and the sole material, the leather from which the upper of the product is made.

More washing tips in the video in this article.

Advice! During the washing of shoes, unusually loud sounds will be heard during the operation of the machine - this is the sole beating against the glass, the inner space of the drum. Do not be afraid, but you need to take into account that you should not run such a wash at night - you simply will not fall asleep under such a roar.

Leather shoes

We learned how to wash athletic shoes in a washing machine. Immediately, we note that shoes made of leather, both natural and substitute, are best cleaned with a special brush, napkin, cloth, followed by impregnation with special caring creams. From the inside, they get rid of the unpleasant odor using deodorant sprays or improvised substances - they are treated with a solution of manganese or alcohol.

An alternative would be a more gentle hand wash in water with the addition of dissolved shavings of laundry soap and ammonia. After the procedure, the leather of the shoe is treated with castor oil.

But if you want to send leather boots, sneakers or shoes to the device at your own peril and risk, adhere to the following recommendations before washing shoes in an automatic washing machine:

  • Be sure to remove all dirt from the product.
  • As in the previous case, remove the insoles, laces and anything that might come loose during the wash process. This is all cleaned by hand with laundry soap.
  • Be sure to use a laundry bag or an alternative.
  • Washing temperature - no more than 30 degrees.
  • Mode - delicate, without spinning and drying.

Suede and nubuck shoes

How to machine wash your shoes if they are made of suede or nubuck? In no case will we do this! Let's share with you the recommendations for a possible effective cleaning:

  • Start the procedure when the shoes are completely dry.
  • It is best to clean with special brushes for this material.
  • If an ugly gloss and scuffs appear on the surface of the suede, rubbing these areas with an ordinary eraser will help to restore the aesthetic appearance of the shoe.

From within

Many people send their shoes to the wash for only one reason - to get rid of the unpleasant smell. But we also know a more gentle and effective way of dealing with it:

  • The first step is to clean the inside of the shoe and wash the insoles. The product itself is cleaned with a cloth soaked in soapy water. A brush is used for fur.
  • Buy essential oils with your favorite scent from the pharmacy, the price of which is not so high. Now it remains to saturate the insole with this substance, " shoe insides". But don't overdo it: more doesn't mean better here. Just a few drops are enough. Overdo it - you get a pungent and unpleasant smell.


We have completely figured out how to wash shoes in a typewriter. Washing your shoes properly is half the battle. The product must be dried according to all the rules so as not to spoil it at this stage of care. We advise you to adhere to this set of recommendations:

  • Do not dry your shoes at high temperatures! This applies to its location on batteries, pipes, other heating devices, in high-temperature dryers. Even the hot air of a hair dryer and drying in direct sunlight will damage your shoes! Leather products from such influences are deformed, on other " melt»Adhesive layer connecting the upper to the sole.
  • Separately, we warn those who are going to dry fabric sneakers on a battery, thinking that such drying will not damage the fabric, especially if it is cotton. If the detergent is not completely washed out, then upon contact with hot metal it will quickly bake, turning into ugly brown stains.
  • Drying ideally is at room temperature in a well-ventilated area. It is either at home or on a shaded balcony.

  • Insert highly absorbent paper into your shoes. This will help it not to lose shape during drying, it will take away excess moisture. Change this " filler»As it is fully moistened. We do not recommend using newspapers, magazines and other printed materials - when wet, it can stain your shoes with flowers. The best option is plain white paper.
  • We advise you to treat your boots with a water-repellent impregnation after complete drying. This is a special aerosol that can easily be found both in the shoe and in the household chemicals store. The tool will help not to get your feet wet in bad weather for as long as possible, and to keep sneakers, sneakers, presentable look for a long time.

  • The product with the name “ Persil»: The gel is applied to particularly stained areas. After 10 minutes, the shoes can be sent to the wash without rinsing off the product.
  • Can you machine wash your shoes more efficiently? For more efficient cleaning, add “ Calgon"Or an analogue tool. Ordinary soda will successfully cope with this role. These products soften the water, which has a beneficial effect on the cleaning result.
  • As we said, washing in a typewriter is fatal for suede shoes. But if the product has several such inserts, then it's okay if it goes through a machine wash cycle.
  • If, after washing, an unpleasant smell remains inside the shoe pair, then you should moisten a napkin, a cloth in ordinary table vinegar ( not essences!), and wipe the inside of the product with it. After that, it is worth ventilating the shoes a little from the unpleasant vinegar " scent"- and she is ready to wear! Note that in the case of membrane shoes, this life hack will have to be abandoned.

Still, can your shoes be washed in a washing machine? We have found out that this is not a taboo for textile, soft indoor shoes, sneakers, ugg boots, sneakers, moccasins and fabric ballet flats. However, when sending these copies to wash, you should carefully consider preparing them for this process, choosing the correct washing mode, detergent. Proper drying is equally important - at this stage, shoes can also be irreparably damaged. We hope that our recommendations were helpful to you!