What aragonite looks like: blue, orange, white. Other shades. Properties of aragonite stone

Aragonite is a type of calcium carbonate. The mineral differs from the same with it in composition in the structure of the crystal lattice and, accordingly, in properties. Aragonite crystals are found in prismatic, columnar, tabular, acicular and spear-shaped. They also form aggregates of a wide variety of shapes. In addition, aragonite is a component of the nacre layer of mollusk shells and the coral exoskeleton.

On our planet, aragonite is very widespread. The largest amount of the mineral is mined on the European continent, since there is the highest demand for it. There are known deposits in the Alpine mountains, where high-quality aragonites are mined.

In addition, large deposits of stone "hide" in the strip of the shelf oceanic zone. In the area of ​​surf and changeable currents, aggregates of aragonite become so-called oolites (egg-shaped pebbles).

Aragonites have only recently become known as gemstones. Although their age approaches hundreds of millions of years, after which the stone turns into calcite. They began to distinguish aragonite from the latter only in the 18th century, at the same time they gave it a name consonant with Spanish Aragon, where they first became interested in this mineral.

At the same time, the ability of aragonites to turn into calcites was also noticed. In order to improve the quality of the stone, the stone cutters tried to heat it, but this did not lead to the desired result. On the contrary, aragonite disintegrated into fine calcite powder. This phenomenon is associated with an increase in the volume of the sample and the gradual exfoliation of the upper particles.

Also, aragonite is known under other names, including: pearl mother, iron flower, sparkling or pea stone, conchite. Natural specimens of spherical shape are called oolites or oolite stones.

Aragonites consist of calcium carbonate, as impurities they contain magnesium, iron, zinc, lead. Crystals are colorless or white, grayish, yellowish or reddish with a greasy or glassy sheen.

They are characterized by a rhombic crystal system, transparency or translucency, imperfect cleavage, and a conchoidal fracture. Mohs hardness is 3.5-4. Density 2.9-3.0 g / cm3.

Aragonite, which is mined in the territory of karst caves, forms intergrowths in the form of a sintered crust with protruding crystals, needle-shaped spherical formations, intergrowths of a radial-radiant shape. Sometimes spherulites are mined.

From the thinnest layer of aragonite, which alternates with a transparent layer of solid organic substances, mother-of-pearl is formed. Thus, each pearl is a kind of “layered cake” with aragonite filling.

Depending on the content of certain impurities in the composition of the mineral, as well as in its form, several types of aragonite are distinguished:

  • Tarnovitsite - characterized by prismatic hexagonal crystals of a warm brownish-purple hue. This type of aragonite is rich in lead.
  • Nicholsonites - contain zinc inclusions in their composition, differ in red-brown shades interspersed with pure violet. In general, this variety is characterized by the most varied color range of all aragonites.
  • Sprudelsteins or pea stones, also known as cave pearls and marble onyx. Formed during the processes of precipitation of calcium compounds from a natural solution, and differ in various shapes and sizes of intergrowths and druses. It is the polished sprudelsteins that are often used as jewelry inserts and material for beads and bracelets.
  • The "Iron Flower" is a kind of mineral of an unusual shape, in which oblong mineral formations are intertwined into bizarre "inflorescences".
  • Needle-shaped crystals are transparent prisms or elongated needles.
  • Helictite is a coral-like aggregate that is common in karst caves and branches beautifully to form intricate structures.
  • Pisolite is a rounded pea-sized stone (about 2 mm), also known as the "pearl of the caves".

Decorations and interior items made of aragonite, contribute to the end of disputes between husband and wife. They are also able to optimize the difficult relationships typical of mother-in-law and son-in-law, daughter-in-law and mother-in-law, parents and children. Aragonite "smoothes" all sharp corners and helps representatives of different generations to reach mutual understanding.

Also, the Aragonites attract wealth and prosperity to the home of their owners. It is believed that in their presence, the material condition always improves.

And also miraculously, aragonite helps in housekeeping for everyone who does not really like this business. Mineral adds strength, fights laziness, and gives inspiration and ingenuity to complete even the most boring homework, which a person begins to do downright perfect.

In lithotherapy, aragonite is known to stimulate sexual function in both sexes. The stone also has a positive effect on the state of the human nervous system, helps to get rid of fears and feelings of anxiety, enslavement, irritability and anger, and quickly restores the strength of its owner.

Various skin diseases are treated with the help of aragonite applications. And the water that has been filtered through the aragonite crumb becomes healing. These sources include those located in Karlovy Vary and Baden-Baden.

The good effect of aragonites on people of mature age has been noticed. So, they help to alleviate the manifestations of menopause, reduce senile dementia.

Aragonites are used in jewelry, for making handicrafts and souvenirs, and also as collectible material. Collectors appreciate the "iron flowers" of aragonite and other varieties of bizarre shapes and unusual colors.

Generally, aragonite specimens are colorless or white. If there are any impurities in the mineral, a variety of tones appear in it: from violet, blue and gray to orange, red, light green. Aragonites of blue-green color are called iglites, blue - zeyringites.

Gems can be either transparent or semi-opaque.

Caring for aragonite and products with it should be neat and gentle, since the mineral is quite fragile and deteriorates when exposed to high temperatures and frequent exposure to bright sun.

The stone goes well with any sign of the zodiac. However, he becomes a faithful assistant only for married couples. Lonely people do not benefit from aragonite.

In general, the prices for aragonites are not very high due to their widespread availability. For example, a 100 g polished plate is priced at about $ 10. And picturesque aragonite drips, which are purchased for mineralogical collections, are priced from 5-7 dollars. The cost of jewelry with aragonite inserts, depending on the cutting material and the work of the master, is in the range of 40-500 dollars.

  • Aragonite talismans are used to preserve family unity. It is believed that such an amulet is able to discourage a person from romantic hobbies on the side, gambling, friendly feasts, addiction to drinking and everything that can destroy a happy family life.
  • The hexagonal aragonite is the symbol of the Star of David and the seal of King Solomon. In magical rites, the gem is often used to restore strength. In addition, aragonite is compared to a soul reaching out to the universe. As its direct rays are directed to the sides, so the soul grows stronger during growth and development and learns to cope with difficulties. With the help of aragonite, its owner becomes self-disciplined.
  • Aragonite is an unstable calcium carbonate phase. Over 10-100 million years, it gradually turns into calcite. At the same time, the volume of the stone increases. And if a sample of aragonite is heated to 400 ° C, then this transition occurs right before our eyes, and a strong stone crumbles into a fine powder.

Aragonite is a stone rightfully recognized by esotericists as strong. This seemingly unremarkable mineral has useful functions, including not only the rehabilitation of relationships, but also all kinds of medicinal properties.

It is difficult to figure out all the intricacies on your own. But this is not necessary. Our article will help you understand what aragonite is, teach you how to handle jewelry made from this stone and help you conduct home treatment sessions with their help.

The aragonite stone got its name in a very classical way. It was first discovered in the Spanish city of Molina de Aragon. And, as often happens, the name of the deposit was taken as the name for the mineral.

Aragonite, which has extremely beneficial properties, does not in any way fit in sadness and sadness. But the legend telling about the origin of the mineral is capable of making even a non-romantic nature feel emotionally.

According to this legend, once in Molina de Aragon, a young man was passionately in love with a girl. The beauty reciprocated, but her parents were against the relationship of lovers. They married their daughter to a wealthy man, thereby concluding a marriage that was beneficial for the family. The bride grieved for a long time over the lost happiness, and her tears, falling to the ground, turned into precious stones. Subsequently, they acquired the status of a family amulet.

Where is aragonite mined

For the first time, the mineral aragonite was found in Spain. This country is still actively mining stone, providing the necessary raw materials for jewelry masters around the world.

Spain is the leader in the extraction of aragonite.

At the moment, the best samples are mined in several regions of Spain at once.

Among them:

  • Aragon;
  • Navarre;
  • Castile la Mancha;
  • Valencia;

Deposits of aragonite are also found in other countries of Europe and Asia, in Russia, Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Turkmenistan.

Mineral varieties

The most common shade of this gem in nature is white. But aragonite crystals can acquire other tones - orange, red, blue, green and even purple. The resulting color and its saturation depend on foreign impurities.

Mineralogy experts classify the mineral as follows:

  • Needle
    ... Outwardly, it resembles a cross between spruce branches and straw powdered with snow. Small translucent white needles are located on a plate that looks like a piece of earth. Another name for the mineral is "Sparkling stone".

  • ... It is a blue-white aragonite, similar to coral. Unlike the previous one, this type has a more rounded crystal shape.

  • ... Many people know how pearls grow, from which they then make beautiful beads and earrings. But the information that aragonite is present in the nacre of seashells did not reach the ears of the masses. Apparently, the reason is that this type of mineral is used in few places.

  • "Iron Flowers".
    In fact, this species has very little to do with flowers. It rather resembles a dense interlacing of mushroom roots, gathered in a kind of white dense bush.

  • ... The shape of this species is similarly rounded as in helictites. However, they have little in common with corals - rather, they look like champignon caps that have grown together into one lump. Due to the small size and location of the deposits in the caves, the pisoliths were nicknamed "Cave pearls".

The magical properties of aragonite

The magical properties of aragonite are completely concentrated on one task - the creation of family well-being.

In this regard, experts do not recommend using it for those who do not have a pair. Unfortunately, the stone is not able, like some love talismans, to help in finding a partner. The amulet can only bring its benefit in an already established relationship. That is why it is often purchased by married couples.

The talisman with aragonite will help an already established couple to strengthen mutual understanding and create a happy family.

Aragonite is a real magnet for happiness in a family nest. This will be its effect on the married couple and on the rest of the family:

  • the number of quarrels and scandals in the house will decrease, the atmosphere will be filled with mutual understanding;
  • old values ​​will be transformed - work and money will fade into the background, giving way to a truly important thing - the family;
  • people who are related to each other by blood will become closer in spirit - they will learn to understand others and accept other people's shortcomings;
  • in the absence of a stable cash flow, the amulet will bring money into the house and even provide new housing;
  • not only family ties will improve, but also the relationship between lovers - there will be tolerance for the shortcomings of the chosen one, wilted passion, the need for romance will resume.

According to the rules, in order to improve the atmosphere in the house and increase income, you need to place the gem in the common room. Thus, the positive energy attracted will begin to affect the whole family. If the couple needs a solution to their intimate problems, then they will have to move the mineral to the bedroom.

The healing properties of the stone

Previously, aragonite was considered a healing stone. Modern medicine rejects the possibility of stone treatment. Nevertheless, representatives of one of the methods of alternative medicine - lithotherapists, are sure that stones can alleviate the suffering of patients, in addition, completely heal them on a spiritual level.

Followed by alternative medicine are confident in the healing properties of aragonite.

The healing properties of aragonite stone:

  • The mineral helps to cope with disorders of the nervous system: relieves fatigue, soothes, relieves insomnia and fights depression.
  • It improves the condition of the skin and hair, helps to heal from rashes and other allergic manifestations. In this case, the stone must not be worn on the body, but baths with it must be crushed into powder and dissolved in water.
  • The gem improves the condition of flu and fever for other reasons. A pendant around your neck will help bring down the temperature and relieve fever.
  • Another useful property is increased libido. This feature manifests itself regardless of the gender of the owner of the amulet. The stone helps women overcome frigidity, and saves men from impotence. In addition, the talisman is able to overcome gynecological diseases. Of course, not independently, but with an integrated approach.
  • The amulet will also benefit the elderly. It will improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, solve problems with pressure, and easily cope with nervous conditions typical for the elderly.

When using jewelry for medicinal purposes, do not forget to carry out energy purification with salt. If you don't, over time your talisman will weaken and stop working.

Aragonite care

Take special care of your aragonite products.

Aragonite jewelry requires careful handling. This is a fragile stone, and therefore it is easy to damage it. In order not to regret the broken amulet and the money spent, treat aragonite with care:

  • Try to protect the jewelry from accidental blows on the street. If it is a ring or, remove it before entering the vehicle so as not to clatter on the handrail. At home, too, do not lose your vigilance. Do not hang the pendant on a hook in the bathroom, but put it on a special stand or hide it in a shelf - this will protect the pendant from falling to the floor.
  • Aragonite scratches very easily, so it is best not to store it with other jewelry. Find another casket for the talisman, or at least a bag of thick fabric. By the way, by hiding a pebble in an additional case, you can keep it in a common box, because this way it will be protected from accidental mechanical stress.
  • When removing dirt, do not use harsh chemicals. Some chemicals contain hydrochloric acid in their composition, and it is detrimental to the mineral. The brine makes it almost literally boil.

The mineral is most widely used in the jewelry industry. But they also use it when decorating rooms. In this case, it should be borne in mind that the gem should not be placed next to heating devices and other sources of heat. Such an effect will harm the stone.

Aragonite stone and signs of the zodiac

Astrologers claim that the aragonite amulet will have a positive effect on the personalities of all zodiacal signs.

For many of us, viewing the compatibility of a stone and our zodiac sign before buying is a common thing. However, aragonite does not fit into the general canon. This mineral, amazing in its properties, is equally supportive of all zodiacal symbols.

But do not rush to go to the jewelry store for the Aragonite talisman! Saying that the stone has no zodiacal preferences, experts also mention a very important nuance.

The fact is that aragonite has a special energy. It will have a beneficial effect on those who are in a couple, and make the lonely even more unhappy. For this reason, jewelry made from this gem will only benefit lovers and married couples.

Aragonite is a mineral of the carbonate class. Chemical formula - CaCO3 (calcium carbonate). The composition is similar to calcite, however, due to the difference in crystal lattices, their properties differ. It is included in the base of pearls, the mother-of-pearl layer of mollusk shells (sometimes the shell is completely composed of this mineral). For this, the mineral was named "mother of pearls".

History of origin and deposits

There is a legend about a girl who fell in love with a wonderful young man, but her parents decided to marry her off to someone else. Separated from her beloved, the girl burst into tears that turned into precious stones. This stone was named after her hometown, Molina de Aragon - Aragonite.

In this legend, only the origin of the name of the stone is true, since it was indeed first found near the city of Molina de Aragon.

The formation of aragonite is due to a significant decrease in sea level in the territory of modern Spain about 230 million years ago. As a result, large-scale deposition of salts and gypsum occurred, which subsequently led to the formation of vast deposits of the valuable mineral. The very name "aragonite" appeared in 1796 thanks to the German geologist A.G. Werner.

In addition to Italy, in which for two hundred years of production, the deposits are still rich, deposits of this mineral are found in some countries of Europe and North America.

But in the thermal springs of Karlovy Vary, aragonite can crystallize on any surface. For example, paper flowers with aragonite crystals adorned with petals are popular with tourists.

In Russia, there are deposits in the Urals (Baikalskoe) and Taimyr (Kayerkanskoe, mining is carried out in karst caves.

physical characteristics

Aragonite is an unstable form of calcium carbonate and over time, under the influence of high temperatures or natural solvents, it transforms into more stable calcite.

Most often, white aragonite can be found, differing in intensity, the exception is not a completely colorless stone. Sometimes, due to impurities, it can have a different color: yellow, pink, purple, occasionally you can see green aragonite.

Aragonite crystals shine like glass and are translucent up to full transparency.

Cleavage, or the ability to break along certain axes, is imperfect. This means that when broken, the chip has a bizarre and uneven shape. In some deposits, blue aragonite is mined, or the stone may have a white color with a pink tint.

The hardness of the mineral on the Mohs scale is 3.5-4, which means that it is easily scratched with glass or a knife.

The shape of the stone is determined by the temperature during crystallization. Most often it occurs in the form of radial-radiant aggregates, as well as oolitic mass - the so-called caviar stone or sprudelstein. But single crystals are extremely rare.

The healing properties of the stone

Lithotherapists (specialists who treat with stones) use aragonite to treat various skin conditions such as acne, acne, and allergic skin reactions. For this, baths are prescribed with water saturated with particles of this stone. Also, such baths will help if the cause of the skin disease is unknown.

However, it is not for nothing that aragonite is called the stone of love. Its more significant use is in the treatment of diseases of the genital organs. It helps men to improve potency and restore sexual desire. Helps women with frigidity.

Also effective for prostatitis, uterine tumors. For these purposes, the stone should be close to the body; rings and pendants are well suited.

Aragonite helps the elderly very well, its proximity will improve the functioning of the genitourinary system, help with problems with pressure, the activity of the cardiovascular system.

Some researchers are sure that the healing power of the waters of Karlovy Vary is due to the fact that they pass through several layers of aragonite.

The healing properties of the mineral are due to the fact that it is a source of calcium, which is extremely necessary for humans. So, for example, if you add aragonite to water and leave it for a while, you get a solution saturated with calcium.

The magical properties of aragonite

In addition to medicinal properties that are easily explainable, from the point of view of science, some magical properties are also attributed to the mineral. It is believed that he helps spouses to resolve arising disputes, reduce tension caused by misunderstandings. If a husband and wife want to return passion and old feelings to a relationship, then this particular stone will do just fine. But do not hope that the amulet will return the person who decided to leave to the family, it will only improve the relationship of loving spouses.

According to the canons of Feng Shui, the aragonite figurine is placed in a house in a conspicuous place, where the whole family usually gathers. In this case, the likelihood of buying a home will increase, the chances of starting a business will increase.

If the spouses have problems in their intimate life or the conception of a child occurs, it is recommended to install the figurine in the bedroom.

Aragonite helps a person concentrate on completing the task at hand, enhances self-discipline. At the same time, memory improves, and if you wear it constantly, then a bright mind will remain until very old age.

The meaning of Aragonite in the signs of the zodiac

The mineral has no special meaning in the horoscope. Astrologers do not attribute this stone to any zodiac sign or planet. The amulet is suitable for everyone, the main thing is that the wearer is not alone. In family life, regardless of the zodiac sign of the spouses, you can safely use it.

Aragonite is contraindicated for lonely people. Putting on jewelry with this stone, they will feel unhappy that they will not be able to reveal its positive properties.

Stone products

Aragonite belongs to precious stones and is appreciated by jewelers. Particularly appreciated are complex intergrowths of crystals, the shape of which resembles buds. From such specimens, beautiful rings, earrings are obtained, in which they are used without processing.

White minerals are often ground in the form of pearls, which outwardly cannot be distinguished from real ones. They are great for making beads. For men, rings are made of silver or platinum with darker specimens of the mineral.

In addition to jewelry, various decorative items are made of stone.

Collectors are eager to acquire the stone in its natural form. For example, the so-called iron flowers (bizarre coral aggregates consisting of intertwining white crystals).

Storage and care

When heated, aragonite turns into calcite, therefore, for long-term use of jewelry or decorative elements made of this stone, you should not leave it on the fireplace or near heating appliances. Diluted hydrochloric acid will also have an irreversible effect - the stone will boil.

In addition, due to its low hardness, it is necessary to protect the product from mechanical stress, otherwise scratches on the surface cannot be avoided.


In this article:

Aragonite stone got its name in honor of a deposit in Aragon, which is located in Spain. It was first discovered here and its main deposits are located here. It is a rare and "young" mineral that does not live long. After several tens of millions of years, the stone turns into calcite.

Aragonite stones

How is it mined?

According to legend, aragonite is the tears of a girl who was separated from her beloved, they were not allowed to marry. She grieved so much that her tears turned to stone.

To date, aragonite deposits have been discovered in several places in Europe, the USA, and Russia. The largest reserves of the mineral are found in Spain.

You can find aragonite in karst caves, mountain ranges, at the bottom of the ocean shelf. It can take the form of pebbles, balls, spherulites, crusts, or radiant processes called iron flowers. Some species look like an elongated needle. Aragonite peas are called cave pearls or pisolite.

Characteristics and application

The mineral aragonite has a hardness on the Mohs scale of 3.5-4 points. Its transparency depends on impurities. It can be cloudy, transparent, translucent. Has a glassy luster. The cleavage that aragonite minerals have allows the stones to split along the axes. Aragonite has the ability to boil in acids and change its structure at high temperatures.

Due to its various impurities, aragonite is distinguished by various shades: blue, yellow, orange, white, purple and many others. Most often, there is a transparent or brownish tint.

Unique aragonite is prized in jewelry production. It is used to make earrings, beads, rings, bracelets. It suits almost all metals, but most often silver, gold or platinum is used for the frame. It is impossible to forge a stone, as it crumbles under the influence of temperatures and loses all its jewelry properties.

Aragonite beads look very unusual and beautiful. For them, translucent minerals are used. For men, rings with dark stones are suitable. Iron flowers are considered the most valuable, because this is a real miracle of nature. Various shapes and colors of the stone make it possible to make products with an interesting design. Every woman can choose a piece of jewelry to her taste for the outfit, emphasizing her irresistibility, elegance, perfection.

Prices for aragonite itself are small. They depend on composition, color, shape and frame.

In order for the product to serve you for a long time, adhere to the rules of care:

  • store in a separate soft-walled box;
  • put on body jewelry after applying cosmetics, perfume, varnish and other products;
  • take off jewelry before going to bed, going to the bathhouse, swimming pool, cleaning;
  • protect from moisture, high temperatures, chemicals and acids;
  • If dark spots appear on the stone, wipe it with a soft cloth.

In addition to jewelry, aragonite is used in the manufacture of handicrafts. From it I make vases of bizarre shapes, figurines, candlesticks, pyramids, boxes.

The magical properties of the stone

Aragonite has a special magic, because it protects the most precious thing - the family. The power of the stone is aimed at smoothing out differences among family members, getting rid of quarrels, helping to live in peace, mutual understanding, and love.

Crafts from aragonite have their own meaning and will help bring prosperity to the family, relieve laziness, and help in business. For children in adolescence, aragonite will help to avoid a crisis, become more confident, tolerant and stronger. Mineral contributes to the acquisition of housing, business.

Silver ring with aragonite

If you want to have children, a figurine with aragonite is placed in the bedroom. In addition, the stone helps maintain sex drive and keeps the relationship cool. Jewelry with aragonite will help maintain memory and mind until a ripe old age. Saves family members from betrayal, drunkenness, betrayal. If you are unsure of your feelings, this stone will help you understand the most important things, keep love and passion.

The mineral is used by magicians and sorcerers for rituals and conspiracies. The stone fills with energy, strength, tranquility.

According to the zodiac sign, aragonite suits everyone, but it helps only married couples. Lonely people will rather be burdened by it, they will feel melancholy, as if someone they need is not around them.

Due to its composition and impurities, aragonite has healing properties that help maintain the health of its owners:

  • relieves fever, fever during illness, infection;
  • relieves chronic fatigue;
  • helps to fight insomnia, anger, stress;
  • cures allergies, shingles, psoriasis;
  • treats diseases of the genitourinary system, helps to get rid of impotence and frigidity;
  • relieves anxiety, fears.

The healing mud of the Dead Sea contains aragonite, therefore, it helps to get rid of skin diseases.

Aragonite is a unique miracle of nature, because its various types, shapes, colors make it possible to make wonderful jewelry and crafts. Unusual products will help create your own image, make its owner attractive, elegant, mysterious. Any outfit will sparkle with magical colors if you decorate it with a product made of aragonite. In addition, if you are married or married, the stone will become a real talisman for your family. Comfort, love, loyalty, trust, mutual understanding, and prosperity will settle in your home.

The name of the mineral aragonite reminds of one of the provinces of Spain. So it is, because for the first time the stone was discovered near the city of Molina de Aragon, belonging to Castile. In the 15th century, this area merged with Aragon and became known as Spain. Legend has it that the tears of a girl separated from her beloved turned into aragonite stones.

The stone belongs to the group of calcites, having the hardest structure. The popular name of aragonite - cave calcite, suggests that the main deposits are found in dolomite and gypsum caves, in places most susceptible to weathering. This is due to the fact that the stone belongs to the low-temperature group.

This mineral is considered "young", as after ten million years it is converted into calcite.

When heated, aragonite turns into calcite dust. Due to such a "short" life, aragonite is classified as a rare mineral.

The chemical formula of the stone is CaCO3.

Aragonite is a component of pearls. Each pebble consists of the thinnest layer of aragonite and a transparent layer of solid organic matter.

Variety of colors ...

Aragonite, mined in karst caves, forms needle-shaped or radial incrustations. There are spherulites.

Natural samples are colorless or white. Depending on the impurities, aragonite can be cloudy, transparent and translucent. The color of the mineral has a wide range, which is added by the presence of other minerals:

  • White, formed in the dehydrated voids of the earth's crust, it is mined in Mexico;
  • Orange, cave pearls are mined in Morocco;
  • Blue specimens are mined in China.

Also in nature there are yellow, blue, purple, green, gray. The blue-greens are called iglites, and the blue ones are called zeyringites.

... forms

There are several natural forms of aragonite formation:

  • Tarnovicite (lead impurity) has hexagonal crystals. The color is brownish purple, warm.
  • Nikolsovit contains zinc. Depending on the location, it changes color from colorless to black, it can be red-brown with an admixture of violet.
  • Sprudelstein, otherwise, pea or caviar. This species is formed in the process of precipitation of calcium rocks from natural solutions. Differs in a variety of sizes and shapes. Sprudelstein is also called cave pearls, the deposits of which are located in Morocco. Its polished peas are used to make beads and as inserts in jewelry.
  • The iron flower is a very interesting interweaving of bizarre forms of mineral "sprouts". There are specimens resembling coral twigs.
  • Crystals of unusual appearance, in the form of needles, form transparent elongated shapes. Pisolite or cave pearls have a round shape with a size of 2 mm.
  • Spherical specimens are called oolites. Some sea molluscs have an aragonite coating, which gives them a pearlescent sheen.

Mineral locations

The main deposits of aragonite are in Europe: the best specimens are mined in Spain, Sicily and Morroco. Pisolites are found in the Czech Republic (Karlovy Vary). In Russia, there are deposits in Taimyr and in the Urals.

Crystals found in South Dakota (USA) in Sicily are of particular beauty.

Large deposits are located in the shelves at the bottom of the ocean. In the surf zone, aragonite occurs in the form of oolites (polished oval pebbles).

The magic power of the stone

Aragonite is considered the family stone. He protects home peace, smoothes conflicts between spouses. Aragonite will burden lonely people, catch up with melancholy. You can decorate your home with twigs, a box or any aragonite craft.

For the family

In Feng Shui, an aragonite figurine attracts good luck and wealth to the house. For this, it is recommended to put the mineral in a conspicuous place. Its energy helps in buying a home or starting your own business.

The stone must "take root" in the house for the magical powers to start working. You can arrange souvenirs in all rooms. If the stone is in the bedroom, then it helps to conceive a child and strengthen sexual relations.

For young and old people

A pendant or amulet with aragonite will help a teenager overcome the difficulties of adolescence. It helps older people to maintain memory and a sober mind until old age.

The presence of the stone helps to focus attention and make the right decision with a clear head.

A good gift for newlyweds is a mascot with a blue mineral.

Healing properties

The renowned Karlovy Vary health resort owes its usefulness to the aragonite stone as well.

For skin

The springs in this area flow through rocks enriched with this mineral. Baths relieve skin diseases, local water, passed through aragonite crumb, is considered curative. The composition of the Dead Sea therapeutic mud also contains aragonite.

This unique quality is also used in lithotherapy (stone treatment). The stone is crushed into crumbs through which water is driven. Lotions with this liquid treat skin diseases. The stone helps to normalize increased age pressure, the functioning of the cardiovascular system. The energy of the mineral effectively affects the genitourinary system, helps to transfer the symptoms of menopause, restores an erection.

For sleep

Aragonite is considered a healing stone. It helps to relieve inflammation, fever. As an additional remedy, it can help relieve stress.

Aragonite is a good helper for insomnia.

The mineral must be protected from the effects of negative energy. For a positive effect, it is necessary to put aragonite in the room where the patient is, or wear it as an amulet.

The ratio of the mineral to the horoscope

Aragonite does not belong to any particular sign of the zodiac. The positive power of the mineral affects only married couples. Aragonite talisman will help maintain the strength of family ties for a long time. Anything that destroys a marriage: a hobby on the side, addiction to alcohol, gambling loses its meaning from the impact of the stone.


Due to the variety of shapes and colors, aragonite is successfully used in jewelry making. Any metal is suitable for framing, but gold, silver, platinum are more often used. Coral aragonite or iron flower is especially appreciated.

It is very little processed and inserted into earrings, rings, as jewelry in boxes.

Beautiful beads are made of a translucent mineral. The very unusual blue aragonite, which is mined in China, is considered the most expensive. Such a mineral instills confidence in its owner. It is inserted into rings, earrings. In China, local craftsmen carve ashtrays and boxes from zeiringite. Blue aragonite looks like turquoise, but softer.

There is one more type of stone - White Sea flyers. They are valued for their unusual shape: an asterisk with 4 rays. Such items attract collectors as a ready-made souvenir.

Correct storage

Aragonite product will serve for a long time if you adhere to the following rules:

  • The jewelry should be kept in a box with soft walls;
  • Do not allow aragonite to come into contact with perfumes, cosmetics, chemicals;
  • Remove jewelry before going to bed, going to the bathhouse, swimming pool;
  • If dark spots appear, wipe with a soft cloth.


Aragonite stone cannot be counterfeited because it turns into dust when heated. Its price is small, since the deposits of the mineral are vast and located in many parts of the world. The main magical power of aragonite is aimed at strengthening the family.