What are the closest connections between people. Telepathic communication between loved ones is real

Mental connection - at least once in a lifetime, every person noticed that his and his feelings coincide with the thoughts and feelings of loved ones. For example, a loved one has not yet said anything, but there is knowledge of what he is going to say, down to every word in his phrase - this is a mental mental connection.

What does mental connection mean?

Mental telepathic communication has long been of interest to scientists, there are not so many studies on this topic, and the question of whether there is a mental connection between people remains open. Those studies that were conducted using fMRI confirm that there is still a mental connection, and from a scientific point of view, it represents the synchronization of the right and left hemispheres of the participants in the dialogue, if the topic is interesting to them. At the same time, the activity of the listener's brain completely copies those areas of brain activity that are involved in the narrator.

History of mentalities

The mental connection between people on a historical scale can be represented as those discoveries, attitudes, what is included in the general field of the collective unconscious. There are several examples when people in different parts of the globe made the same discoveries at the same time, at some point there was synchronization and at the mental level there was unanimity, although scientists did not even know each other:

  1. 1839 - L. Dagger in Paris and G. Talbot in London invented and demonstrated cameras.
  2. 1876 ​​- G. Bell registered a patent for a telephone 2 hours before E. Gray also applied for the same patent.
  3. 1993 - R. Roberts and F. Sharp independently made a discovery about the discontinuous structure of the gene.

Signs of a mental connection

Communication at the mental level can be attributed to the psychological and magical. Many scientists believe that telepathy is quackery and do not seriously approach the study of this phenomenon, but it has not ceased to exist because of this, and many things that happen during a mental connection are difficult to explain logically. So, how does the mental connection manifest itself:

  • at some point, there is a knowledge of what a loved one is doing or feeling, even if he is far away;
  • when remembering a friend or girlfriend, a phone call or message is heard from him or her in the near future;
  • when talking with a loved one, such a phenomenon is sometimes observed that at the same time the same phrases are torn off the tongue;
  • understanding and feeling of a friend, spouse, child, parent without further ado.

How is a mental connection formed between people?

The mental connection with a person - how it is formed, is a difficult question to which there is no definite answer, mainly the answers lie in the field of esotericism and are not recognized by scientists. The strongest telepathic connection is formed between close people:

  • relatives;
  • friends;
  • loved ones;
  • between mother and children.

It often takes time and joint pastime to form a connection, the rhythms of brain activity are synchronized, and mystics and esotericists believe that the energy subtle bodies of loved ones interpenetrate each other, this happens through connecting threads that clairvoyants see as silver cords entering energy centers - .

Mental connection between man and woman

The mental connection between lovers consists of a mutual energy exchange, starting at the physical level, then synchronization occurs at the spiritual, emotional and mental levels. A mental connection with a loved one is among esotericists considered the 4th level of relationships, when mutual understanding comes, the value of each other, the ability to read the thoughts and feelings of a partner. The following actions contribute to a good mental connection between a man and a woman:

  • the ability to listen and hear a partner;
  • and sympathy, support for each other in difficult periods;
  • deep respect.

Mental connection of twins

Numerous studies have proven that there is a special psychological connection between twins, especially between monozygotic twins. Even when twins grow up and live far apart, the mental connection at a distance remains strong, as evidenced by the following examples:

  • American twins Kathy and Karin Schneider, living in different cities, without saying a word, bought winning lottery tickets on the same day;
  • English twins Michael and John skiing in the Alps on different slopes at the same time fell down and broke their legs.

Mental connection - how to establish?

Mental connection - how to develop? Attunement to a loved one more often occurs spontaneously, but if you set a goal, then the mental-telepathic connection can be strengthened, for this there are various energy and esoteric practices, but here it is important to feel the line, crossing which, there is already interference in a person’s personal space and this can feel like psychological pressure.

Mental Link - Exercises

Connection with a person on a mental level can be developed using the following exercises alone or with a partner (you can ask a loved one to participate), they must be performed systematically:

  1. Reception and transmission. Blindfold and walk around the room in different directions, while it is important to say something. The partner at this time also tries to silently move around the room. At some point, you need to say “Stop!”, stop and the partner stops and stands quietly, trying not to breathe. The task at this stage is to feel the partner’s vibrations and indicate with a gesture the direction where he is supposedly standing, describe this place. Then the partner leaves the room and you need to compare the sensations of his presence and absence.
  2. Visualization of a call from a loved one. Sit down, relax, imagine an internal white screen on which you need to project the face of a loved one and ask him to mentally call in the near future, concentrating as much as possible on desire and imagining in great detail how he calls and what emotions arise at the same time. In this exercise, strong faith and a clear thought form are important.
  3. Performing an action. Sit comfortably, relax, close your eyes, imagine a white screen with your inner vision and project the face of a loved one onto it. Mentally ask him to perform a simple action: make and bring tea, open or close the window, turn on or off the light, radio, TV. Concentrate on joyful emotions because the action is completed, then send a clear thought form to a loved one, without betraying by behavior that you expect something from him.

Alternatively, this exercise can be used in public transport, you can mentally try to send thought forms to the selected person, for example, so that he turns around, gets up from his seat, smiles, looks out the window. It is important to remember that it is impossible, therefore, thought forms should be simple and not harmful to a person.

How to break the mental connection?

If a mental connection has been formed, then for a very long time it will still be strong, so you need to give yourself this time. It is possible to help yourself go through the breakup stage more painlessly if there is a true desire and there are no illusions that you can still return. How to break the mental connection with a man - the practice of letting go:

  1. Tune in to a state of goodness and peace, the mind is calm, the body is relaxed. Light a candle.
  2. Mentally call up the image of a man with whom you need to break the mental connection, put his image in front of you, thank him for what he was.
  3. Imagine multi-colored threads that connect with a partner at the level of energy centers (chakras).
  4. Pick up a candle and start burning these threads, leading the candle from the bottom up, cutting through the space, while it is important to burn all the threads.
  5. Imagine how the image of a man is removed, a release occurs. Practice is over. You can repeat it for several days.

Reasons for breaking the mental connection

If you look at a person metaphorically as a traveler, then everyone has their own path, during which meetings with different people, other travelers take place, someone will have to go with another person most of the way together, so the mental connection is growing stronger, and someone only goes a small section of the path and then turns onto another path. The reason that mental connections are breaking down is that a person has played his part and it is time for him to move on. How to break the mental connection with a man - the answer is simple: let him go with gratitude.

According to Tantric teachings, when a man meets a woman, an exchange of energy begins between them.

It is natural for a man to be charged with energy from above (ideological), and for a woman - from below (power energy). To bring the idea to life, a man needs to be "charged" with female power. And a woman, since she is a “bank” of energy, is not able to spend it for action, but only gives it away, because she receives the kind of energy she needs only in the process of interacting with a man.

There is always an exchange of energy between the stronger and the weaker sex. As soon as a boy is born, he already has a mother who inspires him, gives him her maternal love. Then he meets his first, second love, a pretty employee at work - in all the fair sex, a man seeks to find the very source of energy, filled with strength from which he can successfully realize himself in life.

Then, when a love relationship is established between a man and a woman, the woman gives herself (not only physically, but also taking care of her beloved, morally and intellectually), and the man, receiving female power, is able to create and perform active actions in life.

Everything is clear with this, but this is only the initial stage, during which the energy does not yet flow, because the exchange itself does not occur. Filled with the necessary feminine strength, allowing him to embody his ideas, a man should return energy to a woman (in the form of gifts, financial care, physical assistance), in such an amount as to inspire his lady for a subsequent return.

And this interaction is constant.

Energy connection between a man and a woman

In the case when people feel sympathy for each other, they actively exchange their energies and this process gives them mutual pleasure. Upon contact between the biofields of two individuals, channels are formed through which energy circulates from one side to the other.

These streams can differ in their colors and shapes (people with psychic abilities can see them).

Partners are connected through these energy channels through one or another, based on the type of their communication:

  • by - family relations;
  • according to - relationships like lovers, married couples or friends for easy pastime;
  • by - family ties, relationships between colleagues at work, bosses, friends in sports hobbies - those people with whom you are forced to compete;
  • by - this type of connection will tell about the relationship in which objects interact with each other emotionally - these are the people for whom we feel love. But in order for the relationship between a man and a woman to be harmonious, it is important that they have a well-developed channel of sexual energy;
  • by - relationships between like-minded people, work colleagues;
  • by - often communication through this channel speaks of copying their idols, leaders of sects and various organizations. The hypnotic channel is well developed, other people's thoughts and ideas are suggested. People are connected to each other by telepathic communication.
  • according to - the connection is present only at the level of egregors (collective, family, religious, and others).

And the more both partners show their interest in each other, the more extensive the energy channel is formed between them. And with the establishment of strong relationships, it is observed.

This is how love relationships are formed, over which neither time nor distance will have power. For example, a mother always feels her child, no matter where he is, even if a lot of time has passed since their last meeting.

With a healthy relationship between a man and a woman, clear, bright, pulsating channels are formed. Then the partners trust each other, they are sincere, but at the same time they retain their personal living space. In this case, we can talk about an equivalent energy exchange, without violations.

And if the relationship is unhealthy, for example, one of the partners becomes dependent on the other, then the channels become dull, heavy. In such a connection, there is no freedom, often lovers over time show irritation, aggression and anger towards each other.

When one of the partners wants to take complete control of the other, the aura wraps around from all sides.

With the death of a relationship, the same thing happens with the channels - they become thinner, weaker. After a long period of time, the movement of energy through the channels stops and people become as if they were strangers, as if nothing had connected them before.

And if there was a separation, but the energy channels were preserved, then people continue to be drawn to each other. There may also be such a scenario when one of the former lovers broke off the energy connection and closed from subsequent influences, and the second continues to restore relations, breaking through his layer of energy protection.

Energy connection between people during sexual contact

If there were close relationships between people, the channels do not collapse for a long time after parting. This is especially pronounced during sexual contact.

When we have sexual relations with a new partner, a new channel is formed through the sexual chakra. Such channels remain active for a very long time (for years, and sometimes they remain active even throughout life).

At the same time, it does not play a significant role whether the sexual partners managed to get to know each other sufficiently or whether their connection was fleeting (at a party, at a graduation, etc.), the energy channel through the sexual chakra will still be formed and will be active for a very long time.

And if there is a channel, energy continues to circulate through it. And what plan it will be - positive or negative, you can find out about this only knowing both partners well.

An interesting feature is that people living together are characterized by the adjustment of their energy shells relative to each other. For harmonious intimate relationships, synchronization of biofields is necessary. That is why, often in love, when they live together, over time they become similar to each other (often even physical).

When a person does not want to contact anyone, he closes the circuit of his own, as a result of which all energy flows emanating from others are reflected. Then it seems to other people that they are not heard.

Features of male and female energy in a pair

As mentioned above, in the case of mutual feelings between lovers, a single energy field arises, which will be maintained in the future if the conditions of partnership are met. The couple will become stronger if both of the partners fill their union with their energy, supporting both themselves and their lover (lover).

A very important point - each of the partners must act on the basis of their nature: a man - like a man, and a woman - like a woman.

For example, when a woman develops masculine energy in herself, manifesting in the physical world like a man, then if she lives alone, this may not affect her well-being in any way. But, being in the conditions of a couple, her man will be forced to develop a feminine demeanor in himself (the same rule applies to men).

In general, in a couple, a man is responsible for the world of material wealth, and a woman is responsible for sensual manifestations and the atmosphere of relationships in general. Therefore, a man gives energy through the material chakra, and a woman receives, and she, in turn, gives energy through the heart chakra.

This was laid down by nature and actions against it will negatively affect the condition of the partners individually and the couple as a whole.

Scientists from Princeton conducted an entertaining experiment. Having seated two interlocutors in a cozy room, they invited them to talk to each other. While one of them brought up a fascinating topic, the other listened attentively. This dialogue took place under the strict supervision of an fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) machine, which scanned the brains of both participants. After receiving the images of the study, the scientists found that the activity of various parts of the brain (which was determined by the degree of blood flow to a particular area) in the narrator and the listener was almost identical.

In the following similar experiments, it was possible to find out that if the narrator listened inattentively, then the identity of the activity of brain cells was minimal. When the narrator spoke in a language unfamiliar to the listener, the neurons of the interlocutors did not harmonize with each other at all.

This is a fairly primitive example of a mental connection. It can be observed, for example, at school, when the teacher tells the material to the students. The mental connection becomes more interesting in situations that arise spontaneously, in everyday life. Such a phenomenon can be observed between people who are connected by consanguinity or great love. If a misfortune occurs with one of the family members (or with a loved one), then his loved one may feel great excitement at that moment. Neurologists call this phenomenon "mental connection." Especially bright, in their opinion, it happens between a parent and a child (for sure, many people know such a phrase as "maternal instinct").

How the mental link works at this level is still a mystery. Only modest research in the field of telepathy, which, by the way, some scientists tend to consider quackery, can slightly reveal the secret.

However, let's return to simpler examples, where the mental connection is demonstrated at an elementary level. In everyday life, people close to each other do not ask: “Will you have coffee?”. This question is reduced to one word: "Coffee?". And when the questioner receives the answer: “Yes, and one sugar,” it immediately becomes clear to him what kind of coffee his interlocutor wants. This short dialogue omits the superfluous lexical fragments that everyone keeps in their head, literally pronouncing them telepathically.

According to scientists, this phenomenon is most clearly observed precisely between close people.

And so we can conclude that a mental connection is a psychosocial phenomenon that can be developed to a certain level with the help of emotional feelings for another person.

In addition, it has been found that such contact is best manifested when the interlocutors communicate in a personal conversation, face to face. And such dialogue options as a video conference or a telephone conversation provoke the appearance of this connection much less.

Mentality is still a very unexplored area of ​​human psychology. However, it is already successfully used by marketers. In many large corporations, advertising agents are taught such a fairly new sales technique, as the foundation of which turned out to be the principles of mental connection in a duet with a slight hypnosis of a potential buyer.

But let science continue to unravel its mysteries, and now you can test this phenomenon for yourself. Mark the time and try to think hard about the person who cares about you the most, send him mental hugs and kisses or even words, phrases and ideas, and then ask him how he felt at that moment.

In order to feel a person who is at a distance from you, you need not so much. And no matter how far this person is from you, what matters is the feeling that you have for him. If it is love, deep sympathy, or a sincere desire for goodness, the task is not difficult.
The skills of performing this practice give the practitioner a more developed intuition in the perception of other people - their moods, thoughts, states ...

All that is needed for this is to sit in a comfortable position and relax, stop thinking about your own body and the signals that it sends to the brain. Take care in advance that nothing could distract you - people, calls, extraneous noises or problems that you think about during the day. Just relax, turning off all thoughts of strangers. Sit in a comfortable position, facing in the direction where the person you are interested in is supposed to be. If you don’t know the direction, it’s okay, in the process of meditation your body will turn in the right direction by itself, just don’t interfere with it. Relaxing, closing your eyes, and relieving tension in the body - remember what is connected with the person you are interested in - memories, events, his appearance, character, passion are vivid - that through which this personality manifests itself most clearly, and associatively for you. Having recreated the vivid perception of this person in your memory, start peering into the darkness before your eyes, NO LONGER THINKING about this person. Let all thoughts remain aside. If any thoughts appear in your head - do not resist them, just do not pay attention to them - immerse yourself completely in the darkness that has arisen before your eyes.

Imagine that you are moving in this darkness - farther and farther, not noticing and leaving aside all the stars, flashes and patterns that appear before your eyes. You are only interested in this dive forward. Moving forward, you will see that the darkness ahead seems to be divided into two planes by a horizontal line - try to look through this line. Put all your concentration and attention to get over it and continue on your way. Behind this line begins a corridor of light - go along it, and it will lead you to the person you are interested in.
Depending on the strength of concentration, you can feel his state, his mood, and if the concentration was the most successful, then you can see and hear this person. He, at this time, can feel your eyes on him ...

It is very important that during the meditative advancement there are no extraneous thoughts, and especially thoughts about the person you are interested in, otherwise it can only lead to images created by your imagination, and not to the actual contact with this person. Or speculative images can be superimposed on perception, which is also not successful in this meditation ...

Good luck with it, and remember that you can get the most powerful effect if you WISH that person WELL!)))

Every day people encounter other people. With someone they strike up friendly relations, with someone they cannot find a common language, and someone firmly takes a place in the gallery of the closest people. Gets better with every person you know special level of understanding, which is classified by psychologists and mystics as a mental connection.

If you pay attention to how members of the same family communicate, you can notice a lot of interesting and unusual things. So, sitting in the kitchen, you can pay attention to the dialogue of the couple: “Tea?” - "Coffee" - and that's it, not a single word more was uttered. But the couple understood each other, they already at the level of feelings and sensations know exactly what the partner wants to say with this or that phrase.

In the course of their lives, they establish a connection not only physical, but also astral. Therefore, they recognize most of each other's thoughts at the subconscious level. But if we talk about relationships in a pair of lovers, then everything is somewhat different here.

If you believe tantric teaching, then when a man and a woman meet, a mutual exchange of energies takes place. A man tends to be charged with energies from above, and a woman - from below. In order to bring energy to life, a man needs to receive an appropriate charge of female power. But a woman, due to the fact that she is a kind of power bank, cannot modify it into action. Therefore, she simply gives it away, receiving in return the energy she needs after a relationship with a man.

The two sexes are constantly exchanging energies. When a boy is born, he already has a mother who inspires him to exploits and gives him her love. After a man grows up, he meets his first, second and subsequent loves. Fleeting meetings, beautiful coworkers - in all of them he is looking for the strength that help him realize himself and do what he wants.

After a love relationship is established between a man and a woman, she begins to give herself to a man. But she does this not only physically, but also mentally. She takes care of her man, helps him morally and intellectually. A man, receiving female energy, becomes able to create and create, perform active actions in life, thereby realizing his destiny.

But at this stage, the flow of energies has not yet begun. So far, there is only mutual exchange. Filled with energy that helps his creative and business start, a man must return the received part of the energy. It is quite simple to do this - a man should give a woman gifts, tenderness and care. This should be done in the amount to inspire the beauty again for another return of energy. It is a constant cycle that should never stop.

When people experience mutual sympathy, the mental connection gives them pleasure. In this case, upon contact circulating the energy of their biofields. These streams differ greatly in color from each other. Only those with psychic powers can see them.

Partners communicate with each other by combining certain chakras:

  • a related connection occurs along the base chakra;
  • according to the sexual chakra, there is an association according to the type of lovers, couples or friends for a short pastime;
  • through the navel chakra, a connection is formed between colleagues, those people with whom one has to compete;
  • partners are connected through the heart chakra for life - but for this it is extremely important that their heart channels are well connected to each other;
  • the throat chakra connects people whose relationships develop at the level of one idea, they become like-minded;
  • on the frontal chakra, the connection occurs unconsciously, a person copies his idol, the leader of a sect or some other organization;
  • according to the wedding chakra, only individual egregors that belong to the family are combined - such a connection is possible only for a mother and a child or people who love each other very much.

The more partners are interested in each other, the stronger the bonds between them are built. When the relationship between partners is very close and strong, then the connection between them is observed through all channels.

This is how love relationships are formed. Mom always feels her child, wherever he is. Even if a lot of time has passed between meetings.

Is it possible to see such a connection

You often hear the expression that people's thoughts converge. And in fact it is. This is not a figurative expression. Scientists have found that if there is a mental connection between people, then even when examining the brain, they same centers work in it with emotional excitement.

A similar connection arises between the one who tells and the one who listens to him. It has been noticed that if the listener is too interested, his neural activity even surpasses and outstrips the narrator's narrative.

Between whom the strongest bonds are formed

Astral connection between people at the subconscious level occurs only between very close people:

Similar relationships can be observed between friends, especially if they have much in common and have experienced a lot together. Often such relationships are called mental hugs. They are extremely important in people's lives. Therefore, today research in this area is given great attention.