What herbs to rinse hair for growth. Methods for stimulating hair growth with herbs. What herbs are good for hair

Luxurious, thick, shiny hair has long been considered one of the main female adornments. This is skillfully used by the beauty industry, regularly offering young ladies more and more new means. Nourishing masks, moisturizing balms, smoothing sprays, foams, mousses ... It's no wonder that our eyes run wild in cosmetic stores. Products containing extracts of all kinds of medicinal plants are very popular. However, few people know that rinsing hair with herbs gives the same effect. This will allow you to save a significant amount and amaze others with the excellent condition of your hair.

Indications for use

Rinsing hair with herbs helps to solve many problems. If you choose the right recipe, you can get rid of dandruff, stop their loss, improve the general condition and even give the "mane" a different shade. However, to get the desired result, you need to know that different plants give completely different effects. For example, rinsing hair with herbs, which will help to cope with excess oiliness, is based on the action of oregano and sage. Are you suffering from dry scalp? Note the nettles, chamomile, and hops.

"Rapunzel, Rapunzel, wake up ..."

Are you dreaming of long, heavy braids, but the problem is that your hair grows too slowly? Don't be discouraged: this process can be accelerated with aloe, birch leaves, calamus root, nettle and burdock. Making decoctions at home is very simple. Here are a couple of simple recipes: take a tablespoon of chopped, pour boiling water over it and let it brew properly. That's it, you have a great tool. By the same principle, a decoction of nettle and birch leaves is prepared. Rinsing your hair regularly with herbs will not only make your hair grow much faster, but it will also make your curls thicker, shinier and silky.

We strengthen the hair

Have you noticed that they get dirty quickly, look dull and painful? You may be deficient in vitamins. As a rule, this effect occurs after a long winter: lack of sunlight, constant wearing of hats, frost, wind - all this affects the condition of the hairstyle not in the best way. Plants such as coltsfoot, ivy, calendula, fir, and thyme can be used to strengthen and heal hair. We brew them like regular tea, dilute them with water and rinse hair with herbs. The result will be visible within a few weeks. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to drink a course of vitamins.

Fighting hair loss

Rinsing hair with herbs also helps against hair loss - the reviews of those who have already tried this method are the most favorable. Look for oregano, chamomile and sage in your home medicine cabinet - they not only save you during colds, but also have an excellent effect on the scalp, strengthening hair follicles. It is recommended to rinse immediately after washing. Keep in mind that some plants have a coloring effect: if you are a natural blonde, use sage and rosemary with caution.

Decoctions and herbal infusions have always been used by women to strengthen and heal curls. Even in the 21st century, when store shelves are bursting with a huge amount of shampoos and balms, natural herbal remedies are very popular. Herbal decoctions for hair have a beneficial effect on both curls and scalp, but you need to know in more detail about what herbs to rinse your hair with.

Herbal treatment

Strengthening hair at home, using herbal decoctions, is much more beneficial than washing and rinsing your hair with regular shampoos. Herbs for hair will get rid of dandruff, make curls stronger and give them a good natural shine. Rinsing hair with herbs is an affordable way that does not require much effort and expense.

The best herbs for shampooing

It is better to collect useful herbs for hair in places that are far from industrial zones and highways. It is necessary to dry herbs in a room where there is always access to fresh air, and store in cotton bags. Shelf life is 2 years. And now we list the best and most effective herbs for rinsing hair:

  • Chamomile. This plant is great for those with light strands. Chamomile decoction has anti-inflammatory properties, soothes the scalp well, and also enhances the natural blond shade.
  • Birch. Rinse the hairline with birch broths is primarily worth people with oily strands, dandruff, or those who suffer from alopecia (baldness).
  • Mint. When it comes to herbs for dry hair, mint is the first to come to mind. A decoction from this plant gives an invigorating and cool sensation, and also has antiseptic properties that can soothe irritated skin. Mint also has a good effect when interacting with linden, so it is better to make a decoction with these two components at once.
  • Nettle. If you need herbs for hair loss and hair growth at home, be sure to pay attention to nettles. An infusion or decoction of this herb can strengthen the roots well, prevent baldness and improve blood circulation in the scalp.
  • Calendula. This remedy should be used to rinse your hair with severe itching of the skin. Calendula flowers have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, and also give the curls firmness and elasticity.
  • Burdock. Healing decoctions, prepared on the basis of burdock, help get rid of excess grease in the strands. Also, a decoction of burdock is a good remedy for hair loss and hair growth.
  • Rosemary. This plant improves subcutaneous microcirculation of blood, nourishes the roots, accelerates hair growth, and also copes well with scalp oiliness. Thanks to rosemary, the hair will become more luxuriant and lighter.
  • Lavender. This herb is able to help a person with itching on the head, seborrhea, and is also a good remedy for baldness. This is a versatile plant that is suitable for both people with oily strands and those who have them dry. In addition, lavender decoction is a good conditioner and should be applied to hair after shampooing.

For all hair types

All of the above herbs must be selected depending on the type of strands. What herbs are suitable for any type of curl? Let's find out.

  • Coltsfoot. This herb has the ability to stop hair loss, relieve dandruff, and soothe scalp when irritated. Mother-and-Stepmother also has a good refreshing effect and makes combing much easier.
  • Ready-made pharmacy fees. Herbal decoctions from them refresh the skin well and stabilize the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Schisandra, cornflower and pink flowers. This collection nourishes and brightens the strands well.
  • Knotweed, borage, shepherd's purse. These plants slow down hair loss.
  • Lily of the valley and loach. These spring flowers will add volume and strength to your hair, get rid of oily hair and overcome dandruff.


You've already learned about which herbs are good for hair. Now it's time to get acquainted with the recipes thanks to which you can prepare effective hair decoctions.

  1. Nettle hair loss remedy. Earlier it was said that there is no better herb for hair growth than nettle. To prepare a quality nettle decoction for rinsing your hair, follow these guidelines:
  • chop nettle leaves;
  • put in a glass container;
  • pour half a liter of water and the same amount of vinegar there;
  • boil the resulting mixture for half an hour in a water bath;
  • strain.

Try to rinse your hair with this broth after each shampooing procedure.

  1. Rosemary and chamomile are wonderful herbs for strengthening hair at home. A decoction of these plants is prepared as follows:
  • mix a tablespoon of chamomile and a tablespoon of rosemary;
  • add 5 bay leaves;
  • pour a liter of water and set to boil for 10 minutes;
  • strain.

The resulting broth is applied after shampooing.

  1. Birch leaf strengthening agent. Perhaps the easiest recipe of all. So, preparation:
  • pour a tablespoon of dry birch leaves with two glasses of hot water;
  • put the dishes with the mixture under the blanket and let it brew for 2 hours.

Rinse the curls with this broth and rub into the scalp.

  1. Decoction for baldness. We have already discussed herbs, among which was lavender. The medicine is prepared from it in this way:
  • boil water and remove from heat;
  • add apple cider vinegar (3 tablespoons) to the pan and mix thoroughly;
  • pour in half a cup of dried lavender flowers and stir again;
  • close the pan with a lid, then let the solution brew for 2–4 hours;
  • strain. The infusion can be stored in the refrigerator in a glass container for 2 days.
  1. Broth of burdock and calendula for oily strands. Herbal teas made from these two components have always been renowned for their effectiveness and ease of preparation:
  • chop burdock roots;
  • mix two tablespoons of calendula flowers and a tablespoon of chopped burdock roots;
  • add half a liter of water and boil for 25 minutes;

Try to rinse the strands with it often and rub into the skin.

  1. Medicinal mint decoction. You don't need to make a lot of effort to prepare it:
  • chop fresh mint;
  • pour two tablespoons of the chopped plant with two glasses of boiling water and leave to infuse for half an hour;
  • strain and use as directed.
  1. A decoction of linden and mint for baldness. Earlier in the article, it was mentioned that mint and linden have a beneficial effect on the condition of the hair. Together, these herbs strengthen follicles well and prevent them from falling out. An effective recipe that can help people suffering from baldness:
  • pour two tablespoons of linden flowers and the same amount of mint with a glass of boiling water;
  • put the dishes on low heat and simmer for 15 minutes.

The resulting broth can be used to wash your hair.


In some cases, herbal decoctions cannot be used. There are a number of contraindications that everyone should be familiar with:

  1. Allergy. People suffering from this ailment should consult a doctor before using herbal rinses.
  2. Pregnancy. During this period, the woman's body is vulnerable, which can exacerbate old diseases and new ones appear. All future mothers who want to wash their hair with herbal decoctions should remember one rule: be sure to consult a doctor before using them.
  3. Sensitivity. If after using herbs itching or irritation on the skin begins, then they must be discarded.
  4. Very light curls. With this type of hair, some herbs can dye it a new color.

Having familiarized yourself with the listed prohibitions and contraindications, you will avoid many unpleasant consequences from the use of herbal infusions and decoctions. Good luck!

How and how to rinse your hair at home after shampooing: you will learn how important this procedure is for the beauty and health of curls, read the detailed instructions on how to do it correctly and learn how to prepare effective home rinses.

Women who try to carefully and competently take care of their hair attach great importance to the choice of shampoos and masks, on which the health and beauty of curls depends. However, most often they forget about such an important aspect of hair care, as rinsing hair after shampooing.

30% of all women reduce this procedure to rinsing them under running running water, another 55% prefer store-bought conditioners, and only the remaining 15% use natural remedies prepared with their own hands in this procedure.

Home rinsing hair has a number of advantages over store-bought balms , the action of which is short-lived and does not always meet expectations. If you learn to rinse the strands with decoctions of herbs, aqueous solutions of lemon, vinegar or honey, their health and beauty will delight you at any time of the year, and you will no longer have to spend money on expensive branded products.

Rinse aid functions

The main tasks of the purchased balm-rinses are reduced to the guidance of the external gloss of the hair: so that it is easier to comb after washing, does not become electrified, and looks smooth. However, everyone knows that the effect after such funds does not last long: no more than a day. And it is not always possible to achieve the desired result: after individual rinses, the curls seem to be covered with a greasy, greasy film, which is unpleasant to the touch and spoils the appearance of the entire hairstyle. If the hair rinse was prepared on the basis of folk remedies, this does not happen. When used correctly, it has an amazing effect on curls:

  • washes off shampoo;
  • softens the harsh effect of water;
  • removes the plaque of calcium, other harmful salts that envelop the hair after washing;
  • restores the smoothness of the outer layer, smoothing the cuticle and giving elasticity to the hair;
  • facilitates styling, combing;
  • has a conditioning effect;
  • nourishes the follicles with useful substances;
  • reduces static electricity to zero;
  • gives an additional color, shade;
  • normalizes the production of sebum by the glands;
  • restores the acidity of the scalp;
  • strengthens the roots, preventing their intense loss;
  • heals damaged areas (places of cuts and breaks);
  • relieves unpleasant itching with various forms of seborrhea and dandruff;
  • gives shine, volume, strength.

This complex effect is produced by almost any home hair rinse, which can be prepared from conventional products or herbs. Unlike store products, they will not contain all kinds of perfume compositions and incomprehensible chemical formulas.

Home rinses are always clearly focused on maintaining the internal health of the scalp and the structure of each hair.

Beauty is achieved only through healing, and not by putting out an external gloss. To experience such a powerful effect of home rinses, you need to know how to use them.

Hair rinsing instructions

Learning how to properly rinse your hair at home is very important in order to achieve the desired result. For this you need to know a few little female tricks and adhere to a number of rules , which make up certain instructions for rinsing hair at home.

  1. Rinsing should take three times more time and effort than washing your hair.
  2. You need to do this plenty of running water without any additional components ... Many advise doing this with cool water or room temperature, but in this case there is a risk of getting sick, because the head will be exposed to low temperatures for a long time. Therefore, make the rinse water slightly warm for comfort, but not hot or cold.
  3. You need running water, but it is better if it is filtered in order to somehow reduce the amount of harmful substances in it.
  4. The biggest responsibility lies with the last rinse, for which you need to prepare a liter or even two separate, no longer running, lukewarm water. It must be 100% mineral (without gas), previously settled or filtered.
  5. An active ingredient is added to it in accordance with the recipe (herb decoction, vinegar, lemon juice, essential oils, honey).
  6. The hair is lowered into a basin with the prepared solution and gently rinsed in it for 1-2 minutes.
  7. Then this product is poured onto the head.
  8. The strands are only slightly wrung out with careful movements.
  9. Blot them (but do not rub them!) With a cotton towel, which absorbs moisture well. Eliminate the use of a terry towel and curling of strands.
  10. After such rinsing, the use of a hair dryer for drying will destroy the hair and reduce all the beneficial properties of the procedure to zero. You need to be patient and wait until the strands dry out on their own. If the situation is catastrophic (you urgently need to dry your head), set the hairdryer at least to the most gentle mode and do not use hot air for this.
  11. You can't comb wet curls either. : only after they are completely dry. You need to start at the ends, then move to the middle and only then comb the strands from the top of the head to the ends from top to bottom. For the first comb, choose a comb made of natural materials with sparse teeth.
  12. You don't need to apply any conditioner or additional products to your hair after that.
  13. Rinse frequency - after each wash, provided that this does not happen every day. The best option is twice a week.
  14. A course of treatment with one recipe - about a month, after which it is recommended to change the composition of the home rinse aid.

You now know how to carry out this procedure at home correctly. It remains to decide the question of how to rinse your hair: what recipe to choose for the type of your curls in order to get the maximum benefit for them. This is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. Firstly, in almost every recipe for a home rinse, it is indicated for which type of curls it will be most effective, and for whom it is completely undesirable. Secondly, in practice, you can try many recipes and select from them for yourself those whose results satisfy you 100%.

Homemade hair rinse recipes

For home rinsing hair, first of all, decoctions of medicinal herbs are used, which have an excellent effect on the scalp and the inner structure of the hair itself. Vinegar, lemon, honey, essential oils also turn out to be useful, but not so much. Therefore, if you decide the question of which recipes to give preference, then herbal decoctions here will be beyond any competition. Try to follow all dosages as accurately as possible, because any ingredient in home rinse can cause an allergic reaction and complicate hair care with unpleasant side effects.

  • Nettle

Experts recommend rinse hair with nettles for brunettes and brown-haired women , since the broth can give an undesirable shade of yellowness to blond curls. However, with intense hair loss in whole shreds, when the internal health of the scalp is much more important than the external gloss, trichologists prescribe rinsing with nettle to absolutely everyone, without exception, despite the original hair color. Pour a tablespoon of dry or fresh chopped nettle with a glass of boiling water, put either on a slow fire or in a water bath for 15 minutes. Then cover, leave to infuse for half an hour, drain. A glass of cooked food goes into a liter of water for rinsing.

  • chamomile

It is best for blonde beauties to rinse their hair with chamomile. that will give them shine and shine. However, one should not expect miracles from this medicinal plant: the effect from which many blondes suffer will not go away after rinsing their hair with chamomile, but can only intensify. But many other problems will be solved: dandruff, itchy scalp, split ends and thinning strands. Pour a tablespoon of dry or fresh crushed chamomile (other varieties will not work) with a glass of boiling water, put on a slow fire or in a water bath for 10-15 minutes. Then cover, leave to infuse for half an hour, drain. A glass of cooked chamomile broth goes to a liter of water for rinsing.

  • Vinegar

Homemade rinsing hair with vinegar is very common and loved by many owners of oily hair ... Indeed, for them it becomes a real salvation, because vinegar perfectly removes excess sebum from the surface of the curls and regulates the work of the subcutaneous glands. However, here you also need to know a few secrets of how to rinse your hair with vinegar so as not to harm them. The most important nuance concerns dry and damaged strands that cannot be rinsed in this way: vinegar can burn them. The rinse aid is prepared as follows. Gently pour 50 ml of apple cider vinegar into a liter of rinse water. To prevent the unpleasant smell of vinegar on your hair, add a few drops of any essential oil that suits your curl type.

  • Lemon juice

More sparing analogue of the previous rinse - lemon juice, which gives the hair a fantastic shine, makes it smooth, even and silky. However, a high concentration can also harm dry and damaged (split, brittle) strands. Therefore, experts advise using lemon juice rinsing for owners of oily and normal hair. You need to wring it out at home. Use 100 ml of concentrated lemon juice per liter of rinse water.

  • Essential oils

The most harmless and fastest rinses those to which essential oils are added are considered. They can be made in a matter of seconds, they will give the hair a pleasant aroma, and with regular use, they will help to improve the condition of the hair. However, aromatherapy is a subtle art that you need to understand and know a lot about. If you add ether intended for oily strands to a home rinse for your dry strands, you will worsen their condition, and you yourself will be disappointed. Therefore, only add essential oils according to your hair type.

1. For dry : Palmarosa, Ylang Ylang, Mandarin, Frankincense, Orange, Sandalwood, Rosewood, Lavender, Patchouli, Myrrh.

2. For fat people : sage, lemon, citronella, tea tree, bergamot, lemon balm, geranium, cedar, mint, cypress, pine, cajaput, eucalyptus, juniper, ginger, cloves, verbena.

3. For normal : rosemary, calamus, rose and tea trees, verbena, petitgrain, cedar, coriander, bay, ylang-ylang, cypress, incense, pine, mint.

  • Honey

One of the most useful, medicinal rinses is honey , but few people use it, fearing a sweet plaque that may remain on the hair after such a solution. Absolutely unfounded fears, because the concentration of sugar is minimal and all of it is absorbed into the scalp, inside the hair itself, without settling on their surface. Melt 150 ml of natural, fresh honey in a water bath to a very liquid state, pour it into a liter of water prepared for rinsing, stir thoroughly.

Now you won't have any problems with how and with what to rinse your hair at home.

Do everything strictly according to the instructions and recipe for preparation, select different formulations for your hair type and enjoy consistently excellent results.

This will help you understand how important this procedure is to your overall hair care. Responsibly, you need to approach not only the choice of shampoo or mask, but also the rinse aid - too.

Home rinsing: how to make curls shine after every shampoo

4.2 / 5 - Ratings: 34

A beautiful hairstyle and well-groomed look will help complete the perfect look for any woman. Unfortunately, not every girl is rewarded with a gorgeous head of hair, but this can be corrected using various hair care and strengthening products.

Women who are naturally rewarded with a gorgeous head of hair should also support the result given by nature - to use correctly selected shampoos, masks, herbal decoctions, etc.

what herbs can you rinse your hair with?

In the old days, almost every woman was the owner of long and thick braids, because they knew the secrets of proper care and plants that stimulate hair growth.

It has long been known that the best treatment would be to use herbs that are still popular today and can be used as rinses, wraps and masks. Decoctions and herbal extracts are part of natural cosmetics.

With the help of herbs, you can stimulate hair growth, maintain its beauty and make it healthier. Even a single application is enough to notice an amazing result that requires consolidation - several procedures.

As a rule, herbs are used for rinsing, and the collection of these plants is selected on an individual basis, taking into account the specific problem.

Top 10 herbs for rinsing hair

A wide variety of medicinal plants are used for rinsing. Visiting the bathhouse, and brewing an oak or birch broom in boiling water, the resulting broth rinsed the head, which provided easy combing and shine of the hair, with a persistent wood aroma.

The most commonly used herbs for different purposes are:

  • Growth stimulating nettle works against hair loss and stimulates blood circulation in the scalp. Nettle also helps to get rid of dandruff.
  • Burdock - strengthens hair and stimulates its growth, recommended for oily skin. The oil from the roots of this plant is used for alopecia and baldness.
  • Rosemary - stimulates blood circulation in the scalp, it is effective for oily scalp. Regular use of rosemary will give your hair a natural shine and volume. There are features of use - it is recommended to use it before shampooing.
  • Mother-and-stepmother is recommended for baldness, will give strength and shine.
  • Lavender is used for oily skin, relieves itching and normalizes skin balance. The aroma that comes from the plant has a beneficial and calming effect.
  • Sage is an assistant in getting rid of dandruff and stimulates the production of an optimal amount of sebum. Effective in combating irritation and scalp formation.
  • Calendula is an excellent anti-inflammatory agent that is used for irritations, rashes, helps soften and nourish the skin.
  • Chamomile - in addition to all the properties that calendula has, chamomile has antiseptic properties. Its regular use will give shine, and it is recommended for women with light hair type to give it a golden hue.
  • Basil stimulates growth and facilitates easy combing.
  • Birch leaves, namely their broth, helps with hair loss and baldness, is recommended to combat dandruff. The leaves go well with other medicinal herbs and can be combined with all plants.

Herbs for rinsing hair

It is necessary to combine plants with each other based on the goal pursued; there are time-tested recipes and fees that will help achieve the goal pursued in a short period of time.

For strengthening. To prepare such a decoction, you need to mix rosemary and chamomile, a tablespoon each, and add a few bay leaves to this mixture, dilute with a liter of water, and boil over low heat for 7 to 10 minutes. Wash your hair using this product 2 - 3 times a week.

In order to get rid of increased greasiness, experts recommend rinsing the scalp with an infusion of wormwood or oak bark, in combination with bay leaves. The cooking method is similar to the previous one.

Many women are interested in the question of what herbal decoctions to rinse their hair with to stimulate their growth? An excellent catalyst for growth will be birch leaves, and a decoction prepared from them at the rate of 100 g of birch leaves, filled with 400 ml of boiling water. This broth can be used not only as a mouthwash, but also rubbed into dry scalp.

Linden blossom, plantain, oregano, sage and chamomile will help with hair loss. The listed herbs must be mixed in equal proportions and rinsed after washing.

Herbal rinse for colored hair: preserve color

No matter what color the natural hair was, every woman wants to emphasize their color and keep it. Rinsing your head with some herbal preparations will help make the color more vibrant and natural. As a rule, only blondes and brunettes have cardinal differences in fees.

Blends for brunettes:

  • black tea, nettle, rosemary;
  • sage, rosemary;
  • horsetail, nettle and oak bark;
  • linden, strong tea or coffee.

Mixes for blondes:

  • chamomile and lemon juice;
  • chamomile, calendula, vinegar;
  • rhubarb root, lemon juice;
  • hops (cones), horsetail and chamomile.

It is quite possible to replace expensive hair care products with decoctions of herbs, the most important thing is to choose the collection that will solve the problem. Moreover, most of the cosmetics are based on medicinal plants.

How rinse hair with Herbs or how a simple and inexpensive method can help you achieve beautiful and healthy hair.

We very rarely watch TV. But when we turn it on, I am amazed at the sheer amount of ads.

And I have developed a clear position - not to buy anything that is advertised. Because all these products are not even close to natural. And this also applies to hair care products. They promise us beautiful shiny hair. But by what means? Parabens, silicones and fragrances? Healthy hair will live completely without them.

I use natural shampoos, conditioners and masks (I often do the latter myself at home).

I also like to rinse my hair with vinegar. It probably sounds strange, but then how they shine later (and without any silicones - they are the ones that give shine to your hair in grocery stores).

But you can rinse your hair with more than just vinegar! Another great way to maintain their beauty and health is to rinse them with herbal infusions. Herbs are rich in essential trace elements to restore and maintain the beauty of our hair.

The benefits of rinsing hair with herbs

  • accelerates hair growth by stimulating hair follicles
  • helps fight dandruff
  • improves circulation and blood flow to the scalp
  • gives hair shine
  • washes away the remains of shampoo and conditioner

How to Choose Herbs for Hair Rinse?

Depending on the color and texture of your hair, as well as the purpose - you can choose from a variety of herbs and even teas!

For blond hair:

chamomile, calendula, catnip

For dark hair:

rosemary, sage, raspberry leaf, wormwood

For red hair:

calendula, hibiscus, clover

For hair nutrition:

wormwood, rosemary, sage, horsetail

For balance and anti-dandruff:

calendula, chamomile, wormwood

When dropped:

wormwood, rosemary, sage

Hair rinse tea

Tea contains caffeine and vitamins that stimulate hair growth, reduce hair loss and improve hair structure.

  • Black - restores color and shine
  • Green - strengthens hair and stimulates follicles
  • Rooibos is a great choice for reddish hair

How to rinse your hair with Herbs

How to Brew Herbs or Hair Tea

In order to rinse your hair with herbal infusion, you do not need to be an Einstein :) You can of course do everything by eye. But I usually use a simple formula:

2-3 tablespoons + 2 glasses of water

I fill the given amount of grass with boiling water. We brew for an hour, or better for the night. We filter and dilute in water, usually 2-3 liters. To do this, it is convenient to simply pour the resulting solution into a 3-liter jar and add water immediately before rinsing by filling the jar.

Usage method:

After washing your hair with shampoo and / or conditioner, wash it off - rinse your hair with the resulting herbal infusion! No need to wash off!

My experience in rinsing hair with herbs

I occasionally dabbled in herbs for my hair. But now I have an additional reason for this.

We brew the herb for the bath for Emelyan, and along with this I brew the herb for myself. I even tried rinsing my hair with a string infusion and chamomile with excellent results.

Rinsing hair with herbs I try to alternate