Abstract of ecological entertainment "holiday of young nature lovers". Ecological holidays in a preschool educational institution

Abstract of the ecological holiday in the senior group, d / s №215 "Kolosok".

Compiled by the teacher: Luneckas Olga Mikhailovna.

Software content:

Clarify and systematize children's knowledge about animate and inanimate nature. To form in children an idea of ​​the relationship between nature and man, an idea of ​​the diversity of the natural world, the need to protect nature, teach the rules of behavior in nature. To foster a respectful attitude towards nature. Develop thinking, an inquisitive attitude towards nature. Improve motor skills and abilities, educate the ability to perform movements in harmony with the team.


Toys (hare, teddy bear, hedgehog, squirrel), medals for two teams, prizes, cards (living, inanimate, man-made), pictures (with living, inanimate nature, made by human hands), drawing of nature on a large sheet of paper-2 pcs , colored pencils, paper chamomile (drawings on the petals), colored cardboard flowers, music. For competition: cubes, hoops, cones, 2 buckets.

Children enter the hall to the music of V. Shainsky "Together it is fun to walk through the open spaces ...".

The sun and spring are friends

Stars and meadows are friends

Ships are friends at sea,

Children of the whole earth are friends.

Today we have an unusual holiday. We will talk about the nature that surrounds us, play, compete between two teams: the first team is predators, the second is herbivores.

Listen to an excerpt from a poem by F. Tyutchev:

The sun is shining, the waters are shining

There is a smile in everything, life in everything

The trees tremble with joy

Swimming in the blue sky

The trees are singing, the waters are splashing

The air is dissolved with love

And the world, the blossoming world of nature,

Intoxicated with an excess of life.

What do you think this poem is about. That's right, about our nature. We will talk about it. Guess the riddles, and find the answers in this figure (a drawing of nature is shown).

Competition 1:

First, the first command answers, then the second.

1) Inhabits the seas and rivers,

But often flies across the sky,

And how bored she is with flying-

Falls to the ground again (Water).

2) They beat me, beat me,

They turn, cut, but I endure everything

And I cry all the best. (Earth, soil)

1) Blue scarf,

Red bun,

Rolls on a scarf

Smiles at people. (Sky and sun)

2) Painted rocker

It hung over the river. (Rainbow)

1) At the forest edge

Girlfriends are standing:

Helen's dress,

The caps are green. (Birch).

2) What kind of girl is this:

Neither a seamstress nor a craftswoman,

She doesn't sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Spruce)

1) Near the forest on the edges,

Decorating the dark forest

Grew up as colorful as Parsley,

Poisonous ... (Amanita)

2) Along forest paths

Lots of white knives.

In multi-colored hats,

Noticeable from afar,

Collect, do not hesitate.

This is ... (Russula).

1) In a dense forest, under the trees,

Sprinkled with foliage

There is a ball of needles

Thorny but alive. (Hedgehog)

2) What a forest beast

I got up like a column

Under the pine tree.

And stands among the grass -

Are the ears bigger than the head? (Hare)

You guessed the riddles correctly, and now look at the picture again and think about how one word can be used to name everything that is depicted on it. (Nature)

What do you think nature is? There are no houses and cars, factories and fences, benches and toys, swings and bicycles in the drawings.

Why do you think it wasn’t drawn? This is not nature.

Who makes cars, toys, bicycles? (Human) Everything that is done by human hands, we cannot call nature.

And so, nature is everything that surrounds us, but is not made by human hands. Nature is alive and inanimate. What does live mean? (Breathes, eats, drinks, rubbed)

Competition 2:

You have pictures. Take the pictures and examine them carefully. Think what is depicted on them: wildlife, inanimate nature, or something created by man. Lay out the pictures in the right place in turn ...

Let's check how you did it.

Competition 3:

Let's take another look at the drawing. A flower, a tree, a hedgehog - they all feed, grow, breathe, and therefore they are classified as living nature. And the Sun, clouds, stones, soil - Refers to inanimate nature, since they do not have the ability to grow, feed, breathe. Do you remember?

And so, the third competition: the first team will paint wildlife, the second will paint non-living nature (three people from the team).

Competition 4 - "Sports":

1) Whom we will represent, try to guess!

Teams are being built.

By a marsh soft hummock,

Under a green leaf

A hopper lurked

Goggle-eyed ... (Frog)

Children jump on two legs to overcome an obstacle course made of hoops and cubes.

2) What candles do not burn on the spruce? (Bumps)

Children collect cones one by one in a bucket.

3) He lives underground,

Worms, chewing beetles. (Mole)

Team building - feet shoulder width apart. Each child, starting with the last one, overcomes the "Underground passage" under the feet of his comrades and stands forward. The team that completes the task faster wins.

4) Hairy, green,

She hides in the leaves.

Although there are many legs

She can't run anyway. (Caterpillar)

Holding on to the rope, the team goes around obstacles.

Competition 5- "Poetic":

Competition 6 - "Chamomile":

The winner is the one who correctly indicates what the products and things necessary for a person are made of. (Notebook, bread, bottle of milk, pack of tea, hat, barrel of honey, sweater, bottle of sunflower oil). What's this? What is it made of?

Nature is, perhaps, the main thing that gives a person joy. Admiring the beauty of nature, a person becomes better, kinder. Nature teaches man wisdom. Here is how the poet V. Orlov said about it:

Us at any time of the year

Wise nature teaches

Birds teach singing.

Spider - patience.

Bees in the field and garden

They teach us how to work.

And besides, in their work

Everything is fair.

Reflection in water

Teaches us truthfulness.

Snow teaches us purity.

The sun teaches kindness.

And for all its enormity

Teaches humility.

Nature all year round

You need to learn.

We are trees of all kinds,

All the big forest people

They teach strong friendship.

And nature itself needs our help. Take care of everything on earth. People should live in friendship with nature, not offend anyone, not harm anyone, but many do not think about it. Nature and homeland are inseparable from each other. Even the words are similar: Nature, Motherland. Let's say affectionately and tenderly: "Beloved homeland, that dear mother."

Let's hear what the animals in the forest talk about, what they ask for. (Children's scene with toys)

Hare - "Don't make a noise when you walk past our houses, we can get scared, run away and get lost in the forest."

Teddy bear- “Don't bother us, don't scare us. Think about whether it will be good for you if strangers bother you in your house! "

Hedgehog- "Fu-fu, how much rubbish: paper, bottles, cans! They threw everything, but take us away ?! Oh, those tourists! "

Squirrel - “If you pick flowers, mushrooms, berries, then take them home to be useful. Better not to pick flowers. "

Competition 7- "Do you know what not to do in the forest":

Children lay out signs: no fires, no noise, no garbage to be thrown, no breaking branches.

Remember these forest rules.

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just, mind you, don't forget

That one shouldn't make noise in the forest.

Even sing very loudly.

The little animals will be scared

They will run away from the forest edge.

Do not break the branches of the oak.

Never forget

Remove garbage from the grass.

You shouldn't pick flowers in vain.

Do not shoot from the slingshot.

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they interfering with?

You don't need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest.

Here the owner is an oak and an elk.

Take care of their peace

After all, they are not our enemies!

Let's make a forest clearing out of our hall. (Music sounds and everyone lays out a flower).

The breeze and birch whisper

Dew glistens on the grass.

You and me, the land is a sorceress

Gives miracles again.

Let the flowers join hands

And they will come together in a round dance.

May the planet, the colors of the rainbow,

Never fades.

If the song is spinning in the sky

The dawn rings more merrily.

If everyone around makes friends-

The whole Earth will smile.

Our contests and our holiday is over.

As future conservationists, you receive the Environmentalist medals. The song "Smile" is played.

Requisites: green, blue, white, yellow arrows, two buckets filled with plastic balls of different colors, of which there are as many yellow ones as there are in a group of children, four basins: two empty, two filled with warm water, two identical boats and objects for obstacles: pebbles, skittles, etc. etc., two sheets of Whatman paper attached to the wall, yellow and orange markers according to the number of children.

Characters: Daisy, Dandelion, Poppy, Cornflower, Chamomile, Bell, Earth, Water, Wind, Sun.

Leading: Hello guys, how beautiful it is in the hall today, festive. Just something else there are no guests. Oh no, someone is coming.

Daisy comes in, holding a flower pot.

Leading: Hello girl, what's your name?

Daisy: Hello! My name is Marigold.

Leading: What a beautiful name! This is the name of my favorite daisy flowers. But why are you so sad?

Daisy: My mother called me Marigold, because she loves these flowers too ... So, I wanted to grow them for her, I planted seeds in a pot, I wait, I wait, but nothing grows.

Leading: Guys, who can help Daisy grow flowers?

Children: We will help!

Leading: How can we help? Maybe let's ask the flowers themselves what they need in order to grow well?

Children: Yes!!!


Let's say these words:

"Cornflower, cornflower,

Our favorite flower

Come visit us

And bring your friends! "

Children, Dandelion, Poppy, Cornflower, Chamomile come to the music.

1st child:

Come, flowers, visit us,

We will dance for you and sing

If necessary, we will put in a pot,

Sprinkle with spring water!

2nd child:

We love you, consider you friends,

Children of our gardens and fields,

We will take care of you,

So that you grow magnificent on the flower beds.

3rd child:

Come in, because we need you,

You are beautiful and very gentle.

Tell us, we want to listen,

What do you need to grow better?


I am a flower known to all

Blue-blue cornflower.

I'll tell you a secret

I want to get into the bouquet.

I'm waiting to be ripped off

And they will carry it to the beloved.

And I will become immediately

With Chamomile in a vase!


I'm a cheerful boy

Yellow Dandelion!

I'm tired of being yellow

I'll be white.

And then everywhere in the fields

On green stalks

The balls will turn white -

Fluffy lanterns.

But we do not like to stand

After all, we can fly

As the breeze blows

We will fly away!

The boy blows on a dandelion, the dandelion flies.


I am familiar to all of you, because I am Chamomile,

Growing on a lawn by a quiet river

Butterflies, children, insects love me,

I will turn my petals to everyone.

I am very smart, beautifully dressed,

The breeze caresses me on the run ...

Rip me off and I will become a bouquet

I'll tell you a secret - I can guess!

Only an eccentric will not notice me!

After all, I am the brightest, my name is Mac!

In the steppe and in the field you will see me

I do not live alone, our whole family is there.

We grow there in such abundance

And we flutter dry and light,

As if these are all butterflies' wings,

And not simple poppies petals.

Leading: Thank you flowers for coming to us. We would like to ask you what you need to grow well, be healthy and beautiful? And then Daisy planted seeds, but her flowers do not grow.

Poppy: Ask the Earth! Better play with us!

Bell: Ask Water! Better play with us!

Knapweed: Ask Air! Better play with us!

Chamomile: Ask the Sun! Better play with us!

Leading: Do you want to play? Probably stagnant there in the meadow, well, let's play!

Flower carousel game

The players stand in a circle. There is a rope on the floor, forming a ring, the ends of the rope are tied. Children pick it up from the floor and, holding on to it with their right hand, walk in a circle to the music. Then the melody changes abruptly to another. When changing the melody, the players quickly take the rope with the other hand and move in the opposite direction.

Leading: Well, we've played, it's time to get down to business, go on the road. Remind the children, to whom did the flowers send us for advice?

Children: To Air, Earth, Water, Sun.

Leading: Yes, but the way there is not close. And to get to our friends, you need to be strong, healthy, strong. What is needed for this?

Children: Do exercises!

Leading: Right! Exercise will help us recharge with strength and vigor. And you, Marigold, also get together with us on a path-path!

The song "It is fun to walk together" is played.

Leading: And here is the green arrow. To whom did we come?

Children: To the Earth!

Leading: Yes, to Earth.

Earth enters to the music.

Land: Hello guys! I am the Earth Nurse. And you probably came to me for a reason. Do you want something from me?

Daisy: Yes, we came to you for advice. I wanted to grow flowers and planted seeds, but they do not germinate. You can help?

Land: I can ... But first, tell me what you know about me.

1st child:

Earth is a huge kind home

Under the roof is blue.

And rain and thunder live in it,

Forest and surf.

2nd child:

Birds and flowers live in it,

Cheerful ringing of the brook

You live in that bright house

And all your friends.

Land: Why is my name a wet nurse?

Children: The land yields crops, everything grows on it.

Land: Right! Turnips have grown in my garden, try to pull them out.

Pull the turnip game

Children are divided into two teams. Each team is lined up. At the end of the hall there are two buckets filled with colored balls. On command, the game begins. The first child reaches the bucket, chooses a yellow ball (turnip), runs back, stands at the end of the line, the next one runs after him. The first team to “collect turnips” wins.

Land: Well you did your best. For this I will give you the promised advice: in order for the seed to germinate, the soil in the pot must be fed. And so that you yourself grow big, strong and strong, eat more vegetables. They contain a lot of vitamins.

Leading: Thank you Earth. Where should we go next?

Land: Go to Water. A flower cannot grow without it.

The earth is leaving.

Leading: Guys! The blue arrow will show us the way. What is water? What is it like? After all, you need to know what we are looking for.

1st child:

What kind of water is there?

And cold and boiling

And a pool dug

And the real sea.

2nd child:

We will remember everything forever

What a miracle water.

3rd child:

This is rain and shrimp

And there is water in a glass,

And the icicle and the stream

If you want - wash, if you want - drink.

Water comes out.


I am the Sorceress Voditsa,

I'm in a hurry to have fun,

At the same time, I don't mind at all

I am burning to help yours.

Daisy: Hello Water! We have come to you for help. I wanted to grow a flower and put a seed in a pot, but it does not germinate. The earth advised us to fertilize the soil in a pot. What do you say? Can you help me? And then we'll cheer you up.

Water: I can, but first tell me, where can you find me in nature?

1st child:

Water is everywhere and always

But water loves to travel,

It turns into snow, then into ice,

It will melt and the rain will pour.

Water: Yes, that's right! I am like this: snow, and a river, and rain - drops of rain ... Where are my magic drops? (Places an imaginary drop of water in his hands for each child.) I am sending you, drops, to the ground. Show off clear rain, water the land, trees and flowers, take a walk! Look, don't play around, don't splash! (To the guys) Do you like to play with water?

Children: Yes!

Water: Then let's play an interesting game.

Playing with water

Put four basins: two with water, two empty. The aim of the game. - Pour water from one basin to another as quickly and accurately as possible with your palms. The team with the least amount of water on the floor wins.

Water: Oh, listen, what beautiful music, but these are my daughters - droplets! Let's see how they dance!

Girls dance with transparent blue scarves, symbolizing streams.

Leading: Very beautiful dance, right guys? After their dance, streams remained. Look - boats are sailing along our streams. We need to help them swim past the stones!

Draws the attention of children to two paper boats standing on the floor.

Water: Can I play with you too?

Water joins one team, Leading to another.

Game "Ships"

Children are divided into two teams, with a boat in hand, overcome obstacles (pebbles) and pass the boat to the next participant.

Water: Well done, we coped with such difficult tasks! So smart and dexterous I will give useful advice: in order for the seed to germinate, you need to water it with water. Now go to Air.

The water is leaving.


How can we find Air?

How to get to Air?

How will we see him?

We know - he is invisible!

Oh, children, look! The white arrow will show us the way to the Wind.

The Wind flies in.


And I'm chasing flocks of clouds!

But I am also quiet,

I ride waves in the sea

As I blow, there is a tremor in the river,

I’m a mischievous man, you won’t stop!

Daisy: Hello Wind! We really need you! You see, we want to grow beautiful flowers. We have planted a seed, but it does not germinate. The land advised to fertilize the soil, Water - to water the earth in a pot. Can you help with your advice?

Wind: Well, I'll help. Only you answer me the question: what am I like?

Children: Affectionate and warm, noisy and cold.

2nd child:

We know you can be gentle

And you are formidable, snowy,

You play briskly with herbs

With the force of the wave you raise.

Wind, wind-breeze,

You are different, my friend!

Wind: Yes, I'm so different ... Do you want to play with me?

Children: Yes!

Wind: Then let's play an interesting game in which you can't do without the wind!

Game "Football with the Breeze"

Two teams sit on opposite sides of the table. The table is divided in half by the thread laid in the middle (to make it taut, tie its ends under the table). A "ball" is placed on the middle line - a bird's feather (or a light ball of wool, cotton wool, etc.). Players of both teams simultaneously begin to blow on the “ball” from syringes, trying to blow it off the table to half of the “opponent”. The team, which succeeded, “scores a goal” into the opponent's goal. The game starts from the middle line and is played up to the agreed number of "goals".

Wind: We played great! Let's play one more game.

The game "Warm and cold breeze"

Children "turn" into insects. When the music depicts a gentle, warm wind, insects fly over the clearing, and when the wind becomes strong, cold, they hide from it.

Leading: Wind, we really like it when you are warm and affectionate. We want you to always be like this.


I liked you very much,

But I like to walk in the wild,

I will fly into the sea, into the field,

I give you my advice,

I tell you from the bottom of my heart:

Breathe fresh air

And take care of your flower!

The wind flies away.

Leading: The wind gave good advice. Who else can help us grow a flower?

Children: Sun!

Leading: Of course, Sunny. And here is the yellow arrow that will show us the path.

1st child:

Like a yellow ball

The sun is rolling in the sky

Rides through the trees

It will hide behind a cloud.

2nd child:

Look out, honey,

Shine a light soon!

Let's lie in the sun

Let's get healthier.

The Sun appears.

The sun:

Who doesn't know the Sun?

I watch from the window in the morning,

I warm the earth

I awaken nature.

What happened to you?

Daisy: Hello Sunshine! How good it is that you are! We want to grow a flower, so we planted a seed. The Earth advised us to fertilize the soil, Water - to water the flower, and the Wind said that fresh air is simply necessary. And you, Sunny, will you help us?

The sun:

Of course, I will help, because I love you all. Just play first?

Draw the sun game

Children are divided into two teams. Each team has a drawing board attached to the wall. Each child is given a marker. The task is to quickly and beautifully draw the sun.

Leading: And now, Sunny, our "Rays" will dance you a dance.

Dance of rays.

The sun:

And I will give advice:

Love the sun's light

Sunbathe more often in summer

Don't forget about me!

And put the flower in the sun so that it is very warm and joyful.

Leading: Thank you Sunny.

The sun is leaving.

Leading: So we have collected all the good advice from our friends. We now know what is needed for flowers.

Children: Well fertilized soil, clean water, fresh air and sunlight.

Leading: Right! I'm sure we can grow wonderful flowers. You see, our friends Earth, Water, Air and Sun helped us.

Daisy: Yes, it is not for nothing that they say: "The sun, air and water are our best friends!" Thank you and goodbye, I'll go water and fertilize the flower!

Leading: Yes, and do not forget to put it on the window, where there is a lot of sunlight and fresh air. And we guys have to go! Let's go to the group and think, maybe we can plant some flowers!

1. To form the foundations of environmental literacy: the idea of ​​children that wildlife needs help and protection.

2. To cultivate a careful and kind attitude towards nature and towards each other.

3. To develop the ability to interact with peers: the ability to negotiate, to compete harmoniously in subgroups, pairs.

4. Give children the joy of participating in a common holiday.


1. Wise Owl

3. Snow White

4. Dahlia

5. Pansies

7. Forester Luca

Children run into the hall and sit on chairs.

Leading: The children in the yard are damp and cloudy, but I would like to return you to a time when there was such beauty around: the ground was covered with bright carpets, the trees were decorated with gold. Close your eyes and imagine that we are in a fabulously beautiful forest.

Today we will go to the forest.

At times in autumn, it is full of miracles.

Let's see what autumn changes in the forest

And how does a forest animal live there.

Watch the leaves fly off the branches

They spin like a dance, faster and faster

Here the red, yellow leaves are flying

Leading: Open your eyes, here we are in the autumn forest. What do we see and hear here? Look how big the hollow is. Someone lives here. I'll come closer.

Guess what kind of bird

Afraid of the bright light.

Crochet nose,

Heel eyes

Terrible head.

Who are these children?

Children: Owl.

Leading: Here sits a wise aunt owl. She guards the entrance to the magical autumn forest kingdom. To get there, you need to say hello to her politely, and she will wake up.

Owl: Hello! I am not sleeping,

Watch the autumn forest!

What did they come to me with?

Leading: Auntie Owl let us into the magic kingdom.

Owl: I will let you into my magical kingdom when I find out that you really love the earth, nature and know a lot about it. It's autumn now. What can you tell me about her?

Leading: Our children know many signs of autumn.

Children: 1. When the goose flies away, the snow falls.

3. The last fungus has appeared - there will be a late snowball.

4. Autumn is coming, it rains with it.

5. Fungus in a box - there will be a pie in winter.

6. Spring is red with flowers, and autumn with fruits.

7. From autumn to summer - there is no turning.

Owl: Well done, children, you know a lot about the fall of proverbs. But listen to my riddle. If you guess, I will let you into my kingdom.

Who dresses in the spring and undresses in the fall?

Children: Trees.

Owl: Right!

Leading: And now I’ll tell you about three rules that Aunt Owl told me about and which you need to know when you come to visit the forest: DO NOT NOISE, DO NOT LITTLE, DO NOT LIPS. There is nothing superfluous in the forest. Do not crush ants, do not pick flowers, do not break branches, do not throw stones at frogs. In nature, all living things are interconnected. Remember these rules well, and we can go further into the forest.

Owl: The house is open from all sides

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come to the magic house

You will see miracles in it.


Leading: Thank you, Auntie Owl. And now our children will delight you and sing a song "AUTUMN KNOCKED".

Leading: So we found ourselves in a magical autumn forest. It is so beautiful here that I even wanted to read poetry.

1 child: Forest, as if we are looking at a painted

Purple, gold, crimson,

With a cheerful, colorful wall

Stands over a bright glade.

2 child: The leaves were filled with the sun,

The leaves are soaked in the sun,

They poured, got heavy, flowed and flew,

Rode over the knots.

The wind is spinning gold.

Rustling like a golden rain.


Find a Pair

The presenter distributes one leaf at a time and says: "The wind blew, the leaves flew." Children run, on command: "One, two, three - find a couple!" Children should stand next to someone who has the same piece of paper in their hands.

Leading: Oh guys, look - the gnome's house. Do you want to visit him?

(Snow White runs out and dances; the dwarf runs out of the house, picks flowers in the flower bed and gives them to Snow White.)

Dwarf: Hello Snow White! This is for you!

Snow White: Well, why, why do I need so many flowers?

Dwarf: To please you!

Snow White: I am sorry for these flowers. Soon they will wither and no one will need it. If you want to know, gnome, I only love fresh flowers that grow in fields and meadows. They smile at me and even talk to me.

Dahlia: Curled petals

Slender, proud dahlia

I show off between flowers

I am not alone in the garden.

Pansies: Pansies -

Everyone calls us.

We are dazzling in the garden,

Like a flock of butterflies.

Aster: How beautiful and light in the garden,

How many asters blossomed in the flowerbed.

Printed, terry, variegated,

They are loved by children and adults.

Dwarf: You can't please this Snow White! What would I think of to make friends with her.

Leading: A little gnome sits at the window

The gnome can be seen a little bored,

We will come closer to the gnome,

We will sing a song about a grasshopper to him.


Dwarf: For a long time, I have been waiting for you children.

And almost dozed off.

You received a letter in an envelope,

Writing to you, forester, children.

Children: Who is this forester?

Dwarf: First, guess the riddle:

So that pines, lindens, eat,

They did not hurt, they turned green.

To new forests

Ascended to heaven

Under the ringing and hubbub of birds

Guards - who?

Children: Forester!

Dwarf: And his name is Luca.

Leading: Now, let's open the envelope and read the letter: “Dear guys! I know from the forest dwellers that you are great friends of the forest. The forest will be glad to see you as a guest! "

Dwarf: Here I will please Snow White! Now I will call her and tell her that the guys have come to visit us! Snow White! Snow White!

(Sad Snow White enters.)

Leading: What's up dear Snow White!

Snow White: Oh, what a misfortune happened to the tree:

The tree swayed with the wind -

The tree was broken by the wind.

A wound on his trunk

And the crown on the ground

Who will help the tree?

Leading: Don't be upset, dear Snow White, we are friends of the forest, we will help the tree, and Borya will tell us how.

Child: Raise the barrel a little

And we will tie it with a bandage.

The trunk has recovered almost

The tree will grow.

Snow White: Thanks guys, now I know what to do.

Leading: Oh, kids, it seems like it's raining.

Children read poetry about rain.


Fun attraction "Running under an umbrella in galoshes"

Children are divided into two teams. Each participant in turn puts on galoshes, opens an umbrella and runs to the tree, runs around it, closes the umbrella and returns to the team. The team that comes running faster wins.

Leading: Children, look, after the rain the forest stream became more noticeable. But the water in it is kind of dirty, apparently it was not without evil magic. What to do? After all, dirty water can not be drunk by humans or animals, because you can get sick. I seem to know how to disenchant him. Let's play and the game "STREAMS", but first let's say the magic words.

The spring was overflowing,

Rain white

On clear fields

Across blue seas

Through forests, through swamps,

Green decks.

Relay "Pass through the brook"

Children are divided into two teams. Children shift the boards, alternately for the right and left legs, moving from beginning to end, jumping from bump to bump.

Leading: The silence is like in the autumn forest, you don't hear the cheerful chirping of birds, because in the fall they gather in flocks and fly away to warm lands. Now we will wish them a safe journey and sing a song for them. "CRANE".

Dwarf: Guys, look, look, grandfather Luka is coming to us.

Child: In the forest from morning to evening

Grandfather Luka is on duty ...

The dense forest trustingly

The forester meets.

And the grandfather, with well-aimed eyes

Looks at the sensitive forest.

He has lived in the forest for a long time.

Keeps a close watch on the forest:

So that the forest does not get sick,

So that the branches are strong

So that the roots are full

So that the beetle does not eat bark.

Forest corridors

On the trails, on the grass.

Comes with kind eyes

For a holiday to the kids.

Luke: Hello guys! Thank you for coming to visit. The forest is a great friend not only to animals and birds, but also to humans. For animals, he is a home and breadwinner. And the forester's main job is to preserve and preserve this house. It is very good that I have such wonderful assistants as you.

The forest is not just for your amusement,

He is the wealth of our country.

All the trees in it, berries, herbs -

Good for us, friends are raised.

In memory of the forest, children, I give wonderful gifts from my magic basket. But play with me first.

1. The game "Who will collect the cones in a hoop faster"

Children are divided into two teams, the forester scatters two types of cones and invites them to collect them each in their own hoop. Each child only takes one bump. The team that collects the fastest wins.

2. "Forest Relay"

Children stand in two teams, sharing pairs and holding hands, trees on the other side of the hall. Children perform tasks:

Run around a tree;

Run around the tree twice;

Go around two trees, describing the figure eight;

Do not run around the tree, but touch it with your hand;

Leading: Thank you, Forester Luka, for the gifts and entertainment. We really enjoyed visiting you, but it's time to return home to kindergarten. We will never forget the rules that help preserve forests.

1 child: Let's love and protect the forest.

We will help adults in this,

Protect forests, fields and rivers,

So that everything will be preserved forever!

2 child: In harmony, friendship

We will live with nature.

Let's be

Love nature!

List of used literature:

1. Folklore and ecological classes with children of senior preschool age / author-comp. G.A. Lapshina. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2006.

2. Physical culture - for preschoolers. Glazyrina L.D. - M: VLADOS, 1999.

3. Summer is sailing on the Earth. L.A. Penkova. - M .: Linka-Press, 2006.

4. Play ecological activities with children. L.P. Molodova. - Minsk: "Asar" -1886.

One of the types of cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten are ecological holidays. Ecological holidays are one of the fascinating forms of ecological education for preschoolers.

The main purpose of holding ecological holidays in a preschool institution will be to create a positive emotional mood, a festive atmosphere, and familiarize children with festive culture.

Their importance is also great in the harmonious development of the child. Ecological holidays in a form accessible to children help in solving serious educational and educational tasks: they help to master knowledge about living and non-living nature, and also contribute to the development of the emotional sphere of preschoolers and the accumulation of environmental experience in children. Children develop a respect for nature and the ability to sympathy and kindness. The child learns to act in a team, he develops communication skills, that is, the ability to contact and cooperate with each other, to solve problem situations.

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: children's participation

When preparing for an ecological holiday, it is important to take into account the capabilities of children and their skills and abilities:

  • So, for example, in the younger groups, children are taught to take part in the holidays as much as possible - some children will be able to recite poetry well, others to dance.
  • In the middle group, preschoolers are encouraged to take part in the holidays.
  • Children of the older group are invited to participate in the preparation of a festive event, for example, decorating a group or a hall.
  • In the preparatory group, children are able to take an active, varied part in the preparation and conduct of the holiday.

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: decoration

In accordance with the theme of the ecological holiday, a music hall or other room is also decorated.

Should contribute to the creation of a festive mood and the development of artistic and aesthetic taste in children.

Older children can be involved in the manufacture of decoration and attributes. An exhibition can be organized in the hall. For example exhibitions

  • drawings "Protect the forest from fire",
  • handicrafts from vegetables and fruits "What did autumn bring us?"
  • bird's town feeder,
  • wreaths "Beautiful wreath for mom".

All exhibits are prepared in advance by the children together with their parents.

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: scenario

Ecological holidays involve the use of material familiar to children in the script:

  • poems by different authors performed by children or adults about nature;
  • songs performed by children or adults on the theme of the holiday;
  • dances performed by children, for example, "Funny Butterflies", "Dance with Umbrellas" and others;
  • short puppet shows and scenes, for example, "How the Bunny Has Not Become Anyone" and others.

In an ecological holiday, as in any other, a lot of time is devoted to games. These will be ecological games. Depending on the age of the children, you can use subject, verbal and outdoor games of the corresponding topic.

Younger and middle-aged these will be simple object games. For example, you can play a Guess the Taste game in which children are asked to taste familiar vegetables and fruits. In the team game "Collect a Flower" children collect flowers from petals - chamomile and marigolds. Flowers have the same number of petals, the team that completes the task faster wins.

With older children at the autumn festival, you can play the game "Put the edible fungus in a box", in which children collect only edible mushrooms in a basket. At the holiday dedicated to the arrival of spring, the team game "Melt the Ice" will be interesting. The piece of ice is passed from hand to hand. The team that melts the ice faster wins.

Children of the second younger group they are already happy to play such a word game as "Flies - does not fly". In the game "Big and small" children learn to form diminutive words, for example, a big apple - a small apple. With age, kindergarten games become more difficult. In the game “Jumps, Floats, Flies,” children are invited to show the action of the named object (a grasshopper is jumping, an ice floe is floating, a butterfly is flying). Such games can be used at the holiday as an organizational moment, since all children take part in such games at once.

Loved very much children of all age groups outdoor games. In the younger groups, these are games with imitative movements. Children are very fond of the games "The Sun and the Rain", "Shaggy Dog", "Sparrows and the Car".

In older age these will be games with rules. Children love: "Sly Fox", "Mousetrap", "Geese-Geese", "Fox and Chickens".

Ecological holidays in kindergarten: how to organize

Ecological holidays in younger groups organized by the staff of the kindergarten. In this case, the children will only be spectators. The best option is to show a puppet theater, theater on a screen. Kids react very emotionally to such a show. At the same time, as practice shows, children of the younger group do not really perceive the dressing up of adults and older children in fairy-tale and other characters.

Ecological holidays from the middle group carried out with the participation of both adults and children.

The older the children are, the more actively they take part in the holiday. In these holidays, you can use characters familiar to children, both in the performance of adults and in the performance of preschoolers. The music director plays an important role, as he is responsible for the selection of the musical repertoire.

The theme of the holidays largely depends on the age of the children.

Ecological holidays in the younger group held on topics that are most understandable for kids, for example, the autumn holiday "Gather the harvest", the spring holiday "Visiting Spring". In children, starting from the middle group, the horizons expand, knowledge deepens. Therefore, ecological holidays cover different topics. For example, the summer holiday "Big Water" with poems, songs about water and rain, games, dances of sea inhabitants, competitions with water, the release of the sea king Neptune.

You can organize an ecological holiday "Flower Dreams" about garden flowers with appropriate poems, songs, dances, competitions "Weave a wreath" or "Summer bouquet".

As an option, the holiday "Journey to the Old Man-Lesovichku", in which children travel around the "forest country" and complete tasks: guess riddles on a specific topic, add puzzles, draw a picture, etc.

Ecological holidays, like any others, it would be good to end with the presentation of symbolic gifts, which the children will be very happy with. On an autumn holiday, it can be fruit, kitchen workers can bake cookies in the form of spikelets or mushrooms. In the spring, for the "Seeing Off Winter" holiday, children are treated to pancakes. You can give each child a sticker with the image of animals, birds, flowers and more.

Thanks to the holding of such events in a preschool institution, the foundations of an ecological culture are laid in children.

If you and I manage to finally raise a new generation, whose representatives will not litter during their field trips, then the task of environmental education can already be considered successfully completed. The earth is our common home, and we must take care of its natural resources. This conscious attitude should be based on a system of competently presented knowledge about the world around us - on the one hand. On the other hand - on the moral ideals of "Homo sapiens", living in harmony with nature, appreciating its beauty - in their opposition to the consumerist and barbaric attitude.

How to combine the cognitive and instructive aspects of environmental education in your work, you will learn from the materials in this section. Choose and use ready-made solutions for Earth Day and other environmental holidays; environmental quizzes and entertainment, including "fashion shows" of outfits from waste material.

Raise true nature lovers with MAAM!

Contained in sections:
Includes sections:
  • Waste suits. Eco-friendly fashion, garbage outfits and dresses for kids

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All sections | Ecological holidays, scenarios, quizzes. Nature, planet Earth.

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