Notes on the development of speech, senior group. Summary of GCD for speech development in the senior group "Drawing up fairy tales" outline of the lesson on the development of speech (senior group) on the topic. The course of joint activities of the educator with children

Final GCD for the development of speech in the senior group: "Travel to the country of beautiful speech"

Purpose: to develop the speech of children through the use of gaming technologies.

1. to consolidate the ability to generalize, classify.

2. to expand vocabulary through participation in verbal and speech games.

3. Exercise in dividing words into syllables, in the selection of antonyms and synonyms.

4. to form an idea of ​​fantasy, to develop a holistic perception of folk tales, a figurative representation, the emotional sphere of children.

5. To cultivate a benevolent attitude towards each other, initiative.

Vocabulary work: fantasy, sun: bright, radiant, light, hot.

Materials and equipment: sun with rays, recording the melody of "magic music"

"Wonderful bag", bell.

GCD move:

1. Org. moment.


Today in the lesson we will go on a journey to the fabulous land of Beautiful Speech. Since the country is unusual, we will go on a journey in an unusual way: with the help of imagination.

What is fantasy? (fantasy is our dreams, when we dream about something, invent something that does not exist in reality.

So, we go to the country of the Beautiful speech. (Fabulous music turns on)

Please close your eyes. Imagine that we are flying in a hot air balloon through the clouds. From above we see forests, fields, we hear the murmur of the river, we smell the fresh air after the rain.

2. The main part.

Here we are. Sit on the chairs. Look guys, what is this? Gates. - And there is a lock on the gate. Let's open it. And finger gymnastics "Castle" will help us. Children stand in a circle and perform finger gymnastics.

We opened the castle, well done! Children sit on high chairs.

Oh, guys, it's sunshine here. But somehow it is sad, what's wrong with him?

To disenchant the rays, you need to complete tasks.

The teacher reads the tasks recorded on the rays and, having completed the tasks, attaches the rays to the sun.

1. task.

"Name it affectionately" The teacher, throwing the ball to the child, calls the word, and he calls it affectionately.

Approximate words. Monkey, hippo, dog, bull, boar, badger, beetle, etc.

2 task

"Name it in one word"

Cap, hat, cap, beret, garrison cap.

Sofa, chair, table, bed, wardrobe.

Tomato, cucumber, carrots, beets, onions, peppers.

Mars, Venus, Earth, Pluto, Saturn.

A, b, c, p.

Chef, chauffeur, carpenter, salesman, doctor.

1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, 0

Ficus, oxalis, geranium, violet.

3. task.

“What's superfluous? "

Bandage, banana, barrel, squirrel.

Hare, mosquito, bear, wolf.

Earrings, necklace, beads, grasshopper.

Airplane, car, ship, table.

Phys. a minute. Playing with a bell.

In the land of the Beautiful Speech, there are residents who love to play. The teacher rings the bell, the children run on the carpet, the bell does not ring, the children squat down.


"Vice versa"

Example words: big, loud, sad. Tall, open, light, strong, warm, clean.


The teacher shows one child an illustration, he names the object, then all the children call the object a chorus, while claps divide the word into syllables. The child answers - how many syllables are in the word.

Evil wizards have mixed up all the tales and now the fairytale characters cannot figure out what comes first and what then. We need to help them.

Children arrange the plot pictures in order.

Guys, the sun has shone in this wonderful country. What is it like? ...

Close your eyes and imagine how the rays warm our cheeks, nose, hands, fingers. It has become completely warm, and you yourself have become warm and affectionate. The rays ran through the clouds, through the fields, through the forests, through the flowers and conjured everything except the paths to the houses of the inhabitants and they ask you to lay paths to their houses.

Children sit at tables and draw paths:

\ \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\

/\/\/\/\/\ /\/\/\/\/\ /\/\

Well done, guys have paved the path.

3. Outcome.

Well done, the inhabitants of this extraordinary country tell you: “Thank you so much! "

We go home, close our eyes and imagine that we are flying in a hot air balloon through the clouds. From above we see forests, fields, we hear the murmur of the river, we smell the fresh air after the rain. Music sounds.

So we arrived at the kindergarten.

What did you like the most?

What was especially difficult?

Synopsis of directly educational activities for the development of speech in the senior group on the topic "We are artists"

Educator Zemelkina Nadezhda Nikolaevna. MB DOE "Kindergarten No. 203", Novokuznetsk.

This work will be useful for educators of older groups. The lesson is presented in a playful way. The action takes place in a "film studio" where children play the role of artists.

Target: improving speech skills.
Educational: continue to learn to compose a story-description on the subject together with a friend;
expand the vocabulary of children with words: applause, artist, advertisement, film studio, radio broadcast, rehearsal;
to consolidate the ability to distinguish by ear and clearly pronounce consonants that are similar in sound;
learn to form single-root words;
learn to differentiate sounds from and from ear
Developing: develop communication skills, imagination, intonational expressiveness of speech.
Educational: to develop the ability to listen to each other, to form the skills of cooperation.

Implemented educational areas:
Cognitive development;
Speech development;
Artistic and aesthetic development;
Physical development;
Social and communicative development.

Preliminary work: talking with children about the work of artists, introducing children to sign language, reading a poem by A.L. Barto "In the theater".
Resource provision: a basket with toys, pictures with images of objects with sounds from and from, a small basket, a microphone, a tape recorder, a disk (flash drive) with dancing, funny music, chocolate medals, a "magic wand".
GCD move:
Do you like the profession of an artist? (children's answers) Do you want to be artists today? We, as artists, will learn to speak expressively and interestingly and understand each other.
The artists work: in the theater, in the film studio, on the radio ... During work, the artists listen carefully to each other, do not interrupt the speaker.

How do viewers thank the artists? (artists call it applause)
So, imagine that you are all famous artists. You came to work at a film studio. Please go through and sit down, whoever wants with whom. I, Nadezhda Nikolaevna, director of the film studio.
1. Do you like cartoons? Now we will be the artists who will voice the cartoon.
A swarm of bees on the screen ("W-w-w")
Next frame: evening, mosquitoes all around (zz)
The frame has changed: sands, snakes all around (sh-sh-sh)
And now the drift started on the screen (s-s-s)
Let's applaud for the excellent soundtrack of the cartoon!
2. Artists know how to talk about everything in an interesting way. They will tell you about any thing so that you want to buy this thing. This is called advertising. We will now advertise toys. The toy needs to be told briefly, but it is interesting that everyone would want to play with it. Hear how we will advertise toys.
The teacher gives a sample story.
1. This is a doll.
2. She is wearing a pink dress and shoes.
3.The doll is made of soft material, the hair is made of woolen threads.
4. The doll has a body, arms, legs, head. She has kind eyes and a smile.
5. You can play with the doll, feed, walk, put to bed.

The teacher walks past the children with a basket of toys.
- Take one toy for two. Come up with a story about her and agree which of you will tell.
After each story - applause."These artists deserve our round of applause!" “Together you wrote a story about the toy, so the advertisement turned out to be successful - all the toys will be sold out!”

3. Dynamic pause.
- Now get ready for the filming of the New Year's carnival, to which all the toys that children love to play with are invited. They will dance to the music. When the music ends, the toys will stop dancing. And I will be a correspondent (the teacher approaches the child with a microphone). Please tell us what kind of toy you portrayed.


4. Artists can say the same sentence in different ways. You will be on the radio and say the sentence: "The snowy winter has come." I will turn you with a magic wand into various heroes, and you will speak this sentence in their voice. The angry wolf speaks (sly fox, cheerful Grandfather Frost, kind Snow Maiden, sad clown)

After the performance of all the artists:“The applause never stops! You have done a wonderful job of your role! "

5. The game "Kuzovok".
During rehearsals, before filming, the artists develop their speech. They learn to find the sound they want in words. You have cards on your tables. In this basket you need to put a card with an object in the name of which there is a sound z. You confer together and decide, a card with which item you need to put.
Let's check what we have in the basket. If the name of the object depicted on the card contains the sound z - you do not say anything, but nod your head in the affirmative; if there is no sound h - show with a gesture - "no".

6. We continue the rehearsal. Real artists need to be able to do a lot, even to choose words similar to the word snow.
Quiet, quiet, like in a dream,
Falls to the ground ... (snow)
Fluffs all slide from the sky
Silvery ... (snowflakes)
Everyone is running in a race
Everyone wants to play ... (snowballs)
Like a white down jacket
Dressed up ... (snowman)
Nearby is a snow figure -
This is a girl ... (snow maiden)
As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream
He decorated the whole earth ... (snow)

Loud applause!

7. Dear artists, please go to the director of the film studio.
The artists' working day has come to an end. What did you do as artists? (supposed answers of the children: they came up with stories about toys, showed different movements, voiced cartoons, found words with different sounds, picked up words that looked like snow). Did you enjoy being an artist?
I, as the director of the film studio, express my gratitude for the good work, and I want to present the award ( hand out chocolate medals)

Our lesson is over, and I invite all the artists to dance.

Target: Compose a story using toys

Software content:

Educational tasks

- Continue to teach children to invent and convey imaginary episodes in the story, in which the peculiarities of the appearance and character traits of animals are manifested

- Promote the accumulation of visual impressions in children, purposefully activate the children's vocabulary

- Teach children coherently, consistently, expressively, skillfully use the achieved artistic techniques

- To teach to evaluate the stories of comrades, to see the positive and negative sides of their answers


Develop imagination, creativity


- Cultivate interest in storytelling

The course of direct educational activities:

There is a screen on the table, behind the screen are fox, squirrel and bear toys. Children sit on chairs.

Educator: Children, do you want to know who is behind the screen? Then guess the riddles!

  • The yellow hostess came from the forest, counted all the chickens and took with her (fox)
  • Who spends the night in a hollow, hibernates, collects cones, stores for a year (squirrel)
  • Shaggy himself, clubfoot, roars loudly, loves honey (bear)

After the children's answers, the toys appear from behind the screen.

Educator: Guys, do you like to listen to stories? What are the names of the people who write stories? Do you want to be a writer and write your own book? Today you yourself will try to come up with a story about these funny toy animals, about which I asked you riddles! But before you start writing the story, you need to describe the toys. (The description of the toys is carried out) Bear: What does the bear have? What is the body of the teddy bear? Does the bear have a tail? The teddy bear has eyes, nose, ears on its head. What color is the bear's fur? Now let's write a description of the squirrel and the fox.

Guys, you are great, you have compiled a description of the toys. Listen to my story about a teddy bear and a squirrel: In a large room, a teddy bear was sitting on a carpet. Suddenly, from somewhere from the shelf, an agile, nimble, cheerful squirrel jumped onto the carpet. She greeted the teddy bear and jumped to the doll swing. “Get on the swing,” the squirrel called the bear, “we'll swing together. The shaggy man began to climb into the swing, twice in a row and flopped, and as he sat down, he began to swing up and down, up and down with all his might. For a long time the squirrel and bear swayed and laughed loudly. They had a lot of fun together.

Guys, now you will compose stories about animals for our book, I will write them down! At the beginning of the story, you need to describe the funny animals, then tell what interesting happened to them and how the story ended. And help pictures will help you.

Educator: Guys, what can you say about a bear cub, a squirrel, a chanterelle?

Children: The bear has shaggy fur, he is clumsy, clumsy. Chanterelle is red, cunning, agile. Red squirrel, beautiful, nimble.

Educator: Let's guys repeat our plan together. Now, kids, come up with a funny story about animals. Who wants to compose a story? (the teacher writes down the child's story). Who else wants to tell? Close all your eyes; whoever has a bear on his lap will tell the story.

Well done guys, you all tried very hard. They spoke expressively, used a lot of words in describing animals, the stories were interesting. Whose stories did you like the most? About whom we made stories, tell us in full sentence?

Children: We made up stories about a bear and a squirrel. We made a story about a bear and a fox.

Educator: And what other words can you call a bear, a bunny, so that these words, but become longer and sound similar

Children: Teddy bear, teddy bear, teddy bear. Bunny, hare, hare

Educator: That's right, well done. And now the fox wants to play with you. Want to?

An outdoor game is held:

Bunnies scattered across the forest lawn

These are the bunnies, jump bunnies

They sat down in a circle, digging a spine with their paws

These are the bunnies, jumping bunnies.

Here is a chanterelle running, a red-haired sister, looking for where are the bunnies, jumping bunnies

There are so many hares, I can eat any!

Title: Summary of GCD for teaching creative storytelling in the senior group "Funny adventures of a squirrel, a hare and a fox"

Position: educator of the first qualification category
Place of work: MADOU Kindergarten No. 157 "Siverko"
Location: the city of Arkhangelsk

Integration of educational areas:"Communication", "Reading fiction", "Socialization", "Music", "Health", "Physical culture", "Cognition".

Target: Strengthen children's knowledge of pets.


Educational: Teach children to name baby pets correctly.

Developing: Develop memory, imagination, fine motor skills of hands. To form skills for the development of finger games, the ability to apply them in any field of activity.

Educational: To foster love and care for pets.

Vocabulary work: Form the correct sound pronunciation. Enrich the vocabulary of children: lamb, calf, kid.

Preliminary work: Talking about pets, making riddles, looking at illustrations and reading books about pets, children's personal impressions of the village and pets.

Equipment: Toys, illustrations of pets, apron, shawl, jewelry box.

Methodological techniques: Game situation, surprise moment, riddles, articulatory gymnastics, finger games.

GCD move:

Educator: Today we guys will go to visit grandmother in the village. And on what, you decide.

Children: By train, scooter, bicycle, car …….

Educator: So, let's go by train.

Here is our train going

Wheels are pounding

And on our train

The guys are sitting:

"Chukh-chukh-chukh I will rock far away"

Educator: See how many guests, say hello and go again. And then we will go by car. We start the motors.

Articulatory gymnastics "Machine"

On the highway, a car rushes rrr

Growls in all directions rrrr

Driving a dashing chauffeur rrr

Melon - melon - melon

The motor is humming

The village "Prostokvashino" appeared (the teacher puts on an apron and a scarf - grandmother)

Hello, grandchildren, come and sit in the clearing, and I have prepared a surprise for you. Here is the box with riddles. Listen carefully, if you guess right, then the answer will appear.

Friends with the owner

House guards

Lives under the porch

And the tail is in a ring (Dog)

Hungry hums

Well fed chews

To all the guys

Milk gives (Cow)

Mustache muzzle

Striped fur coat

Washes frequently

But he doesn't know water (Cat)

Educator: And who came to us?

Goes shaking his beard,

Chewing grass

And sings a song "me". (Goat)

Finger gymnastics "There is a horned goat"

There is a horned goat,

There is a butted goat,

Who does not eat porridge,

Doesn't drink milk

Gores, gores.

Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles! Cat, dog, cow, goat who is this?

Children: Animals.

Educator: What kind of animals are they?

Children: Homemade.

Educator: Why are they called pets?

Children: They live at home, with their grandmother in the yard and she feeds them, looks after them.

Educator: That's right, well done!

Find my mom game

Educator: Babies have lost their mothers.

- I, mother sheep, and you? (Lambs)

- Me, mother is a cow, and you? (Calves)

- I am a horse, and you? (Foals)

Educator: Look, guys, a hen with chickens went out for a walk.

Physiotka "Hen"

The chicken went out for a walk

Nibble fresh grass

And after her, guys,

yellow chicks

Ko-ko-ko, don't go far

Paddle with your paws

Look for the grains.

Educator: Guys, look at what a beautiful butterfly flies, don't scare it off quietly, but follow it.

Gymnastics for the eyes "Butterfly"

The teacher holds a toy butterfly on a stick in his hands.

Educator: And here the butterfly has arrived. Follow the butterfly with your eyes.

The butterfly flies everywhere: flies to the left, flies to the right. Butterfly flies along

circle, up, down and back in a hurry.

Educator: Grandchildren, help me bake cabbage pies.

Finger gymnastics "We chop the cabbage"

We chop cabbage, chop,

We are three, three carrots,

We salt the cabbage, we salt it,

We are squeezing cabbage, squeezing.

Educator: Well, the filling is ready, and now we will bake the pies.

Song "I bake, bake, bake"

Educator: Here are the children, we stayed and played, and even baked delicious pies. And now, goodbye, let's drink a glass of milk and take the bus to kindergarten. (Children get on the bus and go to kindergarten)

Educator: So we arrived at the kindergarten. Did you guys enjoy traveling? What did you remember and liked more? (children say) Well done!

Evgeniya Naumenko
Abstract of the GCD for the development of speech in the senior group.

municipal budgetary preschool educational institution - kindergarten №7 of the city of Tatarsk.

Direction - speech preschool development.

Abstract joint educational activities in senior group.

Naumenko Evgeniya Valerievna

Target: speech development preschool children through fiction.



- development of coherent speech of children, continue acquaintance of children with literary creativity - riddles, poems, fairy tales; enrich the vocabulary of children, deepen interest in fiction;

- develop the skill of word creation (finding a rhyme for a word, verbal hearing, attention, memory, ingenuity, logical thinking, imagination, fantasy.


To cultivate responsiveness, a benevolent attitude towards each other.

Types of children's activities: game, communicative, motor, cognitive research, perception of fiction and folklore.

Forms of implementation:

Communicative: greeting game "Good day";

Playroom: surprise moment, travel game, didactic game "Collect the picture", word play "Chamomile";

Motor: the game "Baba Yaga".

Planned results: the child masters the rules of elementary politeness (words - greetings);

Through play, children will actively interact with peers and adults, participate in joint games;

During the game there will be develop mental processes: imagination, which is realized in various activities, and above all in the game; attention, memory, thinking; the child will master different forms and types of play, will be able to distinguish between conventional and real situations, obey different rules and social norms;

The child will have develop oral speech, he can express his thoughts and desires, the prerequisites for literacy are formed;

In the process of motor activity in a child mobility develops, endurance, mastery of basic movements;

The child will show curiosity, ask questions to adults and peers, find a way out of the current situation, make their own decisions, relying on their knowledge and skills in various activities.

Educator: Guys, look how many guests came to us. Let's say hello to them and smile at them.

Children: Hello.


Good afternoon! - you were told

Good afternoon! - we will answer

How two strings were tied

Warmth and kindness.

Surprising moment. "Letter".

"Hello guys senior group! The inhabitants of the fabulous country invite you to travel through fairy tales. Not everyone can get into a fairy tale, except for courage, you will also need ingenuity, imagination, fantasy. "

Inhabitants of a fabulous country.

Educator: Guys, what is a fairy tale?

Children: A fairy tale is magic,

A fairy tale is a miracle.

A fairy tale is an entertaining story.

Educator: Right. A fairy tale is a magical story with a happy ending and an obligatory victory over evil. Most often, fairy tales contain magic and various incredible adventures. That is why both adults and children love fairy tales. Each nation has its own fairy tales, with their characteristics, national heroes, and everyday life.

Do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes.


There are many fairy tales in the world

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them

Everything can happen in a fairy tale

Our tale is ahead

We will knock on the door of the fairy tale

Fairy tale visit you wait for us.

Problem statement situations:

Educator: Are you ready for the test? OK! Let's go to a fairy tale! But where does she live? Where do you think a fairy tale can live? (children's answers).

Educator: And I think that she lives where willow branches are intertwined, where day and night meet, where a large forest lake is rustling, where golden stars look at night. A fairy tale lives there!

Well, it’s clear, and it’s true, you love fairy tales.

Then let's hit the road.

Problem statement situations:

Educator: only on what? Is the transport supposed to be magical? What do they ride in a fairy tale? (children list and choose transport).

Educator: Good! Let's take a carpet-plane (children sit on the carpet). (the tape recorder turns on, from which the sound of flight is heard).

Educator: So we have landed in the land of fairy tales. And what kind of hut is this? I wonder which fairytale hero can live in it? (children list) .

Educator: Well done boys! To continue your journey through fairy tales, you must guess riddles:

1. And the road is far

And the basket is not easy

I would sit on a tree stump

Eat a pie. (Masha and the Bear).

2. Mixed with sour cream,

The window is cold.

Round side, ruddy side

Rolled…. (gingerbread man).

3. Grandmother loved the girl very much,

Grandma gave her a hat

Girl forgot her name

Well, tell me what her name was (Little Red Riding Hood).

4. The father had a strange boy

Fancy wooden

On land and under water

Looking for a golden key

Everywhere his nose pokes its long

Who is this? (Pinocchio, the tale of the Golden Key).

5. A girl appeared in a flower cup,

and there was that girl a little more than a marigold

girl sleeping in a nut shell

what kind of girl lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)

6. Oh you, Petya - simplicity,

Blundered a little.

I did not obey the cat,

Looked out the window. (Fox and Rooster).

7. The hen is very upset - the testicle is broken. (Chicken Ryaba).

Educator: Guys, I heard in a certain kingdom, in a certain state there is a miracle tree. This little ball will help you find your way to this tree. (children, together with the teacher and the ball, move to the miracle tree. Pictures of fairytale heroes are laid out around the tree, on the tree "Grow" attributes to these heroes).

For example:

Carlson is a propeller.

Aibolit is a suitcase.

Ko in boots - hat.

The frog princess is an arrow.

Cinderella slipper

Pinocchio key

Little Red Riding Hood Girl

Thumbelina - water lily

Exercise: pick up an item for each hero.

Educator: Guys, in order to quickly cope with tasks, we will split into two group(according to the color of the petals from flowers, children are divided into two group).

Educator: (distributes heroes of fairy tales for groups) ... You have to pick up the subject for the hero and name from which fairy tale he is.

Educator: We continued our fabulous journey. Look, there is a magic cube on our way. What will he show us?

The game: "Collect the picture"... (children collect the image "Baba Yagi").

Educator: Guys, name the tales in which Baba Yaga occurs. (Ivan Tsarevich and the gray wolf, Koschey the immortal, How Ivanushka went for a miracle, Geese-swans, Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

The game "Bab-Yaga".

Educator: Well done, guys, we continue our journey through fairy tales.

Next task: I will show you illustrations of fairy tales, and you have to guess the heroes of these fairy tales and which fairy tale they are from.

Children answer: "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Little Fox and the Gray Wolf", "By magic", "Princess Frog", "Zmey Gorynych", "Morozko", "Zayushkina Izbushka".

Educator: Well done, guys, you know a lot of fairy tales. Guys, our magic ball wants to show us something else interesting. Look, magic chest. Let's open it and see what it contains. Who is this?

Children: Princess Frog.

Educator: Why is the frog sad? We will come up with you rhyme dictionaries for the word frog and cheer her up.

Children: Pillow frog, laughing frog, rattle frog, firecracker frog.

Educator: Well done boys! Our frog is sad anyway. Can we compose a fairy tale so that cheer up the frog... Will help us in composing a fairy tale, here is this book. I will ask a question, and you will find the answer by specifying a word on the open page of the selected text. We take a clever chamomile and tear off the petal (word game "Chamomile").


1. Once upon a time who lived?

2. What kind of good was able to do?

3. Will we meet who is evil?

4. What harm did this negative hero do to everyone?

5. Did our hero have a friend?

6. What happened to the evil hero?

Educator: Well done, guys, they made a good fairy tale. Look, the frog smiled, it means that she liked our fairy tale. Now you know that there is such a wonderful land of fairy tales. And it's time for us guys to return home to our group... We sit down on our airplane carpet again.


Here we are with you and returned to group... Guys, did you enjoy our trip? What characters did we meet? Whom did we help?

Guys, what's your mood? Go to the table and choose a person - if you are in a cheerful mood - smiling, sad mood - sad.