Beautiful handwriting numbers. Beautiful handwriting. Photo of a handsome handwriting in Russian. What is included in the course

Beautiful handwriting is rare, especially in our time. This in the nineteenth century in school was such a thing as calligraphy, in which children were taught to withdraw each letter. Then there was no need for this: there were no printers and photocopies, all the documentation was wrote and multiplied by hand. And so that you can understand written, the handwriting in the writers should have been clear, understandable, smooth and beautiful. Now, in the century of computer technologies, people gradually lose the ability to write from hand. Moreover, it is to write a beautiful calligraphic handwriting. Even in the education system in our time, the handwriting is not like that as before.

On the one hand, it is right: not all the kids are given even letters, besides there are more important and necessary skills. On the other hand, the ability to write beautifully to anyone else interfered with anyone, and many own beautiful handwriting gives considerable pleasure.

What to do? How to learn to write a beautiful handwriting? This is quite possible in the presence of desire and some perfection. Although some believe that the ability to write beautifully - innate quality and the one who was not lucky to possess, do not stand and try. In fact this is not true. Although there is some natural predisposition to a beautiful handwriting, as well as there are abilities for drawing or writing music, but this predisposition can be developed in yourself. To the skill level or even skill. There is nothing impossible for a person with intelligence!

Tips for those who write no better than chicken paw, denoting letters with inadvertising and disordered symbols that cannot be read.

  1. Practice. Write as much as possible. Moreover, it is necessary to do this with full attention: slowly, focused, withdrawing every beak.
  2. Buy us. The one in which the first grams and hooks draw their sticks, mugs and hooks. At the same time remember childhood. This is a technique tested by decades and actually working. Your advantage over first-grader is that you, unlike him, will not do from under the stick, but by a good wax, with enthusiasm and desire. Therefore, your results should be more significant than the first grader. At least compared to your own results at this age.
  3. Go to notebook. When fill out, you can buy one more and fill it again. In the event that you liked or, on the contrary, you are not very satisfied with the result and want to improve it. After recurina, where you write hooks on special Lines, you can move to writing them in a conventional notebook. It is better to take a school notebook into a ruler, such where there is a regular line, but no auxiliary. Now write the same thing what they wrote in the register, only in this notebook. Compare the result. If the result in the notebook is worse, try yet.
  4. Separate letters. In the propisi and in the notebook you wrote sticks, hooks and other rogulins, and only at the end - letters. Now focus on writing separate letters. Take any letter and start to display it. Local, title, stronger again, uppercase again, etc. It is usually found that some letters are better, some worse. Those that turn out well, you are ready to write at least a day, and those that do not work, cause you irritation, turning into hatred. Relax. Breathe deeply. Exhale. And continue to work on unloved letters to a victorious result.
  5. Do not hurry. It is unlikely that you will manage to write a beautiful and impeccable handwriting in a couple of days of classes. Tune in to a long process. But do not turn it into an unpleasant responsibility. Do with pleasure. Then the result will come faster, and from the process you will enjoy.
  6. Develop a shallow motorcycle fingers. It helps to form a beautiful handwriting. Do any actions with minor items: learn from beads, knit crochet, sculpt the crafts from plasticine and clay, paying special attention to small details.
  7. Pictures. Drawing, especially drawing small items and parts also helps improve the handwriting. So you draw as much as possible, to start it is better to draw a handle. You can not draw, but to circle pictures. Find some graphic image with an abundance of parts, and begin to circle all the lines. You can still take a hatching, it will also be very useful. Buy a coloring book and shadow drawings with small and smooth parallel lines.
  8. Work not only wrist. If you use only the wrist with the letter, and the muscles of the forearm are not involved in the work, you will be difficult to achieve a beautiful hand writing. After all, you will not have the right scope, amplitude, and, accordingly, smoothness and roundness.
  9. Follow the posture. The correct posture when writing is important not only for your slimming and health of the spine, but also for a beautiful hand writing. If you sludge, omit one shoulder or pull the neck forward, you have unnecessary clamps and an extra tension that interferes with writing easily and freely.
  10. Train in imagination. You must very clearly represent what the same letter looks like, how the junctions of the letters are drawn, what should all the word be fully. You can engage in such imaginary workouts of letters skills at any time and anywhere. For example, if you are stuck in traffic or sit in line at the dentist. After the letter or word is drawn in the imagination, you can outline their contours with your finger on any surface or in the air. In line, the dentist is better not to do this. Your actions can cause suspicion from nurses.
  11. Writing tools. When more or less mastered the usual ball pen, try writing to other tools: a simple pencil, colored pencils, a pen, which needs to be dipped into the inkwell, feathery handle, markers and even paints with brushes. Why do you need it? First, these classes can bring you a considerable pleasure. You may even plunge into the meditative trance state, as it happens at Buddhists, drawing hieroglyphs with a special tassel. This is a good stress exercise. Secondly, in this way, you will fix the acquired skills and, perhaps, diversify and decorate your handwriting.
  12. Form style. When you start to get smooth, quite beautiful and in all senses are decent letters and even whole words, it is worth thinking about the development of your own, original and unlike the other handwriting. After all, the handwriting, which is taught in the recipe, with all his evenness and clearness, is not very suitable for an adult. And we strive to ensure that the handwriting is not only understandable, but also beautiful. Think how you can decorate it. You may extend some vertical lines, add drops over some letters, make some curls and other decoration elements. Your handwriting can be large and rounded, small and elongated, medium size and squat. It is believed that the handwriting depends on the nature of the person. Perhaps this is so. You can change something in your handwriting and influence your character or just decorate it.
Fix the handwriting for the better quite real. It is necessary to simply show patience and perseverance in developing calligraphic abilities. Darina Kataeva

Hand writing every person, as well as his fingerprints, unique. Tilt, scope, width of the letters, lines - all these distinctive features and individual features of each person. However, not everyone is satisfied with your handwriting, some are even trying to change it and make it more beautiful. What effective ways will help develop and improve the handwriting?

Types of handwriting

To date, there are various types of letters. For example, the most common: the slope is right or left, monotony, strong or weak push, direct handwriting, etc. If you do not know how to write a unusual handwriting, use your school handwriting or a dancing method. In this case, you can alternate the rhythm, for example, writing one letter enlarged, the second - reduced.

Hand writing every person, like his fingerprints, unique

Human handwriting is difficult, especially if you make efforts in adulthood

How do muscles work?

To change your handwriting on a beautiful and even, first of all, pay close attention as the process of writing, and what muscles you use. If you are very tightened in the process of writing, it will be bright in the letters. Learn to write in a relaxed state, this will allow you to not even get tired, but on the contrary, have fun.

Beautiful handwriting will use the muscles of the whole hand and even shoulder, so do not throw yourself, relax, and you will notice how the handwriting change!

Choose comfortable accessories

There are already important preferences here, some like to write a pencil, another handle. When choosing, rely on the design, but for comfort and convenience that you will experience during the letter. Ink handles should be bright, but not disclosed when writing, otherwise, no matter how hard you tried, there will be no beautiful hand writing!

Paper where you will write should be high quality, it is best that it was a separate notebook. Pick such accessories to make you first wanted and improve. The notebook should be chosen into a cage or ruler so that you see even lines and sought to fit into the place allotted by one letter.

If you manage to create comfortable conditions, you will be enjoyed and the learning process itself, and work on the handwriting. Therefore, do not hurry to start immediately to the letter, appreciate yourself, purchase high-quality accessories and proceed to the next stage!

Choose comfortable accessories for learning letters

How to make your adult to make your handwriting, fast and constant?

  1. Sit smoothly, relax and proceed to the first classes.. Try while learning do not rush anywhere, write like water: measured and relaxed. If, after a long letter, you have a red spot on your hand, then you were too tense and tightly kept the handle. Enter the holistic lines, clear strokes, pay attention to each letter, and remember that the important role is played by no amount written, but quality! At first occupations, do not seek to write, you need first learn to keep the handle correctly. A letter by air is the best option! This will allow you to train your hands, shoulder and brushes, and in the future it will be much easier to change the handwriting.
  2. How do you hold the handle? During the letter, three fingers play a key role: large, index and medium. The end of the handle must rest in the side of the palm or the base of the workforce. Choose a comfortable position for yourself, the main thing you were relaxed and felt comfortable! After the arrangement of the handle in the hand, practice again not on paper, but in the air.
  3. Try to train the basic parts of the letters. While reading and writing, we may not even think that every letter consists of similar characters: lines, oval, circle or semicircle. To start a qualitative letter, practice to start writing these elements. You can spend several sheets to emerge geometric shapes or passing vertical lines. When lines and ovals are the same, proceed to the next step to improve the handwriting.

Train! This is the main secret that allows you to quickly change the handwriting on a good!

  1. Returning to childhood and study the alphabet. At this stage, your task is not just passing the letters of the alphabet. Please note from which elements every letter consists, compare your samples, as you write and as indicated in the textbooks for registration, see the sample of the alphabet letters in the world of the Handwriting. Buy a notebook to teach children writing. By drawrs, withdraw alternately every letter. If something does not work, remember your problems and strive for their elimination. Even if one letter turned out to be beautiful, it still does not mean that you trained calligraphy. Repeat this letter again to write it to you before automatism. This stage in duration and effort is considered heavy and long.
  2. How to make the most beautiful capital handwriting? Connecting lines - this is what a considerable amount of time is given. Spaces between letters should be beautifully filled. At first, write short words, divide them to syllables and follow the connections. The "running letter" plays a key role in writing long offers and texts. Pay attention to the movement of your hand if it becomes tense, return to the past stage. Be sure to contact the analysis that you did initially, again read the examples, as beautiful handwriting looks like, to pay close attention to the main disadvantages.

How to make the most beautiful capital handwriting? Practice calligraphy!

  1. Be a creative person. If you have already achieved some result, try something new to choose a handwriting! To do this, learn new styles of letters, practice, because in this case you can even learn a beautiful handwriting with curls. If you further need to make a beautiful record, you will hit other people with the ability to own calligraphy perfectly. Examine an ancient letter. If you started working to improve the handwriting, now proceed to the study of the science of calligraphy. In addition, study the alphabet of the beautiful English handwriting in detail: it can be for you! Much depends on the configuration, and even if something does not work, do not be discouraged, find a positive in learning. After all, working on his letter, you develop such qualities: patience, excerpt ,.

Constantly improve! Even if you managed to achieve some result, do not stop! It is important to bring acquired skills to automatism.

If something is not obtained from the first time! Self-improvement is a complex process that requires the practice of will. To learn to write beautifully, you should understand why you do it! When you see to see a perspective, you will quickly come to the goal!

March 30, 2014, 18:54

About how to learn to write beautifully, a lot of scientific works and useful tips are written. The process is painstaking, so requires strength, and time. An adult is difficult to change its handwriting, but there is nothing impossible in the world. A little effort, and everything will definitely work out: own name and any letter or digit!

Beautiful handwriting

Neat and beautiful handwriting is art, to master which anyone may well. The process is based on calligraphy, the basics of which a few more decades ago were taught at school. Now, this item is considered morally obsolete, he simply derived from the program. However, in everyday life under the beautiful handwriting it is understood not the ability to patiently and leisurelybeautiful capital letters, And the constant use of the accumulated skills.

Calligraphic handwriting

Under calligraphic handwriting It is understood by the technique of a neat folding letter. Several centuries ago, it was used exclusively in religious purposes, now she has much more appointments. There are professions in which calligraphy is not a whim, but the most real necessity. These include school teachers, librarians, archives workers and those who are forced to fill in many documents.

Calligraphy for beginners

Collecting the difficult art of calligraphy, it is necessary to choose the corresponding written set of tools:

  • roller handle or pen (for more experienced students);
  • notebook with paper drawing;
  • molbert, located at an angle of 45 degrees.

Beautiful handwriting is formed from letters, a neat written writing and need to master initially. Be patient: to work out one letter for several hours or a few days. However, if you really want to know how to learn to write beautifully, it will be possible to achieve a result.

Calligraphic registers

The easiest way to improve the handwriting is to use calligraphic words. Seeing the sample, the student is intuitively trying to copy the style and immediately corrects his mistakes. Try usingputting for a beautiful hand writingIf you want to fix your letter style yourself, without the attraction of teachers or visiting thematic courses. You can even take those recommended by first graders. There is nothing gallopped in this, on the contrary, these benefits are very successful.

Calligraphy lessons

Planning the training of calligraphy, you need to prepare your workplace in advance. On the surface there can be no "unnecessary" things, and the hand should not hang in the air. Remember how they prepared the desk at school, watch there a lot of light, a comfortable table. The next thing to do is to spread the sheet of paper. If you are just starting to learn, it is better to use an ordinary handle. Whenbeautiful writing of letters It will become a habit for you, you can master the technology of writing with feathers.

How to teach a child to write beautifully

You can learn children already with a three-year-old age if you feel that your child is ready for lessons. However, if you thinkhow to develop a beautiful handwritingin a child, get ready to spend a lot of time and effort. It is necessary that the baby's hand is settled, so do not rush to study passion too early. The optimal age is considered 5-7 years old: Practice shows that the children who began to write at an early age very rarely have a calligraphic handwriting, and it is difficult to develop it. Starting training, use asleep with oblique rules and a comfortable ball handle.

How beautiful to sign

Beautiful painted is a business card of any person who should look stylish and intricate. It is unlikely to help thematic literature or master classes. Rarely manage to come uphow to learn to paint beautifully, in a few hours. When a person first signs, it often uses the first letters of the name and cunning stroke.

Deciding on changes in adulthood, it is worth considering the existing option and understand what you do not like. You can change the angle of inclination of letters, add items or try to change the writing style. Remember that elegant painting, working on the formation of a positive image of its owner, should not resemble the children's "Kalyak-Malyak".

How to fix the handwriting adult

Understand how to make a beautiful handwriting, it is quite possible in conscious age. The principle of training does not change from this. It is necessary to prepare the workplace in advance, wept, including English or Russian alphabet, paper and ballpoint pen. The procedure for the rapidness of the task, how to learn to write a beautiful handwriting will be as follows:

We all have to write from time from time to time, and a good folding handwriting is nice to read, besides they say, it can be judged by the character of a person. If you want to improve your handwriting or vote to write, in this article you will find a few simple tips.


Basics of cleaning

    First, find the appropriate handle. Some more like a pencil. Take what you like best.

    • Take a handle or pencil with a soft rod, especially if you love to pressed on the handle when you write.
    • Take the notebook into the ruler - it is easier to write in it than on the usual sheet of paper.
  1. Sit smoothly. Remember what Mom said you? The posture is of great importance! If you burn, after some time the back and the neck will start flying, you will be inconvenient to write, you will start the wrong handle in your hands. (See method 2, Step 3 below).

    • If you are conveniently located and you will sit even, it will be much more convenient to write. Do not make yourself, it should be your own desire.
  2. Relax. Take a handle to comfortably lay down in your hand. If you have a red smell on your finger after you have finished writing, it means that you hold the handle too hard. It is important to take a handle correctly, because the range of movements depends on it and how you will output the letters.

    Work not only over the handwriting, but also over what you are writing. Of course, many use abbreviations and abbreviations, symbols, and so on. But when you write not for yourself, but for someone, do not regret the time to write everything right. A new pure car without a pair of wheels, no matter how beautiful it looks, it will be useless.

    • Check if you put the punctuation marks correctly.
    • You should not use a conversational speech or abbreviation from the Internet. If you write for someone, not for yourself, do not use the words "OK", "Lol", "ATP" and so on.
  3. Find someone who will inspire you! Do you know a person with a beautiful handwriting? Watch him or ask him a few tips! Look at the "Word" (or in a text text editor) any beautiful fonts that will inspire you.

    • Feel free to buy and read books and cleaning benefits for schoolchildren. If you have children, produce cleanup equipment with them! Take a cleaning with children, with my husband / wife and just spend this time together.

    Capital letters

    1. To begin with, understand how the uppercase letters are written. Most likely, your handwriting has changed greatly from school, and now you rarely use uppercase letters. Find the benefits that show a sample of a capital letter, and you are invited to repeat this letter on paper in the ruler.

      The letter should be involved the whole hand. Most people use only fingers to bring letters. Pay attention to people who have a beautiful handwriting: when writing, they use not only fingers, but also the whole hand. So the handwriting is more smooth.

      Write a few lines with capital letters. It is important to practice in writing "hooks" and curves - they should be smooth. First learn to withdraw these "hooks", and then the whole letter is entirely.

      • If you want to immediately learn to write exactly, write in a notebook into the ruler. If you write on a regular white sheet, to start, take a ruler and pencil draw even lines. Write, focusing on these lines, and then erase them with an eraser.
      • To learn how to display uppercase letters, start from below and output up, then output the necessary hooks or curves (for example, in the letter M one "hook" will be from below and two "hooks" from above). Then, observing the tilt, lead the handle down. Do not forget to connect two letters. Lines must be smooth and smooth.
      • Learn to withdraw the basic form of most letters. This basic form in Russian is considered a small uppercase letter "and". Because from the letter "and" it is easy to make the letter "A", adding the "hook" from above, the letter "y", adding a "loop" from the bottom, a small capital letter "D" and so on.
      • It is important to learn not only to remove the letters, but also to connect them correctly. Capital letters are created not only for beauty, but in order to speed up the writing process. Therefore, there are connections between the letters. If you learn to beautifully output letters along with the connection, you not only improve your handwriting, but also increase the speed of the letter.
    2. Start output letters, do not rush anywhere, focus on each movement of the handle. The speed is a quick writing of the text at the expense of the correct movements with the handle, that is, due to the ability to quickly output the letters and connect them into one word. As soon as you get used to withdraw the letters, you can accelerate a little.

    Basics of calligraphy

      Take a handle or pencil. In order for letters to turn out to be sufficiently rounded and beautiful, and the strokes are thin and elegant, you need a suitable handle and paper.

      • Thick handles, gel sticks, feathers are best suited.
      • Paper should be tight enough, ink should not be shocking through it. Write a few rows in the usual notebook or in the notebook. Ink must be quickly absorbed and not to shine on the other side of the paper. Calligraphy paper is sold in many stationery stores.
      • For calligraphy, Indian ink will not be suitable, because they over time spoil the handle. Water-soluble inks are best suited.
    1. Conveniently position the sheet. It is important to put a sheet so that the drawn lines are slightly tilted so that the letters are smooth and with the same slope.

      Conveniently sit down and take a handle. Legs should stand smoothly, the back should be straightened. Keep the handle so as not to squeeze and not overjugate your hand.

    2. Repeat smoothly move with the letter to the letter. Learn to withdraw beautiful "hooks", vertical lines.

      • The vertical line should go down to the baseline, then try to draw it too, but slightly tilting. Do not forget to prevent the "transition" to another letter - "hook" or barcode. Train output lines with transitions below and at the top.
      • Then take it out to output capital letters, in height they must reach the upper line. First try to bring vertical lines, then add hooks and connections to them, do not forget about the tilt of letters.
      • To draw a hook, practice making beautiful "wave" lines, curved lines, slightly tilt these curved lines to connect two letters. Wave lines and hooks are needed not only for connecting letters, but also for writing capital letters. Try to start the line with a thin touch, and finish fat (and vice versa).
      • As soon as you feel good, try new forms of curved lines - triangular, oval. Create your own font. Pay attention to the tilt of letters: beautifully look at the letters, tilted at 45 degrees to the right.
    3. Try to work out your own handwriting you like. It's not so easy and will take you for a while, but you will definitely please you.
    4. If you get already good enough, try to accelerate slightly.
    5. Do not be afraid to leave big gaps between the words and the distance between the letters. Do not "Lepate" all letters in one line, try to make your handwriting more "air", leaving enough space between the letters and words.
    6. Try not to be distracted. Began to learn to write beautifully - bring the point to the end. If you fuss and hurry, nothing good will come out of it.
    7. Focus. Keep the pencil in your hand firmly, but do not compress. Try to engage in a quiet, calm atmosphere.
    8. If you write on a regular clean sheet of paper, put a matrix with lines under it to navigate them and display letters on these lines.
    9. Buy a notebook for records.
    10. If something is unable to you, ask someone to help you or evaluate your efforts.
    11. Even if you did not work from the first time - do not lower your hands! Remember that practice is the main thing.
    12. Some people like to write a mechanical pencil, and not wooden.