Best Books on Hypnosis: Review, Features and Recommendations. Great hypnotists of the past - "Aryan hypnosis"

The founder of the Moscow School of Hypnosis Gennady Goncharov is considered to be the strongest hypnotist of the world. What unusual talents revealed the lightning strike in it, about the wonderful turning of the Sumo fighter in a five-year-old baby, about dreams and superman, who sleep in each, Gennady Goncharov told the chief editor "" Inna Novikova.

Gennady Goncharov: "Hypnosis - my karma"

- Gennady Arkadyevich Goncharov, you are the head and creator of the Moscow School of Hypnosis, the best psychic of the world, the winner of the Grand Prix in Tokyo 1992, the author of the book on the theory and practice of hypnosis and the corresponding member of the International Academy of Informatization. Everywhere it is written that your Moscow School of Hypnosis is unique. What is its uniqueness?

- There are no hypnosis schools in the world. In the entire history of mankind, there were only a few of them, the latter was created 200 or 300 years ago in France. And I also managed to create a new profession, the profession of a hypnologist.

- When did the hypnosis appeared at all?

- Hypnosis used 5 thousand years ago. At the time of Pharaohs, the rite "Resurrection Izid" was carried out. Indian yogis also engaged in self-hypanos, entered into trance. Yoga or Fakir disconnected all the senses, he sealed her ears, nostrils, eyes and buried. After two months, his disciples were filming, reanimated, poured face with warm oil, painting.

- What practical benefit was in such experiments?

- They all talk about the reserve capabilities of a person, that we do not know our opportunities. And in man always lives a dream, he always wanted more. In a practical sense: we live in a big city, we lack air, oxygen, prana, as it is now customary to speak. We need to look for sources of resumption of vitality. Then, people want to make money, want to realize themselves to be successful. After all, many famous people, and this is not a secret, was looking for Esoteric, in the occult of the origins of energy.

- Hypnosis is medicine or psychic?

- wider. This is a sport, and politics, advertising, and medicine, and psychology. This ability to make an impression on another person in any way: with the help of gestures, some special advertising, using images.

- I really have a lot of questions, hypnosis is a very interesting and very closed topic. There are at least three, if not four versions about how you have become a hypnotist.

- I'll tell you the truth. When I studied in elementary school, a famous hypnotist came to us, which gave mass sessions of hypnosis. He showed all sorts of wonders, the objects found with the blindfolded eyes. I approached him and asked how he did it, what he said: "Take a self-hypanosis, and you will achieve everything." In childhood, lightning got into me. A thunderstorm began, I stood under a huge oak. The discharge passed for me. I fell and lost sight, hearing, smell. For a while I lay on the grass: the consciousness returned, but I understood that I did not see anything and I do not hear. I asked: come back, vision, come back, rumor! After some time, everything returned. But I wore all the feelings. I began to hear ultrasound, infrasound, I perceive smells at a distance of 100-200 meters. I can move the arrow of the compass, other items. But this long need to learn. It is necessary to seriously work on yourself, to gain faith in yourself - only then a person is revealed by the mystery of hypnosis.

- You got the title "Best Hynotizer of the World" in Tokyo. What was there for the competition? How did you become the best hypnotist of the world, and what gave you it?

- The Japanese went for several years around the world and brought the sorcerers of New Zealand, Voodoo, yogis, Chinese masters, Wushi, were the Philippine Hilers. I saw many miracles, but all the participants demonstrated them on themselves. I entered the Japanese, an adult man, in a state of a 5-year-old child. In addition, the Japanese wanted to see truly. They are such a nation that everyone checks: everything should be on the instruments - hemoglobin, pressure, the rate of propagation of the pulse wave, because on onset: "What if it is harmful?".

- They were not afraid to give you a living Japanese for the experiment?

- Before me was invited to a 5-thousand hall, I did it behind the scenes. I demonstrated a scientist from Tokyo University that the pressure in an adult does not increase, and the rate of propagation of the pulse wave becomes like a 5-year-old child. I chose a soumers wrestler with a big muscle mass. By the way, this is one of the secrets of hypnosis: the higher the muscular mass of the man, the hypnabeline. I did so that he painted the cat with his eyes closed. All point at the point falls. He also sang a song about yellow tulips in Japanese child voice. Do you imagine? The hall was having fun to tears. Jury members twisted from the places. He began to play the sand and sat down in a pose of a half trip, although it was not easy for him to sit down. And all the indicators show five-year-old age: pressure is normal, hemoglobin is higher than the border - like a child. I unanimously awarded to me first place, Grand Prix.

- You say that hypnotists must be spiritual people and manage their own. Are there such spontaneous talents?

- Sometimes gifted people come across - for example, the famous healer Juna Davitashvili. I experienced her influence on myself, and it doesn't matter what kind of education is, how many academies it has finished. It is important that she has healing hands.

- I thought that hypnosis was just when they look into the eyes of a person and say.

- I would not want to open professional secrets. Not all people are ready for this, start experimenting. There are those who are mistaken and their misconceptions are imposed on others. I try to make people out of many years of hibernation. We have only seven percent of the brain - as in a state of deep sleep. When Americans and Europeans began to explore autogenous training, self-hypanos, they have found an amazing thing. When yogi is immersed in sleep, its right hemisphere begins to get more oxygen and nutrients. He wakes up. After such sleep, a person opens with creative abilities, it is able to sing, write poems, draw.

More about hypnosis: When weak will - dignity

- And we can see in a dream what has never seen in reality, and at the same time what exists in reality?

- We can. We live in a general information field. Another Vernadsky, the greatest scientist, proved that all living things united by a kind of essence, a certain senior will - information began. That is, in the information field, any event has a response. And in reality, people see only traces from phenomena. So, all these traces in the information field are present. Therefore, if one and the same has dreamed several times, then it is most likely that it also exists in reality.

- And on this topic: how do you feel about recent fashion - learning languages \u200b\u200bin a dream?

- We were engaged in this case when I created a hypnosis school in 1997. We had a teacher - an Englishman from Oxford. I immersed a group in a hypnotic dream, the disciples did not just learn the language, but also spoke in English with Oxford accent. But it is very hard, you need to work every day. And I see in front of myself other perspectives: I am an experimenter. I proved that this can be - let others work on. I have my own way.

- And what is your path for you?

- I want to make a girlfriend, superman from a person. We are created in the image and likeness of the Creator, but have not yet revealed to the end. The paths of the gods can only pass people clean, who have embarked on the path of spiritual development. I want everyone to work on myself, and in this I see my purpose. I can only give a personal example. The best that humanity has accumulated in this regard, I'm trying to use in work and transfer to the disciples.

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Interview to publishing prepared

In New York, some police sites have their own hypnotist, whose help in complex investigations conquer national appreciation. Hypnosis helps to penetrate into the mind of frightened witnesses of unpleasant events that blocked important information. She has it, but a person cannot consciously remember it, because it botheres hurt him.

Sergeant Charles Digget, the official hypnotist of the New York Police since 1976, says. "Our subconsciously automatically blocks an unpleasant experience. Otherwise, we could not cope with him. " Sergeant Digget helped in disclosure of 112 crimes. In 62% of cases, new information was obtained, directly led to the arrests. In the case of a teenager, whose uncle was shot, the boy under hypnosis gave such a detailed description that investigators realized that he was a sign suspect. After the introduction of a teenager, a teenager was able to unmistakably identify the criminal by photography.

In Los Angeles and the police, and the FBI with the same success using hypnosis in their work. Lieutenant Dan Cook says "We have ten specially trained hypnotisters of investigators. They take an active part in our investigations and sometimes work at the invitation in other cities. " Dr. Martin Relaser, Director of the Center for Studying Los Angeles Police, is also the director of a rapidly growing organization Police Institute of Hypnosis, where investigators from all over the country are trained to use special hypnosis techniques, such as temporary regression and re-experience.

Dr. Relaser told about a small boy who saw the murder of his father and quickly recorded. The car, on which the killer left: "The boy confused two numbers and could not remember the correct number. Under the hypnosis, he remembered him, and the killer was arrested. " Dr. Relaser says that hypnosis helped to obtain information in 80% of 350 cases that were used. "More and more organizations want to train their people," he adds, "because hypnosis works, and very efficiently."

FBI with this according to. "This is a wonderful way to conduct interrogations and help witnesses calm down and tell everything," says the special agent Dr. Patrick Malloni, the Senior Psychologist of the FBI Academy in Virginia. - We have four special agents that have licenses of hypnotist investigators, and believe it is a reliable way to receive information.

Lieutenant Hani Haynes, head of the police in Koncord in California, also gets wonderful results when using hypnosis. He says: "People give more detailed descriptions than in conscious state." He also emphasizes that hypnosis is used only on witnesses and victims, but never - on suspects. Naturally, it is impossible to force a person under hypnosis. And of course, witnesses hypnotize only with their consent.

Is it possible to blame the killer on the basis of testimonies, data under hypnosis? Consider this on a specific example. Mrs. Diana Kualgin was hit by a car, which immediately disappeared from the scene. Witness and traces of tires led the Police of Santa Barbara, California, to this car. Later, the car traced to the personality of Majon Jenson, who sold a suspicious car to another person a few months before the incident. But who? The person's name was able to establish, but Jenson did not remember how he looked. Investigators showed him a portrait of a suspect, her husband was killed. Jenson was embarrassed - the photo seemed familiar, but he was not sure. After hypnosis, he was sure absolutely accurate. Jenson's testimony turned out to be a decisive point in the condemnation of Mr. Kuala Gino for murder.

But an example of a completely different application of hypnosis by the police. Weekly sessions help the Sheriff's Assistants to remove the constant voltage of their work. The hypnotist holds "relaxation sessions". On the usual session of twenty-five policemen, it was suggested "to feel the relaxation of the face, shoulders and the bodies." Hypnotizer Robert Ward explains "one of the side advantages is that these police are able to leave work at work and return home to be exemplary fathers and husbands, and not intense officers who are irritating, which is poured onto the family. It is also prevention of headaches, ulcers and premature aging, which are caused by voltage. "

One policeman says: "Usually after hypnosis, I am more energetic and pleasant in communication. I even want to go back to work and solve problems. I also began to sleep better. "

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnotic suggestion in psychotherapy. Often the hypnotherapist is the last instance, where the patient is looking for the solution of his problems, pre-having a huge number of other doctors.

We all have heard about hypnosis, but for the most part it remains laid by a halo of mystery. The influence of the cinema and the performances of pop hypnotizers. Starting from the 19th century, hypnosis capabilities are widely examined and is studied by doctors.

There is nothing terrible in a state of hypnotic trance. Periodically, it arises in itself, for example, when a person is deeply immersed in thought during a long trip by train. In this state, it becomes immune to outside sounds, bumps, touches. But at the same time it can easily get out of the trance with a stronger impact.

Approximately the same happens with a person and when the hypnotist specially causes such a patient's condition. However, trans in that case turns out to be deeper. As a result, the activity of the brain sites responsible for the perception of external incentives is reduced than and the anesthetic capabilities of hypnosis are explained. The relationship between the prefronate bark and the neural network of operational rest is reduced, which leads to the election of self-control. The patient becomes militant to suddenness from the outside.

Areas of use

A hypnotic suggestion is used as an independent method of treatment and in combination with other psychotherapeutic techniques, significantly accelerating the therapy process. Hypnosis is successfully used to solve the following tasks:

  • elimination of increased anxiety;
  • treatment of alcoholic, narcotic, food, nicotine dependencies;
  • fighting phobias, panic attacks, depression;
  • treatment of children's fears, Enuris,;
  • restoration of sexual function;
  • treatment of diseases of psychosomatic origin (allergies, dermatitis, problems with the gastrointestinal tract, essential hypertension, bronchial asthma);
  • disclosure of the creative potential of man.

Regressive hypnosis facilitates memory access to long-standing events experienced by psychological injury earlier and displaced from consciousness, which have a hidden impact on today's behavior of a person and prevent fully live.

Hypnosis in medicine is used to remove chronic pains and as an alternative to anesthesia when conducting dental and surgical operations.

How hypnotic anesthesia works, in the video:

Myths and realities of hypnosis

Hypnosis has increased by many frightening myths. At prior consultation, hypnotherapeutors often have to reassure customers and respond to recurring questions about the dangers of hypnosis.

A person loses consciousness during hypnosis

Some part of the help of hypnotize always remains in the wakeful state and controls what is happening with it. - This is a state between waking and ordinary sleep - with deep immersion in the trans to relaxation, a person can just sleep. The feeling of temporary loss of consciousness occurs if the hypnotist is given a setting to forget the content of the session.

What if you don't get out of trance

In rare cases, with deep immersion in Trans, patients are not returned immediately into consciousness. There is nothing dangerous in this. Just takes more time for man to come to himself. Remember that now widespread has been widely distributed, and people successfully immerse themselves and come out of the transmission state.

Conduct a self-hypnosis session by listening to audio recording:

Under hypnosis, you can reveal all your secrets.

Often, information on the sessions of hypnotherapy pops up information that is dragged by the client not only from others, but also from himself that, of course, confuses. You need to be ready to open the therapist. Remember, the doctor is only interested in the material that will help to achieve the goals you have, and non-disclosure of medical mystery is an immutable law for all health workers.

Under hypnosis man completely loses self-control

When a person feels that his protective mechanisms are disconnected during a hypnotic session, it begins to see in hypnosis and even the personality of the hypnotherapist threat - the force capable of breaking his will. However, an experienced hypnologist understands how deeply and at what speed can be penetrated into the client's subconscious without harm to his psyche. Moreover, the possibility of immersion in the trans depends on the motivation of the client. If you do not trust the doctor, you can not really relax to enter the deep trance required for serious work with the psyche.

When conducting hypnotherapy, there is a choice in work methods. Currently, methods of which reminds the usual conversation are well developed and successfully applied. A person remains conscious, fully controls himself and communicates with the hypnologist on an equal footing. At the same time, positive changes occur with its unconscious.

What to do if a person does not give in to hypnosis

In a greater or lesser degree of hypnabelns, everything, with the exception of persons with reduced intelligence, which are not perceived by the tasks that the hypnologist sets them. When working with an experienced hypnobologist and with a sufficient personal desire, you can immerse yourself in the trans sufficiently to achieve the therapeutic effect.

Hypnosis is dangerous for mental health

People, in the subconscious of which are hidden some serious injuries and painful memories, can sometimes feel depressed or unnecessarily excited after a hypnotic session, since their consciousness gained access to this information. However, this is the necessary part of therapy, and with the support of the therapist, the patient successfully copes with the experiences that have arisen. For most people, however, hypnosis is not only useful, but also a pleasant experience. The only contraindication to the application is predisposed to psychosis, schizophrenia, the session may provoke a debut or exacerbation.

Where to find a good hypnologist

To find the hypnotist, it is enough to drive into the search bar of the browser the words "hypnosis", "hypnotherapist" and the name of the city in which you live. But to find a really good specialist, you need to make a thorough analysis of the proposals on the market.

Help hypnosis techniques are quite easy. However, these skills do not make a hypnotherapist person. The positive effect of hypnosis depends on what suggestion is done after immersion in the trans. And the understanding that you need and can be impressed by the patient depends on the presence of deep knowledge of the mechanisms of human psyche in the hypnologist. There is no separate specialty "hypnotherapist" in Russia. Officially, only specialists with medical education and psychologists have the right to conduct hypnotherapy sessions.

Since positive feedback published on the Internet is often fake, focus on the opinion of the clients of the hypnologist, with whom you are familiar personally. Ask for advantage of a good specialist or a hypnosis clinic and your attending physician. The hypnotherapist must be available for personal communication on the pre-recording. I will not talk to the secretary, but personally with him at least by phone, you can discuss the specifics of your problem and understand whether this particular specialist is able to help you.

Where to find a hypnotist if such services are simply not available in your city? Sign up for a Skype session to a hypnologist from another city, for example, to

In a state of hypnosis

About hypnosis is known since ancient times. People who engaged in those times were called magnetizers. It was assumed that the magnet eliminates human disease and introduces it to a transcendency. Now everyone is clear that hypnosis is a state artificially caused by suggestion, and not a phenomenon, as previously thought. People respond to such a sudden suggestion: Someone after the first word "sleep" be cooled with a nose, there is no effect on others that all the environment, including the hypnotist, are in translate.

Classic hypnosis

The suggestibility is one of the most important characteristics of hypnosis. A. Kashpirovsky came to the conclusion that there is a great suggestibility for an ordinary person. Hypnosis is a person's condition characterizing its high susceptibility to hypnosis factors while reducing sensitivity to all other influences. Classic hypnosiswho came from the 19th century, became known for the fact that the hypnotist submits the inspired teams and a person is immersed in sleep. In this state, a person perceives well and assimilates new information. Hypnotic sessions allow medical professionals to actively deal with various diseases.

Another kind of hypnosis, received the name " gypsy" or " street hypnosis". The essence of it in a short-term immersion of a person in the position of managed contact with the goal of extracting a certain benefit. Understanding that with the help of hypnosis you can make believe that it does not actually work, many people try to avoid the impact of hypnosis.

Ericksonian hypnosis

The following type of hypnosis - ericsonovskywho received the name of the American doctor M. Erikson, the author of this method. The essence of this method is that there are no words from the vocabulary of the hypnotist (sleep, sleep, hypnotic, etc.), pointing to the introduction of a person in the state of hypnosis, here a person helps to enter a state called trans. In such a state, the focus of attention is shifted "inside itself", a man for a while does not perceive the surrounding reality. And if about 70% of people are subject to ordinary hypnosis, the Ericson method allows you to enter any person in this state.

Ericson method - the strongest hypnosis Of the current existing. The basics of this hypnosis are successfully enjoyed by politicians. At the current rallies, the techniques of Erickson hypnosis are used: rhythmic swinging, chanting, waving flags, etc. These techniques allow attracting more like-minded people, remember the orange revolution in Ukraine or completely recent events in Egypt and Libya.

10 hypnosis books

10 books that each hypnotist / hypnotherapist should read

"These 10 books must read every hypnotist who relates to its work seriously. It doesn't matter whether you are in hypnosis, or you already have a big experience. Reading, and better studying these books, you will become smarter and more friendly as a specialist. In this The list presents a wide variety of books, and my students often ask me to publish it. I thought it was not worth hiding it, and that it would be useful to place it on my website for universal familiarization for everyone.

Select time for reading, make a plan and read as many books from here, as you can. In the end, your self-confidence will increase, your skills and your customers will thank you. "

1. Bendler and Grinder. TRANS Formation: NeurolingVistical Programming and Hypnosis Structure (Trance-Formations: Neurolinguistic Programming and The Structure of Hypnosis (Bandler and Grinder)

It has been released for a long time, this book remains as excellent. It is worth the effort to search and buy at a reasonable price. John Greender was one of my magnificent teachers, and in this edition, they with Bendler are revealed in the best way, before they fell out of the topic. The reader seems to visit one of their full-time trainings, where they prove that hypnotosis does have its own structure that they deconstruct in the terms of NLP. Based on Erickson methods, the authors combine lectures and demonstrations.

2. M. Erickson. Selected works of Milton Erickson (in 4 parts) (The Collected Papers of Milton H. Erickson (4 Volumes by M.h. Ericson MD.)

This set of editions with a purple cover of four parts is a storehouse of hypnosis and experimental theory, although not for beginners. Its parts can be studied in any order, and such reading is particularly suitable for rainy afternoon. Erickson records here his experiments and experiments, effectively demonstrating why it is still a light for hypnologists to this day. I know that I deceive you, I mention 4 books as one, but they are really very good. It became a good tone to criticize Erikson, but, given his genius and his achievements, it is unlikely to surprise. Everyone was very afraid of Bruce Lee with his life. 10 minutes after his death, it turned out that he was not so good, and your grandmother could beat him in a street fight. The same thing happened to Milton Erickson.

3. M. Erickson. My voice will stay with you: Milton Erickson Training Stories (My Voice Will Go With You: The Teaching Tales Of Milton H. Erickson (Edited and With Commentary by Sidney Rosen)

Milton Erickson became known thanks to the remarkable results of his therapeutic techniques, which seemed to have not necessarified efforts. He simply told his history to his patients and they came into trance, and their lives often changed. Dr. Rosen collected 100 most notable stories, adding them with his comments. They make no sense to copy, they are more inspiration and an example for those who want to become narrators changing human lives.

4. S.Heller, T. Styl. Monsters and magic wands: Hypnosis does not exist? (Monsters and Magical Sticks: There's No Such Thing As Hypnosis? (Heller and Steele)

You will read this little book very quickly, but it is one of my favorite hypnosis books. Using NLP elements, the authors show living examples of the fact that hypnosis can actually do not exist as a separate phenomenon - but we constantly face it everywhere. One of my students - naturopath with the help of the methods set forth in this book, cured the solar wart of the patient's head, using a magic wand - in this case, a pencil. Excellent text for a hypnotist, which is stuck in a static model of a hypnotic trance.

5. G. Boyne. Transforming therapy: new approach in hypnotherapy (Transforming Therapy: A New Approach to Hypnotherapy Gil Boyne)

I must admit that fascinated by the slaughter and its super fast work. This book contains records of its own therapeutic sessions, and this is a pearl that cannot be missed. Boyne was a wizard of fast inductions, and can teach multiple tricks of street hypnotisers. Nevertheless, he created solid trances, and reached no less successful results. He worked creatively, connecting hypnosis and gestalt therapy, and this book has long been checking time. You must buy and read this book if you are a hypnotherapist.

6. D. Esdil. MESMERISM IN INDIA (James Esdaile)

This written book written in the 1800s is still very fascinating to read. Esdale was a surgeon who served in the British army in India. He describes his work with mesmerism, rudimentary form of hypnosis, in the era, when anesthesia has not yet existed. Despite the fact that sometimes immersion in an effective deep trance in front of surgical manipulations took him up to several hours, he sought astounding results, including the painless removal of testicle tumors. It remained not so much time before that period when the phenomenon of the "state of the ESDEL" was again open.

7. D. Elman. Hypnotherapy (Hypnotherapy (Dave Elman)

In the world of directorial, authoritarian, paternalistic hypnosis, Erickson performed a master of subtle hints and indirect suggestions. Elman was his opposite. Here you will find really valuable knowledge about how Elman taught to work with stuttering, vomiting, creating hypnotic anesthesia, hypnotic, the state of Esdiel, and many others. If you are a hypnotherapist and still not read this book, you are deceiving yourself, because if you learn this stuff, you will be able to cope with any problems. Together with the introduction of Gila Boyna, this is a first-class text about hypnosis.

8. V. Buranelli. Wizard from Vienna: Franz Anton Mesmer: Franz Anton Mesmer (Vincent Buranelli)

The detailed and interesting interpretation of the full events and emotions of the life of Franz Anton Mesmer. Regardless of who you consider it - a charlatan or genius, the facts are as follows: Mesmer was the first rock star of hypnosis. There was everything: from his occupation animal magnetism to hypnotic sessions for aristocrats and the treatment of hysteria. This is an important book, it seems to me that we need to know something about the history underlying the art and science that we practice. Against the background of this story, we see the volumetric portrait of a born healer who tried to argue the immense.


A wonderful little book, which tells in detail about the evolution of Erickson hypnosis. As in the case of a book No. 1 from this list (transaction of the trance), you will feel yourself a member of the software seminar. The authors have done a great job, accessible and friendly revealing and showing enough complex concepts, including integrated suggestions and metaphors.

10. Plastic reality: art of improvised hypnosis (Reality Is Plastic: The Art of Impromptu Hypnosis (Anthony Jacquin)

I have to admit that I love and respect Anthony Jacquain, and one of the reasons for this is this book. He is a very good teacher who does not simplify the topic, but does not complicate the presentation without the need. You must have this book if you are street or pop hypnotist. It will help you to make such things in hypnosis that you used to seem impossible, revealing fast inductions, deepening techniques and many interesting hypnotic phenomena.

In the training of Zhakina, the main concept of testing your work is highlighted for checking the depth of the trance that you need. This is what, as it seems, scares many hypnotists. One of the induction techniques is the force of Freddie Zhakin, which Anthony took over his father-hypnotist, "costs the prices of the whole book.

I understand that this list is not complete, but all these books are necessarily available in the library of a serious hypnotist. By the way, if you have missed money (approximately $ 3,000), you can go to the website and buy a new book "Miracles on demand" Charles Tebbets, without which your collection of hypnosis books will always be incomplete. I have a signed book from the first edition, but I will not tell you how much I paid ...

©, the translation has prepared a pop hypnotist, illusionist Vitaly Pavlogradsky.