Poppy: planting and care. Oriental poppy - beautiful and simple Perennial poppy has faded

Ornamental horticulture commonly uses garden forms of the soporific poppy (Papaver somniferum). This culture is susceptible to various fungal and bacterial diseases. Among fungal diseases, downy mildew, helminthosporiasis, gray and white rot, and bolls niello are often found. Bacterial diseases have previously been noted: leaf spot and bolls, bacterial wilt and rot, bacteriosis of stems.

Downy mildew or downy mildew(Peronospora arborescens). The disease is common in almost all areas of poppy cultivation. Its development is favored by high relative air humidity and temperature of 12-18°C. infection is possible at 2-30 ° and humidity 44-100%. The aerial part of plants is affected from the moment of germination. On the upper side of the leaves yellowish vague spots of irregular shape are formed, on the lower side in wet weather there is first a grayish sparse, later a grayish-purple plentiful coating. Over time, the leaves or the entire plant turns brown and dries, the seed yield decreases. In addition to a local lesion, another form of manifestation of the disease is possible, although rare. This occurs when seedlings become infected. Their leaves and stems are deformed, the whole plant turns yellow, stuns, dies or does not form seeds.

Helminthosporiasis(Helminthosporium papaveris). A typical picture of the disease manifests itself in rainy times, more often in the second half of summer (seedlings may also be affected). Black and black-brown, mostly angular spots with a black coating appear on the leaves, later on the stems. In dry weather, they dry out. Infected boxes are deformed and do not ripen.

white rot(Sclerotinia libertiana). In the second half of summer, dark weeping spots with a white cottony coating and large black fruiting bodies (sclerotia) appear in the lower part of the stem. Diseased tissues soften and rot.

Gray rot(Botrytis cinerea). It develops on stems, in leaf axils and on buds. In wet weather, the affected parts of the plants are covered with a gray coating, then turn into a solid gray mass and dry out. The stems lose strength and break, the buds do not bloom.

Mobile of boxes(Alternaria brassicae f. somniferi). weakened plants are susceptible to the disease. Olive-black spots of various sizes appear on immature boxes. Sometimes they completely cover the fruit. In wet weather, ripe boxes are also slightly affected. Rarely found on stems and leaves.

Leaf spot and bolls(Xanthomonas papaver icola). Between the veins of the leaves (sometimes along their edges), as well as on other above-ground parts of the plants, dark transparent, then dark gray, often merging spots are formed. Later they turn black or turn yellow. In humid weather, bacterial exudate appears on them in the form of droplets of mucus, which then dries up. Severely affected specimens often die before seed formation or remain with underdeveloped bolls. With a strong lesion, even at the ovary stage, the entire box may turn black. The internal tissues become brown-black, and the seeds that have begun to form darken, stop developing or die.

Bacterial wilt and rot(Bacterium papaveris). The stem and veins of the leaves darken. With severe infection, wet rotting of the entire plant occurs.

Stem bacteriosis(Erwinia carotovora). On large sections of the stems darkening is formed in the form of dots, strokes, stripes. The edges of the leaves turn yellow and then darken. Veins become black or brown.

The causative agents of fungal and bacterial diseases are stored on plant debris in the flower garden and can be transmitted by seeds from diseased plants.

Of the preventive measures in the fight against all these diseases, the following are carried out: pre-sowing dressing of seeds with granosan; the introduction of superphosphate, as well as micronutrient fertilizers (especially boron and magnesium) during the growing season; systematic (after 10 days) thinning of crops, the affected plants must be removed (buried or burned). It is also necessary to loosen the soil in a timely manner, to prevent excessive moisture and the formation of a crust on the beds with crops.

Against downy mildew, plants are sprayed with 0.8-1% Bordeaux liquid or its substitutes: 0.5% suspension of copper oxychloride. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after 7-10 days.

Viral diseases rare in poppies.

Oriental or small-leaved poppyherbaceous perennial growing in meadows, mountainous slopes and forest areas. Active plant breeding has been carried out since the end of the 19th century to grow poppies as an ornamental plant.

Description of the oriental poppy

Oriental poppy has thick straight stems with few side shoots. The stems, depending on the variety, grow from 40 cm to 90 cm tall, often fleecy, with whitish bristles. Leaves on long petioles are elongated, lanceolate, dissected into several sharp segments, often serrated. Most cultivars of Oriental poppy are described as tall plants with long pedicels densely pubescent with stiff bristles. Buds in the form of an egg or a wide oval about three centimeters in length.

Large rounded petals are painted with all shades of red, sometimes marked with a black spot at the base. The filiform stamen is almost black with oblong blueberry-colored anthers. The plant blooms in early June. After flowering, it forms a seed box.

The most popular varieties of Oriental poppy for cultivation are:

  • Perrys White - with white flowers;
  • Salmon Glow - double flowers of an orange-coral hue;
  • Beauty of Livermere - petals have a black spot on a bright scarlet background;
  • Cedric Morris - with soft pink corrugated petals with a dark spot at the base;
  • Garden Glory - terry flowers, corrugated, salmon shade;
  • Marcus Perry - orange scarlet with ink spots
  • Sultana - the main color of the petals is pink, the base is a darker tone;
  • Pizzicata - large flowers come in different shades - from fawn to raspberry-lilac tones;
  • Black and White - white corrugated petals with a black base;
  • Picotee - the main background of the petals is white, bordered along the edge with a wide red stripe.

Where is it better to plant oriental poppy on the site

Poppy naturally grows in open sunny places, so it is advisable to take this into account when planting. In the shade, the plant does not develop so quickly and loses some attractiveness. Oriental poppy for successful cultivation, it is desirable to shelter from gusts of wind, the stem of the plant, although thick, may not withstand and break. Can be planted under the protection of dense shrubs or the walls of the house, preferably southern.

When choosing a site for planting, consider the location of groundwater, the poppy's root system is well developed, it does not need excess moisture. In addition to groundwater, pay attention to whether the area selected for poppy is flooded with meltwater. Also be guided by the fact that a plant in one place can live ten years or more.

Did you know? In ancient Greece, the poppy traditionally adorned the heads of Morpheus and Hypnos, the gods of sleep. It was believed that Morpheus could put a person to sleep by touching his head with a flower head.

How to prepare a site for planting oriental poppy

Poppy prefers fertile loose water and breathable soils; on acidic soils, the flowers of the plant are small. Before planting an oriental poppy, the soil is carefully prepared: the site must be dug deep, since all weeds must be removed, and many of them have long roots. Humus up to 10 kg per square meter and mineral composition up to 50 g are introduced into the soil.

The combination of oriental poppy with other plants

Poppies, despite the brevity of flowering, are a bright decoration of the garden. When the Oriental poppy plantings bloom, it seems that the garden is filled with exotic fiery butterflies. Large, brightly colored petals will decorate lawns, ridges, rock gardens and mixborders. Oriental poppy is good to combine on the lawn with yarrow of different varieties and oregano. Poppies are beautiful both in single plantings and in groups in rockeries, for example, with asters, cornflowers and speedwell. Bright poppy flowers will serve as a beautiful addition to a flower bed with delphinium, cornflower and ornamental cereals. Will be good companions Chinese chrysanthemums, daylilies, cuffs, geraniums, cinquefoil, euphorbia. Cosmea, lavater and tobacco will become good neighbors.

Interesting! In ancient Egypt, poppy was grown on plantations as a medicinal plant. Later, the Egyptians considered the flower a symbol of fertility and decorated the temples of the goddess Hera with bouquets.

Oriental poppy care in the open field

Poppy bloom lasts for several days, after which the plant fades, losing its decorative appearance. If you do not need seeds, the above-ground part of the plant must be cut off. Until the beginning of autumn, the poppy is at rest, then it builds up a leaf rosette, with which it hibernates. Poppy does not require special shelter for the winter, it is resistant to cold.

How to water

Oriental poppy, both in planting and in outdoor care, is an unpretentious plant. The root system is a long rod capable of extracting moisture from deep layers of the soil. This advantage allows the plant not to experience a lack of moisture in drought. Therefore, watering the plant needs regular, but not frequent and not plentiful. With regular rainfall, the plant can not be watered.

Top dressing and mulching

Oriental poppy in a flower bed loves cleanliness: weed regularly from weeds. Be sure to combine loosening with watering and top dressing, the root system needs air. During the growing season, poppy can be fed with a mineral mixture. Before planting, the soil is fertilized with organic matter, later the poppy is fed with liquid organic infusions under the bush (mullein infusion). For better moisture conservation, the soil around the poppy stem is covered with mulch (peat).

tie to support

Many varieties of poppy are quite tall and the flowers are large. The stem under the weight of the inflorescence and from a gust of wind can break, so poppies are tied up at the stage of bud formation. Any peg or dry branch is suitable for this.

Important! Do not use thin nylon threads when tying the poppy, so as not to damage the stem.

Propagation of the Eastern poppy

Oriental poppy stands out brightly in any flower bed, so many novice flower growers are interested in how the plant reproduces. To preserve varietal characteristics, poppy is propagated vegetatively - by dividing the bush. When the poppy blooms, the bush is dug up, divided into parts and transplanted into the prepared hole. Since the plant grows quickly and strongly, make the distance between the pits at least 60 cm.

When propagated by seeds, maternal traits are not preserved. Sowing seeds is carried out in open ground, poppy may not tolerate transplantation. The site is prepared: dug up, cleaned and fertilized. The soil is abundantly moistened, sowing is carried out to a depth of two centimeters, the seeds hibernate and sprout in the spring. Like any young planting, seedlings are thinned out. Oriental poppy blooms in the second year.

Poppies grown in the garden will become bright accents in any flower bed or mixborder. There is a belief that poppies grow where battles took place, and their colors symbolize drops of blood of fighters. When growing garden poppies, dry, sunny areas are chosen, since these, which are widespread in nature in the Caucasus and in the semi-deserts of Central Asia, cannot stand stagnant moisture.

Garden poppy and its seeds

Plants with large flowers of a wide variety of colors. In culture, there are species and varieties with a height of 20 to 120 cm with simple and double flowers. Simple flowers are more stable than double ones, but the latter bloom more luxuriantly and richly. The flowering period is short as the flower petals fall off quickly. To lengthen the flowering period, poppies are sown starting from May, every 10 days. Thus, it is possible to have blooming poppies all summer long.

As you can see in the photo, the garden poppy bush is little or medium branched:

The leaves change in shape from bottom to top from narrow to wide, serrated along the edge, notched, often wavy. A non-double flower has four petals and two sepals, which fall off when the bud opens. Flower color, and purple. Buds before blooming are drooping, gray, cylindrical or oval. Before the flower blooms, the pedicel straightens.

The root is taproot, goes deep into the soil, the suction roots are located along the periphery, so they easily break off during transplantation, which is why the plant does not take root well in a new place.

Poppy is a light-loving, cold-resistant, unpretentious plant. Blooms in sunny, fertile, deeply cultivated soils. The poppy does not withstand close occurrence of groundwater.

Garden poppy seeds are very small (3000 pieces in 1 g). Therefore, before planting poppies, the seeds are mixed with fine sand (1:10).

When planting and caring for garden poppies, seeds are sown in autumn or early spring in a permanent place, given that it does not tolerate transplantation.

Seedlings appear after 8-10 days, they must be thinned out at a distance of 15-20 cm, otherwise the plants will not develop. Flowering occurs 60-70 days after sowing and lasts 1-1.5 months. Poppy seeds remain viable for 3-4 years.

When collecting seeds, it must be taken into account that they easily spill out through the holes of the seed pods.

What poppy can be planted in the garden and how to care for it

Macs are very good for groups on . They are used in the arrangement of rabatok, as well as in flowering Mauritanian lawns. For bouquets, poppy flowers are cut in a state of half-blown buds early in the morning. They bloom in the water, and then they remain for a long time.

What kind of poppies can be grown in the gardens of the middle lane? For flower beds in gardens and household plots, preference is given to: soporific poppy, samoseyka, sizoma, "Shirley" and other annual species of this crop.

Poppy self-seed "Silk moire". A variety of bicolor colors of double and semi-double flowers. Delicate petals enliven the green expanse of the lawn, look beautiful in discounts. Height 80 cm.

How to care for poppies so that the plants delight you with a riot of colors? Plant care is normal, cleaning the tied boxes prolongs flowering. But if they remain on the plants, shoots from self-sowing will appear in the spring. The main thing is to thin them out in a timely manner.

Of the pests, the twisting and premature death of poppy leaves is caused by the bean aphid, which appears in June and harms until the end of the growing season.

Flower petals, stamens and pistils are eaten away by bronze beetles. Miners make winding moves in the leaves. Thrips damage leaves, stems and flowers. They suck out the juice, as a result, the stems wither, and the flowers do not bloom. In hot summer weather, a spider mite appears on the underside of the leaves and sucks the juices out of them. The leaves become whitish, and then turn yellow and wither.

Poppies are prone to diseases of both powdery mildew and downy mildew.

The first appears as an abundant white bloom in dry weather, and the second forms characteristic spots on the stems and underside of the leaves, which become covered with a grayish-violet bloom in wet weather. Diseased plants are stunted and have a depressed appearance.

The beautiful, fiery red flowers of the Oriental poppy cannot fail to interest with their decoratively attractive appearance. Currently, this type of garden poppies has become widespread due to its varietal diversity and unpretentiousness in care. Growing oriental poppy does not require special knowledge or special skills. It is enough to adhere to the basic rules for planting and farming perennials, detailed in the article.

  • Oriental poppy or, as it is also called small-leaved, is a perennial herbaceous plant of the poppy family.
  • The homeland of the perennial is Western and Central Asia, the Caucasus, Türkiye. In nature, it is often found in open sunny places, like a meadow or field.
  • The stem of the poppy is thickened, erect, not branched, pubescent below. Its height varies from 30 to 100 cm, depending on the plant variety.
  • Basal poppy leaves are located on long petioles. The length of the leaf, on average, is 25-30 cm, the shape is lanceolate. The stem leaves are smaller, and the apical leaves are sessile.
  • The root system is pivotal, the main root is powerful, deep and pronounced. In this regard, the plant does not tolerate transplantation well.
  • Poppy pedicels are thickened and bristly, up to 35 cm long. Flower buds are oblong, also covered with bristles. Corollas large, bright red. Petals come in different shades (orange, pink, red), with a black spot at the base. Perennial blooms in May - June.
  • Poppy fruit is represented by a bare box with numerous small seeds.

  • The disadvantage of the plant is the fragility and fragility of the flowers, which stay on the stem for no more than 3 days.
  • Poppy has not only a spectacular decorative appearance, but also valuable medicinal properties. Even in ancient Greece, it was used as a reliable sleeping pill and pain reliever.
  • An ancient plant, poppy, became the object of breeders only at the end of the 19th century. Many varieties of poppy have been bred for use in decorative floriculture. Varieties differ in color and size of flowers, bush height and other, less significant, morphological features.

Oriental poppy perennial, varieties

Breeders have bred a number of varieties with a variety of flower colors. Red, pink, orange, salmon or apricot flowers can be double or single, with serrated or smooth petals.

Here are examples of the most popular varieties of Oriental poppy:

  • Variety "Allegro" (Allegro)

Tall and compact bushes (up to 70 cm) are planted with rosettes of orange-red poppy flowers.

  • Sort "Brilliant" (Brilliant)

A very tall bush (up to 90 cm), has single, scarlet flowers. The variety is frost-resistant, does not tolerate excessive humidity.

  • Variety "Border Beauty" (Border Beauty)

Tall compact bushes (70 cm), are distinguished by numerous (30-40) semi-double, scarlet, petals of a large flower on high pedicels. The variety is frost-resistant.

  • Variety "Pizzicato" (Pizzikato)

Low grade, with large flowers of bright pink, white and orange shades.

  • Variety "Rosenpokal" (Rosenpokal)

Tall shrub (70-100 cm), crowned with simple pink poppy flowers, without a black spot at the base. The variety is frost-resistant, well propagated by dividing the rhizome.

  • Variety "Beauty Queen" (Beauty Queen )

It is characterized by high peduncles (90 cm), abundantly seated with light orange, saucer-shaped flowers.

  • Variety "Beauty of Livermere" (Beauty of Livermere )

It has stable high peduncles (120 cm) with scarlet flowers and a characteristic black core.

  • Variety "Black and White" (Black and White)

Spectacular variety, with large white, corrugated flowers and a black core.

  • Variety "Blue Moon" (Blue Moon)

Tall bush (up to 100 cm) of poppy, with large (25 cm in diameter) pink flowers. Petals have a light bluish tint and a black spot at the base.

  • Variety "Cedric Morris" (Cedric Morris)

Differs in large, delicate, purple flowers with corrugated petals and a black spot at the base. Peduncles high (about 80 cm).

  • Variety "Garden Glory" (Garden Glory)

One of the most decoratively attractive varieties of poppy. Terry corrugated petals have soft pink shades and a dark center. Peduncles reach a length of up to 70-80 cm.

  • Variety "Mrs. Perry" (Mrs Perry)

Peduncles up to 90 cm, medium-sized flowers, pink with a black spot in the center.

  • Variety "Kleine Tangerine" (Kleine Tanzerin)

Low variety, flower stalks grow up to 60 cm in length. Differs in the abundance of semi-double, salmon-colored, flowers with corrugated petals on the bush.

Propagation of oriental perennial poppy

Oriental poppy reproduces mainly by seed, but the vegetative method of perennial propagation is also practiced - dividing the bush into parts or cuttings.

The vegetative method of reproduction is guaranteed to preserve all the varietal characteristics of the parent.

Propagation of oriental perennial poppy seeds

  • Oriental poppy seeds can be bought in any specialized stores, flower shows or nurseries.
  • Poppy seeds are sown in spring or autumn. It is better to immediately sow the perennial in a permanent place, as it does not tolerate the subsequent transplant.
  • Seeds are harvested after the final ripening of the fruit - boxes. When it becomes a characteristic brown color, dry and brittle, you can collect the seed material. Sometimes the heads are wrapped in gauze in advance so that the ripened seeds do not spill out into the ground during gusts of wind.
  • Seeds are shaken out of the holes of the lid of the box and stored in a cool, dry place. It is better to store seeds in a paper bag. They also practice another way of storing seeds (without pouring out of the fruit box). Cut dry boxes are stored in a dry place, and the seeds are removed immediately before sowing.
  • If ripe boxes are not collected from the bush, the poppy will randomly multiply by self-sowing.
  • Experienced flower growers recommend preliminary stratification of seeds, i.e. cold hardening them. This event helps to increase the endurance and viability of future plants. Natural stratification can also be carried out by sowing seeds in the cold season: in early spring (still with soil frosts) or late autumn (in winter).

Vegetative propagation of oriental perennial poppy

  • Transplanting oriental poppy is not always successful. The tap root of the plant does not take root well in a new place, especially after division.
  • The division of the poppy bush is carried out in the summer, before or after the flowering period. The bush is dug together with a clod of earth, and divided into several parts. Delenki are planted in a permanent place, in prepared soil.
  • Some gardeners practice perennial propagation by cutting young rosettes (lateral shoots). Cut cuttings are kept for a day in a disinfectant solution or growth stimulator ("Kornevin"). Then the shoots are rooted in the prepared soil. At first, it is better to cover the planted cuttings with a film to create a greenhouse effect and better germination. After rooting, the shoots are transplanted into open ground.
  • To obtain rhizome cuttings, the perennial is dug up, and some of the thick roots are cut into pieces. The upper cut of the handle is made exactly horizontally, and the lower cut obliquely. Cuttings are planted in the soil strictly vertically, completely covering them with soil. Moisturizing the earth and observing the required temperature regime (not lower than +10 0 С), the first shoots will appear in 1-2 months. After germination, the plant is transplanted.
  • Experienced flower growers divide the poppy bush, not digging it out completely, but digging it from the side and carefully separating a fragment of the rhizome for germination.
  • In the first year, all cuttings planted on the site are covered with special covering material for the winter.

Oriental perennial poppy, planting features

In order for the oriental poppy to retain its varietal qualities, it must be planted separately from other types of poppy. This condition is necessary so that the flowers do not cross-pollinate with each other, and do not change varietal characteristics (for example, color, petal texture).

Preparing for landing

  • A place for planting an oriental perennial poppy should be chosen taking into account the fact that the culture has been growing in one place for more than 10 years and does not tolerate transplantation well. Therefore, initially choose a suitable place: open, sunny, without stagnant moisture. With regular flooding of the site, there is a risk of plant death, as the root may begin to rot. Light penumbra will also be acceptable for poppy cultivation, while full shade adversely affects the growth and flowering of perennials.
  • Before planting oriental poppy, it is necessary to prepare the site: remove weeds, loosen and fertilize the ground. It is necessary to dig the soil deeply, given the rapid growth of the main root in length.
  • Humus or compost (5-10 kg per 1 sq.m.) and a mixture of mineral fertilizers are applied as a soil fertilizer, at the rate of about 50 g per 1 sq.m.
  • Oriental poppy is an unpretentious crop that grows even on poor and acidic soils. But in order for poppy flowers not to shrink over time, it is better to provide the perennial with permeable, sandy, nutritious soils.

Sowing seeds of oriental perennial poppy

  • Poppy seeds are very small, so they are sown not deep, almost on the surface layer of soil, lightly sprinkled with soil on top. Seeding too deep can slow germination or the seeds may not germinate at all.
  • To speed up the germination process, the area can be covered with a film or glass. When shoots appear, remove the cover.
  • After sowing the seeds, it is important to ensure the constant humidity of the site. Watering should be carried out moderately, with a sprayer (so as not to wash the seeds), without stagnant water in the garden.
  • With friendly and dense shoots, you need to thin them out, at least with an interval of 10 cm between plants.
  • After the seedlings grow up, it is better to thin out the seedlings again, leaving the strongest and healthiest plants. The distance between the poppies is left about 30 - 50 cm, given their further growth. Over time, adult sprawling poppy bushes will take up all the space left.
  • The very next year, after sowing, poppies will delight with abundant flowering.
  • If the seeds were sown in the garden for the purpose of subsequent transplantation, this should be done very carefully, without damaging the roots of the sprouts. Poppy seedlings should be transplanted when at least 5 leaves appear on the stem. It is necessary to dig up seedlings, preserving the root ball of the earth as much as possible. This will allow the sprouts to take root faster in a new place.
  • Valuable poppy varieties are grown from seedlings. To do this, the seeds are sown in a container, put in a warm and bright place for germination. Seedlings appear after 2 weeks. In the phase of the second real leaflet, the seedlings dive gently, injuring thin roots as little as possible. When 4-5 leaves appear, seedlings (with a clod of earth) are planted in open ground.

Oriental poppy, plant care

An unpretentious, drought and frost-resistant plant - oriental poppy, requires minimal care and basic agrotechnical measures.

  • Watering

Due to the deep tap root system, the plant easily “extracts” moisture even in dry weather. The drought resistance of the poppy is also increased by the hairs and bristles that cover the leaves and stem of the perennial. Therefore, the poppy tolerates drought absolutely easily, but regular watering will still ensure the best and abundant flowering of the perennial. Stagnation of water in the area with poppies is unacceptable, this can lead to the death of the plant.

  • Mulching

The soil around the plant is mulched with peat or compost to prevent weeds and maintain a humid microclimate.

  • Top dressing and fertilization

Fertilize the plant in the spring, before the start of the growing season. Organic or mineral fertilizers are applied according to the instructions on the package.

  • Garter

Tall poppy bushes (peduncles reaching 1 m) are subject to garter. Otherwise, flower stalks can break and "lie down" on the ground.

  • Disease control

Oriental poppy is practically not affected by pests. In terms of diseases, the most common are black leaf spot, downy mildew and root rot. In case of disease of the ground parts of the poppy, they are treated with preparations containing copper (Bordeaux liquid, blue vitriol, Topaz, Maxim fungicides). The affected parts are removed and burned. To prevent root rot, it is important to ensure moderate soil moisture and good drainage.

  • Shelter for the winter

The perennial is characterized by a high level of frost resistance, withstanding frosts down to -40 0 C. Only sprouted annual, and still weak, shoots are subject to shelter for the winter.

  • pruning

After flowering, the ground part of the poppy gradually dies off. If it is not planned to collect seeds, poppy stems and leaves are cut off (young shoots and leaves will appear only in early autumn). In this regard, it is important not to damage the "invisible" poppy root during summer field work in the flower bed.

  • Transfer

If a transplant of a whole poppy bush is required, the plant is dug up (after flowering), preserving the natural root ball of the earth as much as possible, and transplanted to a new place.

The use of oriental poppy

  • One of the key purposes of the oriental perennial poppy is decorative. Bright, fiery, large poppy flowers will perfectly decorate any flower bed. Unfortunately, the plant loses its decorative appearance immediately after flowering. Therefore, it is good to combine and arrange poppies with other crops that will continue to bloom and, after the death of the poppy, will fill the void of the site. So, the attractiveness and decorativeness of the flower bed will be preserved as much as possible. Given the high stalks of the poppy, it is planted in the background, placing undersized plants in front. The best companions of poppy will be autumn flowering asters, chrysanthemums, daylilies or cinquefoils.

  • For cutting, fresh poppies are practically not used, as they stand in a vase for no more than one day. More often, “hatched” buds are cut off, which last longer in water.
  • Dry shoots with poppy pods are used in the preparation of dry bouquets and flower arrangements.

Thus, any grower can grow oriental poppy on his site. The main thing is to take into account the characteristics of the plant when planting in a flower bed and provide this unpretentious plant with elementary and simple care.

Oriental poppy, photo

Video: "How to plant an oriental poppy"

WikiHow is a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. When creating this article, 9 people worked on editing and improving it, including anonymously.

Graceful and fragile poppies will decorate any garden. Growing them from seeds requires patience and effort, but the results are worth it. Prepare the soil, plant the seeds and provide the right care, and let these wonderful flowers light up your garden with their bright colors.

Attention: in Russia forbidden cultivation of poppy species containing narcotic substances. These include sleeping pill poppy (Papaver somniferum L.), bristle-bearing poppy (Papaver setigerum D. C.), bract poppy (Papaver bracteatum Lindl.), oriental poppy (Papaver orientale L.). However, even harmless varieties can attract the attention of law enforcement agencies to your garden, because only a specialist can recognize them by their appearance, and the presence of more than 10 prohibited plants on the site is considered to be growing on an especially large scale. So, if you live in Russia, then it might be better not to risk it.


Part 1

Preparing for planting seeds

    Select poppy varieties. There are different varieties of poppy and similar plants that do not contain narcotic substances. As a rule, “good” poppies have small seed pods (in forbidden varieties, they are larger, 2–5 cm). All varieties of poppy have colorful, paper-like petals and tend to be more suitable for natural-style flower beds than geometric flower beds. Choose the variety that is best suited for growing in your area and the conditions in your garden.

    • The poppy (Papaver rhoeas) is the most famous of the annual species. It blooms from June to autumn and is beautiful on the lawn both on its own and with other wildflowers, such as daisies and cornflowers.
    • Altered poppy (Papaver commutatum) and peacock poppy (Papaver pavonium) are less popular but no less attractive annuals.
    • Hollow stem poppy (Papaver nudicaule) is a perennial plant that blooms from May to late autumn. Depending on the variety, it is simple or terry, white, yellow or orange. A multi-colored mixture in one flower bed looks especially impressive.
    • The California poppy, or Eschscholzia californica, is not a poppy per se, but an independent genus in the poppy family, so you can safely plant it in your garden. Eschscholzia is drought tolerant, easy to self-seed, and its golden and orange flowers will delight you for years to come.
  1. Buy seeds. Poppies do not tolerate transplanting, so you will need to buy seeds, not seedlings. Seeds can be purchased at a gardening store or online. Look for reviews on supplier companies or ask gardeners you know to decide on a reliable brand: such seeds are more likely to sprout and take root.

    Determine where to plant poppies. Most poppies grow best in well-lit areas, so you can plant them anywhere that is not too shaded. You can plant them as a border along a garden path, in a flower garden, on a lawn, or in a window box. Make sure the quality of the soil in the chosen location is suitable for your poppies.

    • If you have chosen a variety that grows well in infertile soil, great: you don't have to add anything to the soil to prepare it. Many poppies grow well even on rocky ground, where other flowers do not take root.
    • If your species of poppies needs fertile soil, loosen the soil and mix it with enriched compost or bone meal to provide the poppies with the nutrients they need to grow and flower well.

    Part 2

    Sowing seeds and caring for poppies
    1. Plant seeds in spring or fall. Poppy seeds require a period of stratification to germinate. This means that they need to survive cold or frost in order to germinate. As a rule, poppy seeds are sown in early spring, when frost is likely. If you live in the south and experience mild winters, sow the seeds in the fall so they are exposed to cooler temperatures until spring. After 14-28 days, the seeds will begin to germinate.

      Loosen the soil where you plan to sow. Poppy seeds are sown on the surface, and not buried in holes. To prepare the soil, simply loosen the surface slightly with a rake. There is no need to loosen the soil to a depth of more than 3 cm. On the contrary, if the seeds are deep in the ground, it will be difficult for them to grow.

      Sow the seeds. Sprinkle seeds on freshly loosened soil. In nature, small poppy seeds fall to the ground and are easily dispersed by the wind. You, too, do not try to sow poppies in even rows, but scatter the seeds and let them grow as they are. All the same, you cannot fix a small seed at a certain point.

      Water the seeds. Keep the soil moist by sprinkling it with water. However, do not flood the soil, otherwise small poppy seeds may "drown". The seedlings will germinate in the spring when the weather is warm.