Prayer from constant fatigue. Conspiracy from fatigue. Conspiration from constant fatigue

In this article:

Laziness is a complex concept, this is the character of a person who does not allow him to achieve the goal, makes it a non-radical, and manifestation of human essence that does not give us to become successful.

The conspiracy for help from laziness is a simple and very useful magic ritual, with which you can save yourself or another person from laziness. When the rite removes an excessive laziness from a person, he also gives him strength for new achievements and energy.

There are life situations when magical interference with a person is simply necessary, for example, when you need to remove the negative effect of the evil eye or damage.

The fight against laziness is difficult to call the case when magic is needed, but it is very desirable, because too lazy, first of all, harms the person himself and his loved ones. Of course, you can try to get rid of laziness and without the help of higher strength, but with the help of conspiracies to make it much easier.

What will help the magic rite

Each of us is characteristic too lazy, we all sometimes do not want to work, do not want to do anything, it's fine. But some people can cross through the feeling of fatigue and the desire to idle, and other people cannot. From a magic point of view, if laziness takes the top and the person can be tempted, then it can be called sick. Idleness is an unnatural condition for a healthy person.

After all, each person has a desire to change and change his life for the better if this desire does not find a response in the actions, it means that a person needs help from. Laziness is a disadvantage with which you need to fight any accessible tools, and magic in many ways is the best way to overcome this problem.

Under the influence of special conspiractions, a person is able to change the look at many things, it can change himself for the better.

The goal of the rite will be able to realize that laziness is the way to the failures and the main cause of his life failures, he realizes that if he won't be lazy, he will be able to achieve more in this life, he will be able to express himself and will be assessed according to merit. Realizing all this, a person will be much easier to change, remake himself and get rid of flaws.

Similar rituals are not held once, a comprehensive work is needed.

Under the influence of the magical rite, the goal will also feel a strong rise of energy, tide of life and physical forces. Thanks to this, a person will be able to independently find a solution to even complex tasks and a way out of difficult situations. Each of us must believe in their own strength and understand that we ourselves are the owners of their lives, our future and only our future depends on our fate.

Rite with bread and honey

To carry out this magic ritual, it is necessary to smear a bump of black bread with a thin layer of honey and read the words of the conspiracy three times:

"From the strength in the crumb of bread, from sweets at the grain, comes to the slave of God (name) by a drop of will, strength and desire. Not to be more serving God (the name) of weakness, not to succumb to the laziness. In his hands, he has a copper hammer, he has a copper rod in his legs. According to the veins into the tongue, in the belly in the womb. Sweet sweet after work, and small little in great work. Nor tension, no weakness, no illness at the slave of God (name) will not. Nothing to interfere with him. May come true, which is said. Amen".

This plot can be used both to get rid of themselves and another person. The most important thing is that the goal of the ritual ate a conspiracy piece of bread with honey.

Conspiracy against laziness

This is a simple and affordable magic rite, for which only three chips of chestnut leaves will be needed. Cooked leaves need to burn above the candle from the church and spell the words three times:

"By air on the heart, in the wind on the throat. Not from weakness, but from strength, not from laziness, but from desire. Do not be lazy more than the slave of God (name), not to be lazy, but to work, yes, he will achieve him in life. "

Chestnut sheet has a special field that persists for a long time and helps in rituals

Ritual from laziness with vodka

Type a little vodka into the palm, wipe your face clockwise and spend the words of the conspiracy three times:

"My Spirit is strong. That in my strength will affect, then in the will of my heartfelt will respond. I will want to in the life of good luck, I myself wade myself happiness. Not from laziness, I, the slave of God (name) will live, but from the strength. Not from the case to achieve the desired, but from the desire, yes of the action. May come true, which is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing words, do not wipe the face, but give vodka to dry. Soon you must feel the tide of the vitality.


All conspiracies aimed at fighting laziness belong to simple and safe household magic. This magic ritual shows excellent results if the Contractor complies with all existing requirements.

To hold the rite, wait for your goal to fall, and read it, standing at the head of the head, the words of the conspiracy three times:

"Hello, the day of Zlatousts, Hello, Saturday Lazarev. Remember you at the slave of God (name) Lazy him, let him stop on Saturday, let it be lazy on Mondays. Let the force aware, let the will receive, let him get rid of the bad. I close your words on the key, yes the key to the ocean is deeply throwing. Amen".

In order for the rite to become the most effective, it is necessary to conduct it for three days, in the period of the growing moon.

Rite from laziness at sunset

"I will stand, God's slave (name), blessing, go from home, crossing. I will go out on the graveyard, on buochomkov, I will go in God's church. I looked in the church to the holy way, worship them all three times. As people all go to the Church of the Holy, but no one is lazy, and everything will be very hard, and they pray and the slave of God (name) will not be lazy. Laziness from the body and soul rolls her back, she herself will refuse himself from Lene. The key is closed by the key, yes in the dense forest I throw it. What is said, will come true. Amen".

This ritual must be done every other day, an odd number of times, not less than seven

From Leno Muga

Take any unnecessary subject from your husband's clothing and leave him in a deserted place. Estate clothes on Earth and read the words of the conspiracy:

"You (a thing), taken away from the body of the slave of God (the name of her husband), his spirit absorbed. Help you in the case of my eloquent, my clean business. From now on, you are the spirit of the slave of God (name), you are my body. And what I say, then with you and it will come true. My God, the words of my words are approved. Amen".

After screaming in the ground, a husband's thing is not far from the anthill and read the words five times:

"As small face ants, it is difficult to survive with your own, and the slave of God (the name of the husband), my husband will work. We work, my husband, as an ants, as they help each other, and you help me how they are all in harmony, they will be together, and we will be in consent and we will do together. There will be between us the world and consent to reign. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Now you need to pour some sugar near the selected anthill and say loudly: "payment".

Learn oneself

This rite needs to be held at night, shortly before midnight. Light three church candles on the table, look at their fire and pronounce the words:

"Protects me, the slave of God (name), the delightful of my holy. My soul and my body will save from Latis, it will be schoronite from laziness. To work righteously to teach me, but protects me from idleness. He will help me to escape, he will help me in the idleness of the sticky not to get bogged down, but in the vice will not allow me to marry. Clean my soul from laziness. Cleans the body mine from laziness. Buru to work, I will work hard to live. Let it be so. Amen".

Candles need to be exhausted, and their remains are buried in a deserted place.

Candles must be wax without inscriptions

So that the child is not lazy

This magical conspiracy is ideal for you if you have already lost hope to teach your own child to work and deal with laziness.

This is a strong magic rite, to carry out any item from an old horse, for example, stirring, horseshoe, whip or saddle.

It is necessary to clean the selected item well, wash it in seven clean waters and give drying in the day sun.

"As a horse, this work knew, yes, I did not know, and the slave of God (name) would be a job to know, to love him will never be lazy. Know work, love work. Amen. Amen. Amen".

After pronouncing magic words, you need to take a conspiracy home. Put the subject in front of your child, and they themselves turn around and, not to tell him a word, go to another room. Do not respond to his question, let the conspiracy subject lies in front of him.

Sooner or later, the child will take a thing in his hands and at this moment will begin to act a conspiracy force. This is an old rite that has already proved its effectiveness many times.

Miraculous words: prayer from constant fatigue in full description from all the sources we found.

When I want to sleep all the time, the prayer from fatigue and drowsiness will help you. This is a broken state, as if all the juices are squeezed. Let's turn to the Lord God.

In confluence of earthly problems, we do not regret yourself at all.

I want to have everything in one fell swoop.

Nothing, but irrepressible temperament negates your stubborn efforts.

You get tired of the fuss when you just need to heartily pray.

Submit a custom note about your own health.

While in a secluded tranquility, burn the candle bought in the Orthodox church.

See how the flame is warm.

And you sit and look at him, trying not to think about unresolved problems.

Start a multiple and leisurely reading of prayer from fatigue and drowsiness.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God. My soul in the despondency wounds, and faith irrevocably disappears. In sinful bustle, I strive to have time, everyone immediately and forever master. Fatigue and drowsiness overtakes, anxiety evil thoughts generates. I ask you in impotence and crying, get rid of me from the fuss of hot. An alleged prayer, heart calm down, from my misfortunes and sorrows. Yes, there will be the will of yours, and now, and dreaming, and forever. Amen.

We assign a cross sign on yourself.

Decarion is desirable to attribute to the Orthodox church.

You will leave tired drowsiness, per hour, when the Lord will understand that you got on the path of true faith.

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Conspiracies for diseases of the nervous system

Conspiracy from insomnia

Sonyashnitsa, Sonyashnitsa, you wander around the white light, drive dance, come to the slave of God (name) to stay. He will treat you a key water to you, and he is on sweetness. Amen.

If you have insomnia, you need to pour in a single cup of warm boiled water before bedtime, crightened three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip. Do so until the dream is normalized.

Ban Conspiracy with insomnia

Insomnia is superbly treated in the bath, just to steam it is necessary in the afternoon closer to bed.

Slip the birch broom, before saying water:

On the sea ocean, on the island of Buyan there is a black banoque. In that bay, the broom is sealed, and the broom is from sleep-grass. Who is the broom of the broom, so sweetly falls asleep. Amen.

When stealing, say:

Birch pairs of muscles - on relaxation, body - on health, and head - on vacation. Amen.

Pouring cold water, say:

Water flushes all the dirt, lightness and peace gives the slave of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracy from depression

Black black, go beyond the gate, from the gate of the road, the slave of God (name) do not touch. You will wash with water, the servant of God's soul. Yes, there will be his thoughts and wildlife, the words and half-sleep are clear and clear. Amen.

If you have depression, you need in the morning, as you woke up, pour into a simple cup of warm boiled water, crightened three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip. Do as long as the mood is normalized.

With nervous tremors.

They walked three girls, the shaking-shaking, to the slave of God (name) came, began to shake him, buoyed his head to torment. Go, the girls, shaking-shaking, for dark forests, for the blue of the sea, the mountains are tall, behind the river deep. Fall on yellow sands, they are shaking. Amen.

If you are shaking, you need to pour into a simple cup of warm boiled water, turn three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip.

Conspiracy from Nervous Tick

Ilya, the prophet rides in the sky on the Golden Chariot, throws thunder-lightning, the Dergovita kills. Dergovitsa-Maya, go beyond the gate with the slave of God (name). Amen.

If you have a nervous tick, you need in the morning, as you woke up, pour into a simple cup of warm boiled water, crightened three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip. Do as every day until the tick goes.


On the sea-ocean, there is a break on the island until, he chops so far, she does not know, the work does not know. The force from that ax was walking, went to the slave of God (name) came to the slave of God did not know, every day I flew. Amen.

If you are quickly tired, you need in the morning, as you woke up, pour into a simple cup of warm boiled oxa, crossed three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip.

Conspiration from chronic fatigue

Mother of the Mother of the Mother of God came, the fatigue of God's slave disperse with her handles, put his strength in him, covered with his cover. Fatigue, erase, the strength to the slave of God (name), come back. Amen.

If you constantly feel tired, you need in the morning, as you woke up, pour into a simple cup of warm boiled wheels, crighted three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Saint Spirit," talk and drink with little sip.

Conspiracy from fears, fright, anxiety

Fright, fright, go beyond the circle, wash off the water, go under the Black Earth, get covered with yellow sands, but to the slave of God (name) do not feed. Amen.

If you are tormented by the feeling of an unmotivable fear, you need in the morning, as I woke up, and in the evening before bedtime, pour into a simple cup of warm boiled water, to cross the words three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," talk and drink with little sip .


How do all people remember the Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, so let the Slave of God remember everything that he is important and necessary. Amen.

If you have forgotten something important or lost memory at all, you need to pour into a simple cup of warm boiled water before bedtime in the morning, crighted with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and Holy Spirit," talk and drink Little sip. Do so until the memory returns.

Conspiracy with stress

With the slave of God (name) grief and fear, we shoot the water, the water of the ground is krophl, rain satisfy, I clean the fears. So that the servant of God (name) was not afraid, did not pose, did not be sad, did not sigh, did not cry, did not sink, did not grieve, Hvelnaga did not drink. Amen.

In stress, pour into a simple cup of water from under the tap, crossed three times with the words: "In the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit," to talk half a drink, to pour out the other half to the top of the opposing.

Still material on this topic

Never despair in a difficult situation!

Prayer from constant fatigue

Help the temple!

Aza Orthodoxy


Why is there a mental fatigue? Can the soul be empty?

Why can't? If there are no prayers - it will be empty, and tired. The holy fathers come as follows. The man is tired, there is no strength to pray, he speaks himself: "And maybe your fatigue from demons," stands up and prays. And the person has strength appear. So the Lord arranged. In order for the soul to be not empty and there were forces, we must teach yourself to Jesus prayer - "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have mercy with me, sinful (or sinful)."

How to spend the day of Po-God?

In the morning, when we still rest, near our beds are already standing - on the right side of the angel, and with the left demon. They are waiting for whom we will start to serve on this day. And you need to start the day. Waking up, immediately protect yourself with the godfather and jump out from bed, so that Linen remains under the blanket, and we found themselves in the holy corner. Then make three terrestrial bows and turn to the Lord with these words: "Lord, thank you over the past night, bless me for the coming day, bless me and bless this day, and help him to spend it in prayer, in good deeds, and save me from All enemies visible and invisible. " And immediately begin to read the prayer Jesus. Wash and dress up, stand in the holy corner, we will gather with thoughts, focus so that nothing distract us and begin the morning prayer. Cutting them, read the chapter from the Gospel. And immediately fork, what good deed can be done today to your neighbor. It's time to go to work. Here, too, it is necessary to pray: before going out the door, say such words of St. John Zlatoust: "I deny you, Satan, the pride of your and serving you and I combine you, Christ, in the name of the Father and Son and the Saint Spirit. Amen." Autumn himself with a procession, and coming out of the house, imperceptibly crossing the road. On the way to work, and in any case, it is necessary to read the prayer of Jesus and "the Virgin Delo, rejoice. "If we are engaged in household, before cooking food, sprinkle all the products of holy water, and the slab will be lit with a candle that we light from the lamp. Then the food will not be harmful to us, but for the benefit, to strengthen not only bodily, but also spiritual forces, especially if we prepare, incessantly reading Jesus prayer.

After the morning or evening prayers, there is no sense of grace. Sometimes prayer prevents drowsiness. How to avoid this?

Besames of prayer dislike as soon as a person begins to prayer, attacks drowsiness, absentia. We must try to delve into the words of prayer, and then you will feel it. But the Lord does not always comfort the soul. The most valuable prayer is when a person does not want to pray, and he forces himself. A small child can not stand and walk. But parents take him, put on the legs, support, and it feels help, it is hard. And how let the parents go, immediately falls and crying. So we, when the Lord - our Heavenly father - supports us with her grace, everyone can, ready to roll and pray well and easily. But as soon as grace leaves us, we immediately fall - you can't walk spiritually. And here you have to accept and say: "Lord, I am nothing without you." And when a person understands it, God's mercy will help him. And we often hope only: I am strong, I can stand, I can go. Here, the Lord and take grace, because we fall, suffer and suffer - from our pride, we hope much.

How to become attentive in prayer?

In order for prayer to pass through our attention, you do not need to drag, make an empty; Protarabanil - and calmed down, the prayers postponed. At first, delve into each word; Do not hurry, calmly, smoothly, you need to configure yourself to pray. We begin to gradually enter it, there you can and quickly read, still every word will be in the soul. It is necessary for prayer so that it does not pass by. And then the sound of the air will be filled, and the heart is left blank.

I do not have a prayer of Jesus. What do you advise?

If the prayer does not go, it means that sins interfere. As we will show, we must try to read this prayer as often as possible: "Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, have a sinful sinful son! (or sinful) "and reading, to make a blow on the last word. In order to constantly read this prayer, you need to conduct a special spiritual life, and most importantly - to gain humility. We must consider yourself worse than all, worse than all the creatures, to endure the urge, insults, do not grow and blame anyone. Then prayer will go. It is necessary to pray in the morning. How about the mill? That in the morning I hose, then all day and will threaten. As soon as you woke up, immediately: "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Lord, thank you over the past night, bless me today. Mother of God, thank you over the past night, bless me today. Lord, strengthen the faith in me, went to me the grace of the Spirit of the Holy! Give me the death of a Christian, a physical and good answer on the day of a terrible court. My guardian's angel, thank you over the past night, bless me today, keep me from all enemies visible and invisible. Lord Jesus Christ's Son of God, hunt me sinful! " This is how immediately read-read. We dress with prayer, wash. Read the morning prayers, again 500 prayer Jesus. This is a charge for the whole day. He gives man energy, strength, expels the soul of darkness and emptiness. A person will no longer walk and somewhat indignant, noise, annoyance. When a person constantly reads the prayer Jesus, the Lord for the works will award, this prayer begins to work in the mind. Man all attention focuses in the words of prayer. But you can only pray only with the penalized feeling. As soon as the thought comes: "I am Saint," know - this is the deceased path, this thought is from the devil.

The confessor said "To begin with, read at least 500 prayers of Jesus." It's like a mill - that in the morning they fell asleep, then she is all day and chalk. But if the confessor said "only 500 prayers", it means that more than 500 read do not need. Why? Because everything is given bye, according to the spiritual level of each person. Otherwise, you can easily go to the charm, and then you will not come to such a saint. In the Trinity-Sergiye Lavra, one elder had a novice. This old man lived in the monastery of 50 years, and the novice only came from the world. And he decided to work. Without the blessing of the elder and the early liturgy, and the late, the rule itself was very appointed and read everything, constantly in prayer stayed. After 2 years, he reached the great "perfection." He was already "Angels" to appear (only horns and their tails were covered by). He seduced by this, came to the old man and says: "You lived here 50 years old and did not learn to pray, but I have reached height in two years - I already have angels. I am all in grace .. So like you, not a place on earth, I will blow you. " Well, the elder managed to knock on the neighboring Kelia; Another monk came, this "holy" tied. And the next morning was sent to the barn, and allowed only once a month on the liturgy to be: it was forbidden to pray (not yet torturing). In Russia, we are very loved by prayer rooms, devotees, but the true devotees will never post themselves. Holiness is measured by no prayers, not the feats, but humility, obedience. Only he reached something who considers himself a sinner of all, worse than any livestock.

How to learn purely, to pray to pray?

We must start in the morning. Holy Fathers advise that it is good to pray before eating food. But as soon as the food tasted, immediately it becomes hard to pray. If a person is absentful prays, it means that he prays little and infrequently. The same, who is constantly in prayer, has a living, unprofitable prayer.

Prayer loves a clean life, without gazing souls. Here, for example, we have a phone in the apartment. Kids Shalily and cut the wire with scissors. No matter how much the numbers do not come around, I will not call anywhere. It is necessary to reunite the wires, restore the interrupted connection. Similarly, if we want to turn to God and be heard, we must establish our connection with him - repent of sins, clear the conscience. Unrecognized sins, like a deaf wall, through them prayer does not reach God.

I shared with a woman close to me, telling that you gave me a Virgin rule. But I do not fulfill him. Camel rule also do not always. What should I do?

When you give a separate rule, do not talk about it anyone. Demons will hear and necessarily kidnap your feats. I know hundreds of people who had prayer, from morning to evening they read Jesus prayer, akathists, canons - the whole soul bliss. As soon as they shared with someone - they boasted a prayer, everything disappeared. And neither prayer, nor bows they have.

I often distract me during prayer or business. What to do - continue to pray or pay attention to the coming?

Well, since we have in the first place the commandment of God's love to neighbor, it means that we must all postpone and pay attention to the guest. One holy old man prayed in his cheels and saw the window that brother was going to him. So the old man is not to show that he is a prayer room, lay down in the bed and lies. That near the door read prayer: "Our Prayers of our Father, Lord Jesus Christ God, have mercy with us." And the old man from the bed says: "Amen". Brother came to him, he accepted him with love, treating it - that is, the love showed him. And this is the most important thing!

Often it happens in our life: We read evening prayers, and suddenly the call (by phone or on the door). How do we be? Of course, we must immediately respond to the call, leaving prayer. I found out everything with a person and again continue the prayer from the place where they finished. True, we have such visitors who come not about God to talk, not about the salvation of the soul, but to populate, and someone to condemn. And we must know such friends; When they come to us, to offer them to read together prepared in advance for such an occasion, or the Gospel, or the Standard of Holy. Tell them: "My joy, let's pray, read the akathist." If they come to you with a sincere feeling of friendship, they will read. And if not, they will find a thousand reasons, remember immediately about urgent matters and run away. If you agree to chat with them, then the "unambiguous husband of the house", and the "unobed apartment" is not a hindrance of your girlfriend. Somehow in Siberia saw an interesting scene. One with the watering lot goes, on the rocker two buckets, the second - from the store, in the hands of full bags. Met and led the conversation. And I watch them. The conversation is about this: "Well, how is your sleeping? And son? " And the gossip begins. Poor those women! One shifts the rocker from the shoulder on the shoulder, another hand bag is pulling. And just needed a pair of words to spread. Moreover, dirt - do not put bags. And there are not two, but ten, and twenty, and thirty minutes. And they do not think about gravity, the most important thing - the news found out, the soul was saturated, the evil spirit was sweetered. And if the church is called, they say: "It is hard for us to stand, my legs hurt, the back of a lomit." And with buckets, nothing hurts with bags! The main language does not hurt! I don't want to pray, but there is a chat and strength, and the language is well suspended: "We will know everything, everyone knows about everything."

The best thing is how I woke up, wash and start the day from the morning prayers. After that, you need to read Jesus Prayer with attention. This is a huge charge for our soul. And with such a "recharging", we will have this prayer in thoughts throughout the day. Many say that when they become on prayer, they are scattered. You can believe, because if in the morning I'll read a little, yes in the evening a little bit - nothing will be in my heart. We will always pray - repentance will live in the heart. After the morning - "Jesus" prayer as a continuation, and after a day - evening prayers as a continuation of the day. And so we will constantly be in prayer to stay and will not scattered. Do not think that it is very difficult, very hard - pray. It is necessary to make an effort, to overpower yourself, ask the Lord, Mother of God and grace will act in us. For us, at any time will be given a desire to pray.

And when the prayer goes into the soul, in the heart, then these people try to remove from everyone, hide in secluded places. They may even climb into the cellar, just only with the Lord to stay, in prayer. Soul melts in Divine Love.

In order to achieve such a spirit of the Spirit, you need to work hard, above your "I".

When you need to pray in your own words, and when on the prayer?

When I wanted to pray, at this time and pray to the Lord; "From excess hearts verb in the mouth" (MF.12.34).

Prayer prayer is especially useful when there is a need for this. Suppose the daughter or son of the mother was lost. Or took the son to jail. There will be no prayer on the prayer. The mother of the believer immediately stands on his knees and from an excess of hearts a thinking to the Lord. There is a prayer from the heart. So God can pray at any place; Wherever we were, God our prayers hear. He knows the secrets of our heart. Even we ourselves do not know what in our heart. And God is the Creator, he knows everything. So you can pray in transport, anywhere, in any society. So Christ says: "You are, when you pray, enter your room (ie, inside yourself) and, having gathered your door, choose your father, who is secret; And your father, seeing a secret, will reward you clearly "(MF.6,6). When we do good when we give alms, then you should do so that no one knows about it. Christ says: "When you do alms, let your left hand know that it makes the right to make your alms to be secret" (MF.6.3-4). That is, it is not literally like grandmothers understand - serve only with his right hand. And if a person has no right hand? And if there are no both hands? Good can be created without hands. The main thing is that no one has seen. By secretly good to do. All boastful, proud, proud appeal make a good deed to get praise from this, earthly glory. They will tell her: "What good, what kind of good! He helps everyone, gives everything. "

I often wake up at night, always at the same time. Does this mean anything?

If we woke up at night, then it is possible to pray. Pray - again go to bed. But, if it happens often, you need to take a blessing from the confessor.

Somehow I talked with one person. He says:

- Father Amvrosiy, tell me, did you ever see the sidelines?

- Deams - perfume, they can not be seen with simple eyes. But they can materialize, taking the form of an old man, boys, girls, animal, any image can take. An uncoordant man can not understand this. Even believers come across his tricks. Do you want to see? Here, I have one familiar woman in Sergiev Posad, her the confessor gave the rule - to read the psalter per day. It is indispensable to burn candles, not in a hurry to read - will leave 8 hours. In addition, the rule should be subtracted by the canons, akathists, prayer Jesus, and once a day to eat only lean food. When she began to pray (and it was necessary to do this in the continuation of 40 days) with the blessing of the confessor, he warned it: "You will pray - if there are some temptations, then do not pay attention, continue to pray." She took it. At the 20th day of a strict post and almost unceasing prayer (I had to sleep at 3-4 hours), she heard the locked door opened and the steps were heard, heavy - the floor straight cracks. This is the 3rd floor. Someone came up to her from behind and began to breathe around the ear; So deep breathing! At this time, from the head to the legs, it was found by cold and trembling. I wanted to turn, but I remembered the warning and thought: "I will not stay alive." So to the end and vague.

Then I looked - everything is in place: the door is locked, everything is fine. Further, on the 30th day, a new temptation. I read the psaltry and heard how the cats began to meow on the back of the windows, rush, climb into the window. Scraper - and all! And it survived. Someone from the street threw a stone - glasses to smire, stone and fragments on the floor are lying. It is impossible to turn! The cold through the window went, but all until the end read. And when reading, it looks - the window is integer, there is no stone. This is the demonic forces attack a person.

Rev. Siluan Athossky, when prayed, at two o'clock sitting slept. He opened spiritual eyes, and he began to see evil spirits. I saw them in the middle. They are with horns, roars ugly, hoofs on the legs, with tails.

That person with whom I spoke is very fat - more than 100 kg, loves to eat delicious - and meat eats, and everything is in a row. I say: "Here, you will start to fast and pray, then you will see everything, you will hear everything, you will feel."

How to correctly thank the Lord - in your own words or is there any special prayer?

The Lord needs to thank all his life. There is a gratitude prayer in the prayer, but very valuable to pray in your own words. In one monastery there lived Rev. Veniamin. The Lord painted him the disease - the water. It has become huge sizes, the little finger could wrap only with two hands. For him made a huge armchair. When the brethren came to him, he showed his joy in every way, said: "Dear brothers, rejoice with me. The Lord pardon me, the Lord forgave me. " The Lord gave him such a disease, and he did not rope, did not despair, rejoiced about the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of the soul and thanked the Lord. No matter how many years have lived, the main thing is to remain faithful to God in everything. For five years I carried in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, hard obedience - in the afternoon and night confessed. There were no strength, I could not and I could not stand for 10 minutes - the legs did not hold. And then the Lord bestowed the polyarthritis - 6 months lay, acute pain in the joints. As soon as the inflammation passed, he began to walk around the room with a wand. Then he began to go outside: 100 meters, 200, 500. Every time more and more, more. And then, in the evenings, when there are few people, began to walk 5 kilometers; Left wand. In the spring, the Lord gave - and stopped shrome. Until this day, the Lord stores. He knows that you need. Because - thank the Lord for everything.

It is necessary to pray everywhere and always: both at home and at work, and in transport. If the legs are strong, it is better to pray standing, and if sick, how old people say, it is better to think about God during prayer than about sick legs.

Is it possible to cry during prayer?

Can. Pointed tears are not tears of evil and resentment, they wash our soul from sins. The more we cry, the better. Very valuable during prayer crying. When we pray - we read prayers - and at this time on some words we delayed the mind (they penetrated our soul), you do not need to pass them, accelerate prayer; Return to these words, and read while the soul does not dissolve in feeling and will not start crying. The soul is praying at this time. When the soul is in prayer, yes, with a tearing, next to her, the guardian angel; He prays next to us. Any sincerely believer of a person knows that the Lord hears his prayer. We draw the words of prayer to God, and he grace returns them to our heart, and the heart of the believer feels that the Lord takes his prayer.

When I read prayers, often distracted. Do not need to throw pray?

Not. Read the prayer anyway. Very useful, going out on the street, walk and read the prayer Jesus. It can be read in any position: standing, sitting, lying. Prayer is a conversation with God. Here, we can be nearly telling everything - and grief, and joy. But the Lord is closer than any neighbor. He knows all our thoughts, mystery of the heart. He hears all our prayers, but sometimes he is slow to fulfill, it means that we ask, not to benefit our soul (or not to favor the neighbor). Any prayer must be finished with the words: "Lord, let's be your will. Not as I want, but like you. "

What is the prayer daily rule for Orthodox Miiryanina?

The rule is and it is necessary for all. These are the morning and evening prayers, one chapter from the Gospel, two chapters from the messages, one caffeine, three canon, akathist, 500 prayers of Jesus, 50 bows (and for blessing can be more).

I somehow ask one person:

- Do I need to dinner and dinner every day?

"It is necessary," he answers, "but I still can intercept something else, drink a seagull."

- And pray? If our body requires food, is it not more than that shower? We are the body of feeding so that the soul keeps the soul and was cleared, sanctified, was dismissed from sin to the Holy Spirit in us. It is necessary that she already connected here with God. And the body is the clothes of the soul, which agitates, dies and crumbles in the dust of the earth. And we are temporary, we pay special attention to this. So about him care! And feed, and we, and we paint, and wear fashion rags, and we give peace - we pay a lot of attention. And for the soul sometimes there is no concern. Are you reading a prayer?

- So you can not have breakfast (i.e. dining, Christians never have breakfast). And if you and evening are not going to read, it means you can not dinner. And you can not drink tea.

- I die with hunger!

- So your soul dies with the hunger! That's when a person rule does it to make the norm of his life, then he has peace, silence and peace on his soul. The Lord sends grace, and the Mother of God, and the angel of the Lord pray. In addition, Christians are still praying to the saints, they read other akathists, the soul is supplied, satisfied and glad, Mirna, the person saves. But you do not need to read like some, to make an empty. They read, ottarabanili - by air, and did not fall into the soul. A little inclined this - broke out! But he considers himself a big prayer room - "praying" very well. The Apostle Paul says: "It is better to say five words to my mind, so that others write out, rather than the darkness of words in an unfamiliar language" (1 Cor.14,19) Better than five words will be in the soul, rather than the darkness of the words past the soul.

Read the acathists at least every day. He knew one woman (called her pelagias), she read 15 acaldays every day. The Lord gave her a special grace. Some of the Orthodox there are many acafers assembled - and 200, and 500. They are usually every holiday celebrated by the Church, a certain Akathist read. For example, tomorrow the holiday of the Vladimir icon of the Mother of God. People having an akathist for this holiday will read it.

Akathists read well for fresh memory, i.e. In the morning, when the mind is not burdened by the works of everyday life. Very good at all praying from morning to lunch, while the body is not burdened by food. Then there is the opportunity to feel every word from the akathists, canons.

All prayers and acafers are best read out loud. Why? Because words through rumors are in the soul and are better remembered. Constantly hear: "We cannot learn prayers. "And there is no need to teach them - they just need to be constantly, to read every day - in the morning and in the evening, and they are remembered by themselves. If "Our Father" is not remembered, then it is necessary where our dining table is to attach a piece of paper with this prayer.

Many people refer to poor old age memory, and when they are starting to ask them, various household questions ask everyone, everyone remembers. Remember who, when born, in which year, the birthdays are remembered. They know how much that now in the store and on the market - and the prices are constantly changing! Know how much bread, salt, oil. Everyone is perfectly remembered. Ask: "What street do you live on?" - Everyone will say. Very good memory. But I can not remember the prayers. And this is because we have flesh in the first place. And we so care about the flesh, everyone remember that she needs. And we do not care about the soul, so there is a bad memory for everything good. On the bad, we are the masters.

Holy Fathers say that those who daily read the canons to the Savior, Mother of God, the Angel Keeper, Saints, especially those of the Lord and from all demonic misfortunes, and evil people.

If you come to any boss on the reception, you will see the sign "reception clock with it. before. "You can contact God at any time. Especially valuable prayer night. When a person prays at night, how the holy fathers say, this prayer is paid for gold. But in order to pray at night, you need to take a blessing from the priest, because there is a danger: a person can be ingrained, which prays at night and fall into the charm, or the demons will especially attack. Through the blessing, the Lord will protect the person.

Sitting or standing? If the legs do not hold, then you can, put on your knees, read. If the knees are tired, you can sit up. Better sitting thinking about God than standing to think about the legs. And yet: prayer without bows is a premature fruit. Fans need to do.

Now many speak of the benefits of the revival of paganism in Russia. Maybe indeed, paganism is not so bad?

In ancient Rome, gladiatorial battles were arranged in the circuses. One hundred thousand people gathered at this sight, filling the benches through numerous entrances for ten minutes. And all threw blood! Easured spectacles! Two gladiator fought. In the struggle, one of them could fall, and then the second put his foot on his chest, he listed over the defeated sword and watched what sign to him by Patricia. If your fingers raise up, then you can leave the opponent to live, if down, it was necessary to deprive his life. Most often demanded death. And the people triumphed, seeing shed blood. Such was the pagan fun.

In our Russia, the forty ago one acrobat was on the cable high under the circus dome. Cutting, she fell. The mesh was stretched below. She did not break, but another thing is important. All the audience as one got up and tucked: "Is she alive? Faster doctor! " What does it say about? The fact that they did not want death, and worried about the gymnast. He was alive by the Spirit of Love in the minds of people.

Otherwise, the younger generation is now raising. On television screens of militants with murder, blood, pornography, horrors, space wars, aliens - demonic forces. People from the small years get used to the scenes of violence. What remains a child? After watching these paintings, he produces weapons and shoots his classmates, who, in turn, mocked him. How many such cases in America! God forbid and we will start this.

It happened, and before in Moscow, registered murders were committed. And now the crime scale, mortality from the hands of killers sharply went up. A day kill three - four people. And the Lord said: "Do not kill!" (Exp. 20,13); ". Doing so the kingdoms of God do not inherit "(Gal. 5,21), - they will all go to the Geen Fire.

I often have to go to prison, confess the prisoners. Confessing and suicide. They are killed in murder: who are in customs, and someone killed in Afghanistan, Chechnya. Killed two hundred seventy, three hundred people. They counted themselves. These are terrible sins! One thing is the war, and another - by order to deprive the person of life, which you did not give him.

When you confess the number of ten murderers and leave prison, then only wait: demons necessarily goats will arrange some trouble.

Each priest knows how angry evil spirits for the fact that he helps people are free from sins. One mother came to Rev. Seraphim Sarov:

- Batyushka, Pray: My son died without repentance. He first refused, settled, and then gave way to the request, began to pray. And the woman saw that, praying, he rose above the floor. The elder said:

- Mother, your son is saved. Go, pray, God thanks.

She left. And before death, the Rev. Seraphim showed his own body to his Clain, from where the demons snapped the piece:

- That's how the demons for each soul revenge!

Not so easy - pray for the salvation of people.

Orthodox Russia accepted the spirit of Christ, and pagan the West wants to finish it for it, he craves her blood.

Orthodox faith is the most impitory for a person. She obliges to strict life on Earth. And Catholics promise the soul purulently after death, where you can repent and escape.

In the Orthodox Church there is no such concept "purgatory". According to the teachings of the Orthodox Church, if a person lived righteously and moved to the otherworldly world, he honors eternal joy, such a person for his good deeds can get reward, living on Earth, in the form of peace, joy, peace of mind.

If a person lived unclean, did not repent and moved to the otherworldly world, he falls into the paws of demons. Before the death, such people are usually dull, desperate, delimited, bladder. Their souls after death, languishing in torment, are waiting for prayers of relatives, prayers of the church. When a strengthened prayer goes for the deceased, the Lord frees their souls from hellish torment.

Church prayer helps and righteous, those who have not yet received all the completeness of grace with earthly life. Fullness of grace and joy are possible only after the terrible court will determine this soul to paradise. On earth all their completeness is impossible. Only elected saints merged here with the Lord so that they were admired by the Spirit in the kingdom of God.

Often, Orthodoxy is called the "religion of fear": "That will be the second coming, everyone will punish, eternal flour. "And Protestants talk about a friend. So will the punishment of unrelated sinners or the love of the Lord covers everything?

Atheists deceived us for a long time, talking about the emergence of religion. They said that people could not explain that or another phenomenon of nature and began to deify her, enter with her in religious contact. It happened, thunder thunder, people hide in the underground, in the basement, sit there, fear. They think that their pagan God was angry and will punish or rushing or a tornado, or the solar eclipse will begin.

This is the fear of the pagan. Christian God is love. And we should be afraid of God. Not because he will punish us, we must be afraid to insult him with their sins. And if we retreated from God and brought you trouble, we do not hurt in the underground from the wrath of God, do not wait when God's wrath passes by. On the contrary, we go to the confession, we appeal to God with a repeated prayer, we ask God for mercy, pray. Christians are not hidden from God, on the contrary, they themselves seek him for resolving from sins. And God gives the hand of help, covers his grace.

And warns the church that the second coming will be, a terrible court is not in order to intimidate. If you go on the way, ahead of the pit and you tell you: "Caution, do not fall, do not cool down," do you not be intimidated? You warn you, help to avoid danger. So the church says: "Do not sin, do not make a neighbor, all this will turn against you themselves."

No need to put God the villain for the fact that he does not take sinners to heaven. In May, the unrearious souls can not live, they will not bear that light and cleanliness that there is, how can not bring bright light sick eyes.

It all depends on ourselves, from our behavior, prayers.

The Lord can change everything according to prayers. One woman came to us from Krasnodar. She was planted her son. There was a consequence. She came to one judge, he tells her: "Chona is eight years old shines." Large some kind of temptation was. She came to me, cried, sobbed: "Patty, pray what to do? The judge asks five thousand dollars, and I have no such money. " I say: "You know, mother, you will pray, the Lord will not leave you! How to call him? " She said his name, we prayed. And in the morning it comes:

- Batyushka, I go there now. The question is solved, whether they will be placed, or they will be released.

The Lord put on the heart so to say to her:

"You'll pray, God will arrange everything."

- I prayed all night. After dinner, he returned, says:

- Son liberated. Justified him. We figured out and let go. Everything is fine.

This mother had so much joy, so much faith that the Lord heard her. And the son was not to blame, just stunned in business.

The son completely defeated his hands, does not speak, does not listen. He seventeen. How do I pray for him?

It is necessary to read the prayer for 150 times. "Virgin, Delo, Rejoice." Rev. Seraphim Sarovsky said that the one who walks in Diveyev in the groove of the Mother of God and one hundred and fifty times reading "the Virgin Delo, Rejoice," is under the special cover of the Virgin. The holy fathers constantly talked about the worship of the Mother of God, about the prayer appeal to her for help. Mother's prayer of God has great strength. According to the prayers of the Most Holy Theotokos, the grace of God will drop away to the mother and the child. Righteous John Kronstadtsky says: "If all the angels, the saints, all people living on Earth will gather together and will pray, the prayer of the Mother of God in force exceeds all their prayers.

I remember one family. It was at a time when we served at the parish. At one mother, Natalia, there were two girls - Lisa and Katya. Lisa is thirteen-fourteen, she was a capricious, self-width. And although he went to church together with her mother, remained very restless. I was surprised at the patience of the mother. Every time in the morning gets up and says daughter:

- Lisa, let's pray!

- All, Mom, I read prayers!

- Quickly read, read slowly!

Mom did not want her, patiently performed all her requests. At this time, the daughter was sleeping unpiringly. Mother suffered. Time passed, the daughter grew, it became calmer. Joint prayer went to her benefit.

You do not need to be afraid of temptations. The Lord will keep this family. Prayer never harmed anyone. It brings only the benefit of our soul. Harms us boasting: "I read the psalrty for the deceased." We praise, and this is a sin.

It is customary to read the psalter from the head of the deceased. The reading of the psalter is very useful for the soul of the man who constantly went to the church and with repentance switched to that world. Holy Fathers say: When we read the psalter over the departed, let's say, for forty days, the sins fly with the deceased soul, like autumn leaves from a tree.

How to pray for living or deceased, is it possible to represent a person at the same time?

The mind must be clean. When we pray, we are God, Mother of God, holy wedliness should not represent: neither their face, no position. The mind must be free from the images. Especially when we pray for a person, you just need to remember that there is such a person. And if images represent, you can damage your mind. Holy Fathers prohibit it.

I'm twenty-four years old. In childhood I laughed at the grandfather, who spoke with himself. Now, when he died, I myself began to talk with myself. The inner voice says to me that if I pray for him, then this vice quietly will leave me. Do I need to pray for him?

Everyone needs to know: if we condemn a person in some vice, I will definitely shift in it. Therefore, it is said by the Lord: "Do not judge and do not judge. What court you judge, so condemn. "

For the grandfather it is necessary to pray. Serve for a dinner, memorial notes on the package, remember in the morning and in the evening in home prayers. It will be a huge benefit for his soul and for us.

During home prayer, is it necessary to cover your head with a handkerchief?

"Any wife, praying or prophesy with an open head, cares for his head, for it is the same as if she was around," says Apostle Paul (1 C.11.5). Orthodox Christians are not only in the temple, but at home cover their head with a handkerchief: "The wife should have his own sign of power on her head" (1 Cor. 11.10).

The civil authorities at Easter are organized by additional buses on the cemetery. Is it correct? It seems to me that this day is the main thing to be in the temple and there to remember the deceased.

For the deceased, there is a special day of commemoration - "Radonitsa". It happens on Tuesday for the second week after Easter. On this day, all Orthodox Christians go to congratulate their deceased with the universal holiday of Easter, the Resurrection of Christ. And on the day of Easter, believers should pray in the temple.

The routes organized by the city authorities for those people who do not go to church. Let at least go there, at least so remember the death and the limb of earthly existence.

Can I watch live broadcasts from the services from the temples and pray? Often there is not enough health and effort to attend the temple, but I want to touch the soul to the Divine.

The Lord encouraged me to visit the holy place, in the coffin of the Lord. We had a camcorder with you, and we pulled the holy place. Then showed the removed one priest. He saw the coffins of the Lord and says: "Stop this frame." Made the earthly bow and said: "I have never been at the Merry Coffin." And straight kissed the image of the Holy Sepulcher.

Of course, it is impossible to worship the image on the TV, we have icons. The case I told an exception to the rule. The priest entered the simplicity of heartfelt, from a feeling of reverence before the shrine depicted.

On holidays, all Orthodox should strive to be in the temple. And if there is no health, move the strength, look at the broadcast, keep with the Lord with your soul. Let our soul together with the Lord participate in his holiday.

Is it possible to wear a belt "live help"?

One person came to me. I ask him:

- What are your prayers?

- Of course, even with you "live help" I wear.

I got the documents, and there he has the 90th Psalm "Live in helping Vysnyago" rewritten. Man says: "My mother wrote, I gave, I now always wear with me. Can?" - "Of course, it's good that you wear this prayer, but if you do not read it, what is fat? It is equivalent to when you wear bread with me, products, but do not eat. You are weaker, you can die. Similarly, "live help" is written not to wear them in his pocket or on the belt, but for you to pull out every day, read, pray to the Lord. If you do not pray, you can die. That's when you, hungry, I got bread, hung, reinforced my hand and you can easily work in the sweat. So praying, you feed food for the soul and get protection for the body.

If you are experiencing unless chronic fatigue, you can try to make this conspiracy. With it, you will clean up from all the dark induced on you and you will feel easily and completely stop tired. However, remember that unfortunate fatigue in some cases may be a symptom of any disease, so I recommend first to take advice from a medical specialist. If the doctor does not reveal any disease, then you can safely make a plot. Well, if you find out that you are sick, then you need to be treated, well, and in parallel to pass this plot - it will only speed up your recovery.

Conspiracy can be carried out only in summer while mint has green leaves. To hold a conspiracy, you will need seven just torn mint leaves. You can conspire a plot on any day of the week at any phase of the moon.

Conspiracy from strong fatigue

As soon as the sun goes, take the glass, put in it the leaves of mint and pour mint with steep boiling water. After that, seven times say the following words over the glass:

"Charge the mint with the power of heaven, but get rid of me from Chernuha induced, but from the nominations of human unkinds."

Let the influence stand in six hours and spend three times the following above it:

"As the Izus Christ, the light of the light of the light, so I lit with his light, but I had all the cut from me. I cleaned my soul with my soul, and I will feel brightly. Amen."

After that, drink the resulting infusion and read the prayer "ours" prayer three times. The next day you will feel differently - no fatigue and fatigue you will remain.

For this conspiracy, it is necessary early in the morning, at the dawn turn to the Sun, and then read the conspiracy itself.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen. The Batyushka-Sunshine in the East rises, to the West leaves, along with him and my fatigue goes. In their Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen.

Conspiracy from scabies (option 1)

192. This conspiracy must be repeated three times.

"I'm standing, the slave of God. In a clean field, there is a bath, a clean woman sits in this bath, "she grabbing, it rinsing lessons with clear eyes, with a riveted head and with black eyebrows of the servant of God (name). Do not be neither lessons never winners, do not be enviable. Do not be negotiating. Amen".

Conspiracy from scabies (option 2)

193. "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. There is a red maiden with a dry broom, snapshot, quenching the bath evil, the wet corros. Like this broom, the leaves are dry, so there would be dry corners; Like this broom, the sheets fall, so would be the scabies slept. "

Conspiracy from "Spur" (option 1)

194. When the moon will decrease, exactly at midnight pour into the pelvis a little water from the well or spring, and then lower fresh chicken leg in it. Then you will need to get up in the pelvis and read the conspiracy three times:

"As a rooster at the zara wings clap, spurs his spurs, in front of the glow, it flashes, so it would face the wings, I fool my spurs, before the gourded, I didn't part with my spurs. Get down on the rooster with the slaves of God (name). Amen".

Conspiracy from "Spur" (option 2)

195. For this conspiracy, you will need to break the branch with a blooming fruit tree, while reading the conspiracy with a whisper or to himself:

"I break you, dry branch, in the infusion bones. Like me, the branch, break, and the growths on the bones are instructed. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Conspiracy from eczema (option 1)

196. "Lord, my God! I, the slave of God (name), in front of you! Save my body from this infection, from eczema, from leprosy! Save the servant of God (name) from all sorts of infant bodily and from all diseases. Let it be so! Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Conspiracy from eczema (option 2)

197. "As a bitch is not green, like the leaves on it do not ring, but to dry up and you, my sore, wash!"

Conspiracy from eczema (option 3)

198. "For the sea, behind the ocean there are three dresseki in the sky. One Sgorody is clear, the other is red, the third is the sea. How they shine over the sea and by the eye, so the water is rinsed with yes sheep off the servant of God (name) all the applied daft from his skin! Let it be so!

Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Conspiracy from eczema (option 4)

199. "Save, Lord, the servant of God (name) from deprived, eczema, doggy, hanging, wolf, hare, horsepower, cow, pork, human, barbed, joining, bile, loose. I do not hesitate myself, God's mother and the Savior dissuade. Save the servant of God (name) from deprived, eczema and from all diseases. "

Conspiracy from epilepsy (option 1)

200. For this conspiracy, it is necessary to collect snow in the pelvis in the evening, and put this pelvis with snow into the room in which there is no mirror. When the snow melts, you will need to read the conspiracy on the water. And in the morning you will need to tilt the patient over the melt water and read the plot below.

"In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Water from the sky comes, water in the ground leaves. From the Earth, the water will come, the water will go to the sky. Go and you, the disease, water, then, water, go to the mother-land. And how from the earth the dead does not get up, so the birth in the ground will be back to the slave of God (name) will not come. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and in the eyelids. Amen".

Conspiracy from epilepsy (option 2)

201. "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen. The new man was born, the cross the life-giving watered, the demon contacted, the Lord God god became famous. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, from now on and confessed and forever, Amen, Amen, Amen. Holy Father Heavenly Beefi and Holy Father Heavenly Naughty, put it, the servant of God (name), to think about the holy place about the Lord, think about the Lord, think about the Lord, to do attendance. The Holy Spirit will fall on him, the slave of God (name), all heavenly ruin will reach, will rejoice, the whole His will pass by him, Spassive, the Virgin Cross, Christ is a seal, in the name of the Father and Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen, Amen. As the Lord, our God created and installed the sources, the sea, rivers, lakes, swamps, so install you, Lord, fuck, Umyrey Hvor and the disease sitting in the servant of God (name), the prayers of the Major Virgin Mary, the Blessed Virgin Mary, all saints, fathers Heavenly. From now on, forever, Amen, Amen, Amen. "

Conspiracy from epilepsy and fever (option 1)

202. For this conspiracy, it will be necessary to bind the belt to the dresses from the dress or the tank strap, after which, stand next to the tree and the whisper to read a plot.

"Aspen tree, Osin Tree, take away my ovin-tree-tree aspen, the Wood aspen, let me relieve"!

Conspiracy from epilepsy and fever (option 2)

203. This conspiracy is read in the evening three times.

"Mother you are mine, Star Evening! I complain to you, my mother, on the goats of the twelve daughters of Herod. "

After that, it will be necessary to spit through the left shoulder and say the following words: "Where I spit, there b and him, the servant of God (name), to sneak."

Plot from barley (option 1)

204. "In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen, Amen Amen. Lord God God, save, save and bless! Sun-Batyushko west, day-day to the outcome, chips on the eye on the facilities, to the loss, will leave the oven itself. The word is my hard. To my way there is a key yes the castle is reliable. "

Plot from barley (option 2)

205. "Barley, barley, here you are Cukish, what you want, you can buy. Buy yourself an ax, rubbish yourself across. "

Conspiracy before surgery

206. For this conspiracy, you will need a troll, read his words with a whisper:

"First - cut. Second - stitch. The third is not to give. "

Then read ours "Father".