Can grandma be mom's grandchild? Woman became fruitless after surgery. She took a growing belly for a tumor ... Wedding of pregnant Cinderella Arina Larina

Feb 22, 2018.

43-year-old Alison Dent. For a long time considered himself fruitless. After the birth of the first daughter, the woman woke up in a bloody bed. She did not feel pain, nevertheless the visit to the doctor did not postpone.

The survey showed availability of atypical cells in the cervix. Alison believed that due to the consequences of the operations carried out on this occasion, it would never be able to give birth to a second child. But after 26 years of lack of monthly Alison began to notice the growing belly ...

Doctors told a 43-year-old woman that she had irritable intestinal syndrome. Alison took discharged medicines, but the belly continued to grow, the legs began to swell, the chest became more sensitive.

At this time, Alison took care of the newly born granddaughter and did not expect news about her own pregnancy at all. "I am a grandmother, I have not been men's 26 years old, I simply can't be pregnant!" - Ronated a discouraged woman, examining ultrasound shots.

It seemed to her that the doctors confused the pictures, but after a long conviction, Alison believed the words of doctors. A woman learned about his pregnancy for only 8 weeks before the birth of a child!

"Of course, the news about pregnancy delivered me, because it seemed to me that the growing belly was nothing but a tumor. I did not suspect that someday I could still give birth ... " - said Alison.

So in their family came double happiness: now Alison is engaged in the upbringing of Grassili's granddaughter and son Bobby, named after the 53-year-old stepfather, Roberta.

Such cases make it clear that women can give birth in any condition and

Relationships in the family can be rather strange. Many people just do not fit in the head, but this 61-year-old woman actually got pregnant ...

From MasterWeb.

13.06.2017 20:33

Relationships in the family can be rather strange. Many people just do not fit in the head, but this 61-year-old woman actually became pregnant with his own grandson. And in this case, we are not talking about illegal instications between mother and son!

It all started when Susan Casey and Bill Connell got married and began to plan the birth of a child. Unfortunately, despite all the attempts of the couple, Susan could not get pregnant.

After transferred miscarriage and several twins losses even before birth, the desperate spouses decided to resort to artificial fertilization. At that moment, when they began to look for a surrogate mother, Mom Susan, Christine Casey, offered them his candidacy.

Despite the entire unusual situation and the old age of Christina, this family everything turned out! In 2011, Bill Connell appeared on the world. We suggest you see photos of this amazing pregnancy.

Kristina Casey - truly heroic woman! For the sake of his own daughter, she not only decided to give birth to such a mature age, but also gave birth to his own grandson! Without a doubt, she will be the most loving grandmother in the world!

Based on: wikr.comTranslation and Adaptation: Marketium

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A 61-year-old resident of the United States gave birth to a child who is not only her son, but also ... grandson. The fact is that the woman helped his daughter, who for many years unsuccessfully tried to conceive a child.

Kristina Casey became a surrogate mother for her daughter Sarah. Sarah with her husband is the biological parents of the kid, but the embryo was placed in the Grandmother's umba, which endured the child. When the baby was born with the help of the Caesarean operation, in the maternity hospital, according to the doctor, there was not a single person who would not cry. "The operation itself was successful, however, these clans had a very deep emotional aspect," he admitted.

Sarah and her husband decided to have children when she was 35 years old, but soon it turned out that the woman had ovulation ceased. After a special treatment, she became pregnant, but gave birth to stillborn twins, and later she had a miscarriage. As for the mother of Sarah, she successfully gave birth to three daughters, the last of which is 30 years ago. After retirement, the woman moved a lot, meditated, attended various mugs and spent time with friends.

The birth of a child after menopause is a rather rare phenomenon, however, thanks to the new methods of artificial fertilization, this happens more and more often. It should be borne in mind that older women may face a number of complications during pregnancy and childbirth, and experts do not advise them to be pregnant.

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