I can not teach a child to write from dictation. Preparing for the upcoming work. How to learn to write correctly for high school students and adults: recommendations from an experienced teacher

The ability to write well is relevant throughout life. Business papers, letters, albeit electronic, personal records - everything should be without errors. And you need to work on the literacy of writing constantly, as progress does not stand still. Together with him, new words appear in the Russian language, which also need to be written correctly. Writing from dictation is a difficult job that requires a combination of different skills. Help your child develop these skills.


Teach your child to first listen to the sentence completely, only then proceed to write it.

Form the child's ability to dictate to himself in syllables what needs to be written. At home, you can dictate to yourself out loud, carefully pronouncing all the sounds. In class, you will have to do it in a whisper, which you also need to be able to do.

Together with the child, write down on the cards all the vocabulary words necessary for memorization in this class (they are contained in the dictionary at the end of the textbook on the Russian language). Hang these cards around the house. The child will stumble upon them with a look and automatically remember the words.

Check your child's knowledge of all the spelling rules of the words studied in this class. Develop the ability to apply them in writing. Ask the child not only to say which letter should be written in any word, but also to justify its spelling.

Develop spelling vigilance in your child. Offer him a text written with errors and ask him to find and correct these errors.

Write warning dictations. Dictate the sentence first in its entirety, then in phrases. Before writing, the child must explain what, how and why he will write.

Let the child read the text. Find with him all the dangerous places in terms of possible errors. Check the spelling of all the words regulated by the rules. Repeat the spelling of all vocabulary words that occur. Dictate the text to the child. Read what was written together, correct any mistakes, prove the need for corrections. Write the dictation again. Check it out.

Speech errors are always noticeable, especially written ones. And if a mathematical defect is perceived with understanding, then inferior literacy causes indignation or even ridicule. Why do some people find error-free writing easy, while others struggle with spelling? Is it the student's fault? Can you help him? How to teach a child to write correctly so that in adulthood he remains a master of writing?

Teaching literate writing - is dysgraphia victorious?

According to statistics, seven students out of ten write with errors, and three out of ten younger students suffer from dysgraphia.

Dysgraphia becomes the cause of many annoyances and unfair reproaches. A child with dysgraphia may know the rules better than anyone in the class, but he fails to use them.

Learning to write well should be a united front: at school, at home, and possibly with a speech therapist. A competent teacher or a good speech therapist can defeat dysgraphia even in high school. But at home, on your own, it is quite possible, if not to get rid of it completely, then at least reduce its impact. What can parents of children with many writing errors do?

  • Walk the child, do not keep him at home. Active games in the fresh air will saturate the brain with oxygen, increase the efficiency of the baby, and provide him with a good rest.
  • At preschool age, let the child play, postpone developing intensives for later. The game teaches the kid to follow the rules, self-control, discipline.
  • For the same reason, send your child to the dance section or to the sport. In addition to volitional qualities, sport develops coordination, which is an extremely positive prerequisite for teaching literacy.
  • Give your child a light massage of the neck and neck, this will unload the spine, activate blood flow and brain function.

How to teach a student to write correctly? To the consolation of the parents of dysgraphics, this "spelling ailment" is correctable. It is important to contact a specialist on time and engage systematically. Can parents overcome dysgraphia on their own? If we are talking about the diagnosis, then the help of a specialist is needed. How to recognize serious violations in the written language of a child? There are some signs of this...

Signs of dysgraphia in illiterate writing

Children with dysgraphia do not like to write. Their notebooks are sloppy, the handwriting is constantly changing: from bad to completely unreadable. If you do not deal with the correction, this violation becomes the cause of complexes and difficulties in writing (during exams, at work, at home). Meanwhile, an illness can strike even an intellectual - often smart, developed children turn out to be completely helpless when a blank sheet and a ballpoint pen are placed in front of them:

  • Mistakes in notebooks are repeated, there are many of them, although the kid diligently learns the rules.
  • The schoolboy has bad handwriting, he confuses the letters, writes them in the wrong direction, replaces, adds too much.
  • Dysgraphic handwriting can depend on mood and well-being.
  • With all the "written" shortcomings, dysgraphics can draw well.

How to teach a child to write without mistakes? It is important to remember that the causes of digraphia and dyslexia (reading disorders that often accompany dysgraphia) can be different - from pedagogical neglect (and only parents are to blame here) to genetics. As you can see, the student is not guilty in either case, so he needs help and does not deserve reproaches and censures.

Perhaps the kid just does not want to learn, maybe he is not interested. And then an alternative is needed. A boring textbook successfully replaces a fascinating manual, for example, “Secrets of Spelling” by Granik G., where the rules are combined with assignments for consolidation. Try to draw rule diagrams or memorize them using mnemonic symbols. Set up a toy school with real trappings: a small blackboard, chalk, tiny notebooks and diaries.

Correct writing: how to overcome mistakes

To teach a child to write correctly, you need to figure out how the writing process takes place and what qualities of thinking need to be developed:

  • Hand memory - this factor is based on motor memory. Having written a difficult word several times, the student remembers it and can remember the spelling automatically without thinking.
  • In connection with the rule voiced above, a second premise arises: you cannot make mistakes. Having written a word with an error at least once, we fix it in memory. Next time we will make a mistake in the same place almost certainly. If the student does not know how to write a word, let him ask a question or look in the book.
  • Hearing, namely the ability to distinguish speech sounds, determine their characteristics, bind them to rules, is one of the main prerequisites for literacy.
  • Spelling articulation, self-dictation, pronunciation of the word as it is written, involves several types of memory at once: auditory, articulatory (motor), spelling. In addition, the child learns to make a decision, trains the brain processes responsible for literacy in writing. The same technique can be used in the classroom, only you need to pronounce it in a whisper.
  • A letter with comments is the pinnacle of good writing. Before writing, the student explains the rule he is going to apply. This exercise can bring spelling skills to full automatism.

Unusual methods of teaching literate writing

How to teach a child to write without mistakes? Try to work out with him yourself, but do not sit down at your desk, but offer something interesting and unusual.

  • For 5-10 minutes a day (in high school - about 15 minutes) let the child read "like a foreigner" - syllable by syllable, highlighting the stressed vowel, pronouncing it as it is written (ko-rO'-va po'-went to the meadow YES tra-woo'). The pace of reading gradually accelerates.
  • Print out a spelling dictionary (you will find it at the end of the textbook) and include short passages of one and a half to two dozen words in your “foreign” reading.
  • A couple of times a week write dictations of 5-7 vocabulary words. Ask your child to check their work and even rate it.
  • Print in large print an excerpt from the classics - Bunin, Tolstoy, Ushinsky. Give the kid a felt-tip pen, a marker, a red pen, a corrector - let him cross out all the letters O in the text today, another time - U, and so on. Change the “tools of labor”, give feasible tasks - this way you will keep your interest in the game, train your attention and perseverance.
  • We prepare printouts, as mentioned above. On one of the days off, we ask a little schoolboy to complete the following task: read; write down, first pronouncing difficult words in syllables 2-3 times; check yourself (since this task is quite voluminous, small texts are taken for copying).

In addition to the classics, there are modern manuals developed by experienced authors to improve children's literacy:

  • collections of Uzorova O.
  • spelling "problems" by Akhremenkova L.
  • the book “Texts for cheating grade 2”
  • textbook "Control cheating grade 1", Ushakova O.
  • Auxiliary aids Shklyarova T.

Is there an excellent student in your family? - This is a great merit of adults. The highest score in the subject is an assessment of parental work as well. But do not be discouraged if the first-grader took a not very successful start and fell a little behind in the distance. Almost all violations can be corrected, the main thing is to strive for this and be a purposeful team!

Greetings to all readers of the ShkolaLa blog in a new important topic.

“How to teach a child to write beautifully?” - more than one generation of parents of younger students is puzzling over this question. "Like a chicken paw!" "Dirt in the notebook!" “You explain, show, correct - but still, instead of letters, some kind of scribbles are obtained!” Familiar? And you want to help the child, but that's just how? Well, let's figure it out together.

But just let's find out first, but is it necessary? Or maybe let a child write for himself, as God puts on his soul. Handwriting is not the most important thing in life. Moreover, now in adulthood, everyone mainly types texts on the keyboard, and not manually writes.

Well, it's the same as an adult. And at school, everything is basically the old fashioned way, notebook pens and many, many notes. And if a child writes ugly and sloppy, then expect a decrease in academic performance on all fronts. Including oral subjects. After all, teachers of geography, history, biology also want to see cleanliness and order in notebooks.

And while the child is in grades 1, 2, 3 or 4, the situation with ugly handwriting can be changed. To do this, you need to know what affects the beauty of handwriting. So that letter to letter, number to number, and everyone is the same height and just like a ruler. And send all the notebooks to the exhibition.

Lesson plan:

Key Ingredients of Calligraphic Success

Developed fine motor skills

A child will not be able to write normally quickly and beautifully if his fine motor skills are not prepared for this. The muscles of the hand must be ready for the upcoming loads at school. And for this they need to be developed.

For this, tasks such as entertainment are suitable:

  • drawing and coloring with pencils;
  • modeling from plasticine;
  • construction from small parts, for example, from the Lego constructor;
  • beading;
  • origami;
  • work with scissors;
  • sorting out cereals, etc.

You can do this at least every day and not only train motor skills, but also enjoy it.

Ignoring the development of fine motor skills is stupid, not only from the point of view of beautiful handwriting, but also from the point of view of the development of thinking, memory, and imagination. And without them, school life is nowhere.

Strong back

It would seem, how are physical education and sports related to beautiful handwriting? It turns out that the connection is direct! A flat back, a strong shoulder girdle, a reliable posture, all this will allow the child to sit at a desk or at a desk correctly, evenly.

And posture during writing also affects handwriting. It will be difficult to write beautiful letters, lounging on the tabletop or bending over in three deaths.

So, “get on the charge!” A daily simple set of morning exercises will bring the child closer to beautiful handwriting. Charging on the "School" blog is dedicated, be sure to read it.

Correct handle

Handles are different:

  • gel and ball;
  • thin and plump;
  • smooth and rough;
  • pretty and not so pretty.

Which one to choose for a younger student?

The choice should be guided by the physiology of the child's hand. Our hands are still small, not strong. Therefore, thick, heavy "feathers" are put aside.

It's great if the pen is beautiful, but, you see, this is not the main thing.

When choosing between gel and ball, preference should be given to the latter. Gel pens tend to abruptly stop writing or scratch paper, and the gel spreads very well on paper.

The shaft of the pen should be thin and leave a neat thin mark. When buying a pen in a store, check it in action, it should slide easily and simply over paper, without requiring much effort.

If the pen is made entirely of metal or plastic, then this is not the best choice. The child's fingers will slide over it. It is better to choose a pen that has a special rubber pad with ribs or pimples where it is gripped by fingers.

Oh, and also, the teacher will certainly be very grateful to you if you refuse pens with buttons that can be very fun to click in the classroom.

Proper grip on the handle

If a child holds a pen like this

or like this

Do you think he can write well? Maybe it will work, but only the letter will be very slow. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to the correct holding of the handle.

And how is it right? And this is when the pen lies on the middle finger, is held by the pad of the thumb and is covered by the index finger. And the little finger and ring finger serve to support the hand and slide bent over the paper.

This is where the difficulties arise. Well, our little schoolchildren cannot get used to the correct position of the handle and as soon as it is not enough.

Fortunately, dear parents, there are very specific ways to remedy this situation. Now I will tell you about them and show you. We made a special video for you with my first-grader son Artem.

Method "Tweezers"

This exercise will help the child understand how to hold it, this naughty ballpoint pen. The point is to grab the pen with three fingers (thumb, index, middle) at the very top and gradually slide your fingers down. In this case, the handle itself will fall into the hand as it should. Watch the video.

Method "Checkpoint"

Before you begin any written work, draw a bright dot on your child's middle finger. This will be where the handle will land. And on the handle, you can use colored tape or tape to mark the lower limit beyond which you can’t lower your fingers.

Method "Rubber"

Correctly holding the writing instrument will help the usual bank rubber band. Excellent trainer. We put an elastic band on the handle and on the child's wrist. And voila! The handle lies in the hand as it should. By the way, it also trains the arm muscles well.

Method "Napkin"

Another great and easy exercise. Fold an ordinary napkin so that the child can hold it with his little finger and press it against his palm with his ring fingers. So, the little finger and the ring finger are busy and cannot take part in the writing process. Only the correct “writing” fingers remain.

Method "Self-taught pen"

Let's not forget about a special device called a self-taught pen. This is a handle on which you can put on a special nozzle. The nozzle most often looks like a beautiful toy. A pen with such an overlay is simply impossible to take wrong. We haven't tried it ourselves, but we've heard a lot of positive reviews.

Exercise machine for right-handers "Self-taught pen" | Buy with delivery | My-shop.ru

Simulator for left-handers "Self-taught pen" | Buy with delivery | My-shop.ru

These five ways, if you practice them constantly, will be quite enough for the child to understand and remember how to hold the pen correctly.

Well, we train motor skills, we learn to hold the pen correctly. What else? What is the third principle?


Without constant training in this matter nowhere! You need to train constantly, both in the process of preparing for lessons, and outside of this process. Here you will come to the aid of various recipes. For grade 1 students, you can take prescriptions by age, you can even purchase an additional set of prescriptions the same as in school.

Well, for older kids for students in grades 2, 3 and 4, the cheating exercise is perfect. Just take any text and copy it into a notebook. This exercise, among other things, will help the child get used to cheating. Indeed, in schools now they not only write essays, presentations and dictations, but also periodically conduct so-called control cheating.

Nobody canceled exercises for hatching, stroking and drawing by cells. You can read more about them.

All of the above, dear parents, is enough to make a child's handwriting, if not calligraphic, then at least very, very pleasant. Oh, and also, I advise you to read an article about dysgraphia, it can make beautiful handwriting impossible.

I wish you patience and perseverance, and your little schoolchildren success in their studies and good health.

Until we meet again, in new interesting articles!

Always yours, Evgenia Klimkovich

Studying at school is associated with many difficulties. The most relevant of them is a competent letter. How to teach a child to write correctly without mistakes? This question is asked by mothers who are concerned about the performance of their baby.

How to teach a child to write correctly and without errors

Of course, in principle, someone will be surprised by only one formulation of the question. There is a school, let them teach there. But the first truth that the parent of each student meets today is that much depends on how the preparation and consolidation of educational material at home is. There are several recommendations on how to teach a child to write correctly:

  1. Practice after school by saying to him the words in which he made mistakes in class or homework;
  2. Learn the vocabulary words that are usually given at the end of the textbook;
  3. Make sure your child reads a lot.
It has long been proven that well-read people write much better than those who you never see with a book. Visual memory works here and a person automatically writes some words correctly, not knowing the rules, but remembering how he saw them in a book.

When deciding how to teach a child to write beautifully and competently, remember that all children are different. Someone is born with the so-called innate literacy. This is an intuitive sense of the language, but only a few are so lucky when the rest are forced to learn the rules and cram numerous exceptions to them.

Trying to cope with how to teach a child to write correctly in the 2nd grade (as well as in the 3rd, 4th and others), do not scold him for the mistakes made, it is better to sort them out, learn the correct spelling so as not to repeat them again. Otherwise, you will only form an inferiority complex in a small student, and he may not understand how to write a word that is difficult for him.

Errors in speech are hard to miss, especially in writing. In order not to become the subject of ridicule, it is important to learn how to write correctly. Literacy is easy for some, while spelling is difficult for some. Does it all depend on the student? How to teach a child to write beautifully and correctly? Should parents do this or only teachers at school?

In adulthood, you will often have to use written language, so the child should learn to write correctly

Why write beautifully?

There is no doubt that even today, despite the presence of high technology, the distinguishing feature of an educated person is the ability to speak and write accurately. Children still get grades in school. The question is different - is it worth it to write beautifully?

There is an opinion that soon the preference will be given to the ability to type quickly. Experts, on the contrary, are sure that beautiful handwriting is used to judge not only that the child is neat and assiduous. Mainly, this indicates a good development of fine motor skills, thanks to which we can talk about the presence of good abilities for intellectual development.

The development of motor skills of the hands

An important point in teaching a child to write is hand training. This will require a lot of effort. The most effective method is modeling. In stores for children, you can find a huge variety of modeling books. By the way, for these purposes, you can use ordinary clay or plasticine.

Working with plasticine improves fine motor skills and develops the child's attentiveness

How to sit at the table correctly?

It is necessary to sit correctly at a desk not only because of convenience, but also because it directly affects the efficiency, productivity of writing, as well as the quality of calligraphy. Table position rules:

  • the back should be kept straight, while resting on the back of the chair;
  • elbows should be on the surface of the table, especially the elbow of the hand with which you write;
  • the chest should be at the distance of a child's fist from the edge of the table;
  • the head needs to be tilted down a little so that the arm raised to the top on the elbow with the help of the fingertips can touch the eyes;
  • feet should be placed on the floor, while the knees should be bent at an angle of 90⁰;
  • the notebook must be placed at an angle of 45⁰ between the upper corner and the edge of the table, and the lower corner faces the center of the chest (it must coincide with the edge of the table opposite).

The first stage of learning to write is to observe the hygiene of child labor. During this period, the child should be taught the correct position at the table.

Correct body position when writing can minimize the strain on the hand

Sequence of learning

List of necessary subjects for teaching Russian:

  • a pen, mostly gel, having three edges to form the necessary grip;
  • copybook to learn how to write individual letters, phrases and sentences;
  • notebook in oblique line.

Training takes place in several stages:

  1. Stroke. It is recommended to use copybooks, where letters and words are marked with dotted dots. In addition to letters, you can find different sticks, squiggles, geometric shapes, patterns and pictures in them. Usually they begin to learn to write beautifully with them. When the kid has mastered drawing lines, ovals, roundings, it's time to start learning to write letters, numbers and words. In the process of such a stroke, the baby's fingers are trained in the correct spelling of letters and their connections. Children with great enthusiasm are engaged in such recipes. They are interested in watching how the dots become beautiful letters. After a while, the baby will be able to write beautifully on his own. In addition, it is allowed to engage in graphic dictations with the child, using a notebook in a cage, in which the child is asked to circle two cells to the right, two down, etc.
  2. Strengthening the skills of writing letters, syllables and words, based on a sample. It is necessary to use copy-books, where there is an example of writing a letter (we recommend reading:). So the child will always have the opportunity to see how this or that letter is spelled correctly. It is important to remember that you should start teaching a child to write a new letter only after he succeeds in writing the previous one beautifully. For someone it takes 30 minutes, and for someone it takes more than 7 days. Give the child the opportunity to learn how to beautifully display letters, after that syllables and words.
  3. Rewriting phrases and texts in their entirety, using the 1st 2nd type of copywriting. Such activities are aimed at preparing for independent work.
  4. Consolidation of the gained experience. Every day, have your child rewrite a few lines from a story, verse, or song. This stage is the final and most difficult in the process of teaching a child beautiful writing.

The development of beautiful handwriting requires, among other things, the monotonous work of rewriting the text

Teaching writing in a wide range

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Writing in a notebook with a wide ruler is quite difficult for a baby, since he himself has to determine the width, height and slope of the letters. In doing so, he faces the following problems:

  • too big letters
  • very narrow letters;
  • too small letters.

Tips for avoiding these problems:

  1. Before starting to write on their own, the child should ideally master writing in a notebook in an oblique line.
  2. Give the child the opportunity to practice writing letters and words in a notebook in an oblique ruler not on the working line, but on the space line. Its size is similar to a line in a wide ruler, however, thanks to the oblique lines, the baby will be able to make the desired slope.
  3. You can make a combined type notebook, where sheets will alternate in an oblique and wide ruler. For example, a child writes a letter in a narrow line, and then performs this task in a wide line. So the baby will be able to see a sample of the correct spelling of the letter.
  4. At first, all possible assistance in maintaining the necessary slope in a notebook with wide lines can be provided by a zebra sheet, which must be placed under the work sheet.

Until the child began to write confidently, a notebook in an oblique line will help form the handwriting

Ways to teach your child to write quickly

Five Minute

In order for the child to acquire the skills of fast writing, you can use the method called "Five Minute", which is playful in nature. Its essence is that every day the kid rewrites 5 sentences from his favorite book as a workout (we recommend reading:). The task takes only about ten minutes, but the method is very effective.

We write by time

This method is suitable for children who responsibly approach the task. It is based on the use of hours. Before completing the task, you need to ask the kid how long it will take him to do the lesson? For example, it will take him 20 minutes. It is necessary to put a clock near him and clearly explain how much time is at his disposal. When doing work, the baby will look at the clock and know whether he will have time to meet the allotted time or not. Thus, over time, the child will learn to write quickly.

Playful learning

To make the learning process for the child easier and more interesting, you can prepare your own material for didactic games. For example, tasks with uppercase templates are suitable. The desired result can be achieved through the following developmental tasks:

  • the child plays the role of a teacher: where did I make a mistake?;

To make the child more interesting, you can sometimes trust him with the role of a teacher.
  • try to find the twin letter;
  • individual elements are missing: try to guess which letters are missing;
  • several letters are missing in the word: try to guess what the word is;
  • it is necessary to select a paired element for the sample.

How to deal with dysgraphia?

Sadly, but quite often there are schoolchildren who write with grammatical errors and suffer from dysgraphia. Due to dysgraphia, the child receives offensive statements and baseless reproaches. His problem is that he does not know how to apply his knowledge in practice.

In order for a child to learn to write without errors in a short period of time, it is necessary to organize comprehensive training: at school, at home, if possible with a speech therapist. If the teacher has extensive experience behind him or the speech therapist is an excellent specialist, then they can cope with dysgraphia even in high school.

Independently at home, it is also possible to at least partially eliminate it.

Parents whose children make a lot of writing mistakes should follow these tips:

  1. Let the baby walk more. Staying in the fresh air helps to saturate the brain with oxygen, increase efficiency, and the child will also be able to have a good rest.
  2. If the kid does not go to school yet, let him play, do not load him too much with developmental tasks. During the game, the child acquires the skills of self-control, discipline and compliance with the rules.
  3. You can enroll your child in any sports or dance club. In addition to the above skills, playing sports also contributes to the development of coordination, which favorably affects the process of learning to write.
  4. You can lightly massage the baby's neck and neck. This will help ease the load on the spine, improve blood circulation and brain function.

In order not to fixate the child on one type of activity, it makes sense to enroll him in the sports section

What needs to be done in order for a child to learn literate writing? If your baby suffers from dysgraphia, you should respond in a timely manner by contacting a specialist for help, as well as independently conduct classes on a daily basis. If dysgraphia is a diagnosis, then parents are unlikely to be able to cope with it on their own without the help of a specialist. It is possible to find out how serious the problems in writing in a baby are by certain signs.

Signs of dysgraphia

Children with dysgraphia do not like learning Russian. Their notebooks look sloppy, the handwriting often changes: either it is very ugly, or it is completely impossible to make out what is written. If measures are not taken in time, the baby may develop complexes, because of which he may experience difficulty in writing.

However, smart, highly intelligent children can face such a problem. They are also able to get confused at the sight of a white blank sheet of paper and a ballpoint pen:

  • the baby is trying hard to learn the rules, but still makes a large number of repetitive mistakes in the notebook;
  • the handwriting is completely sloppy: the baby can mix up the letters, write them in the opposite direction, replace or add too much;
  • the mood and well-being of the baby can affect handwriting;
  • with such writing impairments, dysgraphics may be good at drawing.

Dysgraphia in a child is characterized not only by poor handwriting, but also by its dependence on the emotional state.

We should not forget that both pedagogical neglect, in which only parents are to blame, and genetic predisposition can influence the occurrence of dysgraphia. In both cases, the student is not to blame, so it is necessary to provide him with all possible assistance and in no case scold him or reproach him.

It may be that the baby simply does not have an interest in learning. In this case, you need to find an alternative. You can try to replace the usual textbook with an entertaining manual, for example, "Secrets of Spelling" by Granik G., in which interesting tasks are attached to the rules to consolidate the material. You can also represent the rules in the form of diagrams, or learn them using mnemonic symbols. Organize a small game for school: you will need a small board, chalk, toy notebooks and diaries.

Work on bugs

Before teaching a child to write, you need to understand what this process consists of, and what qualities of thinking need to be developed:

  1. Hand memory based on motor memory. If the kid writes a difficult word many times, then he will remember it, and in the future he will automatically write it without error.
  2. Mistakes are not allowed. It is enough for a schoolchild to make a mistake in a word once for it to be deposited in his memory, and another time he will definitely make it in the same word. If the baby doubts the correct spelling of any word, he should better ask for help.
  3. Develop hearing. One of the main factors of literacy is the ability to distinguish speech sounds, characterize them and compare them with the rules.
  4. Pronounce the word the way it is spelled correctly. In this case, different types of memory will be involved: auditory, motor, spelling. In addition, the baby acquires decision-making skills, which is a good training for the brain processes responsible for competent writing. You can use this technique even in the classroom, pronouncing the words in a whisper.
  5. Writing comments are a very effective way to teach good writing. Its essence is as follows: before writing something, the student must tell the rule that he wants to use. This technique will help the baby acquire and improve spelling skills.

The development of hearing is extremely important for the reproduction of written speech.

Other ways to teach literate writing

In order for the kid to be able to master an error-free letter, you can independently come up with exciting and entertaining tasks for him, in which you do not need to sit at your desk:

  1. Invite your child to read syllables daily for 5-10 minutes, emphasizing the vowel and pronouncing it as it is written. Let him read slowly at first, and then faster.
  2. You can print out a spelling dictionary and add small phrases of 15-20 words to your reading.
  3. Twice a week, arrange short dictations of 4-6 words. Let the kid himself check the work done and put a mark.
  4. In large letters, you can print several lines from any work. Let the child use a felt-tip pen or red paste to underline all the letters A in the text, the next time - E, etc. Each time come up with different tasks so that the baby is still interested in playing. During such classes, the child trains attention and perseverance.
  5. At the end of the week, arrange a small test task for the baby: read a little, rewrite the text, while pronouncing difficult words in syllables 2-3 times, check your work.

Currently, in addition to the classics, you can find modern textbooks specially written by authors with extensive experience in teaching children literacy:

  • collections of Uzorova O.;
  • spelling aids Akhremenkova L.;
  • textbook "Texts for cheating grade 2";
  • allowance "Control cheating grade 1" Ushakova O.;
  • additional allowances Shklyarova T.

Preparing to write a dictation

The teacher prepares the class for the work in advance, as a rule, several days in advance. At the same time, he specifies the topic to which the work will be devoted. Try to get the baby to always tell you about the upcoming test. If he does not remember the topic, you can guess for yourself that it concerns those rules that were studied in the previous chapter. However, sometimes dictations do occur that contain spellings that have long been passed, so it would be better if you check the topic with the teacher.

You can prepare at home for writing a dictation by doing the following:

  • re-learn the rules;
  • conduct training on their use;
  • write a short text under dictation, meeting a certain deadline;
  • to repeat words from the dictionary;
  • do tasks similar to those to be completed at school;
  • check the work done.

It is desirable to create conditions close to the lesson - do not prompt, limit time, nothing superfluous should lie on the table. If the baby has difficulty with any rule, you need to pay more attention to it:

  • you need to make sure that the child has not forgotten the rule and understands it;
  • let him try to write the text, commenting on why he wrote exactly this letter, what rule he applied, etc.

To prepare for the dictation, it is desirable to create conditions for the child close to school

Do not forget that when checking, the teacher will rate not only for error-free writing, but also for how accurately the work is done. That is why it is important that the baby can correct the flaws correctly.

How to write a dictation for five?

To get a high mark for the dictation, you must follow certain rules. When preparing for writing a test, adhere to the following recommendations given by teachers with many years of experience behind them:

  1. you need to listen carefully, focus on punctuation marks;
  2. start work only after the teacher has read the sentence to the end;
  3. do not rush to write ahead of time, even if you think that you remember everything;
  4. when writing, pronounce words to yourself in syllables;
  5. do not look in a notebook to a neighbor;
  6. always check when the teacher re-reads for the class to check;
  7. During self-checking, carefully read all the words syllable by syllable.

Innate Literacy

Innate literacy refers to an excellent visual memory for words. As a rule, this is characteristic of people who are indifferent to classical literature, since they regularly have a sample of literate written speech before their eyes.