It is necessary to draw after each feeding. From which the amount of milk depends. Milk stirring should be carried out when

"Want to breastfeed - do not be lazy and jumped milk after each feeding!" - For many decades, doctors professed this doctrine, believing that it is a prerequisite for the good lactation and the health of the mammary glands in the future. Confidence in the need to push the breast milk was so great that moms spent on his execution all the time from one feed to another, complicating their lives.

Do I need to grind milk?

The myth is based on the total benefit of the diligent compression of breast milk, observation is allowed - if you "pick up" all milk from the breast to the last drop, then it will come more. But this rule has other characteristics. Firstly, it works only with a single use: if after the morning feeding mom's chest to the last drop, then the next day of milk really accumulate more. If a woman does not repeat the procedure, the volume will still be gradually coming to normal. The second circumstance: when the kid himself sucks the chest, the amount of formed and eaten milk is approximately the same. Chanting the valuable fluid, the woman violates the natural balance between the child's need and the amount of milk produced. Always constrained more than the crumble would eat, so too much will come to the next feeding of milk, the chest will overflow, but the baby still does not eat more than he is required. If you do not write the remnants, the threat of lactostasis will arise. Mom is accepted for work, and in response to her milk efforts will come again more than needed.

A closed circle of grinding breast milk is formed, which is impossible to break painlessly. Milk, not popular with a child, is a lipophise signal to reduce the production of hormones responsible for breastfeeding. The answer will be a decrease in the volume of "baby food". Noticing that milk was less, the mother takes measures: spends even more time to plunge, stretches between feeding, to "accumulate milk," introduces the doctors ...

As a result, the child sucks the chest even less, and the lactic gland is deprived of the naturally necessary stimulation. The normal feeding scenario is broken, and the infirmity gradually becomes an artificial ... The conclusion is obvious: continuous stacing is fraught with complications, and it is better not to start it. It leads to the passage of unclaimed milk, threatening the health of the mammary glands, and prevents normal lactation.

When do you need to grind breast milk?

But to exclude the dimming of the breast milk is not at all about the life of the young mother. A normal breastfeeding cycle lasts at least 1 year. During this period, the nursing mother is more than once in the circumstances, when it is not difficult to dispense. More often than others are repeated three situations, and each implies its stacked tactics.

The story is the first. The first arrival of milk.

Usually milk appears in the chest on the third day after delivery. And guess how much it will come, it is not always possible. Sometimes the receipts are so great that most of them remain unclaimed by the newborn and complicates his mom's life, not yet restored after delivery. Women's breasts increase in size, it becomes severe if the gland is pressed - the pain is feeling, they lose their usual softness and heat. If it does not take action on time, inflammation is developing: the temperature rises, the well-being is worse.

What to do?When loading the chest helps the compress made of cabbage leaves. It gives a cooling effect, absorbing evaporation from the skin surface. Wash out a warm water of several large fresh leaves of cabbage and sow all the gland around the hour for about an hour. The following point of assistance should be a soft massage and stirring. One or two sessions softening the chest, helping to normalize the production of milk.

Since at the time of the rapid arrival of milk, the chest becomes very painful at the slightest touch, it is necessary to prepare for pressure. Start with the massage the least suffering plots, gradually expanding the effects zone. Try to relax, make long exhalations - it will help to withdraw the dairy iron from the state of "shock", then the elastic muscle tubes - dairy ducts - will begin to decline more actively, and the milk will flow itself.

After 7-10 minutes of the massage, try to put the fingers to the pinch on the Area and rhythmically squeeze and unzip them. If a droplet of milk has been released, start stirring - manually or breastsos, if not, continue the massage.

Cutting the milk with his hands, position the palm with four fingers under the breast so that the index is located on the area from the bottom, and place the large on top. When you join all your fingers, the nipple must be advanced. Now lift your breasts, press it to the chest and squeeze, unzip the fingers around the arolam. If milk flows, continue plugging until the tide is over. So that the slices of glands are devastated evenly, move the fingers around the circumference of the Areola.

Important details. Singing with the help of breastsosa has an important advantage: the product obtained is easier to save, because the milk falls immediately into a sterile bottle or package for freezing milk. When working with hands, a certain amount of valuable liquid is sprinkled. Trying to send milk to the future, do not get carried away. Too gag will lead to the fact that tomorrow milk will be even more, and you will again wake up with painful breasts.

History Second. Milk stagnation leads to lactostasis.

At first, the mother discovers a small seal in the chest, which, when pressing, hurts, as many women say, like a bruise. With lactostasis, dairy ducts, which must push the milk out, lose elasticity and cease to shrink. The fluid is formed no more than usual, but it cannot get out. If you do not take action, redness will appear. If it is further inactive, mastitis will begin - the inflammation of the breast.

What to do? An excellent means for the treatment of lactostasis - is all the same stirring. It must be started with a similar breast massage - it softens the seal, restore blood flow in the stagnation area and activates the sluggish dots. Painful sensations should be avoided: the answer to the pain will be even greater spasm of ducts and aggravated lactostasis. Massion follows the entire gland - not strong, but rather deep. First, make some stroking movements by iron from the periphery to the nipple, lift it, knock down with your fingers from the bottom side, approaching a particularly patient place. So that your fingers slid better and did not injure gentle skin, apply cream for nipples on them.

Important details. It is necessary to move to the very plot when you feel the tide of milk (usually the severity, itching, tingling) appear in the chest) or see that it began to drip. It is possible to push into a wide dish, leaning over a low table: so the chest is in a position that stimulates the outflow.

The third story. The child does not add in weight

The baby is already a month, he sucks normally, and Mom does not bother anything. But on the first visit to the doctor it turns out that for the month of the crumb almost did not add in weight. It turns out, he does not have enough food and urgently need to doctors? The reason for the misunderstanding is that an inexperienced mother can not always determine when her child just sucks breasts as a pacifier, and when - eats. She does not notice that Kroch simply lies with a nipple in his mouth, smoking, and nothing swallows. This behavior forms the sluggish order of milk. If you get torture with this tactic, then it will soon empty the chest, the baby will turn away from it, and the lactation will almost immediately stop.

What to do? Milk stands out waves in response to the sucking of the chest kid. It is advisable to prevent long interruptions between tides. If the crumb falls asleep at his chest, brake it, raise for a few seconds in a vertical position, offer one, then another chest. To activate the arrival of milk, you will have to spend your free time on stimulating massage and stirring. At first, these procedures should be left for several hours a day: 3-4 sessions will be required for 30-45 minutes. A few days later you will notice the improvement, and the duration can be reduced. During massage and pressure, you should be comfortable: make it easy, turn on calm music, tune in to pleasant thoughts about the baby. Breast massage - stroking, shocking, climbing - it is necessary to alternate with compressing the nipple squeezing for 1 minute. As soon as the iron becomes softer, see a few milk and proceed to feeding.

Important details. In your task, it does not include stirring a large amount of milk, select the main portion for the child. After all the efforts, he will certainly be able to finally dine independently.

If my mother managed to collect milk, gripping it as necessary, then sooner or later it can create their own "dairy bank" in the freezer. The product is necessarily useful when it will take for a long time to delete or adopt a medicine incompatible with breastfeeding.

To the rapid parish of milk should be prepared. A day after the birth of the baby, it is necessary to limit the reception of the liquid - to drink little by little and only non-carbonated water. Soups, tea, compotes exacerbate thirst. When milk generation comes to normal, the prohibitions can be canceled.

There is a myth that grindit is necessary strictly after each feeding, so that there are no stagnation of milk and it has arrived better. This statement is partly true, but only in some, special cases. To find out, in what cases it may be necessary to plunge, remember how the formation of lactation occurs.

What is lactation

As is known, in the first two-three days after the birth of the mother's mammary gland produces a colostrum - a completely special kind of milk, fundamentally different in the composition of milk mature and having a high concentration of proteins, microelements and fat-soluble vitamins with relative poverty with carbohydrates and fats. The colostrum is highlighted in a very small volume, usually not exceeding 20-30 ml for one feeding to the third day after delivery. This volume corresponds to the needs of the child at the age of 2-3 days. These days the mother has no feeling of chest fullness, the chest is soft. The child, if it is properly applied to the chest and effectively sucks, completely empties the gland. However, the brewing process does not stop for a minute, and if you press the nipple a few minutes after the feeding is over, a few drops of poles will be separated from it.

On the third day after the birth begins the following phase of development lactation: Milk glands stop allocating colosure, which is replaced by transient milk. It is less rich in proteins, but contains more carbohydrates and fats in its composition, thus approaching the composition of mature milk. The beginning of the release of transition milk coincides with the so-called tide. This moment is felt as a feeling of cutting, sometimes - like tingling in lactic glands. From this point on, the glands work in full force, providing the growing day by the day of the child's need in nutrition.

Once again, we recall that a young mother needs to limit the reception of the liquid to 800 ml. I am the arrival of milk so as not to provoke it to work out in excessive amounts, which is a predisposing factor for the development of lactostasis (milk stagnation).

From which the amount of milk depends

As already mentioned, milk is produced in the breast constantly, accumulating towards the next feed in the required amount. If the child begins to suck the chest, experiencing a feeling of hunger, sucks actively and right, then by the time it is saturated, the chest turns out to be almost completely empty. In this case, there is no need grind. Between feeding and central (running out of the brain) Regulating lactation There is a close feedback, which manifests itself in the fact that the more the child sucks the milk from the chest, the more it is produced to the next feeding.

If the child sucks inactive or inefficiently, incorrectly, not devastating the gland, then signals are incurred in the brain that milk is produced more than the child needs, and the next feeding of the milk is aligned with less. Thus, the best prevention of both hypoglactics (reducing the amount of milk) and lactostasis is the right and regular attachment of the child to the chest, effective sucking.

Special importance at the stage of becoming lactationit has free applied to breast, feeding on demand. Such feeding mode, on the one hand, stimulates the production of more milk when it is still not enough, on the other - allows the child to completely empty the gland, warning the stagnation in it.

Stage formation lactationit lasts about 2-3 weeks and ends by the end of the first month of the child's life. By this point, iron produces quite mature milk. Rhythm feedings are usually established. The child requires the breast in its individual mode, but each kid has, if this mode is adjusted correctly, the frequency of feedings is more or less rhythmic. On average, the child at the age of 1-2 years is needed in feeding every 3 hours (± 30 minutes), including night time. Accordingly, Mother's Milk Iron and Centers, regulating its operation, adapt to this rhythm of feedings. If a child has a need for more milk, it sucks more actively or earlier requires the next feed, which serves as a signal to greater milk generation.

When need to grind milk

At the stage of brewing, if for some reason the child is not applied to the chest, it is necessary grind upSo that the brain will receive signals about the devastation of the breast and stimulated its permanent operation. So, at this stage, it is necessary to develop dairy moves in order for the moment when a child can suck the chest, iron was ready to "give" milk.

At the stage of formation lactation need in chargeing milkit occurs in the case when the intensity of milk production of the iron exceeds the needs of the child in nutrition, when it does not empty the breast (normal after feeding the milk iron is soft, without loading sections). Plots lactostasisdefined as the breast loading, painful to the touch. With such phenomena and necessary charging milkBecause after the stagnation of milk, the inflammation of the breast is developing - mastitis.

How to use breastsosos

For chargeing milk You can use a variety of mechanical breasts. The principle of operation of all breastsos is based on the creation of a vacuum in its cavities, as a result of which milk from dairy moves enters the tanks. But still it should be said that no matter how perfect is the breastsos, at the stage of formation of lactation it is better to develop her chest with hands. The use of breastsos is justified in cases where the milk is very much and the chest is already well decorated when there are no problems with the nipple. It is also conveniently because the whole design is sealed, and if you sterilized it before use, then as a result of the fit, you get sterile milk, which can be stored in the same "capacitance" into which it has been received during the complaining process (in a bottle or special package) .

Need in Chargeing milk There is in cases where the mother is forced to take away from home and it needs to create a supply of milk,

Ideally, when the child feeds on demand, he can and should suck so much milk from the breast, how much breasts produces. If the production of milk iron exceeds the needs of the child at this age, the brain receives signals that the milk is extended, and the iron begins to produce milk less.

When the formation of lactation was completed, the need for chargeing milk It appears in cases where the mother is forced to leave the house and it needs to create a supply of milk for feeding the baby in its absence.

How to fix the milk

First of all, it should be said that the process chargeing milkin no case should not be traumatic for the chest. All efforts must be moderate. The measurement efficiency depends on the correctness of the actions, and not on the force attached by the hands. Often you have to see the chest of a newly born woman, all covered with bruises, as the result of improper induction.

Before the beginning chargeing milkit is necessary to warm up the chest, gently resassing with her palms in front, behind and on both sides in the direction from top to bottom. Then you should capture the gland with both hands so that the thumbs of both hands are located on the upper surface of the chest (above the nipple), and all other fingers are on the bottom (under the nipple). During the milk tide, the nipple swells often, and this prevents not only induced, but also feeding. To reduce swelling, it is necessary at the beginning of feeding or plugging for several minutes gently and carefully to follow the contents of dairy strokes in the nipple. The movements of the fingers - the big and index - both hands on top down and from the surface of the nipple - in its thickness. First, the movements should be very superficial, but gradually, as the milk outflow improves, the degree of pressure must be increased. If you do everything right, you will feel like a nipple becomes more softer and supple milk jesterfirst rare drops, and then - thin jets. The appearance of milk pill coincides with a decrease in the packer edema.

After that, you can proceed to charged milk (or to feeding). It should be remembered that the dairy moves pass in the part of the gland, which is located on the border of the Area (near-thechki pigmentation), above the nipple. It is in this zone that the progressive movements of the fingers should be sent. The movements should be the same as when the milk stacked the milk strokes, not two fingers of both hands should be involved in the work, and all five. Iron should be resting in the palms, located between big and all the other fingers, while the main effort (but moderate!) Must come from large fingers, and everyone else must support the gland, slightly pressing from top to bottom and rear. In this way, charging milkit is performed until the milk ridges will dry out. Next, you should slightly change the direction of movement with your fingers to influence other stakes of the gland. To do this, you need to change the position of the fingers, placing them so that one hand is lower, and the other is from above. At the same time, if the left chest is compressed, then the thumbs of both hands are located on the inside of the chest, the other four - with the external one. If the right chest is stacked, then the thumbs of both hands are on the external side, and the other four are with the inner. The movements of the fingers should be made in the direction of the periphery to the nipple with a slight pressure of deep down the gland. You need to complete the plot after the milk stops flowing into the jets.

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In fact, pediatricians and breastfeeding consultants exist clear recommendations on the subject. The rules of successful feeding developed by the World Health Organization, it is said that if the feeding of the baby is organized not in terms of the regime, and on demand, then there is no need to fit after each applying to the chest. In this case, milk is produced exactly as much as the child needs, i.e. The amount of milk in the mother's chest is regulated depending on how often the kid sucks it intensively.
Why is this happening? The whole thing in hormones controlling lactation - prolactin and oxytocin.

Breastfeeding: Prolactin

Prolactin is responsible for the secretion of breast milk. The amount of milk in mom also depends on it - the more prolactin, the more milk will be. But in order for hormones to be generated, they should receive a signal. Sucking a baby breast stimulates the sensitive nerve endings of the Area, from which the signal is transmitted in nerves into the corresponding brain center - the pituitary, where prolactin is produced. Prolactin, in turn, stimulates the secretory cells of the mammary gland to the formation of a new portion of milk. Thus, the more often the sucking occurs more actively and the chest is fully emptied, the greater the prolactin emission, and, accordingly, the greater the amount of milk will be produced. If you rarely apply a baby to the chest, milk iron occurs in the breast, and the body reacts to this decrease in its development. In the event of a shortage of milk, its number can be increased by more frequent attachments of the child to the chest. This is the so-called principle "Demand - Offer".

Breastfeeding: Oxytocin

The second hormone is oxytocin - contributes to the release of milk from the chest during feeding. Under its impact, muscle fibers located around the breasts are reduced and squeeze the milk into the ducts towards the nipple. Reducing the production of oxytocin makes it difficult to empty the chest, even if there is milk in it. Thus, it becomes clear that the most common myth of complaining "so that the milk does not disappear, after each feeding it is necessary to push the chest to the last drop" does not have anything in common with reality. When fixing after feeding, breasts gets "false" information about how much milk was spent. To the next feeding milk will arrive in the "wrong" quantity: a plus released by the baby plus. That is, regular chartping of the breast after each feeding will lead to an increase in the production of milk (hyperlactation) and, as a result, will increase the likelihood of lactation and mastitis. After all, the baby will not be able to suck the resulting large amount of milk, and it will be stood in the chest. In addition, it is possible to grind the milk to the last drop in the last day, because it continues to be continuously produced.
In addition, grabbing milk after each feeding, mom can harm not only for himself, but also to her baby. The fact is that when a woman grows his breasts after feeding, she removes "rear" from it, the most nutritious and fatty milk, in which there are many lactases - enzyme splitting lactose (milk sugar). The lactose itself is mainly contained in the "front" milk (then that stands out at the beginning of feed). The child's nutrition is only the "front" milk leads to more than necessary, the admission of dairy sugar in the intestines. As a result, the gastrointestinal tract of the baby ceases to cope with a large amount of lactose, fermentation arises, abdominal pain, stool disorders (liquid with greens and foam). All this leads to the development of lactase insufficiency. In addition, feeding only the "front" milk, the kid does not affect the nutrients they need.

When should I join?

When the mother gives the baby breasts on his first demand, does not limit the time of sucking, does not budge it with water, there is enough stimulation of the mammary glands and the body of the woman "counts" itself, how many milk produce. In this case, there is no need to plug. But there are special cases when a nursing mother for any reason is necessary to grind milk. They can be divided into three large groups: Milk at mom is too much, and you need to get rid of his surplus. This, as a rule, happens during the formation of lactation, when milk arrives very quickly, the child does not have time to suck him, and additional liberation is required to avoid the stagnation of milk and the development of mastitis. Mom has the need to recover the child.
This situation may occur if:

  • The child is bad (inactive) sucks the chest. Most often, this problem occurs in children, weakened due to the unfavorable course of pregnancy and complex labor. Presence, hypoxia in childbirth, damage to the nervous system, generic injuries lead to the fact that due to the slowdown ripening of centers in the brain, by the time of birth, a sucking reflex or baby is not very weak after childbirth, it is difficult for him to suck the chest. It is difficult for a child to capture the chest, which happens if mom is drawn or flat nipples.
  • There are cracked nipples. With deep and painful carpentry cracks as a temporary measure for their healing, it can be recommended to stirring and feeding a child with recliny milk.
  • When separating mom and baby, for example, if a nursing mom needs to be rented for a while (to work, study, etc.), and it misses feeding time, or the woman fell ill and hospitalized it.
  • It is necessary to stimulate the production of milk. Such measures have to be taken when: milk is allocated in insufficient quantity; Mom should be supported by lactation for a while when it is divided with the child and it is impossible to feed it (in treating drugs that are incompatible with breastfeeding).

When to draw in advance?

It depends on what caused pressure.

  • If a lot of milk. When the milk is re-published, which is most often found during the lactation period, it is recommended to join the chest not completely, but to a sense of relief in lactic glands. In this case, it is not necessary to cry with pressure and it is important to remember that the more the milk is constricted, the more it is later and arrived.
  • When a nursing mother needs to stimulate the production of milk, you can recommend potted at night. The hormone prolactin, which is responsible for the formation of milk, is most secreted at night, so plugging at this time contribute to increasing lactation.
  • If my mother needs to be rented. When a nursing mom cannot regularly feed the baby from the chest, then to preserve lactation, it is necessary to adhere to a certain charting schedule. If it is diluted for a while up to 3 hours, then you need to feed (or begun) before leaving and immediately after returning home. In the absence of mom from 4 to 6 hours, mom will need to send milk 2-3 hours after the last feeding. If the interval is more than 6 hours, then it will be necessary to join every 3 hours.

How to make it right

If a nursing mother plans to go to work, then the milk should be harvested in advance for about 1-1.5 months. Recommended grind Once a day in the morning, between feedings, for 10-15 minutes, and freeze it. It is necessary to store milk from the calculation that for every 3 hours there is no mom's mom, the baby is needed 100-200 ml (depending on age).
It can be made of milk with hands or breastsosos.
Usually every mother chooses the most convenient option for it. In cases where the breasts need to quickly, or there is a need to decline the large volumes of milk, you can use the milk pump that greatly facilitates this process. But as practice shows, it is worth learning to learn to each mom, because there may be situations when you need to send milk, and there is no breast pump at hand. Singing chest hands It is effective and non-making for the breast.
It is only important to comply with the right technique. Before the first complain of the mother, it is desirable to consult a doctor or a breastfeeding consultant to show her how to do it. Conveniently, if you master this skill back in the maternity hospital. The entire pressure process can be divided into two stages. At the first stage, the mother prepares clean dishes for milk (if it is not special sterile containers, then the container should be rinsed with water and then sterilize) and it is prepared by itself (my hands thoroughly).
The second stage is the actual process chargeing milk. Since the reflex return of milk (the so-called oxytocin reflex) is not so pronounced, as when sucking the chest, the child, before proceeding with this procedure, it is recommended to stimulate it. Hormone production of oxytocin contributes to the positive emotions of the mother, a calm atmosphere, bodily contact with the baby. So, proceed to complaining. First of all, mom needs to take a comfortable position and relax as much as possible.
A closer outflow of milk when plugging contributes to warm or hot drink 10 minutes before the procedure, a warm shower, a lightweight stroking breast massage towards Areola. It must be remembered that the accumulation of milk is not occurring in the nipple, but in the zone of the arole, so that the dimming is effective, it is necessary to squeeze this area, and not the nipple.
Grind It is recommended that it is advised to feel sulking with hands, and there should be no lumps in it. If the mother discovered the sealing section, it must be tried to fly to flourish. Sometimes in the process of complaining, the nursing mother may notice that the feeling of the originalness of the breast is preserved, and the milk ceased to flow from it. In this case, it is recommended to make a short break, during which you can try to see another milk iron or simply distract and relax. If, when fulfilling all the recommendations for complaining, the mother notes that a very small amount of milk is constricted after a time, then to solve this problem, you should seek help from a doctor or a breastfeeding consultant.

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The question of improving breast milk becomes relevant for each young mamm. And oddly enough, there is no definite answer to this question. The views of people of various generations and different professions will be born about this. Some argue that the dimming of breast milk is important and necessary, others urge not to interfere in the natural processes of our body. In this article we will try to consider imprinting when lactation.

Important quantity of breast milk

So, is it necessary to grind milk? Among the women of the older generation there is a myth that to increase the release of breast milk, it is necessary to produce it as often as possible. In reality, the release of breast milk is intensified at all by hand, and the process of sucking with a child mother breast. The feeding of the baby is a complex process that is regulated by the endocrine system of the maternal organism. When the baby completely empties the chest, the "bell" comes into the endocrine system, and the production of milk becomes stronger, active. If the child does not empty the chest to the end, then the body understands that milk should be less. In this case, the stirring of the chest will help keep the level of milk in sufficient quantity for normal nutrition.

There are two types of child feeding: according to the mode and on demand. If the baby feeds on the regime in compliance with certain time intervals, then the filled breast remains unclaimed. The kid eats once every 3-6 hours, often sucking only one chest. And the second breast leaves filled. In this regard, the body concludes that it is necessary to reduce the release of milk, since it is not fully spent. Therefore, breast milk begins to be produced in smaller sizes. There is a danger that it is soon and can overdo it at all.

When feeding the newborn, on demand, the milk is produced precisely as much as it is spent, eaten. The need for pressure disappears itself, since the baby is often applied to the mother's chest: to eat or calm down. Sleeping milk practically does not remain, and thanks to frequent applying to the chest, the child is not hungry. When the woman has breastfeeding, stirring is not always sure.

Thus, when feeding a baby at the request, lactation in mommy is more stable and predictable. This was taken care of the very nature of the lactation mechanism and the structure of the informs in the female body. Kid with his sucking as if he regulates the amount of milk required. The body also estimates the surplus or lack of milk and how it makes a decision to strengthen or weaken lactation.

There are situations where moms, wanting to help lactation, constrain the surplus of milk after each feeding. Later, tired of this process, they throw plugging, which is me encountered with a new problem - hyperlactation. The body was configured to highlight a large amount of milk, and now it will be needed not one day to switch to more moderate lactation. And mom at this time suffers from crowded chest, feeling discomfort and heaviness in the field of the chest. This means that you first need to think well, whether it is necessary to join.

So in what cases it is worth applying?

Now we will consider in detail the question of when it is necessary to join. To do this, there may be various reasons, for example:

  • When harvesting and loading the chest. It happens in the postpartum period. Lactation has not yet stabilized, the chest to the touch is solid, filled. Milk at the same time dense, oily, flows hard, the baby is hard to pull it out. It is necessary to help lactation with pressure. Milk must be stirred - and after a few days the situation will work out. At the same time, it is important not to push the chest to the last drop, as some obstetrics recommend. The fact is that the more milk, the more it will be produced.
  • When mom and baby can be separated by certain reasons. In the case of separation, it is necessary to join, it is not only possible, but even need! Approximately 6-10 times a day. Each breasts operate an average of 15 minutes. In this way, you can extend the lactation for a fairly long period of time.
  • If your mother needs to leave the baby for some small time interval. When mom with a bloch is to part for a short period of time (no more than 1 day), it is enough just once to completely write the chest before leaving. The enclosed milk is going to the bottle, and then served a child.
  • When the baby does not take the breast for some reason. In some cases, the born premature babies, low-fat, as well as sick bass, a weak sucking reflex. Some weak babies and give up the chest at all. This is the situation when it is necessary to grind breast milk, because the weak kid is important to eat with maternal milk.
  • If the mother needed to take drugs prohibited during feeding or make medical procedures and manipulations that could affect the composition and quality of breast milk. The decision to feed or not breastfeeding at the time of the disease and the treatment of a nursing mother is made by a doctor! If the medicine is absorbed into breast milk, it is more expedient to abandon several feedings, while gripping milk. It is important to remember the danger! Alcohol is a poison for a child who penetrates breast milk and is able to kill the baby! Also better than step after passage and anesthesia.
  • Breast diseases, such as mastitis, lactostasis. Without induction here, it is not necessary, especially if the child eats little and does not empty the chest. In mastitis, the female milk is not contagious, they can be fed. With lactostasis, dairy ducts are clogged and stopped pushing the milk out. The skin blushes, a seal appears, painful to the touch. If lactostasses are not treated, it will go into a more complex shape - mastitis.

There are moments when there is no time for reasoning: to join or not? In the maternity hospital with a separate stay of Mom and baby, women are found with the problem of toddler's failure. It happens because it forms the wrong seizure, because he was given a nipple instead of a chest. It will take a lot of effort and patience to achieve a child of natural and proper sucking. Therefore, it is better to avoid long-term separation, follow every awakening of the baby, to stay together with its chad the entire period of infancy.

Milk initially stands out with difficulty, the baby gets tired of sucking and without that firm breast - and begins to capricious. In this situation, stacked, but only in sterile dishes. When the chest becomes soft, and the milk is more liquid, probably the baby will be easier to grab the chest and lactation will work.

As mentioned above, the breast is constricted 6-10 times a day, in other words, so many times as much as the baby wanted to eat, but not less than 1 time at 4 o'clock. Why make breast milk so often? In order for the organism regularly a signal about the need to generate milk. If such a "signal" arrives rarely, the woman is irregularly feeding the child and does not resort to a clear charting schedule, the milk will soon be over.

To increase the volume of milk generation, you need to focus stirring. Within 2-3 days, it is possible to push the chest every day, and at night - once every 3 hours. The result will not wait long to wait: the lactation will noticeably improve.

And when you do not need to join?

Stirling is not always necessary. Here are some of those moments when we recommend not to accomplish:

  • When a child comes normally, chests and eats on demand.
  • When milk is enough for the child to be, he sleeps calmly, wakes, he does not need a release milk.
  • When a woman has no hyperlactation, the chest does not remain crowded after feeding.
  • When mom and baby, no short-term, nor long-term separation.

Healthy full sleep, abundant drink, balanced food and inner calm is the key to successful and long lactation. That is why close people need to be attentive to a nursing mother, give her a "respite": let go for walks, if necessary, come to the aid at night to the crying baby, cook lunch, and so on.

If the mother feeds the baby on demand, then there is not practically no need for a grinding breast. Singing is a difficult process that delivers the disadvantage, as it takes a lot of time, which could be devoted to crumbling or other family members. In addition, many women experience painful sensations in the chest, namely the nipple, at the moment when it was necessary to make pressure.

Thus, summarize. Lactation and breastfeeding are natural processes provided for by nature itself. In the feeding period, the amount of milk and the frequency of its production is regulated independently depending on the need of a baby. Sucking is the best lactation stimulator, to which you should resort when, in our opinion, a little milk. It is worth resorting to plugging only in cases of necessity mentioned above. Therefore, whether it is necessary to make - decide for yourself!

Do you need to grind breast milk or not? This question is certainly tormented by almost every young mother. Someone adheres to the councils of specialists, someone has their own point of view. But, anyway, the question of complaining remains open for many decades. After all, all women know that grinding breast milk can increase the power of lactation and prevent stools in the chest. But everyone also knows that this process is quite painful. Not every woman can force themselves to draw off, as it is quite difficult, but sometimes painfully. Having tried to do this once, the woman after that can once and forever refuse this venture. So is it necessary to grind milk or not, and how to do it right?

When it does not need to fit

In fact, the daily plumbing is not mandatory if:

  1. You do not leave the kid for a long time without a chest.
  2. If the kid feeds on demand, eats how much wants and when wants.
  3. If you do not plan to teach your breast for any circumstances.

When plotting is necessary

Chairing breast milk may be required if:

  1. The child takes the chest badly.
  2. Breast milk is produced in such a quantity that the baby is not able to take overflowing breasts.
  3. You have formed the blockage of Milky Duch.
  4. The child eats through the clock, and the amount of milk is not enough for its feeding.
  5. You leave a child without a chest for a long time and are forced.

Many mothers believe that it is possible to achieve an increase in lactation with breastfeeding, only by complaining. However, the baby feeding on demand is able to increase the amount of milk itself, it will simply increase the frequency of applying the chest. To understand how the stacing affects the amount of milk and the health of the woman, you need to get acquainted with how milk is produced, and which mechanisms are launching this generation.

Milk strongly flows from the chest

In the chest there is a lot of alveoli (dairy bags), in which breast milk is stored. Dairy ducts are departed from these bags, which merge near the nipple. Right in front of the nipple there are extended ducts that enter the nipples are narrowed. When the child takes the chest, he squeezes the mouth of the extended ducts, and the milk begins to flow into the nipple and in the mouth of the baby.

To continue this process, the reflex oxytocin should be included. It is he who affects how much milk will be developed. It comes to action at the moment when the kid stimulates the nipple or when the mother is worried about the crumb and hears his crying. At this moment, the hormone of oxytocin begins to stand out, which "pushes" breast milk from storage bags. A woman who feels the production of hormone explains this with a tide of milk. At the time of the tide, milk from the breast, women begins to flow independently, without the participation of crumbs. And at this time the child may refuse to take the breast, which gives milk under pressure. Then mom will need to see a small amount of milk and only then give the chest to the crumb.

What to do if milk does not come and almost not

To launch the process of producing oxytocin, it is often enough just to stimulate the chest a little. But there are several tricks, which also help to achieve milk tide during feeding. So, if you do not have enough milk, you need to do the following:

  1. Relax and imagine how milk comes out of a million storage bags, flowing through dairy ducts and falls into the baby's mouth.
  2. For a while before feeding, drinking a warm liquid. It does not matter that you will drink, and most importantly - how much.
  3. Ask someone from family members to make a massage back and neck.
  4. Just chat with your own baby, stroke him and press him. Sometimes the amount of milk depends entirely on how much time you spend with a crumb.
  5. Take a warm shower or put on the chest rag moistened with warm water.

There is also a mass of methods that will help to establish lactation without changing the milk. Each of them must be selected individually. Someone "call" the milk helps the murmur of water, well, and someone helps the stimulation of nipples. Therefore, every woman herself should look for the desired option, since there is no one recommendation for everyone.

Manually stirring

If you need to make a milk reserve or you decided to increase the lactation by constricting, then you need to know how to do it. Many young moms after childbirth do not know how to do it, how long it is necessary for this procedure, how much milk you can and you can. Therefore, they often admit a number of errors. That this does not happen, it is only necessary to listen to the recommendations on how to make milk.

Milk, most likely, does not flow immediately, but only after several clicks. If you feel pain, then you use the wrong pressure technique. If there is no pain, then the procedure is carried out correctly.

How can not be made:

  1. It is impossible to compress the nipples. No matter how much you have been pressed, the milk will not go.
  2. It is impossible to skip the hands on the chest. Wipe your breasts with a napkin if milk got on it.
  3. It is impossible to trust the stirring husband or girlfriend. They can harm the dairy glands.
  4. Do not look into the glass with a plugged milk. According to research, it helps to make more milk.

In the first days, approximately half an hour can leave for stirring. During this time, you can properly see all the milk. After complaining, felt the chest if there are no seals in it, then the dimming can be completed.

Stirling breastsosos

Some women to fit are more convenient to use breastsosos. Usually it is used with the manual method, complied with the breast at first, and then this device. It should only be noted that the soft and crowded breasts of breasts is not always taken.

The modern market offers many variants of breasts. However, they all should also be selected individually. Since the electrical option may be too coarse for someone, and someone's handmade breast pump delivers pain.

How often and how much should the milk

The frequency and quantity is directly dependent on a number of factors.

  1. So, to maintain lactation will be sufficiently complaining every three hours. If you want to increase the amount of milk, then it is necessary to join the chest every hour and even more often. But after the process is adjacent, stirring can become less regular. And after half a year it can be stopped at all.
  2. To establish lactation if the baby still can not take the chest, it is necessary to start the plumbing already in the first 6 hours after delivery. And then do it regularly - once a hour. After the child is strengthened, you can reduce the number of complains.
  3. In order to make the supply of milk, it is necessary to push it as often as possible, every one or two hours. And at the moment of its absence, it is also necessary to argue, so that the milk does not "burn out", and the lactation remained.

To decrease or not, how often it is necessary to do and what it is to solve every woman on your own. It is only worth remembering, the main factor on which the amount and quality of milk depends is feeding on demand, and not every 3 hours. Therefore, if you do not have contraindications for feeding, and your baby is able to take the chest, then you can forget about stirring. Nature everything thought over us, the child himself will ensure herself with milk. Mom remains only to adhere to the day, rest and get positive emotions.