Night masks for hair at home. Hair mask for the whole night (recipes). Oil masks for hair

Thick and well-groomed curls are the result of regular and high-quality care. However, due to lack of time and money, not every girl has such an opportunity. A good solution to the problem would be hair masks for the night, which are easy to prepare at home. In order for the positive effect to be tangible, it is worth doing cosmetic procedures regularly.

Rules for the use of night masks

Hair needs regular and quality care. Overnight beauty treatments keep curls healthy and soft. The effect is achieved faster due to prolonged exposure to the hair follicles.

Rules for using hair masks at night:

Popular articles:

  • It is not recommended to use hot components that have an aggressive effect - red pepper, mustard, onion juice, etc. As a result, you can get skin burns and irritation. Hair from such an impact begins to fall out;
  • A component tolerance test will help to avoid the appearance of an allergic reaction. If after 2 hours no discomfort does not appear, then the test has been successfully passed;
  • Before using the mask, it should be slightly warmed up. A warm mixture has a better effect on the hair structure than a cold one;
  • Apply the finished cosmetic product to clean, dry, carefully combed curls half an hour before going to bed. This contributes to less trauma to the hair;
  • It is better to apply the mask at night on the scalp and hair length at the same time, paying attention to the ends. This will allow you to comprehensively solve the problem;
  • You can enhance the effect of active ingredients if you wrap your head with polyethylene and a towel. If necessary, use a shower cap or cotton bandage;
  • It is recommended to wash off the mask from the hair after a night with warm water, then shampoo. At the end, it is advisable to rinse the curls with herbal decoction;
  • Night masks are enough to do once a week, with a course of 2 months. Then it is recommended to take a monthly break and, if necessary, the procedures are repeated.

To achieve a positive result, it is recommended to apply a night mask according to the rules. The scalp is very sensitive and does not accept aggressive ingredients. It is better to include herbs, honey, oils, vegetable and fruit fruits in the composition. Lemon juice is allowed as an exception.

Night hair mask recipes

There are many effective recipes for overnight hair masks in the world. Most of them are easy to make at home, even for a beginner. Masks applied to hair at night are different. Nourishing, moisturizing and restoring cosmetics are very popular. The selection of components should be carefully considered in order to obtain the desired effect.

For cooking, it is recommended to use only fresh and natural ingredients... For example, you cannot use store-bought mayonnaise. The product contains more harmful than useful substances. The composition contains dyes, fragrances, preservatives that have a negative effect on the hair. It is recommended to use homemade mayonnaise to prepare the mask for the night.

You should also prepare ceramic or glass container for mixing components. Metal utensils for making a hair mask at night will not work. Under the action of the active substances contained in the ingredients, the metal begins to oxidize. As a result, toxins enter the cosmetic product. The mask prepared in this way is not recommended to be applied to the hair overnight. There will be more harm than good.

Sometimes a recipe requires you to warm up the mixture. You should not use a microwave for these purposes. The device has a strong thermal effect on the components and reduces their effectiveness. For heating it is recommended to use water bath... Thus, the beneficial properties of the ingredients will be preserved in greater quantities. To make the mixture homogeneous, you should use a blender or whisk.


Masks, depending on the constituent components, have a different effect on the hair. Curls are highly susceptible to negative external factors. Sharp temperature changes, dry air damage their structure and lead to increased fragility. Having made the procedure for the whole night, the curls will absorb the beneficial properties of the components.

Weakened and colored hair will help to recover honey mask for the night... Mix 2 tbsp. l. warmed melted honey with three beaten egg yolks. The number of components is enough for shoulder-length curls. The resulting mixture is applied in a thin layer to the scalp and the ends of the curls. It is recommended to use the rest of the product for distribution along the length. The head is wrapped in plastic and a terry towel. In the morning, the honey mask is washed off the hair with water and shampoo.

The tool, which includes mayonnaise, also has a beneficial effect on the condition of the curls. Such a mask for the night both nourishes and moisturizes the hair. Mix 2 yolks and 2 tsp each. honey and homemade mayonnaise. Apply the prepared mayonnaise mask to hair and scalp overnight. In the morning, rinse the curls thoroughly with warm water.

Linen mask suitable for colored, damaged, dry, weak hair. To prepare the nutrient, you will need 1 tbsp. l. linseed and almond oil, 2 tbsp. l. burdock oil and 2 drops of rose oil. All components are thoroughly mixed and applied to hair overnight. The head is covered with plastic and a towel, and in the morning the product is washed off.


Masks prepared on the basis of nutritious ingredients will help to restore weakened hair. If there is not enough time, the procedure can be performed overnight. A positive result is noticeable after a month of use.

The most effective cosmetic recipes:

  • Moisturizing and making curls more manageable and soft will help avocado... The ripe fruit should be cut open and pitted. The pulp, chopped to a puree state, is crushed and mixed with 1 tbsp. l. coconut oil and 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice. The thoroughly mixed mixture is applied to the curls and scalp overnight. The head must be wrapped in plastic and a towel. In the morning, the mixture is washed off with warm water;
  • You can make your hair shiny and healthy with a mask with glycerin... Mix 2 tbsp. l. aloe juice, 125 ml. natural yogurt, 1.5 tsp. pharmacy glycerin and the contents of 3 capsules of the vitamin complex "Aevit". Apply the resulting mixture to the scalp and curls overnight. In the morning, a glycerin mask is washed off the hair;
  • Mask with ginger helps to strengthen the hair roots and restore their structure. Finely chopped ginger is mixed with 2 tsp. sesame oil. The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to curls and roots. The head is wrapped in a towel and left overnight. It is recommended to wash your hair with shampoo in the morning.

Regular bedtime treatments will quickly restore weakened and damaged hair. For the preparation of masks, components containing a large amount of vitamins and minerals are suitable.

For fast growth

Special night masks will help accelerate hair growth. Due to long-term exposure, the positive effect is achieved quickly. It is not recommended to use burning components. Curls and scalp can be damaged as a result of the use of cosmetics based on brandy, mustard, red pepper or vodka.

Honey oil mask, applied at night, nourishes and accelerates hair growth. To prepare the product, you will need to mix 1 tbsp. l. burdock and castor oil, honey and add 1 tsp. lemon juice. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath. The warm mass is mixed until a homogeneous consistency and rubbed into the hair roots with massage movements. The rest should be applied to the entire length of the curls. The head is wrapped in a towel and left overnight. In the morning, the mask is washed off.

To make curls grow faster, you can include in the mask colorless henna... The component is suitable for all hair types. The recipe for making a cosmetic product at home is simple. It is recommended to mix 50 gr. powder of natural colorless henna and 40 ml. cool water. The mixture should be homogeneous, without lumps. Apply the product to the roots and the length of the curls with light rubbing movements. We warm the head with a towel and leave it overnight.

Apple and carrot mask promotes accelerated hair growth. Medium-sized apple and carrots are grated on a coarse grater. The resulting mixture is laid out on cheesecloth and the juice is squeezed out. 20 ml is added. the aloe juice and the cosmetic are thoroughly mixed. The apple and carrot mask is applied overnight to the hair roots with rubbing movements. In the morning, the head is rinsed with an aqueous solution with lemon juice.

The mask, left overnight on the hair, activates their growth and nourishes the curls with useful substances.

Clay masks

Recipes for clay hair masks for the night:

  • Mix 50 gr. blue clay, 1 tbsp. l. melted honey, 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice and a little water. Instead of water, you can use kefir, fermented baked milk or yogurt. The resulting mixture should be applied to the scalp and distributed over the entire length of the hair. We leave the cosmetic product overnight. In the morning, wash off the clay mask with water and shampoo;
  • Dilute with 75 gr. white clay with a little water. Add 1 tbsp to the gruel. l. lemon juice, honey and 1 egg yolk. The mixture is recommended to be applied to the roots and hair overnight. At the same time, the scalp is lightly massaged with the fingertips. In the morning we get rid of the remnants of the kaolin mask with warm water;
  • Dilute 2 tbsp. l. pink clay with a decoction of calendula to a homogeneous consistency. Add egg yolk and 1 tbsp. l. warmed honey. The product should be applied to the scalp and hair. We insulate the top with polyethylene and a towel and leave it overnight. In the morning, wash off the clay mask with warm water and wash your head with shampoo.

Clay masks have a positive effect on all hair types. Cosmetics normalize the work of the sebaceous glands and give shine to the curls. If done regularly, the curls will look healthy and fresh. It is worth noting that the use of clay night masks requires natural drying of the hair. When using a hair dryer, the achieved positive result will be reduced to almost zero.

This practice will reinforce the success and further enhance the effectiveness of the clay mask.


Taking care of your hair is easy and simple with oil masks at night. Despite the benefits that they bring to curls, there are some contraindications to their use. Oily hair products are not recommended for people with oily hair. This will lead to the fact that the curls become even more oily, and the pores become clogged. Also, girls with colored curls should use oily components with caution.

Strengthen hair follicles and make hair thicker will help mask of three types of oils... Mix 1 part almond oil and burdock oil with 2 parts olive oil. The mixture is heated in a water bath to 40 ° C. A warm cosmetic should be rubbed onto the scalp. Residues are distributed over the entire length of the hair. The head is wrapped and the mask is left overnight.

You can moisturize dry and brittle hair with oil mask prepared according to the following recipe. To prepare a cosmetic product, you will need to mix 4 types of oils - 40 ml. burdock, 20 ml each. almond and jojoba, 10 ml. rose oils. The mixture is heated and rubbed into the scalp. The tips are abundantly moistened in an oil solution. A shower cap is put on the head for the whole night. In the morning, the mask is washed off with regular shampoo.

Night mask with added avocado oil suitable for weakened hair. It is recommended to mix 30 ml each. lemon juice, burdock, olive oil and avocado oil. The components mixed to a homogeneous consistency should be applied to dry curls. A special hat is put on top of the head. It is recommended to use shampoo and conditioner to remove the oil mask from the hair in the morning.

Masks left overnight are very beneficial for hair. Due to long-term exposure, the positive effect manifests itself quickly. The components for the preparation of a cosmetic product are selected depending on the result they want to achieve.

Beautiful hair is not a luxury, but a reward for quality and regular grooming. He doesn't have to be dear. If you cannot visit salons, purchase professional products, or simply do not have enough time for home procedures, you can apply hair masks overnight. It will take a few minutes in the evening and the same in the morning.


Rules for the use of night masks

Do not use products that increase blood circulation overnight. Usually these are masks for hair growth with mustard, pepper, onion juice. With prolonged contact, they cause scalp irritation, hair loss and even burns. Homemade mixtures are usually based on herbs, honey, eggs, vegetables, fruits, other foods, oils.

Rules for using hair masks for the night:

  1. Any mixture, regardless of the composition of the ingredients, must be warm. It is difficult for a cold mass to penetrate under the hair cuticle, the effect will be much worse.
  2. If you have styling products, thermal protection and other cosmetics on your hair, then all this must be washed off. Otherwise, the substances will penetrate deep into the hair along with the mask, which is not very good and can be harmful. If nothing additional was used, then you do not need to wash your hair again.
  3. Do not apply the mask only to the length or to the skin. You can nourish (moisturize, cure) both, if necessary, use products with different compositions.
  4. You do not need to cover your head with plastic or wear a cap unless specified in the recipe. Usually one scarf is enough to protect the bed.
  5. Before applying the mask, the strands must be thoroughly combed. You can also use a comb to dispense the product, but only with sparse teeth.

All masks that are applied at night are designed to solve different problems. Therefore, you need to carefully choose, taking into account all the nuances. If the product is intended for oily hair, it will ruin dry hair and vice versa.

Important! Often ready-made balms or masks of industrial production are added to oil mixtures. They help wash off the product, serve as additional nutrition, but only with a high-quality composition. If the product contains aggressive substances, then if it is on the hair for a long time, it will harm them and the scalp.

Video: Why oil masks should be applied to dry hair

Night mask recipes

Only fresh food and clean dishes should be used to prepare home remedies. It is advisable that the bowls are ceramic or glass, metal objects are not suitable. Some foods require heating. It is best to use a water bath for this purpose, you can also use a microwave oven, but it is undesirable. All homemade night masks for hair are prepared immediately before use, they cannot be stored.

Important: Regardless of the composition and incoming ingredients of the mask, you need to mix thoroughly, grind some components so that the mixture is homogeneous. Whisks, a sieve, a blender will be good helpers.

Nourishing honey mask

Nourishes weakened, damaged and colored hair, gives a vibrant shine, has a beneficial effect on the skin.

Honey - 2 tbsp. l.
Raw egg yolk - 3 pcs.

Heat the honey to melt the product. Otherwise, it may be difficult to apply. Beat 3 egg yolks in a separate bowl. This amount of ingredients is sufficient for a medium shoulder length. Combine liquid honey with eggs, grind thoroughly. Apply the mass to the scalp in a thin layer, rub well. Also treat the ends of the hair. Spread the remains along the length with a thin comb. Wrap up, leave overnight.

Clay hair mask for the night (for oily type)

Eliminates excess sebum, normalizes the work of the glands, gives a neat look and freshness, increases the intervals between shampooing.

Blue clay - 50 g
Honey - 1 tbsp. l.
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.
Kefir or water

Combine melted honey with lemon juice, grind until smooth, add blue clay and liquid. You can use plain water or any fermented milk drink: kefir, fermented baked milk, yogurt. Pour in small portions, monitor the consistency. You should get a gruel. Apply to the root part, distribute along the length, if the hair is oily, then to the very ends. Put on a scarf, wash off in the morning. If a fermented milk product was used, then the shampoo may not be used.

Overnight mask for fast hair growth

It supplies vitamins and valuable compounds to the bulbs, cares for the skin, and accelerates growth.

Small food gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
Drinking water - 3 tbsp. l.
Hair balm - 1.5 tbsp. l.

Combine water at room temperature with gelatin, insist, the time is indicated in the instructions. Melt the swollen mixture. Better to use a water bath. Add a good hair balm, stir. Apply lengthwise to washed hair, rub in thoroughly, smooth, gather in a bun, wrap with a scarf, leave until morning.

Video: Night oil mask

It is often difficult for modern women to find time for full-fledged self-care: many cosmetic procedures in salons sometimes take several hours. Folk recipes in this regard are more liberal, but, nevertheless, many hair masks require 1-1.5 hours of free time. What if every minute is a real scarcity for you, but you still want to look good, including luxurious curls? Night masks come to the aid of busy women, which will take care of the beauty of your hair while you sleep.

As a rule, night masks are based on soft ingredients that gently affect your curls, and therefore their long-term use will not cause any harm to the scalp.

  1. Such masks usually need to be slightly warmed up before use.
  2. During their use, it is advisable to additionally use polyethylene or parchment paper, fixing them with a terry towel. Under the influence of heat, the healing effect of night masks is significantly enhanced, and the bed linen remains intact and safe.
  3. Rinse off your night mixes in the morning with a mild shampoo.
  4. To fix the procedure, it is better to rinse your hair with a decoction of medicinal herbs: nettle, calendula or chamomile.


Let's take a look at the very best night mask recipes that are very easy to make right at home.

Against falling out

Ingredients: 1 tbsp. ground ginger, 1 tbsp. sesame oil.


  1. Mix together one tablespoon of ground ginger and sesame oil.
  2. Apply the mixture along the entire length and feel free to go to bed to see the result in the morning.

With honey and egg

And the egg will help you if the curls do not have enough nutrition.

Ingredients: 2 eggs, 2 tbsp. liquid natural honey.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Beat two eggs until smooth and add honey there.
  2. The mixture is applied with light massage movements, and you can stop only on the roots or distribute it along the entire length.

Potato hair mask for the night

This mixture is ideal for restoring loosened curls, including those that have been negatively impacted by coloring and other hairdressing treatments.

Ingredients: 1 potato, 30 g of honey, 1 protein.


  1. Grate 1 potato on a fine grater, add honey and whipped protein to it.
  2. The potato mask should be applied exclusively to the scalp and roots.

Fruit mask for hair at night

It is based on juices.

Ingredients: a third of a glass of carrot juice, 30 grams of aloe juice and the same amount of apple juice.


  1. Mix all the juices.
  2. Mix thoroughly.
  3. Spread over the entire length, paying particular attention to the roots.
  4. This mixture is saturated with vitamins, which are very useful for hair, returning it shine, strength and beauty.

How to make hair masks at night: important and useful rules

Night hair masks are a magic wand that will help you transform them in a few procedures if your hair has suffered from too aggressive dye, perm, lamination, highlighting and other procedures. The best part is that you practically don't have to do anything. It is enough to follow the instructions and just fall asleep in a sound sleep, and in the morning you will see that your hair will already look different.

In order for night masks to bring the maximum noticeable effect, it is recommended to follow simple, but working rules:

  1. Apply the product half an hour - forty minutes before bedtime, and not 2-3 minutes before bedtime, as many modern girls who are exhausted during the day do it.
  2. Comb thoroughly before applying the overnight mass.
  3. Apply the mixture exclusively to dry curls.
  4. Apply the product more to the part of the hair that needs more treatment.
  5. Do not ignore tips for keeping your bedding and clothing intact if you plan to leave the mixture overnight.
  6. Wash your hair in the morning, preferably using warm water.

Modern girls are increasingly resorting to home cosmetology due to lack of time. It is extremely difficult to find even half an hour in a busy daily schedule. However, there is a little trick to keep your hair tidy all the time. Specialists have developed special masks that need to be applied to the hair and soaked overnight. It turns out that during sleep, the curls receive sufficient moisture and care along the entire length.

Features of the use of night hair masks

  1. Before applying the composition, you need to comb your hair. The mop should be perfectly dry, otherwise the hair will start to sag in the morning. The hair is covered with the composition half an hour before going to bed.
  2. The product is applied in a thick, even layer. It is important to listen to the sensations of your own body. If you are uncomfortable, do not use overnight exposure products.
  3. Before using masks, evaluate the shock, identify problem areas. If your hair is split, distribute the product to the ends. For girls suffering from massive hair loss, the product must be applied to the roots.
  4. A cotton or linen bandage, a cap for bathing in the bathroom / shower can act as a warming cap. There is no need to wrap the head with cling film, it prevents the access of oxygen.
  5. Consider the exposure time, the night mask should not be overexposed. If the recipe has a note about limited time, follow the directions.
  6. The mask is removed with warm water after waking up in the morning. The balm is optional, but desirable. You can use baby or adult shampoo.
  7. If you have time left in the morning, always try to rinse your hair with a medicinal decoction. You can make an infusion of sage, nettle, currant leaves, birch bark.
  8. Consider the thickness and length of your hair when preparing masks. If you are the happy owner of a lush mop, increase the composition of the ingredients by 2-3 times.
  9. If you are making a mask for the first time, conduct an individual intolerance test. In case of discomfort, wash off the product, choose another recipe, repeat the manipulations.
  10. Each new mask must first be soaked on the hair for 2 hours. This period is allotted for the control of sensations and skin response. If you have a sensitive one, you cannot skip the stage.
  11. If you plan on sleeping for more than 4 hours, you should not choose masks with warming components. These include chili peppers, mustard powder, garlic, and onions.
  12. In the case when a mask with overdrying components is used, do not distribute the composition over the entire length. Protect ends with natural oils that nourish, moisturize and seal.

Night masks can be prepared no more than 2 times a week, if possible - less often. Do not forget to test for an allergic reaction before use.

Cream and pumpkin

  1. Cut pumpkin pulp, grate it or pass it through a blender. Add 45 gr. To the porridge. sour cream, mix, pour in 30 ml. cream of high fat content (from 22%).
  2. Add 65 ml to the mixture. burdock or olive oil, bring the mass until smooth. For the best effect, you can add 1 ml. vitamin E or B1.
  3. Spread the mask in a thick layer over the entire length of the hair, leave on for 10 minutes. Now put on a cosmetic cap, walk around the apartment for half an hour.
  4. If you have not noticed any negative reactions, go to rest. After waking up in the morning, wash off the product, if possible, rinse the locks with a decoction based on medicinal plants.

Kefir and mango

  1. Mango effectively moisturizes strands, so it is more advisable to use the product on dry hair. Take 1 fruit, peel it off, remove the bone.
  2. Grate the pulp on a fine grater or use devices with a chopping function (blender, meat grinder). Add 65 ml. olive oil, 45 ml. fatty kefir.
  3. Dissolve 35 g in a separate bowl. gelatin with lukewarm water, let it swell. The exposure time is half an hour. Mix the formulations into one mass.
  4. Make a hair mask, take your time to cover your head with a cap. Monitor your scalp for 30-40 minutes. If all is well, apply a bandage, protect a pillow, and lie down to rest.
  5. The mixture affects the epidermis and hair only in a positive way, but it is not recommended to keep it longer than 8 hours. In the morning, remove the composition with water, rinse the shock with sage infusion.

Coconut and patchouli oil

  1. The composition is recommended for use by girls suffering from seborrhea. Coconut pulp and milk make the strands silky, give the colored strands shine, and strengthen the follicles well.
  2. You can use coconut oil or pulp to prepare the composition. It is more expedient to use the second option, it is more affordable. Buy 1 thick coconut.
  3. Remove the peel from the fruit, remove the pulp. Pass it through a blender, mix with coconut milk. Strain, pour in 35 ml. olive oil, stir.
  4. Drop 3-5 ml. ether patchouli or ylang-ylang. Apply the product to the hair and leave for 25 minutes. If there is no inflammation and itching, put on a shower cap, go to bed.

Potatoes and nicotinic acid

  1. If your goal is to make your hair shiny, use this recipe. Prepare 2 Simirenko apples, remove the middle from each fruit.
  2. Place the fruits in a blender cup, bring to a state of porridge. Peel carrots, dry, cut into cubes. Grind it in the same way. Do the same with two potato tubers.
  3. Now combine all the masses into one composition, add an ampoule of nicotinic acid and 60 ml. olive oil (can be replaced with any other natural composition).
  4. Scoop the composition onto a foam sponge or brush, spread over the roots. Gently rub into the scalp, gradually go down. Finish the ends carefully.
  5. Wrap each strand of cling film, wait a third of an hour to assess the reaction. If all is well, cover the shock with a shower cap. Lie down to rest, wash off in the morning.

Honey and egg yolk

  1. In combination, the listed components revitalize the hair from the inside, make it smooth, strengthen the follicles and contribute to the accelerated growth of the hair.
  2. So that you can prepare an effective composition, use only liquid natural honey. Take 70-80 gr. product, break a few chicken yolks to it (proteins are not needed, they glue the strands together).
  3. Beat the mass with a mixer, you can additionally add burdock or almond oil in the amount of 45 ml. The mask is ready to be applied, but a preliminary test must be done first.
  4. Apply the composition to the roots, soak for a quarter of an hour. If the scalp reacts normally, continue using. Distribute the product along the entire length, wrap the head with a cloth.
  5. Lie down to rest, but do not overexpose the mixture for more than 7 hours. Honey has lightening properties, so the mask should be used for girls with blond hair.

Glycerin and Gelatin

  1. Many ladies wish to do lamination at home. This is not surprising as hair becomes smooth and shiny in a matter of hours.
  2. Gelatin is used as a home composition for the procedure. It must be diluted with water, following the instructions. Then glycerin is added to the mixture in the amount of 15% of the total volume.
  3. Now heat the mask to 35-40 degrees, add 60 grams to it. regular hair balm. Spread the composition in a thick layer along the entire length, try not to touch the roots.
  4. Wrap cling film over your head immediately. Turn on the hair dryer, direct the hot stream to the scalp. Warm up the mask for 5-8 minutes, at intervals of 30 seconds.
  5. Now remove the polyethylene, let the skin breathe for a third of an hour. Then put on a shower cap, go to rest with peace of mind. Rinse off with shampoo and water in the morning.

Corn oil and bran

  1. Pour milk into a glass, microwave and reheat. Do not wait for an intense boil; at the first sign of boiling, turn off the stove.
  2. Now fill in 80 ml. milk 45 gr. flax or rye bran, stir. Add 60-70 ml to the composition. corn oil and 40 gr. liquid honey.
  3. Make a hair mask, wait a while to objectively assess the skin's reaction to honey. If you don't feel itchy, wear a shower cap.
  4. Go to bed, after waking up in the morning, wash off the composition with shampoo. You may need to carry out the procedure 3-4 times. If the mask does not rinse off, prepare a solution of vinegar and water (1:10 ratio).

Dairy products

  1. An effective way of moisturizing can be considered the use of masks based on fermented milk products. Compositions are considered especially effective for damaged and painted mop.
  2. To prepare the mask, you can take kefir, yogurt, fermented baked milk, sour milk, yoghurts, etc. The product is applied in its pure form, nothing else.
  3. If you add other ingredients to the mask, the moisturizing properties will dull. They will be overshadowed by natural oils (nutritious effect), chicken yolk (fighting the section), etc.
  4. It is enough to distribute the product, wrap your head in a bandage and go to bed. In the morning you will feel a characteristic scent that can be removed by rinsing your hair with lemon water.

Almond oil and beer

  1. Often, the foamy drink is used in the fight against loss of shine, brittleness, and baldness. Due to the high yeast content, the drink penetrates into the core and affects the structure from the inside.
  2. Pour out 225 ml. beer in a glass, put in the microwave and preheat. Do not bring to a boil. Add 60 g to the foam. almond oil (can be replaced with olive oil).
  3. In a separate bowl, heat the 35g mixture. gelatin and 50 ml. water, stir. Leave the product to swell and cool. When it comes to room temperature, add two chicken yolks.
  4. Make a hair mask, do not spare the mixture. Evaluate the reaction of the epidermis, in case of a positive outcome, put on a shower cap, go to bed.

Prepare a night mask based on any natural oil. Add chicken yolks, beer, brandy, pumpkin pulp, dairy products, applesauce. Try to protect your bedding, in particular your pillow, from liquid formulations. First place the cling film, place a towel on top.

Video: mask for nourishing dry hair

Hair mask for the night will be a great helper for you if you are the owner of problem hair. Such a remedy will help your hair regain its former beauty and health. Applying hair masks at night is recommended for those who have increased dryness or oily hair, as well as split ends and an excessively fragile structure. Also, such procedures will help stop their loss and significantly accelerate growth. You can verify this if you try to apply the hair mask at night at least a few times.

Burr oil

Burdock oil is the most common hair treatment product. It is very easy to make such oil at home yourself, if you do not trust pharmacies, however, it is best to still purchase it ready-made, since you can incorrectly observe the proportions.

Burdock oil for hair is most often used in case of baldness and to accelerate hair growth. It can also be used as a mask, however, it is very oily, making it extremely difficult to wash it off the hair.

It is very simple to make a mask: you can not dilute the burdock oil with other oils, apply it to your hair and hide it in a special bathing cap. Or you can prepare a complex mask by adding other ingredients. Burdock hair oil combines very well with such ingredients.:

  • chamomile oil;
  • bey butter;
  • ylang-ylang;
  • mustard;
  • egg;
  • cognac;
  • kefir and others.

By mixing burdock oil with any of these ingredients, you can quickly heal your hair. In addition, such a remedy will help to improve blood circulation in the blood capillaries of the scalp, which will provoke accelerated growth of new hair, as well as increase their volume. Be careful when leaving the burdock oil mask overnight, as the cap can fly off and you will stain your pillow with oil.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil is another natural product, the beneficial properties of which have long been successfully exploited in cosmetology. It has a moisturizing effect on the hair and makes it less brittle. After using masks from coconut oil, hair growth is significantly increased, and their internal state improves. At home, it is very easy to prepare a mask from such oil at night.

Most popular mask recipe from coconut oil like this:

  • Take a chicken egg and divide the white with the yolk. Put the yolk in a separate bowl, and add another yolk to it.
  • Stir the yolks, then add one large spoonful of coconut oil to them.
  • Add the most fatty sour cream there.
  • Heat all this in a water bath, and then apply this mask to all hair.
  • Pack them under a bath cap and leave overnight.

It is necessary to wash off such an oil mask very carefully, otherwise, after washing, the hair will remain oily. Use as much shampoo as possible when rinsing.


Over time, honey has not lost its popularity at all for human health. It is very commonly used to treat colds as well as hair. Honey makes excellent nourishing masks that can add shine to your hair and make it thicker. Also, a honey mask for the night is suitable for girls with damaged hair often dyed, as well as with split ends.

There are two ways to prepare a honey mask for the night, which we will now tell you about.

With chamomile

To make a hair mask for the night with honey and chamomile, you need to take thirty grams of dry plant flowers and pour 130 grams of strong boiling water over them. Leave to infuse for half an hour, and then add a little honey to the broth. Gently massage the resulting product into the hair to improve blood flow to the hair follicles, and then leave your hair under a bathing cap overnight.

With onion

Grind in a blender, peeled from the husk onion and mix it with five tablespoons of honey. This mask must be gently rubbed into the scalp in a circular motion, however, if you feel a strong burning sensation, you should immediately wash off the product.

Castor oil

Castor oil is almost always used with burdock oil. You can use it without various additives, applying it to your hair, or you can prepare a mask by mixing it with burdock oil and the yolk of a chicken egg. To counteract the smell, you can add a little peppermint oil to the resulting mask, which must later be applied to your hair. Leave the castor oil mask on your hair overnight, and when you wash your hair, you will see that your hair looks much better.

Night hair masks with kefir

Kefir- This is another tool that is used not only as an edible product, but also as a product of cosmetology. Kefir masks help moisturize hair, stop hair loss and help it become much healthier. Also, kefir masks help smooth split ends with constant use. And you can prepare a kefir hair mask for the night in this way:

  • Take one small spoonful of cocoa and dilute it with water to make a thick, mushy mixture.
  • Stir the resulting mixture with egg yolk. It is best to use a mixer for this, as it will help achieve the perfect consistency.
  • Add 150 grams of kefir and whisk again.
  • You will need to apply the resulting result to the entire area of ​​the hair in a thin layer, wrapping it in a warm towel overnight.

If necessary, you can increase the number of products, as these proportions are indicated for medium hair.

Sometimes mayonnaise is used instead of kefir, however, it must necessarily be homemade, and not bought in a store! When using mayonnaise, you don't need to add egg yolk.


The gelatin mask is also very easy to prepare yourself. The use of such a mask replaces expensive hair biolamination procedures in a beauty salon, helps to get rid of split ends and gives even repeatedly colored hair a lively shine.

A gelatin hair mask should be prepared in this way:

  • In a ratio of one to three, pour gelatin with warm water and leave it to infuse. You can use a water bath to help melt the gelatin.
  • After the gelatin has cooled, take your hair balm and add one tablespoon of it to the gelatin.
  • Stir the mask and add just a little mustard if you want to speed up hair growth.
  • Use the mask as directed.

Be vigilant when flushing, as non-thickened gelatin may remain in the hair, which will negatively affect the hair.


Hair masks with Dimexidum are already a classic. There are many varieties of this mask, however, all of them have one thing in common: the use of this product helps to make hair light and thick, as well as accelerate its growth and make it less greasy. It is not recommended to make a mask for girls who have dry and too brittle hair.

To create a wellness mask, you need to mix three small spoons of lemon juice, a couple of teaspoons each of vitamins A and E, and add one small spoonful of Dimexide. Now you can use the hair mask as directed.

Flax oil

Flaxseed oil is a product that is applied to the hair without the addition of other ingredients. You can slightly dilute it with burdock oil and leave the resulting mask overnight. Be prepared for the fact that it is quite difficult to wash your hair from oily shine after this mask, so do not skimp on shampoo.

When choosing the right recipe, be careful, as some ingredients can trigger allergies. There is also a list of recommendations that you should read.

  • Use a mask an hour and a half before bedtime so that you can feel the discomfort in case of applying an unsuitable mask and have time to wash it off.
  • Dry and comb your hair thoroughly before application.
  • If you are not sure about the reaction of the scalp to the mask, apply a little of the product to the elbow and wait for half an hour. If the skin does not turn red and does not start to bake, then you can use the mask on your hair.
  • Rinse your hair after the mask with water, which should be added in advance lemon juice... This will also help lighten them a bit, provided the original hair color was also light.

After reading our article and taking note of the recommendations, you can do everything in order to have beautiful and vibrant hair.