New Year's books for children. Immersive New Year's performance "mysterious forest" in irri. Which page the bookmark is on

New year poems

Simeunovic Mira, teacher of the Russian language at the “Knez Sima Markovic” school, Belgrade, Serbia.
Purpose: the material is assigned to children (and teachers) of primary grades, parents who love to read poetry. It can be interesting for teachers of additional education, for all curious teachers.
Description: Dear colleagues, I bring to your attention the author's New Year's poems, which are my poetic debut in Russian. She wrote poems on the eve of the New Year for her students in Serbia, aged 11 - 12 (fifth and sixth grades), who are studying Russian as a second foreign language. Since the New Year is the most cheerful, the most joyful of the holidays, I wanted to create a festive mood for children in a new way at this wonderful time. I wanted to return the fabulous atmosphere, to please the children with a sense of magic.
Target: creating a festive mood
Tasks: to develop children's interest in reading poetry, also in fairy-tale characters; contribute to the formation of positive emotions and New Year's mood; Expand words knowledge; foster respect for the holidays; develop attention, memory, imagination and creativity.

White fluffy snow winds through the fields,
Delicate snowflakes dance over the hills.
Light, dry, falling and spinning
They are waiting for the New Year, having fun together.

The snowman on the hill is high
Small children look at him.
And the stars in the sky twinkle in the distance
As if they were inviting: "Dance with us!"

And the month danced in the night celebration,
Illuminated the road to grandfather with a sack.
The Christmas tree sparkles, the snow on it is dry,
The whole world has awakened under a bright moon.

Little Nadia is flying on a sleigh
Mum and her little sisters amused.
And their brother Kolya is playing in the snow,
Doesn't like skating on slippery ice.

Vovka, Dimka, Lenka, everyone came out to play,
To meet Grandfather Frost at the tree.
They played together, they go to the Christmas tree,
The sleigh of Santa Claus is looking forward to it.

And our Katya is running to mommy,
She is in a hurry to show her beloved a snowflake.
She disappeared from the palm as in a dream,
There is only a drop of water left in your hand!

Caught another dad to show
The first to tell him about the snowflake.
Fingers are frozen, and eyes are shining,
She realized that new ones were flying to her from the sky.

The Snow Maiden is nearby, Santa Claus has come,
He brought gifts and joy in a bag.
The bag is filled with different toys,
There is also a piece of candy and a piece of cake.

Santa Claus greets children with a smile:
"Come together - it will be more fun!"
“Happy new year, children! - exclaims the grandfather,
Be healthy for many, many years! "

Take gifts, there is for everyone,
We waited for miracles from Santa Claus.
Each box contains a piece of magic
And a particle of a fairy tale from a child's dream.

The Snow Maiden, the granddaughter of children, delights
Gives presents with Santa Claus.
Laughter and joy are everywhere, voices are heard.
Suddenly, our guys are looking into the heavens!

Santa Claus and granddaughter flew into the sky,
Their sleigh disappeared in a snowstorm.
They waved their hand, said: “See you!
We will be back in a year, dear children! "

We accompany, children, grandfather home,
It's time for us to part with our beautiful granddaughter.
When the forest is covered with snow again
Again we will wait for miracles from Grandfather.

Dear colleagues, all happiness and success in the New Year !!!
Duration of the holiday
2 hours
red, green, white, purple, blue, pink
Place of study
Christmas tree, paper, gingerbread, glass garlands, wreath, banners, fresh flowers
cookies and muffins "Penguins", cake "New Year's Dream", straws "Herringbone", mousse "Santa's Hat", New Year's milk
Thematic entertainment
Games: Decorating the Christmas Tree, Candy Relay, Sweet Christmas Tree, Hold Red Nose, Fill the Christmas Stocking, Santa and Reindeer, Make a Gingerbread House

As a rule, the first shoots of disbelief in the New Year's miracle and the existence of Santa Claus himself as the main wizard, in the soul of a six-year-old child, begin to sprout from the seeds of school conversations. Indeed, for sure, in the student collective of grade 1-A, there is a very developed Petya Semochkin, who will enlighten the "dark" classmates, on the subject of the fact that they have been stuffed with New Year's tales for several years in a row. He will also advise you to remove the meters of Christmas pasta garlands from your ears and name several killer arguments that, in his opinion, should be looked for at home, in the closet. All this, dear mothers and fathers, grandmothers and grandfathers, and other relatives who are not indifferent to the New Year's magic, we are telling you only in order to develop with you a strategic plan of action for the next few weeks, which remain until the New Year.


It is forbidden:

Hide New Year's gifts in the closet!

Never hide gifts that you have prepared for a child on behalf of Santa Claus in an accessible (or predictable) place.

And the magical New Year will be irrevocably ruined! After all, Petya Semochkin was right! Gifts under the tree are discreetly left by parents, and not by the mythical Santa Claus!

Do not send letters to Santa Claus!

It still seems to a child at the age of six a real miracle that under the tree on New Year's Eve he finds exactly the gift he asked Grandfather about in a touching, such a sincere letter.

But if suddenly, he finds this letter, casually thrown (in the printed form!) On his mother’s dressing table, his disappointment will not have a limit!

Give your little skeptic a whole pageant at this point. For example, take the letter (along with the child) to the "Santa Claus Correspondence Reception Center" (there will probably be several of these in each city before the New Year holidays).

And then, so, by chance, come here just at the moment when Santa Claus himself will pick up the correspondence received by his assistants in a week.

Only one question begs itself: how to find out, carrying out all these plausible manipulations, what the child asked Grandfather? We can only advise one thing: show miracles of resourcefulness (read the letter when the child falls asleep), deduction (guess what the letter is about, comparing snatches of conversations with the child), and just parental intuition (children's desires cannot be, well, quite a secret behind seven seals for truly loving and caring parents).

Discuss the plan of the future event in the presence of the child!

If the child, suddenly, witnesses how the mother on the phone (Internet) ordered the arrival of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden (and the amount of payment for leaving was also mentioned in the conversation (letter)), what kind of miracle can we talk about?


Tell your child fantastic (real!) Christmas stories.

Prepare properly for this stage of the “ideological New Year's work”. Bring home CDs with the best New Year's films and cartoons, buy bright books with modern "evidence" of New Year's magic, tell stories from your childhood (abundantly embellishing them with incredible, wonderful details).

Reduce internet access as much as possible!

It sounds almost unrealistic, but it's worth a try. After all, it is the Internet that gives the child answers to a number of interesting "New Year" questions!

Come up with an unexpected scenario for the New Year's holiday!

Child confident that on New Year's Eve, as always, Santa Claus will knock (ring) on ​​the door, he will be allowed into the apartment, he will demand a rhyme and give a gift? Hence, it is simply necessary to abandon such a course of events! Let Santa Claus appear, for example, like this.

If you order Santa Claus-climber, who will enter not through the door, but through the window, you have no opportunity (in your city they do not provide such services, or it is too expensive, or you simply live in a country, one-story house), act out an enchanting "overland" appearance the main New Year's wizard.

Well, your task will be to shout in time during the party: “Come here soon! Look! "

And now - let's discuss all the key points of organizing an unexpected New Year's holiday.


Children's New Years Party Invitations

Sending invitation cards to your child's friends is exactly where to start preparing for the holiday. After all, all other stages of party planning depend on the actual number of participants in the event, from the entertainment program to the menu. A little about invitation cards. Of course, for an extraordinary holiday, invitations should be issued unexpectedly. You can achieve this effect by making your own postcards. Not without your parents' help, of course! After all, you are the main coordinator and generator of holiday ideas!

Postcard "New Year's cap"

To make such an invitation, you will need:

- cardboard blank 10 by 10 cm (if you find confetti with a picture - very good, if not - stick circles with colored paper on a sheet of white cardboard yourself);

- red fabric (a meter will be enough);

- white lace braid (up to 1 cm wide, or - synthetic winterizer fibers);

- scissors;

- glue.

To begin with, we will open the red fabric and sew the caps, then we sew the cap with a padding polyester, or we make a pompom with a white lace braid from the same padding polyester.

The cap is ready!

Carefully glue the cap to the cardboard blank cut off with curly scissors and sign the invitation card!

Postcard "New Year's Fantasy"

Invitation card is not at all difficult to make.

Materials and tools needed to create such a miracle:

- white cardboard (packing 20 pcs.);

- green polypropylene (0.2 cm thick);

- fabric for embroidery (or burlap);

- scissors, glue.

If your child's friends are creative children (for example, they all go to the Skillful Hands circle together, or just grow up in intelligent families in which the concept of good aesthetic taste is instilled from birth) such an invitation card will not only be appropriate, but also highly appreciated !

And we make a New Year's card like this:

Bend a sheet of A4 cardboard in half;

On the front side of the card we glue a piece of green polypropylene (of the appropriate size) using rubber glue for this purpose;

We cut out a New Year's ball from white cardboard and decorate it with a sea wave (carefully cut it out using a blade or a construction knife on drywall);

At the top of the front side of the base of the invitation we make a hole and use a burlap braid to tie a ball with a wave to it.

Postcard "Christmas candy"

For such an invitation, you will need: several sheets of ordinary xerox paper of a standard size, a couple of meters of pink satin ribbon and a few plastic miniature snowflakes (matching the ribbon). The invitation text is located on the inside of the "candy". Just imagine: a child unfolds an unusual letter in which his name is indicated, and there is an invitation to check the theory of the probability of the existence of Santa Claus. By the way, about the text, since we have already mentioned it. We serve it like this:

“Dear _____ (name)! I invite you ___ (date and time) to my home on a very unusual occasion. We're throwing a special New Year's Eve party where Mom says we will be provided with proof of New Year's magic. Which ones are still a mystery to me! Waiting for you! Let's be surprised together! "

The intrigue has been created, my dear little and adult friends! It's time to start giving it material outlines!


New Year's holidays (especially their children's version) require everything to look bright. After all, everyone knows that the abundance of saturated colors not only cheers up, but also stimulates the immune system.

The room where you are going to receive your young guests should look something like the photo.

Christmas tree

At the holiday, the guys should have this traditional New Year's attribute (or better, two, but small, so that your guests can reach the top of the head decorated with a huge red bow with one hundred percent probability!). As you may have guessed, it will be necessary to approach the decoration of the Christmas tree in an extraordinary way. For example, make a "Sweet Tooth Dream" out of it by decorating with huge candies!

And also, in addition to the Christmas tree (developing the sweet theme of the party), order a creamy-candy floor lamp from the pastry chefs, which, for sure, will cause a wave of applause from older younger schoolchildren.

Wreath on the door

In recent years, this festive attribute of Western countries has increasingly appeared on the doors of the Slavs. What's wrong with that? After all, it's beautiful! And you can do it together with your child from scrap materials!

Or it is possible in general (if we are talking about the absolute originality of our holiday) to lure Santa Claus to our house with such real, sugar, sweet candy wreaths. He will surely like it!

Welcome banners

Garlands with a welcome sign for dear guests can be made from old Christmas cards. This combination will allow you to create not only a colorful New Year's frame for the inscription, but also cause some nostalgic mood!

Natural flowers

Children - they, too, are like flowers! Despite the cold and icy wind outside the window - they bloom and smile! Decorate your home with compositions of fresh flowers (by placing them in vases decorated in a winter style) and, thus, once again emphasize the aura of magic around your holiday! All have snowflakes and icicles, and you have flowers!

Boys aged 10-12 are still a little children, but with obvious features of growing up. The desires of children at this age are contradictory and fickle. Therefore, parents have to puzzle over what they can give their child for the New Year. A toy? Suddenly he will be offended. A fancy gadget? And if you don't like it. Candies? Clothes? Sports equipment? My head is spinning - the choice of options for what to give children for the New Year is so great. And you need to choose exactly for your own and beloved boy. We will figure out what to give a child for the New Year - a boy 10, 11, 12 years old.

Rules for choosing gifts for the New Year: pictures for children and adults

Have you ever wondered at what age we stop believing in a fairy tale? Probably never. And with the advent of each New Year, we expect miracles, regardless of age.

Why, then, do many parents rush to dissuade their growing children in the existence of Santa Claus or firmly believe that the boy is already old enough to believe in miracles.

If your son is 10 or even 12 years old, and he managed to find out the "great secret" of Santa Claus, extend the children's fairy tale in your home circle.

Believe me, many children are happy to write letters to their New Year's grandfather even at this age, although many of them are well aware that the "sponsors" of the wizard are their parents.

Let the boy list in such a letter the desired gifts for the New Year (it is even easier to draw pictures for children). Such a letter will be an excellent guideline for parents on what to give the boy for the New Year.

Even if the child's desire seems stupid, inappropriate, not for age, try to fulfill it. Remember that we are giving children a real fairy tale for the New Year and we are extending the growing boy's childhood.

Are you worried that your child's wishes are incompatible with the size of the household budget? Choose budget gifts for children for the New Year. This is not a standard sweet set, but useful little things.

The optimal New Year gift for a 10 year old boy from the world of toys

Can you give toys to boys at this age? Definitely, yes, if you approach the choice of a gift for the New Year for a 10-year-old boy deliberately.

Consider the constructor option. Just not a childish primitive one, consisting of plastic or wooden blocks, but a real workshop of a small designer.

It can be a large complex constructor from which you can build real cities, robots, and construction vehicles.

Or an option supplemented with a solar battery. A homemade model of a car, plane, helicopter or scooter, catamaran will literally come to life after connecting the power source.

It is not easy to assemble such a craft, but imagine how much excitement and pride there will be when the toy starts to move.

Such gifts for children for the New Year will please their parents, especially dads.

Creative New Year's gift for a boy 10 years old

If you have a creative boy growing up who enjoys modeling, drawing, and other exciting activities, feel free to buy him sets or items related to a hobby.

You can pick up ready-made kits for modeling from clay or sculpting from plaster, painting on canvas. Boys are happy to make soap or candles, magnets or clay crafts with their own hands. Some even weave with elastic bands or make pictures from sequins.

A young artist can be presented with a set of high-quality paints and an album or a real painting for coloring for the New Year. Usually the shades of paints in such a picture are marked with numbers. Some kits come with paints and brushes.

One of the most popular New Year gifts for a 10-year-old boy is a set for burning. The kits contain the device itself, several different attachments and examples of pictures.

Often a child's hobby develops into a real hobby or even a profession. Therefore, it is worth developing creativity in your children and giving them gifts that will contribute to this.

Interesting gifts for the New Year for an 11 year old boy

Boys at 11 are incredibly curious. They like to experiment, do different experiments. Channel this energy into a peaceful channel - present an 11-year-old boy for the New Year with a science mini-game for a young explorer. What could it be?

Experiment set "Optical illusions". This game will help you create and study optical illusions at home. Moreover, it is absolutely safe. To do this, the kit contains everything you need: light filters, blanks, instructions.

Not only 11-year-old boys, but also older children and their parents are delighted with the possibilities of the set "Chemical experiments in the kitchen".

Indeed, right on the kitchen table, you can create an apple battery or starch ink, citric acid volcano or tea miracles, conduct a real home examination or experiments with hibiscus and even draw with invisible ink. The guidelines describe detailed instructions for conducting such experiments.

Another set for home experiments is "Experiments with crystals." Growing and creeping, from salt and alum, from tea and sugar. Experiments can be varied from 1 to 30.

The boy will learn to work with test tubes, spatulas, a thermometer and various reagents. Such experiments will definitely require endurance, attention and scrupulousness.

A modern gift for the New Year for a boy 12 years old

New Year's for children 12 years old is no longer a children's holiday with sweets and rhymes, tangerines and round dances. They are happy to dive under the tree for gifts, but expect to find substantial or fashionable gifts there.

In the first place of gifts for the New Year for a 12-year-old boy are various electronic gadgets. Large-scale gifts such as computers, tablets, phones are usually given by parents. But such things are quite expensive and not always affordable.

You can get by with cheaper accessories. Unusual speakers, flash drives-transformers, high-quality headsets, wireless mice, dual keyboards - the choice is huge.

Sports gifts for the New Year for a 12 year old boy are no less popular. If the boy goes in for sports, give him a new uniform, running shoes or a winter outfit.

The child will like mini or real videos. By the way, the miniature version is much cheaper and can be attached to any shoe.

Skates, skis, sledges or snowboards will perfectly fit into the New Year's theme. But the child should be interested in such sports entertainment.

An interesting gift is a set for home basketball, which includes a detachable hoop and a small ball. Such a ring is attached to a wall or door.

Prefer to give useful things - buy a children's sports bracelet. This fashionable thing will definitely appeal to the boy.

You can choose cheap models that count steps, show the time. In a series of expensive bracelets, the possibilities are incredibly expanded. They know how to count the pulse, blood pressure, steps, calories worked, show the time, communicate with other electronic gadgets, remember information, have geolocation tracking, etc.

Gifts for boys related to hobbies

At the age of 10-12, boys begin to collect their first collections or they develop certain hobbies. Not all modern children, as is commonly believed, constantly spend time at the computer. And even if a boy prefers electronic "runners" to jogging in the air, he should take a closer look, listen to what is interesting to him.

Perhaps your New Year's gift to the boy will radically change not only his hobbies, but also the relationship between the children-parents.

A musical child can be presented with a real guitar. How can a boy remain indifferent to such a present? It would not hurt to add paid courses on playing to the guitar.

Finances allow - give your child a real drum kit. Or a miniature copy of it for practicing rhythm with your fingers.

Your boy is happy to invite friends to his house - give him board and floor games. This can be the popular Twister or the improved Grand Twister with a larger margin. The boy will like table football or hockey.

Exciting and educational board games. Consider the options for the games "Rules of the Road", "Erudite", "Magicians", etc.

Children of 11-12 years old master various business games perfectly. Therefore, you can safely start teaching the future millionaire financial management with games like "Monopolist", "Millionaires", etc.

Video: cool gifts for the New Year

If you want to really surprise your child with a cool gift, check out the cool New Year's presents in the video:

New year is coming
Open doors.
He brings happiness to people.
Those who believe in a fairy tale.

The chimes are striking, it is snowing.
Joy, laughter is everywhere.
May this New Year
We will wait for a miracle!

On the planet Santa Claus
Rides on reindeer.
We know, now seriously
The magic will happen!

Tangerines smell delicious
The tree waves a branch to me
And frost paints a fairy tale
White chalk on glass.

May the holiday bring happiness
All adults and children.
And gifts under the tree
There will be for you and me.

We have been waiting for this holiday for a long time.
Finally, New Year!
This means that gifts
Santa Claus will bring everyone.

Let the songs sound today
The kids are having fun.
Bring everyone happiness
This is a wonderful time.

Santa Claus is cheerful, like my folder,
And sometimes he laughs like a neighbor.
He comes to us in his father's slippers -
Strange grandfather, to be honest.

But he strictly fulfills his duties,
Gives me gifts every year
He knows about desires and tastes.
Maybe he's leading the dossier on us?

What can I tell you, grandfather? Thanks.
As you know, I study well.
If necessary, I am silent, like a fish,
If you need it, I'll tell you a rhyme.

I listen to my parents, of course.
I am waiting, as in childhood, for a Christmas tree, New Year.
I know that he is smart and funny,
Grandfather will come with a wadded beard.

Will shuffle with slippers again,
Will say: "Happy New Year, dear!"
Will bring a big bag of gifts ...
Apparently, grandfather's pension is hoo!

Who puts under the Christmas tree
Anyone reflecting New Year's gifts?
Father Frost? Is he there?
Maybe it's the postman
Will bring me a gift
And quietly leave?
Or is it a sorcerer
Congratulations to all children.
No, of course, Santa Claus!
He has a potato nose
Warm hat big,
A gray beard in the snow,
A staff with a bright star
He's funny and funny
Delivers gifts to everyone,
Doesn't ask for anything in return!

Believe in a fairy tale with all your soul
Calls for New Year.
How can you not believe in her,
If waiting for us under the tree

All that secretly guessed?
All according to the list, no losses!
Everything will come true, we knew!
How can you not believe in miracles?

We will celebrate the New Year brightly
Let's sing and dance
Disassemble, watch gifts,
To laugh at each other.

Santa Claus will light a Christmas tree for us,
Wish us well.
And skip to the street
The kids will rush again.

I wish you a lot of happiness
Light, peace and kindness
On this New Year's holiday
To everyone who believes in miracles!

Holiday to you bright moments,
Songs, dances round dance,
Santa Claus with a big gift
Let him come to you today!

Peace, happiness and health
I wish everyone a New Year,
May - I wish with love -
Magic lives in the hearts!

The smell of tangerines around the house
It hovers. The herringbone is on fire.
The day seems awfully long
But he tells me to wait patiently.

Today is a New Year's holiday,
Today - a miracle of miracles!
Day of laughter, words of wonderful, kind.
The wizard hurries through the forest

With a bag of long-awaited gifts.
The New Year is about to come!
We are waiting for the most important congratulations
And the end of the hassle.

We wish you a wonderful day
Health, happiness and love,
So that you always, at any time
I managed to catch luck!

White snow outside the window
There is a cheerful laugh in the courtyard,
They are a joyful people
New Year awaits!

There will be a holiday and fun
Chimes, President.
All Russia eagerly
Waiting for this joyful moment!

There will be dancing until you drop
And fireworks until the morning.
New Year has come to Russia.
New Year has come! Hooray!

We every year
On New Year's Eve
We decorate the spruce brightly:
There is such a tradition
And we know about it ...
We believe in miracle magic
We believe in Santa Claus
And every year
On New Year's Eve
Opening the doors ...

Magic on New Year's Eve
Will definitely come
You just have to believe in a fairy tale
And open wider the doors ...
And then a miracle will happen:
It will come from nowhere
And the gift will bring
Will say:
- Here comes the New Year!

New Year's fairy tale
Knocked on the house
The Christmas tree sparkled
With a magic light!

The holiday is wonderful
Already near the gate
Bright, long-awaited
Wonderful New Year!

Let it be kind, generous
Happy this year
To all people on the planet,
May it bring joy!