Facial rejuvenation in beauty salons. Rejuvenating facial spa treatments

LPG-massage technology was originally intended for the correction of the female figure. Seeing the successful results in the fight against cellulite, the creators of the technology decided to develop a similar device that will affect the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. Now the device has three methods of influence: "Cosmechanics", "Liftmassage" and "Endermolift". Each of the methods affects its own area of ​​the face and neck.

How is the procedure carried out: A special massage stimulates skin cells to break down old collagen and synthesize new one. The technology is based on the principles of plastic massage, which is traditionally done by hand. The skin on our face is quite thin and delicate, and wrinkles, on the contrary, require deep study. With manual massage it is difficult not to injure the skin and at the same time act on it effectively and deeply. And LPG-massage can achieve such a "golden mean". The massage nozzle is a small chamber where a skin fold is drawn under the action of a vacuum. Inside the chamber, the skin is affected. To achieve more tangible results, it is necessary to conduct 10-20 sessions, the result of which will be visible within six months.

Indications for the procedure: This massage will be useful for any woman over 25 years old.

  • Loose and saggy skin
  • "Double chin" and subcutaneous fat in the face
  • Post-acne, scars and enlarged pores

Results: Lifting and acquiring a clearer facial contour, reducing the amount of fat deposits on the face, reducing mimic wrinkles, adjusting the functioning of the sebaceous glands, treating hematomas (bruises) and infiltrates, reducing edema.

Recovery process: After the end of the procedure, you can observe a slight swelling and hyperemia (redness) - this is a normal reaction of the body to LPG massage. Symptoms disappear on the same day, sometimes after 1-2 days.

Price: 8000-15000 tenge

RF lifting

Radiolifting is another hardware method of skin rejuvenation without surgical involvement.

How is the procedure carried out: The essence of the method lies in the fact that with the help of a special apparatus, radio waves penetrate the skin. First, a special cream is applied to the face, which numbs the nerve endings, and then the doctor treats those areas of the skin whose appearance needs to be improved with a radio frequency instrument. The radio waves emitted by the instrument pass through the outer layers of the skin and deliver heat energy to the muscles and soft tissues. Heat causes these layers to contract, which promotes more collagen production.

Indications for the procedure: Lifting can be performed from the age of 25, but the procedure is ideal for the middle age group, 35-55 years. Radiolifting can be done in any season. This method of skin rejuvenation is suitable not only for women, but also for men.

  • skin fading
  • Prolapse of facial tissues
  • Sagging areas of the skin and hypodermis (subcutaneous fat), changing the shape of the face oval
  • Wrinkles around the eyes, crow's feet
  • Deep mimic wrinkles in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, on the forehead
  • Scars after acne

Results: Lifting creates an even contour of the face, improves its color and eliminates mimic wrinkles. Among the main advantages of this method are harmlessness to the body, painlessness, and the absence of inflammation.

Recovery process: Slight redness is acceptable on the skin, which disappears within 15 minutes after the procedure.

Price: 8000-15000 tenge


Biorevitalization involves the elimination of skin imperfections by saturating its deep layers with hyaluronic acid.

How is the procedure carried out: Hyaluronic acid is a panacea for maximum skin hydration. Before injections, the skin is cleansed of make-up residues, dust and sebum. Injection biorevitalization takes no more than an hour and is carried out using a thin needle or a special injector. The drug is administered intradermally until a small papule is formed.Despite the small diameter of the needle, the procedure can cause discomfort, therefore, with increased sensitivity or with a low pain threshold, the affected area is pre-lubricated with a cream with lidocaine, which provides local anesthesia.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Dehydrated skin
  • aging skin
  • Decreased skin tone and elasticity
  • wrinkles
  • Photoaging of the skin, prevention of premature aging
  • Preparation for chemical peels and laser resurfacing
  • Rehabilitation after chemical peels, laser resurfacing, microdermabrasion and plastic surgery
  • Correction of scars and stretch marks

Results: The biorevitalization procedure gives hydration at a deeper level. After a full course of these procedures, the effect persists for six months, and sometimes more. The procedure can be carried out both by injection with needles and by low-intensity laser radiation. The first procedure is more effective, the second is more comfortable. But definitely both procedures have a magical effect on the skin.

Recovery process: The rehabilitation period takes an average of 3 days, after the procedure, white papules are observed, there may be minor hematomas.

Price: 20000-50000 tenge


Bio-reinforcement of the face is another of the methods aimed at lifting the face, improving the oval of the face.

How is the procedure carried out:The skin is reinforced with stabilized acid gels along vector lines under local anesthesia. This procedure is performed every 2-3 weeks 3 or 4 times. As a result, a face lifting is formed by reducing the extensibility of the skin, saturation and hydration of the skin due to the effect of hyaluronic acid on it, the face "straightens" and becomes fresh, the quality of the skin improves.

Indications for the procedure:Since bio-reinforcement of the face involves the fight against age-related skin changes, experts recommend applying to women who are already 35 years old, but not yet 50. Within these age limits, this procedure will have maximum efficiency.

  • Downturned corners of the mouth or eyes, eyebrows
  • Sagging skin folds
  • Deep nasolabial folds
  • Blurry contours of the chin and lower jaw

Results: Active lifting; To wrinkle correction (elimination of small and smoothing of deep folds); uheffective modeling of the face oval.

Recovery period: Usually, after the session, the patient quickly enters the usual rhythm of life: slight swelling, redness of the skin and swelling disappear in 5-7 days.

Price: 50000-70000 tenge


Microdermabrasion is a peeling that combines the removal of dead skin cells with laser-cut diamond crystals with vacuum massage to cleanse and stimulate skin renewal.

How is the procedure carried out:Diamond-coated nozzles of various caliber and degree of deposition are used.Nozzles are selected depending on the type of skin - dry, oily, combination - and the treated area: forehead, eyelids, neck, decollete. M icrodermabrasion is performed on a special device using a vacuum and unique diamond-coated nozzles, with the help of which the superficial keratinized layers of the skin are removed in the most delicate way with light massage movements, stimulating the growth of new young cells, while improving blood circulation and triggering the mechanism of intensive production of collagen and elastin.

Indications for the procedure:Microdermabrasion is performed to remove small defects in the surface layer of the skin.

  • Dull, wrinkled skin
  • Oily skin with enlarged pores
  • Scars and stretch marks on the body
  • acne
  • Scars and acne scars
  • Fine wrinkles, age-related changes

Results: Evens out the texture and tone of the face. Helps to activate the synthesis of elastin and collagen, increase skin firmness and elasticity.

Recovery period:Usually, the period after microderabrasion takes an average of 5 to 8 days. The regenerated skin has a reddish or pink color that lasts for 6-12 weeks. Gradually, the skin of the face turns pale.

Price: 7000-10000 tg.

Keratoregulatory peeling

This is a superficial peeling for problem skin.

How is the procedure carried out: The composition of the peeling includes glycolic and salicylic acids, plant extracts and vitamins. Keratoregulatory peeling is carried out in several stages: first, the skin of the face is cleansed, disinfected and degreased with a special gel, which is washed off with plain water. Further n and a hydrogel is applied to the skin, which includes salicylic acid. This provides additional antiseptic effect, relieves inflammation, soothes tissues before the procedure. It takes no more than two minutes to absorb the hydrogel. Then the main composition for peeling is applied to the face in an even layer. The holding time of the product is 10 minutes. After that, the base is washed off with cold water, the face is thoroughly dried. After aggressive exposure, a mask is applied according to the type of skin. The main purpose of the masksoothe the tissues, prepare the face for an early recovery. To complete the session, a specialized cream is applied, selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's epidermis.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Blockage of pores with sebaceous plugs, black and white dots
  • seborrheic skin
  • Acne
  • hyperpigmentation
  • Inflammation and suppuration of hair follicles on the face

Results: Narrowing of pores, alignment of complexion, improvement of skin structure, cellular respiration of the skin, getting rid of unpleasant peeling, softening of the skin.

Recovery process: The specialist who performed the procedure is obliged to select a comprehensive and complete facial care, based on the characteristics of the epidermis, the severity of the problem. The recovery time depends on how well the recommendations of the beautician are followed. Drugs are most often prescribed from the same line that was used for the procedure. The composition of rehabilitation cosmetics should not include essential oils and aloe juice.

Price: 10000-15000 tg.


Photorejuvenation, or IPL-therapy, is one of the most famous and popular techniques in hardware cosmetology, an effective method for correcting the signs of photoaging: a network of fine wrinkles, pigmentation, spider veins.

How is the procedure carried out: Therapeutic effect is provided by broad spectrum light passing through a small, smooth, transparent tip, which is gently placed on the skin. Light penetrates the tissues and is absorbed by hemoglobin in the treatment of vascular lesions or by melanin in the treatment of pigmented formations, coagulating them. The natural processes of the body remove damaged tissues and return the skin to a more even and youthful appearance.

Indications for the procedure:

  • Pigmentation removal
  • Removal of the vascular network, redness of the skin
  • Complexion improvement
  • Removal of fine wrinkles
  • Narrowing of enlarged pores
  • Freckles

Results: Allows you to quickly, effectively and safely eliminate the external signs of skin aging, pigmentation disorders, capillaries and wrinkles.

Recovery process: After the procedure, a slight pinkishness will appear on the treated area, which will disappear in a few hours. The procedure does not require compliance with the home regime - you can immediately return to your normal lifestyle.

Price: from 10000 to 20000 tenge.

In recent years, the popularity of anti-aging cosmetic procedures has increased significantly. This is due, first of all, to efficiency, safety and a wide variety of services offered. Which technique is best, the advantages and disadvantages of each - worries women when choosing a procedure for facial rejuvenation. This is what will be discussed next.

Ways to rejuvenate the skin of the face

The face is the main weapon of a woman, so it is very important for her to constantly preserve its beauty. Fortunately, modern cosmetology offers a wide variety of methods, the use and combination of which will fully satisfy the desires of patients.

Anti-aging procedures for the face are divided into the following types:

  • Plastic surgery is a cardinal method for skin rejuvenation. A quick and effective result is opposed to a long rehabilitation period, pain and the risk of complications.
  • Beauty injections and fillers - according to most experts - this is the second most effective way to restore the former elasticity and beauty of the epidermis. It is painless, the recovery period is short due to the low invasiveness of the method. Along with this, the rejuvenating components of the preparations are directly delivered to the inner layers, where they immediately begin to actively act. The main effect of the technique is to improve the skin and accelerate the mechanism of natural restoration of tone and turgor of facial tissues.
  • Botox, Dysport injections are a direction of injection cosmetology that rejuvenates by relaxing facial muscles. It does not provide a healing effect, but the instant smoothness of the relief is guaranteed.
  • Hardware cosmetology is an effective technique for rejuvenating the dermis of the face, aimed at stimulating and accelerating the formation of new collagen building fibers. Under the action of electric current, ultrasound, laser, light and heat rays, pulses, old and fat cells are partially destroyed, the places of which will later be occupied by newly formed elastin tissues. The procedures are painless, without special restrictions and can be easily combined with other rejuvenation techniques. One of these methods is rf face lifting - an innovative method to combat aging.

It is worth noting that hardware cosmetology has stepped forward so much that you can carry out your favorite procedures on your own at home. It is only necessary to purchase the appropriate device for facial rejuvenation and study its effect. This is convenient and saves a lot of time and money.

  • Facial massage is a pleasant option for correcting age-related defects. Regular and proper impact on tissues strengthens them, smoothes, enhances lymph and blood flow. The action of the method is able to delay the earlier withering of the skin and is absolutely harmless to the body.
  • Cosmetics - care products necessary for daily use. Masks, scrubs, lotions, serums and face creams help not only to rejuvenate, but also to keep tissues in good shape, protect against external influences and premature aging. These are indispensable helpers for everyone who is not indifferent to the appearance and condition of the skin. In addition, homemade masks and creams from folk remedies will give confidence in naturalness and harmlessness to the epidermis.

Salon anti-aging methods

The most effective procedures for solving age-related problems of the face without surgical intervention are:

  • Laser skin rejuvenation – the procedure for rejuvenation includes deep cleaning of the surface, removal of old fibers for the appearance of young, elastic ones. You can evaluate the effectiveness of the technique in a couple of weeks, but the growing effect will please for a long time. The types of laser rejuvenation include fractional procedures, laser resurfacing, photorejuvenation and laser biorevitalization. The procedure is carried out by a qualified specialist on the appropriate equipment, in compliance with all safety standards and precautions. Before the treatment with a laser beam, a special gel is applied to the skin. It enhances efficiency and at the same time protects against burns.
  • RF-lifting is the most demanded method of hardware cosmetology. The essence of the method is the effect of radio wave radiation on the inner layers of the dermis, warming them up. Heat stimulates the intensive production of new collagen and elastin fibers and the destruction of old ones. The procedure is allowed from the age of 25, but is more suitable for mature skin (about 40 years). Such age-related changes as flabbiness and ptosis of tissues, loss of clarity of contours and wrinkles, thanks to RF lifting, will remain in the past. The resulting lifting effect can be supplemented and consolidated with mesotherapy.
  • Contour plastic - refers to injection methods for solving age-related problems. The essence of the technique is the subcutaneous injection of preparations containing hyaluronic acid. The composition of the drug and dosage is determined individually. Thanks to contouring, you can correct the shape, volume of the face, cheekbones, cheeks, smooth out wrinkles and get rid of scars. The procedure for modeling and rejuvenation of the face is actively used with hardware cosmetology.
  • Mesotherapy is a way to improve the skin, after which the overall effect of youthfulness of the face is achieved. The composition of the drug for mesotherapy includes vitamin, nutritional components, minerals and trace elements, if necessary, hyaluronic acid. After the procedure, the tone of the face is evened out, the skin shines with health, the contours become tightened.

Home cosmetics and massage

The importance of cosmetics cannot be underestimated. Daily facial care is a must for a young and beautiful face. Active care procedures should begin at the age of 25-28. It is during this period that age-related changes in the epidermis begin.

Face masks 2 times a week will intensively moisturize and saturate the skin with nutrients. These can be self-prepared mixtures based on honey or kelp.

For owners of active facial expressions, it is important to timely include a cream for the area around the eyes in regular use. By nature, the skin in this area is thinner and more sensitive, therefore it is the first to undergo aging.


A visit to a beauty salon for any woman is comparable to a real holiday. Leaving the salon after certain procedures, you can feel a few years younger, healthier and more beautiful. There are a lot of procedures and they are all designed for different purposes:

  • cleaning;
  • rejuvenation;
  • lifting (tightening), etc.

Depending on the result you want to achieve, you should choose one or more treatments. Experts in beauty salons will help you do this.

Techniques based on various injections make it possible to correct the shape of the chin and cheekbones, the size of the lips, and much more. They easily cope with wrinkles that are present on different parts of the face.

This is one of the most advanced techniques in the fight against age-related skin changes. The technique is aimed at the prevention of aging and the elimination of wrinkles, dryness and flabbiness that have already appeared. The procedure is based on subcutaneous and intradermal injections with different solutions. It all depends on the type of flaw that needs to be removed.

An important advantage of the technology is that substances are injected into the problem area, that is, the result is always fast and of high quality.

This is another of the successful methods of modern cosmetology. With its help, in salons, various defects are quickly and painlessly removed from the surface of the skin, and they also improve the contour of the face.

The technique consists in subcutaneous or intradermal injection of various drugs. As a material for injection into the skin, different gels are used:

  • analogues of components produced by skin cells (contain hyaluronic acid, collagen, etc.);
  • synthetic, not taking part in tissue metabolism.

Among the advantages of the technology, ease of injection is distinguished, but due to the slow resorption of the substance, several procedures must be carried out. With the help of different gels you can:

  • effectively and quickly deal with flaws in appearance;
  • visually rejuvenate the skin;
  • improve the contour of the face;
  • restore a woman's self-confidence.

This method has become in high demand relatively recently. The mechanism of action lies in the targeted light multicolor radiation without violating the unity of the skin. The procedure stimulates the human body to independently produce collagen and ensure normal skin regeneration.

As a result of this exposure, various cosmetic defects are eliminated. You can fix the result after several procedures. It is important to carry out photorejuvenation in compliance with personal hygiene and combine it with superficial peeling.

Other procedures

There are other cosmetic procedures that are in high demand. Among them are the following:

  • peeling;
  • vacuum facial massage;
  • modeling lifting masks;
  • botox;
  • cryotherapy.

It is necessary to remove the upper layers of the skin to give it smoothness. Peeling fights the following defects:

  • scarring;
  • wrinkles;
  • dark spots.

The procedure gives the skin an attractive and healthy color. There are different options for this type of cleaning:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • ultrasonic;
  • laser.

Chemical peeling is performed using alkaline and acidic substances that remove the top dead skin layers. Mechanical peeling requires special tools and abrasive compounds to remove the top layer of skin.

Ultrasonic and laser techniques are implemented using special equipment that destroys bonds in skin cells, as a result of which they begin to peel off. The result can be seen after the first procedure, and in total it is allowed to do up to 6 procedures per year.

These masks with a lifting effect are needed to reduce swelling and flabbiness of the facial muscles. Lifting masks help to strengthen the skin and create a clear oval of the face. The procedure is carried out in the form of applying a mask on the face, which hardens and tightens the skin. These masks can be very different:

  • film;
  • gel-like;
  • nutritional;
  • collagen;
  • anti-inflammatory and many others.

The procedure is needed to tone the muscles of the face and activate the lymphatic and blood vessels. It is performed as follows: the face is first cleansed, and then the face is massaged in the traditional way, after which they are massaged using special nozzles. This procedure is very pleasant and useful.

The procedure is needed to smooth the face and fight wrinkles. It is performed in the form of special subcutaneous injections and requires corrections. However, it does not cause any pain.

This is one of the most popular modern cosmetic procedures, which:

  • relieves inflammation;
  • improves blood circulation;
  • stimulates the processes of skin metabolism;
  • activates its defense mechanisms.

The procedure is based on the use of special liquid nitrogen, which, due to its low temperature, cools the upper layers of the skin. The procedure is painless and completely safe.

Treatments for oily skin

Oily facial skin requires special care - all the fair sex should know this. In fact, there is nothing difficult in this and caring for this type of skin is no more difficult than for combination or dry skin. In beauty salons for oily skin, the following procedures are performed:

  • steam baths;
  • peeling;
  • special masks;
  • darsonvalization.

The procedure is needed to clean excess fatty secretions. Steam baths are created on the basis of a decoction of various medicinal herbs, such as:

  • calendula;
  • chamomile;
  • sequence, etc.

The procedure lasts about 20-25 minutes and it is absolutely painless and also very useful. At the same time, the pores expand well, due to which beneficial substances are absorbed into the skin. Steam baths are usually combined with other treatments such as peels and masks.

We already wrote about it above. The procedure is excellent for women with oily skin types.

Masks for oily skin

Cosmetic masks are needed to combat excess fat that can appear on the surface of the skin. Also, masks dry the upper layers and relieve inflammation.

The procedure involves the impact of a special device on oily skin, which sprays the surface of the skin with pulsed high-frequency alternating currents. The procedure gives the following effects:

  • narrowing of pores;
  • blood circulation;
  • improvement of complexion;
  • getting rid of excess fat, etc.

You can do all of the above procedures in the salon with specialists, but you can try to cope with this yourself. In the latter case, you are unlikely to achieve high results.

Rejuvenating facial treatments are a salvation for so many women, and especially for those who are thirty years old. The skin can be negatively affected by many different factors. Life in a big city, the environment and especially the constant stresses make themselves felt. Nowadays, there are many technologies that will help women stay young and beautiful.

Anti-aging facial treatments can help get rid of wrinkles and make the beauty of the face imperishable. You should not stand in front of the mirror and look at yourself for hours, bitterly lamenting at the same time. It is worth contacting experts in this field.

One of the most common procedures is mesotherapy. In accordance with this technique, a therapeutic drug or a special cocktail is injected into the skin. The action is carried out by means of thin needles, the drugs are administered in small doses and at a shallow depth. Injections are made directly on the problem area. With this method, problems such as bags under the eyes, double chin, wrinkles and the so-called "stars" can be removed, and this procedure also helps to improve. Usually, about a dozen of such procedures should be performed in one course. Then you can limit yourself to one session per month. The effect will be long lasting and amazing.

Another popular method is photorejuvenation. You need to know that this procedure is extremely painful. Before it, it is recommended to apply a cooling gel to the skin of the face. Also be sure to wear special glasses that protect your eyes from bright flashes. The procedure is very effective, after just a few flashes of light, imperfections such as acne, rashes, freckles disappear. But the main thing is the rejuvenating effect. Wrinkles disappear right before our eyes, and the skin looks more toned. Typically, about seven treatments are required. They need to be done at intervals of several weeks.

Almost all anti-aging facial procedures are designed for women in adulthood. But there is such a technique as microdermabrasion - this is a kind of peeling that can also be used for young skin. After such polishing, it will not be superfluous to make a mask in order to permanently fix the effect. You can go through a large course of procedures, or you can do only one, for example, before attending a solemn event. This method is especially suitable for those people who have oily skin.

For women a little older, there is a technique called biorevitalization. The method of exposure in this case is the same as in mesotherapy. But a few procedures will be enough. Hyaluronic acid is usually injected under the skin, which has several remarkable properties. It is able to make the skin very smooth, moisturized, give it tone, elasticity. The result appears instantly.

Thermage procedure is an effect on the skin using radio waves. After Thermage, there are no complications, the skin becomes elastic, and fine wrinkles disappear.

Rejuvenating facial treatments, especially entire courses of therapy, are best done in winter. The fact is that all these methods have a very strong effect on cells, forcing them to renew themselves. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid exposure of the skin to sunlight, as a result of which “stars”, spots and other undesirable defects may appear.

All anti-aging procedures may have contraindications, so you should consult your doctor before using them.

Everyone, without exception, wants to look great at any age. Modern cosmetology and plastic surgery allow you to stay young and attractive for many years.

Today we bring to your attention rating of the most effective anti-aging procedures, which includes the latest achievements in the beauty industry.

The operation always gives a visible effect, but it is a rather risky method of rejuvenation, unless, of course, these are the best plastic surgery clinics, due to the mass of contraindications and side effects. The most popular surgical rejuvenation procedures are circular facelift, blepharoplasty, lifting with Aptos threads and S-facelift, in which the incisions will be minimal, and you still have to buy a medical gown.

9. Non-surgical lifting

Cosmetologists offer clients several methods of face skin tightening without surgery. The most popular are ultrasonic lifting, photolifting, cryolifting. Very common RF-lifting or Thermage, in which the skin is affected by an electric current in the radio frequency range.

8. Massage

One of the most affordable rejuvenation procedures in the ranking can be performed manually or using special equipment. Having learned the simplest facial massage techniques from a beautician, you can perform it at home on your own.

7. Peeling

Removal of dead cells allows you to make the skin smooth and healthy. Peelings differ in methods of exposure to the skin and in intensity. The most common is mechanical peeling, the compositions for which can be used at home. In the beauty salon, you can perform superficial or medium chemical peeling, as well as ultrasonic peeling.

6. Mesotherapy

The rejuvenating effect of the procedure lies in the fact that the active substances are injected subcutaneously, i.e. to where they are needed. Mesotherapy is used to improve the condition of the face, body and hair. A set of necessary preparations is selected by a cosmetologist. Most often it is collagen, elastin, a cocktail of vitamins and amino acids, hyaluronic acid, antibiotics and other drugs.

5. Laser biorevitalization

The essence of the procedure is the introduction of hyaluronic acid preparations into the deep layers of the skin under the influence of laser radiation. Unlike classical mesotherapy, the method is painless and does not require injections. The result is stored up to 6 months.

4. Ozone therapy

This procedure affects the entire body as a whole. An oxygen-ozone mixture is injected subcutaneously or intradermally, which stimulates metabolic processes in the body.

3. Myostimulation

The rejuvenating effect is achieved by exposing different parts of the face and body with currents of different frequencies. Often the procedure is combined with the application of preparations to the skin, which act more effectively under the influence of microcurrents.

2. Bioreinforcement

The method is aimed at correcting the contours of the face without surgery. Under the skin, with the help of biogel injections, a supporting frame is formed, which will retain its shape for 2-3 years.

1. Botox and Dysport

Perhaps these are the most popular procedures in our rating. They are aimed at combating mimic wrinkles. The essence of the method is the introduction of botulinum toxin, which has a locally paralyzing effect on individual muscles of the face. The effectiveness and safety of the procedure depends on the experience of the cosmetologist.