Determine the nature of the woman in the form of the breast. Interesting online

by Notes of wild mistress

One of the most significant advantages of the beautiful half of humanity, attracting at all times the attention of representatives of the opposite sex is considered women's breasts. It not only can be the subject of admiration, but also to tell a lot about their owner. Scientists even could identify the relationship between forming female breasts and female features. All these knowledge fit into separate science under the name of Sternation.

Let's deal with the breast form affects the character of a woman.

Types of chest and character

To date, there is a twenty-one kind of female breast, each of which has its own characteristics affecting the traits of character, the attitude of a woman to life, family, love and sex. Consider the most common of them.

Lisys Noseza

The owner of such a breast has a well-developed logical thinking and nordic character traits. It is very responsible and serious, however, laziness often does not allow to achieve their goals. As for relations, women with such a breasts are very faithful and devotee.


Women with breasts such a form, most often, are sensitive people who prefer dreams to the real world. Rhythm of life they are usually measured and calm. Dreamers prefer to communicate with benevolent people who share their interests. Such women are very attached to the family and close people.


The chest of such a form is inherent in independent and independent women, distinguished by decisiveness and purposefulness. They rarely surround themselves with noisy companies, preferring to stay alone with their own thoughts. Such women are freedom-loving, and with reluctance burden themselves as marriage, despite the fact that they love to flirt with men.


If the breast of the woman has the form of an orange, then its owner can be attributed to the number of temperamental and purposeful persons. Such women are not interested in the physical side of love, however, they try to deliver a lot of pleasure to their partner. They are reliable, practical, hardworking and loving nature.


The owner of such a breast is rarely temperamental and often frigid. At the same time, a woman with breasts in the form of apples is ready for everything for her man, differing in constancy and reluctance to change partners. She is a great mistress and a keeper of a homely hearth.


The type of "watermelons" includes a very large breast. Contrary to the established stereotypes, the big breast does not always become the key to self-confidence and liberty. This category of women loves to feel the soul of the company and always be the center of attention. They are independent, persistent and independent. In the family most often act as a leader.


Women with such a form of the breast are distinguished by the calculation and endurance, they do not stop before difficulties, eliminating anyone arising in the way to the problem they put in them. At the same time, these women are very vigorous and offended, so it is necessary to carefully approach communication with them.


The owner of such a breast is sensitive and wounded nature, prone to depression. They always seek to satisfy, first of all, their interests, do not think about the needs of the people around them. In intimate relations, they are always leading and manifesting the initiative.

Spaniel ears

Despite the funny name, such a form of the chest has a very large percentage of fair sex representatives. If you feel about their number, do not hurry to get upset, because women with such breasts are the most liberated and temperamental. At the same time, they are not characterized by constancy, which is why these women often change partners.

Ekaterina Makhnonosov

Chaphag, you will say, especially if you are a man. The character of a person depends on a large number of factors and conditions for the formation of a person. But a certain truth in the exploration of stunches still is. Just see there, where your look stretches in my own, ignoring all the banners of the cold mind, and read this article to the end. It may assist you invaluable help in trying to understand your parent.

1. "Lays Nose"
This type of breast is alone playfully called "Nose Lisi", others compare it with a springboard. This form of a female breast man's half prefers most often. It comes to the fact that the attractiveness of the figure and the face of the owner of such a seductive breast goes to the background. It is well known to plastic surgeons: after all, almost all silicone breast implants have this form.
Girls with "foxed nose" most often knew their price, confident of themselves, are able to show the power and miracles of stressfulness in stressful situations. On the other hand, such girls are not ambitious and are not configured to achieve large heights in the career.
But in the bed "Fox" by discarding all complexes, are inventive and do not know fatigue. By virtue of their activity and natural adaptability, it will not be much difficult for any sexual partner.
These women are somewhat idealistic, sincere with loved ones and are able to maintain loyalty to a man until the end of life, of course, in the event that it corresponds to it. Therefore, the owner of the "fox nose" is the ideal option for creating strong happy family relationships.
Naturally, no one is insured against betrayal in this life. But about the fact that your chosen one has fallen in love and in her heart already lives another, you will learn first. In the case of your treason, it will be very difficult for her to forgive you, loyalty to such women are very valued. Therefore, in order to achieve its favor again, you will have to make a lot of effort.

2. "Goat"
These owners of triangular small breasts are capable of turning all the views of a man about sexual joy. They know in sex a lot and highly appreciate it. These women are able to quickly change one after another sexual partners until she is until it meets a man, ready to divide her with enthusiasm with the "goat" of her craving for experiments in sex. However, do not wait for her sincerity or constancy. After all, these girls can love everyone at the same time, and during this period - especially.
The desire to take large heights are typical of "goats" not only in sex, but in all spheres of life. She needs the whole world and in it she wants to be the best. These riddles walk in life with a slight gait, and for men they are always unpredictable, their actions are not amenable to logic. They can throw one man because of his excessive jealousy, and the other because the partner does not recognize any obligations before each other.
The only person who "goat" can be true for a long period - the one whom she considers her friend, the one with whom she can share their troubles and joy. However, the duration of this period is the relative value.

3. "Apples"
These women have a very beautiful breast, resembling their scope or an apple. It is them that can often be found as a model in workshops of artists and sculptors. Holders of "Apple" Men are often counted to the category of desired lafforn, because the forbidden fruit is sweet.
In bed, these women do not often reach the vertices of orgasm. Such forces only by men, masterfully owned by lovely lovely affection. But on the other hand, in the case of preludes these women there are no equal, they are able to delight with men throughout the night and receive it themselves.
They have sensuality, playfulness, extraordinary charming. But only to a certain extent: there should be no complete discrepancy from these women.

4. "Pear"
Breast owners in the form of pears buy linen with a third or more number. There are talks about such women - "a lifting beauty." And, as you know, half of the men love women with a luxurious breast, and the rest of the half skillfully hides it.
Unlike women with breasts in the form of an apple, these girls are proud of their bust without reason. The generally accepted stereotype-myth about natural blondes is about them! Despite the fact that such girls do not possess large intellectual abilities, they are capable of doing with men everything is pleased. They like it when the men achieve them, give attention when they compete because of them among themselves.
However, coming out married, these women seminate their fervor in the conquest of men and the organization of fights for the possession of her favor. But the chosen one can pay expensive because it will be forced to endure her whims and scandals on any trifles. Although, stunning night with her in bed will make him forget all daily troubles.

5. "Eggplant"
In women with such a breast, there is also a large breast size. But they differ in this case with excellent mental abilities, restraint, sincere smatter. Therefore, men with such a woman are easy and pleasant to communicate, it is interesting to spend time, but sex with her no longer plays the dominant role.
But this does not mean that these women neglect them. For the sake of his beloved, they are capable of much, and sex here is no exception. To delight your beloved, they are ready to lie down with him to bed at any time.
True, partners of such women are often called repentable. But the men themselves are rarely guessing. Breast owner in the form of pear have a strong physique, the largest features of the face and, most importantly, is always a great location of the Spirit: they seem to be lighten to love for life and share it with those who surround them.

6. Lemon
The happy chest owner in the form of lemons can truly love life, know how to see in all positive parties, so always are in a good mood. In addition, they successfully play different roles: these talented actresses are able to find a common language with any creature, including a man, adapting and playing him.
But, despite his acting abilities, these invalid representatives of the adorable half of humanity regarding their loved ones always show sincerity and devotion. With such not boring and reliable. Therefore, a man who will get this woman will only be envied.

7. "Melon"
Women breasts in the form of melon always seek to be the center of the company - it is a sensation of vital. And it does not matter if the party is a friend's birthday, or the sales department of the RR-agency services. The leadership of them in their blood, and most often these women manage to take leadership positions. These careerists are not souls, money for them is valuable only as a means to achieve the desired one.
This is the type of strong and self-confident women, which all seeks itself, often ahead of the male part of competitors. With the latter, they are simple: they themselves choose a partner themselves, they themselves achieve them, and most often make decisions themselves and eliminate problems. Strong half of humanity of such women is beware, but still, there are separate specimens, which can appreciate its reliability, purposefulness and volitional qualities.

8. "Oranges"
Unfortunately, women with beautiful breasts in the form of an orange are almost not interested in carnal love. But this does not mean that they will deprive their beloved physical proximity. As a rule, partners of such women do not even know about it, because in bed they are liberated and always ready to deliver a man's pleasure for the simple reason that they have the ability to sincerely and devotion to love. In addition, these women know how to be friends, you can always rely on them.

9. "Swuffers"
Breast owner in the shape of a saucer perfectly assimilate science called "Stervology": for endurance and calculating, they have no equal. About such people say "I see a goal - I do not see obstacles," there is no such problem that they are not able to overcome.
But, despite the fact that such women always achieve their own, they do not differ generosity, but on the contrary, they don't know how to forgive them, nor forget. With these representatives of the "weak" floor, we must either be friends, taking them as they are, or not to meet them on the way.

10. "Pancakes"
So who is a tireless in the matter of sexual jellows, so they are women, whose chest resembles pancakes. Actually, it is in this that the meaning of life consists of this: they are insatiable in sex. In bed, such women discard all complexes and shame, but often there are aggression and jealousy for a partner. But in relation to himself from a partner, such manifestations are not allowed. Among the porn actress, women are often found with breasts in the form of pancakes.

11. "Bottles"
These women are distinguished by independence and habit of anyone. These individualists are accustomed to live only by mind, therefore in the head, and in the dwelling they have perfect order. They are very good as a reliable partner, but in bed, as a rule, cold and restrained.

12. "Tea"
Windy women with plump breasts and nipples, playfully looking up, most often at the same time have not one sexual partner. They appreciate each of their man individually and taken together. At the same time, it is extremely frustrated when relationships with one of them deteriorate. In this regard, these women are more like men: in their essence they are polygamins.

12. "Grapefruits"
This very sensual form of the chest got a fragrance, loyal admirer pre-revolutionary housekeeping. As a rule, women with such a breast will continue to keep loyal to their husband, the meaning of existence is seen in the ideal household content.
Nevertheless, having adequate self-esteem, they are practical and pedantic in family relations. But in bed, extraordinarily gentle and gentle. What is not the perfect wife?

13. "Potatoes"
These women can be described in one word - "mono-lobby". They are vital to love them, and for a long time. In sex, men are not bored with them, so you can safely build a family nest with such a woman. Nobody will never betray you in it and leave you.

14. "Coverings"
These women have a little elastic chest, they have cheerfulness, romanticity and dreametime. These are said - "not from this world." They create their own measurement for themselves and slowly live in it. This is a retrograde, not loving changes, but on the other hand, highly valued and protecting what they are given by fate. Therefore, they are good, reliable wives are partners. In bed, they are also leopard and moderate.

15. "Hooks"
These women are characterized by excellent mental abilities and pragmatic. Therefore, a man who came across her hook does not have any chance to shake off him. Well, except that she herself wants it.
In intimate relationship, a man will fully depend on the mood of the Hooks owner, but the mood is different! Such women themselves seek their choices, whatever it should be. At the same time, they are not inclined to change them.

16. "Peaches"
The nature of these women entered the seductive form of the breast and very sensitive nature. In the matter of love jits, they seek to be mad, first of all, themselves, a loved one, and the partner perceive only as a convenient tool to meet their various sexual fantasies. In bed relationships, such women most often seek to take the leading positions, quickly initiate and show the initiative themselves than the extremely like men. But the construction of everyday family relationship will be problematic.

17. "Handbags"
The owner of this breast shape always know what they want and how to achieve it. They always perform the initiators of relations. Having achieved his, liberty and, not embarrassed, manifest their feelings for a partner. For them there are only their lover. Therefore, if you try to conquer such a woman at this time, then you'll get cold and inaccessibility. But if you entered her life, get ready to endure all its whims and claims.

18. Bee bite "
These women have one of the most miniature forms of the breast. They are distinguished by persistence, calm slowness and inability to change their habits. Another distinctive feature of this representative of the beautiful and weak half of humanity is not enough abilities in making money.
On the other hand, there are excellent welcomes and loyal wives. The house they contain ideally, and in the refrigerator is always something comes in case of sudden guests. Moreover, she is always glad. But in bed - it all depends on what kind of mood it is.

19. "Spaniel Ears"
Despite the fact that often such a form of the chest causes regret for many men, the best sex partner you can not find. Lack of complexes, passion and temperament with it are provided. But you should not wait for the loyalty from such a woman. How do you not try, it is inclined to change partners, sometimes for one day. As a rule, despite the windiness of these women, men are rarely the initiators of the breaking of relationships and are very worried about this. In the old days, such women were called heterares or geishas, \u200b\u200band with age they only honed their skills in the art of love.

20. "Bombs"
These owners of the largest and most luxurious breast often men refer to "sex bombs." But they are mistaken: these romantic capabilities are able to indulge in sexual joy only on love and only with one person - their chosen one. But while they won't find him, these women fall in love again and again. Until then, while on the horizon there is no "beautiful rider on a white horse", and everyone else will not be for her just "horses".

Noticed familiar features? And you say - "Lzhenauka".

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Few people suspect, but every woman has such an individual shape of the breast, that it can even be interpreted by the character of the owner of such a bust. For no accident, the female breast is discussed from a long time and to today with such interest representatives of the opposite sex.

The question of which form of women's dairy glands is considered the most attractive and ideal concerns everyone without exception to find answers, you need to consider all types of women's chest more detailed. According to experts, any type of bust can be perfectly emphasized if you know the rules for choosing underwear and clothing.

The first thing that every woman should understand is not clear standards of the perfect breast type. If there are any standards, they are all just inspired by the fashion industry, without having no soil. Men on women's breasts are completely different, their own opinion.

Considering all sorts of sources of information about the classification of women's breasts, it can be noted that some types of breasts relate to the publicistic style of descriptions and interpretations, but there are also such species that relate to the discharge of scientific data.

Here is an example of a folk classification of female chest types in the photo:

Female Breast Forms: Folk Classification

In fact, the larger confidence from women deserves a scientific interpretation of breast types, which will be given in this article. So what kinds is the female breast?

Forms of Female Breast Little Size

  1. Chloe.. Dairy glands of this type have outlined pronounced contours. At the same time, the sacrament of the chest is small in size, the same can be said about nipples. The owner of the type of chest "Chloe" will never suffer from the sorcement of the mammary glands, often such a type of breast occurs in young people of a wonderful sex.
  2. Snowy Holmik. In the ladies with such type of breast, the dairy glands are characterized by a pointed nipple and rounded milk glasses of the average level of elasticity. Such a breast does not prevent time after time and does not lose the tone. At the same time, in the field of decollete, women have a pale tint of the dermis, the same situation with the aroles - they also have a pale color, despite quite large sizes.

Forms of Women's Breast Medium Size

  1. Buds. The chest of this type is characterized by those that it would be stretched slightly forward. Areola looks like a low, having small sizes. At the same time, nipples are pointed in this case and also look ahead. Derma in the area decollete is distinguished by a pale pink tint. Sometimes women with breasts type "buds" in the area of \u200b\u200bthe mammary glands are blocked red thin bodies.
  2. Sappo. The owner of the breast type "Sappo" is obvious difference is velvety, and even silky skin in the area of \u200b\u200bthe neckline. But there is one "but" - the chest of this type does not boast of sufficient elasticity, experts even celebrate some lethargy. At the same time, the chest is distinguished by large sizes of nipples and the arole is quite dark shade.
  3. Circe. This breast form has been the leader on the ideality of its structure and external data. Breasts themselves have clear rounded shapes, while the ranges are striking with large sizes and ideal symmetry. Skin covers in the decollete area is famous for its silkness and extraordinary tone. With the active movement of a woman, the breast "Cyrce" varies with a waveway way, attracting maximum attention.
  4. African savanna. The name of this breast type can be explained by the fact that breast glands are often compared with the world atlas map. In the width, the chest has a bit of fightened boundaries, but in general it is quite round and attractive. Breasts do not fall over time, as it is famous for the elasticity and skin elasticity. At the same time, the range of mammary glands of small sizes have clear outlined lines. Nipples are also small.

Female Breast Forms Large Size

  1. Dulka. If you compare the width of the mammary glands in the area of \u200b\u200bthe nipple with its immediate base, then at its beginning the chest is slightly narrowed. The very size of the boobs is characterized by a large size of an unsightly small nipple. The name "Dulka" originates with the comparative characteristic of the form of such a variety of tomatoes.
  2. Peach. Breasts of this type are famous for the overall dimensions. They even create the impression of their own gravity. They are called so, because they have rounded shapes, like the fruit itself. Derma in the area of \u200b\u200bthe decollete is famous for its certain fluffiness and slightly pink color. At the same time, the color of the ARAOLA fastest focus on it all attention.
  3. Pear. Comparison of the chest of such a form with this fruit has emerged. The thing is that the mammary glands themselves do not have elasticity and are omitted down, repeating the lines of pear. The skin in the field of the chest has a brownish tone, while it is famous for its elasticity and smoothness. Milk glands on the touch are soft with a well-pronounced nipple of intense state and small aroles.
  4. Chestnut. Despite the large size of the chest, it has a bit of the outlines' width parameter. Skin cover in this area of \u200b\u200bthe body is characterized by extraordinary velvety and elasticity.
  5. Lady fingers. The breasts are referred to in this way, they visually resemble grapes grapes "Ladies' fingers." Skin cover is fairly light, the aroles and nipples, on the contrary, have a dark color. To the touch, the chest is soft, you can even say juicy, with a kind of nipples.
  6. Water surface. Breasts of this type have low-rise areols and cannot boast elasticity and tone. But at the same time, the skin in the neckline is smooth, a light shade.
  7. Alma Mother. The owner of this type of bust is thrown into the eyes with their big dimensions. The skin in the field of the chest has a pale color, while the nipples in the chest look tense and clearly look.
  8. Eyes Turchwanks. The owner of such a shape of the breast is energized like a short-term dairy gland, while nipples look at different directions, do not have a clear symmetry.
  9. the globe. A woman with such type of breasts, dairy glands have ideal rounded shapes, reminding the earth globe. At the same time, the chest places dark in color by aroles and large standing nipples.
  10. Renaissance. The name of such a form of the chest is explained by an overly pale derma, which the doctors are sometimes called transparent. Massive weight boobs to the touch seems sufficiently soft. Breasts borders large bright pronounced nipples, but with small dark-colored aroles. Women with the type of breast "Renaissance" often appear many small moles.

Having such a detailed list of forms and types of breasts, any woman can compare the data and accurately determine which classification includes its mammary glands.

Factors, predetermining breast forms

In order to understand why nature has awarded a woman with one type or other types of breasts, you need to understand what factors affect the future breasts of a young person.

Having such knowledge, a woman under the power even slightly adjust and transform her chest.

  • An endocrine system that predetermines and controls the production of genital hormones.
  • Heredity, thanks to which it is possible to assume the future sizes of their own breasts along the female line of ancestors.
  • Diseases of the chest glands, as a rule, here we are talking about neoplasms and tumors.
  • The number of fat cells in lactic glands, control the volume of the fatty layer can be independently.
  • Muscle activity, as the breast muscles do not make sick and go sick, losing elasticity and tone.
  • Strong bundles, which act as a frame for informs, controlling the strength and shape of the chest.

The painstaking and regular, taking into account the above factors, will help transform the chest and return to her former youth, elasticity and beauty. , Normal hormonal background and drinking regime will take care of the form and health of the mammary glands.

How to determine the character of a woman in the form of her breast.
This question is interested in both men and women. There is a whole science - storm, the prediction of the fate of a woman in the form of a breast. Invented its inventive Spaniards still the XVIII century. They were the first to pay attention to the relationship between the nature and shape of the chest of its owner. As it turned out, in the form of the breast, you can learn a lot about women. Sexologists believe that the character of a woman determines, even more, chest than the signs of the zodiac. They, having studied the shape of the chest, allocated 21 categories and determined, for each category of character, her attitude to love, to the family, to sex.

Read the character of a woman in the nipple
Women with a small and drawn nipple do not know anything interesting in sex, it is secretive nature, but will perform any wishes of a man. He boldly can express her wishes and demand the fulfillment of his fantasies. However, you need to remember that these are women - ohwood, and there they say, and devils are found.
The holders of a high, standing nipple - mainly the dominant nature. They love the "Rider" and Cunnilingus pose, power-loving but, which is rather strange, very generous.
Sleeper-pink near-shy circles designate spiritual beauty, softness, romanticism, and kindness.
Dark pink, dark brown circles are shown to passion and love for adventures.

How to determine the character of a woman in the form of her breast
How is a female character with a breast form? The breast shape during life changes as it depends on the set of factors. One of the main factors is heredity.
Form No. 1 - Cunning

Since the chest is sensitive and nature is also sensitive and intuitive, more live in their dreams than in the real world. Mind from them moved to the background. For such a chest, brass-up bras are bought to raise the chest and give it the volume. Woman loves calm, slow, life rhythm. Tied to the family, looking for a society of benevolent people.

Form No. 2 - Nose Lisi

Breast form of lisure nose - the name, speaks for itself. Women's nature, loving to conquer the attention of men. From complements flutters in the air.
Such a breast is not more than a third size, and it will also be suitable bra Push-Ap. Women having such a form of chest, faithful wives and inventive in bed.

Form No. 3 - Bottles

Women who have such a form of chest are confident. Ideal hostesses, love in everything, bring any business to the end and, of course, on time. They have their opinions and do not go to others. The owners of such a breast are best wearing a bra, not having foam inserts. He perfectly supports the chest.

Form No. 4 - Pear

Women with such a breast are independent. These are women cats that walk by themselves! These are funny laughing. They are open in friendship, in love, but very freedom-loving. Do not wait for her loyalty - she loves to flirt with other men and does not see anything wrong with it.
This breast form allows you to wear several types of bras. For example: lacy bodice or with a very soft cup.

Form No. 5 - Hooks

Such women are able to hook any man! This lady will be released only by a man at will
Excusability and mind is that they have more than. They definitely achieve their own. For such a breast, a bra with a soft, comfortable cup is perfect.

Form No. 6 - Watermelons

Women with this form of the chest are striving to be in the center of attention. Therefore, if you strive to conquer such a woman, pay a maximum of attention. Women with a breast shape - cucumbers love to worship and admiration, they seek to command, money for them is important. Take risks due to the little things, such women will not be, we are approaching weigly and thoughtfully. The owner of the magnificent forms is persistent, purposeful, confident in themselves, always achieve in their lives.
For such a breast, several different brass versions can be suitable.

Form number 7 - saucer

Breast shape "Swuffers" have extremely enduring women who cannot break any difficulties. They are better not to run the road, such women are dangerous competitors. They do not forgive the offense, very angled, most often these are tireless workaholics. Having worried, persistent, nature, despite difficulties, goes out.
And he does not like those who move the road. Everything defends their own interests.

Form number 8 - Potatoes

Having such forms, women of many piders who are not afraid to start a novel simultaneously with several partners. At the same time will be held for each of them, to the last. Women of this type require care and care. For them, the main thing is to be always loved.

Form No. 9 - Cucumbers

Women with breast form "Cucumbers" of optimists, pleasant in the company love life and bring bright paints into it. Full strength, desires, emotions. They are always the head of the family. For men, podcasts is the perfect option!

Form No. 10 - Peaches

The owner of such a breast shape is selfish and requiring a lot of attention. But these women, like no other, are able to make a weekday day. Boring life is not for them. Small breasts, as you know, the most sensitive. Ladies with such a breast are initiative in relationships. Sometimes there are sometimes small weaknesses and pranks.

Form No. 11 - Apple

Having such forms, women feel confident. But in a relationship, to the detriment of yourself, they will give pleasure better than your beloved man.

Form No. 12 - Handbags

If you decide to like this woman, then do not waste time in vain. Do not try to attract a lady with gifts, beautiful bouquets, the maximum that you are in return to get - cold thanks or dismissive look. Women choose their men themselves, but if you liked this lady - it will turn 100% to you.
Experimentator in sex life, dominant. It happens, aggressive and jealous. But you can not tolerate these qualities in men.

Form No. 13 - Grapefruits

These women are thin, cute, loving creatures, strive for perfection. The main problem is the lack of a sense of measure. Constantly controls and analyzes itself - losing time and lossing excellent chances. Where a personal initiative is needed, independent decisions, such a woman is indispensable. She will not allow any unrest in the house or in the service.

Form number 14 - Bee bites

Practically lack of breasts in the ladies of self-confident, successful. Among them are a lot of avid careerists who are ready for everything on the way to the target target. Calm and balanced, but easily fall into rage, annoy. Partner rarely change relatively true.

Form No. 15.

Breast shape "Soccer" in women extremely hardy, they cannot stop any difficulties. The ladies of this category are once again condensed with paints and invent additional problems, but are ready for everything to perform the task. Such a lady, do not impose yourself, as it is capricious in choosing, not criminal. Prefers to choose a partner herself. Deciding with a partner, one-bedroom. In communication with such a lady, take a lot of patience.

Form No. 16 - Chairs

Chairs are a breast shape, which nipples are bent to the top. Such ladies have a sharp mind, are neat executive.
It can easily adjust and understand any man.

Form No. 17 - Oranges

Women with breast shape - oranges are very temperament, good in bed. Age for them is not a hindrance, sexy fire burns to elderly. They are thin, practical, loving nature.

Form No. 18 - "Spaniel Ears"

In the ladies of such forms, the fire is always burning. The manifestation of the initiative and adventures characterizes their image and character.

Forms number 19 - oars

Such a breast form is also called "goat". The owners of loving and virtuoso, men change as gloves. Locked and temperamental. For them, there are no forbidden in sex. These ladies are able to change the lover one after another, every day. Of these, excellent confused, as well as great actresses.

Form No. 20 -XXL

Breast having large forms often causes inconvenience to their owners. For such forms of the breast it is very difficult to choose a bra. Although women with such forms are cute, good, romantic.

March 14th, 2018

Cherries or muks? Find out that your breast's shape will tell about your character. We have already learned how to read the character of hand and face. But did you know that the breast shape is the key to the main features of the person's personality? But first let's go back in history to understand where this classification comes from.

In the 18th century in Spain, there was a belief that the fate of a woman was written on her body, and the distance from the chest to the abdomen predicted that she was waiting for her future.

The prediction of the breast form was also practiced in Thailand and in Japan. The specialist determined the nature and fate of a woman, studying the shape and size of the chest, and compared them with schemes and diagrams, and then endured its verdict.

In 2005, the Italian researcher Piero Lorentzoni presented his results in the German Bild newspaper, where he compared the female breast with various fruits.

There is also a scientific confirmation that there is a connection between between the form of the breast and the temperament of a woman. The thing is that certain genes carry DNA that is responsible for the shape of the chest and for the brain function.

And what form do you have?

1. Lemones - small and symmetrical

You are elegant and smart, and the image of your thinking is different from the majority. Comfort and calm are of paramount importance for you. You like to read and prefer to spend time alone.

You can be called an emotionally stable person, and you can easily laugh at yourself. In life you are looking for an equilibrium. Others admire your professionalism.

2. Papaya - elongated and directed down

You are superanous with an initial and independent character. You always weighed carefully before making any actions.

You have a colossal self-control. You can be called a calm, purposeful and successful woman. All these qualities are inherent in excellent leaders.

3. Apples are small, slightly gentle and look at different directions

You go through life in your own rhythm. You are carefree and know how to risk. You are peculiar to spontaneity and progressive views on life. The rest consider you a real charm.

4. Hebules - triangular, directed down with large nipples

You are feminine and sensual, but possess a strong character. You constantly strive to be better and open with new ideas. You radiate positive and optimism and always see the glass half full. Spiritually developed, loving nature and very constant - it's all about you. In addition, you have a wonderful sense of humor.

5. Cherry - standing and looking at different directions

You, like a cherry, personifying red, passionate and bold. You invite the call and know how to quickly make decisions. Cheerful and perky visor who can entertain. You are a woman who will always be a soul company.

6. Miens - spherical and directed down

You are a good woman to rely on. You are ready to go to help the rest. People can trust you their secrets, being confident that they will remain with you forever.

Often you play the role of an intermediary, restoring harmony between conflicting parties. You are generous and caring, and the rest feel with you like at home.

7. Nectarines - small and hanging with big nipples

You are reasonable, wise and noble. You always strive for self-improvement and love to study something new. You can be called a peace-loving woman who tries to stay away from scandals. Remember that nectarines are food gods, so you can be called a real queen.

8. Grapefruits - rounded and look at different directions

You are a creative nature that always has a lot of ideas. You can plan and give a new meaning to action. Your lush breast personifies femininity, confidence and high self-esteem. It is quite obvious that others just adore you.

9. Oranges - Middle, Round and look at different directions

You are a virtuous and pleasant woman who knows how to get along with other people. You also know how to determine the nature of other people very precisely. For this reason, others always ask your advice and opinion on various issues. You are a diligent worker and devotee friend.

10. Pineapples - large with outstanding nipples

You are cheerful and hospitable. You can be called idealist, optimist and very romantic kind. You have a special ability to make other people feel better. You are a charismatic woman who attracts others like a magnet.

11. Plums - small with nipples directed down

You, as a bright light beam, full of energy. When you enter the room, you immediately notice, and you remain the rest of the attention of the rest. You like adventure. However, stick to very simple looks to life, preferring to think that love is all you need.

12. Mango - medium, look at different directions

You are a mysterious nature, although a truly reliable person. Others know that they can rely on you when you need to make any plans. You yourself are accustomed to putting a high bar, and if others do not meet your standards, you can easily strike them out of your life.