Papaverine during pregnancy: therapeutic effect and contraindications. Suppositories Papaverine during early pregnancy - action and application

Rectal spasm in combination with constipation worsens the patient's condition. Relieving muscle contraction and internal tension, papaverine suppositories facilitate the release of feces, which minimally traumatize the pathologically altered areas of the rectal zone.

The relaxation effect is provided by the entry of the drug into the group of myotropic antispasmodics, which affect the special receptors of the body responsible for muscle stimulation. Expansion of blood vessels improves microcirculation, removes venous congestion and prevents the risk of thrombus formation in the presence of hemorrhagic nodes.

Providing a laxative effect, papaverine also leads to the restoration of the evacuation function of the intestine within a few hours after the administration of the suppository.

In the presence of inflammation of the rectal mucosa caused by hemorrhoids and anal fissures, the remedy is powerless (only smooth muscles relax). The main active ingredient, papaverine hydrochloride, also does not have wound healing and hemostatic properties.

The introduction of a suppository is ineffective in cases associated with mucosal damage and bleeding, although the agent is sometimes used as an adjunct therapy.

Indications for use

Intestinal hypertonicity leads to a clamping of some parts of the digestive tract, which ceases to pass the digested food. Flatulence, pain, a feeling of overcrowding are characteristic manifestations of spastic constipation, which causes hemorrhoids or complicates its course.

The main reasons for taking Papaverine:

  • prolonged constipation;
  • rectal spasms;
  • severe pain in the rectum.

The drug acts in a complex manner (absorbed into the systemic circulation), expanding all large arteries in the body. Due to this effect, Papaverine is also taken for spasms associated with other diseases and conditions: with cholecystitis, colic in the kidneys, intracranial pressure and spasm of the cerebral vessels.

Instructions and dosage

Papaverine suppositories are used to be introduced into the rectum with the aim of a rapid onset of an analgesic effect. There are 2 types of products on sale - 20 and 40 mg each. Initially, suppositories with a lower concentration of the active substance are used, and with a weak effect, a more "powerful" form is used - 40 mg suppositories.

  1. When using suppositories, it is necessary to cleanse the rectum from feces, which are removed either by a natural trip to the toilet or by means of enema.
  2. To facilitate insertion, you can additionally lubricate the anus with petroleum jelly. The candle melts quickly on contact with the mucous membrane and is also quickly absorbed into the bloodstream.
  3. After penetration of the suppository, it is recommended to lie on the stomach or side for 20 minutes.

Most of those who used do not notice the leakage of fluid from the anus when setting the suppository at night. The daily limit on the number of suppositories administered is 3 units. The maximum treatment period is 14 days.

Medical fact. Papaverine suppositories work faster than pain pills.

Inflammation of hemorrhoids during pregnancy - will papaverine suppositories help?

The period of gestation is not considered a limiting condition for taking Papaverine, however, therapists prescribe it only in difficult cases associated with severe discomfort in pregnant women. Papaverine is used in women who are expecting a baby, and in cases where there is a risk of miscarriage due to impaired muscle tone.

Rationality of admission during pregnancy:

  • aggravation of the course of hemorrhoids;
  • hypertonicity;
  • training fights;
  • high blood pressure.

It is also necessary to share the rationality of using the product in different periods of gestation.

  1. The first triad. Hemorrhoids are least often manifested during this period, however, in the first weeks of pregnancy, some women are diagnosed with excessive uterine tone, which is stopped with this medication. In the first 3 months, the intake of medicinal components is unfavorable: due to the absence of a fully formed placental barrier, the active substances can easily affect a developing child.
  2. Second triad. Suppositories help pregnant women relieve severe intrauterine and hemorrhoidal pains, as well as symptoms of high blood pressure that appear in the middle of pregnancy.
  3. The last triad. During the period of a significant increase in the size of the fetus, frequent exacerbations of hemorrhoids are observed. At the same time, excessive tension of the uterine walls is formed - a condition that complicates childbirth. By relaxing the muscles, Papaverine prepares the cervix for opening and reduces the intensity of spasms during prenatal contractions, and also minimizes the increase in mechanical stress on the rectal region.

Important. Despite the relaxing effect, papaverine does not lead to miscarriage.

Adverse reactions and limitations

At the beginning of therapy, the patient may feel nausea, weakness, diarrhea and signs of hypotension. An overdose of medication increases the risk of developing arrhythmias, excessive sweating and atrioventricular blockade. The agent practically does not affect the central nervous system even when the permissible concentration is exceeded.

Taboo on taking Papaverine:

  • glaucoma and increased intraocular pressure;
  • severe liver disease;
  • impaired cardiac conduction;
  • renal failure;
  • intestinal atony;
  • age less than 6 months.

The condition of persons who have suffered a traumatic brain injury and who have thyroid diseases worsens. The course of Papaverine is hardly tolerated by persons whose blood pressure is below normal (hypotonic).

A warning. Nicotine and alcohol are prohibitive substances during the course of papaverine: alcohol increases the risk of loss of consciousness, and nicotine minimizes the analgesic effect.

Prices in Russia

The cost of candles with papaverine varies in different regions of the Russian Federation. The medication (20 mg suppositories) is produced by several companies, prices are presented in rubles.

Discounts on Papaverine are practically not found due to the relatively low cost of suppositories, however, when ordering suppositories in online pharmacies, the medication can cost 2–5% less. The cost of drugs with a dosage of 40 mg differs slightly - in the range from 5 to 10%.

Interaction with other medications

Fully studied reactions with drugs of other therapeutic groups allow compiling a list of interactions with commonly used drugs.

Diagnosed changes:

  • methyldopa. The rate of pressure decrease increases.
  • Levodop. The antiparkinsonian effect is reduced.
  • Antidepressants of the tricyclic group. The antihypertensive effect is stronger. The effect is similar when used: reserpine, quinidine, procainamide.

If the use of Papaverine intersects with the entry into the blood of barbiturate, then the antispasmodic effect on smooth muscles is enhanced.


Papaverine is an effective remedy that allows you to get relief with a pronounced increase in hemorrhoidal pain. It can be seen as an emergency medication that relieves symptoms, but does not completely eliminate the proctological ailment.

The drug is sold without the provision of permits from a doctor, however, pregnant women should take into account the lack of knowledge of the effect of the drug on the fetus. For those awaiting replenishment in the family, it is rational to coordinate the intake of an antispasmodic with the attending physician.

During the carrying of the baby, the expectant mother with special care tries to protect herself from all kinds of things that can cause a complication of pregnancy. These are any diseases, and painful conditions, and that pose a certain threat to bearing a baby. And yet sometimes, despite all the efforts of the pregnant woman, it also happens that such conditions still overtake her. Some of them require the use of medications for adjustment, which makes the expectant mother even more worried.

It is known that the period of pregnancy should, if possible, exclude the use of any medications - in order to avoid negative consequences for the pregnancy itself and the rapidly developing baby. However, there are medicines that have been tested by time and experience, which, if necessary, can only go to the mother's benefit and alleviate certain conditions, while not harming the baby in any way. One such remedy is papaverine: an antispasmodic drug that relaxes and eliminates painful conditions.

Papaverine today can be found in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories, and injection solution. However, during the gestation of a baby, in most cases, just candles with papaverine are prescribed. This versatile and easy-to-use tool can save the expectant mother from many misfortunes that threaten pregnancy. So, for example, the most common prescription of the form of a candle with papaverine during pregnancy, if a woman has a condition such as.

With hypertonicity, the muscles of the uterus, which is the "house" of the baby, is in constant tension, which is fraught with premature termination of pregnancy. In order to avoid miscarriage, it is necessary to relax the muscles of the uterus and give the baby the opportunity to develop without risks. Suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy can cope with hypertonicity of the uterus, since this medicine has a pronounced antispasmodic effect: suppositories lower and relieve the tension of the smooth muscles of the internal organs. In addition, with the regular use of candles, a slight sedative effect is felt: a woman becomes calmer, and even a slowdown in heart rhythms occurs: the heart stops pounding and brings anxiety.

Despite the fact that many sources indicate that it is allegedly undesirable to use papaverine when carrying a child, however, the long-term use of this medicine testifies to the opposite. Almost all mothers who used candles with papaverine during pregnancy carried and gave birth to strong babies without any negative consequences. Long-term experience of using papaverine proves that suppositories with papaverine have absolutely no effect on the baby, and at the same time neutralize the threat of involuntary abortion associated with uterine hypertonicity. The only thing is that suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy in some individual cases can cause certain side effects in the mother. Among them are nausea, drowsiness, increased sweating,. The use of suppositories can provoke the appearance of allergic reactions or a drop in blood pressure - but all this is only in isolated cases. Basically, suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy are relatively easy to carry, and can even be used for quite a long time.

Despite the fact that candles do not pose a threat to the fetus, it is not permissible to self-medicate: candles with papaverine should be used during pregnancy only after consulting a doctor, who determines the dosage. As a rule, suppositories are prescribed at the rate of 2-3 suppositories per day at regular intervals. The form of the drug is convenient to use: women can inject candles with papaverine during pregnancy on their own, and they begin to act almost immediately after dissolution. Contraindications to the appointment of suppositories with papaverine during pregnancy are problems in the expectant mother with the liver, tachycardia, increased intraocular pressure, thyroid disorders.

Specially for - Tatiana Argamakova

From the guest

Now I accept it, it became calmer, pregnancy is the first 4 weeks. The strong spasms are gone, I am saved by them. There is no constipation, on the contrary, the stool has become better. I did not cause allergies either. Everything will work out!

From the guest

Wonderful candles! They got rid of tonicity in the early stages of pregnancy.

From the guest

A very good drug. I read about the "side effects" and I can say that I did not notice anything like that ... On the contrary, after the candles the chair got better (before that there were constipation periodically). Hypertonicity is almost the entire pregnancy and only candles are saved.


  • papaverine hydrochloride - 20 mg per 1 ml of medicinal liquid;
  • D, L-methionine;
  • disodium edetate;
  • water for injections.


  • papaverine hydrochloride - 10 mg in 1 tablet;
  • rafinated sugar;
  • potato starch;
  • stearic acid;
  • talc.

Rectal suppositories:

  • papaverine hydrochloride - 0.02 g in 1 candle weighing 1.25 g;
  • emulsifier No. 1;
  • cosmetic stearin;
  • solid fat.

Release form

  • Papaverine tablets 0.01 g or 0.04 g each, depending on the target audience of patients (the first are used in pediatric practice after 6 months), which are packaged in contour cell blisters of 10 pieces. The oral form is slightly bitter, white in color and odorless.
  • Solution for injection 2% in 2 ml ampoules. A cardboard package usually contains 10 pieces and instructions for the use of a pharmaceutical preparation.
  • Rectal suppositories or suppositories for introduction into the rectum, 0.02 g each; fixed in blisters made of PVC or aluminum foil, 10 pieces each. A plate with a medicinal product and an annotation are placed in a cardboard box.

pharmachologic effect

Papaverine hydrochloride (Wikipedia indicates that the INN of the drug corresponds to the name of the main active ingredient) - this is opium alkaloid acting on smooth muscle elements and causing them to relax, therefore the pharmacological group of a drug is defined as myotropic antispasmodics .

The mechanism of the therapeutic action of a biological substance is to influence the secondary mediators (messengers) of the transmission of muscle excitement. Papaverine inhibits PDE (phosphodiesterase), due to which the cell accumulates cAMP (cycloadenosine monophosphate) and reduced ion content calcium , in response to such biochemical changes, the smooth muscles of the internal organs (digestive tube, respiratory and genitourinary systems and the vascular bed) relax, their tone decreases .

Pharmacopoeia is a set of mandatory rules and official regulations governing the manufacture, testing, storage and prescribing of medicines to patients. Since the main biologically active component of a pharmaceutical preparation is potent, the pharmacopoeia for Papaverine hydrochloride includes the following points for determining the authenticity of a chemical:

  • physical characteristics- a white crystalline powder, odorless, with a slightly bitter taste.
  • Solubility- it dissolves in water for 40 hours, is slightly soluble in 95% alcohol, soluble in chloroform and practically insoluble in ether.
  • Acidity 2% Papaverine hydrochloride solution - 3.0-4.5 (determined by potentiometric method).
  • Chemical identity control- 0.05 g of the pharmaceutical preparation is placed in a porcelain bowl, moistened with a couple of drops of high concentration nitric acid, after which a yellow color should appear, which, when heated in a water bath, changes to orange.
  • The presence of organic impurities- test of dissolution and color change in 5 ml of concentrated sulfuric acid.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The active ingredient is rapidly and almost completely absorbed by any route of administration of the drug into the body. Once in the bloodstream, it binds to plasma proteins (90% of the total biologically active substance), due to which it easily passes through the histohematogenous barriers. Biotransformation undergoes in the liver. The half-life is from 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the auxiliary components of the pharmaceutical preparation. It is excreted mainly by the kidneys in the form of metabolic products.

Indications for the use of Papaverine

  • smooth muscle spasm organs of the abdominal cavity (especially often with , spastic or pylorospasm );
  • hypertensive crisis (in combined conservative therapy);
  • endarteritis ;
  • spasm of the peripheral vascular bed;
  • a decrease in the lumen of the vessels of the brain due to the contraction of the muscular layer of the arteries;
  • bronchospasm ;
  • reduction of arterial renal inflow of vascular origin;
  • urinary retention due to spasm of the urinary tract.

Indications for use also include the stage premedication before surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity, proctological and urological manipulations. What is used for - relaxation of smooth muscle elements (for more details, see the paragraph "Pharmacological action").


  • intolerance to the constituent components of the drug;
  • intracardiac conduction disorders, especially atrioventricular block ;
  • hypersensitivity to a pharmaceutical product;
  • heavy liver failure ;
  • old age (since there is a significant risk of developing hyperthermic syndrome);
  • children's age up to 6 months.

Additional restrictions on use (it is recommended to use only under the constant supervision of qualified medical personnel and regular diagnostic examinations):

  • recent traumatic brain injury history;
  • chronic;
  • shock conditions;
  • supraventricular ;
  • benign ;
  • lack of functionality of the adrenal glands.

Side effects

  • From the side cardiovascular and blood: atrioventricular block , ventricular tachycardia , decrease .
  • From the side gastrointestinal tract: nausea , constipation (),bloating , violation of the passage through the digestive tube, increased activity of hepatic transaminases.
  • Other: , , eosinophilia .

Instructions for use of Papaverine (Way and dosage)

Papaverine tablets, instructions for use

In tablets, a pharmaceutical preparation can be prescribed for both adults and children, even the frequency of administration does not change and is 3-4 times a day. The dosage of the oral form of the drug depends on the age category of the patient, the following treatment regimen is used:

  • from 6 months to 2 years - 0.005 g per appointment;
  • 3-4 years - 0.005-0.01 g;
  • 5-6 years old - 0.01 g;
  • 7-9 years old - 0.01-0.015 g;
  • 10-14 years old - 0.015-0.02 g;
  • adults - 0.04-0.08 g per appointment.

Suppositories Papaverin, instructions for use

Is an extremely unpleasant proctological disease that is associated with , inflammatory processes and pathological expansion of hemorrhoidal veins encircling the lumen of the rectal outlet. This nosological unit is characterized by typical clinical picture , which includes impaired bowel movements, itching, bleeding from the anus. Suppositories with Papaverine will help alleviate the course of the disease.

The active ingredients of the pharmaceutical preparation allow you to relax intestinal smooth muscle elements , which facilitates the process of bowel movement, because the lumen of the rectum increases slightly. For the same reason, bleeding is stopped, since solid feces do not injure inflamed hemorrhoids, therefore suppositories with Papaverine for hemorrhoids are a kind of "magic wand".

In pharmacy kiosks, you can find suppositories with different dosages of the biologically active substance. The course of conservative sanitation should be started from 0.02 g, gradually increasing it to 0.04 g, if a smaller amount of the pharmaceutical preparation does not exert its therapeutic effect. It is not recommended to use more than 3 suppositories per day, this is fraught with the development of adverse side effects and even an overdose state, since all incoming drugs are extremely well absorbed in the rectal region.

How to use papaverine hydrochloride injection solution?

The active component of the pharmaceutical preparation has a high bioavailability, therefore, injections can be done both subcutaneously and intramuscularly, and intravenously, the therapeutic potential of the drug will not be affected by this, and the final result will be just as strong. However, it should be determined that the instructions for use recommend that subcutaneous injections of Papaverine hydrochloride be made not in the distal part of the forearm, but in the shoulder or in the outer surface of the thigh, since the frequency of administration can ensure the appearance of a hematoma. Intramuscular injections of Papaverine can be carried out according to the standard scheme, that is, use the upper lateral quadrant of the buttock.

Before making intravenous injections, the amount of the pharmaceutical preparation prescribed by the doctor should be diluted with 10-20 ml of isotonic solution sodium chloride ... It should also be remembered that papaverine hydrochloride should be injected very slowly so as not to cause discomfort in the patient during the injection.

Subcutaneously, as a rule, the contents of 1 ampoule (2 ml) of a 2% solution of Papaverine Hydrochloride are injected.

Dosage of the solution in ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular administration:

  • adults: single - 0.1 g, daily - 0.3;
  • children from 6 months to 1 year: single - 0.005 g, daily - 0.01 g;
  • at the age of 2 years: single - 0.01 g, daily - 0.02 g;
  • 3-4 years: single - 0.015 g, daily - 0.03 g;
  • 5-6 years: single - 0.02 g, daily - 0.04 g;
  • 7-9 years: single - 0.03 g, daily 0.06 g;
  • 10-14 years old: single - 0.06-0.06 g, daily - 0.1-0.2 g.

Dibazol with Papaverine - how to use?

- this is antihypertensive a drug from the group of peripheral vasodilators , that is, the active ingredients of the pharmaceutical preparation have a vasodilating effect and significantly contribute to the reduction of blood pressure. Papaverine has similar therapeutic properties in relation to the vascular system, therefore the combination of these drugs is actively used by emergency medical workers to eliminate hypertensive crisis .

Dibazol is administered with Papaverine intramuscularly or intravenously, because in this way the necessary pharmacological effects of the active ingredients develop much faster than with oral or any other method of use. The relaxing effect of biologically active components can be combined with physiotherapy methods, for example, a horizontal position with a lowered foot end, warm foot baths, massage of the lower extremities, and so on.

The dosage of Dibazol with Papaverine for the elimination of hypertensive crisis is 3-5 ml of 1% Dibazol solution and 2 ml (contents of 1 ampoule) of 2% solution of the second pharmaceutical preparation. Such a large number of active ingredients allow not only to reduce blood pressure, but also to stop the feeling of nausea, painful sensations in the heart and some other manifestations of cardiovascular pathology.


Possible symptoms with active ingredients of the medicinal product:

  • diplopia (double vision) ;
  • weakness;
  • lowering blood pressure ;
  • increased fatigue .

Specific pharmaceutical no, therefore it is applied detoxification therapy and symptomatic treatment ... Especially effective is gastric lavage or the use of sorbents ( milk , , for example) in the first hours after taking oral forms of papaverine hydrochloride. Also, in case of drug overdose, it is important to constantly monitor and, if necessary, artificially maintain blood pressure.


- it is an antispasmodic, vasodilating, sedative agent, that is, in terms of pharmacological abilities, it is close to Papaverine. Medicines differ only in the mechanisms of therapeutic action, therefore Platyphyllin with Papaverine are used in combined conservative rehabilitation of spastic syndromes, hypertensive crises and other pathological conditions.

with Papaverine, like Platyphyllin, they interact well, exerting a synergistic therapeutic effect on the smooth muscle elements of the human body. This combination of pharmaceuticals is especially common in obstetric and gynecological hospitals with uterine tone, the threat of spontaneous miscarriage or overly active early labor.

In medical publications on neurological subjects there is news that the effectiveness of the use of Levodopa significantly decreases in combined conservative therapy, from which papaverine in tablets or in the form of a solution for injection against the background of drug sanitation use is contraindicated.

Concomitant use of papaverine with anticholinergic drugs can manifest itself in the enhancement of the therapeutic effects of the latter, therefore, if necessary, their combined use should be discussed with a reduction in dosage or temporary withdrawal of pharmaceutical preparations with a qualified specialist.

Terms of sale

The pharmaceutical product has been known since time immemorial and has always been famous for the strength of its therapeutic effect, therefore, earlier in the pharmacy kiosks, when buying it, a prescription in Latin was required. Nowadays, the procedure for acquiring Papaverine has become much easier, however, it is the patient's duty to present a correctly drawn up and certified prescription by the attending physician.

Storage conditions

In a dry, protected from direct sunlight place at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees Celsius in a tightly packed container. The pharmaceutical product belongs to list B, therefore, its storage should be carefully monitored.

Shelf life

special instructions

Papaverine hydrochloride significantly improves peripheral blood circulation, which improves trophic processes in individual organs when it is used locally. This therapeutic ability determines the use of a pharmaceutical product in bodybuilding ... Practical observations of athletes show that it is most effective to use a drug to increase the specific mass of the deltoid and biceps muscles.

The goal of athletes is to localize a certain part of the muscles, from which injections are given intramuscularly. The optimal dosage is 1-2 injections per week, which are given 15-20 minutes before an intense workout. Further, at the very beginning of physical exercise, all efforts should be aimed at the "enriched" muscle, that is, engage in the "pumping" system (pumping blood), since the therapeutic effect of Papaverine when used topically is short-lived.

The inventiveness and resourcefulness of the female half of humanity does not lag behind the stronger sex, because Papaverine hydrochloride is used even in cosmetic procedures and home skin care. Due to the increased blood circulation in the peripheral parts of the body under the action of a pharmaceutical preparation, the excretion of accumulated fluid is improved, puffiness is relieved and metabolic processes are to some extent stimulated. Such therapeutic effects allow the drug to be used to combat cellulite , elimination of the unpleasant "orange peel" in the buttocks and back of the thigh, and even getting rid of a couple of extra pounds.

To obtain such a result, leading cosmetologists recommend using caffeine and papaverine wrap , which can be carried out even at home. To prepare the miraculous mixture, you will need 2 ampoules of Caffeine benzoate, 2 ml each, 2 ampoules of Papaverine hydrochloride, 2 ml each, and a small amount of unsweetened honey. Before applying the cosmetic, the skin should be prepared, for which a light peeling, scrub or small local massage is used.

The mixture should be applied evenly over the entire area of ​​the treated surface with a small layer. The cosmetic product will not be absorbed immediately, therefore it is necessary to tightly cover the skin with plastic wrap (cling film is ideal for these purposes) and warm up by wrapping yourself in a cotton blanket or using winter clothes. It is recommended to wrap for at least an hour, then rinse off the remnants of the mixture with warm water and apply a moisturizing or nourishing cream. The duration of the course is twelve procedures, and the frequency of their conduct is every other day.

The active components of the pharmaceutical product spread their beneficial effects not only on humans, but also on animals, because Papaverine is widely used in veterinary practice ... Especially often, the drug is used for cats, since pets are admitted to hospitals in connection with spasms of the intestinal smooth muscles. The etiological factor is the hygienic procedures of the feline, because in the process of "washing", as a rule, a certain amount of wool is swallowed. Papaverine facilitates the passage of the contents of the digestive tube.


Matching ATX level 4 code:

Papaverine's analogs are various pharmaceutical forms of the drug, in which it is found on pharmacy shelves. As a rule, one of the forms does not suit the patient and then another should be chosen. You can also replace these products, but you should first consult with a qualified specialist in this area, because the basic principle of medicine “do no harm” can be easily violated by ignorance.

A pharmaceutical preparation with an international non-proprietary name has a similar antispasmodic effect. , which is known to a wide audience by the name. It can also be used for pregnant women, and for patients of a proctological or urological hospital, and for children in pediatric practice, and for the treatment of headaches at home.

For children

Papaverine hydrochloride is actively used in pediatric practice, starting from the age of 6 months.

Papaverine during pregnancy and lactation

What are papaverine suppositories for during pregnancy?

The uterus, an organ of the female reproductive system, in which the intrauterine phase of fetal development directly occurs, includes both striated muscles and smooth muscles. In the process of carrying a child, an increased tone of this organ often develops, as a result of which spastic pains are possible, early contractions , premature rupture of amniotic fluid and the birth is not on the planned date. Papaverine hydrochloride has a relaxing effect, which makes it possible to relieve the above manifestations of uterine hypertonicity.

Of course, before using the drug, you should decide on the pharmaceutical form that will have the maximum beneficial effects and will not harm the developing body of the child and mother. For pregnant women, the expediency of using one form or another of Papaverine is determined duration of gestation , for example, in the early stages it is recommended to use oral tablets, and in the later stages, intramuscular and subcutaneous administration of injection solutions manifests itself much better.

Suppositories with Papaverine during pregnancy

First of all, one should decide on a completely logical question for patients - where to insert Papaverine suppositories during pregnancy, because, as a rule, this pharmaceutical form of the drug is used rectally , however, the therapeutic effect is required not in the final sections of the gastrointestinal tract, but in the muscular elements of the genitourinary system. This misconception is characteristic of women who are completely unfamiliar with the principle of work of local pharmaceutical suppositories.

After the introduction of Papaverine, the active components of the suppositories are actively absorbed and spread first. local blood flow on nearby organs, due to which the smooth muscle elements of the uterus are supplied with biologically active substances in full. Another positive aspect of using this pharmaceutical form is the high bioavailability of rectal suppositories, that is, a large percentage of the drug enters the microvasculature, and is not excreted from out.

Injections during pregnancy

Of course, the most effective way to use papaverine hydrochloride is intramuscular or even intravenous administration, because in this way bioavailability the drug tends to the maximum, and the concentration of the active substance remains at the highest point for the longest period of time.
It should be emphasized that the injectable form of the pharmaceutical preparation is especially relevant in late pregnancy, when uterine hypertonicity or spastic, cramping pains can lead to premature onset of labor and the discharge of amniotic fluid. If there are appropriate indications from the attending physician, it is worth thinking about inpatient treatment, because in this case, the pregnant woman will be under the constant supervision of medical personnel, which cannot but inspire confidence.

The dosage of the solution for injection, as well as the frequency of use of the pharmaceutical preparation, is selected individually, as a rule, it ranges from 1 to 10 ml of 2% drug 2-4 times a day. In the event of adverse consequences of conservative sanitation, you should immediately contact a qualified specialist.

Papaverine Hydrochloride tablets, instructions for pregnancy

Since the injection of a pharmaceutical preparation requires special medical knowledge and skills, and rectal suppositories can cause certain inconveniences and discomfort during their use, these pharmaceutical forms of Papaverine are often replaced with tablets that are prescribed orally. Of course, the effectiveness of such conservative therapy is somewhat lower than that of other ways of introducing the active ingredient into the body, however, from the side of everyday use, the tablets have no equal.

Papaverine hydrochloride in oral form is used exclusively according to indications, and the criterion for its use is the subjective well-being of the pregnant woman, therefore there is no strict dosage of the pharmaceutical preparation. Specialists in obstetric and gynecological affairs are not recommended to take more than 4 tablets per day, which should be used 2 hours before meals in order to increase the pharmacokinetic abilities of the active ingredient.

Unfortunately, at present, a large number of pregnancies in women occur with some complications. There are many reasons for this phenomenon, which is a topic for another material. Now we will consider how to properly take papaverine during pregnancy - prescriptions, composition of the medicine, contraindications, etc.

Among pregnant women, there is an opinion that papaverine is recommended to be taken by absolutely everyone, and in fact this medication has not been fully studied. That is, there are some concerns about taking papaverine. Let's try to debunk some of the myths in this article.

When exactly is papaverine prescribed?

Papaverine is prescribed during pregnancy to those women who have been diagnosed with.

Hypertonicity of the uterus can be a threat to pregnancy, therefore, if it occurs, a woman must strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, otherwise there is a risk of losing the pregnancy.

With hypertonicity of the uterus, a gynecologist prescribes antispasmodics for a pregnant woman, aimed at relaxing the muscles of the internal organs, that is, the muscles of the uterus.

Papaverine - pharmacology

Papaverine is an antispasmodic that is prescribed to patients with severe spasms of the smooth muscles of the uterus, as well as spasm of internal organs, narrowing of the bronchi, and disruption of the blood vessels.

The drug Papaverine is mainly prescribed as a complex treatment for angina pectoris, that is, it is a violation of the cardiovascular system.

Papaverine in the 1st trimester of pregnancy

Most often, papaverine is prescribed precisely in the 1st trimester of pregnancy, since it is at this time that uterine hypertonicity begins in women and there is a threat of miscarriage.

The first trimester of pregnancy is considered the most important and extremely responsible stage in the development and formation of a child. It is during this period that all vital systems and internal organs of the baby are laid.

Therefore, in order to reduce the risk of miscarriage, the gynecologist prescribes papaverine suppositories or magnesium sulfate to the patient.

Active ingredients Papaverine

In the drug Papaverine, the active ingredient is papaverine hydrochloride.

Papaverine hydrochloride is aimed at weakening the muscles of the uterus. Smooth muscles line almost all of the internal organs. In this case, the patient does not feel any pain, and even the slightest weakness.

Medical indications for the use of Papaverine

Medical indications for the use of Papaverine are as follows:

· Threat of miscarriage, which occurs as a result of hypertonicity of the uterus. The dosage of the drug in this case is prescribed by the gynecologist, depending on the physical condition of the patient.

· Or arterial hypertension also during pregnancy leads to the threat of miscarriage. Papaverine has a very mild effect on the body of a pregnant woman, reducing the negative effects on the fetus.

· Colic in a pregnant woman - renal colic, intestinal, hepatic. Papaverine, penetrating into the body of a pregnant woman, relieves painful sensations, and also completely restores the functioning of a number of internal organs.

· - papaverine hydrochloride penetrates the bronchi, which, in turn, relax. As a result of the use of papaverine, the patient's respiratory function is significantly restored, and the physiological state of the body is completely normalized.

Fever, chills.

Method of using Papaverine

In the pharmacy, you can find Papaverine in the form of injection solutions, tablets, and rectal suppositories. Only the attending physician can choose one or another dosage form of papaverine, taking into account the physiological state of the pregnant woman.

Treatment takes 2 to 3 weeks until you feel better. In some cases, the duration of therapy may be prolonged.

If the patient was prescribed rectal suppositories, then they are inserted into the rectum 2 to 4 times a day, as prescribed by the doctor.

When taking tablets - the dosage is 1 tablet 4 times a day before meals (approximately 1-2 hours).

Papaverine injections are prescribed if the tone of the uterus is significantly pronounced. The effect on the body of papaverine injections is much stronger than pills and rectal suppositories.

After intravenous administration of papaverine, the patient may experience a decrease in blood pressure, disruption of cardiovascular activity.

Side effects from Papaverine

Despite the fact that Papaverine has a number of positive effects, especially in maintaining pregnancy and eliminating uterine hypertonicity, one should not forget about the side effects.

Below are the main side effects that a pregnant woman may experience after taking Papaverine:

· Itching of the skin, provoked by the expansion of blood vessels;

· Redness of the skin;

· Significant decrease in blood pressure;

· Nausea;

· Vomiting reflex;

· Dizziness;

Feeling of weakness, constant drowsiness;

· Constipation, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Contraindications to the use of Papaverine

Individual sensitivity to papaverine hydrochloride. Also, it is not recommended to use papaverine for those who suffer from (this is increased pressure inside the eyes).

One of the side effects can be a violation of the heart rhythm (pregnant women against this background are diagnosed with tachycardia).

After taking Papaverine, a pregnant woman may experience renal or hepatic failure.