Easter and the two-month holidays. The main holidays of the Orthodox Church. Major (two-month) Christian Orthodox holidays

Great Orthodox Holidays: List with Dates, Explanations and Traditions.

In addition to Easter as the primary Christian holiday, in our culture there are another 12 Great Orthodox holidays, called the two-month. What are these holidays and how do they traditionally celebrate? You will learn about this from this article.

Hierarchy of holidays in orthodox Christianity

Easter - the sign of eternal victory of life over death - is located in this hierarchy of holidays at the step above the rest. This is the most important holiday of the Christian tradition. Further on the hierarchy is followed by the unwanted Great and Boxed Orthodox Holidays. In total, 17 holidays fall into the category of the Great. The next dates include the uncommunicable great:

  1. Pokrov to the Most Holy Theotokos -Plast, who falls in the orthodox world on October 14. Associated with the vision of the Konstantinople St. Andrey Yurody. At an hour, when Constantinople was in siege, Andrei was God's Mother, stretching over the city covered with his head, the city was saved.
  2. Circumcision of the Lord - While we celebrate the last New Year holidays, the Church is a service in memory of this event, as well as in honor of Vasily the Great, one of the so-called fathers of the church.
  3. Christmas of John the Baptist (Forerunches) The Orthodox Church celebrates July 7 - this day that we know how Ivan Kupala. He is associated with the wonderful birth of John the Baptist for half a year before Jesus.
  4. The day of the Holy Rhine Apostles Peter and Paul, who is known to be known as Petrov Day, celebrate July 12. Officially, on the day of Peter and Paul, the memory of the adoption of the martyrdom by the apostles, and for a simple people, this day symbolizes the full transition to the summer.
  5. Condition of Head of John the Forerunner in Russian tradition celebrate on September 11th. On this day, they remember the martyrdom of John the Baptist, and also commemorate the warriors who fell in the battle for Fatherland.

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

In the orthodox tradition, the birth of the virgin mother is celebrated on September 21. Her parents, Joacim and Anna, have already humbled with the thought not to leave offspring - it is believed that both were already 70 when Maria was born. His birth is associated with the stay of Joachim in the desert, where he retired to ask the Lord about the continuation of the kind. In a dream, he was an angel and announced that he would soon be born her daughter. And the truth is - returning to the city, Joachim met Anna, hurrying to meet him with joyful news.

This holiday is designed to exalted the Mother of God as a defender and an intercession of all people before God. In the folk calendar it is associated with the arrival of autumn, harvesting and the end of all summer work.

Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

This holiday is associated with one of the main Christian symbols - with a cross on which the Son of God has passed the test of death. And his appearance contributed to the Byzantine Empress Elena in the middle of the IV century. Already being in a fairly old age (according to historians, she was about 80 years old), the mother of Emperor Konstantin decides to go to Jerusalem for the search for lost Christian relics. As a result of the excavation on the mountain of Calvary, not only the cross, but also the cave, in which Christ was buried.

The date of the celebration was established in September 335 - after the temple of the Resurrection of Christ was consecrated in Jerusalem. The orthodox world celebrates September 27, observing a strict post and not under heavy labor. The people also believe that it is from this day that the birds begin to fly to the south, and the snakes are to help the winter.

Introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin

The orthodox holiday of introduction to the temple is celebrated on December 4th. He is devoted to the episode from the life of the Virgin Mary - at a three-year-old age, pious parents led her to the Jerusalem Temple to fulfill God's covenant - to devote the life of his daughter to God. In all interpretations of this story, they say that little Maria entered the temple is extremely confident, as if knowing that he will play a great role in this religion. Mary has never returned home to her parents - in the temple she lived under 12 years old, while the Angel Gabriel did not bring her news about the extraordinary fate that she was granted.

In folk tradition, this holiday is called introduction. He was associated with the arrival of winter - it was from this day that winter festivities began and trips on a sleigh. About the field work should also be forgotten before spring - the peasants believed that the land after Introduction is better not to disturb.


Of all the twelve Great Orthodox holiday, Christmas is considered the most significant. In Western tradition, it is customary to celebrate December 25, and we have January 7th.

The birth of Jesus occurred in the city of Bethlehem, the hometown of Joseph. He arrived here along with a pregnant Maria, but there was no place in the hotel for them. The travelers had to stay in the cave. When Maria felt the approach of childbirth, Joseph hurried to search for obstacles. He managed to find a woman named Salome, together they went back to the cave. The first thing they saw in the cave, the bright light flooding the whole space. Gradually, the light of UGAS - and the gaze appeared Maria with the baby sitting on his hands. At this time, the star of an extraordinary brightness was ascended over Bethlehem, who otoval the world about the arrival of the Son of God.

It is believed that every great Orthodox holiday gives rise to kindness in the heart, but Christmas is especially. On Christmas Eve, it is customary to gather the whole family at the festive table - in folk tradition on it should be twelve dishes.

Historians believe that it is reliably unknown, which time of the year Jesus was born. The date of the Great Orthodox Christmas holiday is considered to be more ancient holidays dedicated to the winter solstice (21 or 22 or December 22). This holiday is preceded by a forty-day post, starting from November 27.


The second largest holiday of the Orthodox Church after Christmas is the baptism of the Lord. He is celebrated on January 19 - we all know about the people's tradition to swim on this day in the corner. However, the church and historians unanimously argue that this tradition is not as ancient and original, as it seems, and a massive nature acquired only in the 80s - as a symbol of the country's return to religion.

This festival is associated with the episode from the life of Christ, which traditionally consider the beginning of his ministry. At the age of 30, Jesus passed through the sacrament of baptism in the Jordan River. A man who is kingdom of God's Son was John the Baptist. When Christ went ashore, he descended the Holy Spirit in the pigeon's lichniya, and the voice of God-Father, hearing the phenomenon of God-Son, was heard. Thus, the Lord manifested himself in his trinity. Therefore, baptism among the Great Holidays of the Orthodox Church is also known as the Epiphany. In the Catholic tradition, the Epiphany is associated with merry christmas and excuses.

Presentation of the Lord

From the starlislavan language, the statement can be interpreted as the word "meeting" - the church believes that it was on this day "Humanity met with Jesus Christ. This great Orthodox holiday celebrates February 15 - after forty days after Christmas. On this day, Maria and Joseph brought a little Jesus for the first time in the temple, where he accepted by St. Simeon Bogourine. There is a separate legend about Simeon - he was one of seventy scientists who translated the Holy Scripture with Jewish to Greek. A record of the Virgin, which should conceive and give birth to a son, embarrassed Simeon, he decided to correct the error of an unknown correspondence: this wife should give birth, not Virgo. But at that moment an angel appeared in the room and said that such a thing would happen once. The Lord will not give an older to die while that personally does not seek this miracle. When finally came the day meeting with the baby Jesus, Simeon was already about 360 years old - the righteous elder was waiting for the meeting with the human embodiment of God.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The celebration of Annunciation is a symbol of hope and expectations. On this day, April 7, the phenomenon of Maria Archangel Gabriel, who brought her good news with the words: "Rejoice, gracious! Lord with you; You are blessed between your wives, "this line subsequently entered many prayers dedicated to the Virgin. As a rolling holiday, the Annunciation is often inclined in the number of Orthodox holidays during the Great Post. In this case, we are extremely lucky, in honor of the holiday, a slight reflection in the form of animal food is permitted (only meat, and fish).

Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem

There is still a week before Easter, and the world is already beginning to celebrate and honor the memory of Christ's acts this week. In the people, this date is known as Palm Sunday - the Great Orthodox Holiday. On this day, Jesus solemnly drove in Jerusalem, choosing a donkey as a riding animal - as a sign that he arrived with the world. The people met him as a Messiah, placing palm branches on the road - afterwards they became the main symbolism of this holiday. Since the palms are not growing in our latitudes, the branches were replaced by recruitment.

A lot of folk traditions are connected with this day. The verb branches were taken to be shy in the church, and then keep in the house all year so that luck and well-being did not leave him. Also, the Verba hit each other, saying: "I'm not going - the willache beats." Since this Orthodox holidays to the Great Post are noted modestly, the main Kushan feast could be fish, but not meat.

Ascension of the Lord

When Easter is already behind and passed for more forty days, orthodox Christians celebrate ascension. This day is one of the great two-month holidays of the Orthodox Church. The image of Christ ascended to the sky reminds the predominance of the perfect divine nature over imperfect human. Up to this day, you can congratulate all the Orthodox with the History of the Great Easter with the words "Christ Rissed!", But after the end of the Holiday Holiday, the church is already forbidden to be Christ.

Resurrected, Jesus Christ was preached by the Apostles, and then collected his apostles and ascended to the sky, visiting what will appear for the second time (this is considered to be the promise of the Second Coming) and that the Apostles will also fall down to the Holy Spirit - it happened ten days later.

Day of the Holy Trinity

Ten days after the Ascension and fifty - after Easter, when the orthodox world celebrates the next Great Orthodox holiday. It is also called the Trinity, Pentecost. The event that led to the emergence of this holiday is to condescend to the apostles of the Holy Spirit. When all the twelve were assembled, unexpectedly flew into the gust of the wind and enveloped the apostles with the flames. So brightly stated by the Holy Spirit. From this day, the disciples of Jesus found the ability to understand the languages \u200b\u200bunknown to them and adverch, and most importantly - to talk to them. This blessing was granted to them in order to spread the world of God, so the apostles went to preach in countries.

In the folk tradition, the Trinity completed a series of spring holidays - after it, the summer season began. To this holiday, it was preparing thoroughly - a few days before him, the hostess was removed in the house, trying to get rid of unnecessary things, and the garden and garden were cleared of weeds. It was tried to decorate his home with bunches of herbs and flowers, as well as trees branches - it was believed that it would bring good luck and well-being to all his inhabitants. In the morning they went to the church to the service, and in the evening folk fellows began. Young people these days were prescribed to be careful - after all, mermaids and mumble came out of the forests and fields to lure guys into their networks.


The holiday of transformation is associated with a small episode from the life of Christ. Taking three students - James, John and Peter - Jesus ascended by Mount Favor for conversations and prayers. But as soon as they rose to the top, a miracle happened - Jesus ascended over the ground, his clothes became white, and his face was shusted, as if the sun. The images of the Old Testament Prophets of Moses and Ilya appeared next to him, and the Glason, hearing the Son, came from heaven.

Transformation celebrate August 19. This great Orthodox holiday in folk tradition is called Apple Savior (second after honey). It was believed that from this day the autumn begins to enter into his rights. Many customs of this day are associated with the collection of apple harvest and fruits in general - before the rescue fruits were considered immature. Ideally, the crop needed to be consecrated in the church. Then the apples could be used without restrictions.

The Assumption of the Virgin

The festival of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is connected with the end of the Earth's Life of the Virgin Mary and the Ascension of Her Soul and Body in Heaven. The word "Assumption" can be interpreted rather as a "dream" rather than "death" - in this regard, the name of the holiday displays the attitude of Christianity to death as a transition to another world and testifies to the divine nature of Mary itself.

This Great Orthodox holiday is celebrated on August 28, although it is reliably unknown, in which year and on what day Mary Mary went to the world of others. In a folk tradition, this day is called the Changing - it is associated with the end of the harvest.

Christianity, like any religion, at certain days of the calendar honor the saints or marks the events in the life of the Church. Christian holidays are rooted in ancient ritual traditions associated with specific stages, types of economic activity, an annual astronomical or calendar cycle. Conditionally, they are divided into all exams (recognized by the Orthodox, Catholic, most Protestant churches) and confessional (marked only by individual confessions). The most important of them relate to the two-month holidays - the twelve of the most important holidays after Easter, which the Church celebrates solemn services.

Nativity. This is one of the main holidays of Christianity associated with the birth of Jesus Christ. In Catholicism, it is celebrated on December 25, in Orthodoxy (refers to the two-month holidays) on January 7. Approved in different countries, this holiday has absorbed rites and customs of other religions, folk holidays, acquiring new features that corresponded to Christian dogma.

The tradition of Christmas itself reaches its sources in primitive religious actions. The main role in his dogmatic sense the Church takes the teachings about the birth of Jesus Christ, who appeared to redeem the sins of people, point to humanity to salvation. Indeed, in ancient Egypt, for example, on January 6, the birthday of the god of water, vegetation, the winner of the Zamiris of Osiris was celebrated. In ancient Greece, the same day celebrated the birth of Dionysus. In Iran on December 25, the birth of the God of the Sun, purity and truth was celebrated - Mithra.

In Kievan Rus, the holiday of the Nativity of Christ came along with Christianity in the X century. And merged with the Winter Vine Slavonic holiday - Holie (lasted for 12 days - from December 25 (January 7) to 6 (19) January). The Orthodox Church tried in every possible way to replace them with the holiday of the Nativity of Christ, but the holidays existing in the Eastern Slavs and customs were rooted so deeply that she had to combine church holidays with folk. So, the carols of the Church connected with the Evangelical narration about the Bethlehem Star, which announced the birth of Christ. The "pagan" carols turned into the walking of Christ-Slavs with a star at home. Children were widely attracted to the glorification of Christ. Believers thanked them gifts.

Since 1990. Christmas Day Christ is the official holidays on the territory of Ukraine.

Baptism of the Lord (Waterboard, Water Engineering, Epiphany). It is one of the main holidays in Christianity. Orthodoxy belongs to the two-month holidays. Catholics celebrate the 6th, Orthodox - January 19. It was introduced in memory of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River John the Baptist. It is also called the Epiphany, because, according to the Gospel, during baptism on Jesus, the God-Spirit of Holy in the form of a pigeon came down.

In Christianity, it was introduced in the 2nd half of the II century, and first celebrated Merry Christmas. In IV Art. This day began to celebrate separately. The church considers him as a "feast of enlightenment" of nations, because, according to teachings, it was from Baptism Jesus began to enlighten them with the light of the Gospel Truth.

This holiday was always celebrated very solemnly. The main rite is the sanctification of water in the church and in the hole. The criticism was sent to the hole, solemn prayers sounded. Consecration of water in the temples is accomplished today.

The sprinkling of water existed in many pre-Christian religions. The spirituality of the phenomena of nature, people have evident and water as an important source of life. Christianity in the early stages of their development did not know the rite of baptism, it borrowed him a slightly later from the ancient cults, which the "cleaning" of man's cleaning from any "bad", "unclean" with the help of water assigned an important role. According to the ancient beliefs, the water purged people from "unclean power", "demons". Therefore, the ancient peoples existed the custom of sprinkling the water of newborns.

Candlemas. It is noted as one of the two-month holidays on February 15 on the occasion of a meeting (referencing) of Simeon's righteenth with a baby Jesus, which parents brought to the Jerusalem Temple on the fortieth day after birth to the presentation to God. It was then that Simeon predicted to Jesus his message to the Mission of the Savior of People. This is stated in the Gospel of. Luke. Introducing the holiday, the church took care not only about the spread of the ideas of Christianity, but also about the "truth facts" of the biography of Christ, underlining the responsibilities of believers to bring infants to the Temple within 40 days after birth. In addition, the church tried to protect Christians from ancient cults, since the Romans in February were serving "cleansing", repentance, observed the post, believing that before the start of spring field work it is necessary to "be cleaned of sins" and "unclean power" sacrifices of spirits and gods. The main cleansing rite took place on February 15, when people with torches in their hands expel the evil spirits of winter cold and disease.

Supporters of Orthodoxy for a long time did not recognize the reference. Later they gave him the value of the holiday of purification. It was this way that it appeared in Russia, established, mainly like a church holiday. In the folk consciousness, the statement marked the end of winter and the beginning of spring economic concerns, as evidenced by the people's belief: "It is found at the winter step with the summer."

Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem. This twineth holiday is celebrated on the last Sunday before Easter. His household name Palm Sunday, before the day of the passionate week, timed "Mentions of the suffering of Christ."

By calendar, it directly adjoins Easter and does not have a constant date. It was introduced in IV Art. As an important stage of preparation for Easter. The biblical legend is based on the entry of Jesus Christ with the apostles in Jerusalem, accompanied by the creation of miracles. People happily greeted the Son of God's palm branches.

In Russia, the ritual value of the palm branches is transferred to the Verba branches, which bloom at this time, and, according to popular belief, protect against evil spirits. The celebration of the entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem is designed to encourage believers to open their hearts to teach Christ about the resurrection and eternal salvation, as the inhabitants of the ancient Jerusalem made.

Ascension of the Lord. They celebrate it on a fortieth day after Easter. And the moment of ascension to the sky of the risen after the execution of Christ completes his earthly biography. There is very common in everyday life and is a purely church. It gives rise to the believers about the struck of the earthly life and aims to achieve the "eternal" for the Christian Moving.

Christian theology argues that the Ascension of Christ opens the righteous way to heaven, on Sunday after death. This idea existed long before the emergence of Christianity. Beliefs in the ascension of people, the heroes and gods were distributed among the Phoenicians, Jews and other peoples.

Trinity (Pentecost). The holiday established in honor of the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the disciples of Christ fifty-day after His resurrection, as a result of which they spoke in different languages \u200b\u200bthat did not know before. It is called for focusing the attention of believers in the voice of the Church, which carries the "God's Word", to attract them to preaching Christianity by other "language", that is, other peoples. It is celebrated on the fiftieth day after Easter. Orthodoxy belongs to the two-month holidays.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthe Divine Trinity existed long before Christianity. In the process of becoming a Christian religion, it was necessary to associate her with the lesions of the Old Testament. Therefore, in the New Testament Books of Christ is represented as the son of the Head of the Head of God Yahweh, as the hyposta of a single God, which witnessed the step of Christianity from polyterism to monotheism. Accordingly, Christianity borrowed many Jewish holidays, including the feast of Pentecost. In the ancient Jews, it arose with the transition to agriculture and was associated with the completion of the harvest, which continued "Seven Sedmin", that is, seven weeks, was accompanied by an offer of bread from a new harvest by local field spirits and deities. Christianity gave him a new rationale.

In most Eastern Slavs, the Trinity Holiday merged with the local holiday by a semicol (another name - "Trinity"), borrowing his household meaning. The ancient Slavs seed tied up with the completion of spring work, trying to drag vegetation spirits during flowering and harvest. An important element of the Orthodox holiday of the Trinity Pumping the spirits of dead relatives (memorial Saturday). In Ukraine since 1990. Trinity is an official holiday.

Saved. This is one of the three holidays dedicated to the Savior Jesus Christ. Based on the Gospel story about the transformation of Christ, who at the end of his earthly life led his students (Peter, James, John) to the mountain and during the prayer completely changed: his face was shying, his clothes became white, brilliant, and the voice from the sky confirmed His divine origin. Christian doctrine claims that Jesus wanted to consolidate in the disciples faith and prove to them that he is really the son of God.

It is with this event that the feast of transfiguration is connected ("apple" saved), which is celebrated on August 19. On this day, Jesus Christ is not only known, but also consecrate apples, other fruits (by popular custom, since then they can be consumed).

An important feature of the save, like many other holidays, is to combine the Christian pathos with the calendar ritual and customs of purification from evil spirits. For example, during the celebration of "Honey" Sava ("Macovya"), which occurs on August 14, fresh honey is sanctified in the church. Installed in 1164 in honor of the victory of the Byzantines over Muslims. We especially read this day in the domestic Orthodoxy, because it is that the Great Kiev Prince Vladimir was baptized that the Great Kiev Prince was baptized. The third - "bread" Savior is celebrated on August 29, timing it to the end of the harvest and the beginning of winter sewing. Christianity connects him with honoring the non-homework image of Christ, captured on the towel and transferred to them Agary, the king of Edessa.

In many parishes, the holiday exision is both the throne (temple).

Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. One of the two-month holidays dedicated to the cult of the cross as a symbol of the Christian faith. With a cross, the church connects several events. According to the legend, the Roman emperor Konstantin had a vision in front of one of his largest battles: in the sky the as-sicken cross with the inscription "Throwing it!". The same night, the Emperor appeared in a dream Jesus Christ himself and advised to take a banner with the image of the cross in the battle. Konstantin did that, in addition, ordered his legionnairers to draw a sign of the cross on the shields. In the battle, Konstantin won and since then she believed in the miraculous power of the cross, although historical facts testify that Konstantin had to commemorate the coins with the image of the pagan gods, who, as he believed, helped him in the battle with enemies.

The church established this holiday in memory of the receipt of the Mother of the Roman Emperor Elena in IV Art. The cross, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. To see him, the cross was raised (erected) on the mountain of Calvary, where Christ was executed, and in place where the cross was found, built the temple, the sanctification of which took place on September 13, 335

The elimination of the Cross of the Lord is solemnly celebrated on September 27. It is accompanied by lush rituals. During worship, the cross decorated with flowers and set it in the middle of the temple. The ceremony is accompanied by a ringing, church chants.

Believers honor the cross as a symbol of Christianity as a symbol of atonement, suffering and salvation, believing that every person, like Christ, should overcome their "godpie".

Virgin holidays. They cover the holiday in honor of the Virgin Mary - Mother Jesus Christ (Virgin). This is the Christmas of the Virgin, the introduction to the temple of the Virgin, the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the holiday of Assumption, Pokrov (the first four are referred to the two-month) and many holidays in honor of the "miraculous" icons of the Virgin.

At honor of Mary of the Virgin, existing traces of honoring the ancient peoples of the Goddess of the Earth, who gave birth to the Savior, God's Son - God of Vegetation. The representation of the ancient Egyptians about the goddess Izіdu had to create the image of the Christian Virgin. Christianity depicts the Virgin "Queen Heavenly", a winged candy, "shrouded in the sun". On her head is a wreath of twelve stars. The ancient Egyptian goddess Izіdu also portrayed the Queen of Heaven, believing that she gave birth to the Divine Son, the Savior Mountain. The Christian Virgin has common features from the goddess of Syrians and Phoenician Astarta.

The ancient peoples worshiped these goddesses, considering their deities of the fertility of land and livestock, the intercessors of agriculture.

From the pre-Christian religions borrowed the church and the idea of \u200b\u200bimmaculate conception. According to the myths of the peoples of the Ancient East, Mithra, Buddha, Zarathushtra was born from immaculate mothers. It is these myths that served to create a Christian legend about the "Immaculate Conception" of the Virgin Mary.

The christmas of the Virgin (small prechistan). The church connects it with ancient agricultural autumn holidays, dedicated to the completion of harvesting. This day emphasizes that the Mother of God is a big righteous, the assistant and intercession of people, the patroness of the agriculture, which "The Birth of Christ" took the first step towards their "eternal salvation." Celebrate on September 21.

Introduction to the temple of the Virgin. It is associated with the tradition of a three-year-old Mary to upbringing in the Jerusalem Temple. By establishing this holiday, the church pursued first of all the goal to convince the parents to bring to the Church of the child at an early age. Celebrate on December 4th.

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Celebrate him on the occasion of receiving Maria to lead from Archangel Gabriel, that she will give birth to a child from the Holy Spirit. In Russia, this holiday church associated with the beginning of spring-field work ("consecration" of seeds, etc.) and the signs of the future crop. Celebrate on April 7th.

The first is the first. The church notes him as a day of memory of God's Mother. The church interpretation of this holiday is much more reminiscent of Langiyiriysky legends about the death of Kibel - the goddess of fertility. In Russia, the holiday of Assumption merged with the Valuely Slavic pagan festival harvesting and bringing bread and fruits to the sacrifice of spirits. Celebrate on August 28.

The Intercession of the Virgin. This holiday is associated with the vision of the Virgin, which allegedly appeared in 910 in the Varhranian Temple of the Virgin Mary in Constantinople. During the night service, the Yurodny Andrei, passed to the face of the saints, and his disciple of the epiphany was allegedly seen as the Mother of God, which angels and saints were surrounded, appeared on them, prayed for the salvation of the world from the troubles and suffering, prostrate the white covers.

On Russia, the holiday came along with Orthodoxy, the church used him to displacing the autumn pagan holidays, which was arranged at the end of the field work. Celebrate it on October 14.

In Ukraine, the holiday of the cover is very respected, it absorbed the traditional worship of a woman, mother, female began in general, personified in the form of the Mother Earth. Special was the attitude of this holiday of the Ukrainian Cossacks.

Easter (Easter). This is one of the most significant Christian religious holidays. He installed the first Christians in memory of the suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Historically, the holiday comes from the usual of some of the ancient peoples of the Middle East (Babylonian, Egyptians, Jews), who were engaged in cattle breeding, bring to the sacrifice to the spirits of the lambs during the spring holiday, calves from the first rating. They believed that they were aspiring evil spirits, and they would no longer destroy the cattle and sickness to her. With the transition to agriculture as a redemptive sacrifice, the baked breads, pellets, fruits and the like were brought against the spirits. These agricultural holidays merged with Easter scarce and adopted her name. They were united by the hope of miraculous good power of the deities that die and resurrect.

Christianity borrowed this tradition, embodying it in the teaching about the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ. But the main idea is the self-sacrifice of God for the sake of people preserved. The religious essence of the rite remained such as the Millennium Back: By bringing the victim to cleanse people from evil, diseases, misfortunes and tragedies.

The idea of \u200b\u200bsalvation, at least after death, was obtained significant distribution, especially among the simpleness. The image of Christ, who voluntarily accepted martyrdom, seems to tolerate earthly suffering. Approved and developing, Christian teachings developed the Easter Celebration Ceremony, and with II Art. This holiday has become one of the main.

The week before Easter is called great, or passionate, since his days associated with the passions of the Lord. Especially important days are coming from Thursday, which is called "pure". He is connected with the secret evening of Jesus Christ with the apostles.

The material embodiment of the Resurrection is Easter eggs (in Ukraine - painted, pussy) symbol of life, spring, sun, in Christianity a symbol of the atonement of the sin of a person.

In Kiev Rus, the celebration of Easter was introduced in the X century. Here it merged with local Slavic spring holidays. The ancient Slavs in the spring before the start of agricultural works satisfied the holiday of the Sun, which "resurrect." In those days, they brought victims to the spirits and deities of vegetation, sought to satisfy the spirits of dead ancestors. The Christian Easter has absorbed many of the Valone Slavic Religious Jewels, including public family meals, which prepared bread, cheese, eggs, smoked meat and the like.

Since in early Christianity, the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ coincided with the Jewish Easter, in Nicene (325) and Constantinople (381) the cathedrals were decided to celebrate Easter on the first Sunday after the full moon, which was coming or on the day of the Spring Equinox (March 21), or after him. But the celebration of Easter was mandatory on another day than the Jews. Along the lunar calendar, the spring full moon falls on the same number, for different numbers and even on different days of the week. Therefore, Easter has no accurate calendar. Notes it within 35 days.

For a more accurate determination of the date of Easter celebration for each year, appropriate calculations were made, which are called Easter. In Orthodoxy, they remained unchanged so far. In Catholicism, the formula of these calculations has undergone some changes, so both churches are not always celebrating Easter of the same day.

These holidays are divided into two categories:

Fixed (non-translational) holidays: They always fall on a strictly defined number of the month, regardless of the day of the week, annually changing. These include nine two-month church holidays:

Two-sixth fixed holidays

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary September 21
† Evidence of the Cross of the Lord (40 days of transfiguration) September 27
Introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin December 4th
†Nativity Jan. 7
January 19
† Presentation of the Lord (40 days. From R.Kh.) February, 15
Annunciation of the Most Holy Mother of God (for 9 months before R.Kh.) April 7.
†Transfiguration August 19
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 28

Movable (turning) Holidays. The moving part of the church calendar moves along with a changing year from the year of the date of the celebration. All "movable" holidays are counted from Easter and move in the space "secular" calendar with it.

Two-month Overgoing Holidays:

The two-month holidays have one day of the presentation, with the exception of the Nativity of Christ, which has 5 days of consideration and a hump, which has 4 of the left-handed day.

The number of participation days is not the same - from 1 to 8 days, depending on the greater or less intimacy of one holidays to another or by the days of the post.
Some of the Lord's holidays, in addition, are preceded and concluded by special Saturdays and Weeks (Sundays).

Services of the two-month holidays of the stationary circle are in menstruation. Services of the two-month holidays of the mobile circle are in - lean and color.

In Russia until 1925, the two-month holidays were both church and civilians.

Great inseptive holidays:

The holidays of the Christmas and the care of the head of John the Forerunners, the circumcision of the Lord, the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, the Holy Rhinestone Apostles Peter and Paul's pretreatments, and there are no contribution.

  • Bishop Alexander Mileant
  • Yu. Ruban.
  • Holidays Christmas cycles Yu. Ruban.
  • Twoled holidays prot. Alexander Minus
  • Troparies of the two-month holidays

Holidays Christian

Holidays Christian - certain days of the church calendar, noted by worships wearing an individual liturgical character. This is fixed in the names of the holidays and "requaling times", dates and the procedure for their commitment, as well as in the content of texts executed during worship. Their goal and the meaning - the memories, the glorification and theological interpretation of the key stages of the history of salvation, which is incarnated mainly in the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ (Savior), and the Virgin Mary - the real accomplicity of this God-human process. From here - an exceptional place in the calendar of the holidays dedicated to them.

Holidays are distributed within two annual cycles superimposed on each other - (mining) and (triode, or Easter-Pentecostal). Celebrations and memorable events of the first cycle are strictly fixed only by the numbers of the month (for the dates of the Julian calendar in relation to the modern civilian need amendment: N - 13 days, - for the XX-XXI centuries). The second holidays are fixed only by day of the week, being tightly correlated from the Easter, which is a point of reference for the entire mobile annual cycle. The date of the latter moves within 35 days ("Easter limits"): dated April 4 (March 22, under Art.) - until May 8 (April 25, Art. Art.).

The most important holidays of the modern Orthodox calendar are referred to as "the two-month", or "twinley" (from Glot. Two-Twelve) (see). As "holiday holidays", abides outside this classification.

The second step in the festive hierarchical staircase occupy holidays called in the liturgical word "Great". They own: the cover of the Most Holy Virgin (October 1/14), circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Vasily Great (January 1, January 1), Christmas of John the Baptist (June 24 / July 7), the memory of the Barmer Agps. Peter and Paul (June 29 / July 12), the convention of the head of John the Baptist (August 29 / September 11), as well as, according to some old calendars, - the Pressure (Concent) of the AP. John the Bogoslova (September 26 / October 9), memory holy. Nikolai, Archbishop World of Lycian (December 6/19) and the transfer of his relics from the world to Italian Bari (9/22 May).

All other numerous holidays are devoted to the disembodied forces (a common holiday - the Cathedral of Arresting Mikhail, November 8/21), the Holy Old Testament and Christian, memories of the significant events of the Sacred Biblical and Christian history, the phenomenon of the miraculous icons, the opening of the relics.
The constant canonization of new saints means the continuous replenishment of the Christian calendar.

In the church charter (Tipikon), there is a gradation of all holidays for five discharges according to the degree of solemnity of their worship services, which is fixed by special signs (the sixth discharge does not have a sign). The prestinal holiday of any temple (the name of which he wears) is equated for him in a liturgical aspect to the two-month holidays. The same degree of solemnity may be inherent in the "local" holidays, even having a modest liturgical status on the general flowering level.

Common holidays for all Christians - first of all Easter and the Christmas of Christ (the latter, as a special calendar celebration, has no Armenian and other monophimita churches). The most important annual holidays mainly coincide with the Orthodox and Catholics (because they are based on the same events of sacred history), but differ in dates, often names and semantic nuances, as well as the nature of the commission.
Many saints of a single church are equal to: Eastern - in the West, Western ones - in the East (Vasily Great - Amvrosy Mediolsky, and others). But the Holy One Church, who lived after the separation of churches (1054), can be honored in another church mainly at the local level, with the permission of the church authorities. The official Catholic calendar, for example, includes the names of SWV. Kirill Tourovsky (May 11), Anthony of Pechersk (July 24), equal to Olga and Vladimir (July 27 and 28), Boris and Gleb (August 5), Sergius of Radonezh (October 8); Vladimir icon of the Mother of God is also honored (September 7).
Protestants, rejecting the worship of the Mother of God, the saints, relics and icons, do not have in their calendars and their respective holidays.

The study of holidays in the context of the general process of formation of the church calendar is engaged in (letters. "Holiday studies") - auxiliary historical discipline, one of the sections of academic liturgical.

The liturgical texts are contained in the service, in 12 volumes (for fixed holidays), lean and color (for mobile), more festive, as well as in numerous publications of individual holidays, often containing historical references, comments, notation and other applications.

"How to celebrate a holiday? We celebrate an event (to delve into the greatness of the events, his goal, his fruit for believers) or face, like, for example: Lord, Mother, Angels and Saints (in the attitude of the person to God and humanity, in the welfare influence of him to the Church of God , at all). It is necessary to peel into the history of events or faces, approach an event or face, otherwise the holiday will be imperfect, unavoidable. Holidays should have an impact on our lives, should be revived, to bother our faith (hearts) to future benefits and feed pious, good morals. "

In the divine service of the Orthodox Church, twelve great holidays of the annual liturgical circle (except Easter holiday). They are divided into the Lords dedicated to Jesus Christ, and the Virgin Dedicated to the Most Holy Mother of God. To the Great ... ... Political science. Vocabulary.

12 of the most important Orthodox church holidays: December 25 (January 7) Christmas of Christ, 6 (19) of January Baptism (Epiphany), 2 (15) FEBRIBUTION, March 25 (April 7) Annunciation, a week before Easter entrance to Jerusalem (Palm Sunday ), 40 ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

Boxed, and numen. Colich. (old.). The same as twelve. The invasion of the two-month languages \u200b\u200b(about the Army of Napoleon during the Patriotic War of 1812). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Swedov. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

- (Also twin holidays) twelve most important holidays in Orthodoxy after Easter. Dedicated to the events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ and the Virgin, are among the great holidays, in Tipicon, a red cross in full circle is marked ... Wikipedia

Twoled holidays - The most important Orthodox church holidays (see Church *, Orthodoxy *). The two-month holidays are noted in honor of the most important events of the earthly life of Jesus Christ and his mother of the Virgin. These special holidays are twelve, so they are called ... ... Linguistant dictionary

Twoled holidays - Salary of the Gospel with the image of the holidays. Serbia. Nach XVI in. (MSHC) Salary of the Gospel with the image of the holidays. Serbia. Nach XVI in. (MSHC) [DVNEMEZH] [Greek. Ϫωδεκάορτον], 12 holidays, in okay. Traditions considered the most important after ... ... Orthodox encyclopedia

12 of the most important Orthodox church holidays: December 25 (January 7) Christmas of Christ, 6 (19) of January Baptism of the Lord (Epiphany), 2 (15) February Considering, March 25 (April 7) Annunciation, a week before Easter Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem ... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

twoled holidays - Sustainable combination of twelve most important Orthodox holidays: Christmas / Hristo / on January 7 (December 25), Décre / Nie Glu / Day 19 (6) January, Creential 15 (2) February, False / Goal on April 7 (March 25) , Log's entrance / day in Jerusalem / M (Verbnoe ... ... Popular Dictionary of the Russian Language

Twoled holidays - Twelve most important church holidays after Easter. Some of them have time and forever established dates: Christmas of Christ on December 25 / January 7, the Epiphany (Baptism of the Lord) 6/19, Presentation of the Lord February 2/15, Annunciation ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedic Dictionary

Great holidays of the Russian Orthodox Church. These include: Entry of the Lord in Jerusalem (a week before Easter) Ascension of the Lord (in the 40th day for Easter) Trinity (Pentecost, the Descent of the Holy Spirit on the Apostles) (in the 50th day for Easter) Baptism ... Religious terms


  • , Matveyevsky P .. The two-month holidays devoted to the most important events of the earthly life of the Lord and the Mother of God are the center of the liturgical life of our church. Texts of services are still filled with reflections about ...
  • The two-month holidays and the Holy Easter, Archpriest Matveevsky Paul. The two-month holidays dedicated to the most important events of the earthly life of the Lord and the Mother of God are the center of the liturgical life of our church. Texts of services are still filled with reflections about ...

The Orthodox Church has its own calendar. It differs from ours - for example, the year begins in September, and not January. In the church calendar their own - church - holidays. What are the main holidays in Orthodoxy? How many holidays in Christianity are? What are the two-month holidays? We tell the most important thing that you need to know.

Orthodox calendar: What is it?

The church lives in the so-called Julian calendar: a one-year cycle, in which the same day, as in our "ordinary" calendar, and in general, everything is the same, with the difference that the beginning of the year (and the church beginning of the year) - September 1, And not in January.

Every day in the church is the memory of any event or holy. For example, January 7 I remember (it is more correct to say - celebrated) Christmas of Christ. And thus, the church for the year "lives" all the main events of its history, earthly life of Christ, the Virgin, the Apostles, and also recalls all of their saints - not only the most revered (for example,), but in general. Each Holy has his own day of memory and every day a year is a memory - a holiday - one or another holy and most often, the day is remembered not alone, but a few saints.

(For example, take March 13th - this is the day of memory of the Ten of Saints: Rev. John Cassiana Roman, Rev. Vasily Confessor, Sacred Martyr Mitr. Rostovsky, Sacred Martyr, Bishop of Magiddy, Rev. Marina and Kira, Sacred Patriarch of the Patriarch of Alexandria, Rev. John the Vasred . The damask hermit of the nitrian, the pretext of the feox student of the Igumen Pelikitsky, Blessed Nikolai Salosa of Christ for the sake of Yurodya Pskov)

It turns out if the secular calendar is divided into festive and poor days (and very little festive in it), then the church calendar consists of full of holidays, because every day I remember this or that event and the memory of this or that saint is also celebrated.

This is the reflection of all the essence of Christian being, when the joy of the Lord and Saints is not going on some individual days of the week or year, but constantly. In a joke or not, but the prescription was even born: "Orthodox - every day holiday." Actually, this is exactly the case. Although there are exceptions: some days of a great post requiring special concentration.

Icon "for every day of the year" - an image by the possibility of all saints and the main festivals of church

What holidays are in christianity

If we speak quite general words, the holidays in the Orthodox Church can be divided into such "categories":

  • Easter (Resurrection of Christ) - the main holiday.
  • Twoled holidays - 12 holidays that resemble the main events in the life of the Most Holy Theotokos and Jesus Christ. Some of them are reflected in the texts of the New Testament (the Gospel or Acts of the Apostles), and the part of the Mother of God, the introduction of the Most Holy Mother of God, the elimination of the Cross of the Lord) is taken from the church legend. Most of them have a certain celebration date, but some depend on the date of the celebration of Easter. We tell us more about each two-step festival below.
  • Five Great Invoice Holidays. Circumcision of the Lord and the memory of St. Basil the Great; Christmas sv. John the Forerunner; The memory of the apostles Peter and Paul, the convention of the head of John the Forerunner and the cover of the Most Holy Theotokos.
  • Any Sunday day per year - As a direct reminder of the resurrection of Christ.
  • Middle Holidays: Days of memory of each of the twelve apostles; Acquiring honest chapter of John the Forerunner; Days of the memory of St. John Zlatoust and Nicholas the Wonderworker, as well as 40 Sevastia Martyrs. The memory of the Vladimir and Kazan Icons of the Mother of God. In addition, the middle holiday for each temple is its throne holidays. That is, the memory of the saints, in honor of which the altar or Altari is consecled, if there are several in the temple.
  • Small holidays: All other days.

Main holidays in Orthodox Christianity

Easter, Resurrection of Christ

When Easter is celebrated: On the first Sunday after the full moon, not earlier than the spring of the Spring Equestoint March 21

Main holiday - holiday holidays. The memory of the Resurrection of Christ, which is the center of the whole Christian creed.

In all Orthodox churches, the Easter holiday is celebrated by night services and solemn congestion.

Read more about Easter holiday in Wikipedia

Dates of the celebration of Easter 2018-2027.

  • In 2018: April 8
  • In 2019: April 28
  • In 2020: April 19
  • In 2021: May 2
  • In 2022: April 24
  • In 2023: April 16
  • In 2024: May 5
  • In 2025: April 20
  • In 2026: April 12
  • In 2027: May 2

Christmas Blessed Virgin Mary

A one-year-old circle in Orthodoxy begins on January 1, as in the "secular" world, and on September 1, so the Christmas of the Virgin is the first two-month holiday in the church year. During it, as in all the Virgin holidays, the priests are climbing into the blue.

Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord

The exaltation of the honest and life-giving Cross of the Lord is the only two-month holiday, which is not directly related to the years of the life of the Savior or the Virgin. Rather, it is also connected, but not directly: on this day the church recalls and celebrates the foundation of the Cross of the Lord, which occurred in 326 near Calvary - Mountains, where Jesus Christ was crucified.

Introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin

Another virory holiday from the two-month in Orthodoxy. Installed in memory of the day when the parents of the Most Holy Theotokos are holy righteous John and Anna - led her to the Jerusalem Temple, whose holy of the saints she lived up to his engagement with Joseph. All these years, she was feeding food from the sky, which Archangel Gabriel brought to her.

Icon of introduction to the temple of the Most Holy Virgin


Christmas in the flesh of the Lord God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ - the second, along with Easter, is a holiday that is preceded by a multi-day (40 days) post. Like Easter, the church celebrates Christmas with a solemn night service.

This is the most important holiday after the Resurrection of Christ in Orthodoxy.


On this day, the church remembers and celebrates the baptism of our Lord Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan Forerun River by John the Baptist.

Icon of the baptism of the Lord

Presentation of the Lord

This holiday is installed in memory of the day when the Virgin Mary and Joseph brought for the first time in the Temple of the Baby Jesus - on the 40th day after his birth. (This was the fulfillment of the law of Moiseeva, according to which parents brought their first sons into the temple - to dedicated to God).

The word "consultation" means "meeting." It was a day not only bringing Jesus to the temple, but also meetings - there in the temple - the elder of Simeon with the Lord. Pious old man lived by the point almost up to 300 years. For 200 years before that, before that, he worked on the translation of the Bible and doubted the correctness of the text in the book of the Prophet Isaiah - in the place where it was said that the Savior would be born from the Virgin. Simeon thought then that this is a search and in fact there was a word "young woman", and in his translation wanted to take into account this, but the angel of the Lord stopped the elder and assured that he would not die, until his eyes see the commercial prophet of the Prophet Isaiah .

So it became.

Icon of the reference of the Lord

Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

On this day, the church recalls and celebrates the day when Archangel Gabriel brought the Virgin Mary to the news that she would become the mother on the flesh of the Savior of our Jesus Christ.

Entrance of the Lord in Jerusalem, Palm Sunday

When celebrated: Nearest Sunday before Easter

The holiday is installed in memory of the solemn entrance of Jesus Christ in Jerusalem on Oslock. People met him enthusiastically. Many believed that the Savior would save them from the Iga Roman Empire and first of all waited for him from him. He came not for this and a few days later, Christ was convicted and crucified ...

Ascension of the Lord

When celebrated: 40th day after Easter

On this day, the church remembers and celebrates the Ascension of the Savior on the sky. It happened on the 40th day after His resurrection - and after he for the forty days was his apostles.

Day of the Holy Trinity

When celebrated: 50th day after Easter

This is the memory of the day when the Spirit of the Holy Spirit in the form of fiery languages \u200b\u200bcame to the apostles and "all the Spillage was fulfilled, and began to speak in other languages, as the Spirit gave them to walked on." With the moment of the Descent of the Holy Spirit of the Apostles could speak in any languages \u200b\u200bwith any nations - To carry the Word of God into all the ends of the world.

And very soon - and contrary to all persecutions - Christianity has become the most common religion in the world.

The temple of the Library Trinity at the Moscow Foreway of the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra in Moscow. The Day of the Holy Trinity is the prestinal holiday for this temple.


Transfiguration of the Lord God and the Savior of our Jesus Christ. On this day, the church celebrates the moment, which, like most other two-month holidays, is described in the Gospel. The phenomenon of the divine greatness of the Savior in front of the three closest students during prayer on the mountain. "It was a bit of his face like the sun, the clothes were made white, like the light."

Icon of the Transfiguration of the Lord

The Assumption of the Virgin

For Christians, the death of the earth is not a tragedy, but the gate to the eternal life. And in the case of saints - a holiday. And the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - the two-month holiday is one of the most distortion church. This is the last two-month holiday in the annual cycle of the Orthodox Church.

Icon of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

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