Why uneven fingernails. What to do with ribbed, wavy and uneven nails

Your once even smooth nails suddenly began to grow with tubercles? Don't despair, this is a fairly common problem for many people, both women and men. And there is a solution to this problem.

The only difference is that men do not pay much attention to the unevenness of their nails (but in vain! They should also be healthy and well-groomed). While for a woman, bumpy nails become a serious problem.

Uneven fingernails - causes

Uneven nails can be not only an aesthetic problem, but also an indicator of your health, which warns of problems in the human body. The main factors of uneven nails are injuries, diseases of the nails and problems with internal organs. If you want to have smooth nails, you need to read the following information.

If the cause of the unevenness was an injury, then first of all, you need to get rid of the damaged area.

It is necessary to create favorable conditions for nail growth using various nail care products and special ones.

You should also grind the nails, using not too large abrasive materials.

With diseases of the nails, you should no longer turn to a cosmetologist, but for the help of a dermatologist. Diseases such as psoriasis and fungus directly affect the appearance of your nails. In addition to this, a person may feel unpleasant itching and discomfort on the nails and even fingers.

Self-medication in such cases is not recommended. Indeed, for the correct choice of drugs, it is required to establish an accurate diagnosis, which only a specialist can do. If you are sure that you have a fungus, then you should study the information about. It also describes a method that helps determine the presence or absence of this same fungus in you.

If a person has problems with the work of internal organs, this will no doubt affect the appearance of the nails. If the nails exfoliate or crumble, have a deformed structure, have an unhealthy color, then you should urgently go to the hospital and diagnose your body.

Problematic wavy nails can signal diseases of the endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular organs, as well as problems with reproductive function.

We can sum up a little. If you want to have smooth nails, but you have health problems, this is not a problem. You just need to seek help from an experienced doctor who will give you an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment.

Only after improving your health, you can resort to the help of a beautician who will bring your nails to perfect condition.

How to smooth the surface of the nail?

Now, with a clear conscience, without worrying about your health, you can talk about tips and tricks for caring for uneven fingernails. Most often, ribbed and bumpy nails are the result of improper use of the manicure apparatus and careless pushing back of the cuticle. Naturally, mechanical damage to the nail tissue cannot be eliminated in five minutes. But still, the process can be significantly accelerated by following a number of recommendations below.

If you're using decorative polish, it's best to use high quality bases and top coats to better smooth out bumps on your nails.

Steaming nails in a salt bath is a well-known method. Use it as often as possible, and the condition of your nails will always be flawless.

In order for smooth nails to please you and the people around you, use cuticle oil, which promotes nail growth, and also nourishes and moisturizes the nail plate. In addition, this oil slows down the growth of the cuticle.

Take a course of mineral and vitamin complexes. This will improve your overall health and make your nails strong and beautiful.

You should also pay a lot of attention to nutrition. After all, the right diet contributes to the necessary and uniform intake of essential nutrients into the body. For this, it is not necessary to buy expensive and exotic products. It is enough to buy in the market or in the supermarket the most familiar vegetables and fruits for our places.

Potatoes, greens, cabbage, beets, carrots, apples, nuts or seeds and much more will make your diet healthy. The above foods contain a number of vitamins that are beneficial for nails, such as A, E and C, calcium, silicon, iodine and even sulfur.

These vitamins and microelements, due to their beneficial properties, will give your nails such properties as elasticity, proper structure, good nail growth, resistance to inflammatory cuticle diseases.

Foods such as cereals, chicken, eggs, yeast - have a large amount of B vitamins. Seafood, cereals, leeks and greens will also contribute to the flawless appearance of nails. They will strengthen your immunity, and make the body resistant to various bacterial infections and fungus.

All the considered aspects and practical tips are guaranteed to contribute to the beauty and health of your nails, your manicure will always look perfect, and you will finally forget about uneven fingernails.

How do you deal with bumpy nails? How long does the result last?

Each of us at least once noticed certain irregularities in the form of peculiar stripes on our nails or on the interlocutor. Such wavy and ribbed nail plates are evidence that some changes are taking place in the body. In our article, you will learn why uneven nails appear on your hands, as well as get acquainted with methods for restoring the beauty and health of your tips. You will find a lot of useful and interesting information that will help you keep your hands and nails in perfect condition.

The main causes of wavy nails

Few people wonder why the nails became ribbed, and horizontal or vertical grooves appeared on their surface. And in vain, because such changes occur for a reason. Most often, wavy nails appear when a person begins to have health problems, because everyone has long known that many diseases can be determined by the condition of the hair and nail plates. If you notice longitudinal grooves on your nails, which are located from the cuticle to the tip, then they have nothing to do with serious health problems. But wavy plates with transverse stripes - this is already an alarming bell, indicating the presence of any disease. Let's look at the most significant causes of this phenomenon.

  1. Damage. Ribbed grooves on your nails can appear due to domestic injuries, as well as damage received during poor-quality manicure. In these situations, the nail plate on the hands is deformed, and ribbed flats appear on its surface. If the damage was not strong, then over time the nails grow back, and the wavy grooves gradually disappear. With a more serious injury, when the deep tissues of the nail are touched, the uneven surface of the plate may remain forever. Improper use of a manicure pusher is another reason for such a phenomenon as wavy fingernails. If you or your master made such an injury for the first time, then the nail plate will subsequently grow healthy. But systematic inaccurate exposure can adversely affect your nails.
  2. Initial stages: fungal infections, psoriasis. These diseases affect the appearance of your fingers and nail plates. If you notice that your fingernails or toenails have become wavy for no particular reason, and at the same time you experience some discomfort in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe fingers, as well as unpleasant itching, then you need to immediately go to a specialist. Such symptoms indicate the presence of a fungus, which leads to deformation of the nail tissue. Agree, wavy nails look somewhat unaesthetic, so we recommend that you do not postpone a visit to the doctor for a long time. In addition, a fungal infection is very dangerous to health and requires timely treatment. During the examination, the dermatologist will assess the condition of your nail plates, find out why the grooves appeared on the nails, and prescribe treatment in accordance with the diagnosis.
  3. Failures in the work of the body. Sometimes uneven nails indicate a functional malfunction of our body. Such processes are always reflected in the nails and hair condition. Be sure to consult a therapist if your hair begins to fall out abruptly, or if it becomes brittle and brittle. Also, nails, the wavy or ribbed surface of which cannot but alarm an experienced doctor, can become a very alarming signal. When the nail plate on the hands for no apparent reason changes its color, deforms, exfoliates heavily and crumbles, you should think about why this is happening. Make it a rule to carry out an annual examination with a doctor, take general tests and inform the specialist about any changes in your body. As a rule, ribbed fingernails are a sign of diseases of the cardiovascular, endocrine, digestive, and reproductive systems.

How to get rid of ribbed nail plates?

Wavy fingernails, although they do not cause any discomfort, do not please girls at all with their appearance. Faced with a similar problem, many try by all means to align the grooves on natural nails in order to restore their former beauty to their handles. To get rid of ribbing, you must first find out what caused the nails to become wavy. To do this, you need to consult with a specialist. If the ribbed nails on the hands appeared due to any disease, then the doctor will prescribe an effective treatment that will help get rid of this problem.

Sometimes wavy nails are the result of improper care. Inept pushing back of the cuticle or inaccurate use of the manicure device leads to the fact that ugly ribbed or wavy grooves appear on the nails. Get ready for the fact that you will not be able to immediately align such relief, since this requires a certain amount of time. Ribbed nails will disappear on their own. In order to speed up this process, you must adhere to the following rules for caring for nails on your hands.

  • Use high-quality bases and coatings that can hide all the irregularities of your nails when applying decorative varnish. Polishing files to give smoothness will not be able to cope with wavy tips, but will only exacerbate the problem.
  • Regular nail salt baths will help keep your hands in perfect condition.
  • Use cuticle oil. Such a tool slows down the growth of the cuticle, and also helps to nourish and moisturize the nail plate. Constantly apply such oil, and your nails will begin to grow faster and more actively, and wavy grooves will eventually disappear forever.
  • Drink a course of a vitamin-mineral complex to maintain the beauty and health of hair and nails.

By following all these recommendations, you will notice a positive result after some time. Of course, there are situations when wavy fingernails can no longer be fixed, but this drawback can be hidden from prying eyes. Watch the informative video where you will find answers to all your questions. You will learn how not to harm your health in the fight against a common problem, as well as learn how to mask wavy grooves and other nail irregularities with the help of special tools. Take care of your health so that your nails are always great!

The condition of the skin of the hands and nails contains no less information than a business card. In particular, it reports on such important factors as human health and lifestyle.

The problem of a bumpy nail plate on the hands is common. What factors lead to the appearance of waves and furrows on the nails of the hands, how to cure and prevent it, will be discussed in this article.

The main causes of bumpy nails

The main reasons for the appearance of bumpy nails include: malnutrition, weak immunity, a side effect of manicure, and the like. Let's consider them in more detail.

Bumpy nails - a symptom of vitamin deficiency or nail fungus

Improper nutrition

External signs of a lack of nutrients are as follows.

  • Bumpy fingernails have similar causes to brittle hair and dry skin: an obvious lack of foods containing iron.
  • If, in addition to deformation of the nail plate, its fragility, delamination is also observed, this is a sure sign of calcium deficiency.
  • Nails with a fragile, wavy nail plate are a sign of a lack of sufficient amounts of elastin and collagen, the generator of which is silicon.
  • Violation of the structure of the nails also occurs due to a lack of vitamins A (retinol, carotene), E, ​​B7 (H, biotin).
  • Lack of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids can lead to hormonal imbalance, which, first of all, manifests itself in the deterioration of the skin and nails.

Weakened immunity

Oxygen starvation, beriberi, as the causes of weakened immunity, lead to the destruction of the structure of the nail plate. It becomes thin and wavy.

Thin and wavy nail

Weak immunity allows fungi to spread freely in the tissues of the nails, contributes to the development of a pathogenic environment. It is not difficult to associate stress, alcohol abuse or smoking with bumps on the nails: the body is not able to resist diseases.

Consequence of manicure, extension or improper polishing

In the process of performing a manicure, the nail plate is polished and then covered with several layers of compounds that even out bumpy fingernails. Causes of bumps - in the use of low-quality varnishes, too strong pressing sticks when removing cuticles, deep grinding, acetone-containing nail polish removers.

An illiterate manicurist can harm your nails

For example, inexperienced masters performing hardware manicure often grind the nail plate too deeply with a cutter and touch the matrix - the structure responsible for the thickness and growth of the nail. Or the master removes the cuticle using metal instruments that exert traumatic pressure on the base of the nail, which inevitably leads to the formation of plate irregularities.

Possible nail diseases

In the event that the bumps are accompanied by the presence of white spots or longitudinal lines on the nails, we can say that cause - fungal diseases of the nails on the hands. Other symptoms include swelling of the side ridges, thickening of the plate, flaking, discoloration, and crumbling.

Nail problems can be caused by a disease

Often, infection with a fungus occurs due to neglect of the rules of personal hygiene, as well as through contact of an infected person with a healthy one. In this case, medical intervention is necessary to determine the pathogen and adequate therapy.

Exposure to household chemicals

Household chemicals adversely affect the nail plate, dry it out, which leads to the appearance of bumps and irregularities.

When in contact with household chemicals, precautions must be taken: use protective latex gloves, thoroughly rinse your hands under running water after completing the work with the reagents.

Slagging of the body and lack of moisture

Furrow growths located along the length of the nail indicate problems in removing metabolic products from the body. Bumpy fingernails are a consequence of intoxication and slagging of the body.

The causes of waves and bumps also lie in the lack of moisture.

This can be caused by the use of soap that does not contain moisturizing ingredients (avocado oil, glycerin, aloe vera), which means that it dries up the nail folds and cuticles, which leads to nail plate degeneration and the appearance of a “washboard”.

Water is essential for the whole body without exception.

Another cause of dehydration is an insufficient amount of fluid consumed by the body. The daily norm of water for an adult is 2 liters..

How to cure nails with medicines

Medicamentous methods of treatment of bumpy nails: medical varnishes, vitamin complexes.

Therapeutic varnishes for restoring the structure of nails

To restore the structure of the nails, many brands offer a whole series of varnishes aimed at maintaining the beauty of the nail plate. These brands include Orly, Smart Enamel, Eveline, Sally Hansen. These tools create a layer that gives thickness to the nail, protecting against the effects of household chemicals and minor injuries.

Varnishes of the series "Smart enamel"

The disadvantages include the duration of use (from two months) and the thickening of the composition. The main advantage in this case is the ease of use, the aesthetic appearance of the nail plate.

Preparations and vitamin complexes for nail growth

There is a whole direction in pharmaceuticals for the development of tools that provide the prevention and treatment of bumpy nails on the hands. These are monovitamin preparations - such as vitamin A tablets. And combined complexes - "Omega 3", "Aevit", dragee "Merz".

Carefully! An overabundance of vitamins can also lead to undesirable consequences.

Ointments, creams and oils for strengthening nails

These funds must be used even by owners of flawless nails in order to prevent diseases. Oils and creams should contain moisturizing ingredients to prevent drying of the nail plate, vitamins and herbal ingredients.

Problematic nails need special care using oils

The composition of the funds should contain glycerin, aloe vera, olive oil, shea butter, sea buckthorn oil, vitamin E, keratin.

Folk remedies and recipes

Folk remedies can be no less useful than medicinal ones. These include baths to strengthen nails.

Recipes for healthy nail baths

At home, there is a way to strengthen your nails: make a bath for them.

Recipes may be as follows:

  • in 250 ml of warm water, stir 1 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt (at the same time, sea salt can be replaced with table salt with the addition of 1 drop of iodine);

Sea salt is one of the most popular bath ingredients.
  • in 1 st. warm water add 1 ampoule of vitamin B1, 150 ml of lemon juice;
  • to 250 ml of orange fresh add 250 ml of warm water, 4 drops of iodine, 2 tbsp. l. table or sea salt.

The duration of taking a bath for the prevention and treatment of tuberous nails should not exceed 15 minutes.

Special Diet for Healing Nails

These techniques will help to cope not only with problematic nails, but also improve the functioning of the body.

  • It is undesirable to use products that impede normal metabolism. These include: carbonated drinks, coffee, strong black tea, fatty sauces (including mayonnaise), sweet pastries and white bread, alcohol.
  • It is worth filling the diet with useful elements: iron, silicon, zinc,
    selenium, vitamins, calcium.
  • In food products, iron is found in pistachios, beef liver, lentils, spinach, buckwheat.
  • Hard cheeses, almonds, wheat bran, celery, parsley, olives, and figs are top calcium-rich foods.

  • It is enough to enrich the diet with buckwheat, oatmeal, rice and barley groats, beans, fresh pineapples to strengthen nails and make up for the lack of silicon.
  • Zinc is abundant in nuts (especially cashews), beef, soybeans, shrimp and cheese. Selenium is found in octopuses, chicken eggs, sunflower seeds, brown rice, corn, walnuts, and Brazil nuts.
  • The body receives biotin from boiled egg yolk, oatmeal, cereals, fresh tomatoes, spinach, and potatoes. Sources of vitamin A - carrots, red peppers, tomatoes.
  • It is necessary to remember about the observance of the daily norms of consumption of the listed elements.

Diet changes should be followed for 2-3 months

That is how much time is needed for the growth of a renewed nail and a noticeable result.

Masks for bumpy nails

The following masks are most effective:

  • Mix ½ tbsp. water and 2 tsp. gelatin, hold in a water bath until gelatin dissolves, cool. Add 1 tsp. almond oil, 4 drops of lemon oil, let dry. Apply to nails and leave for 20-25 minutes.

After applying the mask on the nails, they can be placed in such fingertips
  • Mix 1 tsp. nourishing hand cream with 1 tsp. hot pepper, apply to fingertips. Wash off after 5-10 minutes. It is important that there are no inflammations or cuts on the skin of the hands at this time.

Olive oil wrap

Mix 2 tbsp. l. olive oil and 2 drops of iodine. Bring the composition to 40 degrees in a water bath or in a microwave oven. Cover the nails and cuticles with the composition, put on cotton gloves and leave overnight. In the morning, wash off the composition, apply a moisturizer to your hands. Apply wrap 1-2 times a week for a month.

Obviously, there is no single reason for the growth of bumpy fingernails. This phenomenon can act as a marker of a disease requiring medical attention.

Self-medication can only aggravate the situation

The use of methods for stimulating blood microcirculation in the tissues of the extremities (physiotherapy, massage, electrical stimulation) is recommended. Thus, the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the cells of the nail increases, which contributes to the alignment of the nail plate as it grows.

It is important to use vitamin-mineral complexes rich in vitamins A, B, zinc, iron and silicon.

Nuts are a source of a large amount of vitamins and minerals that are useful for nails.

In the event that the periungual ridges or cuticle are inflamed, in order to prevent infections and fungi from getting to the nail bed and under the stratum corneum, local treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs is used.

Daily hand care is the prevention of the causes of bumpy bumps on the nails. Furrows are not just a cosmetic defect, but an indicator of systemic diseases, weakened immunity and an unbalanced lifestyle.

Wavy nails - a problem or a defect? How to treat nails? Check out this helpful video:

Diagnosis by nails with examples in the photo. Watch an interesting video:

Possible diseases, injuries of the nail in the cuticle area, as a result of an illiterate manicure. Details in the next video:

The appearance of wavy nails often scares women. Indeed, from the TV screens, we have been repeatedly told that the change in the nail plates is the most important symptom of various diseases. So why do nails get wavy? And is it really worth worrying about?

Reason number 1 - improper nail care

Quite often, the reason why the nails are wavy is improper care for them. Here we are talking about performing a poor-quality manicure, which leads to systematic damage to the nail plates.

If you start noticing striations on the surface of your nails, try changing your nail technician. If you yourself perform this procedure, then carefully read the rules for manicure. They are described in the following video:

Rule number 2 - exposure to chemicals on the nails

Answering the question why the nails became wavy, one cannot fail to mention such a reason as exposure to chemicals. They are found in many cosmetic and cleaning products that we use at home. This:

  • cheap nail polishes and nail polish remover;
  • dishwashing detergents;
  • powders;
  • various means for washing windows and floors, etc.

To restore the surface of the nails, you should first of all refuse to use cheap varnishes and use only those liquids for removing them that do not contain acetone. When doing housework with household detergents, be sure to wear household gloves on your hands.

In addition, one cannot fail to say that harmful substances can also be contained in medicines. If you are taking some medication for a long time, then it may be the cause of the appearance of furrows on the nails.

If you need to take this medicine to maintain your health (for example, if you have), then you cannot cancel it yourself. Just contact your doctor and tell him about your problem. If the reason for the change in the nail plates lies precisely in this, that he will replace the drug with another one.

It is a fairly common reason why the nails become wavy on the fingers. It can appear even in those people who carefully monitor their health. After all, picking it up is quite easy - you just need to use other people's personal hygiene items, for example, wipe your hands on someone else's towel.

It is worth noting that with a fungal infection, not only grooves appear on the nails. Their color changes (they turn yellow), small white dots or streaks appear on the surface of the nail plates, which gradually increase in size and merge with each other. The nail itself begins to thicken, and soon completely collapse. In this case, severe itching and burning can be observed, especially when in contact with water and detergents.

These symptoms should be of great concern to you. After all, it is very complex and requires the application of urgent and comprehensive measures. You need to seek help from a doctor. He will identify the exact type of pathogen, and based on the data obtained, prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Reason number 4 - disruption of the digestive tract

Answering the question why the nails on the hands became wavy, it is also worth noting the possibility of influencing the structure of the improper functioning of the digestive tract. Any diseases associated with the digestion of food (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, etc.) lead to a violation of the absorption of nutrients, which can affect the condition of the nails and contribute to a change in their appearance.

If you have frequent constipation, then this can also be the cause of the appearance of furrows on the nail plates. Moreover, they, as a rule, are located along the nail, starting from the nail hole and ending at the very tip of the plate.

What to do if the nails become wavy?

If furrows appear on the surface of your nails, in no case file them down. This will lead to even more damage to the nail plates. If the reason for the change in their appearance is associated with poor-quality manicure or exposure to chemicals, then you just need to wait until you grow healthy and beautiful nails, following all the above recommendations.

If the cause of the appearance of a wavy surface on the nails is a disease, then you should seek the help of a specialist and undergo a full course of treatment. Remember, until you completely eliminate the negative factor, the condition of the nails will not improve.

Video about nail diagnosis

On nails with a smooth shiny surface, varnish, gel polish or any other decorative coating will ideally fit. But when wavy nails grow on our hands, it will be very difficult to decorate our well-groomed fingers with a fashionable manicure. Grooves and "combs", which distort the smooth surface of the nail plates with a deep relief, may indicate some pathological changes in the body and it is important to identify the causes of their occurrence as early as possible. Wavy grooves are longitudinal and transverse, evenly covering the entire surface of the nail plate or only its individual sections.

If your hands have wavy nails, then be sure to take the time to visit a specialist. Even an external visual examination of your fingers with deformed nails will help the doctor to approximately determine the cause of unwanted changes. Wavy stripes may appear against the background of exfoliating and brittle nails with white spots, be very deep or barely noticeable, differ in length and width. Often, wavy nails form only on the thumbs a few weeks or months after matrix injury (pinching, bruising of the finger). The nail plate of the thumb is somewhat thicker and wider, any deformation on it will be more noticeable than on the other fingers.


Infectious diseases.
If the nails on the hands hurt, become thinner, begin to crumble and turn yellow, and wavy layers appear on the yellowed plates, then there is a high probability of infection of the upper phalanges of the fingers with a fungus. Be sure to contact a dermatologist or a mycologist so that the specialist prescribes a course of treatment for mycosis after the examination and study of the test results. But in addition to mycosis, nail plates can affect non-fungal infections, including bacterial ones;

Diseases of the body.
If symptoms such as dullness, discoloration, the appearance of white or black spots on the nails join the deformation of the nail plate, then there is a high probability of disruption of the internal organs or body systems. Well-defined transverse waviness of the plates is observed in diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cholecystitis, gastrointestinal disorders, inflammation of the thyroid gland, pneumonia, arthritis, iron deficiency anemia.

A number of diseases associated with metabolic disorders can provoke the appearance of the so-called Bo furrows on the nails. The arcuate grooves of Bo with a small comb along the posterior edge of the line become deeper depending on the severity of the disease;

Common violations of the structure of the nails include longitudinal waviness in the form of mild grooves descending from the cuticle line to the tip of the free edge. Such a deformation appears after severe pinching and bruising, as well as after incorrect processing of nails with metal manicure tools. Wavy nails appear on the hands and after too frequent extension procedures. If you constantly remove extended nails without first softening with a special liquid, then the natural plates become thinner and brittle;

Nutrient deficiency in the body.
Passion for diets and an unbalanced diet can lead to a chronic deficiency of vitamins, trace elements, amino acids and other substances necessary for the growth of normal nails from the matrix. Nails quickly fade and become deformed if such important trace elements as iodine, sulfur, silicon, calcium, iron, and vitamins are not supplied to the matrix in sufficient quantities. If the nail plates turn yellow or gray, wavy stripes or grooves appear on their surface, then most likely the body lacks selenium, vitamins PP and B5;

Stress, frequent fatigue.
If you constantly experience stress, do not recover well after hard work, then the body weakens and this is reflected in the condition of the nails. Nail plates lose their healthy shine, white spots and wavy grooves appear on them;

The impact of active substances.
House cleaning and washing dishes using household chemicals adversely affect the condition of the nails, if you do not use special rubber gloves. The nails are also deformed after applying a low-quality coating (varnish, gel polish, acrylic paints), removing the coating with liquids with a high content of acetone in the composition.


- in the photo: nails with longitudinal and transverse wavy grooves


Before choosing a varnish, cream, spray or ointment for the treatment of nails affected by mycosis, be sure to consult your doctor!

- in the photo: antimycotic agents for nails


Orly Ridgefiller Smoothing Primer Basecoat, Smart Enamel Concealer, Zinger Smoothing Base, Mavala Ridge Filler.
These products can be used as the first (base layer) before applying a decorative coating to remove all irregularities and smooth the relief of the nail plate.

- in the photo: leveling base for varnish


Avoid diets in which foods rich in proteins, vitamins, and trace elements are excluded from the daily diet. To prevent the formation of wavy nails, eat different types of cabbage (broccoli, white cabbage, kohlrabi, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), carrots, beets, eggplant, citrus fruits, greens, sour-milk products, nuts, buckwheat, oatmeal;

For nail design, use only quality products from reputable brands. Before decorating your nails with colored polish or gel polish, be sure to apply a base coat to protect the natural plate. Before removing hardened varnish or gel polish from nails, treat the coating with a special liquid without aggressive solvents (acetone is especially dangerous for nails). If you prefer to wear extended nails, let the natural plates rest for at least 2-3 weeks between extension procedures and during this time do baths and masks to strengthen nails;

To improve the functioning of the matrix, it is useful to do a special finger massage. Massage the nails and the periungual area especially carefully for 3-4 minutes to improve blood flow to the root through the network of capillaries. You can massage the nails with fingertips and a special manicure brush;

By improving blood circulation, we accelerate the delivery of all the necessary nutrients to every cell of the body, including the nail growth zone. Add moderate physical activity (30-40 minutes) to your daily routine, walk daily in the fresh air. To improve blood circulation, it is very useful to walk with a fast sports step (including for getting rid of excess weight). Good sleep is the key to good health (sleep period should be 7-8 hours daily);


Antimycotic drugs.
To prevent fungal infections, there is an arsenal of antifungal gels, creams and ointments. But if you find signs of mycosis on your nails (discoloration, delamination, deformation), then be sure to undergo an examination by a specialist and do all the tests to determine the type of fungus. The doctor will prescribe a course of treatment using a suitable antimycotic drug (Mikozan, Nizoral, Zalin, Lamezil, Atifin, Terbizil, Amorolfin);

Oil solutions.
Medicines with vitamins A and E in the composition to eliminate damage, small cracks, strengthen brittle nails. Rub the oil solution 3-4 times a week so that wavy nails change plates with a smooth and shiny surface in a month;

SPA manicure.
Perfectly strengthen nails and improve the condition of the periungual skin SPA procedures (Japanese manicure, manicure with lavender), as well as hot paraffin baths;

Baths and masks

Several times a week, do strengthening baths for nails with sea salt and lemon juice, as well as with essential and vegetable oils. It is very useful to apply masks with red pepper on the skin around the nail to improve blood microcirculation.

Mix in a bowl 2 teaspoons of ground red pepper, 3 tablespoons of hand cream and add 1 tablespoon of boiled water. We rub the mask into the nail plates and into the periungual skin, put on warm gloves or mittens for 20 minutes. After the procedure, carefully wash off the mask with warm water.


First of all, it is important to find out why your wavy nails grow and gradually eliminate the cause of the pathology. But still, I want to hide the wavy stripes or grooves until this unpleasant defect on the nails is completely eliminated. If you constantly grind nails (especially with deep grooves) with nail files, then you can greatly thin the nail plates, make them brittle and exfoliate. Therefore, we will use safer methods using decorative cosmetics.

Perfectly hides uneven modern gel polish (for example, from the Shellac line) with a leveling base layer and a dense color coating after drying in a UV lamp;

If you have only regular polish on hand, use a special nail leveling agent before applying a decorative coating. To hide wavy grooves, apply several leveling layers;

Use dark shades of decorative varnish without gloss. You can hide the ribbing with varnishes in pastel shades with sparkles or mother-of-pearl;

There are special therapeutic varnishes and gels that strengthen the structure of weak nails. Can be applied in place of base coat before top coat.


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