Does the teenager “shake” you along with him? These tips will replace dozens of psychology books. Problems of modern children

The child barely pushed off one bank, and will not stick to the other for a long time. So he will have to hang out chaotically in fast water - a modern environment, the speed and unpredictability of which are growing every day. However, so is the danger. How a teenager lives - there is no reliable soil under his feet, hormones play in the body, unstable nervous system and the psyche, especially not interested in anything, except for friends and parties. And, of course, the craving for the forbidden: alcohol, cigarettes, sex, drugs. What we get in the end is a mixture, ready to explode at any moment from the slightest spark.

Psychology teenage relationships, perhaps, one of the few areas where the usual laws do not work. You can't drive up to a teenager on a template. A personality in adolescence considers itself special, not like everyone else, original, and in everything that is inherent in it, there are continuous extremes. “Be like your ancestors? Never! "," I have my own life - do not meddle! "," I myself (a) know what to do! " “What psychologist ?! I'm not crazy, you need to be treated! " - life on a raised tone, almost at a break. Not surprisingly, parents rarely find with teenage children mutual language... Why? For the simple reason that during the inner world such a child is in chaos ...

Features of adolescence:

  • there are no personal landmarks, stable data on which to rely. In childhood, these are parents, but from the age of twelve their authority noticeably weakens, family values are not recognized as such,
  • the desire for independence and freedom grows,
  • unconscious desire to defend themselves. The teenager defends himself from parents, relatives, teachers. He (a) closes in himself, defending his shaky inner "I", which is being encroached upon!
  • self-expression in any way, stand out from the rest. Everything is used: non-standard appearance, sharpness in character, informal hobbies, fashionable gadgets,
  • hormonal instability. The state of the body at this age plays an important role. Hormones are active (!) Biological substances that can shake like on a volcano.

Relationship psychology for adolescents is the absence of a norm. The paradox is that it is precisely the standards that they are trying to impose on the child, which is why his irritability simply goes off scale.

How to mend a relationship with a teenager?

To begin with, fully understand who you are with, Dear Parents, you are dealing. Having delved into what is written above, feel like a teenager ... tune in to his wave. Feel the emotions, thoughts and mood of the child ... What comes to mind in this state? You are alarmed! .. The teenager has continuous fears: fear of peer assessment, of being ridiculed, unrecognized, rejected in personal relationships, non-sexual, off-topic, unattractive. Add to this a fragile psyche and uncertainty. This is where the teenager's desire to copy - stars of show business, famous actors, heroes of films and animation comes from. This is at least some kind of certainty, a clue in the stormy sea of ​​life!

V adolescent psychology relationship, there are three reliable approaches:

  • talk to your child. What do you want, even the weather. Let your communication channel be always open, believe me, you can feel it. Don't forget about tactile sensations... Hugging, taking a hand, leaning back, touching - also communication, albeit non-verbal,
  • emphasize the personality of the teenager, his importance. He wants to behave like an adult, so consider him an adult, don't discount him,
  • share the reality of the child. Be unobtrusively interested in what he is fond of, ask. I do not urge you to dye your hair in blue color doing a tattoo or piercing. But at least find out what it gives him? Aerobatics will be if you manage to find a common cause, a hobby that will captivate both of you.

Be open and accept your child for who they are. Don't ask him to achieve your goals and fulfill his parents' dreams. He was born the original! Don't make it a copy. Perhaps this is the main thing in the psychology of relationships for adolescents - to give him or her the opportunity to be yourself. But ... remember that you still have a child in front of you, the level of awareness of which is not yet high. Hence the low sense of danger. Therefore, shield him or her from real possible troubles. And wait ... until adolescence comes of age. And this is a completely different story. :) You will succeed!

Adolescence is a transitional stage in the life of children. At the age of 11-16, the child's psyche and body undergo changes. During this period, children strive to become independent, their personality is developing, their character changes. The path of development followed by a teenager is unknown even to himself. For parents, the adolescence of their children also brings only one problem. To understand the intricacies of thinking and behavior of the offspring will help books on psychology for adolescents. Psychological literature is recommended for both adults and children.

Literature on psychological topics for children adolescence contains a lot useful information and important tips... Psychology books for adolescents contain parenting recommendations that are useful for parents. It is better to understand yourself and realize the reasons for your actions - that's the main task psychological works for children of adolescence.

Jerry Bailey “My body is changing. Everything teenagers want to know and what parents are embarrassed to talk about ”

A literary work written in collaboration with experienced teachers and psychologists. This is a real encyclopedia for teenagers. The book provides answers to important questions about the puberty of children during adolescence. On the pages of the work you can find recommendations on how to protect yourself from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. What happens to the psyche of a teenager, how parents communicate with him - Jerry Bailey answers these and other questions on the pages of his work.

Sean Covey "7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens"

This book is written especially for teenagers. She talks about what adulthood is, what difficulties adolescent children will face when entering new stage its development. The book gives advices to teenagers that are so necessary for them in the period of formation of the personality. The piece tells teenagers how

Shimi Kang "Dolphin's Way"

This book is specially written for parents. She will help them raise happy, healthy and successful children without turning into tigers. Parents who prefer "tiger" upbringing wish their children happiness. True, their methods do not always achieve the goal. Parents put too much pressure on children, control all their actions. They make you study well, play music or play sports. Children suffer from such parental care and their psyche sometimes cannot stand it. The author advises parents to choose a different method of upbringing - the way of dolphins. To educate children, according to the psychologist, you need to gently, motivating children for certain actions. Children can be gently nudged towards correct action, they need to be carried away by their own example. WITH early years independence and self-confidence should be encouraged in the child. This is the only way to help your children build a happy and successful life.

Françoise Dolto "On the side of a teenager"

This book by a French psychologist is addressed to parents, educators and those who communicate with adolescent children and want to understand them better. V puberty most teenagers look awkward: their arms and legs are stretched out, and rib cage remains narrow, there is still no strength, facial features coarse. Children understand that they look imperfect and this affects their psyche. Teenagers acquire a number of complexes, because of which they do not always behave correctly. For children adolescence characterized by mood swings, increased self-criticism, a desire to hide their feelings. Adolescents aged 15-16 reject the love of their parents, prefer a company of friends. During this period, it is important for parents to understand what their child wants. You can not criticize and harass children with moralizing. It is necessary to take the side of the teenager and give him maximum freedom.

Robert Kiyosaki, Sharon Lecter "Rich Dad Poor Dad"

The authors of the book are convinced that educational institution schoolchildren do not receive the necessary knowledge about the nature of money. Subsequently, people have to spend their entire lives on the prosperity of others and earn money for them, not for themselves. Schools focus only on professional and general knowledge. The child learns how to make money from his parents, however, if they themselves know how to do it. If students cannot receive good advice from adults, they need to read a book by Robert Kiyosaki and Sharon Lecter. The first advice from the authors of the bestselling book about money: if a person cannot afford something, he needs to ask himself why this is happening. It's important to get your brain to work on a problem and find ways to solve it. Wealth comes to someone who is not afraid to take risks, constantly thinks about money and how to make it. The book contains tips to help teenagers find their way in life and not look at the experience of their parents, especially if they have not achieved anything in life.

Books about the psychology of adolescents will help adults better understand their children and find the right way to raise them. If parents have problems that they cannot cope with on their own, they can turn to the psychologist-hypnologist Nikita Valerievich Baturin for help. On youtube there are videos that can help teens cope with fears and build self-confidence.

What is “modern youth”? Fortunately, it is so different that it is impossible to give a short answer to this question. Why “fortunately”? Yes, because the more different groups, images, interests, the more chances that every teenager will be able to find and express themselves, their individuality, their uniqueness, and at the same time find support from those peers who are close to their concerns and interests. It is very important. It is important because it is difficult to be a high school student.

Adults often make demands on high school students that simply cannot be fulfilled at the age of 15-17. Sometimes because they are too "grown-up". At your age, it is high time to know what you will devote your life to! Or vice versa, completely underestimating adulthood. Have you washed your hands? It's time to go to bed, it's already 10 o'clock! It's too early for you to think about girls!

But the hardest part is that teenagers begin to ask themselves questions that can be answered all their lives. You constantly live in a situation of choice, you constantly feel tension, you constantly check yourself, your friends, your loved ones. You constantly feel disappointment, confusion, surprise, sometimes anger. It seems like I wanted to act honestly, but you were declared a traitor. If you don’t want to boast about your knowledge, you have already written it down in dullness, I wanted to tell everyone something new, interesting - an upstart!

But the saddest thing, it turns out, there is no one to consult. Peers have the same problems, but it is not always convenient to talk about it, and adults, as always, have no time. It turns out to be very difficult to explain to them that you cannot live without answers to these questions.

Answers to these questions will help to find a cycle of training sessions for adolescents "Living life is not a field to cross."

Objectives of the lessons:

  • expanding students' knowledge about themselves, their capabilities and abilities;
  • development of skills to navigate in the world of adults, to take an active life position, to overcome the difficulties of adaptation in modern society.

Conditions for conducting classes

The cycle is designed for 8 lessons, the duration of each lesson is from 60 to 90 minutes, held once a week. The number of participants is from 8 to 14 people. Each lesson necessarily includes: a greeting ritual, the main content, reflection after each exercise, a farewell ritual.
In the classroom, methodological tools are used such as: conversation, discussions, self-testing, various options psychotechnical games and exercises, self-expression in drawings.
The cycle of training sessions is designed to work with adolescents aged 14-16.

Lesson 1. Seven "I" of a person.

Target: the formation of the desire for self-knowledge, the ability to recognize personal qualities, the desire to interact with other people.

I. Psychologist communicates the purpose of the upcoming meetings, briefly talks about the stages of the classes.

Hello! Today we are starting a cycle of classes - "Living life is not a field to cross", in which we will consider the issues of concern to every person throughout life. First, let's get acquainted with the ritual of greeting, with which we will begin each of our lessons.

Participants stand in a circle and place their hands on each other's shoulders. They look at each other affably and say: "Hello!"

Psychologist. In the classroom, we will perform different interesting tasks and exercise. But in order for the classes to be successful, we need to discuss the rules that must be followed throughout all meetings.(Students suggest, the teacher writes on a Whatman paper, which will required attribute at each lesson). ( Annex 1 )

II. Main part

1. Acceptance of the rules. The facilitator promises to follow the rules and asks each participant to make such a promise.

2. Exercise "Say your name." The guys are invited to give their name and say whether they like it. Call your name affectionately.

3. Discussion on the exercise. Why do some people like their name and others don't? What do your names mean? Who were you named after? Which parent named you?

4. Psychologist.We will devote our first lesson to one very important issue. What is this question - I propose to guess for ourselves.(The chalkboard contains letters that, when rearranged, turn into the word “ mo p n n s a o s and e ")What do you think is self-knowledge?

5. Test "Seven" I "of a person"(Appendix 2 )

The children are invited to complete the test "Seven" I "of a person."

6. Discussion on test execution:

Have you learned something new about yourself? Do you agree with the test results? Is the information you received helpful?

7. Exercise-warm-up "Dwarfs and giants"

Everyone stands in a circle. On the command "Giants!" - all are standing, but the command: "Dwarfs!" - you need to sit down. The presenter tries to confuse the participants: he squats on the command "Giants!"

III. Final part

1. Reflection of the lesson. The students have thermometers cut out of thick paper on the table. Children should mark their temperature on them, which is determined by the value of the lesson.

The rating scale is as follows: 36.6- necessary, useful, interesting, necessary 38 - difficult, uninteresting, burdensome; 34 - unpromising, indifferent.

2. Ritual of farewell. The psychologist proposes to come up with a farewell ritual. After discussion, you can offer this option: everyone standing in a circle, join hands and say in chorus: "Good-bye-da-no-ya." On the last syllable, the participants raise their hands up, without separating them, and take a step towards the middle of the circle

Lesson 2. "No sorrow without joy, no joy without sorrow."

Target: expanding ideas about life's problems and ways to overcome them.

I. The ritual of greeting.

II. Main part

1. Motivational block.

Students analyze their impressions of the last lesson for a minute. The presenter asks to express them in one word, for example, curious, interesting, instructive, etc.

2. The parable "About difficulties". The presenter invites you to listen to the parable "About difficulties" ( Appendix 3 )

2. Question to students: Did you like the parable? How? Do you understand the meaning of the parable? Do you agree with the conclusions of the author?

3. Block of introspection and self-assessment. Students are invited to work independently and formulate the reasons for a person's life difficulties, to determine those life difficulties that await a person on the path of life. Then the presenter attaches a Whatman paper to the board, on which the difficulties encountered in a person's life are written. The children are invited to compare and discuss what they have done.

4. Discussion of the exercise

5. Exercise "In three years"

Leading. I suggest you do an exercise that will allow you to look at life's problems in a broader context, comparing them with your own future. In addition, it gives us a reason to think about which activities are really important for us, and which in a few years we will not even remember. The facilitator asks the students to make a list of the most important things to do for them. this period life. Once the list has been completed, participants are encouraged to imagine that they are three years older, and to think about these matters and issues “in hindsight” - as if three years have passed since then. While thinking about this, you need to answer the following questions (questions are written on the board):

  • What exactly can you remember about this problem?
  • How does it affect the way your life is shaping now, after three years?
  • If you were to face such a problem now, how would you solve it?

6. Exercise discussion

III. Final part

1. Conversation

Each of us is a builder of our own personality. Any person is capable of much, if in time he is able to look into himself and see that small that can grow into something big and significant. How can you become a person capable of fulfilling your full potential? You just need to listen to the advice that people who have the right to do so offer us. Charlie Chaplin's Tips booklets are distributed to students. ( Appendix 4 )

2. Reflection of the lesson

Students share their impressions of the lesson.

3. Ritual of farewell

Lesson 3. "The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it"

Target: the formation of skills to cope with stress.

I. The ritual of greeting.

II. Main part.

1. Psychologist invites the children to recall the most memorable fragment of the last lesson. The guys express their opinion along the chain.

2. The fairy tale "The Hunter and His Sons" (Appendix 5 )

Psychologist introduces students to the fairy tale "The Hunter and His Sons", written by A.A. Rukhmanov, which can make them think about whether we are ready to overcome difficult life situations.

3. Questions for discussion. What is this story about? What does she teach? How can she help in real life?

4. Psychologist... History teaches that you cannot live your whole life under a glass cover, that life without worries and worries is not life, that it is worries and worries that bring joy to a person. Our life is about joys and sorrows, successes and failures, conflicts and reconciliation, worries, in general, continuous problems. And every time we have to solve them. All life consists of stressful situations, without which it is impossible.

5. Exercise "Balloons"

Psychologist... In order to more easily endure stress, psychologists are developing tips, various exercises.

Each student is given two balloons and felt-tip pens. The children are encouraged to recall several unpleasant situations that lead to stress. While inflating the balloon, imagine that negative emotions are transmitted into it. Then pierce the ball with a needle, imagining that all negative emotions have disappeared.
Students are encouraged to inflate another balloon, imagining that it is filled with positive energy. Having picked up a word denoting a positive emotion, write it on a ball. The ball is thrown up. Observing it, you should try to consolidate in your mind the words that are written on it. Which were depicted on it. In the future, when students have to face any unpleasant situation, they should remember about this ball and what was depicted on it.

6. Exercise discussion

III. Final part

1. Exercise "Pass the ball without using the palm of your hand"

Participants stand in a circle. Pass the ball to each other without touching it with the palms. This is done several times. On the final lap, passing the ball in the usual way, end the sentence: "Any problem can be solved if ..."

2. Ritual of farewell

Lesson 4. "Either in the stirrup with your foot, or in the stump with your head"

Target: the formation of skills of constructive behavior in a difficult choice situation.

I. Greeting ritual

II. Main part

1. Quest "Lilliputians and giants"

Psychologist.Imagine that you are offered to travel either to the land of the Lilliputians, or to the land of the giants. Where to go? If you go to the land of the Lilliputians, you will be bigger and stronger than the inhabitants of the country, but the Lilliputians are very vicious and aggressive creatures. If your choice falls on the land of giants, then you will find yourself small and defenseless, but you will meet good-natured and hospitable people. Make your choice and justify it. You have 1 minute to accept.

2.Discussion of the assignment

3. The game "Travel to the mountains"(Appendix 6 )

Psychologist indicates that today's lesson will be in the form of a game (application). Students are invited to make a trip to the mountains.

III. Final part

1. Psychologist.Does the road you were driving remind us of our life? Is it possible to live life without obstacles and failures? How does it feel about them? How does this game relate to the topic of our conversation?

2. Ritual of farewell

Lesson 5. "No man can be an island"

Target: help in understanding the role of communication in human life.

I. Welcome ritual

II. Main part

1. Exercise "Decipher"

Psychologist. Imagine that the word "communication" requires decoding, but unusual. It is necessary to use each letter included in this word in order to characterize the concept of "communication".

2. Conversation "Human difficulties associated with communication"

Can you confirm or deny the phrase: "The greatest luxury on earth is the luxury of human communication." (Antoine de Saint-Exupery.)
How can a lack of communication affect a person, his physical and mental state? Did anyone say to you the words: “I don’t want to communicate with you”? Were these words rightly spoken or not? How did you react to them?

3. Exercise "Can I communicate"

Students draw a straight line in notebooks and divide it into 10 equal parts. They mark their desire to communicate on a direct line with a "+" sign. Sign "-" your ability to communicate.

4. Discussion of the exercise

Students discuss the results obtained and determine what is most often due to the lack of communication. Name possible causes of discord in communication, which students can name themselves or during a discussion.

5. The game "Common language"

The group is divided into threes, using the calculation of 1-2-3. Players must agree among themselves, for example, where. When and why should they meet. But the means of communication for each of them are limited: one sits motionless with a blindfold, the other is obliged to be silent and not move, the third is deprived of the right to talk, and he is also blindfolded. The task in this state, the troika should agree on something in the shortest possible time. When the last three in the group have finished their work (the moderator is watching this), you can start the discussion.

6. Discussion of the exercise. What contributed to finding a common language? What hindered finding a common language?

7. Listening to a fragment from the life of Abraham Lincoln(Appendix 7 )

8. Discussion of errors in assessing people in communication.

III. Final part

1. Reflection of the lesson

Students chart the emotional impact of the lesson on their feelings and emotions. For this, a lesson plan is written on the board. The points of the plan are plotted on the schedule and the most important, in their opinion, moments of the lesson are determined.

2. Ritual of farewell

Lesson 6. "With whom you will lead from that and you will gain"

Target: awareness by adolescents of the need and importance of uniting people in interest groups; the formation of the belief that each person is personally responsible for their decisions.

I. Greeting ritual

II. Main part

1. Exercise "Associations"

Psychologist.What associations do we have when we hear the word "company".
The words that the students call are written on the board: “friend,” “do not quit,” “walk,” “talk,” “not boring,” etc.

Output: basically the word "company" makes us feel positive.

2. Conversation about the reasons for joining groups

The psychologist draws the students' attention to the useful things that this or that association can bring (“learned to play the guitar”, “ride a motorcycle”, “became stronger”, “became more self-confident” ...), then asks if this influence is always is positive.

3. Exercise "Differences"

The psychologist invites students to think about and name the differences between negative and positive company. The answers are written on the board:

4. Exercise "Algorithm of two" O "

Psychologist.Do you think it is possible to refuse an offer if it does not coincide with your plans and interests? How?

Students are encouraged to list several situations in which they needed to refuse certain offers. For example, friends invite you to a disco, but you have other plans. The psychologist reports the algorithm of two "O" (algorithm of "Optimal Rejection"): I-message + rejection + argument + counter-offer ("I am pleased that you invited me, + but I cannot go, + since I have important meeting, + let's go to the cinema tomorrow ”). The algorithm is written on the board. Then the students are divided into pairs, one of them persuades the other (you can take a real situation as a basis), the second refuses, using the proposed algorithm, then the participants change roles.

Exercise discussion

Who managed to refuse? How did you manage it? Who failed? Why? How did you feel while playing different role? What was easier, persuade or refuse? How did you feel when you were politely refused? Has the rejection always sounded convincing?

Psychologist. You need to choose the most suitable option answer.

Discussion of test results. Do you agree with the results obtained? What conclusions did you make for yourself?

III. Final part

1. Exercise "Compliments"

Psychologist. The ability to see the strengths, positive qualities of any person and, most importantly, to find the right words to tell him about it, that's what you need to have a pleasant, productive communication. Let's try to check how friendly we are, whether we can see the good in others and talk about it.
Students are encouraged to sit in a circle. Everyone should carefully look at the person sitting on the left and think about which character trait, which habit of this person he likes most of all, and wants to say about it, i.e. make a compliment. The person who has been complimented should, at a minimum, thank, and then, having established contact with the partner to his left, give his compliment in a circle until all students compliment their neighbor.

2. Ritual of farewell

Lesson 7. "A family in a heap, a cloud is not scary"

Target: comprehending the role of the immediate environment as a source of support.

Tasks: develop ideas about the role of loved ones in a person's life; form beliefs that loved ones can be a support in life;

Equipment: note paper, pencils.

I. Greeting ritual

II. Main part

1. Exercise "Family Tree"

Psychologist. Where are we from? Where are our roots? And what are roots? The roots are what gives us support. Students are encouraged to portray family tree his family, imagining himself as a tree trunk, and parents, grandparents - roots. How many levels of roots (generations of a family) can each of you present? You should write the names of those relatives whom the students remember. During the discussion of the exercise, it is concluded why the family is our roots. It turns out that it is she who gives us the support of the confidence that we are needed by someone.

Students independently answer the questions of the questionnaire.

3. Exercise "Piggy bank of family difficulties"

Psychologist proposes to discuss the question: what are the most common difficulties in relations between adolescents and parents? Based on the results of the discussion, a "Piggy bank of family difficulties" is drawn up, which is fixed on the board. It is desirable that difficulties be formulated in detail: “misunderstanding” on the part of the parents may turn out to be prohibitions to watch TV until nightfall, and the parents' lack of time to talk about business.

4. Exercise "Tips"

Students are encouraged to prepare advice for parents on how to overcome the difficulties of life for their children. Pupils are given pieces of paper.
Pupils do not sign these sheets. Each leaflet contains one piece of advice. All the leaves are collected in a basket, mixed. The psychologist draws out advice, reads it to the students.

5. Discussion of the exercise

6. Exercise "Phrases"

Students are encouraged to reflect on some of the phrases of great people.

  • Do not make an idol out of a child: when he grows up, he will require many sacrifices. (P. Bouast.)
  • The teacher of children is a bad one who does not remember his childhood. (Ebner-Eschenbach.)
  • Swearing is achieved only one third, love and concessions - everything. (Jean Paul.)

Question: Can such relationships, which are concluded in the words of great people, lead to difficulties in life?

III. Final part

1. Exercise "I'm proud"

The psychologist asks the students to close their eyes and imagine a large sheet of paper on which beautiful capital letters it is written: "I am proud that in my family ...". After the participants have carefully considered the beautiful letters, the presenter invites them to mentally finish this sentence, and then tell what they managed to finish.

2. Ritual of farewell

Lesson 8. Goodbye!

Target: discussion of the effectiveness of the group.

I. Greeting ritual

II. Main part

1. Exercise "Christmas tree"

All participants must build a "New Year tree" from the group itself: someone will be a trunk, someone will be branches, someone will be toys. The main thing is that everyone participates in the construction and everyone is satisfied with their place. After the tree is built, the psychologist "freezes" the picture. At this point, you can take a picture of the group.

2. Discussion of the exercise. How did you feel while doing the exercise? How were the roles assigned? Are all the participants happy with the roles they got?

3. Exercise "Suitcase"

One of the participants - the departing person leaves the room, others begin to "pack his suitcase" for the journey: they write a list of positive qualities that the group especially appreciates in this person, that will help him in overcoming difficulties that may arise in his life. But the Leaving One must be reminded of what will interfere with him on the road. Then the West list is read to the Departure. The procedure is repeated until all participants have received a "suitcase".

4. Discussion of the exercise

Did the travelers like the contents of the "suitcases"? What else would you like to take on the road?

5. Exercise "My future". The psychologist asks students to complete sentences:

- I see my future ... - I'm waiting ... - I want ... - I think ... - I plan ... - I want to achieve success ... - This requires ... - The main difficulty that I will face ...
- To overcome obstacles will help me ...

6. Exercise "Collage"

Teenagers are invited to remember and depict the most interesting vivid events on a sheet of Whatman paper.

III. Final part

Psychologist. It's time to take stock of our meetings ...

Students sit in a circle and take turns continuing the suggested phrases .

2. Mutual thanks. Students are given the task to express their gratitude to each other: "I am grateful to you for ..."

3. Ritual of farewell


1. Ambrosieva N.N. Class hour with a psychologist: fairy tale therapy for schoolchildren. M .: Globus, 2008.
2. I. V. Vachkov Psychology of training work. M .: Eksmo, 2007.
3. Gureeva I.V. Psychology. Exercises, games, trainings 5-11 grades. Volgograd: Coryphaeus, 2010.
4. Derekleeva N.I. Modular course of educational and communicative motivation of students or learning to live in modern world... M .: VAKO, 2004.
5. Queen Zlata."Talking" drawing, 100 graphic tests. Yekaterinburg: U - trading post, 2005.
6. G.V. Rezapkina Psychology and career choice. M .: Genesis, 2005
7. Rodionov V.A. Me and everything, everything, everything. Yaroslavl,: Academy of Development, 2002.
8. Yudina I.G. When you don't know how to behave ... M .: Arkti, 2007.

In adolescence, children begin to take an active interest in the characteristics of behavior and relationships. This feature serves as an excellent breeding ground for proper interaction with other people. There are special books on psychology for adolescents that help in the formation of the child's personality.

How to choose the right books on teen psychology?

To paraphrase a well-known slogan, we note: not all books are equally useful. Not even because the content of the books is not always of high value. It is necessary to take into account such aspects as the cultural, national and religious traditions of the family, the characteristics of modern society, the quality of presentation, and the characteristics of the child. It will be better if the adult chooses the books for the teenager himself. When choosing, you should be guided by the following tips:

  1. Be attentive to the interests of the child - select materials that answer his questions. Try to anticipate questions that may arise. Keep in mind that different books are needed for girls and boys.
  2. Before recommending a book to a teenager, familiarize yourself with its contents. Evaluate the form of presentation of information - language, speech literacy, the specifics of the syllable. Make sure that the form and content of the piece will give the child the right ideas. It is not necessary to read the entire book, but be prepared to answer the questions your teenager has after reading.
  3. Explore the book reviews, short descriptions, reviews before making a choice.

The influence of thematic literature on the adolescent psyche

Although many children prefer movies and the Internet rather than books, reading books is still relevant. Even if the child is not interested fiction, he may enjoy reading psychological books for teenagers. The book contains facts of interest to the young reader, and the presentation language meets the requirements for its quality, while the texts on the vastness of the world wide web often leave much to be desired.

Below is a list of the top titles in the adolescent psychology genre. Books are valuable for high school students and parents. the main objective books - to teach boys and girls to understand themselves and their actions.

L. Steinberg "Transitional age"

The author's goal is to attract the attention of parents to the peculiarities of interaction with children in transitional age... The problems of this age period comparable to a crisis of 3 years, when the development of the brain is experiencing a leap, and the information put into the consciousness of a person at this time has an impact on further life... The author talks about the right balance between love and strictness towards children. The book is aimed at educators, high school teachers, and parents.

From the title of the work, it is clear that the book is written in a modern living language, designed for adolescents. The author is a psychologist who is well versed in problems, needs young readers... The book contains 10 important tips to help children form correct attitude and understanding how to act in difficult situations. Main installation the author - no one has the right to subordinate the will of a teenager and indicate what to do. However, independence also presupposes the need to understand the consequences of actions, their meaning, reasons, and adequacy. Advice on appearance is also given.

D. Siegel “Out of the access zone. How not to lose contact with a child in adolescence "

Daniel Siegel's books on parenting have become bestsellers. The psychologist reveals the issues that growing up children face, helps to form the right attitude towards them, maintain children's trust, and help a teenager go through the period of growing up. The book describes methods of resolving disagreements without quarrels, mutual grievances.

V. Yarovitsky "My first textbook on psychology: a book for a teenager"

The task of the writer is to acquaint young readers with the fundamental phenomena in psychology: personality, individuality, self-esteem, temperament. A lot of advice is given on how to properly understand and overcome fears, manage your emotions, and form willpower. The author teaches how to peacefully build communication, solve emerging problems, build relationships with friends.

D. Snyder "Survival course for adolescents"

If you do not know what to advise your child, this book is a real find. If a teenager wants to learn as much useful information as possible, he will undoubtedly be interested in this collection of tips. The main audience of the author is children 12-16 years old. The range of questions covers areas such as vulnerability, shyness, ways to overcome them, building confidence, the ability to make friends. The topics of physical maturation, love and sex are competently disclosed, the topics of harm from the use of substances that destroy the psyche, causing addiction are explained.

D. Bailey “My body is changing. Everything teenagers want to know and what parents are embarrassed to talk about ”

Participated in the creation of the work experienced professionals in the spheres of psychology, pedagogy. The work is an encyclopedia of adolescence. The chapters are devoted to topics that are important during puberty, ranging from features physiological changes and ending with recommendations for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies, sexually transmitted diseases. The book reveals the issues of changes in the psyche, inextricably linked with maturation.

Sh.Kovi "7 skills of highly effective teenagers"

The audience of the author is teenagers. The book tells about the transition to adult life and the difficulties that lie in wait for young people in the process of transition to it. The author's task is to educate readers about success, how to achieve what they want.

E.O.Khomich "Big Encyclopedia for Supergirls"

The book is designed for girls who can independently find answers to many questions that arise without asking adults. Many questions are devoted to the image - the ability to be beautiful and original, but not go over the edge of excess, absurdity. A lot of questions are also devoted to psychology - about feelings, emotions, situations, actions, the ability to build contact and be interesting interlocutors.

Sh.Kang "Dolphin's Way"

The work is intended for parents thinking about correct upbringing adolescents. The author's goal is to help adults in the upbringing of growing children without aggression, the right methods... Shimi Kang talks about the impact of an authoritarian approach, pressure, excessive control, and explains why such methods are ineffective, unsafe for the child. The author helps to understand correctly the issues of upbringing and guardianship, to preserve the psyche of children and parents. An alternative approach to parenting is proposed, which Kang calls the "Dolphin Way" - through relationships and competent motivation, inspiration by example and giving the child confidence in abilities.

F. Dolto "On the side of a teenager"

The work is intended for adults - parents, teachers, psychotherapists dealing with adolescent children, seeking to understand their perception and behavior. Attention is paid to changes in appearance, which are negatively assessed by adolescents themselves and affect their behavior and self-esteem, form complexes and fears.

The result of changes in puberty not always adequate behavior becomes, frequent change mood, secrecy, increased self-criticism, rejection parental love, preference of peer society. The most important factor is the parent's understanding of the child's desires, the correct attitude to teachings and criticism, the ability to take the side of the teenager and see what is happening through his eyes.

"My Life Path"(25 minutes).

Participants are invited to draw their own "life map", which depicts the main, memorable events of their lives. At the beginning of the card, the date of birth is put, everything else can be represented by symbols or signed.

At the end of the drawing (about 15 minutes), the participants choose partners, sit in pairs and tell each other about their life events.

"Happiness level"(5 minutes).

Group members are asked to determine the level of happiness in their life as a whole on a 100-point scale. This should be said out loud to the whole group and noted on your card. In the course of the game, questions to each other are possible. Talking - alternating: the first one talks about positive qualities, the second - about the negative, the third - again about the positive, etc.

"Mom and Child"(10 min).

The facilitator explains the role of bodily touch in communication between people. Then the participants are divided into pairs, in which they play the role of mother and child. “Mom” should express her feelings towards the “child” by touching parts of his body (from head to toe) and accompanying her actions affectionate words... After three minutes, the participants switch roles.

Discussion: Which one did you enjoy being a child or a mother? Why?

"We are similar?.."(25 minutes).

At first, the participants randomly walk around the room and say 2 phrases to each person they meet, starting with the words:

You are like me in that ...

I differ from you in that ...

Another option: In pairs, 4 minutes to conduct a conversation on the topic "How are we alike?" then 4 minutes - on the topic "How are we different." At the end of the game, a discussion is held, attention is drawn to what was easy and what was difficult to do, what were the discoveries. As a result, it is concluded that we are all, in essence, similar and at the same time different, but we have the right to these differences, and no one can force us to be different.

"Stories on the theme" The Joy of Life "(60-90 minutes).

This set of exercises brings the joys of life to the fore. Participants are encouraged to think about what brings or could bring them joy in life. At the same time, it is necessary to teach them to work together in a group, feel each other and achieve results in joint group activities.

The group is divided into small groups of 2-3 people. According to the number of small groups, pictures are laid out (they should affect as many areas of life as possible, such as love, friendship, sexuality, free time, work, family). The group members begin to write a story from their own picture, they have about 5 minutes for this. After that, each group moves to the next picture and continues the story started by the previous group. This continues until the first group returns to its first picture (no more than 5 transitions). The stories are then read and discussed in a large group.

"Sentences starting with the words" What would happen if ... "(90 minutes).

This method can also be used to encourage teenagers to talk about their feelings. Participants should be encouraged to reflect on their own behavior caused by certain emotional states as well as looking for possible behavioral alternatives.

Sheets with the beginning of sentences presented on them are laid out on the table or on the floor. Each participant chooses a theme for himself and makes a collage based on it. Small groups can also be formed to work together on the same topic. Ready-made collages are presented to everyone and serve as a basis for conversation.

Option: Another opportunity to work with proposals: invite participants to write a story on a given topic or show a pantomime. Another, simpler, option is to give everyone an unfinished sentence and hear the continuation.

The sentence "What would happen if ...".

Possible start of sentences:

If I'm furious, then ...

If I'm sad, then ...

If I'm afraid then ...

If I have no desire to do something, then ...

If I can't stand someone, then ...

If I am proud of myself, then ...

If I want to meet someone, then ...

If I have done well with something, then ...

If I have overcome something, then ...

If such a misfortune happens to me that I can no longer live as I do now ...

If I realize that I am no longer in time at school and, in fact, I should have left it ...

If I ever get seriously ill ...

If I suddenly get disappointed ...

If I lose mine best friend/ your best friend ...

If I'm desperate ...

If I'm stressed ...

If I feel excluded from the group ...

If I'm lonely ...

If I envy ...

If I'm bored ...

If I'm not sure of myself ...

If I'm jealous ...

If someone admires me ...

"Kingdom"(60 minutes).

Participants are invited to introduce themselves as residents of the kingdom. As in any kingdom, there is a king, queen, their courtiers and subjects.

Then the roles are assigned: the one who wants to be him is chosen for the role of the king. The king chooses his queen. After that, the king and queen choose two courtiers or subjects for themselves, while naming their functions at court.

Those, in turn, also choose their assistants, already one at a time, and so on until all members of the group get their roles in the kingdom. In the course of the distribution of roles, the spatial movements of the participants are also made. A throne is built for the king and queen, the rest of the courtiers are placed near the throne next to those who chose them.

At the next stage, the game itself begins, where all its participants in turn, starting with the king and further according to the degree of subordination, make one change in the kingdom in order to make life in it better. (Option: the king and queen after 2-3 moves, other participants have the right to make additional changes.)

The game can be played in one or more rounds. In the pauses, the question is discussed - what is happening in our kingdom?

Discussion ( sample topics): "I realized that today / now ..."; "I was surprised ..."; "I felt..."; "Think that..."; “Today it annoyed me ...”; "I really liked / did not like ...".

"Metaphors"(20 minutes).

One goes out the door, the rest are thinking of someone from those present. The returnee must guess who is hidden. To do this, he must ask 5 metaphorical questions. For example, if it was a plant (flower, dish, color, etc.), then what would it be.

The game is repeated alternately with all participants.

"Farewell ritual"(10 min).

Leading. We need to preserve what happened in the group today: to preserve this trust, sincerity, the feelings that we experienced today. Therefore, you do not need to discuss all this with other people outside the circle. What you want to say, what may not have been said yet today, you can say at our next meetings. And this will help us keep the energy of the group, the mood of our life in these classes. The moment of goodbye is always an exciting moment and therefore we will always say goodbye in a special way, in the form of a kind of ritual.

Everyone stands in a circle, and each in turn says goodbye with some gesture to the others. Everyone repeats, trying to fully convey the mood of the gesture.

Option: the participants are invited to choose the farewell ritual themselves.

3. Leader's suitcase.

Among the skills of organizational technique important place are occupied by facial expressions, gestures, speech technique. The complex developed by us will help to master these skills.

Exercise 1... Read any text, even a weather forecast: in a whisper; with maximum volume; as if you were frozen; like hot porridge in your mouth.

Exercise 2. The same, combined with all of the above, but as if it reads: alien; a person who has just learned to speak; robot; five year old child; as if the whole of humanity is listening to you, and with this text you must explain how important it is to strive to do good to each other, and you have no other words; as if by this text you are declaring your love, and there will be no other possibility.

Exercise # 3... Without leaving your chair, sit as you sit: chairman The State Duma; bee on a flower; cashier at the workplace; punished by Buratino; the bride at the wedding; Hamlet; criminal in the dock. Improvise.

Exercise 4. Picture the following: how the baby walks; a lion; ballet dancer; French king; Indian chief.

Exercise 5... Smile like a very polite Japanese man smiles; a dog to its owner; cat in the sun; a young man in love with his girlfriend; wolf to hare.

Exercise 6... Frown like: King Lear; a child whose toy was taken away; Napoleon; a person who wants to hide a smile; angry parrot.

Why do these exercises? To "be all possible", to practice, to settle your internal state, learn to manage it. Attention and imagination will help to create internal "piggy banks" of intonations, movements, gestures, ways of expressing feelings, demonstration of thoughts, so necessary for a leader in the process of his influence on people.

Exercises 7 and 8. We offer two special exercises to help leaders fix some physical disabilities that create certain obstacles in the work. For example, the guys vertically challenged there are small, inexpressive movements, and the tall ones, on the contrary, have sweeping, awkward movements.

For leaders with small movements... Individual training is that the person in home environment, performing any physical actions, plays a game. For example: all furniture in the house is lead-based, that is, very heavy. "Severity" requires enlarged movements, larger-scale, more significant.

For leaders with sweeping movements. A similar exercise with the only difference that all the furniture, all the objects in the house are glass. Glass requires more accurate, delicate handling.

One of the essential skills of a leader is his ability to understand psychological condition partner, "high sensitivity", the ability to understand the motives of actions. The following exercises promote the development of observation and attention - important qualities the personality of the leader.

Exercise 9. Do you know well the appearance of your classmates or members of your organization (association)? Find in each of them what you have not noticed until now. What are the eyes, hair, chin shape? Describe from memory, and then check when you meet.

Exercise 10... "Like the back of his hand" - we talk about things that are familiar to us. However, take a close look at your five fingers. Do you know them well? Take a look at your palms. Close your eyes, imagine them, then describe.

Exercise 11. Individual training that develops visual memory and observation skills. Walking down the street, practice instant “photographing” of people you meet, houses, shop windows, etc. The eye should instantly capture the image in all its details. The eyes can do this, you just have not done this before, and therefore you have not accustomed your eyes. To remember and be aware of the images captured, you need to train carefully. The procedure is approximately the same as in photography: shoot - look; we show - we remember; we print - we remember; considering prints.

Exercise 12... Observation, visual memory, efficiency. In 30 seconds, find and memorize all the objects in the room whose names begin with the letter C: table, chair, picture, napkin, etc. The more the better.

Exercise 13. What does it look like? (Exercise by Leonardo da Vinci). Looking at ink and ink spots on paper, cracks on a wall or stone, you can see the similarity of images to different battles, animals, clothes, facial expressions, an infinite number of things. Peering into the shadows on the ceiling, folds on the curtains, you will see different pictures. This exercise develops imagination, imagination, creative thinking, visual memory.

Exercise # 14... What's new? Every day, when entering a class or headquarters of your organization, look for what changes have occurred here, what is new in the clothes of your comrades, etc. And so every day!

Exercise 15. Biography by views. Get a closer look at people's eyes. Please note which a large number of"Ways to watch", so to speak. When classifying views, think every time: why does one person look at the same object, at the same event in this way, and another differently. Studying the views of people, you will have to think about the originality of the characters, about how they develop as a result life path features of a person's connections with other people. The ability to quickly carry out this kind of analysis is essential for a leader.

Exercise 15. Living things. In the previous exercises for the development of fantasy, it was proposed to determine what a spot, shadow, crack looks like ... Having mastered the inner vision, it is proposed to fantasize about what will happen if the chair comes to life. What would he do? How old is he? What is his character? What does he love and what does he dream about? The exercise develops the ability to connect observation with fantasy.

The effectiveness of any business largely depends on how skillfully the leader builds his communication with his comrades, whether he possesses the skills of building an individual conversation.

Exercise # 17... Modeling a conversation, “probing the soul of an object”. (KS Stanislavsky.) One of J. Rodari's tales tells about three types of people: glass ones broke from careless touch, wooden ones were deaf even to strong influences, straw lit up even with weak waves.

Situation. Do you want your friend to give up watching interesting film or visiting a disco (for which he is already set up) and helped you prepare a case for all members of the organization. Imagine a familiar glass, wood, straw. Play different versions of the conversation with him. After determining the type of one of your acquaintances, have a real conversation with him. Compare the playback results with the real ones.

Exercise 18. Creating psychological compatibility on initial stage conversations.

Situation: You need to find out the opinion of a comrade on an important issue for you, but unpleasant for him. Imagine this situation. Please note that in the dialogue, each of the partners can occupy one of 4 role positions.

The first will be called the “non-participation position”. You were not noticed or heard. More precisely, they pretended not to notice or hear.

The second position - "extension from above" - ​​is an independent, insubordinate position, and even vice versa - subordinating, taking responsibility upon itself.

The third position - “extension from below” - is a dependent, subordinate position.

The fourth position - "extension next to" - expresses the ability and desire to reckon with the situation, understand the interests of others and distribute responsibility between oneself and another person.

The position of one person in the dialogue is very informative for another, and the nature of the dialogue and its results largely depend on it. The positions of people in the dialogue are far from always coordinated.

Exercise. Play the conversation options using 4 role positions. Make recommendations for behavior in each situation.

Exercise 19. Organization of direct conversation.

Depending on the circumstances, a person may be in one of the "weight categories" (meaning a state of mind):

. « a light weight"- the lightness of the soul, I want to do everything, everything works out;

... "back the queen of England“- the very figure of a person means that now he will bring the truth into all questions;

... “Everything is reluctant” - this is exactly what you don’t want to do, your thoughts are occupied by something else;

... “Heavy weight” - everything is very tired, something hurts a lot, there is no strength to do anything.

Suggest 4 situations in which one of the proposed states would be appropriate. Play and analyze.

Exercise 20. Initiative management. Imagine that you are having a conversation with someone. Its initiator is your interlocutor. You are still a passive participant in the conversation - you assent, give remarks, etc. Try to seize the initiative, take the leadership into your own hands. Conversely, try to get your partner (interlocutor) to become a contact leader. Think about how to do it. Apply the method in a real situation.

Exercise 21. Conversation management.

Situation. Meeting of acquaintances. Assignment: reduce the conversation to a given topic... The topic is communicated to the ear of any member of the audience so that the partner does not hear. Rough methods are prohibited, for example: "Let's talk about ...", "And I want to say about ...". Analyze the course of the conversation: how the goal was realized, the internal state of the partners, mistakes.

Exercise # 22... Analysis of an individual conversation. Analyze one of individual conversations... Analysis scheme: the purpose of the conversation, the structure, the result, the position, the state of the partners. Your version of the conversation.