Good habits of rich and successful people. A successful person works on his character. Successful people are surrounded by successful people

Matt Mullenweg, former lead WordPress developer and head of Automattic, promised himself to do one push-up before bed. So he realized that even a “shamefully small goal” can be the basis for a powerful habit. As soon as he started, he realized that he was capable of serious training.

Wrestling champion Triple H sets out to find the gym immediately after arriving at the hotel. He found that 15 minutes on a stationary bike can "reboot", clear thoughts and avoid jetlag.

For Reed Hoffman, co-founder and executive chairman of LinkedIn, to make a costly decision, he needs one factor, not a few factors. When there are many worthy reasons, but not a single decisive one, he recommends that nothing be done, otherwise there will be a feeling that the time is wasted.

These are just three of the hundreds of productivity tips found in Tools of the Titans: Tactics, Rituals, and Habits of Billionaires, Idols, and the World's Most Productive People. It was written by Tim Ferris, author of the bestselling books The Four Hour Workweek and The Four Hour Body. This book is based on lessons Ferris learned from interviews for his podcast. The Tim Ferris Show from successful people from the world of sports, art and business.

The author himself notes two features of the book. First, he has experienced many of the techniques described and calls it a "compilation of recipes for high performance", which he put together for his own use. Secondly, Ferris believes that the people he quotes do not have superpowers: “It may seem that the rules they have created for themselves allow you to change reality, but in fact, since they have learned this, then you can follow their example. ".

Ferris believes that, whatever your definition of success, someone else has already done something similar, which means that useful recipes and new effective ways to look at the problem already exist. So why don't you just repeat someone's good trick? To make things easier, Ferris identified common techniques used by some of the world's most successful people.

For example, over 80% of them develop mindfulness or meditate on a daily basis. Tony Robbins, the world's most renowned productivity specialist, explains that trying to solve a problem often fails because people are "depressed" and only react to difficulties. To deal with this, he does “pre-start” every morning - dives into cold water, does breathing exercises and meditates, focusing on feelings of gratitude and self-awareness, and then identifies three main things that he is going to bring to life during the day.

Arnold Schwarzenegger discovered transcendental meditation when his career took off and he felt unable to cope with the opportunities that were opening up. Meditation helped him stay calm and find solutions to problems in order. Focus is one of the main benefits awareness.

Ferris notes that "in a world full of distractions, being able to focus on one task is a superpower." Even those who do not meditate often practice things similar to meditation. For example, listening to the same song or album on repeat, as it promotes concentration and helps you focus on the moment.

Ferris divided his interlocutors into three groups: "healthy", "rich" and "wise"

Peter Thiel, another company founder and billionaire investor, recommends asking yourself the question: "If you have a plan to achieve a goal in ten years, why can't you achieve it in six months?" Questions like this explode traditional thought patterns and open the door for the emergence of new ideas.

Phil Lieben, co-founder and executive chairman of Evernote, recalls the “Rule 3 and 10”: “Everything in a company collapses every time it roughly triples ... and here we mean literally everything: how you pay salaries, how you assign meetings, what channels of communication you use, how you distribute the budget, who makes decisions. Understanding this principle will help startups get rid of legacy processes as they expand. ”

The publication focuses on accessible techniques, real-life cases and tips that are easy to understand and use.

The book "Tools of the Titans ..." is a collection of rituals, habits and philosophical principles, which, in the opinion of successful people, helped them in life. The publication focuses on accessible techniques, real-life cases and tips that are easy to understand and use to "add fuel to the fire of development."

However, there is scientific research supporting the benefits of rituals. In the article “Don't Lose Your Faith. Rituals increase productivity by reducing anxiety. ”Harvard Business School professor Alison Wood-Brooks, along with colleagues from Wharton School of Business, Chicago and Columbia Universities, present evidence of this thesis and describe a series of experiments demonstrating that“ performing a ritual before immersion in a stressful situation can reduce feelings of worry and increase productivity. " This proves that productivity can increase even if the ritual itself is invented by the experimenters and does not make any sense.

Translation: Nina Nabokova.

About the expert

Helen Edwards- Head of the library of the Moscow School of Management "Skolkovo", the author of articles on business topics.

If you study the life of people with different levels of material wealth, you can see that the habits of rich people differ from those of poor people. But it is from our habits, from our way of life that positive changes in life begin.

The fact is that most of the successful people living today and even the famous billionaires were born into middle and even poor families. You say, "Accident." But I disagree with you.

You need to understand that success does not come to a person who is not worthy of this success. That is, you need to have certain personality traits and perform some actions that will ultimately make you a person worthy of success and wealth.

If you want to change your life, then first change yourself and change your habits. What are the habits of rich people?

Attention: I sincerely advise you not only to read about these habits of billionaires and just successful people, but also to start implementing them in your life.

200% guarantee that if you introduce these habits of rich people into your life and 6-12 months pass, you will change so much that you yourself will be surprised.

Successful people's destiny-changing habits

  • Most successful people get up early in the morning (before 5-6 am)

Many wealthy people get up before six in the morning, usually from 4-50 to 5-50 - in this period of time. By 8 in the morning, they already have time to do a large amount of tasks planned for the day. Moreover, morning is the most important time in life.

This is one of the first habits of rich people. There is even a millionaire club in America, one of the conditions for participation in which is to get up until 5 in the morning every day.

Plus, getting up with the sun and in accordance with the biological clock is very beneficial for our body. Waking up early gives a lot of energy and vivacity for the whole day.

Wake up for at least six months before 6 in the morning, and you will notice how much your well-being, mood and attitude towards life will improve.

To learn how to get up early, read.

  • Many wealthy people meditate and practice various spiritual practices

Meditations, prayers, repetitions of mantras can change the fate of a person and successful developed people know about this. It is foolish not to use such powerful tools in your life.

Even an ordinary meditation, in which you sit in a calm environment, with a straight back and just watch your breathing, calms the mind and helps to become more concentrated and peaceful. You can imagine what the repetition of prayers and certain mantras gives.

Be sure to pay attention to spiritual development and spiritual practices as one of the elements of this development.

  • Healthy eating is a must-have for billionaires

A rich, successful person will not eat all kinds of rubbish, of which there are a lot on store shelves now. He knows that food affects a person's physical, mental and even spiritual health.

We are what we eat - and that says it all. Literally force yourself to study and then apply the knowledge gained in practice.

  • Most wealthy people engage in various types of physical activity.

Physical activity is essential to stay healthy. Successful people start their day with a gentle warm-up, preferably outdoors, or a jog or walk.

Never neglect your health and take care of it. This does not mean that you need to sit on medications and be afraid to move once again. This means one thing - to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, and over the years you will not regret it.

Also, the rich and successful people do not neglect the gym. You can make regular morning or evening workouts part of your schedule. It can be a gym, swimming pool and much more.

  • Millionaires and billionaires become in activities that are intended from birth

Each person has his own purpose in activity and it is in it that he can achieve the greatest success. It is impossible to be satisfied by engaging in unloved activities and for which there is no natural inclination.

  • A successful person is constantly engaged in self-development in all areas of life

People who are bright and successful never stop in self-development, because they know that stopping in this matter is like death. The habits of rich people cannot be imagined without constant self-education and work on oneself.

This is one of the most important and basic habits of millionaires. Read useful and interesting books, listen to educational audio recordings, watch video podcasts, attend various seminars - do as much as possible for diversified personality development, for moral and spiritual development.

Spend as little time as possible on TV (it is better to throw it away), newspapers and other media, because often there is negative information and it will not bring you any benefit. For example, every day I have at least one hour for personal growth, and more often it is 2-3 hours every day.

  • Billionaires know who they need to communicate with, and with whom it's better not to have business at all

Quality and social circle should be approached responsibly and seriously. Communication largely determines our destiny.

Constantly shape and carefully select your surroundings as it completely affects you and your results in life. Surround yourself with bright, successful, and positive people.

You may not even imagine how our relatives influence us, as well as friends and acquaintances with whom we communicate. And if relatives do not have to choose, then everything else depends on us.

Wealthy people carefully choose who to hang out with and who to spend their time with. And since they strive for success, they are, accordingly, successful, purposeful and positive people. Well, billionaires create special clubs of rich people, where they communicate, exchange experiences.

  • A successful person is a purposeful person who knows what he wants

Naturally, you need to know what you specifically want from life. If you do not know the ultimate goal, then you will never be able to reach it.

You just have to plan your life, dream, set goals and act to achieve them. A person who does not do this does not live, but simply exists. Sorry, but in that case he is not much different from animals.

Usually billionaires plan for a week, a month, a year, several years in advance. And they know what their mission on this Earth is in general and what they live for. All rich people have higher goals in their lives, and not only in business.

The blog has two detailed articles on setting and achieving goals:

  • Successful people know how to build and maintain harmonious relationships with others.

Our life largely consists of communication and it is extremely important to be able to build them correctly. This is an art that cannot be mastered in a week or a month.

If you do not learn to build correct relationships with people, then they will inevitably deteriorate. Either there will be discord in the family, then there will be a misunderstanding at work, or even a skirmish will arise with a random passer-by.

In my opinion, the book "Alchemy of Communication" by Rami Blekt, which teaches correct and effective communication, can help you in building relationships correctly.

  • Wealthy people know how to make money and manage it skillfully

Who could argue with that. In general, one of the main tasks of men in material terms is to learn how to make money, and for women in this matter it is important to learn how to wisely manage money and not waste it.

Learning to make money does not mean getting it by any means. This means that we know how to make money without harming any living creatures, and ideally we do this with the help of our favorite activities that benefit the people around us and the world.

If a man does not know how to make money, then he will be dissatisfied, and his wife will be even more dissatisfied, since material stability is important for women. In other words, while we live in the material world, we need to devote time and effort to this issue.

In order to ideally correspond to this habit (or this point), you need to find your purpose in the activity and become in it a highly qualified specialist in demand or a professional, or a leader who leads people. Then the question of money will disappear by itself.

  • A successful person leads a proactive lifestyle.

A proactive lifestyle means intelligent activity, initiative, perseverance, tolerance, and an overall positive attitude. A proactive person acts in accordance with his goals, but tries not to get attached to the results of his work, so as not to be disappointed in case of failure. He just gets a kick out of his work and life in general.

Such a person knows that he can influence his destiny and that in order to achieve success, one needs to act, and not wait for something incomprehensible. He also knows how not only to start any activity, but can also actively continue to perform it until the required result is obtained.

And the basic conditions for becoming a proactive person are proper nutrition and adherence to the daily routine. Read about a reasonable daily routine

  • A truly intelligent, wise and rich person seeks to benefit the whole world

Of course, there are different rich people. Those who are actually wise and educated strive to do something good and useful for other people, their city, country, world, God. They know about the law of “bestowal” and know that such activities cleanse the heart from sin and filth.

Some of them are separately engaged in their activities, and separately in charity, and someone combines this into one whole. One way or another, everyone has the opportunity to do good, even poor people. And it is the good that has real value, and not empty pieces of paper, jewelry, etc. Think about it.

  • The most advanced millionaires and billionaires strive to comprehend the true meaning of life

No matter how much money and other material wealth a person has, in the end, death will take all this away from him. None of this he can take with him. This is a reason to think seriously.

Spiritual treatises say that after the death of the physical body we can take only spiritual merit, that is, only progress on the true spiritual path will remain with us. And this is how selfless we have become, patient, humble, devoted to God, how much increased unconditional love for all living beings in the heart.

That is why the most intelligent and successful rich people strive to learn the real meaning of life and build their existence in accordance with it. Such people go down in history for centuries. Moreover, they are often very famous and successful in their endeavors, but by no means rich financially.

Try to understand it too, it is very important, perhaps more important than many of your current aspirations.

Summary: What habits of rich people should you cultivate in your life?

We have sorted out a fairly large list of the habits of billionaires, millionaires and simply successful people. If you noticed, then we were talking about reasonable people, and not about greedy moneybags who think only about how to fill their pockets with money.

Having adopted even some of these habits of successful people, your life will inevitably begin to change for the better. Now everything depends only on you. Once again, I will give a list of habits analyzed today:

  1. Early morning rise;
  2. Meditation and Spiritual Practices;
  3. Proper nutrition;
  4. Physical activity;
  5. Activities in accordance with the purpose;
  6. Constant self-development;
  7. Correct communication;
  8. Setting and achieving goals;
  9. Building harmonious relationships;
  10. Ability to make money;
  11. Proactive life;
  12. Striving to benefit others;
  13. Striving to know the meaning of life.

Videos about the habits of successful people:

This is not an entire list, but here are some of the most important habits of rich people, successful and happy individuals. In the near future, I will record a detailed video on this topic and post it here.

http: //site/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/wealthy-e1489909032345.jpg 319 640 Sergey Yuriev http: //site/wp-content/uploads/2018/02/logotip-bloga-sergeya-yurev-2.jpgSergey Yuriev 2013-08-31 06:29:58 2018-08-12 08:47:40 Important habits of wealthy people (billionaires) that are available to everyone

In order to achieve success in various areas of life, we need to develop in ourselves correct habits.

Here is a list of 10 habits of successful and wealthy people.

1 The first correct habit is the ability to wake up early

Many rich and famous people say that the habit of waking up early has made a huge difference in their lives. In the morning, productive time is freed up for your creativity. To make it easier to get up early, train yourself to do


Many people say that they do not have time for physical education and sports. Those who say so will later find time for disease and medicine. If you don't have the opportunity to go to the gym, then this is common laziness. And with her. For example, I study at home in my free time, and in the morning I run. So put on your tracksuit and go.

3 Reading and new knowledge

Now, basically, everyone sits in their pants in front of the TV. This zombie box is firmly embedded in the heads of many people. Replace it with a habit such as reading, but you need to read useful and correct books.

This will raise your intellectual level and become much more educated. Successful people strive to educate their children well so they can follow in their footsteps.

4 Daily practice

Get into this habit and you will improve in your chosen area day after day.

All great achievements have been made step by step, grain by grain. Take the first step and then don't stop for a day.

5 Keep a gratitude journal

This is a very good habit that can work wonders, because if you are grateful for what you have in this moment then life will allow you to take much more. I don't know how it works, but it works!

6 Habit

One of the most important habits of rich and successful people, because without a goal, we are like a ship without a compass. Not knowing where we should sail, we will not get anywhere.

So get in the habit of constantly setting new goals. Read a good one on this topic.

7 Learn to relax

If you work a lot, then your rest should be royal. During rest, you should only rest and not think about pressing problems, you must learn to rest, first of all, morally.

Go to nature, to the forest, come up with something new and interesting.

8 The right environment

There is such a saying: "With whom you will lead from that and you will gain." Try to surround yourself with positive people and ignore gloomy inappropriate types.

When communicating with positive people, your mood will be constantly elevated, which cannot but affect your success.

9 Do something new

Do something new for yourself every day, constantly, so it will be easier for you to adapt to the surrounding circumstances, and all new beginnings will be easier and easier for you every time.

10 The habit of not giving up

And the last and probably the most important habit of yours is not to give up in any conditions and under any circumstances, because many give up when they have only a small step left to succeed.

This habit is best described by Mike Tyson in the picture below:

Here is such a list. the habits of successful people And finally, I want to tell you that it takes 21 days to acquire a new habit. During this particular time, you need to introduce it into your life.

Subsequently, the habit will be fixed for the rest of your life. So get correct habits and success to you and good luck in everything.

Our life has always been and will be full of chaos, crises and stress. However, you have noticed that there are people who, in any conditions, "rise from the ashes", again and again achieving success. What helps them get what they want under any circumstances? How can I learn this? It's actually not all that difficult if you allow a few wonderful habits into your life. So, successful people:

1. They know what they want.

Successful people always know exactly what they want, both in their professional and personal life. They never set impossible goals, their goals are always realistic and measurable. And the achievement of the goal is by no means the limit. Successful people never stop, it’s just an excuse for them to put the next one.

2. They are acting according to plan.

Before any action, successful people carefully develop a step-by-step plan to achieve what they want. The road to success is not easy, but they never lower the bar. Successful people periodically analyze the situation and, if necessary, adjust the plan. They value consistency in doing things.

3. They know how to overcome laziness.

Many people naively believe that there are more and less lazy people. This assumption is fundamentally wrong, because laziness is inherent in each of us equally. The question is how much we allow it to enter our lives. Talent is 10% of success, the rest is gained by hard work. Successful people know how to prioritize and suppress weaknesses.

4. Don't blame the circumstances.

Successful people only blame themselves for their failures. They never refer to difficult circumstances or other people's mistakes, even if they did. They are fully responsible for their results. The slogan of a successful person: "If you want, you will find a thousand opportunities, if not, you will find a thousand excuses."

5. They only do what they like.

Real success is impossible without falling in love with what you are doing. Successful people know this and do not waste precious time "for a piece of bread." The threat of poverty, on the contrary, becomes a motivation to quickly achieve the goal. Successful people believe in their calling by serving it with diligence and hard work.

6. Acknowledge their weaknesses.

Successful people do not ignore their weaknesses; on the contrary, they try to reveal them and work on their weaknesses.

7. They value quality over quantity.

In other words, successful people, if they do something, they do it well. They are laid out 100% and do not retreat until the goal is achieved. They set high standards in everything, they know how to concentrate on the really important things and not be scattered over trifles.

8. They live actively.

It's hard to find a successful person who is lying around until Sunday afternoon. Successful people value their time and strive to spend every minute with benefit and pleasure. They make the most of their lives by practicing early getting up and getting active. Successful people love sports and cannot imagine their life without it.

9. Appreciate what they have.

Successful people value what they have. They wake up with a smile and gratitude for what they have achieved and at the same time are full of inspiration to make the world even better. In addition, they believe that any people or events that appear in life can teach them something. And that's why we are grateful for any experience.

10. They love to give and help.

A successful person is a wise person. He understands that all material goods are secondary, so he is happy to share his success with others. In turn, all good things come back a hundredfold.

11. Trust yourself.

If you do it like everyone else, then the result will be the same. Therefore, successful people do not follow the crowd, but trust their intuition.

12. They know how to admit mistakes.

Successful people know how to deal with their pride and say “I'm sorry” if they're wrong. They recognize the help of those to whom they owe success, and do not single-handedly appropriate the laurels.

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My findings on investment blogs and my blog

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