Signs for girls: how to get married as soon as possible. Signs for unmarried girls: how to get married

Wedding beliefs have long been noticed by our ancestors, they almost always came true. In this article, you will learn how to bring marital happiness closer.

In the article:

Wedding signs for marriage

If you are invited to your wedding ceremony as a guest or bridesmaid, you can take the chance knowing the specials. This honorable role in itself heralds an imminent wedding, but not if you managed to be a bridesmaid more than twice.

The girl sitting between the two brothers at the wedding table is about to get married.

In order to become a married woman, you can acquire things from the wedding that have magical powers and can help to find happiness - a needle that was used to sew the bride's dress, a pin pinned to it, and a hairpin from a veil. A box or pillow from wedding rings also attracts marriage, but they are given only to the witness.

If you are accidentally doused with champagne or wine at a wedding party, do not be discouraged by a damaged dress and a stain. This is also a sign of an imminent marriage.

You can ask the bride to entrust you with hemming her wedding dress, or rather the hem. Those who don't know how to sew can clean or wipe down their wedding shoes.

One of the most common signs for an unmarried girl is this. But his "original" is considered a family amulet, and a "duplicate" is thrown into the crowd of girlfriends - the same outwardly bouquet, specially prepared in advance. Perhaps this explains that the omen does not always work.

It is believed that dancing with the groom attracts a quick wedding. Moreover, the less time has passed since the engagement, the better. It is very good if he invites you to a slow dance, but you can try it yourself. Dance with those who are sitting further away.

Household signs to get married

For a girl who wants to get married as quickly as possible, great-grandmothers advised to sweep the floor towards the window or table, and start doing it from the front door.

Popular signs of an imminent marriage include recommendations for observing fasting. For example, November 7th every year. Lent is also required, non-observance will alienate a man with serious intentions.

Good housewives are usually lucky in marriage, you can take this into account and improve your skills in cooking and keeping the house tidy and clean. Accuracy is also important in this case, because there are many bad omens, but we will talk about them below. However, there is an exception: it is believed that a girl whose food is constantly burning will marry a man with dark hair.

He also believes that order and cleanliness in the house will positively affect your future family life and how soon you will have a husband. Experts in this field recommend keeping figurines of happy couples in a prominent place in the bedroom. If you like handicraft, embroider blossoming peonies.

A girl who knows how to sew well and tears off long threads during this activity will marry a foreigner or resident of another city.

Find a bouquet - for the wedding. But beware of picking it up, because troubles, illnesses and damage are reduced precisely to those things that you want to pick up - flowers, gold jewelry and many others.

Popular signs of marriage and the teachings of Feng Shui recommend putting shoes with socks in one direction so that the sides are in contact with each other.

A sure sign that the girl will soon leave her parents and get married are the dirty tricks of the brownie. He can choke, rattle dishes and in other ways scare the bride-to-be. By the way, this behavior not only foreshadows the wedding, but also brings it closer, because he seems to "survive" you from your father's house.

Another sign of marriage says that if a girl pricks or cuts her finger on New Year's, she will meet the future groom. Hair falls out - soon you will go to the altar.

The little child's godmother will marry when he learns to walk.

To meet your betrothed, you need to repent on a donkey more often. It is difficult to follow this advice in our time, such animals are now rare.

To meet a man on Thursday - for the imminent wedding.

Signs for unmarried girls - what not to do

Consider bad signs for girls who want family happiness. There are many prohibitions that must be followed in order not to remain an old maid.

Everyone knows that it is impossible to transfer and take things over the threshold, especially water. The ancestors believed that this contributes to the lonely fate of the old maid and forbade unmarried to violate the ban.

The fact that a future wife should be a good and neat housewife has already been mentioned above. If your hem constantly gets wet while washing dishes, doing laundry and other household chores, this means that your husband will have problems with alcohol. The same awaits those who do not wring out the laundry poorly and water is constantly dripping from it.

You cannot take revenge around yourself and in the direction from the windows to the front door, this drives away family happiness. Do not brush the crumbs off the table with your hand, - portends an ugly husband.

Signs for the wedding of an unmarried girl forbid you to do your hair when strangers are looking at you. Do not invite guests into the house if you are not sure that you will have time to tidy yourself up. You cannot weave braids and wear jewelry on the ring finger. Only engagement, wedding and wedding rings are put on it.

In no case do not measure other people's dresses and veils. To see how you will look in a wedding dress, go to a specialty store. You cannot wear clothes that were made from a wedding dress.

At weddings, girls are prohibited from taking an unduly active part in contests and entertainment - such behavior can postpone their own engagement.

Signs for unmarried people are forbidden to sit on the windowsill and on the corner of the table. You cannot grow oleander, violets, cacti and other muzhegon flowers, hang pictures with images of single women and place such figurines and other decorative elements.

The correct signs for the New Year 2018 suggest what needs to be done to attract luck and success into your life. You will find a list of the most accurate signs for money, wealth, good luck in business, marriage, conception and childbirth, relevant to the year of the Dog, right here. They are very simple and do not require much effort to complete, so why not use the experience of your ancestors for the well-being of your family, gaining material stability, health and longevity.

Will take on health and longevity in the New Year 2018

Old signs for the New Year on health and longevity will help in the future to avoid minor ailments and serious illnesses.

  • Before the New Year, wash with water at room temperature, drain it into a cup and put it out in the cold. If the water freezes overnight and is covered with a smooth crust of ice, there will be a long life ahead. A hole formed in the ice surface indicates that the earth's path is nearing its end.
  • On the first day of the new year, bring a bowl of clean snow into the house, melt it to a liquid state and wash with this water for a week, saying: “The water from the sky will fix everything. And to me, the servant of God (name), will add Beauty to a white face. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen". Ancient legends say that after this procedure, the aging process slows down, and the skin on the face becomes smooth, tender and elastic, like that of a baby.
  • If you pray to God on the first New Year's day and wish your relatives good health and longevity, the Savior will hear and protect the whole family from ailments and other dangers for the next 12 months.
  • January 1, from morning until lunchtime, is in no hurry, to show special care and increased caution, since there is a high risk of falls, fractures and injuries of varying severity. “Those who are in a hurry today break bones and spill blood,” said the old men that day.
  • To get rid of the leg disease, on January 3, go out of the house, go to the market and buy white woolen socks. Make sure that the seller is younger than the patient in age. Do not take change from the purchase. Then wear your purchase and soon the pain will dull, and then it will recede completely.
  • On January 5, take special care when dealing with sharp piercing / cutting objects. Cuts or other wounds received on this day will take a long time to heal.

Do not ignore the signs for the New Year on health and longevity. Despite their simplicity and ingenuity, they still work and enable everyone to cope with their problems without much effort.

What signs for the New Year 2018 must be observed so that money is found in the house

How to attract wealth and what signs for the New Year 2018 to observe so that money flows, not only superstitious people who implicitly believe in miracles, sorcerers and leprechauns are interested, but also tough pragmatists who value only a rational approach to financial issues.

Well-known signs for the New Year 2018, so that money is always found

  • It is better to complete all material issues by the 31st and then not lend for another week, not borrow a penny and not pay the bills. Otherwise, there will be serious problems with money in the next 12 months.
  • On the morning of December 31, write yourself a small money letter, put it in an envelope along with a thematic postcard and a medium-denomination paper bill. Send a message by mail to your own address. When it arrives, open the envelope, read it, and put the piece of money in your wallet for good luck and attracting large sums.
  • Before the New Year's meal, under the tablecloth covering the festive table, put 4 yellow coins (1 for each corner). Be sure to cut the bread before it gets dark outside, otherwise next year you will have to experience poverty.
  • Put a red cloth bag with three coins facing upwards in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf. To always have money in the house, do not take out the bag all year round.
  • In order not to take prosperity out of the house, on January 1, it is better not to go anywhere and receive guests only on your territory. For the same reason, do not throw away the trash and do not get rid of old, unnecessary things.
  • Receiving an unexpected gift on January 1 promises that there will be no money problems in the coming months.
  • On the morning of January 1, wash not with soap or foam, but with a handful of coins, so that in 2018 the money itself sticks to your hands.
  • Do not leave the New Year's festive table empty after cleaning. Do not throw away the leftover dishes, so as not to lose your financial well-being with them.
  • Celebrate the New Year in everything new and beautiful, especially when it comes to items of clothing that are as close as possible to the body (underwear, tights, stockings, etc.). Then material wealth will not leave, and money will begin to stay as if by magic.
  • Put at least 7 dishes on the festive table, and put 7 small coins under the seat of your chair. This will help solve money problems and provide an opportunity to improve your financial situation. To enhance the action, put one coin under your plate.
  • Sew a bill or a coin into clothes before New Year's Eve. Such an action will attract the strongest money magic and financial well-being will not leave the family throughout the year.
  • When the chimes start beating, hold a small coin in your left hand. At the twelfth beat, throw it into a glass of champagne and quickly drink it to the bottom. Put the coin in your wallet and do not spend it. This little money talisman, infected with the energy of New Year's Eve, will attract huge financial success and ensure good luck in business.

Signs for the New Year 2018 for wealth, money and good luck

Knowing the old New Year's omens for wealth, money and good luck, you can easily attract prosperity, happiness and prosperity into your life.

  • Put 7 green candles on the festive table and let them burn out calmly to the end. Their light will attract prosperity and monetary luck to the home of the owners.
  • Prepare 12 different dishes and place them on the table. Then the abundance in the family will be the whole next year. On New Year's Eve, every dish must be tried so that you do not need anything for the next 12 months.
  • In order for wealth, luck and success to accompany all endeavors, it is recommended to celebrate the New Year in new beautiful clothes, with banknotes in your pocket and kind thoughts in your head.

Signs for the New Year 2018 for love, loyalty and family happiness

In order not to lose well-being in the house and maintain a wonderful relationship and complete mutual understanding with your soul mate, you need to know what signs for the New Year 2018 you will need to observe for love, fidelity and family happiness. They are very simple, available in execution and, indeed, help, moreover, for more than one generation of lovers.

The list of New Year's accepts for love, loyalty and family happiness

  • On January 1, make sure that strangers do not enter the matrimonial bedroom, and most importantly, do not sit on the bed. If this happens, then this year the husband or wife will have an affair on the side.
  • Before the New Year's banquet, confuse the legs of the festive table with a rope. Then, in the coming year, nothing will break the family circle, and misfortunes and long separations will bypass the married couple.
  • At the time of the chimes, exchange with your favorite glass of champagne and drink the contents to the bottom. Then the couple will be happy all next year and the relationship will not be disturbed by quarrels, betrayal and quarrels.

Signs for the upcoming New Year to marry a young girl

A young girl needs to observe special signs for the New Year in order to get married quickly and without delay. The list is presented below and does not require significant effort, but it significantly increases the chances of creating a strong family with a loved one.

List of New Year's will accept for marriage for young girls

  • If on the eve of the New Year's hair begins to fall strongly, it means that the girl will get married in the near future.
  • In order for a new gentleman with serious intentions to appear as soon as possible, before the holiday, it is advisable to buy yourself a dress or suit in the favorite colors of the patron saint of the coming year.
  • To get rid of failures in love, you need to burn the calendar of last year, and scatter the ashes to the wind and say out loud: "As the ashes fly away, so all my misfortunes fly away."
  • Guests who have come to the holiday must be seated at the table immediately. The sooner this is done, the sooner the mistress of the house will meet her soul mate and get married.
  • Before the New Year, you cannot do your hair in the presence of strangers. Otherwise, the opportunity to get married will be postponed for an indefinite time.
  • A girl who wants to get married quickly must sit at the table between the brothers on New Year's Eve. Then her dream will come true.
  • An unmarried young lady cannot sit on the corner of the table, otherwise no one will woo her for the next 7 years.
  • You can eat for the New Year only while sitting. Those who eat while standing will not marry in the next year.

Exact signs for the New Year's holiday for conception and birth of a child

All signs for the New Year for the conception and birth of a child have very ancient roots. Ancestors passed them down from generation to generation along the female line and insisted on mandatory implementation.

  • In the pocket of the New Year's outfit, a husband and wife, who want to have a baby, put one new little children's thing each. At the time of the onset of the New Year, they turn to the Universe with a request to give an heir. These words are repeated to themselves 6-10 times, clearly concentrating on the topic. Conception after this ritual usually occurs within the next month.
  • In order to conceive a boy on New Year's Eve, a woman puts men's trousers under herself during intercourse or puts her husband's hat on her head. If a couple wants a girl, the husband ties a woman's headscarf on her head before conception.
  • A pregnant woman who comes to the New Year's banquet must have time to start eating first. Then the birth will be easy and successful, and the baby will be strong and healthy.
  • If the mother of the newborn, breastfeeding, herself invites guests to the holiday, the baby will worry and sleep poorly all year.
  • A woman who says on New Year's Day that she does not need a child or bothers her runs the risk of losing him. God will take away the unwanted child so that in the future it will not suffer from the lack of love from the parents.

Well-known signs of a wish for the New Year

Many signs for the New Year 2018 are associated with the weather, money, wealth, love, marriage, conception and childbirth. But there are those that clearly show whether a wish will come true or not. They can be used on the eve of the onset of the most important night of the year or directly at the time of the change from the year of the Rooster to the year of the Dog.

The most accurate and correct signs for the New Year on a wish

Before looking closely at New Year's signs, you need to make a wish correctly. You should not focus on the little things at this moment. It is better to think about something that is most important for your life, and then ask the Universe if there is a chance to turn your dream into reality.

  • On New Year's Eve, immediately before the chimes, make any wish and clearly concentrate thoughts on it. When the country's main clock starts striking, take 12 medium-sized grapes and eat them. If you manage to do this procedure before the last blow, your wish will certainly come true.
  • Write your most cherished dream by hand on a small piece of paper. 1-2 minutes before the New Year, burn a piece of paper with the text, collect the ashes and pour into a glass of champagne. During the chimes, you have time to drink the "magic" liquid. If by the last blow there is nothing left in the glass, the wish will come true, moreover, within 1.5-2 months.
  • Under the striking of the clock, jump high and make a cherished wish. If you manage to get back to the floor and not fall, keeping your balance, the dream will definitely become a reality. A not very successful landing will show that some difficulties will arise on the way to the cherished goal.
  • If on New Year's Eve you quickly lean out the window and see the starry sky, there will be a cheerful, carefree life ahead. Light cirrus clouds hint at minor problems, and heavy snow clouds will tell you that you will have to fight for success.

The most accurate, correctly interpreted signs for the New Year 2018 for the weather, money, wealth, marriage, love, conception and childbirth will allow you to know in advance what surprises the magical patroness of the coming period - Earth Dog - is preparing. This information will not be superfluous for anyone and will help you more reasonably plan the course of your life.

Our ancestors paid attention to all the events that could tell about the timing of the future wedding celebration. Therefore, there are beliefs and signs of marriage, which come true with 100% probability.

Beliefs on church holidays

If a girl wants to go down the aisle soon, she needs to perform several rituals on church holidays. An unmarried lady should go to church early in the morning, on the Day of the Intercession. There she needs to put the largest candle near the relics of the Most Holy Theotokos. After prayer, ask the Saint what you want most (about a quick marriage). When heading to church, wear a light dress, keep your hair loose, and remove all rings from your fingers.

Palm Sunday

On this holiday, an unmarried girl must bake. To do this, she needs to make several pies, in one of which put a heart symbol. If at dinner she gets a marked bun, she will soon meet a man and get married. Remember that a stranger who was not involved in the preparation should deal with the distribution of the food.

Maundy Thursday

On this day, the girl should wake up before dawn and wash her face with clean water from the spring. After that, she needs to wipe her face with a new handkerchief and take it along with the eggs and Easter to the church. There she will have to give all the prepared delicacies as alms. If everything is done correctly, by the end of the summer she will have a wedding.

Christmas rituals

Christmas rituals help you learn about your future husband. Fortune-telling on this day, young ladies can find out the name of the betrothed and determine from which side of the village he will come to woo. On the night from 6 to 7, the girl should go outside:

  • if she first meets a man, she will not walk in virgins for a long time: you need to find out what his name is - this is the name her future husband will wear;
  • if a woman is found, then in the next year the girl will not marry.

New Year's signs

On New Year's Day, simple rituals are held that help bring the date of marriage closer. If you want to soon leave your father's house and start your own family, then for this holiday you should prepare all the treats yourself. Also, the meeting of guests should be carried out in new clean clothes, so that it attracts good spirits into the house. They will help you achieve your goal.

There is another, simpler method. When the chimes begin to strike, you need to write on a piece of paper about the desire to get married. After that, burn the paper, and drink the ashes, along with the drink in the glass. If you manage to do everything before the 12th strike, your request will soon be fulfilled.

Easter predictions

Among the large number of signs, Easter beliefs are also distinguished.

  1. If a girl's eyebrow begins to itch on Easter, she will soon meet her future husband, and a wedding awaits her.
  2. If in the morning on Easter Sunday a girl experiences itching in the area of ​​her lips, a passionate kiss and a marriage proposal awaits her.
  3. If a fly falls into a plate with Easter and eggs, this means that by the end of this year the girl will go down the aisle.
  4. If the singing of the cuckoo is clearly heard on Easter Sunday, the woman will get married within a few months.
  5. If it is rainy outside on Easter, then this year it is better to refrain from getting married, otherwise it will be unsuccessful.

Situations at someone else's wedding

Someone else's wedding celebration can tell a lot. If the bride invited you to be her girlfriend, then you cannot refuse. The closer you observe the happiness of another woman, the faster you will find your own. When the bride drops the bouquet, try your best to catch it. This will help you meet and marry your partner faster.

Do not give up dancing with the groom, because powerful energy reigns in his soul on this day, you can recharge it in order to find quick happiness and success. This dance will serve as the first step towards marriage.

If you get dirty with drinks at a wedding, there is no reason to be upset. This is a sign that higher powers have already sent you a companion. Pay attention to the people around you: some of them are interested in you, and he and your destiny.

Remember also about negative signs at the wedding:

  • you cannot wear someone else's dress - you will take over all the troubles of the future family and will not be able to build your own;
  • this omen is also considered bad for the bride: if someone tries on her dress, family life will be full of troubles and conflicts with her husband;
  • do not sit on the corner of the table, because it will bring you a celibate crown for 7 years.

Signs in everyday life

In everyday life, situations often occur that tell you about future positive changes in the future. For example, if you break your heel while walking, this is not a reason to be upset. This indicates that a man will soon appear with whom you will spend your entire future life.

Becoming a godmother to a child is another way to get married. A popular omen indicates that if a child begins to walk, this is a sign of the imminent wedding of his godmother. Within six months, you must change your surname.

Magical creatures are also able to indicate an upcoming wedding. If the brownie started to be naughty, he gives a signal that it is time for you to leave the parental nest: the guy will soon come to matchmaking.

If everything in your life doesn't work out, start embroidering. Immediately after you finish the picture, your personal life will improve and your betrothed will appear. Wedding symbols are considered to be a unicorn or a peony. In order for the omen to come true, in the process of needlework, you must think about the upcoming fateful meeting and put your soul into the drawing.

There are also negative signs.

  1. The younger daughter must not marry earlier than the older one. By doing this, she takes away all hope for the happiness of her sister.
  2. Unmarried girls are not allowed to take anything over the threshold, because dark spirits live there, they are able to take away all your happiness.


Folk wedding signs are found at every turn. It is enough for a person to pay attention to the events that occur in his life and analyze them. If you are attentive to all the fateful signs, then you will quickly meet the man of your life and start a family.

On the eve of your own celebration. It so happened that signs were passed from generation to generation that suggested how to get married successfully and take troubles away from your future family.

Be that as it may, but many signs really help to avoid troubles or minor failures. If you pay attention, today a whole collection of interpretations of signs has passed from our ancestors. The main thing is to use it correctly and on time.

Modern society is rather skeptical about omens, signs and omens, finding a logical justification for everything. Yes, indeed, now everything can be proved or disproved, but is it worth ignoring what has been taken into account for centuries and many generations of mankind?

Now everything is subjected to logical analysis and supported by facts, and all signs and signs are considered simply the faith of a person. Is it worth rejecting what was not invented by us? After all, many people, not believing in omens, still believe in horoscopes. Consider what wedding signs exist, and what interests unmarried girls most of all.

Many people believe in signs of marriage ...

Do not confuse the far-fetched desire to get married as soon as possible with the omens. After all, it happens that a girl, with a strong desire to become a wife, simply looks for signs around herself. This is all far-fetched and does not make any sense.

If the girl is about to get married soon, then secret signs will be present, regardless of whether the girl pays attention to them or not.

Of course, thanks to the signs, it will not be possible to bring the wedding date closer, but paying attention to the secret symbols and signs, you can understand what awaits a person in the near future. Verified signs or signs include the following phenomena:

  • Sleep with deceased relatives. A person's premonition of changes in the near future can be reflected in his dreams. Prophetic dreams can occur, which, on a subconscious level, warn us of future changes. Therefore, dreams with deceased relatives are quite often an omen of imminent marriage.
  • flowers. If a girl accidentally found a bouquet of flowers, then this is a sign of imminent marriage. However, it should not be confused with a bouquet of flowers that was intentionally presented to her.
  • Discomfort in the early stages of sleep. They say that when a girl before going to bed feels uncomfortable and someone's presence in her bed, it is her "brownie strangling". Thus, he drives her out of the house into the arms of his future spouse.
  • Prick / cut your finger on New Year's Eve. This is an old omen, but, unfortunately, there are interpretations and answers to the question: why does a finger cut on New Year's Eve mark an imminent marriage?
  • Embroider a red peony. According to legends, in order to get married soon, a girl needs to embroider a red peony, because this flower is a symbol of a happy family life.
  • It is necessary to sweep the floor from the front doors to the windows, and not vice versa.
  • Prayer on the feast of St. Catherine. It is believed that the girls who observe the fast and pray on November 7, St. Catherine's Day, will surely be lucky.
  • Become a godmother. As soon as the little godson learns to walk, the godmother will find family happiness.
  • Sit between 2 brothers or sisters.

Wedding signs

Signs of marriage are passed down from generation to generation

There is such a belief that a married woman's girlfriends will quickly start getting married. And how soon this will happen, you can find out by visiting a friend's / girlfriend's wedding.

Whether a girl will marry successfully can be determined by the signs associated with someone else's wedding. For example:

  1. You were accidentally doused with champagne or other wine
  2. Catch the bride's wedding bouquet
  3. Get yourself a pin / hairpin from the bride
  4. Dance with the groom (for some reason it is believed that this is a sure way to get a successful marriage soon)

What can you do to avoid delaying your marriage?

If a girl wants to get married as soon as possible, then the following cannot be done for her:

  1. Sit on the corner of the table while eating
  2. Sit on the windowsills
  3. Take part in wedding contests
  4. Trying on the bride's wedding dress until she becomes a wife
  5. Pass water, food, and belongings across the doorstep
  6. Sit and eat on the doorstep
  7. Grow oleander at home

What will be the marriage according to the months of the year?

Family life depends on the month of the wedding

In addition to the above signs, a girl who has already received a marriage proposal should pay attention to the meaning of the chosen wedding month:

  • January. Marks early widowhood.
  • February. Married life in peace and harmony.
  • March. Life away from home.
  • April. Happiness will not last long.
  • May. You will toil all your life, or you will receive betrayal.
  • June. Married life will be as sweet as a honeymoon.
  • July. This month suggests that a married couple will experience both sorrows and joys.
  • August. The husband will become a reliable support, friend and lover.
  • September. Family life will be calm and quiet.
  • October. This month heralds frequent difficulties for the family.
  • November. The family will live in abundance and wealth.
  • December. Each year the love of a married couple will be stronger and stronger.

Definitely, omens should not be taken literally. But you have to listen to them. After all, they have the effect of a magnet. So why not attract success and love to yourself for years with the help of folk signs?

In any case, the girl needs to figure out what exactly she wants: to get married quickly or find a faithful and reliable life partner?

11 secrets of successful marriages - the video will introduce you to them:

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Since ancient times, our ancestors paid attention to many little things in order to pass on the accumulated wisdom to subsequent generations. Signs of a quick wedding are no exception.

Thanks to the preserved signs, everyone will be able to find out their fate. The signs of Destiny await us everywhere, so look around carefully and do not forget to attract love luck. The site experts have prepared for you a selection of the most common signs that will help you determine your own future.

Signs of marriage

Our ancestors bequeathed to unmarried girls who can't wait to get married to sweep the floor towards the window or dining table, starting from the front door.

A neat housewife, who knows how to cook and keeps the house in order, since ancient times was considered an enviable bride who will not "sit up" for a long time in girls. Also, the teaching of Feng Shui says that order in the house allows the flows of positive energy to circulate in space, attracting happiness to life. And for complete confidence in an imminent marriage, girls should keep a paired figurine of doves in the bedroom.

Lovers of needlework should embroider blossoming peony buds. This sign promises you an early marriage.

Found a bouquet of flowers also promises a quick meeting with your soul mate.

If a brownie begins to play naughty in the house of an unmarried girl, this event predicts an early exit from the family nest and the transition to a new, married life. Most often, hairpins, invisibility pins and other small items begin to disappear from the future bride.

A popular omen says that a girl who often rides a donkey will soon become a married lady. However, in the modern world it is quite difficult to perform such a ceremony.

If a girl on New Year's Eve cuts her finger or pricks it with a sharp object, this means meeting her betrothed in the coming year.

The girl, who has become the godmother of the newborn, will marry at a time when her godson learns to stand firmly on her feet and take the first independent steps.

For an early marriage - an acquaintance with a man on Thursday. Our great-grandmothers often resorted to this trick to marry themselves or to marry their daughters.

If a girl wants to change social status soon, then she should not take things over the threshold.

Also, according to signs, sisters should get married in turn and seniority. If your older sister is married, then joyful changes will soon take place in your life.

Often, dreams about deceased relatives promise unmarried a quick wedding. Often, girls can see the Sign, which indicates to them the chosen one or means a quick engagement.

An unmarried girl dancing at a wedding with someone else's fiancé attracts good luck and will soon get married.

If during a wedding feast you were accidentally doused with wine or champagne, then this omen speaks of an imminent marriage.

To get married, girls should not sit on the windowsills, and also eat food while sitting on the doorstep.

According to popular belief, a girl participating in the wedding fuss associated with the dressing of the bride, correcting her hairstyle or embroidering the hem of her dress with beads, can prepare for her own marriage.

Another interesting sign says: ask your friends to give you cacti. They attract love to life.

Believe in omens or not - everyone's choice. However, omens often come true regardless of how people relate to them. We wish you family happiness, good luck and prosperity. Be happy and remember to press the buttons and

19.10.2017 06:55

Choosing a wedding date is a responsible business. If you believe the old customs and astrology, then play a wedding ...