Joint project "Button holiday". Magic buttons project (middle group) on the theme Button holiday in kindergarten


Music by P. Moriah sounds. The Fairy appears.

On a tray: thimble, needle, thread, button, sewing machine, zipper, magic wand


Hello guys! I came to visit you. Do you know who I am? I am a Sorceress, but I love to work. And I brought you these items. Guess what they are for? (these are items for our clothes). The dress I'm wearing I made myself. You will grow up and also learn to sew beautifully. And now I will conjure up a little and bring our things to life.

And suddenly, in an instant, I will revive the needle!


I am a very small needle. Man invented me so long ago that I can't even remember. At first I was made of leather, bronze or horn. Then I had no ear. I looked like an awl.


When did you become as you are now?


They made me out of steel in China. Do not look that I am so small and thin, it is very difficult to make me. How many hands of different masters I have seen! Do you know what I am for? (to sew). What else is needed for this? (thread).

An acrobatic episode Egor with Nastya.


Like a faithful page following the king, the thread rushes for the needle.


I'll twirl a little with my magic wand

And suddenly, in an instant, I will revive the thimble!


My name is thimble

I am in every house

And how many I can already you can not count.

And getting around is so hard

You will be without me.

Very friendly with a needle

I work day by day.

One fine day, an unknown tailor pricked his fingers with a needle. She was sharp and naughty. The tailor became so painful that he had to turn to the kind doctor Shveinik. He advised to make a cap that will protect the fingers. This is how I appeared! Oh, how glad the toilers were - the fingers! They vied with each other thanking the doctor, and the index finger was especially happy. He became my best friend. At first I was made of horn and decorated with patterns. Then from bronze and silver.

Fingers come out: Zakhar, Karina, Egor, Andrey, Styopa, Anya.

Five cheerful brothers were walking around the yard. Five cheerful brothers started a game. They made heads - nick-nick-nick, dexterous fingers - chik-chik-chik, clapped their hands - clap-clap-clap. Stomp our feet - top-top-top.

I'll wave my magic wand

And suddenly in an instant

I will revive the button!


Get ready to get dressed - you can't do without me. I am a button, I came to you from ancient times. At first, I was made of drilled pebbles, on which loops were thrown. With the advent of silk and woolen fabrics, buttons have become an expensive and fashionable item. On the clothes of rich people, they turned into real jewelry made of gold and silver. To make buttons generally available, craftsmen began to use cheap materials - wood, bone, glass, metal, and later - plastic. Ordinary people believed that buttons ward off evil forces, that's why they were called buttons from the word "frighten". Before the invention of buttons, clothes were fastened with lacing, pins, hooks. Now buttons have rivals - fasteners, zippers and Velcro.

Game "Take the object".

Children become in a circle... We saw the coil. Whom to give? Whom to give? Who should raise the coil?

Come out Olya to the circle. Take Olya coil. Come out, come out, take it, raise the coil higher!


I am a magic wand

I will revive the car!

I sew everything in a row, and everyone in his house would be glad to have me.

Once upon a time a traveler found himself in a distant country where Indians lived. He was surprised to see me there, but what is there to be surprised! Sewing means so much to people's lives that it would be impossible not to invent me!

Once the tailor got tired of sewing with her hands, and he invented me. Only the needle inside me was bent, and the eyelet was at the tip. Only after many years did I become like myself.


Now guys, let's check how carefully you listened to the stories. I will write you letters with riddles, and you guess:

I am with an ear

There is a thread in the ear.

I am sharp and thin.

You answer, from what

Did you make me first? (made of bone)

2. Small, round

Stuck in the hole. (needle)


Well done! And I have prepared a surprise!

Exercise: collect a word from letters - lampshade.

Dance: Different buttons hang on loops.

Different buttons amuse children.

We will put a small button on our palm. We will touch a little button. We stood together with a button in a round dance. We'll show you a colored button - here! Our buttons are very good! We will dance with them from the heart!

Nadezhda Punegova
Entertainment script "Button Festival"

Button holiday

Target: 1. To acquaint with the history of occurrence buttons and its varieties.

2. Amuse children, create a cheerful mood;

Equipment: buttons of different sizes, colors, shapes; buttons cut from cardboard for music hall decoration and for games.

main characters (characters): Puppet theater glove puppets - button, crow, coil, needle; Madam Button and her friend Needle; (Leading.

Prior work: learning ditties with older preschool children; organization of the exhibition. “Oh, this button

Announcement for parents:

Soon holiday soon holiday!

There will be games, jokes, laughter.

Soon holiday, soon holiday,

We invite everyone!

The holiday will not be easy,

Merry, naughty ...

Button holiday with us

The holiday will be just class!

A creative competition is announced among the families of pupils of the children's garden: the smallest and largest button;

2.on the picture, panel from buttons;

3.the best outfit of buttons.

We are waiting for you, come to us at holiday!

Appear on the screen Button, Coil and Needle.

Leading: Lived - there were three girlfriends, Lived, did not grieve, We were friends with each other! People were helped, they sang songs!


Everything: We are laughing girlfriends

We live very merrily

And now ditties for you

We will sing wonderfully.

Needle: I am small,

Thin and sharp

I'm looking for a way with my nose,

I drag my tail behind me.

Thread: Thread everyone calls me,

I am needed here and there!

I am multicolored

I embroider, I sew!

Button! Ay - ay - ay, oh - oh - oh,

I admire myself!

Everyone in the world needs me

Just button i!

Everything: Tra - la - la, tra - la - la.

(everyone is dancing)

Button: Everything - everything - everything! Stop dancing

Yes, sing songs

It's time to sew, knit,

Sew on buttons.

Needle: What do you command?

What are you - the most important?

Button: Didn't you know?

Neither this nor that!

Imagine a coat.

Well. . as without buttons it?

Walk around the whole world

There is certainly no more important me!

(walks on the screen to and fro)

Thread: Ha - ha - ha! I can not,

I'm going to die of laughter!

All the most important in the world - I!

The thread is multi-colored!

I am red, white,

Purple and gray

I am yellow, blue,

I know all the colors in the world!

You can't live without me

All the most important in the world - I!

Needle: No no no! Enough fights

Cast your eyes on me

I stand on one leg

Whoever you want - I will inject!

(pricks button, thread, those oykayut and aikayut)

Well! Answer, who is more important?

Who is the sharpest and most powerful?

Well, of course, a needle,

I can be sharp, prickly!

(everyone argues: "I am the most important.")

Leading: Here girlfriends quarreled

And sat down in the corners

And laughter is not heard,

Just sighs here and there!

Button(sad): We used to live so gloriously

I don't want to be the most important

We must be friends with a thread,

Well, and thread a needle,

There is no point in living without them!

Thread: We used to live so gloriously

I don’t want to be in charge.

There's no use without girlfriends

Need to put a needle in me

To sew on a button,

Boring - boring to live in a quarrel!

Needle: We used to live so gloriously!

I do not want to be the most important!

I pricked my girlfriends in vain

My lovely laughter

We must live in peace with them,

Serve us together!

Thread and button(together): Yes, needle, you are right,

We can’t be apart!

Leading: Friends made up here,

They hugged each other,

And they live, they do not grieve,

They serve people by faith - by truth.

Leading: This is the story that happened with three girlfriends, but it's good that everything ended well, and the girlfriends made up. And today the lady herself came to visit us Pugovkin... Meet her. (Madam enters Pugovkin)

Pugovkin: Good evening! Good evening!

I am very glad to meet you!

Guys, I am delighted that you have arranged this in your kindergarten holiday! Just great! (draws attention to the curtains) Oh! And what do you have here buttons, different - different!

Guys, do you know that buttons appeared a long time ago. People then sewed clothes for themselves from animal skins, made a hole instead of an eyelet and put a stick in there! It was only later that they began to do this. buttons made of gold, silver, were buttons and glass, crystal. There is buttons on legs and without it (show both at once)... I heard that you even know ditties about buttons?


1. How many buttons on the dress,

Maybe 10, maybe 20

Well, maybe 25.

2. Gave it for me

Little white dress

And on a dress in two rows

The buttons are glowing.

3. I was dressing for two hours

And I was completely tortured

I am without buttons remained,

I'll tell everyone about it!

4. Took off my coat

Button white,

I couldn't sew it on

What have you done?

5. I pricked myself with a needle,

Because he helped

I am to my friend Tome

Sew on buttons.

6. The wind is blowing, the wind is blowing,

Well, but I don't care,

Because I'm buttoned up

And order in everything!


Great, I want to play with you. Want to?

Games are held

1. Find the same button(in a basin);

2. Sort buttons(from a basin - by color);

3. Who has more?

(Takes one of buttons from the window) ... But this one magic button, seems. Exactly. Here is a riddle. Will you help guess:

1, she sews everything in the world, what she sews does not put on.

2. one-eyed old woman embroiders patterns. (Needle)

Pugovkin: What is a needle for? (to sew on a button) I really want to invite my girlfriend - Needle, on holiday, can? I'll call her now.

Hello! Hello Friend! What are you doing? Are you bored? What are you doing! Now download to us on holiday in kindergarten! We wait!

Well, while Igolochka is coming to us, let's sing a song about your friendly kindergarten (the song sounds "Kindergarten").

Needle comes in.

Needle: _Hello guys, guests, girlfriend! How many guys are here and they all have buttons sewn with a needle. Guys! But I was not always so beautiful and shiny.

A long time ago, when your grandparents were not yet in the world, needles were made of stone and fish bone. Then the rich people already had needles made of gold and silver.

And now everyone has me in the house and everyone really needs me, because I'm so beautiful and shiny.

Pugovkin: stop. Needle, we agreed not to brag, let's better play with the guys.

Needle:_With pleasure!

1. (in a circle) "Take care of your hands"

I am a needle - a needle I can be sharp, splitting. Protect your hands. Hide behind your back and in your trousers.

2. games with parents

2.1. "Who will sew faster button

3. "Whose circle will gather sooner?"

Pugovkin: Ouch! I'm so glad that you and me are on this holiday I just smile and smile. And this gloomy day becomes so bright and joyful. Maybe we all will sing together?

Song "Smile" The Crow appears.

Crow: Kar - Kar - Kar, I'm flying

I'm bringing you a letter! (in the beak)

Pugovkin (takes, reads): A letter from the Coil

Our pretty girlfriend.

Sends a cart of thread,

Where are they? Here is the question!

Crow: Kar - Kar - Kar! Yes, here they are,

Take them soon!

I could not "convey everything,

I'm still flying!

Pugovkin:. Well, fly! (the crow flies away)

Needle: What is there? What's in there? Show me!

Pugovkin: Here coils: one two Three. Many.

Needle: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, you have to play with them.


1. "Move the coils";

2. "Collect balls".

Pugovkin: We played great,

But we haven't danced yet!

(general dance)

Crow: Kar - Kar - Kar! How tired I am

Good. Not late!

Here is a gift I brought

Barely - barely reported!

Pugovkin: So Littel!

Crow: But smart!

Guys! This reel is not simple, but magical! To make it increase, you need to throw it into a large basket and say magic the words:

“Akhalai - mahalai,

Boom - boehme - karabume!

Grow the coil! " (throw the coil into the basket, uttering the magic words, pull out the medium-sized coil; then drop and pull out an even larger coil, and for the third time pull out the largest surprise coil, and in the coil there are candy).

Children dance to the music with the mistress Pugovkina and Needle.

Pugovkina and Needle: Okay, guys, it's time for us to say goodbye. Thank you for this awesome! holiday... Goodbye! (leave).

The phonogram of the song "Childhood is me and you" sounds, muses. Y. Chichkov, to lyrics M. Plyatskovsky Children gather at the site near the hosts.

1 ved: Hello kids!

Boys and girls!

2 ved: Are the brave children gathered here?

Is everyone funny? All skillful?

1 ved: Do you respect adults?

Do you offend kids?

2 ved: Do you like holidays?

Today is June 1st. The very first day of the warmest, brightest, most colorful season - summer. And this day has been declared all over the world - Children's Day. This is a big, very joyful and at the same time very serious holiday.

Read by children: (Art. Groups)
1. We celebrate the summer holiday,
A holiday of the sun, a holiday of light.
Come visit us.
We are always glad to guests.

2. Birds will fly to the festival
Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.
Will click and whistle
Sing songs with us.

3. Buzz around the dragonfly,
Smile poppies, roses.
And the tulip will dress
In the brightest sundress.

4. We celebrate the summer holiday
Feast of the sun, feast of light
Sun, sun, brighter than gray
The holiday will be more fun.

5. in a good mood
We are going to kindergarten
And we congratulate everyone
Happy summer day!

6. Day of the first summer, become even brighter!
Meet the first of June everywhere!
After all, this is the Day for the Protection of All Children,
People celebrate it for a reason!

7.The sun warmed us with a ray,
We will invite all friends to visit.
Let's dance merrily
Summer is red to meet!

8. Summer has come to us again
It is very good!
Hello sunny summer
How much sky, how much light!
Summer, warm the earth,
Do not spare your rays!

9 the first day of colorful summer
Gathered us together, friends.
Feast of the sun, feast of light
A holiday of happiness and goodness!

10 birds chirp on this day
And the firmament brightens
And daisies with cornflowers
They lead a round dance in the field.

1 ved: And to create a cheerful mood for us, I invite everyone to join the big round dance.

Dance "Big Round Dance"

2 ved: Adults and children know

Yes, and it's time for you to find out

That everyone in this world

There are legal rights.

And it doesn't matter where you live

Who is richer who is poorer

And what color is the skin -

You have the same right

As each of the people.

1 ved: Every child has the right

To be treated in a hospital if sick,

The right to food, to education,

The right to attention, to a place of residence,

Has the right to a beautiful name,

For joy, for happiness, for a happy childhood.

2 ved: Lots of different laws, guys, protect your life and give you the right to a happy and joyful childhood. And today, Children's Day reminds all people to remember the rights of every child and, of course, not to violate them.

Fun today, joyfully with us!

This is a children's holiday, congratulations!


Let it ring, ring everywhere

Our cheerful, sonorous laughter!

We saved a pile of songs

Have fun without interruption!

Children perform the song "Smile" to the soundtrack.

1 ved: Today we will sing, play, dance and, of course, wonderful guests will come to us.And now I will tell you a variety of statements, if you like it, then say together, “How lucky we are!”.

1. Long-awaited summer,

Cheerful and hot!

Children: How lucky we are!

2.Classes are abandoned!

The good days have come!

Children: How lucky we are!

3.Birds are singing everywhere

Butterflies fly around!

Children : How lucky we are!

4. You can take a ride to the sea!

There on the shore frolic!

Children: How lucky we are!

5. Everyone can swim,

Roll on the grass!

Children: How lucky we are!

6 you can go to grandma's

And there to eat pancakes!

Children: How lucky we are!

7.For mushrooms in the forest,

Wear berries in baskets!

Children: How lucky we are!

8. You can wait for September,

To go to the kindergarten!

Children: How lucky we are!

2 Vedas: Summer is the time for vacations, rest, new adventures and travels! There are many of us, we are different, extraordinary and unlike each other, but everyone wants to have fun in the summer! And for this you just need a lot, a lot of strength.

Children of senior group:

1 Training is good for everyone

Everyone needs training.

All from laziness and disease

She will save forever.

2 Don't be afraid of laughing

And never give up sports!

He strengthens us, he strengthens us

Our movements are always beautiful!

3 Summer is fun

The sun wakes up in the morning

How we woke up to charge

We run out onto the meadow

Exercises in order

Well, do it my friend!

Rhythmic warm-up "Radiant Sun".

2 ved: Children's Day is a bright, sunny holiday. No wonder it is celebrated on the very first day of summer, on the first day of vacation! And this makes my soul so happy that I just can't wait to jump with happiness and dance! And we invite you to dance with us a funny dance "Boogie-woogie"!

Children are shown performing a comic dance "Boogie-woogie".

1 ved: How many interesting things happen in childhood! How many friends are around! And how much free time! And that means it's time for fun games! And the first game is called "Whose circle will get together faster"!

The game "Whose circle will gather faster?"

2 ved: Today is a holiday of childhood! On the first day of vacation! It is when you, little ones, learn to be friends, play, unite around an interesting business. This can be a game called "Find your match."

After the dance, Igrulka rushes into the hall to cheerful music. She is dressed in a bright jumpsuit, to which many different small stuffed toys are fastened by the buttons. When she jumps, spins, several toys fall to the floor.

1 ved:
Who are you ?! Toys are falling from you!

I'm Playful. All children know me. I always hide among the toys and tell the guys which one to play with. The kids don't notice me, they are so busy playing. And today I came to you for a holiday. I really want to sing, play, have fun with you.
I call everyone to the round dance,
In a multi-colored round dance,
The sun swirled in the sky -
Come out to dance people!

Children on display performdance "Colorful game", music. B. Savelyev (program by AI Burenina "Rhythmic Mosaic", cassette number 1, track 6).

Playful: What good fellows you are! And for this I will give you funny games.

Join the circle soon!

Relays: "Pass the ball over your head"

"Roll the ball between your legs"

"Carry a balloon on a racket"

Playful: A little tired, I propose to dance a little

Dance-game "We turned left ..."

2 ved:

We wish you guys:

Happiness is great, like a globe of the earth

The ringing of laughter, like an echo in spring

Mother's tenderness, like the green of birches

Everything that was conceived to come true!

Playful: How good it is to relax with friends. Let's play the game MY FRIEND.

Game MY FRIEND (children are divided into pairs and under the words they point first to a friend, and then to themselves)

I have eyes, you have eyes.

I have a nose, you have a nose.

I have a mouth, you have a mouth.

I have cheeks, you have cheeks.

I have pens, you have pens.

I am a man, you are a man.

We love each other (hug).

Song "Walking Fun Together"

Playful: Now let's rest and guess the summer riddles.

Bright and kind, it shines in our window,

We asked kindly

Warm us up a little bit (sun)

For some he is a gardener,

For others, he is a field breeder

Manages to be everywhere,

The field is a ray and the garden is watered (rain)

On a big colored carpet

Squadron sat down

It will open, then close the painted wings! (butterfly)

Housewife -

Flies over the lawn

Will bother over a flower

And share the honey (bee)

From branch to path

From grass to blade

Spring jumps

Greenback (grasshopper)

He does not want to lie at all,

If you quit it, it will jump

Throw it again, rushing galloping -

Well, of course - this is ... (ball)


There are countries where, unfortunately, there is a war going on now. And children living in these countries are very scared, they need the protection and help of adults. You cannot help them in any way, but you can grow up to be people who will never be evil and cruel.
May there never be a war
Let the cities sleep calm
Let the sirens shriek
Doesn't sound over my head.

Let not a single shell explode,
No one scribbles a machine gun
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children’s voices,
And let the years pass peacefully

All children : "Let there never be war!"

Song "May there always be sunshine"

2 VED : So our holiday is over, how is your mood? Do you want to dance?


Playful: I know that you still know how

Great to draw.

Your talents can

Now do you show?

But a pencil won't do it

I work with this ...

And I'm colored crayons

I brought you with me!

1 Vedas: So our holiday has come to an end. Dear Guys! We are starting the drawing contest! Your imagination will be spacious! Draw rivers, fields and mountains, draw the sky, draw the sea. Your girlfriends and your friends, The picture of your beautiful planet!

Now take the crayons
And on the asphalt draw, write,
What is needed for happiness.
Let your drawings be:
Happiness, sun, friendship.

On this wonderful summer day, on the first day of summer, let the asphalt bloom with flowers, and I invite everyone: draw with us!

Competition: "Drawing on the asphalt"

Children draw.

Playful: And so that we have fun to finish the holiday,

I want to treat the guys with sweets!

Distributes treats.

Organization: MDOU kindergarten No. 5 "Birch"

Settlement: Novosibirsk region, Cherepanovo

"Fair in Pugovkino"

(speech therapy leisure)

Correctional educational goals: Clarify and expand the understanding of the history of the appearance of the button; Clarify and activate the dictionary on the topic, make sentences, select words for signs.

Correctional and developmental: Development of visual attention and perception, speech and phonemic perception, fine and general motor skills, breathing and correct speech exhalation.

Correctional educational: Cause a positive emotional state, speech activity in each child in joint activities.

Equipment: Chest, buttons, wonderful pouch, casket, carousel, wood, pictures depicting old buttons.

Registration: Painted buttons, musical accompaniment.

Course of the lesson:

1. Organizational moment.

(Music plays, children enter the hall.)

The buffoon was calling: Come in, come in, visit our fair!

But the hostess at the fair will be…. Who? Guess the riddle!

Get ready to get dressed-

You can't do without me

Adults and children know

I'll button everything in the world.

Of course, a button! Each of you has this helper on your clothes. Take a look.

And a button invites us to visit her at the fair in Pugovkino.

2. "Chest of stories"

Look guys, what is this? (chest)

I wonder what's inside?

In this miracle chest

The kingdom of fabulous things

He will tell you about

How they came to our house.

Let's open up and see. where did the button come from.

In ancient times, people made clothes for themselves from animal skins. They threw the skin over the shoulders and tied it around the waist. But such clothes were uncomfortable - they opened wide. And then people began to use animal bones and wooden blocks, which were threaded into holes.

Centuries passed ... The fasteners changed. Drilled pebbles were attached to the clothes, on which loops were thrown. Buttons in those distant times were a very expensive and fashionable thing. Only rich people had them, on their clothes, they were a real decoration. They were made from gold and silver, and sometimes from precious stones. In which holes were drilled.

In Russia, they made buttons - "gags"; silver sticks were wrapped with golden threads until a ball was obtained at one end.

After a while, craftsmen began to use wood, bone, glass and metal in the manufacture of buttons. Ordinary people believed that decorated buttons ward off evil forces, play the role of amulets, so they were called buttons - from the word "scare".

(Children look at pictures depicting ancient, very first buttons)

3. "Which button?"

Look guys, what are the different buttons here, in different colors, with patterns, large and small, of different shapes (round and triangular, oval and square, with 2 and 4 holes.

(Children take the buttons in their hands and examine)

Guys, what are the holes for the button?

What does a button look like?

Let's play with you the game "What a Button"

Look, this button is made of glass, so what is it? (glass)





Cloth-covered (woven)

- ... with skin?

There are also buttons that are sewn onto the uniform (military, naval,) they are called uniform.

4. "Carousel"(breathing exercises)

At the fair, there are buttons everywhere, even a button carousel.

Do you want her to spin? Let's blow on her.

(Children take a breath and a strong long exhale, blow on the carousel, the carousel spins)

5 "Miracle tree"

See what it is? (wood)

The tree is not simple, buttons grow on it instead of leaves.

Let's say the word button in unison!

What is the first sound in the word button? ("NS")

Let's come up with words with the sound "p" with you. It can be at the beginning of a word, in the middle, or at the end of a word.

Whoever calls the word will tear off the button!

(Children call words and rip off buttons, buttons are counted at the end of the game)

6. "Wonderful bag"

Of course everyone is interested

What is in the wonderful bag?

Everyone can tell

One has only to take it in hand.

I suggest that you get out of the bag what is there and tell about this item (button) so that everyone would want to buy such a button.

(Children make up stories about a button: what color it is, what shape it is, what it is made of, what it is for, where this button can be sewn.)

Well done!

7. "Magic box"

Guys, let's see what is in the box with you?

(mixed buttons)

Let's sort them out.

(Glass, metal, wood, fabric, plastic, children's)

8. "Craftswoman Button"

Guys, after all, a button can not only be sewn to clothes, what else can be made from buttons?

(Decoration, crafts, beads, bracelets)

I suggest you make a craft for your mom - flowers from buttons.

(a spool of thread is a wooden vase, a stem is made of wire, and flowers are made of buttons.)

9. Lesson summary

Guys, where have we been with you today? Who is the main hostess at the fair? What buttons have you seen? What did you like?

Now let's tell a poem.


In the dust barely perceptible

Copper button,

You rub her harder

The anchor glows on it

Maybe this button

On a sailor's jacket

I went around almost half the world

Sailed from afar

So she saw

Lop-eared elephant

I visited, it means countries,

Where are the monkeys on the branches

On the edge of a huge ice floe

The penguins danced to her

At the pier at dawn

Children accompanied her

Maybe in a storm, at the helm

I almost got it off

From the sailor's pea coat

Don't grab her hand.

Thanks! Well done boys!

Used Books:

1. "Museum pedagogy" from the experience of methodological work of A.N. Morozova, O. V. Melnikov.

2. I. Skvortsova "Speech therapy games" M. 2008.

3. O.S. Gomzyak "Development of coherent speech in six-year-old children"

4. G. Vanyukhina "Rechetsvetik" Yekaterinburg 1993.

The sound of the clock (audio) is heard, the voices of the children are recorded on the tape recorder.

Child Reader 1

The cuckoo sings on the clock

Says it's time to say goodbye.

Goodbye, kindergarten,

It’s a pity to part with him.

Child Reader 2

The holiday is not easy with us,

It only happens once.

And today in kindergarten

Guests are not in a hurry to visit us.

This holiday is our merry

Because soon to school.

It's just a pity to say goodbye

We are with our beloved kindergarten.

Dance sketch to the song "Kite".

Lead 1

Dear friends! Today our children and yours have their first graduation party. We want to make it fabulous, magical, unique.

Lead 2

Somewhere in the world of distant stars

There is a land of magical dreams.

There at the edge of the water

Our childhood traces

Lead 1

And for you children, I will say goodbye to a beautiful and delicate flower. I raised him from a small grain. He is an enemy of bad weather, and anger, and lies. Now I will open it, water the flower for the last time and give it to you. (Opens - no petals.)

Oh, everything is gone, where are the petals? Children, I need your help. Maybe your desires, your dreams, will help the flower bloom. (Children whisper, run out, take with petals and read poetry, passing the petal to the presenter.)

Child Reader 1

I wish my fingers could touch

The very edge of a dream.

Find your way to her

You certainly can.

Child Reader 2

To the blue stars, children love

Fly in colorful dreams.

Everything in the world comes true

If you really want to.

Child Reader 3

Like a light balloon

Sadness will rush into the clouds.

What we were not allowed

They will be allowed for sure.

Child Reader 4

We will grow up and certainly

Our dreams will come true.

I will become a teacher

And perhaps you are a doctor.

Child Reader 5

Someone dreams of flying to the stars,

Someone to climb the mountains.

I want to sail the ocean

And wonder at his secrets.

Child Reader 6

The diapers have long since been untied,

We grow, our dreams grow.

The vast expanse of the sky calls us,

We want to get to the moon.

Child Reader 7

The diapers have long since been untied,

We grow, our dreams grow -

We would be like falconers in the sky,

Let us and you experience joy.

Child Reader 8

The vastness of the wide fields calls us.

Fresh wind, rays of the sun.

We grow, and in songs high

Pure dreams will be reflected.

So the flower has blossomed, and it has multi-colored petals, as different as your dreams.

Song "Dreams Come True".

There is a knock - the postman enters.


Good day! I think we delivered the package on time. Just for the holiday. Help, please!

Bring in a large box.

What is this package. I wonder where she is from!


Everything is written there. Sign, please. A car with parcels for other kindergartens is waiting for me.

Presenter (reads): Mr. (name), kindergarten graduates (name). From the scientific and technical laboratory.

Let's see what they sent us.

Music sounds and a hand appears, a head comes out a Robot.

Who is this? And where? What is the name of this miracle?

Robot (measured)

My name is Robot Huck

Electronic person.

I came to you today,

Friends will meet.

The mathematician will have to

At school you all study.

I want to check now

The robot sets tasks - children compose an answer and a task from the cubes.

1.Here are the mushrooms on the lawn,

They are wearing yellow caps.

Two mushrooms, three mushrooms,

How much will be together?

2. Five crows sat on the roof,

Two more flew to them.

Answer quickly, boldly.

How many of them flew in?

3. If you eat one bagel, there will be one hole. If you eat one pretzel, there will be two holes, but smaller. There are ten bagels and ten pretzels on the saucer. How many bagels and pretzels should be eaten so that the holes remain evenly. (All bagels and five pretzels.)

4. Once to the bunny for lunch,

A friend, a neighbor, rode up.

The hares sat on a stump

How many carrots have you eaten?

5. Under the bushes by the river

May beetles lived.

Daughter, son, father and mother,

6. Rada Alenka - I found two oil cans.

Yes, four - in the basket.

How many mushrooms are in the picture?

7. The seagull warmed up the kettle,

I invited nine seagulls.

Come all for tea,

How many seagulls answer.

Well done! Don't be bored with you, you will be professors. Do you know the letters? Now I will test you by reading. You guess riddles, quickly make up words.

The robot gives letters.

To compose words, you need to study letters.

The robot points to a crossword puzzle.

Listen to riddles to solve the crossword puzzle.

1. Grandfather is sitting,

Dressed in a hundred fur coats.

Who undresses him

He sheds tears. (Onion)

2. Bogatyr, fighting the Dragon, inflicted a heroic ... (blow).

3. Round or oval, leaves a mark, and put it on an important report. (Seal)

What is the key word in our crossword puzzle? This word will be the end of greetings to you dear graduates.

What progress has come to is a miracle of miracles. The robot assigns tasks to the kids in the kindergarten, and they click them like mathematicians.

The song "How much progress has come."

Listen! Listen! I have received an SOS signal.

Goes out the door - there is a cry, a squeak. Carries a baby carriage with toys.

That's the trouble, the children got lost. (Planting animals - toys.) Do you know these animals? Do you know who lives where? Then send them home to their mothers.

The facilitator selects two children, spreads out a map and children arrange toys.

You checked, Robot, us

Is everyone ready for first grade?

Well guys surprised

You were not taught in vain.

Now you can rest.

Can you dance?

Friends with pleasure,

I'll dance with you.

And my dance is not difficult,

Repeat everything after me.

The robot starts to speak English.

Robot: Stand up!

I do not understand anything, it seems that the program is malfunctioning.

Children complete assignments.

Two children come out and announce the next issue in English with translation into Russian.

Child 1

Sprint is green,

Summer is bright,

Child 2

Spring is green

Summer is bright

Good song.

They sing in English.

Child 1

Child 2

We can dance to Charleston.

Dance "Charleston".

Today guys we have a wonderful day. Dear Guys! You embark on a long voyage across the ocean of School Affairs. As travelers make discoveries while traveling, so every day you will learn something new, make amazing discoveries for yourself.

Attention! Ship captains get ready to sail!

Boys put on peakless caps, take paper ships.

Boys' song "First grader".

The crews of the ships "Swift", "Resolute", "Desperate", "Forward looking", "Forward going", "Brave" - ​​take their places on the ships.

The girls are approaching the ships.

So, friends, our ships are leaving. Give it up!

Got to make ends meet!

The robot rings the bell - gives a signal. The melody of the song "How the Ships See Off" sounds - the children imitate movement to the beat of the song, depicting sailing ships.

Children read poetry.

Child Reader 1

No boat, no compass, no map

Along the city streets, among the fields.

The white squadrons are floating, swaying,

Boy's paper ships.

Child Reader 2

More important than presidents

Head over to the kings.

Before you are the captains,

Those paper ships.

Child Reader 3

Here we stand sons

The open ones love the winds of the country.

Here dads smile, and moms

Already a little bit sad now.

Child Reader 4

But the captains are unfamiliar with sadness

They will not be afraid of a squall and fire.

And he will cut the waves of all latitudes with his chest

Resistant paper armor.

Child Reader 5

Sail the ship risking desperately

In the sun dazzling whiter.

Into a big life, anxious, masculine

The ship captains leave.

Child Reader 6

To drive ships

To fly into the sky

You need to be able to do a lot

There is a lot to know!

They carry away the ships and sit down in their places.

An electrical signal sounds.

This is the signal! I have to go! Good luck! (Leaves.)

Children sit on the steps and on the carpet.

Kindergarten is a home

Where childhood lives.

Kindergarten is a home

Which is full of worries

About smiles and joys of children.

Kindergarten is a home

In which the baby

Grows up until school time.

Kindergarten is a house of kindness

He is very fond of his children.

Children read:

1. For some reason I hardly remember the first time I came to our kindergarten.

2. You just (name of the girl) were little. Even my mother told me that I cried sometimes.

3. Then we were like this, and kids called us then.

4. Now we are big.

5. We came to the kindergarten as kids,

I was three years old then

Sometimes I cried, I wanted to see my mother.

6. And I myself could not get dressed.

7. We came to kindergarten as kids,

They couldn't even hold a spoon.

And now you see everything for yourself

We have grown wiser here, grown up.

8. We were surrounded by care in the kindergarten,

They gave me warmth and affection.

We were very, very much loved,

10. And I made friends with (girl's name).

11. I learned to paint.

12. And I dance beautifully.

13. We have grown up imperceptibly,

And it's time for us to go to school.

14. After all, not right away (name of the girl), you were so big.

The kids looked like chicks.

We were crumbs, foolish lumps.

Dance of the Chicks.

Child Reader 1

We happily went to kindergarten.

It was cozy and light in it.

Educators, how mothers loved us

And they gave me affection and warmth.

Child Reader 2

We learned something every day

The first words were hard to write

Printed letters in a notebook.

Child Reader 3

Help adults

They taught in the garden, sing songs,

Sculpt and dance.

All these years we were friends

And they all loved to play together.

Children take metallophones, xylophones - they invite each other.

Orchestra "Waltz of the Cockerels".

Time is moving forward

Days and months go by.

Children are growing, growing.

Grew up big -

Like these ones!

Child Reader 1

Look in front of you

The group is adult, large,

Graduation group.

Child Reader 2

The wind of years flipped through the calendar,

Childhood friendship has become stronger.

Our time has not come yet

But we have become a year older.

Song "What our world is made of" (soloists).

Host (picks up the microphone)

Now, if I were a journalist. I would ask you friends.

Tell me (child's name), when you were very little, do you remember your favorite toy?

Children's answers.

Do you have (child's name)?

Children's answers.

What toy did you want to play with?

Children's answers.

The striking of the clock is heard.

The cuckoo sings on the clock

Says it's time to say goodbye.

Goodbye toys

It's a pity to part with you.

Don't miss dolls, bears

And the pictures in our books.

Guys will come to you,

Like us, we came once.

"Dance with dolls" (girls are dancing).

Fairy tales give us a miracle, but we cannot live without miracles. We cannot live without a fairy tale, it cannot live without us.

Music from the cartoon sounds, enters Winnie the Pooh with a map (globe), a balloon and honey.

Oh, where did I go, where did I end up? This place is not marked on my map. I'm all lost. Went to his friend Heel for his birthday. Where are the cookies? Where is the jam? Where's the treat for me? Maybe I'm already late, missed everything? Where are the treats for me now?

Do not be sad, Winnie the Pooh, there will be treats and cookies and jam. You are in kindergarten, the hour for refreshments has not yet come, our graduation ball is in full swing.

High school graduation? Where to? What for?

We go to school now, everything needs to learn, Winnie the Pooh.

Winnie the Pooh (surprised)

Our children already know a lot, they can, and they will also go to school.

We also have a forestry school. So I learned to write poetry there. I will read to you, and you will help me.

What to do with the poor tiger

How can we save him.

After all, the one who does not eat anything cannot grow up.

And he does not eat, neither honey, nor tasty acorns,

And nothing to feed decent people.

He even refused to chew on the thistle,

What caused a great commotion in our society.

So what can we do with the tiger, how can we save it,

After all, the tiger really needs to grow up a little.

Blame the Pooh, be our guest, we'll play now.

I walked to Heel, but I got to you, where is my ball as a gift. Let's play.

Game "Football" (to drive the ball into the goal).

The ball burst.

Winnie the Pooh (upset)

What will I give Heel now?

Do not worry, Winnie the Pooh, there are very good children in our kindergarten, they will give you something that Heel will like. In our kindergarten, all children are very friendly. And today kids want to congratulate you.

Children's laughter sounds. Eight children (senior, middle and junior group) come out with toys. (Bicycle, jump rope, jeep, ball, doll, bear, in bibs, pacifier, car.)

Children of the older group:

Child Reader 1

You rarely played with us,

They called them babies.

But now you are not like that

You are already quite big.

Child Reader 2

You study well at school

Don't be lazy, don't fight.

We will grow up a little

Let's go to first grade too.

Children of the middle group:

Child Reader 3

We came to say goodbye to you,

It's a pity to part.

It's too early for us to go to school

But we grow like a boletus.

Child Reader 4

We decided to congratulate you,

They even wrote a song.

All children with the younger group sing:

You were the little ones

When they came to kindergarten,

Have grown smarter, grown up.

It's time for you to go to school

We want to wish you:

All to receive fives.

We will miss you,

Please visit more often.

Give presents.

Child Reader

No music, no music

You can't live in any way.

Don't dance without music

Not a polka, not a hopak!

And you won't spin in a waltz,

And you will not pass the march,

And a funny song

You won't sing on a holiday.

Let the music fill everything around

Long live music sunny friend.

Children dance Russian dance.

Well, that's all, that hour has come.

You got together for the last time

In our cozy room.

Children line up in a semicircle.

Child Reader 1

Behind, there is a garden

Carefree days.

Tomorrow first grades

We'll get the diaries.

Child Reader 2

We used to play school

But the game is over.

They envy us today

Preschoolers from the yard.

Child Reader 3

We promise to learn

Four and five.

Child Reader 4

We will be compliant

Diligent and diligent.

And then studies will go,

Just great.

Child Reader 5

We are sad, very sorry to part,

We promise to visit our garden.

But it's time to say goodbye

We want to say “thank you” to everyone.

Child Reader 6

Educators, nannies, nurses.

We will often remember them all.

After all, it is probably very difficult

Give your heart to your children.

Child Reader 7

It was cozy, beautiful in the group,

We went to the kindergarten in the morning with joy.

We say to you all together "thank you"

And bow to you to the very ground.

Song "Let's get up in a circle".

Child Reader 8

Not beyond the seas and forests

Wizards live now.

They come to the kindergarten with us

Rather, a little earlier than us.

Child Reader 9

Is it snowing, is autumn rustling

Tearing off the yellow foliage.

They always bring with them

And they generously give us spring.

Child Reader 10

Our educators,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

There will always be land

Beautiful by your labor.

Child Reader 11

Kindergarten, kindergarten,

The house is happy for the guys.

It's a pity that in kindergarten,

Do not go back to us.

Child Reader 12

Thanks to the nanny,

Both the doctor and the washerwoman.

And thanks to the chefs,

We talk together.

Child Reader 13

Sad maples by the fences

Goodbye hour.

Goodbye, kindergarten,


They come with flowers, give them to their employees and sing the song "Your Eyes".

Children are awarded with diplomas and gifts.