A farewell letter to the beloved who threw. A farewell letter of a man who threw. Gentle and good messages husband

If you broke up with your husband, find out how to write him a farewell letter. The reasons for breaking the relationship can be a lot:

    You could have been divorced by learning about his treason.

    You are tired to put up with the fact that most of the time he spends with friends, run home to spend the night.

    Your love covered life, Her Mama blocked her.

    You came across a lover, turned out to be a broken trough, now the husband does not forgive, and the temporary passion passed.

    You still love him, and he went to the other.

Why write a farewell letter

Write a sincere farewell letter, find good words.
Remember how the head was spinning from happiness on the first dates, and then he chose you with his companion, gave you children. Let him take care of them badly, made mistakes, do not judge a strictly and do not hold offense.

Tell him: "Thank you, the guy that you were in my life!"
Describe the best moments. Harding passion, travel, coffee in bed, night candles. Place the memories of paper, freeing from them. Let the wounds in the soul delay, the insults will dissolve, and good memories will be free to freedom as beautiful birds.

Trying to forget something and cross out from your life, you block emotions, feelings, events that took place at that time. But the fact is that our memory writes all to the smallest details.

Fill the binding threads that cannot be separated by separation, light, good wishes, do not send complaints and curses on them. That you just hurt yourself. Note the reasons that led you to parting. Sometimes separations occur earlier than the skill comes to forgive and be indulgent.

If your favorite went to another

If the husband left you, and you are still covered by feelings, then do not fight them. Write letters, if you do not even know where to send them. They can be a lot, they will help you get rid of affiliation and longing, sometimes nothing to change anything, but you can otherwise treat what is happening.

Be sure to noted the shortcomings of the ex-husband than he annoyed you, what did it badly. Read these letters when the stream of sad thoughts begin. Under the influence of passion, you idealized his image, supplemented it in the invented advantages, came the moment of truth!

My farewell letter husband

How long I dreamed of marriage! I already shouted 25, and there was not a single worthy candidate on the horizon. And my girlfriend met with a real prince, and it was you. You sat down to me in any company, we talked about something funny, about all sorts of trifles. But I did not want to notice what I like me, because you were busy.

A year has passed, I asked a friend to help me find a part-time job, he advised to contact you and gave me the number of your phone. You immediately arrived to me, I opened the door, as if the outbreak of the world flashed and blinded me for a moment. We drank tea, then champagne, told each other our life, laughed, kissed. You said that it was already broken up with that girlfriend, nothing prevents our relationship.

At an instant I got rid of loneliness. I had a favorite man who took me to work, I met, we went shopping together. We walked through the streets and promenade the best in the world of the city, not noticing the drizzling rain. And on weekends, enjoyed young travels to beautiful parks and palaces of the Tsarskoye village, Lomonosov, Peterhof.

In the fog of passion, drunk with happiness, I did not pay attention to the alarming bells. And they were.

Something has changed immediately after the wedding. I feel that I have never been going anywhere, you have become more about our business, the amounts from our family business spent myself.

The emergence of new employees made your life double and false. About how you deceived me, I learned already after the divorce, but not your betrayals were his reason.

I just felt like a forgotten cold of loneliness again breaks into my life, hugging my breathing with dumb hands. The sensations were so obvious that I got sick, lost strength every day. And the less I had them, the more I needed in your help, the less you were near.

I lay at home, looked at the endless rods of rain on the windows, as if my non-chosen tears flow. I thought about how I made that in my life there was such an indifferent person. You didn't have a lot of participation or friendly support. I silently disappeared from your life. We met on a divorce. You came with flowers and begged back.

I am writing to you a farewell letter. I could not talk to you before, there was too much pain. I think, if I were not offended and did not threw you, I responded to your call to make an attempt to restore the relationship, it would be better. Your dizziness from success and my observation position helped to bury love under the wreckage of a destroyed marriage.

Probably, you have complaints to me. If your heart has been offended, sorry. And I will not be better to remember bad. All this is no longer important. Let's forget, leave in the past dramatic events, disassembly, misunderstanding, problems, pain. Let them not obscure that beautiful that we survived together.
I know that somewhere, getting lost in time, walking along the Alleles of Pavlovsky Park, our phantoms, holding hands, among the crumpled autumn leaves, the wind disrupts the bright leaves, they rustle under their feet and whisper: "I love, love, love!".

Why can not go in English

I left my husband without letters, without saying goodbye, without leaving the addresses. Everything that I had enough strength is to collect things and leave. I did not tell him goodbye, did not explain with his parents. I just disappeared.

It is not right! Do not do that. And that's why. When you hurry and parted with once a loved one and your loved ones, then you think about what you offended, incomprehensible and devoted.
If you leave him, write what a wonderful person, a cool lover. Thank you for the wonderful days you spent together. Explain why then your roads are divergent, that he is worthy of happiness, and it will come to him.

What happens when you write a letter

When we write to someone, a miracle happens. The soul of this person hears and perceives every word.

You go to the memories, again worry about or other moments, comprehending them again. Well, if tears are poured, it means that there is a cleansing and exemption. Write everything that comes to mind at this moment, relax, and let me strengthen your feelings and thoughts on paper.

Over time, passions calm, perhaps you have a friendly relationship with your former man. You need to write such letters that are in themselves good, reconciliation, warm wishes, not crossing the farewell all that good that was. And if you are not going to send them, take off the full!

Finally - an unusual technique

Let's spend a mental experiment.

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In the life of many couples, unfortunately, this period comes when it is necessary to put a point in the relationship. Sometimes it may be the last telephone conversation or meeting, and sometimes - a farewell letter. If you know that you will be difficult to choose the right words for parting, looking to man in the eyes, then such a message will be the best option for you. Farewell, often leaves many negative moments in the memory of once close people, but sometimes with the help of writing you can show yourself from a more winning side, to avoid unpleasant scenes or return the relationship. So, what rules should be held? 1. Start with draftsIf you sat down to write the farewell words to a person with whom some periods were together, then, most likely, you are overcome by the pile of thoughts. It is not necessary to try to convey to a man all this chubbar - it is possible that it's closer to the third page he will not have to read or not understand you at all. First write on the draft all that you would like to convey to the former lover. Re-read the written, highlight the most important thing, arrange the letter - do not go with the topic on the topic, periodically returning to one of them again and again. 2. Decide for the purpose ofImmediately decide what you want more - to forever delete this person from your life, or let him understand what he was wrong, so that he could correct the situation and return your location. In the first case, it is worth to be as low as possible: Describe that you did not suit you in your tandem, explain why you no longer see the future in such a union, thank for good moments and finally wish harmony and success. You do not need to find out anything and shame a man - it can go to the prolonged conflict, instead of a final point. If your goal is to change the relationship for the better, then it is better not to position your letter as farewell. Start something like this: "I have long wanted to share with you these thoughts, but I did not know how to start it right." Without reproaches and writing to conscience, tell your beloved that you feel. Avoid the words "you"! It will make him take a defensive position, and you will not achieve the desired. Write about your feelings, about your experiences, about what would be happier. Forget the phrase: "If you often called!". Instead, use: "If we could communicate more often." All your claims describe in a similar scheme.

Farewell note to your beloved if he changed

In this case, the text of the note depends on whether a man regrets about treason, or still chose another. Also important is the fact of whether you are ready to forgive his misconduct.

Beloved betrayed and stayed on the other

With this development of events, probably, you did not have time to immediately navigate and with dignity to say goodbye to the beloved. Now you can fix it with a note. If you wish to sow grain in doubt in his decision, then you do not need to write that you are willing to forgive him and become what he wants. By this you can only cause a gamut of feelings from pity to irritation. Instead of the tearful words of Molba, write that the last few days (from the moment of breaking and the truth should go at least a couple of days) you were thinking about the established position, and came to the conclusion that everything happened as it should have happened. Note that you really stopped understanding each other for a long time, and both of them did not have enough strength to fight for your feelings. Let us understand that in your thoughts you have always seen your joint future happy, and it is a pity that this did not happen. Nevertheless, you are optimistic for ahead, and believe that you personally everything will be wonderful, let him be offended with yourself - he himself knows what he did not very well. Your goal, in any case, give it to understand that you are higher to "run" behind the modest. Yes, you were ready to work on relationships, but once did not work out, then so be. Life goes on and ahead of you is waiting for a new love with the first exciting dates and confessions - even if now it seems incredible to you.

Save relationships after treason

In this case, your message cannot be fully called farewell, but it will force the chosen one and, possibly, for the first time for a long time Feel the fear of what you may be forever lost for him. Finding out that the changed man wants to continue with you a relationship, write a letter to him, in which he has a pause to aware of the current situation - for example, for a week. Done to him, that it is impossible to just forget about the event that the event happened and how it happened Time together and on. You need some time to understand why everything happened so, come to yourself and collect my thoughts. After several days, thinking, of course, you will be waiting for a meeting on which you can voice, that will be ready to move on and build your relationship, but for yourself you definitely decided not to be sorry for the second time. However, it's all you can also write after the expiration of the "pause". It is very hard for forever to say goodbye to a person, the love of which did not pass. However, it happens that for some reason people cannot or do not want to be together, despite the feelings. This letter either logically finish your relationship, or will appear a loved one to drastically change the circumstances that prevent your full reunion. For the beginning you need to write about the most important thing about your love for this man. Tell that what warm emotions are you experiencing, seeing him and communicating with him. Then pay a few lines to the problem that does not allow you to stay together. We tell you how it is hard to put up with this circumstance and awareness that your love gradually began to provoke the emergence of very many hard thoughts. Note that you tried to take the situation, but you understand what they only do worse, and therefore your union. Let the man read that you are not easy to suffer, and you will undoubtedly suffer because of it, but in the current position you can not leave everything as it was before. After this letter, there may be two outcome - a favorite will change the situation and discern With difficulties that prevent your happiness, or he will simply be inactive, disappearing from your field of view either persuading you to come to terms with circumstances. In the second case, you should get together with the forces, and by following the text of your message, try to forget about the feeling that made you suffering - the sooner you begin to change your life, the faster these experiences will remain behind.

Farewell letter of the unloved

Make a letter to the unloved man or guy is not much easier than looking for the necessary words for your beloved.

Recognition in the letter that you rang

It happens that the relationship is exhausted. Over the preservation of harmony and novelty of feelings, it is necessary to periodically work - love long does not live among the inattention, lack of care, boredom or many sharp and offensive words. Once you understand that you have not been thinking about the elect with the old trembling for a long time, and no longer see your future with him. As a rule, a good catalyst for checking feelings is becoming a change in the situation - a trip to another city or country. Give the chance of your love, but if after the "experiment" there is no doubt that the man causes you only indifference or irritation in you, then it is better to stop torture yourself and it.

Such recognition is difficult to do in reality, so some try to awaken literary talent in themselves. If you decide on the letter, please inform it as it is. Do not try to convince a man that he is to blame for such an outcome by killing all the feelings in you. Write that you really appreciate all the pleasant moments that were in your relationship. At the same time, you understand that the feelings have passed, and you cannot return them more, despite all attempts. Explain that you want him to meet the one that will appreciate it, because he deserves that he is sincerely loved. Write it all only if you are completely confident in the absence of feelings! Do not think that in this way you can "refresh" the relationship, bringing new paints in them. A splash of emotions from the second half, of course, guaranteed, but subsequently it may turn against you - subconsciously he will believe that love has passed that then can lead to unnecessary suspicion and irritation.

Written message unrequited in love with you

If you fell in love with a long-time friend, with whom you have long supported warm relationships, seeing only a kindred soul or partner in common interests, but not the future satellite of life, then try to be delicate with him, but stay completely confident in your Words. Include in a letter to a young man the fact that you are very flattered by his feelings for you, and you sincerely sorry that you cannot answer them. Mark that you accept his choice if he no longer wants to be friends with you, however, if with time he will try to return to the former format of your communication, then you will be very happy. It is also so that you have to refuse to reciprocate a new acquaintance. In this case, avoid friendship suggestions. A man is not fully aware that he was refused, and will think that you provide a chance to achieve your location. If you know exactly what you do not want this, write that they were glad to meet, and we are confident that his chief is very lucky with him, but your heart is already busy.

What is better, a farewell letter in verses or in your own words

If you have undoubted skills in writing poems, then, of course, applying this talent, you can effectively put the point in your relationship. However, not every man will appreciate this approach. It is more appropriate to such a summary of thoughts in case you wish to leave a lyrical memoil about yourself and the topic of parting has already been a coordinated with the beloved earlier. It is unlikely that he will like it to learn that he was thrown from the poem. We also can finally compose to the verse of a guy who broke up the day before - so you can express everything that you feel a very nondrivial way, staying in his memory for a long time.

Farewell to tears

You can not only provoke the tears of the guy with your letter, but also make it regret that your novel is completed. 1. Remind him about the pleasant pastDuring reading the message, the young man should plunge into nostalgic thoughts and remember those moments when he experienced a special excitement associated with you. If you want your lines to touch the chosen one, then you probably hope to return it in this way. That's quite possible! Write that you are particularly hard to think that everything is behind when you remember your first date. Remind the details of this meeting. For the period of relationship, much good is forgotten, so now your goal is to send memories in the right direction. It can be described that you felt when I first saw him, or as you realized that they loved him. It is also important to identify the information about which your chosen one has not yet heard - as you, being visiting a friend, looked at the phone in anticipation of his call, as they were afraid for the first time to admit to him in feelings, as he dreamed of a few nights in a row. Remind the joint trips that you both liked or some special events. In the end, note that you all will not be enough for you, but it's nice to know that all this was sometime. 2. Imagine the future that could beHaving writes about pleasant moments from the past, you remind the guy about what is left behind, but in addition you also have the opportunity to show him what future he lost. Write what was often represented by how everything could be in five or ten years. Tell us what a picture was before your eyes: you, he, your children, building a sandy lock on the seaside. There may be variations - modeling dumplings and dumplings with the whole family, skiing, joint fishing. In general, in the description of a potential future, it should be largely focused on the nature and preferences of your beloved if your goal is to cause his tears. At the end, note that it hurts you to realize that all this is already impossible, but you are glad that some kind of dreams did you happy. 3. Minimum negative, claims and reproachesOf course, the purpose of this letter will cause bright, nostalgic thoughts, so forget about claims and reproaches. If he seriously offended you, then mention that "after recent events" you were broken and lost, thinking that this is some kind of mistake, and such a person, as he just could not do this, but when they realized what happened, you were Very sad and hurt. Nevertheless, do not sharpen attention to negative emotions.

None of the women are insured against the fact that a married man will pay attention to her. It happens even so that he managed to achieve reciprocity. Perhaps you immediately knew that it was married, but it may be that this circumstance was opened only now. Whatever it was, you decided for yourself that you don't need such relationships. In this case, it is clear your unwillingness of a personal meeting for parting. You need to do everything so that this page of your life is inverted. You should not hoped that this letter you will provoke his divorce - if he did not leave the family so far, then the letter will not change this. Yes, and there is nothing good thing to "take away the man from another. Write to him that he could not make the final choice, so this step will have to go to you and you choose a full relationship. It will not work with him, and you no longer want to carry the experiences in your life that you can avoid. Wish him to sort out my desires, and ask no longer disturbing you - love and friendship between you can not be. The situation is very taught, so it is worth thinking about the feasibility of writing. The message may be in other people's hands, bringing unnecessary problems not only a man, but also to you, so you take care that it falls into the eyes of the desired addressee.

Farewell letter from mistress

We do not always plan in advance what happens to us, and a novel with a married man is one of these cases. Many women were mired in a quagmire of such a relationship, but almost every of them sooner or later understands that it cannot continue to continue. It would seem that you have a loved one, but you stay lonely. It doesn't matter for what reason you went to this novel, but if you decide to break the love relationship with a stranger husband, then you can do it by sending several lines. How to get out of such relationships using the letterDo not write a lover that you have feelings for him, and you would like to be together, but go because of the presence of my wife. In such a message, it is generally desirable not to sign the emotions experienced. It will be best if you report that you had enough time to evaluate everything "for" and "against" such meetings, and you realized that these relationship was exhausted. Note that you do not expect any decisive steps from him, and does not try to manipulate it, you have only one goal - to forget about this novel and give yourself a chance to gain personal happiness with another person. If you wish, you can hint that recently you got acquainted with a man who provide you with signs of attention to which you would like to answer, but you do not want to drive a "double game". Abstract that, no matter how it was, you do not intend to maintain a connection with him, and ask him not to look with you contacts. Mark that you are grateful to him for many pleasant moments, but the status of the mistress has long ceased to arrange you You can start a new life.

A similar type of letters, perhaps, write the most difficult. Many girls were confident that it would definitely wait for her beloved from the military unit, but it did not happen in all cases. Since it happened, it happened that you met a different young man with whom you want to be together, then you certainly need to inform the former chosen one. In any case, the offense and discussions can hardly be avoided, but it is much better to tell about all, and not suddenly disappear or maintain the illusion that nothing has changed. Incidentally, you never thought that it could happen, otherwise it would not Gave promises to wait. Admit that the situation has happened so that you can no longer be together, but you want to write it honestly personally. Note that you understand how it hurts to find out that your favorite girl wants to part, and you are not on my own that you have become participants in such a story, but you do not want to lie. Give him to understand what time it happened, it means that the relationship was not strong enough, and you are not the girl with which he would have to be. Invite that you really would not want it to keep offense at you, because People break up on civilians, and no one is insured from this. Summarize what you understand that he does not deserve you to write him a lie or disappear without explanation, and you do not want to do this. You can also mention that you are convinced that they took the right decision, and no doubt that returning from the army, he will meet real love. Almost that, it's almost no matter what you write - in most cases for soldiers such messages They are a big blow, as they are not presented. The most important thing for you is not to pull with parting if you started meeting with someone else. Be honest with a former guy, do not allow that it is no longer a girl, he recognized from third parties. From this he will be much worse, and even difficult for you to complicate.

How to write a farewell sms

Parting message to a beloved that offended

Sometimes there are situations, as a result, you understand that it's time to part with your chosen one. If this awareness came after applying a man of serious offense, it is unlikely that he is hard to surprise your post. Explain to the former beloved that in the light of the latest events you can not and do not want to continue communication with him. Wish him all the best and ask no longer to disturb. Perhaps a man will try to apologize, but if you are convinced that you can not forgive the disadvantaged, just avoid dialogues with him.

Farewell SMS former guy

It happens that the novel is already completed, but you feel the need to inform the former guy that we did not have time to say when parting. It makes no sense to torment yourself, holding back these gusts - there will be a long time for a long time, and you will experience all the charms of "unclosed gestalt". You scroll into the head of the phrase that were not uttered, and this means that you partially remained in those relationships. Send to SMS guy what has grieved by graduating from the phrase: "I don't spend you more, and I don't want you to disturb me, thinking that I need communication. I just wanted to write these words, because I regretted that I did not voice them immediately. " In general, honestly and simple.

SMS on parting

The essence of such an SMS is not to enter into a subsequent correspondence. The guy should not understand you doubly or think that you are just not in the mood and such a strange way wanted to retire it. Write that you thought a lot and realized that your relationship has no prospects. Specify that it was the cause of this awareness. Complete the text that you are hard due to the fact that everything came out this way, but you have completely decided everything for yourself, and ask him to accept this fact. Thank you for everything good, and if it is appropriate, ask for forgiveness for the disadvantage. Your decision is firmly, and not a minute weakness? Then do not turn into a dialogue, let this SMS really become farewell.

How to behave after sending a farewell letter

The main purpose of the farewell letter is to end any relationship. By constiting a message with which you want to report on the completion of the novel or about your reluctance to start it, be prepared for the fact that after that no reaction will follow. Moreover, configure yourself to it! In the event of a complete awareness of this circumstance, you can write farewell strings, but if you are hoping to provoke a beloved for any decisive acts - this is not the best way. By sending such a letter, do not wait for a response, and if it is, then do not start the correspondence, otherwise your "final point" loses its entire meaning.

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You are right that you do not want to continue our relationship. I really do not apply to your ideal. You deserve much better than me. Forgive me that you paid little time. Forgive me for love, and for the fact that I decided to leave. I do not know myself how it happened.
"I was with you the happiest woman in the world. I remember everything connected with you. I will not forget everything we survived together. It so happened that we would have to part. No need to think that something in you ceased to arrange me: you, as before, ideal. Too ideal for me. You are beautiful.
But we can not be together. Our roads decided to disperse. I only calm myself with the words that everything that is being done is done for the better. Just need to wait for this better. In general, my best is my children. Thanks to fate,.
Forgive me for love, and for the fact that I decided to leave. I do not know myself how it happened. And do not dare because of me with my mom: she dreams that you met the most wonderful woman on the planet. You know that it is not me. I do not know how to cook and dispose of money far to the most wonderful. In addition, I demanded too many colors and gifts from you, without thinking about that it costs money. I speak a lot and do little, constantly trying to re-educate you.
I am not writing to you to return our relationship, but to express your gratitude. Thank you for all you did for me. For your care, patience and understanding. You are the kindest, sincere and honest person in the world. Thank you for the happiness and pleasure that you gave me, apparently from pity. Thank you for your daughter, which will sometimes remind you of you. I'm sorry that I could not answer the same.
Think about me…. But think everything is bad to get disappointed soon. I do not want you to suffer. I do not stand it. As, in general, any other.
Favorite, we are simply not lucky. We will not be able to be together. But they were together in the past. So let's try to protect him. I appreciate all moments and moments that we spent together. Do you appreciate them? Then - forgive me and let me go. But so as not to hate me. Hate is too strong feeling. Do not feel it to me: I am not worthy.
You'll be happy. Just be an optimist. And do not consider betrayal what I am not with you now. I did it specifically so you learned to be disappointed in me. Please forgive me. But I can't be with you, knowing how much I am unpleasant by your mother. Parents, alas, do not choose. Respect your mother. As before - love her. She spent his whole life with you. And I - your happy chance, which, on an accident of circumstances, did not fall to taste your mom. It happens. I do not wish you evil, not princessually compare the love of mother and love for his wife and child. Yes, I do not want you to compare these two feelings. There is no point in comparison. I'm leaving your life so that another, the one, who really enjoy your mom, which she can love like a native daughter.
Are you surprised? Nothing amazing. I just want to dream that you were the happiest. If I am with you - happiness will move away on the side, because, always, between us and our love, will be your mom. And you know it."
I finally understood how hard you were with me. Thank you for, despite everyone, you treated me so well. But you should not regret me more. Soon I will learn everything myself.
I have the last request for you: do not call me even in the case. You do not need to answer this letter either. If you need anything, write simply sms.
They say that time heals. Now it's hard for me to believe it, but I will handle it. I wish you happiness.

Hello, darling!
How are you there? How is your health? What's new with you?
Cute writing you a letter. Because no longer found a way to express all your feelings and emotions. You know perfectly well how long I waited for such a man as you, it is you who give me my dreams. I feel so enveloped that any angel can envy me. Looking at your photo. My heart with every minute begins to fight faster and faster. My breathing is captured, and goosebumps run throughout the body. This is Love! I feel that we will be with you together. This is my desire, and I always make it always!

Masya, I dream about that day when we stay with you together. Evenings I imagine: how do you pick me up in a great place where everything exists only for us two. These watches will be the best and wonderful for us. I want to plunge into your embrace, forget about everything in the world and enjoy your presence .......

Favorite. The only one, thank you for being with me. Only you can make my life truly happy. I love every cell, every centimeter of your body, every one of your smile, touch, look ... I want you to look at me all my life, with your bottomless eyes! My happiness, my native, my beloved, you are the most wonderful little man, and wherever you are so that you do neither, let my love warms and protects you!

And most importantly - believe that it would not happen, you are always in my heart. All my thoughts are only about you and about our living together with you. I so want you to be up with me always! I have already stopped thinking about what was in the past, such an impression as if it was not at all. I think only about the future, about our future with you! I never thought that you could know someone so good and at the same time feel that in this man still so much wrong. I never met a person with whom the clock flew as minutes and never would like to part. It's so close to me a little man. As you, with which it is so easy, cozy and calm. Kitten. How I want to feel the warmth of your hands, I want to be so soon with you together.

I do not know why I wrote it all. Maybe from what I love you madly .. I constantly pursues that feeling that I know you all my life. You know when I first saw you, I thought: would we get something with you? As you can see, it turned out! Probably you smile now, I love your smile very much. How hurts in the heart of the fact that you are not near, the sun, I always think about you, I dream only about one thing - see you faster, feel the taste of your lips, the tenderness of your hands, look in your eyes. I believe we will definitely be together, because you want and you, I know! So all in our hands. We will all be wonderful ... Tightly whole, I hug love you and wait ...... Your girl.

P.S my native, I am always near ... Even now, when the kilometers of durable roads between us. I'm with you - with every drop of rain that he knocks on your window, I'm with you - with every sunlight, what wakes you in the morning, I'm with you - with every gust of the wind, which brings long-awaited coolness at night ... I believe you and I know that we can overcome any difficulties.

My dear, the only one, thank you very much that I have. Only you can make my life truly happy. I am ready to give everything in the world, for your "love" and that you are happy with me. Wherever you are so that you do, let my love guard you!

Thank you for your strength, your wisdom, your beauty and even harm :) For the fact that I learned what true love with you ... I am very glad that we met with you. For me now there is no greater happiness than to love you, be your beloved. I'm terribly afraid to lose you and therefore sometimes (maybe not sometimes :)) I do it stupid. I want to see happiness in your eyes and know what I need me. I want you to trust me. My native, please, let's never quarrel, betray each other.

Favorite, we must understand each other, maintain and protect. You and I have passed through a lot together, we still have much to do together. I love you, Radnulka, and I will not give anyone :)!

I wanted to escape from you, rather, I wanted to escape from myself ... But I can't. I can't forget you, my thoughts are about you, I understand, I understand everything, but I do not want it.
Every time I understand and catch myself thinking that I need to forget you. You, you, you ... Everyone is you. Do not need anything. Only you. I do not want to live, I do not want to breathe, I can't do it, I can not. You are my air, you are my life ... you are all for me ...

Let at least so, but so you are closer. I know that I will never see you. For you, I have no and never. I know all this, but only so, I can communicate with you, only Taya, I can talk about my love, just so I can love you, just so you are. You know, you have to feel me, which is no more, which was not before you ... was not before, no and after - there were you, I was ... You disappeared, a month passed, a lot of time passed, a whole eternity passed. Not for me only. I remember everything, I feel everything as if it was a second ago, you just went for coffee, or just distracted to talk. Although the whole eternity passed, everything passed, more time passed, much more, and you always sit for me nearby, you're near, you will always be near, you have no hotels. Let me go…

No, do not let go, you are all for me, you are my life. I thought I would not write more ... But I can't. You are in all, you in me, you fill me without a balance. I'm all that now lives for you, just for you. Even if I never see you, know, at least just feel ... I'm always yours, and I will be all for you.
Madly strange what you, or rather, I do not see anyone in people besides you. I do not want it. I'm trying to find at least a pitiful similarity, a small copy of you, but which, nor a drop looks like you, will never be even a little, like you. There will never be the meaning of my life, will never be my soul, will never live for me. I guess I repeat, and you are tired of it, although I know, I'm sure you can never read it, you are not, you are only a magic fairy tale, invented by me. ... But just that I am talking to you.

You know how I want you to be happy. Even here, "Only in me", I'm afraid to get bored to you, I'm afraid to be too frank, I'm afraid to seem like an annoying ... funny ...

It's funny even to me ... or rather what remains from me - it's funny to my body, as it cannot die along with the soul, with a soul that belongs only to you, which has no more of this body.

The only thing that stops me stops my soul, this is what I want at least at a distance, at least for a moment, at least impulsively make your life at least a bit brighter, at least a drop, and I believe in it, this is the only hope, Which still gives life to my body, no, rather is not life, it gives him hope, limitless hope ... fills him ... Thank you ...

I will no longer be to prove something. You yourself think about thinking as you think you need. I just want, what would you know-Sergey I'm going to go for you, there is no rest when you are not there, losing control over yourself when we are together. Having loved you, I found a suffer ... Fear that does not give me rest ... Fear of losing you ... I had a lot of dreams, but I didn't forget everything as soon as you appeared, because you are my main dream ... that that replaces me all the rest. I gave yourself to you without a rest ...

I don't want to let me let me go ... I need only you ... you're loved ... I'm completely yours ... I'm terribly sad without you, I don't even exist without you ... now you are my keeper, my angel, my passion ... I want to be so much ... Fully in your power ... Now I want to sit down to sit down ... kiss you ... gently, gently ... I want you insanely ... only you ... I'm waiting and I will wait for the meeting to which it is still far ... before ... I was afraid of time ... that it was so fast It runs, but now I really want that it would be faster, whatever you appear in my eyes ... The same good, the same beloved as in those days ... which we spent together ... Know that the whole passion that she was between us no longer for whom ... she is just for you ... I love you insane ...

I will never exchange you on a light flirt ... For a temporary passion ... Your words about love for me are a light chill around my body ... And I imagine it as if you're hugging me and tenderly whisper on the ear something that I want to rejoice at ... I myself caught shackles ... I don't need freedom ... I need only you ... and the places are not left in my head for others ... All the principles that were they turned out to be a wind ... The wind in my thoughts ... I replaced them ... Replaced you ... I love you ...

Hi, my cute beloved.
You will probably be surprised, seeing this letter somewhere on the site ... Yes, today many are so shy of beautiful love letters. No, I'm not afraid and feel free to my feelings, I am not ashamed to talk about love ... And even if this letter falls to someone in the hands, someone will resolutely read it, I will not finish the Rumyantic, no, I will even be pleased, that my feelings will force to stir up feelings of others ...

My love letter is my love song to you, my dear beloved ... I just really appreciate those feelings that you experience to me, that tremble that envelops you when you just think about me ... now rarely who loves you can love you…
The letter to the beloved in the separation is not just a letter, it's a dream and dreams, it is a faith that the separation will end that you, my cute and smart romantic you will once donate the door, can't call me softly, I'm quietly going to you ... and all What was written in a letter to your beloved person will happen in real ...

I often imagine how you hold my letter near your face, how to read it, remove glasses, enjoy the smell of the lined sheet, slowly breathe his fragrance: the aroma of the handle that left the trace on the paper ... and the aroma of the hand, which is affectionate and gently output for You are these letters ...
How is an expensive letter to your beloved person ... many stopped keeping these magic messengers of love, and we are stored with you, keep not only letters, keep our feelings ... We keep all this for our son, reading our correspondence by reading our soul ( After all, we invest our soul in the love letter), I knew how to write a love letter to my beloved ...

The world, my dear, so huge, it is impossible to drive around and for several months, and we are stored with you our world in your hot hearts. I believe that our separation will last a short time that you, re-reading my letter, you will remember my world, and arriving for me, give your world - the world of love, the world of tenderness, the world of his trembling soul.
I look forward to my envelope, gently lower it in the mailbox and imagine that it will be very soon in your hands ... And you will dream of me, dream of our meeting.

Language of love for men in cool sms beloved

How to choose a gift guy?

Hi, Natasha!

I had to have a new candidate for relations with you, already four farewell letters to a man to write until you have a text. I almost changed nothing, but only went along the way to reduce the written. Many, you see, wrote, and you want in short, in a business!

Yes, in business, it was possible and not to invent anything, and so to say: "You do not approach me, a man. You have a problem above the roof, and I solve my own in life! "

Well, okay ... I grumble, because you go on dates with men, but I am writing farewell letters! I also want to date with you! But ... I can not yet.

Farewell letter man. Option number 1.
Thank you very much, for a walk, for your openness and for not losing optimism in your difficult life situation. And I, honestly, is very uncomfortable now in front of you, because, I think about what you "Thank you" to me "will not say.
I, too, if you understand, a person is very open and besides, too open, as all my previous life shows. So, so you "thank you" to me and you will not say.
I probably needed inadvertently, the fact that about our joint old age said, the fact that I shook my hand, the fact that he listened to you with a heart ...

He listened, really, in the heart, and said exactly from the soul, I don't know myself, just why?
Let's go further - honestly and openly. You have problems, even for my free life, through the edge. Now I think: "I would be a lavender, one could get into it, to see what all this will turn out - our relationship, your and my children, all sorts of more and not very, people, debts, etc., and so paragraph. ".
I feel sorry for us in these meanings, and yourself, and you. And it is a pity, because we are not young ...
It would be time, everything would be pulled, welded and established. And now ... I have no time for it. I do not want problems, understand. Forces, no longer solve your own ... And even more so - other people's problems. Not strangers, of course, now, because you, in general, really liked. You are good, cheerful, communicate with you easy ...
Well, you understand, not a young I am already for such feats - to be an assistant to a man who needs help ...
Most of all, to be honest, I care about the fact that you can be offended at me for the hope that I gave you, and now take it. Forgive me. I'm just good and responsive. I am good and responsive, but I'm afraid to climb into your problems. Not enough for me already.
You are good, much better than many others. But you yourself, such a woman, as I do not need. I mean: such that does not want to share your problems with you.
There would be no them, then about joint old age, it will be possible to make it possible - this is exactly what I meant, probably. I somehow keep you very much, because you are not very good.
But, give hope ... Well, I can not, toly, you have such hope. You see, I have such an attitude towards life that a woman is a man's assistant. In the whole assistant. And I don't want to be with you next to you, while you have a problem from past life, they do not solve and help you decide, we understand yours, I don't want it either.
I would probably like if it was, and now, you know, some sorting has become and I want to be happy, as if winning the lottery ticket, and without resting how the scraping horse. I justify myself by the fact that and so all my life rested, two children gave birth and raised, almost alone, and she did not see care for themselves.
You are smart, you will understand everything right, because our acquaintance began with the meeting, and not with communication on the Internet. You saw what I, in fact, in real life. But ... I really want simple female happiness, male care and ... smaller problems that will interfere. Sorry. I do not suggest friends, because I do not believe in friendship between a man and a woman. And you - do not offer me, only time is lost. It is better to decide their problems faster - if not for me, then for any other woman it will be only a plus. Or look for such that will take you along with them. I assure you, there are such women too. And there are a lot of them. Even I, in principle, such. But I do not want. I do not want from the mind, but not from the soul and therefore I feel guilty before you.

Sorry and do not be offended. And be an optimist, as in our first and as long as the last date - because the "offended water is treated."

Farewell letter man. Option number 2.
Thank you very much, for a walk, for your openness and for not losing optimism in your difficult life situation.
I, too, if you understand, a person is very open. So, therefore, you "thank you" tell me.
I probably had an inadvertently entertained, the fact that about our joint old age said, the fact that I shook my hand, the fact that he listened to you with the heart ... he listened, really, heart, and said exactly from the soul.
Let's go further - honestly and openly. You have problems, even for my free life through the edge. I feel sorry for us in this sense and yourself, and you, because not young already. You are good, funny, communicate with me easy. Most of all I am worried about what you can offended at me for the hope that I gave you, and now take it. Forgive me. I am kind and responsive and you think it felt it, but you just afraid to climb into your problems.
You are good, much better than many others. And you are smart, you will understand everything right, I really want simple female happiness, male care and ... smaller problems that will interfere. Sorry. I do not suggest friends, because I do not believe in friendship between a man and a woman.
Decide its problems faster - if not for me, for yourself. And for any other woman it will be only a plus. Or are looking for such that will take you in the current state. I assure you, there are such women too. Even I am. But I do not want. I do not want from consciousness, but not from the soul and therefore I feel guilty before you. Sorry and do not be offended if you can ... And then I feel fooling myself, after our meeting, because I gave you hope for our relationship, herself is not wanting.

Farewell letter man. Option number 3.
Thank you very much, for a walk, for your openness and for not losing optimism in your difficult life situation. I, too, if you understand, a person is very open. I probably had an inadvertently entertained, the fact that about our joint old age said, the fact that I shook my hand, the fact that he listened to you with his heart ... I listened, really, my heart I said, exactly from the soul.
Let's go further - honestly and openly. You have problems, even for my free life through the edge. I feel sorry for us in this sense and yourself, and you, because not young already. You have fun, communicate with me easy. And I am responsive and you, I think I felt, but in your problems you just afraid.
You are good, much better than many others. And you are smart, you will understand everything right, I really want simple female happiness, male care and ... smaller problems that will interfere. I do not suggest friends, because I do not believe in friendship between a man and a woman.

Farewell letter man. Option number 4 (final).
Thank you very much, for a walk, for your openness and for not losing optimism in your difficult life situation. I was simple and interesting to me.
You are good, much better than many others. And you are smart, you will understand everything right. I really want simple female happiness, male care and ... smaller problems that will interfere. If you want to communicate just like comrades, like classmates.

P.S. For those who have enough patience to fully fulfill all the options for a farewell letter with a man, I will give the answer of this man himself, with great respect for him and even with some regret, from the fact that he is in the husband of my beloved friend, Nataska, did not come true:
"Sorry Natasha, I just don't want to be a friend. Happiness to you."
So, all the men want friendship with sex, no matter how cool ...