Development of speech reception of visual modeling. Using the method of visual modeling in the development of children's speech. Story based picture


Smolyazhenko Natalia Vyacheslavovna

Preschool teacher.

Solving the problems of speech in all its species diversity is an hot topic at preschool age. To date, there are many methods by which you can regulate the process of speech development in children, one of them is visual modeling.

Visual modeling - this is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it.
The visual modeling method helps the child visualize abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text), learn to work with them. This is especially important for preschoolers, since their mental tasks are solved with a predominant role. external funds, visual material learned better than verbal. Reference schemes is an attempt to use visual, motor, associative memory to solve cognitive problems. Scientific research and practice confirm that it is visual models that are the form of highlighting and denoting relationships that is available to children before school age. What problem of speech of a preschooler do we meet?

    Monosyllabic, consisting only of simple sentences speech. Inability to construct a sentence grammatically correctly.

    Poverty of speech. Insufficient vocabulary.

    The use of non-literary words and expressions.

    Poor dialogic speech: the inability to formulate a question correctly and in an accessible way, to build a short or detailed answer.

    Inability to build a monologue: for example, a plot or descriptive story on a proposed topic, retelling the text in your own words.

    Lack of logical substantiation of their statements and conclusions.

    Lack of speech culture skills: inability to use intonation, adjust the volume of the voice and the pace of speech, etc.

    Bad diction.

Therefore, the relevance of using visual modeling in working with preschoolers is that:

    firstly, a preschool child is very plastic and easy to learn, but for children with poorly developed speechcharacteristic fast fatiguability and loss of interest in the activity. Use of visualmodeling is of interest and helps to solve this problem;

    secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the processmemorization and assimilation of material, forms methods of working with memory. After all, one of the rulesstrengthening memory says: "When you learn - write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, draw graphs";

    thirdly, using a graphical analogy, we teach children to see the main thing, to systematize the knowledge gained.

The purpose of the simulation - to ensure that children acquire knowledge about the features of objects and phenomena of the world around them, their structure, connections and relationships that exist between them, and also teach how to transfer this knowledge to various forms speech expressions. Modeling is organized on the basis of replacing real objects with pictures, objects, schematic images. Therefore, modeling is the embodiment of one of the most important principles of didactics - the principle of visibility.

Using the model will lead to the set goals if all stages of working with the model are completed:

    familiarity with the graphic image of the model; (consideration of tables and analysis of what is shown on them)

    model decoding; (information is being recoded from an abstract into a real object)

    direct work with the model. (working out the memorization method)

The formation of visual modeling skills occurs in a certain sequence with a constant increase in the proportion of independent participation of preschoolers.

Comprehensive work on the development of speech using visual models carried out in the following areas:

    formation of lexical and grammatical representations;

    work with sounds;

    development of vocabulary and coherent speech;

    preparation for literacy.

In my practice, I use the method of visual modeling, presented in the form of a picture-graphic plan. I use this method in various types speech activity.

With the help of a picture-graphic plan, presented both in the form of pictograms and in the form of subject pictures, children learn poems and riddles, etc. This is especially effective when learning poems: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is thought up; thus, the whole poem is sketched schematically. After that, the child from memory, using graphic image reproduces the entire poem. On the initial stage adult offers ready plan- a scheme, and as the child learns, he is also actively involved in the process of creating his own scheme.

Retelling is an easier type of monologue speech, because. he adheres to the author's position of the work, it uses a ready-made author's plot and ready-made speech forms and tricks. The picture-graphic plan acts here as a means of mnemonics (mnemonics, or mnemonics - a system of various techniques that facilitate memorization and increase the amount of memory by forming additional associations).

. The work on developing the retelling skill involves the formation of the following skills:

    mastering the principle of substitution, that is, the ability to designate characters and main attributes of a work of art as substitutes;

    formation of the ability to transmit events with the help of substitutes ( subject modeling);

    transmission of the sequence of episodes in accordance with the location of the deputies, and begins with the story of acquaintances short stories, such as “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc.

When compiling narrative stories based on a series of plot pictures, children experience difficulties in building a plot, and then a picture-graphic plan comes to their aid. In practice, “stories” written by children themselves are mostly simple enumerations. actors or objects in the picture.

The work to overcome these shortcomings and develop the skill of storytelling in a picture consists of 3 stages:

    highlighting fragments of the picture that are significant for the development of the plot;

    determining the relationship between them;

    combining fragments into a single plot.

Before giving children a taskwrite a story based on a series of paintings, I am doing the preparatory work: to consider carefullyall pictures of the series, note what is important on each of them, determine the storyline, etc.Often, when compiling a story, children miss the dialogues of the characters, words-signs that characterize anddescribing the characters. In pictorial and graphic terms, I focus the attention of preschoolersexactly for this. For example, I mark dialogues with an arrow with a question from the character who starts the dialogue. This helps children not to "lose" the characteristics of the characters, to find causal relationships in the story, etc. Words are signs that characterize characters,I amI designate either with a question mark, or, if it is necessary to convey the mood of the hero, I use pictograms. I put pictograms when looking at each picture from the series in order to focus the attention of children on a certain sign or action of the hero.

For a story based on a plot picture, a picture-graphic plan is simply necessary.It is difficult for a child to “construct a situation” depicted in a picture, to come up with a developmentevents and competently finish your story, i.e. issue speech material scheme for constructing an utterance: beginning - development of events - result. There are several types of classes with picture material. I will focus on teaching storytelling based on a separate plot picture with children inventing previous events. For example, the picture " Winter fun» .

When compiling a story based on this picture, I distribute cards to the children withfragments of the picture and offerthemmake sentences. Then a large picture is exposed, the children find their fragments on it. Before the appearance of the picture-graphic plan, a conversation is held on the content of the picture, in the course of the conversation, reference cards-symbols and fragments of the picture are displayed. Thus, when composing their story, the children combine their knowledge and the actions depicted in the picture in the story.

The pictorial and graphic plan provides especially tangible assistance in drawing updescriptive stories. The complexity of learning to describe is due to the fact that in order to create andunderstanding of such a functional type of speech is not enough accumulated life experience, aactive intellectual work the child himself by highlighting the signs and properties of an object or phenomenon.

Before describing the subject, the child must learn to highlight the mostsignificantfeatures of the subject, select the exact words, express their attitude to the described subject and grammatically correct the phrase. I first teach children to highlight the essential features of the subject and give xdescription of the object:

    belonging to a generic concept;




    component parts;

    surface quality;

    the material from which the object is made (for inanimate objects);

    how is it used (what benefits does it bring)?

    Why do you like (dislike)?

Visual modeling stimulates the development of children's research abilities,draws their attention to the features of the object, helps to determine the ways of sensoryexamination of the subject and fix the results of the examination in a visual form.

Using the visual modeling method in my work, I noticed the following results:

    children increase their knowledge of the world around them;

    there is a desire to retell fairy tales, texts, invent interesting stories;

    there is an interest in memorizing poems and riddles

    vocabulary goes to a higher level;

    children overcome shyness, shyness, learn to freely stand in front of an audience.

CONCLUSIONS: Using visual modeling in our work, we teach children:

    obtain information, conduct research, make comparisons, draw up a clearinner plan mental actions, speech utterance;

    formulate and express judgments, draw conclusions;

    the use of visual modeling has positive influence on the development of non-speech processes: attention, memory,thinking.

Therefore, it can be concluded that by analyzing new material and graphically denoting it, the child (under the guidance of adults) learns independence, perseverance,visually perceives the plan of their actions. He has a sense of interest andresponsibility, there is satisfaction with the results of their work, improvedsuch mental processes like memory, attention, thinking, which has a positive effect on the effectiveness of my work.

The use of visual modeling in the correctional work system givesa positive result, which is confirmed by the data of diagnostics of the level of speech developmentchildren.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the method of visual modeling can and should be used in the system of both corrective work with children of preschool and primary school age, and in work with children of mass groups of kindergarten and elementary school.

Preschool children, as a rule, are distinguished by an insufficiently formed skill in constructing a coherent statement.

According to the results of diagnostics of the level of formation this skill in children, the following disadvantages can be noted:

Connected statements are short;

They are inconsistent, even if the child conveys the content of a familiar text;

· consist of separate fragments, logically not connected among themselves;

The level of informativeness of the statement is very low.

In addition, most children actively share their impressions of the events they have experienced, but are reluctant to take up the compilation of stories according to given topic. Basically, this is not because the child's knowledge of this issue insufficient, but because he cannot formulate them into coherent speech utterances.

One of the ways to plan a coherent statement can be RECEPTION OF VISUAL MODELING

Using the visual modeling technique makes it possible to:

independent analysis of the situation or object

the development of decentration (the ability to change the starting point)

development of ideas for the future product.

In the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech, modeling serves as a means of planning an utterance.

The visual modeling technique can be used to work on all types of coherent monologue statements:


composing stories based on a painting and a series of paintings

a descriptive story

creative storytelling


In the course of using the visual modeling technique, children get acquainted with a graphical way of providing information - a model. Symbols of various nature can act as conditional substitutes (elements of the model):

· geometric figures;

symbolic images of objects (symbols, silhouettes, contours, pictograms);

plans and symbols used in them;

Contrasting frame - the method of fragmentary storytelling and many others.

As substitute characters at the initial stage of work, geometric figures, with their shape and color reminiscent of the item being replaced. For example, a green triangle is a Christmas tree, a gray circle is a mouse, etc. At subsequent stages, children choose substitutes, without taking into account the external features of the object. In this case, they are guided by the qualitative characteristics of the object (evil, kind, cowardly, etc.). As a model of a connected statement, one can represent a strip of colorful circles.

The elements of a story plan drawn up according to a landscape painting can be silhouette images its objects, both clearly present in the picture, and those that can be distinguished only by indirect signs.

The following are used as substitute symbols in modeling creative stories:

· subject pictures

· silhouette images

· geometric figures

The visual model of the utterance acts as a plan that ensures the coherence and sequence of the child's stories.

The experience of working with children with speech disorders made it possible to identify some effective techniques visual modeling of a coherent statement, the use of which increases the interest of children in this type of activity and allows you to achieve significant results in correcting the speech of preschoolers.


The simplest of the types of connected statements is considered retelling.

Retelling involves the ability to highlight the main parts of the heard text, link them together, and then compose a story in accordance with this scheme. A visual model acts as a plan for the story.

The work on developing the retelling skill involves the formation of the following skills:

mastering the principle of substitution, that is, the ability to designate characters and main attributes of a work of art as substitutes;

Formation of the ability to transmit events with the help of substitutes (subject modeling);

transfer of the sequence of episodes in accordance with the location of the deputies.

and begins with telling familiar short tales, such as “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc. In order to teach a child to consistently present the plot of a fairy tale, visual models of a fairy tale are used. At first, children learn to make models that accompany reading a fairy tale by a speech therapist. For example, a speech therapist tells the children the fairy tale “Turnip”, and the children gradually put up substitute symbols for the heroes of the fairy tale. On the this stage it is necessary to ensure that the manipulation of the elements of the model corresponds to the fragment of the fairy tale that sounds at the moment.

The elements of the model can be pictures depicting the characters of a fairy tale, then they are replaced by substitute symbols (silhouette images or geometric shapes). Gradually, children move from simple manipulation of the elements of the model to the compilation of a spatial dynamic model, which directly serves as a plan for retelling.


Significant difficulties arise in children when compiling stories according to story picture. Story based picture requires the child to be able to identify the main characters or objects of the picture, trace their relationship and interaction, note the features of the compositional background of the picture, as well as the ability to think out the reasons for the occurrence of this situation, that is, to compose the beginning of the story, and its consequences - that is, the end of the story.

In practice, “stories” composed by children themselves are basically a simple enumeration of the characters or objects in the picture.

The work to overcome these shortcomings and develop the skill of storytelling in a picture consists of 3 stages:

highlighting the fragments of the picture that are significant for the development of the plot;

determine the relationship between them;

Combining fragments into a single plot.

Somehow the temperature of the Sun rose. It went to the doctor, and along the way, its hot rays touched everything. The Sun touched a snow cloud, and it turned into a white fluffy cloud. The sun touched the icicles on the roof, and droplets dripped from them, the drops rang loudly. A beam hit a snowdrift, and a thawed patch appeared in this place. The Sun touched a branch of a tree, and the first leaves appeared from the swollen buds. And when a ray of sun touched the bird, it sang merry song. The Sun looked around, instead of winter, SPRING came on the earth.

The elements of the model are, respectively, pictures - fragments, silhouette images of significant objects of the picture and schematic images of fragments of the picture.

Schematic images are also elements of visual models, which are the plan of stories for a series of paintings.

When children have mastered the skill of building a coherent statement, the models of retelling and stories include creative elements - the child is invited to come up with the beginning or end of the story, unusual characters are included in the fairy tale or plot of the picture, unusual qualities are assigned to the characters, etc., and then compose a story taking into account these changes.

STORY-DESCRIPTION landscape painting

A special kind of connected statement is stories -descriptions in landscape painting. This kind of storytelling is especially difficult for children. If, when retelling and compiling a story based on a plot picture, the main elements of the visual model are characters - living objects, then in landscape paintings they are absent or carry a secondary semantic load.

In this case, objects of nature act as elements of the story model. Since they are usually static, Special attention is given to the description of the qualities of these objects. Work on such paintings is built in several stages:

selection of significant objects of the picture;

reviewing them and detailed description appearance and properties of each object;

determination of the relationship between the individual objects of the picture;

Combining mini-stories into a single plot.

As preparatory exercise when shaping the skill of compiling a story based on a landscape painting, we can recommend the work “Revive the picture”. This work is, as it were, a transitional stage from compiling a story based on a plot picture to telling a story based on a landscape picture. Children are offered a picture with a limited number of landscape objects (a swamp, hummocks, a cloud, reeds; or a house, a garden, a tree, etc.) and small images of living objects - “animators” that could be in this composition. Children describe landscape objects, and the colorfulness and dynamism of their stories is achieved by including descriptions and actions of living objects.

For example, a simple description of a swamp would look something like this: It is quiet in the swamp, the water is like a black mirror, only bumps peek out of the water. There are reeds around the swamp, they sway in the wind. It's raining.

And here is the story with the introduction of living characters: Quiet in the swamp the water is like a black mirror, and a yellow fluffy duck glides on it, she teaches her ducklings to swim. The dragonfly peered into the mirror water, as a small airplane froze in the air. The reeds shake their heads, they greet the green frog. He jumped out onto a bump and enjoys the warm summer rain.

The same goes for other pictures. “Animators” are easily superimposed and removed, can be included in different landscape compositions, different living objects can be present in one landscape, which allows using minimum quantity visual material to achieve the variability of children's stories in one landscape composition.


To improve the efficiency of work on developing the skill of writing stories in a picture, we can recommend fragmentary storytelling when children first make up stories about individual characters (fragments) of the picture, and then combine them into a single statement. The picture proposed for composing the story is divided into 4 parts, which are closed with cardboard rectangles different color. The child, gradually opening each of the 4 parts of the picture, talks about each fragment, combining them into one plot. Work on each of the fragments is similar to the work on compiling a description of the whole picture. The variability of children's stories is achieved by choosing the color of the rectangle that they open first.


One of the techniques for teaching children coherent retelling is to work with speech therapy tales. Logopedic fairy tale this is a text with a fabulous content, containing as many identical sounds as possible (fairy tales by V. Volina, A. Tsyferov, etc.). TO this species fairy tales include such fairy tales, in the text of which there is often a sound automated in connected speech or oppositional sounds, the pronunciation of which requires differentiation in the independent speech of children.

The use of such fairy tales in the work allows solving, along with the tasks of mastering the skill of consistent and coherent retelling, the tasks of automating the set sounds in coherent speech.

Work with a speech therapy fairy tale is as follows:

· the teacher reads a fairy tale to the child;

The child lays out a model of a fairy tale (a picture or consisting of substitute symbols, choosing them arbitrarily);

Then the child answers questions about the content of the tale;

The teacher models fragments of a fairy tale, the child retells the text corresponding to this fragment;

The child retells the story according to the model.


There is a hornet's nest on a currant bush in our garden.

There was a wasp, she loves to bite. The girl Sonya will go out into the garden. The wasp bites her immediately. Sonya runs into the house and cries. Dog Spike will run out into the garden. The wasp will bite him in the nose. Everyone hurts, but the wasp rejoices. Then Sonya's mother came up with an idea. She poured sweet currant juice into a bowl. A wasp flew in, tasted the juice and thought:

So tasty! And I always bite some tasteless objects. I won't bite anymore. I'd rather drink this sweet juice forever.

Since then, mom pours sweet juice for the wasp every day. And the wasp doesn't bite anyone anymore.


Where was the hornet's nest?

Who lived in the nest?

Why is everyone afraid of wasps?

How can you name a wasp?

What did mom come up with to wean the wasp from biting?

What would you do?

What other name can you think of for a fairy tale?


In developing the skill of compiling descriptive stories, the preliminary compilation of a description model is of great help. In the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech, modeling can serve as a means and program for analyzing and fixing the regular properties and relations of an object or phenomenon.

The basis of a descriptive story is made up of specific ideas accumulated in the process of studying the object of description. Substitute characters become elements of the descriptive story model quality characteristics object:

Belonging to a generic concept;


component parts;

surface quality;

the material from which the object is made (for inanimate objects);

How is it used (what benefits does it bring)?

Why do you like (dislike)?

According to this model, it is possible to draw up a description of a separate object belonging to a certain group.

Mastering the technique comparative description occurs when children learn to freely operate with a model of description individual items or phenomena. Two or three children or subgroups of children make up a model for describing two or more objects according to the plan. In this case, the description symbols are laid out by each subgroup in their own hoop. Then, at the intersection of the hoops (Euler circles), the same features of objects are distinguished. Children compare objects, first identifying their similarities and then their differences.


The fox and the hare are wild animals. The hare is small, and the fox is bigger. The hare has gray fur in summer, and the fox has red fur. The hare is a herbivore and the fox is a carnivore.


Often a visual model serves as a means of overcoming a child's fear of building creative connections stories.

This type of utterance involves the child's ability to create a special idea and expand it into a full story with various details and events. The child is offered a model of the story, and he must already endow the elements of the model with semantic qualities and make a coherent statement based on them.

This skill is the opposite of retelling skill. Transitional exercises from modeling retelling to writing creative stories can be the following:

guessing the episode by demonstrating the action;

storytelling by demonstrating the action to adults;

The sequence of work on the formation of the skill of compiling a coherent creative expression next:

The child is invited to come up with a situation that could happen to specific characters in a certain place, the model of the story (fairy tale) is set by the educator;

The educator offers specific characters in the story, and the child invents the spatial design of the model on his own;

specific characters are replaced by their silhouette images, which allows the child to show creativity in the characterization of the characters of the story;

The child is invited to compose a story or a fairy tale according to a model, the elements of which are indefinite substitutes for the characters of the story - geometric shapes, the teacher sets the topic of the story: for example, “Spring Tale”;

Finally, the child independently chooses the theme and characters of his story.


One of the ways to develop skills creative storytelling is teaching children how to compose fairy tales from silhouette images. As elements of the model, the child is presented with silhouettes of animals, plants, people or natural phenomena(snow, rain, etc.) The speech therapist sets the beginning of the tale and offers to continue it, based on silhouette images. V dark forest , in its very depths, there is a sunny clearing. A flower grows in the center of the clearing ...(then the children choose the silhouettes of other characters and finish the fairy tale). The peculiarity of these elements is that the silhouette images, in contrast to the picture material, define a certain generalized image without revealing its semantic content. Determining the character, mood, even the appearance of the hero is the prerogative of the child himself. Children endow the silhouettes of objects with certain semantic qualities. At the subsequent stages, the child himself invents the plot of a fairy tale on a given topic, choosing silhouettes for the model in accordance with his plan.

As they master the skill of modeling, children use a generalized model containing only key points instead of a detailed object model. There is a folding of the model, its transition to the deputy.

The elements of the substitute model are sketches made by children in the course of listening to the story. The number of elements of the model is first determined by the speech therapist, and then, as the skill is mastered, by the child himself - a transition is made from a detailed retelling to a brief one.

The substitute model also serves as a blueprint for a creative story. In this case, the child performs the opposite actions, performed during retelling:

paraphrase- listening to the text - drawing up a model - retelling the text according to the model;

creative story- drawing up a model of the story - a story according to the model.

The presented methods of work make it possible to increase the efficiency of correcting the speech of preschool children suffering from its underdevelopment, but can also be used in working with children who do not have developmental deficiencies as a means of increasing interest in this type of activity and optimizing the process of developing the skill of coherent speech of preschool children.

Gradually mastering all kinds of coherent statements with the help of modeling, children learn to plan their speech.

Visual modeling- this is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it. The visual modeling method helps the child visualize abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text), learn to work with them. This is especially important for preschoolers, since their mental tasks are solved with the predominant role of external means, visual material is assimilated better than verbal.



"Speech - great power: she convinces, converts, compels"

R. Emerson.

Connected speech takes important place in the child's communication with peers and adults, reflects the logic of the child's thinking, his ability to comprehend the perceived information and correctly express it. It is an indicator of how the child owns the vocabulary of the native language, reflects the level of aesthetic and emotional development child. Thus, connected speech is a detailed presentation of a certain content, which is carried out logically, consistently and accurately, grammatically correct and figuratively.

Visual modeling- this is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it.

The visual modeling method helps the child visualize abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text), learn to work with them. This is especially important for preschoolers, since their mental tasks are solved with the predominant role of external means, visual material is assimilated better than verbal.

A preschooler is deprived of the opportunity to write down, make a table, note something. In kindergarten, only one type of memory is mainly involved - verbal. Support schemes are an attempt to use visual, motor, associative memory to solve cognitive problems.

Scientific research and practice confirm that it is visual models that are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is available to preschool children. Scientists also note that the use of substitutes and visual models develops the mental abilities of preschoolers.

Therefore, the relevance of using the visual modeling method in working with preschoolers is that:

  1. Firstly, a preschool child is very plastic and easy to learn, but children are characterized by rapid fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson. The use of visual modeling is of interest and helps to solve this problem;
  2. secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorization and assimilation of the material, forms the methods of working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory says: “When you learn, write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, draw graphs”;
  3. thirdly, using a graphical analogy, we teach children to see the main thing, to systematize the knowledge gained.

We all know how difficult it is for a child to build a coherent story, even just to retell a familiar text. It's not just about language development. Children are often confused by the details of the story that they thought were the most important, and they can repeat them repeatedly. For example, "And the wolf had big teeth", "He had a terrible mouth", etc., forgetting about further development events. But the main thing for the narrator is to convey the plot of the work, to be understood by another person, and not just express their feelings. In other words, the child must learn to single out the most important thing in the narrative, to consistently state the main actions and events. Sometimes in the classroom, we use different methods and techniques. We remind, prompt, ask the questions "What's next?", "How did it happen?", "Why did it happen?".

We have to intervene in the story, retelling the child, asking him a lot of questions.

What to do?

How can you help your child use model diagrams when telling??

What are model diagrams?

This is a schematic representation of an object or event. Visual models are widely used in the activities of adults. These are layouts, drawings, maps, plans and schedules. In the field of development of thinking, the main thing is to master the actions of visual modeling.

What is modeling?

Modeling is considered as a joint activity of the educator and children in the construction, selection and design of models.

The purpose of the simulation- to ensure the successful development of knowledge by children about the features of natural objects, the world around them, their structure, connections and relationships that exist between them. Modeling is based on the principle of replacing real objects with schematically depicted objects or signs. The model makes it possible to create an image of the most significant aspects of the object and abstract from the non-essential in this particular case.

As children become aware of the way of replacing signs, connections between real objects, with their models it becomes possible to involve children in joint with the educator, and then in their own modeling.

Any modeling begins with a simple substitution of objects, leading to the use of symbols and signs. It is visual models that are most applicable for classes with preschool children, because it is much easier for a child to imagine an object, to identify relationships between objects, their connections, seeing them visually, and often taking part in their creation.

The most diverse and productive work is with model schemes for the development of coherent speech and creative storytelling.

Modeling is quite common in various fields of scientific knowledge, including special pedagogy, which develops theoretical and practical aspects of the education and upbringing of persons with disabilities in physical and mental development. Therefore, modeling in special pedagogy is purposeful process corrections of mental (speech) and physical handicaps development in children by building and studying models of any phenomena, objects or systems of objects. In the process of modeling surrounding objects, orienting activity is improved, perceptual and practical actions are formed.

Visual modeling method

Using the visual modeling method makes it possible to:

  1. independent analysis of the situation or object;
  2. development of decentration (the ability to change the starting point, make it centralized);
  3. development of ideas for the future product.

In the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech, modeling serves as a means of planning an utterance. The visual modeling method can be used to work on all types of connected monologue statements:

  1. retelling;
  2. compiling stories based on a painting and a series of paintings;
  3. descriptive story;
  4. creative story.

Model elements

In the course of using the visual modeling method, children get acquainted with a graphical way of providing information - a model. Symbols of various nature can act as conditional substitutes (elements of the model):

  1. geometric figures;
  2. symbolic images of objects (symbols, silhouettes, contours, pictograms);
  3. plans and symbols used in them;
  4. contrasting frame - the method of fragmentary storytelling and many others.

As substitute characters at the initial stage of work, geometric figures , reminiscent of the object being replaced by their shape and color, and models of a coherent statement can representa strip of colorful circles.

The elements of the plan of the story, drawn up according to the landscape painting, can besilhouette imagesits objects, both clearly present in the picture, and those that can be distinguished only by indirect signs.

The following are used as substitute symbols in modeling creative stories:

  1. subject pictures;
  2. silhouette images;
  3. geometric figures.

The visual model of the utterance acts as a plan that ensures the coherence and sequence of the child's stories.

The use of the method of visual modeling of a coherent statement, the use of which increases the interest of children in this type of activity and allows achieving significant results in correcting the speech of preschoolers.


The simplest of the types of connected statements is considered retelling.

Retelling is an easier form of monologue speech,because he adheres to the author's position of the work, it uses a ready-made author's plot and ready-made speech forms and techniques. This is to some extent reflected speech with a certain degree of independence. Retelling literary works in kindergarten refers to one of the activities in speech therapy classes. Retelling involves the ability to highlight the main parts of the heard text, link them together, and then compose a story in accordance with this scheme. A visual model acts as a plan for the story.

The work on developing the retelling skill involves the formation of the following skills:

  1. mastering the principle of substitution, that is, the ability to designate characters and main attributes of a work of art as substitutes;
  2. formation of the ability to transmit events with the help of substitutes (subject modeling);
  3. transmission of the sequence of episodes in accordance with the arrangement of deputies, and begins with the telling of familiar short tales, such as “Turnip”, “Kolobok”, etc.

In order to teach a child to consistently state the plot of a fairy tale, visual models of a fairy tale are used. At first, children learn to make models that accompany the reading of a fairy tale by a teacher.

Pictogram - a sign showing the most important recognizable features object, objects, phenomena to which it indicates, most often in a schematic form.

Pictograms of the "word scheme" help the child, focusing on visual image, count how many and what sounds are in a word, where the sound is (at the beginning, in the middle or at the end), sentence schemes - to determine the number of words, develops interest in communication, improves speech-thinking activity, masters the operations of analysis and synthesis.

Pictograms for stories and fairy tales are good for developing coherent speech in children. This contributes to the development of higher mental functions (thinking, imagination, memory, attention), activation of coherent speech, orientation in space, facilitates the acquaintance of children with nature and phenomena surrounding reality (road signs, environmental signs, etc.). Using various schemes the nature of children's activities is changing: children not only hear their speech or speech addressed to them, but also have the opportunity to "see" it. When compiling stories from pictures and pictograms, children more easily memorize new words not mechanically, but in the process of active use.

The use of pictograms in the work on teaching retelling facilitates the memorization of the work, and then the retelling itself, based on a graphic image. Pictograms help the child understand the sequence of events and build the outline of the subsequent story.

It is better to start using models (pictograms) with familiar fairy tales: “Gingerbread Man”, “Masha and the Bear”, “Turnip”, etc. over time, children will want to independently model the work they like.

Story based picture

Significant difficulties arise in children when compiling stories according tostory picture.Story based picturerequires the child to be able to identify the main characters or objects of the picture, trace their relationship and interaction, note the features of the compositional background of the picture, as well as the ability to think out the reasons for the occurrence of this situation, that is, to compose the beginning of the story, and its consequences - that is, the end of the story.

In practice, “stories” composed by children themselves are basically a simple enumeration of the characters or objects in the picture.

The work to overcome these shortcomings and develop the skill of storytelling in a picture consists of 3 stages:

  1. highlighting fragments of the picture that are significant for the development of the plot;
  2. determining the relationship between them;
  3. combining fragments into a single plot.

The elements of the model are, respectively, pictures - fragments, silhouette images of significant objects of the picture and schematic images of fragments of the picture.

Schematic images are also elements of visual models, which are the plan of stories for a series of paintings.

When children have mastered the skill of building a coherent statement, the models of retelling and stories includecreative elements- the child is invited to come up with the beginning or end of the story, unusual characters are included in the fairy tale or plot of the picture, unusual qualities are assigned to the characters, etc., and then compose a story taking into account these changes.

Story - descriptionlandscape painting

A special kind of connected statement is stories - descriptions in landscape painting. This kind of storytelling is especially difficult for children. If, when retelling and compiling a story based on a plot picture, the main elements of the visual model are characters - living objects, then in landscape paintings they are absent or carry a secondary semantic load. In this case, objects of nature act as elements of the story model. Since they are usually static in nature, special attention is paid to describing the qualities of these objects. Work on such paintings is built in several stages:

  1. highlighting significant objects in the picture;
  2. considering them and a detailed description of the appearance and properties of each object;
  3. determination of the relationship between the individual objects of the picture;
  4. combining mini-stories into a single plot.

“Animators” are easily superimposed and removed, can be included in different landscape compositions, different living objects can be present in one landscape, which allows, using a minimum amount of visual material, to achieve variability in children’s stories in one landscape composition.

Fragmentary storytelling on a landscape painting

To improve the efficiency of work on developing the skill of writing stories in a picture, we can recommendfragmentary storytellingwhen children first make up stories about individual characters (fragments) of the picture, and then combine them into a single statement. The picture proposed for composing the story is divided into 4 parts, which are closed with cardboard rectangles of different colors. The child, gradually opening each of the 4 parts of the picture, talks about each fragment, combining them into one plot. Work on each of the fragments is similar to the work on compiling a description of the whole picture. The variability of children's stories is achieved by choosing the color of the rectangle that they open first.

Comparative description of items

In developing the skill of compiling descriptive stories, the preliminary compilation of a description model is of great help. In the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech, modeling can serve as a means and program for analyzing and fixing the regular properties and relations of an object or phenomenon.

The basis of a descriptive story is made up of specific ideas accumulated in the process of studying the object of description. The elements of the model of a descriptive story are substitute symbols for the qualitative characteristics of the object:

  1. belonging to a generic concept;
  2. magnitude;
  3. color;
  4. form;
  5. component parts;
  6. surface quality;
  7. the material from which the object is made (for inanimate objects);
  8. how is it used (what benefits does it bring)?
  9. Why do you like (dislike)?

According to this model, it is possible to draw up a description of a single object belonging to a certain group.

Mastering the method of comparative description occurs when children learn to freely operate with a model for describing individual objects or phenomena. Two or three children or subgroups of children make up a model for describing two or more objects according to the plan. In this case, the description symbols are laid out by each subgroup in their own hoop. Then, at the intersection of the hoops (Euler circles), the same features of objects are distinguished. Children compare objects, first identifying their similarities and then their differences.

creative story

Often a visual model serves as a means of overcoming a child's fear of buildingcreative connections stories.

This type of utterance involves the child's ability to create a special idea and expand it into a full story with various details and events. The child is offered a model of the story, and he must already endow the elements of the model with semantic qualities and make a coherent statement based on them.

This skill is the opposite of retelling skill. Transitional exercises from modeling retelling to writing creative stories can be the following:

  1. guessing the episode by demonstrating the action;
  2. storytelling by demonstrating the action to adults;
  3. The sequence of work on the formation of the skill of compiling a coherent creative statement is as follows:
  4. the child is asked to come up with a situation that could happen to specific characters in a certain place, the model of the story (fairy tale) is given by an adult;
  5. the adult proposes specific characters in the story, and the child invents the spatial design of the model on his own;
  6. specific characters are replaced by their silhouette images, which allows the child to show creativity in the characterization of the characters in the story;
  7. the child is invited to compose a story or a fairy tale according to a model, the elements of which are indefinite substitutes for the characters of the story - geometric shapes, the speech therapist sets the topic of the story: for example, “Spring Tale”;
  8. and, finally, the child independently chooses the theme and heroes of his story.

Creative fairy tale by silhouette images

One of the ways to develop the skill of creative storytelling is to teach children how to compose fairy tales from silhouette images. As elements of the model, the child is presented with silhouettes of animals, plants, people or natural phenomena (snow, rain, etc.). The adult sets the beginning of the tale and suggests continuing it, based on silhouette images. The peculiarity of these elements is that the silhouette images, in contrast to the picture material, define a certain generalized image without revealing its semantic content. Determining the character, mood, even the appearance of the hero is the prerogative of the child himself. Children endow the silhouettes of objects with certain semantic qualities. At the subsequent stages, the child himself invents the plot of a fairy tale on a given topic, choosing silhouettes for the model in accordance with his plan.

As they master the skill of modeling, instead of a detailed subject model, children use a generalized one containing only key points. There is a folding of the model, the transition is its deputy.

The elements of the substitute model are sketches made by children in the course of listening to the story. The number of elements of the model is first determined by the adult, and then, as the skill is mastered, by the child himself - a transition is made from a detailed retelling to a brief one.

The substitute model also serves as a blueprint for a creative story. In this case, the child performs the opposite actions, performed during retelling:

  1. paraphrase - listening to the text - drawing up a model - retelling the text according to the model;
  2. creative story- drawing up a model of the story - a story according to the model.

The presented methods of work will improve the efficiency of the speech of preschoolers, can be used in working with children as a means of increasing interest in this type of activity and optimizing the process of developing the skill of coherent speech of preschool children.

Gradually mastering all kinds of coherent statements with the help of modeling, children learn to plan their speech.

Consultation for teachers

"Visual modeling in the development of speech of preschoolers"

Menshchikova Tatyana Panteleevna,

educator MKDOU No. 483,

Novosibirsk city

One of the main tasks preschool is an teaching children connected speech, that is, the ability to clearly, consistently express their thoughts. Developed speech performs the most important social functions: it helps the child to establish connections with other people, determines and regulates the norms of behavior in society, this is decisive condition for the development of his personality. Main tasks on the development of speech are the following: expansion and refinement of the range of ideas about objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality; development of observation of children on the basis of systematic exercises; language acquisition, grammatical structure, the communicative function of communication.

V preschool pedagogy modeling They are used when introducing children to nature, in the process of developing speech, mastering elementary mathematical concepts, and developing the musicality of children. Modeling– study of any phenomena, processes by building and studying models. Modeling has models as its object. Model- this is any image (mental and conditional; images, descriptions, diagram, drawing, graph, plan) of a process or phenomenon (the original of this model), used as a substitute. The modeling method is also effective because it allows the teacher to keep the cognitive interest of preschoolers throughout the lesson.

In didactics, there are 3 kinds of models:

  1. An object model in the form of a physical structure of an object or objects that are naturally connected (a planar model of a figure that reproduces its main parts, design features, proportions, ratios of parts in space).
  2. Subject-schematic model. Here, the essential components identified in the object of cognition and the connections between them are indicated with the help of objects - substitutes and graphic signs.
  3. Graphic models (graphs, formulas, diagrams).

In order for the model, as a visual and practical means of cognition, to fulfill its function, it must correspond to a number of requirements:

- Clearly display the main properties and relationships that are the object of knowledge;

- Be easy to understand and accessible to create actions with it;

- Brightly and clearly convey with its help those properties and relationships that must be mastered.

The effect of the impact of training is directly dependent on its content and means. It is determined by the fact that the simulation is based on the principle of substitution. A real object can be replaced in the activity of children by another object, image, sign.

V younger age children need to be taught to remember the characters and the sequence of actions, to retell, therefore, with the help of such schemes, the children retold the fairy tales “Gingerbread Man”, “The Wolf and the Seven Kids”, “The Cat, the Rooster and the Fox” and so on. The games I selected in the description of the subject (“What a toy”, “Recognize me”, “Fold a pattern”) developed the ability to see in kids in various subjects their possible substitutes and use them when retelling and compiling stories of a descriptive and narrative type.

In the middle group preschoolers learned to compose descriptive and narrative stories, retell not only familiar stories (fairy tales), but also heard again, based on the model, developed the ability to recognize fairy tale episodes played out with the help of models (substitutes). For example, in the lesson "Journey to the Enchanted Forest", the children had to complete the task of Baba Yaga and disenchant fairy tales encrypted with the help of models. In the classes “How transport helps us”, “Every day with bread”, “On fire safety”, the pupils independently chose models for their stories and thus learned to compose a story from personal experience.

At an older age tasks for the development of coherent speech become more complicated, in connection with this, the models become more complicated. They become more abstract, while their functions are discussed with children in advance. On the basis of models, children not only convey the text, but also the dialogue of the characters, the characteristics of the characters. At this age, it is necessary to develop creative speech, so I selected games and tasks for the development of imagination, which helped preschoolers avoid ready-made speech patterns, which contributed to the development of the ability to compose fairy tales and stories based on a model, filling it with any content.

The development of children's creative activity is directly related to the family situation, therefore cooperation with family is important integral part work with children. this work carried out by me in two directions: educating parents about the method of modeling and involving them in participation in the pedagogical process.

Bottom line systematic work on teaching children storytelling through simulation is that children by the end preparatory group made detailed stories, retold literary works, composed their own, mastered the construction of grammatical structures well, understood the meaning of verbs, categories of nouns and adjectives.

Methods for transmitting voice information

According to the method of information transfer or the method of presentation, the following types of statements are distinguished: description, narration, reasoning.

Description- this is a special text that begins with a general thesis that defines and names the subject or object; then comes the enumeration of signs, properties, qualities, actions; the description is completed by a final phrase giving an assessment of the subject or relations to it. The description is distinguished by static, soft structure, which allows varying, rearranging its components. Preschoolers are taught to describe toys, object or plot pictures, their own drawings or designs, natural phenomena, people and animals. Teaching the construction of descriptive texts will help form a child's elementary representations about the structure and functions of descriptive text.

Narration is the development of a story that unfolds over time. The main purpose of the narrative is to convey the development of the action or the state of the subject, which includes successive events. The structure of the narrative is more rigid than in the description, since the rearrangement of its elements can disrupt the sequence of events. Therefore, the narrative scheme is the beginning, middle, end (outset, climax, denouement). An important role in the construction of the narrative is given to the education of children. different ways organization of beginnings (the words once, once, the place and time of the event can be indicated). Preschoolers can compose different types of narrative texts: realistic stories, fairy tales, stories on the picture. Work on the formation of ideas about the structure of a narrative text develops in children the ability to analyze the structure of a literary text and transfer the acquired skills to verbal creativity. In children, the main violations of the narrative presentation are observed:

- skipping sentences or even parts of the text;

- permutation of sentences and parts of the text;

- displacement of sequence rows (when the child starts a story about one, then about another and again returns to the previous one);

- introduction into the structure of the text of a description of events not related to it.

reasoning- this is a text that includes cause-and-effect structures, questions, assessment. It contains the thesis, the proof of the put forward position and the conclusion that follows from it. The structure of the reasoning, as well as the description, is not rigid: the proofs of the thesis put forward can be given in a different sequence. In reasoning, not one, but several provisions can be proved, and several conclusions or one generalized one can be drawn.

Text writing training different types are carried out in such forms of work as conversation, analysis of one's own and someone else's text, drawing up a plan and telling a story about it, using a text scheme and different kind exercises.

Actions with models must be done in the following order:

- substitution (at first, models are offered in ready-made, and then the children come up with conditional substitutes on their own);

– use of ready-made models (starting from middle group);

– building models: according to the conditions, according to one’s own plan, according to real situation(from the senior group).

The work of the teacher is aimed at mastering the following children types of model representations:

- specific (displaying the structure of this object);

— generalized (generalizing the structure of a class of objects);

- conditionally symbolic (transmitting non-visual relationships).

Modeling techniques

Modeling is based on the principle of replacing real objects with objects, schematic images, signs. The use of modeling in working with preschoolers involves compliance with certain requirements:

- The model is introduced into the everyday life of preschoolers, provided that ideas about the properties and features of the object are formed;

– The model should be an analogue of an object or phenomenon, all the features and qualities of which are modeled with the direct participation of the child;

– The model should be accessible to children in Everyday life;

– The model should be concise and characterize only the main qualities of an object or phenomenon;

- Only one type of model can be used at a time.

The use of models successfully helps children to enrich the experience of learning about the world around them, encourages the desire to learn more about it. The modeling method can be successfully applied in all types of children's activities, for example, in work on environmental education:

  1. Introduction to plants.

Considering plants with children, we pay attention to what parts the plant consists of (stem, leaves, flower). Only then we introduce models. We use these models when getting acquainted with new plants, as well as when learning how to care for plants. For example, to consolidate knowledge about indoor plants, you can make reference cards with drawings of plant leaves, according to which children learn to find the appropriate plant. For example, offer to find a plant whose leaves are the same as on the card. The child finds it and explains his choice or vice versa.

  1. Introduction to animals.

The modeling method can be used to classify animals according to characteristics characteristic of a certain class of animals. Considering birds with children during walks, we note that they have a beak, two paws, plumage. And then we consolidate knowledge on models. Considering fish (scales, fins, torso), models can be used near the object of observation. For example, when observing fish in an aquarium, offer children a graphic model that helps them generalize the concept of "fish". Children freely answer questions of a exploratory nature: “Where do fish live? How do they move and why? What is the body of the fish covered with? Why does she need scales? How does a fish breathe? Can fish be taken out of the water? Why? Why do fish need fins? Thus, the model requires the ability of children to analyze, abstract, and think. Work is also being done to introduce children to animals. Models should be available for the activities of each child, so they must be displayed in a corner of nature.

  1. Acquaintance with natural phenomena.

While walking with children, we observe the state of the weather, note what has changed in nature, get acquainted with the characteristic features of the seasons. We mark our observations in the calendar of nature using models: a model of clear weather, it is snowing, it is cloudy. Visual models with a conditional schematic representation of natural phenomena, signs of the season help to form a child's general idea of ​​the main seasonal changes in nature. Models are used during joint conversations, observations, classes with children, and then they are placed on a panel in a corner of nature, where children examine them on their own. Models of autumn changes in nature.

The sky is overcast, covered with clouds.

- It often rains.

The leaves on the trees turn yellow and gradually fall off.

Trees shed their leaves completely at the end of autumn.

— Insects hide under the bark of trees.

— Insectivorous birds fly south.

- Animals are preparing for winter: they molt, some animals change their coat color.

- Some animals make stocks for the winter, a person also makes stocks.

Using models to talk about the seasons

For younger and middle-aged children it is necessary to give color schemes, and for older children it is desirable to draw schemes in one color. You can draw up schemes for the blocks "Winter", "Spring", "Summer", "Autumn".

These schemes serve as a kind of visual plan for creating monologues, helping children build:

- The structure of the story.

- The sequence of the story.

- Lexico-grammatical content of the story.

Model schemes apply while memorizing poems about nature. The use of modeling facilitates and speeds up the process of memorization and assimilation of texts, forms techniques for working with memory. In this type of activity, not only auditory, but also visual analyzers are included. Children easily recall the picture, and then recall the words.

With the help of model diagrams, children can solve riddles, based on the reference scheme, as well as compose riddles on their own.

Based on the model schemes, you can create a variety of didactic games.

To fix the structure of plants, you can play the game "What first, what next?".

To consolidate knowledge about animals and their characteristic features you can play the games “Who lives where”, “Who eats what?”, “What does it look like”, “Find by contour”, “Who is wearing what”, “Seasons”, “Who lives where?”, "Whose baby?"

The use of simulation generates the ability to analyze, think, develop the speech of preschoolers.

In this way, the sooner we teach children to tell and retell using the modeling method, the better we will prepare them for school, since coherent speech is an important indicator mental ability child and readiness for school.

Visual modeling is the reproduction of the essential properties of the object under study, the creation of its substitute and work with it. The visual modeling method helps the child visualize abstract concepts (sound, word, sentence, text), learn to work with them. This is especially important for preschoolers, since their mental tasks are solved with the predominant role of external means, visual material is assimilated better than verbal. (T.V. Egorova 1973; A.N. Leontiev 1981). A preschooler is deprived of the opportunity to write down, make a table, note something. In kindergarten classes, only one type of memory is mainly involved - verbal. Support schemes are an attempt to use visual, motor, associative memory to solve cognitive problems. Scientific research and practice confirm that it is visual models that are the form of highlighting and designating relationships that is available to preschool children (Leon Lorenzo S, Khalizeva L.M., etc.). Scientists also note that the use of substitutes and visual models develops the mental abilities of preschoolers.

Based on this, the relevance of using visual modeling in working with preschoolers is that: firstly, a preschooler is very plastic and easy to learn, but they are also characterized by fatigue and loss of interest in the lesson. The use of visual modeling is of interest and helps to solve this problem; secondly, the use of symbolic analogy facilitates and speeds up the process of memorization and assimilation of the material, forms the methods of working with memory. After all, one of the rules for strengthening memory says: When you learn - write down, draw diagrams, diagrams, draw graphs; thirdly, using a graphical analogy, we teach children to see the main thing, to systematize the knowledge gained.

Mnemonics. Schemes and mnemonic tables Nowadays, we often encounter the fact that children cannot compose stories by looking only at pictures, and this is where the need to use mnemonics appears. Mnemonics - translated from Greek - "the art of memorization." This is a system of methods and techniques that ensure the successful memorization, preservation and reproduction of information, knowledge about the features of natural objects, about the world around, effective memorization story structure, and, of course, the development of speech. With the help of mnemonics, the following tasks are solved: Develop coherent and dialogic speech. To develop in children the ability with the help of graphic analogy, as well as with the help of substitutes, to understand and tell familiar fairy tales, poems using a mnemonic table and a collage. Teach children the correct pronunciation. Get to know letters. To develop in children mental activity, ingenuity, observation, the ability to compare, highlight significant features. To develop mental processes in children: thinking, attention, imagination, memory (various types).

Mnemotables are a graphic or partially graphic representation of the characters of a fairy tale, natural phenomena, some actions, etc. by highlighting the main semantic links of the plot. The main thing is to convey a conditionally visual diagram, depict it in such a way that the drawing is understandable to children. Schemes serve as a kind of visual plan for creating monologues, helping children build: - the structure of the story, - the sequence of the story, - the lexical and grammatical content of the story. Mnemotables and diagrams serve didactic material in the development of coherent speech of children. I use them for: enrichment vocabulary, when learning to compose stories, when retelling, when memorizing poetry.

Descriptive story. This is the most difficult type in monologue speech. The description involves all mental functions (perception, attention, memory, thinking). The use of diagrams is of great help to children in compiling such stories. It can be ready-made schemes or you can create them yourself.

Retelling. Retelling is a type of child's work, a means of developing speech based on a sample. It consists in the transfer of the content of the text read by the child. He has a special role in the formation of coherent speech. Here the structure of speech is improved, its expressiveness, the ability to build sentences. And if you retell with the help of mnemonic tables, when the children see all the characters, then the child already concentrates his attention on the correct construction of sentences, on the reproduction of the necessary expressions in his speech.

Such mnemotables can be prepared for any story on your own. Below I will give an example. Pine Sasha and Masha went to the forest for pine checkers. Here is the edge of the forest. At the edge stands a tall pine tree. On a pine tree there are dense fluffy branches. And high, at the very top, there are big cones. Cones with noise fall down to the ground. There are many cones under the pine. Sasha and Masha raise the cones. With a package of cones, they rush home.

Poems. Mnemotables are especially effective when learning poems. The bottom line is this: for each word or small phrase, a picture (image) is thought up; thus, the whole poem is sketched schematically. After that, the child from memory, using a graphic image, reproduces the entire poem. To date, there are a huge number of ready-made mnemotables and illustrations for poetry, let's look at some of them.

You can also simply draw an illustration for the poem (this should be a detailed illustration). V. Avdienko's poem "Autumn" Autumn walks along the path, Soaked her legs in puddles. It's raining and there's no light. Lost somewhere summer. Autumn is coming, autumn is coming. The wind blew the leaves off the maple tree. Under the feet is a new mat, Yellow-pink - maple.

From the above, we can conclude that visual modeling, and specifically mnemonics, is an effective method in teaching children. And the sooner you start teaching children to tell, retell and memorize poems using this method, the better we can prepare them for school, since coherent speech is an important indicator of a child's mental abilities and his readiness for schooling.