Maslenitsa life-size puppet with their own hands. Ritual doll "Maslenitsa" with their own hands. Master class with step by step photos

The most fun, popular and satisfying holiday is Maslenitsa. ritual dolls.

Shrovetide is an ancient pagan holiday before the baptism of Russia, tied to the day of the spring equinox. It was celebrated 7 days before the equinox and 7 days after and was dedicated to the worship of the Sun, which gives life and strength to all living things. It was in honor of the sun that they baked pancakes - ritual food.

With the introduction of Christianity, Maslenitsa began to be celebrated on the last week before Lent, so now Maslenitsa falls on different days every year.

A man-sized effigy of Maslenitsa was necessarily burned, symbolizing the transition from one season to another, and the Home Maslenitsa was at home until the next year and was considered a strong amulet of the home, fulfilling the covenants of the owners of the house. They kept the doll in a red corner or at the entrance to the dwelling.

On one of the days of the festive Maslenitsa week, when young people came to their mother-in-law for pancakes, this doll was put up in windows or yards. According to tradition, the groom and the bride were greeted with the Home Maslenitsa.

MK ceremonial doll Shrovetide

In this version, the hands of the doll symbolize the appeal to the sun, and the skirt assembled in a special way symbolizes the solstice. The amulet is made for a year, at the next holiday it is burned or floated on the water.

This is a charm: the doll's handles symbolize the appeal to the sun, the skirt assembled in a special way symbolizes the solstice.
The amulet is made for a year, at the next holiday it is burned or floated on the water.
Because this is a charm, then red threads are used, all parts are fastened - two turns - a puff, the body and handles are light, the scarf is red, the skirt is bright.

1 Prepare for the head a piece of twin thread or twill 20x20 cm, two pieces for arms 10x12 cm, two colored pieces 20x20 cm for a skirt, a piece for a scarf (preferably from red fabric) and a little padding polyester or rags for the head.

2 Place the filler in the white flap.

3 We make out the head. Since it is not necessary to make hands from this flap, we easily draw up the face without folds, removing the fabric to the back of the head.

4 We make a twist for the hands from the corner.

4a We tie the twist for the hands in the neck area.

4b Having tied both hands, do not tear off the threads or leave long ends to secure the skirt.

5 We fold the flaps for the skirt diagonally. The lower flap is placed horizontally at a right angle down, the upper flap is placed vertically, at a right angle to the left hand of the doll.

6 Bend the bottom flap to the center.

7 We bend the upper flap from the left hand to the right (on the doll).

8 We bend the lower flap from the back from the left hand to the center.

9 We bend the upper gloss behind the back. The skirt can be made from fabric of one color.

10 We put on a scarf. Home Maslenitsa is ready, we meet spring, we wake up and renew ourselves together with nature!

MK Maslenitsa Home. Variant based on the principle of the Grace doll

When all the steps were filmed and the doll was ready, a simple decision came to make the doll not on a bottle (although this option is convenient, but I don’t really like it), but on a stable tripod branch. Both branches: the slingshot-arms and the body-tripod must be connected (you can use electrical tape, you can use strong threads). I will leave this Maslenitsa, I fell in love with it, and I will do the next one already on the branches.

I will give two fragments from Oksana Shapkarina without change: about ritual food - pancakes and about forgiveness Sunday:
“Speaking of pancakes. The expression “the first pancake is lumpy” was originally different and did not mean at all a crumpled pancake that did not turn out. That's right - "The first pancake - Komam." Komami in Russia was called bears, who were the patrons of the clan, they were respected, feared and coaxed. Just with the onset of spring, in order to appease the waking bear, they carried him into the forest and left the first pancake. There is a Russian fairy tale about a talkative woman who was brought into the forest by a peasant, and in it the branches were studded with pancakes ... This is about the same pancakes that Komov was treated to. And in full this proverb sounds like this: "The first pancake is for Komam, the second pancake is for acquaintances, the third pancake is for relatives, and the fourth pancake is for me!"

“On the last day of Shrovetide week, on Forgiveness Sunday, people asked each other for forgiveness before the onset of Lent and took each other to see off Maslenitsa to the outskirts, where a large fire was made. They gave Maslenitsa a pancake and solemnly burned an effigy at the stake. The burning of Maslenitsa was an echo of the pagan belief: the effigy of winter must be destroyed in order to resurrect its strength in the spring in cereals. With the help of this rite, people drove away boredom, looking forward to spring.

Here I saw a deep contradiction in the image of the Maslenitsa doll, most likely it is necessary to separate the scarecrow of the outgoing winter on the Maslenitsa holiday, which is also called Maslenitsa, and the image of the amulet Maslenitsa Domashnaya doll, which is stored in the house until the next holiday. These are almost polar images, but more on that later, but now

My Maslenitsa came out 50 cm high.

1 We will select a white patch for the head 20x20 cm, a flap for the skirt 32x50cm (it is better to take a fabric with a floral pattern and elegant), two squares for the chest 14x14 cm and two strips for the sleeves 25x5 cm. The chest and sleeves can be made from the same fabric as skirt, but it is possible from another. Kerchief, belt, red warrior, threads for fastening. A flap folded in half, orange or yellow (pancake symbol). The diameter of the circle will depend on the distance between the hands of the doll.

2 Prepare a (preferably heavy) bottle, or connect the branches of a tripod and a slingshot. If necessary, the branch can be fixed at any desired height by wrapping it with electrical tape.

3 In the usual way we make out a head from a white flap.

4 We also make out the chest and connect them together. We leave the dressing threads long to fix it on the body.

5 The palms of the hands can be wrapped with a white patch, and a sleeve can be drawn on top. The choice is yours again. We place the fabric for the sleeve diagonally to the branch and fold it over.

6 We wrap the whole arm, fix it below, do not cut the thread, we also fix the other sleeve with it.

7 We fix the head on a branch.

8 We put on a skirt, having gathered it up, fasten it with an overlap at the back.

9 We fix the chest. If desired, we put on an apron and fix it with a belt.

10 Red warrior, elegant scarf.

11 We hand over (two loops on the reverse side of the pancake) to our beauty the pancake symbol, the symbol of the Sun, we welcome, we rejoice in the eternal renewal and revival of Nature, of which we are all particles!

MK Shrovetide 3

Dimensions of my version:

Birch cross from branches 25 cm and 12 cm;
square flap white for the head 20x20 cm.
Other dimensions are determined in the process and depend on the height of the workpiece:
flap for arms, chest, petticoat;
flap for dress;
scarf, apron, belt;
woven braids around the head;
strips of fabric for making wishes.

1 In the usual traditional way we draw a head on a birch wood.

2 We wrap the blank for hands in fabric and fix it according to the candy wrapper principle.

3 We place our hands behind, put on a bast and bandage.

4 I designed the chest with one roller.

5 We fix the chest.

6 We put on an underskirt and a dress.

7 We decorate the hair from a braided braid, select a scarf, apron, belt. My Maslenitsa did not want any belt, the apron was tied with linen thread.

8 We tie our desires with red ribbons.

9 With their…

Author Zoya Pinigina.

How to make a Shrovetide doll

To make a doll with your own hands, you will need: a stick 40-50 cm, a few pieces of bright fabric (coarse calico, chintz), bast, cardboard, acrylic threads and rags. It is noteworthy that the Tula Shrovetide is made without the use of a needle. The master class is given by the national master of Russia Irina Agayeva.

1. BASIS. In order for the wand to retain all its natural strength and transfer it to the doll, it is not at all necessary to remove the knots from it, to somehow level it. It is better to leave it in its original form.

2. The HEAD of the doll is stuffed with rags - scraps of fabric, cotton wool, soft paper. Rags must be formed into a round lump and wrapped in two layers of white dense fabric (size approximately 25x25 cm). Put your head on a stick and wrap it tightly with threads. Maslenitsa's face remains white.

3. BODY. We take two skeins of bast (sold in hardware stores) and fasten it to a stick just below the head - in front and behind.

4. HANDLES. From cardboard we make a tube with a diameter of about 2.5 cm, a length of 20 cm. Cover the tube with a bright cloth (orange, yellow, red) and pull it in three places with threads. We put the resulting "candy" under the bast and tightly tie it to the back of the stick.

5. CHEST. Maslenitsa is not a girl, but a portly beautiful woman. Therefore, we make two impressive breasts for the doll (in the image of the head) and tie it to a stick.

6. CLOTHING. We tie a petticoat to Maslenitsa - the width of the fabric here depends on your desire: the more assemblies, the more beautiful the doll will be. Then we put on a dress (in a square of fabric we make a slot for the head and cut out the sleeves). From another fabric, but also bright, we cut out an apron and fasten it with a red belt.

7. KOSA. Weave it from three strips of fabric (at least 40 cm), fix it on both sides with threads, lay the braid on the head with a “spikelet” and fasten it with threads. We put on a scarf from above, tie at the back.

8. The doll is ready. Now, according to the old Tula tradition, you can pick up strips of red fabric, make a wish and tie it to the handles of a doll. They say wishes will come true!

In the Tula province, Maslenitsa was not treated as a toy, a stuffed animal. Tulyaks considered her a real woman, put on her their best outfits. Home Maslenitsa was put in a place of honor. The doll can be kept at your home, but if you wish, you can burn it on Sunday, the last day of Maslenitsa, after lunch.

Zoya Reasonable

Ritual doll "Maslenitsa" - master class

For any holiday in Russia, the family made a doll into which a particle of the soul was invested. It was a ritual doll, a charm. The most protective were dolls made without a needle and scissors. When making dolls, they tried not to cut the fabric, but to tear it.

The face of the ritual doll, as a rule, remained white. A doll without a face was considered inaccessible to the installation of evil forces into it.

According to legend, Maslenitsa lived in the North, she was the daughter of Santa Claus and Metelitsa. One day, a man saw a fragile girl hiding behind huge snowdrifts and asked to help people who were tired of a long winter to warm and cheer them up. Maslenitsa agreed and, turning into a healthy, ruddy woman, pancakes, laughter and dancing made the human race forget about the winter storm.

Shrovetide doll is an indispensable attribute of a fun folk festival - seeing off winter.

The presence of a carnival in the house of a domestic doll in the old days was mandatory. The doll was made for a year, and then at the festival it was burned or floated on the water.

Maslenitsa symbolizes prosperity in the family and is a powerful amulet of the home. The doll is placed in front of the entrance to the house or in the red corner of the hut. Many still believe in its miraculous power.

Traditionally, the Maslenitsa ceremonial doll was made of straw or bast, but a tree was always used, personifying the violent power of nature.

Ribbons were hung on the hands of the doll, tying which made a wish.

I propose to make an amulet doll "Pancake week".

Necessary materials:

birch sticks

White fabric - square 2x25 cm

Colored fabric - 20x20 cm - for a shirt

Red fabric - for a dress and a scarf;

A piece of synthetic winterizer - to form the head

Lyko bast

Red and white threads

Satin ribbons, braid


We take a square of white fabric (I have marlin, size 20x20 cm, birch stick 28 cm, synthetic winterizer.

We cover the synthetic winterizer ball with a cloth, put it on a stick and tie it with a thread.

We take white material, a synthetic winterizer, a birch stick 16 cm in size, twist and bandage it in three places. Got pens

We tie the hands with a thread cross - crosswise to the body of the "Pancake week".

On both sides we tie a bast to the stick

We make a roller from white material and synthetic winterizer (a blank for the chest) and tie it to the doll crosswise

We make a petticoat from white material

We fold the colored piece of fabric intended for the shirt in half and make an incision for the head and hands.

Gently dress over the head

Tie with thread at the waist. We bend the sleeves and tie with a red thread.

We take a red rectangle (I have satin) for a skirt

And tie with a thread at the waist

From yarn for knitting yellow and orange weave a braid

We attach the scythe to the head of "Pancake week"

Tie a scarf around the back of the neck

We make an apron from white fabric, supplement it with braid, tie the apron with braid to the craft.

Here's a beauty I got!

We tie ribbons on the handles

Dear friends, thank you for your attention and support!

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Let's make a Maslenitsa doll out of bright pieces of fabric - for the fun of a child, for a generous harvest in the household and peace and well-being in your home:

As you have noticed, having looked at the photo of our Maslenitsa, the pose of the chrysalis itself can tell a lot about something! For example, a special twist of a skirt symbolizes a gyroscope - one of the most ancient symbols of the Sun and life ... hands raised to the top are a symbol of sun worship, an appeal to Yaril! Such an amulet, in Shrove week, has tremendous protective properties ...

In ancient times, such dolls were made during Shrovetide week, and throughout the year they were amulets of the family hearth. Throughout the year, the mistress of the house confided her sorrows and sorrows to Maslenitsa, and on the eve of the arrival of a new Maslenitsa, this doll was burned, and sorrows and sorrows left the house with it. To replace the owners, they made the next coaster doll Maslenka! So let's take care of ourselves and our loved ones in this way!

Prepare for work:

  • Pieces of white cloth;
  • Bright flap on the skirt;
  • pins;
  • Cotton wool, synthetic winterizer or holofiber;
  • The red thread, which in ancient times was a symbol of life and was always cut off by hands, not by scissors!

And now be sure to arm yourself with a positive mood - you can’t do without it, because the doll should become a talisman, and not vice versa!

We create a Maslenitsa amulet with our own hands

1. We tear off or cut off a small square of 20x20 cm from white chintz, from this square we will make the body and head of Maslenitsa;
2. We cut off two more white squares smaller than 10x10 cm, from which we will create the hands of Oiler raised in appeal to Yaril;
3. Cut off two more pieces of fabric 20x20 cm, but from a bright colored cheerful chintz. From this fabric we will make a skirt for the doll;
4. Let's take care of the handkerchief for the Oiler. It is advisable to make it from red fabric by cutting off a triangle, with the length of the largest side 12 cm;
5. So, we form the head of the doll, for this we form a small ball from any filler (cotton wool, synthetic winterizer ...) and put it in the very center of a white chintz square 20x20 cm. along with the neck of Buttercup:

By the way, we make all thread windings strictly clockwise, in the direction of the Sun! This is a prerequisite for creating a talisman!

6. And now let's proceed to our small white squares, of which we will now fold two handles to our doll in a certain way! Consider the detailed photo-instruction HOW TO DO IT:

7. And now we connect the "body" and "hands" of Maslenitsa. To do this, you need to take each handle, folded in a certain way, and insert it between the folds of the body so that the handles stretch upwards, and then wrap (fasten) the handles on the doll’s body in the desired position clockwise. See what it means:

At the tips of the hands, mark the palms with a red thread.

8. It's the turn to do the doll's skirt. Fold two squares of colorful chintz fabric in half so that you get triangles and lay them out in front of you like this:

9. Insert almost finished between these triangles like this:

So easily and simply, without a thread, without a needle, we have made a real and powerful ancient Russian amulet! These can be made for friends and acquaintances and given away during Shrove Week with best wishes:

Wishing good to others, we thereby attract him to our home! So let's hurry?

Good day everyone! Dear friends, the merry Maslenitsa holiday is about to come, there will be laughter, fun and jokes everywhere. And most importantly, in schools and kindergartens, as usual, fairs and exhibitions will be held, where everyone will eat and exhibit their handicrafts, which they will make with their own hands.

And at the end of everything, everyone will have a sweet tea party and a big holiday, when they burn a big scarecrow and say goodbye to winter fun and everyone will meet the beautiful spring together.

On this day in Russia it was customary to make a scarecrow from straw and burn it, as well as to make dolls from all kinds of materials, such as thread and all sorts of things that were at home. In modern conditions, you can make such a souvenir as a Shrovetide doll even from cotton pads.

Stages of work:

1. First of all, you need to make a support in order for your chrysalis to keep well on the surface. To do this, take the bars and do something like the following, connect two of them crosswise, on one make a notch in the middle and drive in a carnation. Insert a long bar into the bottle and also make a notch where you will have a hand.

3. Make a head out of a ball and make a hole in it equal to the diameter of the cap on the bottle.

4. Then put on a sock or any brown stocking.

5. From woolen threads, sew or glue hair to the doll, and long ones.

6. Such a beauty has already turned out.

7. From cotton pads you have to make her an outfit. Take paints of different colors, red, green, yellow and blue, and decorate the wheels like this.

8. Well, now decorate with glue. The face can be made from buttons or special eyes, which are sold at any needlework store. Draw a mouth or glue it from self-adhesive red paper.

But to make it more convenient, make a skirt layout from strips of paper.

9. Now point the marathon, make her an original hairstyle in the form of pigtails, and decorate them with crabs and hairpins.

10. You can also make a faceless one, because they didn’t make outlines on dolls before.

On the YouTube channel, I found another version of the fabric.

If you are a craftsman in cooking, then you can make salty dough with your children and fashion and decorate the symbol of Maslenitsa - this is the sun.

Or make a picture of tea drinking from dough.

Also, such an option made of paper and cardboard, a horse that carries a stuffed animal, is perfect.

Or you can decorate an ordinary broom or whisk and bring it with you to the holiday.

Celebrate the holiday with felt toys

Such crafts are in demand among those who love creative work and needlework, because it is felt that is unpretentious, it does not crumble and it is easy to work with. Make a sun out of a pom-pom and one piece of felt.

Or you can cut pancakes and pierce them with an awl. By the way, you can write the designation of each Maslenitsa day of the week.

Using these pictures, you can easily sew such crafts in the form of a yellow-orange sun yourself.

Don't forget to bring your needle and thread.

Embroider eyes and mouth.

Or there is a more difficult option, which is done with a glue gun.

Or this one, reminiscent of a flower and a cheerful laughter.

Well, the simplest thing is to sew pancakes.

And of course you can bake them, how do you look at it? Recipes for openwork and lace with holes, you can find or here

You can sew a mischievous girl.

We create masterpieces from paper and improvised materials together with kindergarten children

As they say, the holiday came and brought pancakes after him. This is of course the most enjoyable and the children certainly enjoy the whole feast.

For the smallest representatives, I suggest making souvenirs from cotton pads and sticks.

Or you can take a regular sheet and cut a circle out of it, draw a face and glue the rays in the form of ribbons and insert a stick.

You can also arrange the rays in the form of palms.

Or make it from floss threads.

Such creative works will noticeably decorate the class, group and any event, and will also bring children very close to each other, which in turn is very good.

You can also decorate with all sorts of patterns and sequins, rhinestones, sequins and scrapbooking kits.

Make dolls look like a stuffed animal from threads and fabric.

Perhaps something will seem incomprehensible to you, so see the scheme of work below.

Here it is, it can be applied and made based on this photo instruction from paper strips or satin ribbons.

Well, it's finished with straw.

Ideas for students in grades 1-5 for an exhibition at the fair

Quite simply and interestingly, you can make such a craft with your own hands, while spending little time and effort, as well as financial costs.

1. Cut out three rectangles from paper, and then fold each of them with an accordion.

2. Then glue together to make a fan.

3. Now make out of paper and cut out parts of the head, apron, hair and scarf with scissors.

4. Then decorate so that such a creation takes on a finished look.

Or you can go the easy way and just fold the paper circle in half and glue your head to it.

In general, think and be sure to make such a charm with your child.

You can also watch and take something to your note from this short video.

Also, here is such a master class from the disk in these figures, you can easily make a bright and radiant sun on it without much effort.

You can even just cut out the sun according to the template and decorate it with plasticine or paints.

Therefore, look, those who want can even create spring flowers from sticks and the same plasticine.

Or make pictures from salt dough.

And also decorate plastic plates with plasticine.

Or even use only one plasticine and develop fine motor skills of the hands).

You can also make crafts using pasta.

It looks funny.

Surprise with crafts from pancakes

Of course, without pancakes, nowhere on this day, even in stores there is a tasting and such a cool and unusual pancake walks around the city, which amuses and pleases everyone.

I present to you photo ideas, that's how cute and beautiful crafts can be made from pancakes, who would have thought.

Even a hut can be laid out if you roll them up into a tube.

You can take an unconventional option and make a hedgehog with berries.

And also use red and black caviar.

That's all for me, I hope that for someone I was useful and you came to visit me for a reason. Write your feedback and wishes, add to the group in contact, I will be very happy! See you! Till!

P.S By the way, after all, Valentine's Day is usually celebrated in the same month as Maslenitsa, so be prepared too and make beautiful and original ones in advance

Sincerely, Ekaterina Mantsurova

In Slavic culture, ritual dolls occupy a special place of honor. According to pagan traditions, they were created for popular mass holidays, such as Pokrov, Shrovetide, Ivan Kupala. The most popular spring holiday in Russia was the Wide Maslenitsa. Her celebration was approached thoroughly. The festivities took place everywhere, on a grand scale, with pancakes and songs. The farewell to winter lasted for a whole week. On the last day of the festivities, Forgiveness Sunday, according to tradition, an effigy of Maslenitsa was burned. In addition to the stuffed animal, the hostesses made a small homemade Maslenitsa-amulet for the holiday - a symbol of spring and warmth. A do-it-yourself master class about the Maslenitsa doll is dedicated to the creation of such a spring charm doll from various modern materials, in the best traditions of arts and crafts. It contains a detailed description and diagrams, step-by-step photos and videos on making dolls, as well as examples of the work of folk craftsmen.

Making a doll was a real sacrament, which was approached with all seriousness and responsibility. There were certain rules that were strictly followed. For example, when creating amulet dolls, they never used piercing and cutting objects, they worked only with natural materials and threads, mostly red, which symbolizes life itself. The dolls were made faceless so that evil spirits could not move into them; special conspiracies were read before manufacturing. Ritual dolls were never played with.

The Shrovetide doll was made for the holiday and kept all year round as a guarantee of fertility and health, a symbol of prosperity. The next year, on a holiday, the doll was burned in a ritual fire or floated down the river, and a new one was prepared in return. This amulet occupied a place of honor in the house, in the red corner or at the entrance. For crafts, natural materials were used: straw, bast, bast. Today, modern materials are used to create a homemade Maslenitsa - fabrics, threads, and even paper.

Spring amulet

1 way

Let's prepare everything you need and start creating a modern Shrovetide doll from fabric. We will need:

  • white, red and colored cotton fabric;
  • filler (cotton wool or synthetic winterizer);
  • red threads.

  1. The fabric must be cut in advance and prepare one square of 20 x 20 cm from white fabric; two squares 20 x 20 cm of colored fabric and two red squares, measuring 10 x 10 cm.
  2. Patterns are ready. Let's start making the head of the doll. We take cotton wool or synthetic winterizer, form a small ball out of it, place it in a large square of white fabric. Wrap with red thread.

  1. We prepare our hands, for this we need two squares of white fabric. We form identical triangles from the fabric, designate the hands with a red thread, as shown in the photo.

  1. We attach the arms to the body, between the folds, with the help of threads.

  1. We make a sundress for a doll. We take colored squares, fold them diagonally into triangles. Then we put it on top of each other, dress up the doll, fix the outfit with a thread.

  1. We put on a headdress - a red scarf. The symbol of spring, warmth and fertility is ready.

2 way

Shrovetide doll with a scythe to the waist.

To make such a doll, we will prepare:

  • white, colored and red fabric;
  • lace, ribbon ribbon for decoration;
  • red threads, filler.

  1. Let's get to work. We form the head and body of the pupa. We fasten with red threads.

  1. We make hands.

  1. We attach the limbs to the body with the help of threads, as shown in the photo.

  1. We are dressing up Shrovetide. Cooking sundress, apron, apron.

  1. Let's get to the hair. We make hair from threads, insert hair, braid a braid, decorate with ribbons.

Home doll Shrovetide with a scythe to the waist is ready.

We offer you the third option for making a woven doll. Patterns and creation scheme are attached.

Patterns for creating a doll:

Manufacturing scheme step by step:

We offer to study the finished work of needlewomen, they will inspire you to create your own masterpieces.

Ideas for creativity

Let's make an unusual Shrovetide doll from colored paper.

Even a kid can make such a doll with his own hands. During the manufacturing process, you can captivate the child with stories about the traditions and rituals of the ancient Slavs, thus instilling in him an interest in the cultural heritage of his ancestors.

The process of creating a pupa is presented schematically.

  1. Cut out the circle.

  1. We process the edges with curly scissors.

  1. Let's make an openwork napkin-snowflake, for this we take a square, fold it, fantasize, cut it out.

  1. Let's start creating an outfit.

  1. Glue the skirt to the workpiece.

  1. We make the head of the doll in a scarf, glue it, you're done.

Pay attention to what wonderful modern amulets are obtained from threads.

Crocheted Shrovetide will decorate any interior and become the guardian of family well-being and health of the household.

The scheme for creating a Maslenitsa doll from straw is in the best traditions of the ancestors:

Video on the topic of the article

Video on making homemade Maslenitsa amulets from different materials of your choice.