Shirt guy value. The meaning of the word shirt-guy in the explanatory dictionary of Ephraim. Red shirt with cornflowers

Obsession is a terrible thing. People who are possessed by any demon, spirit or devil are considered possessed. These people are completely under the influence of an evil spirit, which completely controls a person, completely determines his thoughts, words, actions and behavior. There are quite definite signs of obsession person. In Orthodoxy, the possessed are called possessed, people who, for one reason or another, are possessed by a demon.

There is an opinion in Orthodoxy that signs of a person's obsession may not appear in usual circumstances and in ordinary life, but as soon as he comes to church or at least see an icon in his home, then the demon begins to manifest itself. There are very frequent cases when, during a service in Orthodox churches, one of the parishioners present for no apparent reason begins to cry loudly, rush on the floor, howl, shout curses at God, and so on. All these are manifestations of a person's demoniacal possession. The ministers of the church explain these cases by the fact that a demon sitting inside a person is trying to protect a person from divine influence.

Signs of a person's possession can be divided into several signs. So, in one case, a demon whispers various obscenities to a person and encourages him to do evil, to go against the will of the Lord. In another case, a demon possesses the body of a deceased person and begins to harass people in the form of various kinds of ghosts. There are also cases when a demon completely captures a person's body and forces him to harm other people and himself. Some theologians drive out the devil from animals, sometimes from inanimate objects, it can be a mirror or a picture.

How can a demon enter a person? The holy fathers have an opinion on this score: the devil is where there is sin. Through a sinful way of life, sinful thoughts, when the human soul is weakened by vice, it is then that the devil can take possession of a person.

Physical signs of a person's possession.

The Holy Fathers identified some phenomena by which it was possible to determine that a person is possessed. Peter of Tirsky, in his treatise On Demons, listed the following manifestations:

- paralysis of some parts of the body, and sometimes all;

- a huge force for an ordinary person.

Some demonologists also distinguish:

- huge bulging belly (in people who do not have this);

- rapid weight loss, which leads to death of a person;

- imitation of animals;

- the smell of sulfur (since demons come from hell);

- levitation;

- automatic writing;

- split personality;

- obscene thoughts and behavior;

- blasphemy against the Lord, the sacrament and holy water;

- knowledge of languages ​​never known to man, muttering in a non-existent language;

And this is not a complete list of signs of a person's obsession. Naturally, many of the above signs of obsession are understandable and are signs of symptoms of certain diseases. For example, in the Middle Ages, the symptoms of epilepsy were often confused with obsession. Public sexual activity has been confused with mental disorders. Animal imitation cases - with schizophrenia and so on.

The traditional "cure" for possession is to expel the demon from the person's body. At the same time, the priests perform a special rite, with the reading of special prayers, fumigation of incense with smoke, chrismation. Very often, when performing this rite, people possessed by a demon begin to resist very strongly, sometimes fainting. That is why during the performance of the ceremony, in addition to the priest, there are several more ministers of the church. Of course, psychologists and doctors, these explanations of the church do not take on faith, saying that these are just mentally ill people. But how to explain the fact that a person's seizures occur in temples? Why does the rite of exorcism from a person really save people from suffering? Unfortunately, this question has not been answered yet ...

Signs of obsession these days. Emily Rose's story.

Many, perhaps, have heard about the case of Emily Rose (maybe they watched the movie). This is one of the most striking examples of human obsession with demons. In fact, the heroine of the film was named Annalize Michele. When she turned 17, her life turned into a continuous nightmare: she was paralyzed in the middle of the night, it became very difficult to breathe, as if something very heavy was put on her chest. The doctors of the psychiatric clinic in the city of Würzburg were diagnosed with seizures of Grand Mal, in a word - epileptic seizures. In the end, she was admitted to a psychiatric clinic for a year. During her stay in the hospital, she began to see demonic faces telling her that she was cursed. Drug treatment did not help at all; rather, on the contrary, it only aggravated the patient's condition. She became very irritable, her faces did not disappear. She developed deep depression. In 1970, Michelle Analize was discharged from the hospital. She turned to the ministers of the church with a request to perform an exorcism on her, believing that it was precisely about demonic possession. However, the church refused her, advising her to lead a more religious and spiritual life.

Her condition began to deteriorate sharply. She began to bite family members, eat spiders and flies, self-mutilate, and began to copy the dog's habits. She also began to destroy rosary beads, religious books and icons in the house. This lasted for five years. After that, the relatives still managed to persuade the church to conduct an exorcism ritual, with only one condition that drug treatment would be continued in parallel.

In 1975, Bishop Joseph Stangl commissioned two priests, Arnold Renz and Ernst Alt, to conduct an exorcism with her. In September 1975, the ceremony began, and ended only in June 1976. During this time, according to the priests, they expelled from her body: Lucifer, Belial, Nero, Judas, Cain and Hitler. During the ceremony, which was held twice a week, the girl spoke in demonic voices in different languages, in the voices of people who had died. During these ten months, her health deteriorated significantly. She practically did not drink or eat, saying that the demons did not allow her to do this. She wrote a letter to the priest, in which she asked to stop the rituals, saying that the Virgin Mary appeared to her and offered her two options for getting rid of the demons: immediate deliverance or allowing the demons to possess the body longer, but in return to receive the deliverance of the soul. The girl chose the second option, besides this, she was able to predict the date of her own death. On the night of July 1, 1976, she went to bed and did not wake up.

Autopsy revealed that she had died of malnutrition and dehydration. No abnormalities were found in the study of the brain either. Despite the fact that all the exorcism sessions were recorded on tape, the two priests and her parents were charged under the article "Murder by negligence." They were found guilty.

This is the only case recently officially recognized by the church when it was confirmed. signs of obsession person.

As a rule, few people believe in magic. But when a person has seen enough horror films about devils, Satan and other evil spirits, he begins to think about mysticism very seriously.

Now more and more documentaries about magic are shown on TV screens. For example, about voodoo dolls, chaki, love spells, rituals or fortune-telling. That there is another world. This is proved by the show "Battle of Psychics", films "Omen", "Vangelia" and others. There are many books in which it is written how to summon spirits, call the deceased into the house, talk to the dead. In addition, the books say how to make a love spell, ritual, damage. When a person does not find a way out of the situation, he turns to magic for help. This is just not a good idea.

Sometimes damage or love spell acts on a person as if a demon or devil had infiltrated him. Significant changes will appear immediately. For example, inappropriate behavior. A normal person will not walk naked in the street or will never jump out of a window. Doctors are sure that this is related to the psyche, but magicians say: “Medicine has nothing to do with it. Here magic rules the world. " How to recognize a demon in a person without performing rituals?


A person who was previously calm and adequate suddenly begins to behave differently. For example, he might suddenly bring alcohol into the house and have a loud party. When asked to end the event, the person will behave inappropriately. Namely: pounce, call names, tear things up.

Fears and Phobias Fears should be given special attention. If before a person was not afraid of the dark, the street, people, confined space (in this case, the room is meant), then here you can already be on your guard. It is not normal for unexpected fears and phobias to appear.


And, of course, if a demon sits in a person, then from time to time he will hear voices. They are not human. They are usually hoarse and sometimes fearsome. Heard, as they say about the future, the deed, about any people. Of course, it's scary to hear that. Therefore, when someone says that he can hear sounds or a voice, it is advisable to take him to church and show him to the priest.


It turns out that when ill-wishers damage another person, he begins to have nightmares. For example, coffins, a cemetery, the dead are in dreams when someone wishes evil. If a person wakes up every day at 3 a.m. from terrible dreams, then most likely this is the instillation of the devil. But it is worth noting that the demon does not enter a person immediately. It will take a few days.

Sexual deviations

So also, how to define a demon in a person, or how? If a person was previously independent of sex, then after the introduction of the devil, he wants to have sexual intercourse even with animals. Therefore, one should not be surprised when a man with his pants down is standing behind a dog, a pig, or a goat. In the process, his voice will still change. A hoarse, rough voice is felt, despite the fact that, for example, a person is 20-25 years old.


It happens that a person walks, has fun, tells funny stories, and then suddenly throws himself under a car or suddenly cuts himself with a knife. This is a clear sign that someone is manipulating him with magic.

Now many people know how to recognize a demon in a person. It is worth remembering that magic is not a joke. And if there are significant changes in a person from the inside, then it is advisable to provide help.

As the holy fathers teach, the demon prepares the "soil" before settling in a person. The main way of their influence is to instill in a person his thoughts under the guise of his own.

They do this very carefully, applying their thoughts to the thoughts of a person, so that it is not noticeable how the thoughts they inspire are woven into human consciousness. “They gradually teach people to think and desire only sinful things, making them like themselves. Subjugating the mind and will of a person, demons strive to master his body. This becomes possible when the grace of God departs from the incorrigible sinner for punishment, not for destruction. Now demons can enter and control his body. And there is no such crime and atrocity that a demon-possessed (in a modern way, “zombified”) person could not have committed, ”if it were not for God's Providence, which sets the outer limits of demonic power. In special cases, for admonition and correction, God sometimes allows demons to dwell in a believer, a church person ...

In the last century in Russia there lived such a person - Nikolai Alexandrovich Motovilov. A well-born nobleman, a wealthy landowner, he abandoned his career and social life and became (as he liked to call himself) "the servant of the Serafimovs." He was the spiritual son and devoted assistant of the Monk Seraphim of Sarov, one of the people closest to him.

Once the Monk Seraphim told him about his terrible struggle with demons during those 1000 days and nights when he prayed on the stone ...

Nikolai Alexandrovich, a sincere and ardent man, was so inspired by this story that he inadvertently exclaimed: "Father, how I would like to fight demons!" The monk, knowing that he could follow such defiant words, frightenedly interrupted him: “What are you, what are you, your love of God! You do not know what you are talking about! .. "

Much time has passed since this conversation. Father Seraphim was no longer in the world ... But the frivolous, impudent challenge of Motovilov, with God's permission, was accepted. He had to experience on himself how it happens - when a demon possesses a person. Once Motovilov, among his papers, found a record of the healing of a possessed girl, from the nobility, at the shrine of St. Mitrofan of Voronezh. “I wondered,” Motovilov recalled, “how it can happen that an Orthodox Christian, who participates in the Most Pure and Life-giving Mysteries of the Lord, is suddenly possessed by a demon, and, moreover, for such a long time - more than 30 years. And I thought: nonsense. This cannot be! I would have seen how a demon would have dared to inhabit me, since I often resort to the Sacrament of Holy Communion! .. "

At that moment, a terrible, cold, fetid cloud surrounded him and, no matter how he squeezed his mouth, began to enter his insides. Ice and stench filled him from the inside. His hand was unable to rise to create the sign of the cross; thought could not focus on prayer. And from that day his terrible torment began. For three days, he felt that he was burning in a fire, but not burning. Several times a day they even cleaned off the soot! This wild inhuman torment ceased only after confession and communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

But then another began: for two days he was engulfed in a fierce hellish cold and could not even warm up with fire.

“At the request of His Eminence, Archbishop Anthony of Voronezh,” says Motovilov, “I held my hand over the candle for half an hour, and it was all smoky, but not even warmed up. I wrote down this certifying experience on a whole sheet of paper and applied my hand, soaked with candle soot, to that description. ”This torment also stopped after confession and communion. And then Motovilov was tortured and tortured, gnawing from the inside, crawling over the body, a hellish vigilant worm. Motovilov actually saw and even felt the disgusting monster (when it crawled out through his nose, mouth, ears in order to crawl back in), and although this last torment did not last as long as the previous ones, it was the most terrible. Nicholas Alexandrovich was given communion again (the archbishop himself, from his own hands) - and the worm left him.

In the last century, pious Russian people visited the temple of God regularly, but rarely received Communion: usually four times a year, during long fasts. To receive the Holy Communion three times in a few days - the reason for this had to be out of the ordinary circumstances.

Readers may ask the question: for what reason did the Lord allow the Demon to take possession of a believer and churchman and intolerably torment him, even if for a relatively short time?

Motovilov's main desire was not only to save his soul, but also to be in the Kingdom of Heaven together with his beloved Father - the Monk Seraphim. He did not have the spiritual and bodily deeds that the Monk suffered, and he was given the opportunity to experience spiritual suffering for the glory of God. The Lord revealed to His servant, and through him to all of us, what hellish torments are: unquenchable fire, fierce cold and unbroken worm. Finally, this incident teaches us that demons really exist, they act against people and that only the Holy Church of Christ gives weapons against them.

Now, knowing who the demons are, you can understand who the sorcerers and sorcerers are. These are people who voluntarily enter into friendship with the spirits of malice. With their help, they bewitch, and "spoil", and "heal".



Colloquial expressions shirt boy, shirt man approached the Russian literary language no later than the beginning of the 18th century.

In the "Dictionary of the Russian Academy" we read: " Shirt... shirt... It is also said * in common usage about the unkind, very simple-hearted ”(1794, part 5, p. 192). However, this expression until the middle of the 19th century. was of a regional nature. It was included in the "Experience of the Regional Great Russian Dictionary" (1852), where it is noted: " Shirt, and, with. f. A simple man, a simple man. Eco guy's shirt... Nizhegor. " (p. 193). P.P.Dubrovsky, finding in this dictionary the given meaning of the word shirt in the same expressive use, compared it with Polish. rubacha`fat, stout woman '; compare and rubaszny`hefty, burly; rude, foul "

The absence of a nasal sound in this nest of Polish words seems to indicate that their underlying root element rub- should be separated from the root element rQ b- which has become monotonous (hack, shirt, etc.).

Acad. B. M. Lyapunov pointed out the need to separate from a series of words containing the root rQ b, these groups associated with the root *rub-(cf. Old Russian. ruti from rub-ti in the meaning of `rob, levy a tax ', Croatian and Horut. rúbiti`rob, take as a pledge ', Slovenian. robíti, ital. rubare, German. rauben... Wed in Old Croatian Glagolic texts: chopped one brand in the meaning of `extortion, violence"

Thus, the original meaning of the word shirt could be `rude, strong, simple person." Suffix -aha gave the root element rub- bright expressive familiar coloring.

Ushakov has an expression shirt guy called colloquially familiar and for some reason placed under the word shirt`shirt" (v. 3, p. 1391-1392). Compare immediately: "Alexei came out of the house in a white canvas shirt, in the blue ports. M. Gorky ".

In I. S. Turgenev's "Smoke": "Grigory Litvinov, shirt boy, Russian soul, I recommend, - exclaimed Bambaev, leading Litvinov to a man of small stature and a landlord's warehouse ... ".

In P. D. Boborykin's novel "Kitai-Gorod": "I thought Chichikov would come out of you, and you shirt man". In his novel “At the Worse”: “Do you know him from the priest? - How not to know, sir. Master - shirt! .. And when you buy a sheep from them ... on credit. "

In A.P. Chekhov's story "Duel": "Samoilenko ... saw in Laevsky a good fellow, a student, shirt man, with who could have a drink, and laugh, and talk to their liking ”(Ch. 1).

In M. Gorky's story "The Orlovs Spouses": shirt boy, a? A worker, he says, a man should always drink in moderation ... do you hear, Motrya? Well, give me a glass - is there, or what? ".

In explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language in the "nest" of words chop`striking with a swing with a sharp weapon, divide into parts; cut, chop ", slash(compare with A. N. Tolstoy in the novel "Peter I": "[Peter] drew his sword and slashed it on the table with a swing in the face of the recoiling generalissimo. Shards of glass flew away"), chop- on coal mining in mines; chop`to speak harshly, rudely, bluntly", chop`there are many and greedy ', hack`fight with melee weapons", chop, shirt, shirt, shirting, shirt, shirt, shirt etc., the expressions shirt boy and shirt boy... So, under the word shirt and shirt in the seventeen-volume dictionary (BAS, v. 12, 1961, pp. 1498 and 1499-1501) phraseological unit shirt boy, shirt boy.

The manuscript has survived - five numbered sheets of various forms of ata, of which two have turned very yellow from time to time.

    shirt-p'aren, shirt-...
    shirt-guy, ...
  • SHIRT GUY in the Spelling Dictionary:
    shirt-p'aren, shirt-...
    m. Simple, open to use ...
    m. Simple, open to use ...
  • SHIRT in the Essential Guide to Weapons:
    SHIRT - see shrapnel shirt ...
  • GUY in the Directory of Localities and Postal Codes of Russia:
    688866, Koryak AO, ...
  • GUY in the Sex Lexicon:
    young man, young man, usually before ...
  • GUY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    R. Primorsky region, Gizhiginsky environs, flows sinuously to the NE from the lake lying in the spurs of the Stanovoy ridge, makes a turn to the W ...
  • SHIRT in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -and, w. Same as shirt (in 1 digit). * Shirt-guy (colloquial) - open, easy to use ...
  • GUY in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -rnya, pl. -rni, -ey, m. 1. Boy, young man (colloquial). Boys and girls. The first p. In the village (beautiful and ...
  • GUY in the Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedia:
    ? R. Primorsky region, Gizhiginsky environs, windingly flows to the NE from the lake lying in the spurs of the Stanovoy ridge, makes a turn to ...
    ruba "ha, ruba" hi, ruba "chi, ruba" x, ruba "he, ruba" boor, ruba "hu, ruba" chi, ruba "hoy, ruba" hoyu, ruba "hami, ruba" he, ...
  • GUY in the Complete Accentuated Paradigm by Zaliznyak:
    pa "rny, pa" rni, pa "rnya, guy" y, pa "rnyu, guy" m, pa "rnya, guy" y, pa "rnem, guy" mi, pa "rne, ...
  • GUY in the Dictionary for solving and compiling scanwords:
    Young …
  • GUY in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see youngsters, man, young man || ...
    blouse, guyavera, shirt, shirt, chemise, tunic, ...
  • GUY in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language:
    boy, small, man, undersized, boy, boys, boy, boy, boy, boy, man, dude, ...
  • SHIRT in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    f. Same as: shirt ...
  • GUY in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. Young man, young ...
  • SHIRT in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
    shirt, ...
  • GUY in the Dictionary of the Russian language Lopatin:
  • SHIRT in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    shirt, ...
  • GUY in the Complete Spelling Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    guy, guy, pl. guys ...
  • SHIRT in the Spelling Dictionary:
    shirt, ...
  • GUY in the Spelling Dictionary:
    n'arnya, n'arnya, pl. p`arni, ...
    == shirt ...
  • GUY in the Ozhegov Russian Language Dictionary:
    Non-st in general a person, a man His own item (about a simple and accessible, close person). guy Colloq young man, young man Guys and girls. ...
  • RUBACH in Dahl's Dictionary:
    shirt (hack?) shirt, koshulya, cowgirl; clothes from underwear, worn under the bottom, on the body. Russian shirt, blouse, with a fastener ...
  • GUY in Dahl's Dictionary:
    husband. boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy, boy; boy; many boys and girls; boy, boy, young man, fellow, well done; single. ...
    shirts, w. The same as the shirt in 1 value. Alexei came out of the house in a white linen shirt, in blue ports. ...
  • GUY in the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov:
    guy, m. (colloquial). Young man (initially about an unmarried young peasant). I didn't hang on guys. Nekrasov. Guys and girls. || Generally …
    shirt Same as: shirt ...
  • GUY in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    guy m. Young man, young ...
  • SHIRT in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    f. the same as the shirt ...
  • GUY in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    m. Young man, young ...
  • SHIRT in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    f. colloquial Clothing made of lightweight fabric for the upper part of the body, which is an accessory to both underwear and outerwear; shirt …
  • GUY in the Big Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    m. Young man, young ...
  • SHIRT GUY in the Explanatory Dictionary of Efremova:
    shirt-guy m. Same as: ...
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    Data: 2009-08-06 Time: 11:23:49 = B = * We mow the bar, but we ask for bread for ourselves. * You cannot fill the bins with fables. * ...
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    artificial covers of the human body. O. in the broadest sense of the word also includes hats, shoes, gloves, etc. Decorations only complement ...
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