The coolest congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of money! Cool congratulations on the wedding with the presentation of a gift and comic congratulations in verse

  • We give you cabbage so that the house is not empty.
  • We give you a bow so that you do not know heavy torment.
  • We give you carrots so that there is love in the house.
  • We give you carrots so that (name of the bride) there is no other Vovka!
  • We give a cucumber so that the groom - the father becomes more likely.
  • Here are pickles for you to have twins.
  • Here is the garlic for you. How many teeth are there, so that there are so many daughters and sons.
  • We present a tomato to avoid discord in your house.
  • We give grapes so that your house is always rich.
  • Here's a big carrot for you, bride, so that you have dexterity in your work. And here are the beets, so that the mother-in-law and father-in-law respected.
  • Here is a radish for the bride so that neither Petka nor Fedka would know the other.
  • Here is a bow for you so that there will never be parting.
  • Here is a radish for you, so that you don't swear or fight.
  • Here is a turnip for you to love each other dearly.
  • Here is a cabbage for your husband's wife to feed deliciously.

You can gift products with the following words:

  • Here are bagels for you, so that rubles were found in the house.
  • And here is the drying, so as not to gnaw each other.
  • Here is an egg for the groom so that he does not go to the other on the porch.

Cutlery can be presented as a gift:

  • We give you a teaspoon to make your life extraordinary!
  • We give you forks so that (name of the groom) does not run to someone else's sweetheart!
  • We give you silver so that you know only good in life!
  • Here's a plate for you, bride, to turn around like a squirrel in the house. And the groom - spoons so that his feet walk along the same path.
  • Here is a saucepan for porridge to give birth to daughter Dasha. And a spoon to her so that there was a son Antoshka.
  • But for the groom and a mug, so as not to take his girlfriend home.

You can give money as a gift:

  • We give you copper money so that you are not poor!
  • And here is silver for you, so that good things can be found in the house.
  • Here is a handful of coppers for you to honor the old people.
  • Here is some paper money for you to be rich.
  • We give you diapers so that Alenki will appear as soon as possible!
  • We give you pictures so that Dimki does not linger!
  • We give you booties so that your babies are born.
  • Here is a dummy for you, so that your little one is the first.
  • And also a vest so that Alenka would run around in the house.
  • And here, finally, and a broom, so as not to ask the parents for money.
  • We present you with a vase to make up right away!
  • Here's how much they gave! And now "Bitter"!

Any holiday, and even more so a wedding, needs a relaxed atmosphere and various rallies. Newlyweds will be pleased to receive comic gifts and souvenirs along with traditional gifts. A good comic gift is good humor, a funny joke and, most importantly, the memory of the holiday, when the hero of the occasion remembers with a smile about the gift.

It is interesting to give comic gifts for a wedding to friends. You know their character, you know how they will react to a joke. There are many people who can be offended for a long time. So it's best not to risk it if you are not sure of your joke.

When choosing a comic gift option, put your imagination to work. Ask who the newlyweds work, what they are fond of. Then a comic gift can be combined with a useful thing.
We offer some options for comic wedding gifts.

The hearth is a symbol of the family
You can draw a fireplace or make a symbol of the hearth out of paper (you can buy a souvenir of some kind), you can make it out of clay ... and give it to the bride with the words:
The hearth is handed to you from now on and forever.
Let it burn like a light in the eyes, like a heart in a person ...
From the hearth, all life went from the depths of time.
The source of light and heat - let it not extinguish.
You show the agility of your hands, be able to do everything like this.
So that your hearth is glorious for many miles around.

Vacuum cleaner with a guarantee
If you are planning to give a vacuum cleaner for a wedding, a large beautiful package with the "Guarantee" written on it looks very nice as an addition. The package contains a broom tied with ribbons.
Sometimes they give a beautiful bag with a broom just as a comic gift. At the same time, we can say that with a sweetheart in a hut, paradise, but not always there is electricity, and in this regard, this gift is simply irreplaceable.

The symbol of pure and bright love
You can prepare a transparent gift wrap. Put a large light bulb and a bar of soap inside. Place a postcard next to it with the inscription: "For love to be bright and pure"

The pyramid is a family
Make a pyramid out of paper (triangular or tetrahedral)
To say that the pyramid is a family:
- One facet husband
- The second facet of the wife
- The third facet son
- The fourth facet daughter
To say that the stability of the pyramid depends on the number of children.
At any wedding, newlyweds wish children, so if you wish, give them. On the side faces, you can glue pictures of babies.
The pyramid can be made of plastic or bought; now there are large beautiful geometric shapes on sale.

Set of pins
Pins are given at the wedding to the husband with the words:
- The husband is not angry with his wife, if you didn’t sew on a button, fasten it with a pin!

Invitation card to a concert or exhibition of an artist
You can also prepare beautiful invitations to a celebrity concert or an artist's exhibition, and then play with this moment. (If you donate a painting, then one of the guests will play the role of an artist - a gift from the author)
You can also find a performer of the song, there are enough creative people at any wedding.
So it turns out that according to your invitation cards, celebrities themselves came to the wedding to congratulate.

National lottery ticket
You can donate a national lottery ticket. The numbers for the drawing can be put down: the wedding day, the birthdays of the newlyweds ... and the drawing itself is reusable, for example, for a month, for example, they will remember the whole month, checking their coupon). It is possible for the numbers to be put down by the machine. And if they win ???

The key to family happiness
Key with a ribbon from family happiness. Add instruction manual.
Including indicate the shelf life: store until the golden wedding.

Options for comic gifts related to the wedding date
Buy a beautiful ball, now the choice is quite large.
Write the wedding date on it and congratulate the newlyweds.
- You can have a heart or an option with a circle
- You can make a product from macrome (in the form of a panel or a manezh for flowers) and embroider the date
- Draw a picture or order an artist, where the date of the wedding will not be forgotten

Comic congratulations on the wedding:
- We all wish you love and good luck (they give you lottery tickets)
- Here is silver for you, so that there is good in your house
- Here's a comb for your wife to always have a beautiful hairstyle
- Mother-in-law thermometer, so that she doesn't get hot and tolerate her son-in-law
- Mother-in-law - a cup of patience, so that she never gets overdone

A comic gift for a wedding on the Internet
You can create a website or blog. Domain name is free to use or register by the names of the bride and groom.
vova +
Menu Sections:
… Children
The site will continue to be run by themselves after the wedding.

You can add a section "Wedding greetings" and let each guest at the wedding write a small congratulation (you can bring a laptop to the venue), and those who could not attend the wedding can leave their congratulations in the guest book on the site. Possible option and gift laptop, along with the site.

Comic gifts with money

Useful photo album
A comic wedding gift is a photo album, in which banknotes are enclosed instead of photographs. You can put banknotes of different countries, while posting several photos of these countries. If with this gift there is also a tourist voucher for a honeymoon trip, then such a gift will never be forgotten.

Umbrella with money
Presenting an umbrella with money attached inside looks very nice.

Present a "money tree"
Plant in a pot-sized flowerpot, shrub or shrub-like flower. You can decorate it with beautiful round coins from different countries, and small round anniversary chocolates. It turns out very nicely.

Money necklace
A necklace made of money - a comic wedding gift can be for the bride and groom too

Money in the bank
Take a can of 1.5 liters, exchange money in different bills, put a full can and roll up the lid. You can put money from different countries.

Shovel money
Take a child's spatula and paste over it with coins: 10 kopecks, 5 kopecks ... in addition, make a flower by multiple folds from 10 ruble bills and stick it on the handle of the spatula. you can give it with the words: "We wish you to row money with a shovel"

Guess who will be the first to be born a boy or a girl?
Cut the cabbage in half, give the newlyweds half and say:
- A thread is hidden in one of the halves, if the groom finds the thread, then a boy will be born first, and if a bride, then a girl.
The newlyweds begin to actively sort out cabbage leaves and look for a thread, of course, there is no thread there, and you add:
- You are such adults, and you are still looking for children in cabbage!

Comic poem for a wedding
Buy everything you need for the poem and taking it out of the package, say:
Congratulations (congratulations) you on your Wedding Day,
And we want (want) to give you:
Carrots - to sleep well!
Bow - so that there are no partings!
A mug - so that they love each other!
Soap - so that the house is clean, comfortable and cute!
A vest for the first Alyonka!
A rattle - for Andryushka,
Kerchiefs - for twins Irinka and Marinka,
Swimming trunks - for Slavochka,
Toys - for Nastya,
Pacifiers - for twins Mishka and Grishka,
Pants - for the fifth son,
Socks are for the last daughter.

Buy a basket with the following vegetables and fruits and present with comic verses:
We give grapes - so that your house is rich,
We give you a tomato - so that discord will pass your house,
We give the groom a cucumber - so that the father is well done,
Carrots to the bride - so that she respects the mother-in-law,
We give you plums - so that you are always happy,
We give you cabbage to keep your wallet thick

Comic poem and wedding gifts:
Carrots - so that the wife is nimble,
Cucumber, so that the husband is well done,
Kopecks on Andreika's pants
Papers - on diapers for Natasha

We feel sorry for the young husband, but from now on I must know
We give his wife a rolling pin to keep her husband in good shape
Bow - so that there is no bitterness and parting
Grater - so that the mother-in-law does not gnaw the daughter-in-law
and many more - many things you can think of

Do not only give evil gifts or unpleasant ones. Sometimes adults jokingly give children not a candy, but only a cover, neatly folded and at the same time laughing cheerfully, and the child looks at them questioningly, not understanding the joke. Do not give such gifts. Such a gift can ruin the mood on the day of the holiday for people dear to you.

What not to give for a wedding
If one of the newlyweds is superstitious, then one should not injure his psyche by giving gifts that, in his opinion, can bring misfortune.
From the East came the superstition that it is impossible to give prickly and cutting objects so that there is no trouble in the house. You cannot give for a wedding: knives, forks, brooches, earrings without a lock, a manicure set ...
In Greece, they believed that handkerchiefs should not be gifted. This is for parting and tears.
In France, portraits are not given - this is a quarrel.
In Germany, there is a superstition according to which it is impossible to donate detergents so as not to wash away the memory.
Books, especially with poems, photographs are not recommended to be given to each other in love before the wedding - this is to parting.

We will show you how beautifully you can congratulate the young during the wedding and give a lot of positive emotions with playful congratulations.

Congratulations in verse with the delivery of money

Our gift is suitable -
Three rustling bills
Congratulations in the envelope.
Get it and check it out!
We thought it was
Plus to the family budget.
Its, to tell you the truth,
It's not easy to start from scratch!
But there is already a start, which means
We wish you good luck.
Spend this money
To Marinka or Petya -
For a beloved child:
Nipples, diapers, diapers ...
However, here the wife and husband
Guidance is hardly needed.
We now have only
To the newlyweds to shout "Bitter"!

Congratulations funny
Accept, young people!
Congratulations in words:
Unusual, in verse!
This question has long been resolved!
We could give
Husband blender, grind the fruit,
And to my wife - a screwdriver ...
Or is it the other way around? ..
But a gift, to be honest,
Should be interesting to everyone
For both, it is extremely important
And even necessary!
We are newlyweds, which means
We donate money - not otherwise!
But regarding their spending
They are not rich on advice.
Think for yourself, decide
What do you need - buy!

Congratulations to the young at the presentation of the service

We give young people such
Congratulations are funny:
We are in verse and from the heart
We are in a hurry to wish you well.
Congratulations now
A large service for you from us!
For family conversations
There are enough instruments.
But! We mean dinner
For which the wife and her husband
Will sit so well
The day will discuss what has passed.
But he, we are glad to add,
You don't need to beat for luck,
Because he is whole
Home can make happy!
Just call all your friends,
Cover the table with the service,
There will be toasts in your honor
Do not overhear and do not count!
Finally, a couple of words:
From us advice and love!

Prose congratulations to young people when presenting gifts

Dear young people! Thinking through the moments of this congratulation in advance, we have clearly defined for ourselves that we want to give the newlyweds just cool ones! No sooner said than done. So here's the salt for you! Yes, don't be surprised! As many as sixteen kilograms! We enclose instructions for use with our gift. Now we will partially voice it to everyone: for the newly-made husband and wife to eat together as soon as possible, with the goal of never again "salt" each other in their lives! Divide strictly in half.

In no case should you involve relatives or acquaintances in this procedure. After the clear implementation of these recommendations, you can proudly say: "We ate a pood of salt, now we are not afraid of anything!" Let it really be that way! And in order to "sweeten" our gift a little, we reinforce it financially! After all, replenishing the family treasury of newlyweds is an extremely necessary matter!

Forever advice and love to you! Happiness, peace, harmony at home for years. And now - bitter!

Who among the guests present here does not want to have it as long as possible? We are no exception, that is why we decided to choose comic wedding gifts for our young spouses!

It is not time to present the orders and medals "for courage", "for loyalty", "for tenderness". We will save them for the silver ones, on which, of course, we also expect to walk heartily. And for the green one (today you have just such a wedding), such a certificate will be just right! It says that from now on (wife's name) and (husband's name) have the right to own each other indefinitely. Also, the concept of "personal time" automatically develops into the concept of "general" (by the way, this applies not only to time, but to everything else).

And now you have to exclude the pronoun "I" from the lexicon! From now on, only "we" should sound! This, by the way, will save you from many family strife. Just imagine: the husband returns from fishing as it should, the wife: “Where have you been?”, And he reasonably answers: “Not me, but WE!”. Or another situation: "Honey, where is my stash for new tires?" "Darling, WE bought me boots for her yesterday, which we almost dreamed of!"

Our dear bride and groom! Live lightly, with humor. So many life problems are much easier to look at. And if suddenly someday you feel sad - just read this gift certificate, it is clearly indicated here what to do at such moments! Happy wedding day to you!

Any words addressed to the newlyweds on the day of their wedding will be heard and appreciated, but only if they are spoken from a pure heart.

If you take your wife to manufactured goods,
Mittens will serve you faithfully,
If you keep them approximately! You can present vegetables and fruits as a gift with the following words: We give
You need cabbage so that the house is not empty.

We give
You need cabbage for your husband's wife to feed deliciously. We give
Carrots for you, so that there is love in the house!
We give
Carrots for you so that there is no other _______________ (name of the bride)
We give
Carrots for you, advice
Yes, love to you!
Give a carrot to be born

Here's a carrot for the bride to be smart. Here's a big carrot for you, bride,
And here are the beets, so that the mother-in-law and father-in-law respected. We give
Bow to you, so that you do not know heavy torment. We give
Bow to you so that there will never be parting. We give
Bow to you, so that there is no anguish and parting.

We give the bride a bow so that the husband will love. We give a cucumber so that the groom - the father becomes more likely. We give
Pickles for twins.

We give
Garlic for you. How many teeth are there, so that there are so many daughters and sons. And here
Sweet pepper for you to have a daughter

But bitter pepper, so that a son is born
Borka. We give
Celery for you to have a son
Andrey. We give a tomato to pass
Your house is discord.

We give
Tomatoes for you, so that there is no contention. We give
You need a tomato to keep your youthful enthusiasm. We give
You still have a tomato - so that there are no quarrels in the house. We give
Two beets for you, so that the relationship is bright.

We give
A pear for you to live, soul to soul. Here
You need potatoes to be the first
Antoshka. We give grapes so that the house
Yours was always rich.
Here is a radish for the bride so that she does not know another
Petka, nor
Fedka. We give
You radish, so that they don't swear and fight.

I give you parsnips to keep your marriage strong. And here
You have a turnip to love each other dearly.
And here is a plum for you, so that you are happy with him. And here
You have the rest of the apple so that the house has enough. I give you dill from the beds to keep the house in order.

And here's a bunch of seeds for you so that you don't meet your husband like a cloud. And here's a cherry plum for you, so that you don't chop in the heat of the moment. But I give grapes so that you are always happy with your mother-in-law. And here
Cherry for you, so that your parents are not superfluous.

And here are the peas for you, so that you don't go deaf from the mother-in-law's cry. You can gift products with the following words: I give you a bag of grain - from now on you are husband and wife. A glass of millet for the groom to be loved by his wife. We give
You need a nut so that children's laughter can be heard in the house.

And here's a candy for you to have a daughter
Svetka. We give
Bagels for you, so that rubles were found in the house. And here is the drying, so as not to gnaw each other. Here is a loaf for the bride, so that the woman knows the law.

Here is an egg for the groom so that he does not go to the other on the porch. We give
You need a bottle of wine - don't forget your mother and father. I give wine a barrel for my son and daughter. Cutlery can be presented as a gift: We give
You a teaspoon for life
Yours was extraordinary!

We give
Forks for you so that _______________ (name of the groom) does not run to someone else's sweetheart!
Here's a plate for you, bride, so that it spins around like a squirrel in the house,
And the groom - spoons so that his feet walk along the same path.
Here is a saucepan for porridge for a daughter to be born
And to her a spoon so that there is a son

But for the groom and a mug, so as not to take his girlfriend home. We give you a mug to love each other. I give you a bowl so that you don't sit close with strangers!

I give you plates so that I don't sit with other people's girls!
Spoon - to sip cabbage soup, fork - to rake meat, You can give money as a gift: We give
Copper money for you, so that there is no
You are poor!
We give you a copper nickel - so that your wife is not harmful!

We give
Copper for you to have children. We give
You have paper money so that
You are rich. We give
Silver for you, so that goodness can be found in the house. We give
Silver for you, so that you know only good in life!

We give
A handful of coppers for you to honor the old people.
I give you a couple of rubles so that you live like a couple of pigeons!
I give you a penny so that he can walk like a rooster near his wife!
I give a penny to make the man good!

You can donate household items with the words: We give
Diapers for you to appear soon
We give
You pictures so that they do not linger
We give you a piece of paper so that you don't run to

We give
Booties for you to have babies. And here
You dummy, so that the son was the first.
And also a vest so that she can run around in the house

Here is a diaper for your baby. Here are some pants for your little son. We give
You have a ball so that a boy is born
Alik. Here is a toy to be the first
Andryushka. And here's a nail for you, so that your father-in-law has your first guest.

We give you a nail so that you are not apart. And here, finally, and a broom, so as not to ask the parents for money. We give you soap to live nicely. Here is some soap for you to keep the house clean.

I give you a sponge for a good start. We give
A veil for you to cover from troubles.
We are giving you a sheet so that you can live gently and simply. We give
You have a piece of wood from the stove to keep your hearts hot.

We give
A vase for you to be reconciled at once!
I give a box of clay to be called to the christening. I give a box of beetles so that I don't look at other people's men.

I give a bowl of flour so that men are born. I endow you with an arc so that I do not go to another. Here's a box of matches for you, so that you don't love your wife timidly.

Here's a glass for your guests to come to you. Here is a comb for your wife to have a beautiful hairstyle. Here's how much they gave!
And now "Bitter"!

Comic congratulations in verses for the wedding, with the presentation of cool gifts.

At the wedding, of course, they give all the envelopes with money, but I want to leave a few cool and funny memories after my congratulations. For this, this congratulation is prepared.

Newlyweds and their parents will fondly remember the wedding evening using comic objects. Necessary items for congratulations: a clay pot (or cast iron) for porridge, a hammer, a children's pot, a rolling pin, a brick, a frying pan, a toy car. Items that will be gifts must be decorated and tied with ribbons so that they look like gifts. Well, besides congratulations,
So that to your surprise,
We give you gifts,

Funny congratulations to the young on the wedding

That's where the story ends ...
You will remember the order:
And do not scold without doing!
Well, for a husband - to be with his wife
And do not run after another!
To live life like this
We must moisten the letter!
And to finish to the end,
We need to sweeten it somehow!
Well, what can I wish the bride and groom? So that they are always and in everything together.
We slept, ate, drank together,
Children would be taken to the kindergarten.
So that there is not even a reason for the quarrel!
Always let the man give in to the first.
Take care of love trustingly, vigilantly.
And only at the wedding let it be "Bitter! ".
So that it is not boring together.
Let there be twins for a start -We will bring you a stroller.
We can wish you a lot,
But we repeat again and again:
And that's what we wish most importantly - Advice to you, happiness and love.
Today, friend, is your wedding day.
What a beautiful white dress.
Handsome groom and smart and strong,
Already gave me a car and a house.
I congratulate you and raise a toast
For the fact that the family lit you the hearth.
My dear friend, I wish you happiness.
Let the guests at the wedding cry "bitterly"!
Oh, I would not want to remember:
When the wine flowed like a river
When tables during a wedding
Blackened with pressed caviar!
And next to her boiled pork
Didn't know as a delicacy ...
But I know: after the wedding, magnificent
Often followed
Let be
Will save you friends
Almighty -Let it be the other way around:
At a wedding - a vinaigrette on a platter,
But after the wedding - peace and harmony!
Yours is rich in feelings!
200 years for you two
A bunch of cute kids
And all this for two.
Happiness, joy, smiles. I congratulate you on
Happy wedding!
And I hasten to wish you
Make life with each other sweet
Give birth to a lot of guys!
More money in your bags,
Let them be enough for life!
And love, and happiness too, “Glory!
Bitterly!" - a scream is heard!
Not only to continue the race,
People are getting married in Russia.
Not to give birth, I will give a lot,
We got married in our homeland! ..
But if you don't want to, marriage
To turn into a chain of fights,
Love each other at night - Give birth to a baby!
Strong from porridge and yogurt,
Cement in a solution as weak as,
Having married, dear ones, take heart:
And "zero is a wife" - so they say.
Everything from how they stand in a row
Two digits - may change
When my wife comes to the house
Daughter-in-law with tact and guess - She, for her husband becoming zero,
The wife makes a ten.
And a stupid wife before her husband
Zero becomes forward.
Wife, sharing life with her husband,
Led him to high numbers
And did not reduce to zero!
So that there is no quarrel or anger in the house,
So that welcome guests visit the house,
So that there was fun with laughter here,
So that even melancholy chokes with laughter.
So that there is no excess in your offspring,
And the norm for you is only 10 kids.
Let the engineers, artists come out of them,
Teacher, writer and ice hockey players.
And if you want to have an astronaut,
Buy another one in the store.
Maybe we are.
You sit us down at the table,
To those places where they ate little,
And we ourselves are the bottle
We can easily open it.
Not caught, along with you
Let's be for the newlyweds
Have a salad and drink vodka!
It's time to grumble and stroke
Cooking, darning and washing
From the first birth to wait for misfortune
And be jealous to the point of blue
But they say it's happiness
So be happy too!
So that they do not know gloomy days!
We send you a friendly hello,
You will live in happiness for many years!
We wish you to live in your apartment, to have a "Volga" and "TU - 134".
For the horse to be like fire
To walk in tight harness,
The cart was what was needed
To make the road long
Neither dad nor mom, of course, knew
That daughter (name) and (name) were walking.
We were sure that my daughter was in the gym,
As a goat jumps, shakes its muscles!
Our groom, broad-shouldered, healthy, not frail,
The apartment has and is painted by the entrance,
So that it was pleasant to enter there sweetheart,
Where have you seen that brides are so loved? (Name) courted (name) for a long time.
Our groom endured all the hardships from her,
Those burning black eyes surrendered!
Will leave his whims behind the threshold
And he will be a wonderful (name) wife,
Cooking dinner, washing linen
And it will be behind (name) like behind a wall! (Surname) let it be a complete hut,
And call us to babysit, of course.
Live well, live richly
Let joy settle in your house!
And happiness is quiet in the eyes!
We wish you love and happiness!
Let life be like a wonderful dream.
Live in peace and harmony.
About a couple of the standard!
We wish
To you
Alenka is a blue-eyed girl.
Alenka's brother - boy
And let the little sister, Raya, grow up to catch up with the little brother.
They will be found with
Valey and
Kolya and more, of course, with
And you amaze us
Vitya, kind
Yura, curly
And the guys will go on fasting (oh, these devils!) Petya,
Vasya and
Let it be smaller
Masha and then will go
Fields and
Stepan and the smallest - Ivan.
Raise these kids, and then - whoever you want!
We also wish a young couple

Cool congratulations on the wedding. Wishes to the young

Poems for the wedding. Cool congratulations on the wedding

The most grandiose celebration of our life in terms of scope and impressions received is, perhaps, a wedding. There are birthdays every year, anniversaries - regularly, but there can be one wedding for a lifetime. Therefore, you need to prepare for it in detail, and approach it responsibly. And friends and close relatives will have to try a lot, because who, if not them, knows the preferences of the bride and groom, concerning not only material wealth, but also cultural values. So, it is clearer than clear: you definitely cannot do without cheerful and fervent congratulations. Cool congratulations for the wedding will give joy and fun not only to the newlyweds, but also to the guests, because, as you know, laughter prolongs life. We have made a lot of efforts so that you can congratulate the young in a creative and original way. Wishes in prose, short, funny and capacious, or, a whole comic poem, accompanied by a small performance using the simplest props. You just have to make a difficult choice among the variety of options offered by us. Bitterly!
Humorous wedding greetings with gifts and money
This cool congratulation is suitable for any wedding, will entertain guests and the young will definitely like it.

For congratulations, you must prepare in advance a small linen bag with the items indicated in brackets in the text of the congratulation. The place, time and stars coincided for two. The eagle groom coincided with the beautiful bride.

And on this wonderful day there are countless friends, relatives
On the first birthday of a young family.
And so that your union is strong,
The golden one lived before the wedding,
We brought you for a snatch
Advice of the wise half a bag.
They say that there was a lot, it was often, it was thick,
It is necessary that the family must have cabbage!
And also the belief goes
That kids are found in it. So that you have it,
Here are the seeds for you! (the newlyweds are given a packet of cabbage seeds) / Name of the groom /!
You are now a married man!
Your bachelor age is over
Your festivities are over until dawn.
Now carry your post with your family. Think about a glass of beer less often
Now your main drink is tea! (The groom is handed a pack of tea) And so that he does not accidentally turn left,
We hand over the compass!
Keep the course only for the wife! (The groom is given a compass) / Name of the bride /!
Don't be a bitch wife.
Don't play on your husband's nerves
Don't scream for no reason. We wish our young
So that they are together until gray hair
The groom to adore the bride
So that success awaits you in all matters
And at home there is a loud, childish laugh
So that you are always happy
And they never swore!
Your married life begins today. What is a thread for, without a needle?

What is an umbrella for if there is no rain? A car without a wheel? Paint without a brush? These are inseparable objects, one cannot exist without the other.
And then there are scissors, there are always two of them, but they are alone!
Therefore, I wish you to be a single whole, and to have a common idea, for the sake of which you met together on the path of life - inseparable, like scissors. So that you live sweetly with each other,
We give only a chocolate bar. Life is full of paradoxes. When an offender of the criminal code is chained, he wants to break it.

But here are two beautiful young people chained themselves with gold rings, and we are happy for them and wish that these shackles would never break.
Let's drink to the health and happiness of our "fettered"!
Bitterly! Today
You held hands tightly - Shot arrows
Cupid is very apt!
Walk with each other through life always,
Bring love through the years!
Wealth will settle in
Your apartment,
Won't be happier
You in the whole world!
Let in the house
You will have peace and harmony,
And this is already a great happiness!
Now I’ll put in a little effort
To "push" speech at a wonderful table,
To wish the new family everything around!
Let's start with!
I will ask everyone to fill their glasses
So much so that you remember everything in the fog in the morning!
Ready? So, well, first of all love!
So that the sea of ​​love, so that they drown in it
Love without edges, without worries and costs!
You appreciate!
Love is a treasure!
Young spouse, don't be jealous of me only,
He grabbed such a wife ... Nooo, not "Bitter!" I hasten to congratulate - the wedding took place!
Yes, I wonder who is more fortunate? To the bride that she became a married lady,
To spite lonely girlfriends, or maybe to the groom? No need now
Jumping out of bed again look for socks!
The wife will prepare everything, iron it out,
And in the evening he will offer a delicious dinner
And gently put her husband to sleep!
Be brave guys!
I sincerely wish
As you walked here, so live your life!
So that
You have always understood each other,
And so that they could concede to each other!
Now each of
You have two salaries,
But twice the household chores
But there is love, so let her guys
All life
Leads you hand in hand!
I'll tell you friends in secret,
I've seen a wedding like this.
The bride was standing, and next to the groom
And the guests all at once looked at them.
They praised the bride “How good,
As the door opened lightly
The groom slowly disappeared from the wedding.
The guests whispered "Ha-ha, yes ha-ha,
There can be no wedding without a groom ... "
While drunk, he confided in a friend.
There was another wedding in the neighborhood,
For the same reason, the bride stood alone
And marching decorously, knowing no sin,
The wrong groom was brought to her.
Lowering your gaze a little,
Yes, so that "Ha-ha" would stop sooner,
The bride covered with a veil, not hers, the groom.
That was the next morning "Ha-ha"
They put the wrong groom to sleep with her.
To whom tears, to whom laughter,
To whom it is simply not up to everyone.
The bride blushed, the groom was embarrassed,
Here's what happened at their wedding.
And so that this does not happen to you,
Listen to the strict but true command: “Be always with us,
And so that even a shadow does not pass between you.
Drink only the first glass to the bottom,
So that the bride does not stand alone ...
And we congratulate you on your legal marriage today!
As usual, we wish you love and fidelity,
And what would you meet the dawn tomorrow together,
Today we tell you "Bitter, bitter, bitter ..." The wedding day is a triumph of love!
Wish you happiness all the days
Healthy children are not bad!
Do not forget from your husband's bar
Drive to the house with a rolling pin,
And a husband, so that his wife matches:
He knew how to hold her in his hands (Wearing iron gloves),