Saudi girls without hijabs (photo). Style lessons! Fashionable summer ideas for girls in hijabs! Girl with a bouquet of big chic in hijab

We live in a world that is rapidly changing, but still preserved on the country map, in which religious prescriptions and traditions are honored. In some countries, even today is obliged to wear hijab. Let's look at the history of Islam and pay attention to these girls that they are Eastern girls think about this and how do you perceive the duty to wear hijab?

Paraja? (Sometimes they call the Chadra) - women's outerwear in Muslim countries. It looks like a bathrobe with long false sleeves and a hair mesh that closes the face. The grid is called Chachan.

The story of Parañi.
Initially in Persia, this type of clothing was called Faradja. It was a wide outerwear with long sleeves. Such clothes - a bathrobe in the XVI century wearing men and women. Classic lamp is not a bog and not Chadra. By the way, you can see the real classic bargery in the Soviet film "White Sun of the Desert". This film was repeatedly shown on television, and very many of us like it: interesting actors, a wonderful layout, script, and the sun, really scorching, white ...

Translated from the Persian - tent. This is already a light female bedspread, usually white, blue or black. She also closes a fully figure of a woman from head to feet. The face is closed with a muslin fabric, which is closed and head.

Hijab (translated from Arabic - bedspread). So called any clothes in the form of a bedspread, enveloping a woman's figure from head to the legs. But in Europe, the Islamic female is usually understood under the hijab. Wearing Hijab is obliged to every woman professing Islam, is one of the main positions of Sharia.

What should be hijab?
This clothing must be long, in no case is not obtusing, i.e. It must completely hide and not allocate body shapes.
According to the Koran, the woman should not show his beauty, his body, except for her husband, as well as numerous male relatives: "... Let them not expose their own places, with the exception of those who are visible, and let it cover the neck cutout on their bedspreads and do not show To his beauty, no one, except for his husbands, or his fathers, or his mother-in-law, or her sons, or sons of his husbands, or their brothers, or sons of their brothers, or sons of her sisters, or their women, or slaves who were traded by their land , or servants from among men, deprived of lust, or children who did not comprehend the nudity of women; And let them not knock their feet, letting know about the jewelry they hide ... "

How do Eastern girls hijab perceive?
A woman who confess Islam takes a hijab with a calm soul, she understands that this is not a whim of men, and her religion, which is its life position.

Yes, in Islam required to be hidden from other people's eyes. In Russia, in Russia, women never hidden. For an unmarried girl, it was possible to be with a uncoated head, which one cannot say about married. Hence the saying: "Failure-free", i.e. A married woman could not open his hair, on the contrary, she had to hide them thoroughly. Especially in the Middle Ages on the Russia of young women, and even more girls, they burned out of an outside male look - all the feasts, all the meetings were held without the participation of women in them. And only with the great emperor Peter I, these laws were changed, as well as clothes for women who began to open many parts of the body to please the gaze of men.
But with us, and in Islam, the basis of family happiness has always been spiritual values. Foreign beauty gradually over the years, as we fight, fades, and spiritual wealth brings happiness for all the years.

Beauty is needed by a wedding, and love is every day.
Wife - Rose at home.
Not the beauty that beautiful, and the beauty that is loved.
Uzbek proverbs

Hijab in different countries.
Now Hijab is obligatory in countries such as Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan.
In Sudan, the Criminal Code speaks of the punishment in case of wearing obscene clothing, but what does "indecent clothes" mean "is not determined.

And in countries such as Turkey, Tunisia and Tajikistan introduced a ban on the wearing of hijab in government agencies, as well as in educational institutions. Agree with the fact that this clothing is really not convenient, especially in government agencies.

France went even further. A law is adopted here, prohibiting clothing demonstrating religious affiliation. Basically, this prohibition concerns educational institutions where some part of foreign students are really possible. And true after all, why pump the situation and show only outwardly, what's your religion. The main thing is that in the shower. This law was adopted in 2004 in September.

In addition - oriental girls in all its glory.

Oriental girls and hijab for Militta magazine

A pretty girl in hijab and fashionable glasses, in a leather jacket and jeans, probably someone waiting.

Girl in blue hijab, with a clutch in his hands. Most likely evening hijab.

hijab number 6.
Glasses, inflated lips - bombed in the hijab.
Red handkerchief, black dress, a cool combination, especially with such a pretty face.
hijab number 7.

Also not bad move, red handkerchief, black turtleneck and green dress with peas.
Hijab and black jeans appearance is not bad. But what a nice one.
White blouse and gray skirt, you can go string in such a hijab.
hijab №11
Well, isn't a doll, some cilia are worth it, and the shades of pink?

Well, in principle, "yes", but not mine.

hijab number 12.
Blush, Blush, oh, these blush !!

Suddenly, the charming in Hyzhebe was plinned on a walk, he did not even improve, although, that is, it is still beautiful.

Purple handkerchief, and a white dress or probably it is a jumpsuit.

Light brown tones, chocolate color is pleasant to the eye.

Hijab and a hat, on the seashore, Frenchwoman probably.

Another charming smile in the hijab. Shoes like))

Dark blue dress and jacket denim, feet with a cross. Well, isn't Charm?

If I am not mistaken by the girl at a wedding in the Banquet Hall of Marakesh Makhachkala. Leopard also turns out not bad looks.

Just beauties in the hijab.

hijab №29

Cute girl, but such pants are not mine.

Hijab for walking. Pants - Sultants.

Chubby lips, view, ordinary hijab, but again it looks super.

Hijab and lenses, hmm .. or it is jeans in crap

Light-plow jeans and hijab are not bad, but ... Whether sitting on the floor.

hijab number 38.

Hijab bride probably. Wedding hijab.

Smile stunning :)

hijab №41

Hijab, with patterns, red - very much.
hijab №42.

Beautiful girl at the fence.

Also very

Beautiful, Amazon seems to be called.

Beauty in a translucent shirt, but for that with a ring)

hijab №50

Zebra shirt, with wrapped sleeves.

Hijab and a hat - a gangster. T-shirt "Calvin Klein"

hijab number 54.

hijab №55

Generally chic, black hijab.

Lilac hijab. The girl thought about something)

Hijab and leather jacket.

Girlfriends coquettes, black and white pants.

Sports hijab, apparently "adidas"


Hijab with flower
hijab number 68.

Beautiful in hijab

Beautiful glances

hijab number 73.

Militta devoted a lot of publications of Hijab and other objects of clothing. We told the story of the origin and rules of wearing. And today we'll see the most beautiful images with hijab. It will be useful not only to the Girls of Islam, but the Orthodox can draw a lot of ideas for creating images.

Immediately I must say that God does not require a person to refuse material goods and luxury. In the parables there are examples when the Lord calls to create a generous alms and even distribute its property, and the saints are also talking about it. But this path is not imposed on everyone and everyone, but is offered as an ideal. Simply put, if you want to achieve maximum perfection in spiritual life on Earth - leave only God in your thoughts, and everyone else will not care for your soul.

Perfection in any case is the fourth favorite. The Lord knows our weaknesses and does not require it impossible. Therefore, no religion denies wealth and luxury, the main thing is that they do not harm our soul. If you have the opportunity to buy expensive outfits and this is pleased with your loved ones - it's good. And if expensive clothes are needed to satisfy your own vanity and boasting on social networks, this approach harms your soul.

God created the universe and our land is beautiful, in general, all the creations of God were originally shone by beauty, and then under the influence of the sinful nature of a person, much was distorted and adopted ugly disgusting forms. But the desire to beautifully laid in us from birth, which means that the desire to decorate themselves with luxurious things is not sinful in itself. Therefore, inspire beautiful stylish images in the photo, buy scarves and create your own.

Mysterious residents of Saudi Arabia in centuries hide their appearance for dense black and black matter. A traditional long dress (Abaya) is made of dense black material and is a mandatory attribute when appearing in public places. Few people guess that real oriental princesses are hidden behind this strict dress.

Who is under hijab

Without the usual robe, Saudi girls are very bright and attractive. Huge eyes and fascinating glance are combined with soft features of the face and long black shiny hair. Girls advantageously emphasize the natural data of cosmetics, making faces very expressive.

Like other wonderful representatives of the East, the girls of Saudi Arabia have feminine figures. Slender and seductive in his youth, in adulthood they become more fully.

Women in Saudi Arabia watch themselves and always try to look well-groomed. Under black robes, it is often possible to detect a stylish beauty, dressed in modern brands, with hairstyle and makeup. Eastern girls wear a large number of jewelry and prefer bright outfits, but they can only boast of this at home.

In a closed abay, women appear on, go shopping and go to work. However, this older is currently becoming softer. Now in Saudi Arabia, more and more women appear who are not afraid to open a face. Along with the conservative representatives of the Company on the streets of large cities, you can see the beauties opening the hair.

The heads of these modern fashionistas are decorated with designer scarves that emphasize natural beauty.

Black Abayi prevail in the robes of Saudi women, but the world does not stand still and shifting black dress come more interesting colors. Dresses are strict, nevertheless, some retreat from the familiar color scheme is allowed. They are decorated with patterns and skillful embroidery, are well sitting on the figure and emphasize the natural grace of eastern women.

Traditional black clothes that fully cover the beauty of Saudi women are designed to protect the weak floor from dishonor. Now more and more residents of Saudi Arabia prefer more outdoor style, so we can admire the expressive beauty of Arab women.

However, the Saudi girls without hijabs look like we imagine. Sometimes, wanting to see for such a robe a beautiful oriental princess, we discover the unpleasant, tired woman with ordinary features of the face.