Dream interpretation of what a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming of. Seeing a pregnant girlfriend in a dream is a good sign.

Sometimes you don't even have the strength to be surprised when you remember a past dream. the mechanism of dreams has long been studied by scientists, they are all trying to explain the formation and laws of sleep. Why is there a new dream every time, why do some look like beautiful, full-length paintings, while others are just scraps of something? What a friend is dreaming of is to be understood literally and how far apart the pushing from the dream books is.

Sleep details

For a better and more accurate deciphering, you need to remember more details of the past dream. scientists have proven that often after awakening, people are able to voice only 30% of common visions. And it is unlikely that a person sees only one dream during the night. It's just that the subconscious mind remembers selectively or the last dream was preserved brighter than the others.

A pregnant girlfriend ... what else could be in the vision:

  • Skinny, tired, or looking good;
  • There was one, someone was standing nearby;
  • What she did, what she said;
  • How long;
  • Who is the dreamer: for men, women, such dreams have different interpretations. Married or married dreamer, there are children. In reality, the friend herself - the heroine of the dream - is pregnant or not yet, is also important.

Miller's dream book

Dreams are described here more, where the dreamer himself is in position. As for a friend, there is one case. When in a vision a woman is thin, pregnant. Then the dreamer can prepare for a future, large-scale success that will come unexpectedly, without requiring much effort or time. The main thing is to seize the moment and be where you need to. Alas, couch potatoes will miss everything. Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy if she is pregnant herself in reality? To a prosperous, easy term and successful delivery. The same meaning if the dreamer is pregnant and saw herself.

For virgins who have witnessed their own pregnancy, such dreams are a subconscious warning. Be more attentive and serious about new, unplanned acquaintances. For an unmarried woman, such dreams are harbingers of a quick, moreover, unsuccessful marriage.

Freud's dream book

This dream book tries to interpret the "signs of the subconscious" through the prism of psychology, because Freud was a well-known, venerable psychologist. According to him, the pregnancy seen, even if someone else's, hints to a woman about quick, pleasant changes for her. Perhaps even your own pregnancy. If the dreamer is still free (or a friend, the heroine of the dream is free), this is a harbinger of a successful acquaintance. A new, serious person will come with whom you can safely plan a family.

A pregnant girlfriend (or a simple acquaintance) suddenly appeared to the man, the dream came from Tuesday to Wednesday, perhaps this expression of his hidden desire will settle down, have children. Or a signal of caution, especially with casual, light connections.

Dream interpretation of Wangi

Finding out why a friend's pregnancy is dreaming, you should definitely look at several sources. For example, a dream book
Vangi is ready to interpret the dream of pregnancy as something good for married women and anxious for free. When a woman is actually married, and she suddenly sees herself with a belly, it is worth waiting for twins.

A friend is pregnant or a completely unfamiliar woman is an unexpected but pleasant monetary reward, some kind of change in the dreamer, his personal life will improve. The woman is already giving birth - that's it, the end of long, exhausting problems is visible.

Is the dreamer a man? Then the dream is quite believable. Perhaps he likes a dreaming girlfriend, he plans a family and wants to know fatherhood.

Loff's dream book

Do not interpret "pregnant" dreams only for girls. This is something that even men dream about. If you look at the general meaning, such visions convey subconscious maturity, the desire to create families faster, to have children, if the dreamer is still free.

When the dreamer is a man and he suddenly saw himself pregnant, it means that in reality he is definitely not ready to know the joys of fatherhood.

Dream Interpretation Menenghetti

Such a dream is always remembered, no matter whether it is a thriller or a melodrama. Therefore, in search of why a friend's pregnancy is dreaming, if she is not pregnant (already in reality), it is easy for people to remember the details. Menenghetti has rather vague explanations, where the pregnant girlfriend herself becomes a sign of an alien, extraneous influence on the current thoughts and actions of the dreamer.

Perhaps, in reality, he is extremely passionate about someone else's life, other people's problems and has long forgotten about his own fate. Accordingly, a "pregnant" dream, a reflection of the desires of the subconscious mind to return to their own, personal problems, it is enough to help others. It doesn't matter if there will be a girlfriend's pregnancy with twins, the term is small or a large belly.

Modern dream book

Initially, pregnancy itself is more of a sign, you cannot literally take it, thinking that, here, a friend will become pregnant in reality or the dreamer himself (if he is a woman). Rather, these are signs from the subconscious. Through a vision, it shows about the upcoming, as yet unclear changes. The truth is not always something good. here it is important to remember what the general background was, the atmosphere of the last dream, how close, beloved friend.

Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy from Wednesday to Thursday, because this is the time of realistic, mundane dreams, when fabulous, incredible pictures rarely come. The subconscious reflects only what is happening, and often the signs are understandable, open. For some who know how to understand dreams, they help to quickly figure out where and what.

The planet Jupiter loves Thursday more. It helps to prioritize, find a common, ambitious goal. It is considered a pragmatic, serious planet, informing the dreamer about the problems. But if dreams reflect money, wealth, or a career, then how do you decipher the phenomenon of a pregnant girlfriend?

It is not the state that is important here, but the behavior of the dreamed person, his words. Especially if there was an interaction with the dreamer himself. When the dream is light, good, then through a friend, her pregnancy, Jupiter transmits "information" about replenishment. Perhaps new ideas or profit, career growth.

When it is, on the contrary, unpleasant or scary, it is better to forget quickly, not to think and not to try to decipher. Then the events reflected there will not harm.

Thursday to Friday

Since ancient times, this particular time was considered the most mystical. They say, who goes to bed at night, before Friday, can see a real, prophetic dream. why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy from Thursday to Friday, if the patron saint of this time is Venus? Most likely, the dream is good, pleasant, Venus always gives romance and lightness to the atmosphere.

Decryption options:

  1. A pregnant girlfriend who unexpectedly dreamed about the dreamer will bring news, pleasant changes (if the dream itself went well, easily). Or, on the contrary, the news will be unpleasant, even dangerous.
  2. Here you can still see the timing for the implementation of the dream, if the dream really seemed prophetic. After all, sometimes fabulous, implausible things are dreamed of. Pregnancy is a very real event.
  3. Midnight (Thursday) - I dreamed that the dream might come true in about a year.
  4. Middle of the night (Thursday), this is from 00.00 - 3 in the morning - it will be fulfilled faster, 2-3 months.
  5. Towards morning (already Friday) - it will be fulfilled quickly, literally the other day.

True, it is important here to understand the signs of the subconscious. After all, in the dream was the pregnancy of a friend, not a dreamer. Girls on Thursday nights often thought to see their betrothed, scenes of the future, usually to themselves, not to others. Therefore, the image of a friend, moreover, pregnant, here personifies either news or changes.

It is also important to look at the number on Friday night. 7 or 13, maybe it was already 15 or 27? That pregnancy will personify changes for the dreamer in the field of his relationship. A new acquaintance or development of an existing novel.

Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy from Friday to Saturday? Usually, the dreamer manages to get enough sleep and see the whole picture. After all, there is a day off ahead. Sometimes the visions transmitted then are really prophetic, even fateful. Here Venus is replaced by the harsh, formidable Saturn, who patronizes more agriculture. He shows dreamers future trials, obstacles, sometimes pictures of the future in general.

Sometimes there is no need to go deep for interpretation, the general picture is enough. When a friend runs, leaves, ambushes or overcomes obstacles, moreover, the dreamer is nearby, perhaps many obstacles lie ahead.

If there are no active actions at all, the atmosphere is calm, then most likely the friend, her pregnancy, have become a symbol of change. Enjoyable and exciting. It will be that career growth, an increase in well-being, it does not matter.

The dream seems to be long, this is a whole film full of different events, but you feel a common connection? Here the dreamer needs to better remember his attitude, the state in a dream.

The dream was interrupted, but the dreamer is ready to act, is he cheerful, full of energy? So any, even a difficult test (depending on how the dream itself went) is surmountable. When, on the contrary, and the dream left only fear, worries, bitterness, then the obstacles, alas, will be insurmountable, ahead of a dark, difficult period of disappointment.

Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy, female dream book

When in reality, the girlfriend herself is not yet pregnant, this is a sign of well-being, joyful (for the heroine of the dream) changes. For the dreamer, the vision also promises happiness, perhaps he will become an active participant, an assistant to the heroine.

She is pregnant, moreover, she will give birth soon - there will be changes, will affect the existing offspring, nephews.

Often in dreams, a person can see completely ordinary, and sometimes incredible things. Each object, action or event seen can carry certain information that dream books allow you to find out. So that you can take advantage of the proposed interpretations, it is worth trying to remember important details as much as possible.

Why dream of a girlfriend's pregnancy?

Often such a dream may indicate that in real life, a friend is often exposed to someone else's influence. This can be both the recommendations of parents and public opinion. Such a dream can also be a symbol of your joint ideas, both small ones, for example, going to a restaurant, and global ones, joint ones. One of the dream books offers a different interpretation, and night dreams about a pregnant girlfriend should be associated with the occurrence of health problems. Basically, the dream in which a pregnant girlfriend figured should not be associated with the birth of a child in real life.

To see such a plot in a dream means that in reality a friend will face problems in her personal life. During this period, she can get into an awkward situation, which will provoke the appearance of numerous troubles. A dream about a friend's pregnancy can also be considered a warning that minor troubles await the girl ahead. In such a situation, the dreamer is like a messenger who must convey important information. If a girl is pregnant in real life, the dream portends an easy birth. For people who were born in the winter-spring period, a dream where a friend was pregnant portends conflicts and various kinds of troubles. If you were born in the spring or summer, then such a night vision can be interpreted, as a harbinger of an improvement in the financial situation and problems in family life.

For a man to see a pregnant girlfriend in a dream means that in the future one should expect success in business and profit, and this will be quite unexpected for him. The dream book recommends that you carefully distribute your expenses and not waste money. Even for the stronger sex, such a dream can be taken as a warning that deception awaits you, so you should be as careful as possible. For a married man, such a night vision portends a spouse's illness.

If a girl had a dream that her friend was pregnant, this is an omen of happy changes in life. In the near future, you can expect the fulfillment of desires, in love and work.

In dreams, a wide variety of pictures and events can appear, meetings and acquaintances can appear, various dialogues, even animals can come to life in a dream.

Why dream that a friend is pregnant is worth figuring out.

Why is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming - basic interpretations

Pregnancy is the most beautiful period in a woman's life. Many only dream of becoming mothers, and even a dream in which this dream came true for them brings them joy. Why dream that a friend is pregnant?

Such a dream is most likely indicates its susceptibility to outside influence. She is a very suspicious person and quickly gives in to influence from outside. In order for this not to happen so often, she should think about all her actions on her own.

She is too easily suggestible and can quickly follow fashion trends. Most likely, someone is already influencing her for mercenary purposes, and you, as her friend, should warn her of the possible danger.

Also, her relatives can put pressure on her in a very important issue for them. If you see that the girl needs support and help- help her, because on her own she will only break wood and will not be able to figure out anything.

Also, such a dream may indicate that you and your friend have common ideas and plans that you are hatching together. It is important to remember that you also play an important role in the implementation of the project, you should not give up positions and abandon the idea. Your girlfriend fully supports you in this and wishes you only well.

Also, if you had plans for a joint vacation with her, you should take a closer look at this issue. This is really what you both need right now. If you have already set a goal - do not give up, everything will turn out as well as possible.

If you have a dream in which your friend is pregnant and crying - you should pay attention to your health, most likely you will expect protracted illnesses with a complex course.

If a pregnant friend comes to you upset because of her poor health - you should pay attention to whether your gynecological and pelvic organs are healthy. If you have had problems with them in the past, an exacerbation of the disease is possible.

You should not immediately after such a dream warn a friend that she may be pregnant, most likely this is only a dream and it has a very different meaning. It is also worth paying attention to other details of the dream, they are important in order to form a complete picture of the dream.

It is important to remember all the people present in the dream, everything they said, what they asked from your friend and from you. If you dream that a friend is pregnant with your man - such a dream may indicate that the trust between you will soon disappear irrevocably and now it is better to strengthen it so as not to lose a truly faithful friend.

Why will trust disappear? The whole reason is that you are likely to forget about the important thing, about friendship. You will expect active actions from your friend, and at the same time you yourself will not be able and will not want to do anything good for her.

If in a dream a pregnant friend comes to you and asks you for advice - in reality you will have to figure out a rather complicated matter on your own... You should not panic and worry in advance, most likely, the problem will not be so important, and you will quickly find an effective method of resolving it.

If you dream that your friend is in danger and at the same time, she is pregnant, you should seriously take care of her health. She will soon find herself in bad company and will not be able to help herself. If you dream about how someone beat your pregnant girlfriend, she will have to go through a difficult time, her health will worsen, but also her financial situation.

You can help her, if of course you want, because, most likely, she will blame everyone around for her failures. If you dream that a friend is pregnant, but does not want to keep the child, such a dream indicates your and her hesitation in a general matter. The outcome of your hesitation with her depends on how the dream ends.

Why dream that a friend is pregnant according to Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book says what a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming of. This dream means that a woman lacks affection and warmth, she looks for it in men, but does not find it. She herself wants to become a mother and therefore in her dream she sees a pregnant woman close to herself.

If a friend is happy about her pregnancy in a dream, then the woman will have wonderful times in her life. She will enjoy her relationship, her happiness. She will happily enter into new relationships, or develop existing ones.

If in a dream you dream about how your friend is upset that she is pregnant, you will also be disappointed in your beloved, you will not be able to morally move away from all the losses that will happen in your life for a long time.

If you dream about how your friend gave birth to a child, but she does not name her father - secrets and mysteries await you in reality, you need a lot of time in order to forget the grievances and disappointments of the past. You don't need this negative experience of the past. You should be more attentive to your present and future, and not dive into the problems of the past and search for their solutions.

If you dream about how you are happily caring for your pregnant girlfriend, you will also happily enter into new intimate relationships. They will bring you real pleasure, you can look differently not only at questions of love, but also love yourself.

Why dream that a friend is pregnant according to an esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book says that a friend's pregnancy in a dream may speak of the need to protect her. She, most likely, now herself, as a small child, needs custody and care. She herself is sentimental and vulnerable, and someone will now inflict a spiritual wound on her.

If a friend in reality is really pregnant - she should be wary of the evil eye and other problems with pregnancy and with her newborn child. They really envy her and look for flaws in her. A girl cannot cope with such a negative on her own, so it is worth helping her with this.

If you dream that your girlfriend is pregnant about a married man - such a dream says that problems and torment await her in reality. She can really lose her true love, exchanging it for imaginary feelings. You should not support all her undertakings and all her attempts to change something dramatically in life, they will be ineffective for now.

Why is a pregnant girlfriend dreaming about other dream books

In Miller's dream book it is said why a pregnant girlfriend is dreaming. Such a dream, most likely, says that in her personal life, not everything is as smooth as she would like. It is high time for her to put things in order in her life and reveal all the secrets to others, otherwise they will be revealed by accident, which will not please the girl at all.

If a friend is really in a delicate position in reality, such a dream means that she will give birth to a healthy child and she will give birth to him easily. Also, such a dream can warn her that she may get into an awkward situation when she becomes a hostage of gossip and gossip. She should not worry too much about this, most likely all controversial issues will be resolved rather quickly and the girl will be able to restore justice.

In Grishina's dream book it is said that if a man dreams that his girlfriend is pregnant, such a dream means that he is not ready to take responsibility for her and for her life. He, most likely, is ready only for a fleeting and free relationship, but not at all for creating a family, so he will be with her until there is a conversation about the seriousness of their relationship.

Hasse's dream book says:

A friend's pregnancy in a dream promises trouble for her;

Girlfriend's interrupted pregnancy - health problems;

Multiple pregnancy of a friend - to infinite happiness.

If you dream that your friend is pregnant and is going on a long journey, in reality you should dissuade her from such an idea, since it will not bring her any benefit. She will find herself in a rather difficult financial situation.

If you see a crying friend who does not want to give birth to a child, you yourself will cry in reality because of a rather difficult situation. You should not get upset in advance, because you will not fundamentally change anything. You can only mentally prepare yourself for the challenges ahead. This will allow you to save your face in front of others.

Pregnancy gets into your dreams in two main ways. The first is dreams about yourself during pregnancy, the second is that your real pregnancy is a PUSH EVENT and sets its certain content.

Anyone can get pregnant in a dream: this opportunity is not limited by either sexual or age-related obstacles.

Generally speaking, pregnancy serves as a symbol of creativity, puberty or wealth, however, there are many situations that require further interpretation.

If you are a young woman dreaming of pregnancy, at the same time having no real intention of getting pregnant, such a dream may indicate your being in the stage of the initial transition to a new stage of introspection.

One of the ARCHETYPES for YUNG is the archetype of the parent with the prevailing instinct to preserve the clan.

Seeing yourself involved in activities in this position means observing your exit from the CHILD stage and the transition to the adult level.

If you are sexually active but have no intention of getting pregnant, this dream can be a harmonious accompaniment to your monthly cycle.

In connection with such a dream, ALARMS of the "what if" type may arise, which require reflection and resolution.

A man who sees himself pregnant in a dream is often in a situation where his masculinity or participation in the reproduction of the population is in question.

Such doubts often come to mind for men who see themselves as less active in this regard than they would like to be.

Sleep acts as compensation, emphasizing the creative side of their PERSONALITY.

Pregnant men not only give birth to children, but also something that somehow justifies their mission in this world.

The fact of pregnancy in real life can lead to a variety of events in dreams.

By their nature, these events can be anything: from the most violent to ridiculous.

This is not surprising, since in real life, pregnancy is the source of a whole spectrum of sensations - from excitement to euphoria.

Other types of dreams that occur during pregnancy may relate to adultery, partner DEATH, chronic health problems, pregnancy loss due to accident or miscarriage, birth defects in a baby, twins, triplets, etc., and increased fertility, where conception and bearing of a fetus occur more often and regardless of protection.

Dreams of infidelity or death of a partner often arise as a response to feelings of insecurity due to changes in the appearance or frequency and nature of sexual relations during pregnancy.

Dreams about chronic health problems and child defects belong to the category of negative PERFORMANCE WILL, and it is also a result of the excitement experienced by women in this position.

Dreams of multiple births and repeated pregnancies are the most difficult.

Sometimes, at a certain stage, pregnancy suppresses a woman. This is a consequence of concerns about the ability to properly handle the role of MOTHER.

Multiple pregnancies can be a visual representation of these fears.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

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It is believed that during night dreams, the subconscious mind has a conversation with us. If a pregnant girlfriend dreamed at night, then you think that the opinion of society, relatives, friends has a huge influence on her.

Such a dream symbolizes your joint plans with your girlfriend, which have a great chance of success. It can be a shared leisure time, a trip, or just a shopping trip.

The overall meaning of sleep

I dreamed of a friend's pregnancy - something new awaits you. If the girl in a dream is very close to you, then the upcoming event will directly affect you. The girl is unfamiliar or not too close friend - that event will hardly hurt you.

Whether what happened is pleasant or not depends on the general emotional background of the dream:

  • If you or the pregnant heroine of the dream were creepy and unpleasant, then the event may not be the most desirable. But thanks to the support of a loved one, you will be able to get through it with minimal discomfort.
  • The dream is filled with joy and bright emotions - this means that the upcoming event will be happy.

Dreaming of a pregnant girlfriend, in real life who is also preparing to become a mother? You do not have to worry and tell the dream to a friend, since it predicts an easy birth.

The girlfriend in your dream begins to give birth - this is a signal from your subconscious mind: you are very worried about her well-being. Visit a friend to calm your nerves. In addition, a childbirth dream can predict that a girlfriend will have a girl or twins.

There is also such an interpretation: to see that the girlfriend is in an interesting position - you have health problems, pay attention to the pain in the abdomen. However, do not worry, such a plot does not bode well for serious problems. If you are actually sick, you will soon be fully cured.

Predictions for various dream books

Dream Interpretation Menenghetti predicts: a dream about a pregnant girlfriend means that someone else's opinion is being imposed on you. You take extraneous problems and events too close to your heart. And they didn't even notice how long they forgot about their personal life, which is what the dream teaches you. The subconscious mind says it's time to take care of yourself.

The esoteric dream book says that seeing pregnancy in a dream is a sign of financial problems. Your pregnancy is dreaming - you will be in a difficult financial situation. A friend is seen as pregnant - there is a possibility that you will have to lend money to someone from close relatives or friends.

Dream Interpretation Hasse says that your pregnancy is dreaming of pleasant events, and someone else's dream - of impending troubles. A friend in a dream asks you for help, then in real life she is afraid to ask for it. So, offer help yourself.

Why dream that you gave blood to a girl in an interesting position? If you think your friends need help, ask them directly. They sent the girl to the hospital - to nice surprises. A dream that a friend is pregnant from your boyfriend or husband is a vain experience.

Miller's dream book predicts: if you dreamed of a meeting with a thin girl expecting a baby, you will be a resounding success. You do not have to prepare for anything and make efforts, everything will happen by accident, the main thing is to be in the right place on time.

Dreamer man

Pregnancy is not always dreamed of only by girls. Often the heroes of such a plot are men who see their girlfriends in a dream as pregnant.

What does the dream book say if a man saw a dream about pregnancy:

  • I dreamed that your beloved was pregnant, which means you have serious intentions for her, you are ready to start a family.
  • I dreamed of an unfamiliar pregnant girl - you will soon meet your fate, do not pass by.
  • You took delivery in a dream - in real life you have too many obligations. If, at the same time, the birth was successful, you will be successful in all your endeavors.

Thus, to see a girlfriend in a pregnant dream is to positive emotions. Sweets dreams!