Means for fatty hair. What to do with fatty hair at home. What gave me the addition of essential oils into shampoo

Increased fatty is caused by excessive excretion of sebum, blocking hair roots, which subsequently can cause their loss and the appearance of dandruff. The causes of elevated salo waste can be poor hair care, heredity, improper nutrition, drug adoption, as well as various stress, hormonal failure, sharp changes in temperature, season.

How do you need to wash fat hair?

1. You can not do it every day.

Washing heads, especially with a fatty shampoo, leads to the washing of natural oil. Because of this, the sebaceous glands begin to produce oils more than the norm. To restore the balance, the hair is worth washing about three times a week.

The first week when a large amount of oil will be made with sall glands, the strands will look silent. During this period, to hide the fat, leaving the house, you can wear a headdress.

At the end of the week, you need to pay attention to the state of the chapels: has its solidity decreased? If nothing has changed, reduce the number of washing processes up to 2 times a week.

A week later, check again. If the result has not changed again, start to wash your head every other day. Most likely you have a genetic predisposition to the production of oil, so the simple reduction in the frequency of the head washing here is not to do.

2. Applying shampoo also affects oil production with saline glands

Try not to apply too much shampoo. Quite quantity with a coin. If there are very thick and long hair, you can increase the dose, with short and rare hair - to reduce. You do not need to rub the shampoo into the skin of the head - it only stimulates the sebaceous glands to develop more oil.

3. Air conditioning should be eliminated from used to care

Produced several times a week washing the head plenty for air conditioning. The use of this means will only increase the level of salinity, which will increase the need for frequent washing and will lead to an increase in oil produced.

4. Use the removal procedure of excess skin with clay

Such clay, absorbing and binding excess fat, is available on sale in any pharmacies. This is an excellent tool when leaving the hair of a fatty type. Wash your head in the first half of the day, since the activation of the sebaceous glands takes place at night.

The leather of the head becomes more sensitive due to the appearance of irritation on it provoked by sall hair. In this regard, it is necessary to reduce the number of other stimuli: less often put strand drying with a hairdryer and not to wash them with hot water, turn them into too tight braids, wearing hats and hair decorations that are tightened.

The head needs to wash a little warm water so as not to provoke the sebaceous glands for the production of fat when using hot water. The use of brushes that contribute to the distribution of skin saline and to the roots should be excluded. It is better to use a comb.

Rinsers and balms also do not need to be applied with a bold type, hanged hair in them practically do not need, unlike dry.

Fatty hair shampoos

Assortment of hair care products, namely, shampoos are diverse. For example, the Italian company Selective Professional releases shampoos, normalizing the functions of the sebaceous glands, the German manufacturer Londa - means containing liquid keratin, capable of hanging the volume and clean the roots and skin of the head from the excess fat.

There are also directional shampoos (elite), however, the cost of them significantly exceeds the price of other shampoos. For example, the Spanish Brand Beauty Image produces a means of which there are active substances that optimize the structure of the coil hair and the normalizing state of the scalp.

Folk remedies

A good tool is the use of medium or shallow salt, economic soap (domestic 72%), chopping chamomile (or one bag of chamomile tea) and a conventional shampoo (without balm).

Chamomile needs to be fed in hot water taken in large quantities. If there are hard water, it is better to use boiled. Then dilute to warm. Hair must be laid with the help of household soap, it is easy to lure a salt into the scalp. The foam will not become. After washed with water. Hair will seem a bit sticky - it should be. Then again wash your head shampoo and rinse with a chamomile with water.

Wrapped with a towel head, Holding 5-10 minutes, then dry without a hair dryer. The following procedure can be carried out without salt, it should be used for about two times a week.

Another excellent recipe that won popularity among the owners of oily hair is the use of juice from purified potatoes, grated on a small grater.

To 6 tbsp. l. Add Prostokowa Juice (200 ml). The mass is first applied to the roots, gradually distributing along the entire length. Close the head of polyethylene and wrap a towel at about half an hour. After you need to wash off the composition with water and wash your head with a shampoo.

Such a mask will show a positive result after the first use.

Bold hair often lead women in despair and cause them many inconveniences by the fact that they quickly dirty and the end of the day looks with sall and non-baking, even if their soaps in the morning. However, experts urge not to be upset and argue that it is much easier to care for them than for dry, which are also often fragile and weakened.

Moreover, greasy hair, due to increased fat, have a huge advantage over dry, because they, like oily skin, with the help of natural lubrication are perfectly protected from adverse external influences.

Most often, greasy hair is given to a person from nature, and nothing can be done about it. But there are also its advantages in this: oily skin ages much slower, and dry brittle hair with sequers sometimes look much worse than fat, and it is harder to care for them. Bold hair is better supplied with nutrients, they are well protected from an aggressive external environment, so they are much smaller and look thick.

There are many homemade masks and tools that will help reduce hair fatty, make them healthy and shiny. Bold hair is very good to treat, so every woman can provide appropriate and careful care.

It is necessary to start care of the hair still in adolescence - during puberty, when, due to hormonal restructuring, the fatness of the skin and hair is especially rising. If this is not done, then with age, the situation can only worsen, and then it will be more difficult to fight with fatty hair.

Causes of high fatty hair

The main reason for increased fatty is that the sebaceous glands work too actively and produce much more skin fat than necessary. Elevated salo waste is often due to genetically, but may indicate violations in the work of the endocrine system.

In addition, strengthen the separation of fat reception of antibiotics, irrational nutrition, sharp differences of temperature, strong stress and incorrect care. Specialists are confident that the correct care for fatty hair will avoid many problems and ensure that they always look beautiful and neatly.

Why hair becomes fat

Skin fat, because of which the hair quickly become fat, in fact they are extremely necessary. It is the allocated subcutaneous fat saves hair from fragile and dryness, gives them smoothness, radiance and beauty. Without a fat lubricant, from which many so dream of getting rid of, the hair becomes dull, they begin to decide, break and fall out.

Silent film thinly envelops each hairs, protects it and makes elastic. Fat moisturizes hair and supplies them with nutrients.

But fat hair is definitely there are also negative sides. Increased fat content is explained by the improper work of the sebaceous glands, which for some reason begin to produce an excessive amount of subcutaneous saline. Fat scores skin pores, and skin stops breathing, water and oxygen ceases to root.

The lack of nutrition affects both the hair itself: they are thinning and begin to fall out intensively, besides, dandruff appears. Dandruff is the burned skin particles that every person have, but with the wrong work of the sebaceous ironing glands, it becomes too much, it rolls in lumps and is much noticeable.

The reasons for which glands produce too much fat may be several:

  • Incorrect meals - excess fat and sweet food contributes to the development of unnecessary subcutaneous fat, due to which not only hair becomes fat, but also the skin on the face.
  • Hormonal changes - especially during puberty and in women during menopause.
  • Incorrectly chosen hair care products - you need to pick up a shampoo that matches your hair type.
  • Too cold or hot water - cold water blends the accumulated fat with hair, and excessively hot water activates the work of the sebaceous glands.
  • Dysbacteriosis also contributes to the fact that the hair is rapidly contaminated, become dull and thin.
  • Nervous overvoltage, constant stress and long-term depression negatively affect both hair condition and health as a whole.
  • Abundant and continuous use of hair styling, frequent coloring and chemical curling, as well as daily use of a hot hair dryer.
  • Heredity is the only problem with which it is difficult to fight. Unbalanced nutrition and aggressive environmental impact turn inheritant predisposition into a real problem. But even in this case, the correct hair care and head of the head will help hair look healthy and well-groomed.

Not with all these reasons can be copped independently - sometimes a deeper, comprehensive treatment of related diseases, causing elevated skin waste, is required. The treatment must appoint a doctor after examining and passing tests.

How to care for fatty hair

Care of fatty hair has a lot of "not", for example, the head massage of the head and frequent combing is not recommended.

Washing fatty hair

On the one hand, the owner of problem hair is trying to wash their head as often as possible to get rid of oily shine. On the other hand, the frequent washing in the future contributes to the aggravation of the problem. The hair, like the skin of the head, is getting used to the fact that they are "dried" often and begin the program "Protection" - the fat is distinguished more often in large quantities.

Try to highlight in your schedule time to "reinstall" the familiar hair mode. Start your head is a little less. First time it will seem to you that the hair began to gush even more, but in a month you can afford to reduce the number of procedures.

Drying and laying of oily hair

Do not, laying oily hair, use very hot air. By this you overcame the skin of the head and the curls themselves, but absolutely not to decide the question of fatty. And as a result, the main problem is added to the need for hair restoration due to fragility and dullness.

Use of fat hair styling

Try to avoid using additional means for laying, because fatty hair is particularly susceptible to their adverse effects. In addition, when applied to grease-containing products, you will focus on fat roots.

Combing bold hair

Doctors advise the owners of oily hair as much as possible to use a comb, because such a massage is the stimulation of the sebaceous glands and provokes an excessive selection of fat. So, it should be carried out only if necessary.

Care for fatty hair and treatment must be complex in nature: it is necessary not only to perform cosmetic procedures, but also to comply with the power mode, take multivitamins, pick up the right shampoo.

First of all, you need to find out the reason for the high-waste and eliminate it. If this is a genetic feature of the body, then the correct hair care will help to bring them brilliance and health.

Care of fatty and thin hair initially requires the correct selection of the shampoo, which will not make them dry and dull.
Thin hair most often have a European-type woman. It is possible to connect this with the fact that there are no severe frosts or sewing heat on the Eurasian continent.

Thin hair cannot be called one hundred percent disadvantage, because they most often look silky and soft to the touch. In addition, such strands are fairly easy to put, they are obedient and perfectly fall in any hairstyle.

The present problem occurs when such curls start rapidly polluted. Such a problem is familiar to many women - it is worthwhile the head in the morning, as closer to the middle of the day, the hair falls out, they acquire an untidy look.

Below we will tell you how to ensure care for fatty and thin hair.

Leather or hair, which requires more care?

Unfortunately, the condition of the hair is laid in our organism genetically. You can not change the thickness of the hair, its color. You can not remake straight strands to curly.
But to influence the skin of the skin, reduce its fat content completely.

In addition, with proper care of thin fat hair at home, curls will look much better. It is important to choose a harmonious care system.

Many make a standard error - try to wash your hair to the screens, aggressive shampoos for oily hair. Do this it is impossible!

If the tool completely removes all skin fat, the glands begin to produce it even more. It threatens the fact that the hair will look silent constantly.

Another problem - you can get curls resembling a broom. Skin salo gives hair gloss and smoothness, and if it is periodically aggressively cleaned, the hair rod becomes rough and dry.

Dry hair is difficult to lay, they do not shine and unpleasant to the touch.

So, you notice that my head is still more likely. Excess skin fat does not only affect the appearance of the hair, but also on the scalp. The fact is that a hasty secret clogs the pores and does not allow the skin to breathe.
Because of this may appear dandruff.

The standard error of the girls with such a situation is to take a shampoo for fatty hair with a supermarket shelf.

From such a fund, another problem may appear - fat roots and dry ends. In addition, too aggressive means can cause allergies of the scalp and other unpleasant manifestations.

Where to start caring for problem hair

The first thing you need to start is to choose the right shampoo. Do not buy a bottle with an inscription for oily hair. It is quite suitable for normal, most importantly, read the composition. It should not contain such components as Lanolin and Silicon.

They make the appearance of the hair in greasy and dim. Perfect if there are herbal extracts in the funds, for example, the extract of the horsetail or oak bark. Recently, many firms began to produce shampoos for this type of hair.

The second important rule is to wash the curls correctly. Many absolutely do not know how to do it right and worry hair like underwear when washing. Shampoo needs to be applied only on the skin of the head, pre-diluing it with water in the palm.

Completely unacceptably pour to the head tool from the bottle. Soft massage movements my skin. At the ends, it is not necessary to apply shampoo. Enough that amount of funds that fall on them during washing.

Ends are best washed with air conditioning. Water can be previously softened by soda.

By the way, the soda is added to the shampoo and get a wonderful deep cleanser.

We pour shampoo into the palm and add a tablespoon of soda.

The shampoo needs to be used twice - the first time the remedy is washes off dust and dirt, and the second - useful substances begin to act.

Rock shampoo need carefully, not less than a minute. Its remnants on the skin of the head and hair can also cause irritation and dandruff.

In no case can you wash your hair with hot water! Only warm and cool rinsing at the end.

Hot water makes the sebaceous glands work in reinforced mode and gives them dullness. Cool greatly reduces fat ductures and clogs open hair scales.

It is very good to rinse oily hair with acidified solution. You can use vinegar or lemon juice.

We take a liter of cool water and add a tablespoon of vinegar (apple, wine) or a teaspoon of lemon juice. Such rinsing perfectly reduces the pores and reduces the activity of the sebaceous glands.

But frequent washing does not exacerbate the situation as our grandmothers like to say. Much worse for a woman to walk with a dirty untidy head.

It has been scientifically proven that the right hair washing does not affect the fatty hair. But walking with a fearful head is very harmful. Dirt and skin fat clogs the pores and contributes to the reproduction of various bacteria.

It is also very helpful to rinse the head of various grasses chaffs, for example, a decoction of the root of the burdock of the bark of oak or sage.

Teach yourself not combing wet straits! This will lead to their injury.

It is best to carefully comb them before water procedures and carefully wash the curls with massage movements. Be sure to use light air conditioner, it makes hair smooth and brilliant.

We should not forget about masks and immentable care products. The mask complies the hair rod and give a hairstyle volume.

As for various fluids and serums that do not require flushing, they protect their hair from environmental exposure and remove hair electrical. Immoved hair oils prevent the emergence of the sequential ends.

It is important and correctly combing strands.

It should be started with the ends, gently moving towards the roots. It is best to use wooden comb with rounded cloths. In addition, the use of a hair dryer, forceps and iron iron should be reduced.

Such manipulations only add problems with hair. For example, to make her hair curly, you can wash your hair on the eve of the evening and turn them with wet on curlers - papillos.

In order to straighten the hair, you can buy a comb in the form of ironing. She needs to thoroughly combing slightly wet strands, pre-apply a light laying or oil on them.

It is no secret that the condition of the skin and hair is largely depends on the supply. In order for the hair to be less bold on the roots and were silky on the tips, some products should be limited or even completely remove them from the diet.

These include - alcohol, smoked products, fatty and fried dishes, carbonated drinks, coffee and tea. The whole list provokes the reinforced work of the sebaceous glands, and alcohol and coffee are also dehydrated by the body.

It is enough to follow all these rules and in a few weeks you can see the difference in hair. The main thing is to regularly follow the data above the advice and your curls will only delight you.

Those who from birth are given weak, and even brittle hair, destined to constantly limit all sorts of thermal. and chemical. Impact - It is important to carry out good hair care.

But do not despair, any problem has a solution. You just need to use more sparing paints without a part of ammonia.

The use of paints on herbal basis will give a stunning result. Similar paints penetrating, in the structure, nourish them, giving the thickness and volume.

The frequent washing of the head is also contraindicated, and combing preferably a crest with rarely located cloths. Try to choose a haircut that will effectively emphasize the dignity of your face, and will hide the lack of density.

A very important point is that it is necessary to dry only in a natural way.

Rinsing them with mineral water will significantly strengthen the weakened hair.
This approach will give an immediate result. And here is another interesting mask from the Black Milk.
Suitable for those who dream to lighten hair.
Well, or make them at least one tone lighter.
Try it.

The mask is suitable for impaired hard-colored hair.

Hello, dear girls.

Today I want to touch on such an actual topic like oily hair. With the arrival of summer, this problem has become increasingly relevant and salvation from it seems to not. But so only seems.

Bold hair is not a sentence, but just a type and it can be tamed.

I'll tell you a little about my skin type

I have oily hair. Really fat, although I know that someone wants to prove that my type is normal, because fat hair becomes so in the evening of the first day after washing, and mine keep a little longer. But, I have something to compare and I know what I'm talking about. Therefore, I will tell you some details.

I have a fatty hair type since my childhood. Somewhere on 2 days, the hair is already losing substantially in appearance and the front strands of the face turn into rigorous icicles. In a good way, at this time you already need to wash your head, but I always suffer up to 3 days. Just because it is trite uncomfortable to wash my head more often. 3 day I can no longer afford to wear loose hair and always do the hairstyles and in the evening my head.

With the problem of fatty I tried to fight for about 10 years and tried everything that you can. And I will tell you about this, making a rating of funds in efficiency.

10th place - clay
This can also be attributed to mustard and soda. In many ways, their action looks like.

Clay is a very popular means, so it is not surprising that it has been applied and as a means to which the properties of eliminating hair are attributed.

The simplest mask of clay is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • clay clay tablespoons
  • couple of tablespoons of water
Everything is mixed to the consistency of thick sour cream and applied to the hair before washing for 15-30 minutes.

I conscientiously made a lot of courses with clay. Most of all I liked to use the blue, but also no less attractive and white.

I liked the mask with clay by this feeling that they left on the skin of the head after washing: she seemed to be breathing. A plus, clay washed off from hair to a rather strong squeak And I buzzed with it. At that time it seemed to me that this creak was nothing but a guarantor of the quality of purification. How I was mistaken!

Each time I was looking forward to the next moment of washing the hair to make a clay mask. And when we rested the sea and there were whole mountains from clay ... In general, then I made masks with clay every day.
Showing even rare photos, where I am in the sea with a jar of clay make a mask.

Well, you can imagine how people watched me. I think that you are dear to my hair, you will understand me like no other.
But I was adamant! What do me slaughter looks, if I moved quite a living interest and I believed in the result!

By the way, about the result. The expected result did not follow. All that clay masks gave me is a terrific feeling of the roots and further dry tips. At that time, I have not worked seriously for the length of the hair, so when I wrapped the tips of the hair in the roller and they were in contact with the clay, a clear thing that they were substantially fucked.

So, if you still decide on these masks, I strongly recommend, apply to the ends, and even better for the entire length of the hair oil or a suitable mask.

Instead of solving the problem of fatty, my hair on the contrary was faster to become fat. In the evening of the second day they urgently need to be washed, and not by the evening of the third.

It's all about the driving action of clay. Due to the deep purification, which borders with a dried action, the glands begin to work more actively, highlighting the amount of skin salae, which is necessary to eliminate it is not clear from anywhere for the body caused dryness.

So clay masks can achieve the opposite effect.
After the cessation of their use, my hair began to gush in the usual mode.

So clay I give the last place in my top.

9th place - essential oils

I generalize this item, without having excreted something specific. Although the most popular are lavender and mint essential oils.

First of all, I would like to ultimately warn everyone who does. This can not be done with all shampoos. Shampoo is a chemical product that has a certain level of pH and adding essential oil changes its recipe. Which way, we are unknown, we are not chemists, so to not harm, I recommend to refrain from such experiments.

Except It is adding essential oil into an organic shampoo. You can experiment with it.

What gave me the addition of essential oils into the shampoo?

First of all, a pleasant aroma procedure. Lavender's essential oil is pleasantly soothes, especially if you wash your head before bedtime. And the essential oil of mint leaves a pleasant chill on the skin.

Adding any essential oil gave me only one thing: the feeling of toning.

But, unfortunately, it was also not helped to solve the skin of the scalp.

8th place - rinse

I love this thing. Especially to harvest grass in summer.
I tried a lot of things and different.

The most popular is rinsing nettle, mint, melissa and hop cones.

All this is very healthy affects the roots, significantly strengthening them. But many of the herbs are dried, so it should be extremely gently approaching this procedure. I collect my hair in length and raise them above my head, and by the other led the root on the roots, after which I press it on the hair, about the level of the shoulders so that the decoction does not glare on my damaged length. Then I nano mask. Also, it can be applied before, it will be absolutely causing hair from cutting if the herbs are dried.

As for the impact on fatness - no.
From a strong mint bravery, for example, you can mark the light tonic effect, but that's all.

The procedure is good, but within the question of the question under consideration.

7th place - wash your head less

I thought for a very long time to be senseless. Somehow throughout all summer holidays, I soap my head once a week and went half a week with terrible fatty hair. Then I could not wait, when, finally, I will help my head and look like a normal person.

I have always considered normal (however, I think so now) wash your head as pollution, but it is necessary to do it with the most gentle shampoos. I'll tell you more about this, a little further.

The fact is that I could not have moved to wash my head for 3 months and I began to consider this advice by the essential nonsense.

Until I got acquainted with the girls who really managed to move. But for this they needed a different amount of time and a great power of the Spirit.

We were also talking about the master who at one time enlightened me in the topic of hair care, and I negligently told about such experiences. I thought he would say that it was nonsense, but by no means. He supported this idea and explained why I didn't work out for 3 months to wash my head. Apparently, my glands are already very accustomed to the number of "secrecy produced" and they needed more time to restructure. But then I did not have time to repeat the experiment, and by the time I was ready to repeat the feat, it was no longer required.

So this position works well, but it needs to be dare and gain patience.

6th place - Salt Scrub

In principle, this position could simply be called the scrub, since there are a huge multiple scrubics for the skin of the head from different manufacturers, but I noticed the greatest efficiency from homemade salt scrubs.

I think no one needs to explain why you need a scrub. We are glad to use scrabies for the face, but the worse the skin of the head? It also needs to be cleansing, whose results, sometimes surprise.

Cooking recipes is a lot and the scrub can be easily adjusted.

I will give a basic recipe:

  • a couple of tablespoons of salt (it is better to take fine grinding)
  • pair of tablespoons of water
I usually take 50 to 50. Everything is mixed and before washing the hair with massage movements in the head. You can stop on your hair for a couple of minutes before climbing.

This is the easiest recipe. But scrub can be enriched. Instead of ordinary water, use a decoction, also you can add a teaspoon of clay and a couple of droplets of essential oil.
Such a combination of ingredients only contributes to the improvement of its properties.

What effect?

The effect is very pleasant. After the procedure, the skin begins to breathe, it may even appear the roar volume. Plus, if it used to be the use of shampoos with a silicone content, the hair remains clean longer, after about 3 procedures.

But the effect is short enough. It only acts while you use a scrub, so I can't recommend it as a panacea. When using a course - yes, good. But on a permanent basis, it does not fit, because overlooking you can get the opposite result.

5th place - Henna

It's no secret that henna has a drying effect, especially with constant use. Therefore, both itself coloring and masks with henna are able to extend the freshness of the hair, but exclusively during the course.

Definitely masks with henna do not fit girls who paint hair, including blondes, even when using colorless henna. All the same, everything is difficult with herbs, and no one knows how paint behaves, if you pass like like masks.

Masks with henna are perfectly suitable for those who paint her, as well as possessors of natural hair, who do not plan to change it.

Important: Mask need to do after washing the hair and wash off just with water. This eliminates the addition of oils into it, so it can really seriously dry the hair.

Preparing a mask simply. For her it is necessary:

  • 15-25 Gy Honna
  • water or decoction
Henna is mixed with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, applied to the washed wet hair, rests 30 minutes and washed off with water.

4th place - dry shampoo

I just want to say that dry shampoo is not a way to fight, he does not eliminate the cause, but only a time helps to cope with it.

Now there are a huge set of dry shampoo, they can be easily found in any store. The principle of operation is simple: The dry shampoo adsorb the amount of skin salary already exempted on her hair, due to which the hair again becomes clean.

Use dry shampoo simply. It must be shaken and sprayed onto the hair, from a certain distance, after which it is good to compose comb.

I like the owner of a sufficient dark color of the hair was afraid to try them, because I feared the plaque on the hair and what I would not be able to complete the shampoo. But I tried, I realized that the concerns were in vain. Dry shampoo is really a cool thing and I definitely recommend it to try to all who have not reached him yet.

Also, if you still have no opportunity to purchase a dry shampoo, do not be discouraged, there is a quite affordable alternative and this is a children's powder or a conventional cocoa powder.

Of course, they will not spray them and need to be carefully applied according to samples. The easiest way to do this is a little wet sponge. It descends into your homemade dry shampoo, gaining a product and then need to be distributed over the samples. After that make it.

I don't want to whine the effect than from the purchase of the means, but with homemade it will have to climb a little.

3 and 2nd place is hair and comb


It is very important to use clean comb. Especially if combed not to the ridge, but massage or tang teaser or an angel. They are very well "gaining" on themselves "fat", which aggravate the situation of fatty.
The more often wash the comb, will be better.

Hair at the face

I noticed this interesting feature recently. Always believed that my face's hair burns faster than just because I often touch them. I love wearing loose hair and often remove them from the face. By the way, yes, the hair really better touch the portray, but now it's not about that.

I have oily skin of the face. And the front strands grease much faster than the rest, because hair with him come into contact. Such an obvious fact, but he became clear to me quite recently.

Therefore, it is better to chant hair, bringing a similar contact to a minimum.

By the way, second interesting observation I was overtaking when I started specially remove your hair from the face.

Fatness really became less and I was pleased with it pleasantly.

But we cannot control your hair while sleeping and it is then they can again climb into the face. That is what pushed me to remove the hair before bedtime. I'm not a big lover to braid pigtails at night, so I found a decision for myself and it mesh for hairstyles. It is sold in any professional store and looks like a web, but it is easy to dress on the head and hide her hair in it. So they do not climb into their mouths, someone in the mouth, and to all of them, almost not confused overnight.

Perhaps it is this item that will become for many pleasant and useful discovery. So, as at one time and was for me.

The control of the front strands is really great to affect the moment of extension of hair purity for the better.

1st place - transition to confused shampoos

I would even say that it is better to cross it easy to confuse, but on natural and organic shampoos.

For owner of oily hair, silicone shampoos are especially failed. It is after using such, it can be noted that the hair becomes unpleasant much faster than usual. therefore first step - This is a refusal of silicone products.

Second - Transition to random champions.

That I also suggested the master. If it were not for him, I would still suffer with the problem of fatty, but now I could move the feeling of the hair of the hair on the day. Now my hair becomes fat only in the evening of the fourth day after washing, which I consider it quite normal.

And to come to this, it was helped by the transition to random champs. After a year of permanent use, I received the result, in search of which was 10 years.

Why are confused shampoos?

It's all in a detrimental effects of SLS. I do not say that Sodium Lauryl Sulfate is a terrible attack and you need to ban funds with him, no. In fact, I believe that modern shampoos, just quite good, because the cosmetic industry does not stand still and constantly creates all new recipes. It's just that sLS is a fairly aggressive surfactant that cleans still not delicately and carefully.

We all have been using a means for a very long time, so our skin got used to a certain "rhythm of life." SLS has a drying effect, so the skin produces the number of secrets that neutralizes its action. There is nothing abnormal about this and if it is satisfied with it, then everything is fine. But I believe that since you read this post, the fatness you are tired, and you want to cope with it. Therefore, I share with you my experience and knowledge, how once shared with me.

It was my master that I prompted me this way and now I tell about him. I hope that this information will be useful for you and will also help me at one time.

The transition to conflict shampoos is a kind of analogue 7 position, but absolutely not complicated. I did not try to walk longer with a dirty head, and soap my hair in my usual mode, honestly, even I don't expect anything, but when the result appeared, I was incredible and extremely pleasantly surprised.

My way and the search for the perfect shampoo was long, and I think that it can not do without advice. I tried a lot of things, but in action and quality I can select the shampoos of the following firms: Greenfarma, Milorad and. Starting I would recommend with Greenfarma.

I also can't not highlight one moment and this is the moment of transition.

The transition to rampant shampoos may not be "painless". For example, I have when I started trying really organic shampoos at the beginning there were completely incomprehensible flakes in the head and some kind of itching. I would quit everything, but it would not be me. I continued to use the means, because everything was not so catastrophically, if it was more tangible, I would, of course, threw, but I continued. But by the end of the fund used, all the symptoms have passed and never repeated. The same thing was both my friends who also moved to the organic. Therefore, I consider this moment the transition is quite normal and even more than one will say - natural.

But, of course, if it scares it, it is not worth trying.

For me, the risk was quite justified and I enjoy my pure hair, which remains such for four days after washing the head. And I am very glad that I found my way and the remedy that helped me.

I hope that for others they will be as useful

Thank you for being with me


- with an unpleasant smell, greasy, have a characteristic dim brilliance, after a short time after washing sticks and begin to seem dirty, untidy. It is at the same time that the type is intensive hair loss occurs, and the appearance of them causes an unpleasant feeling. As a rule, greasy skin holders have oily hair. The reason for this is the hyperactivity of the sebaceous glands that produce too much natural lubricant for hair. Fatty hair can clarify the functions of various organs and systems of the body. The hair is often covered with fatty scales - dandruff.

Increased fat content may be caused and improper care - for example, rubbing a large number of fatty oils, masks. Such hair needs to be washed every day, as fat, everything else, collects a large amount of dirt and dust. To care for fatty hair, products that reduce skin waste are used. Try to alternate soft shampoos for daily use with shampoos for oily hair.

❀ Daily washing the usual shampoo disrupts the natural protective acidic mantle of the skin, the sebaceous glands are trying to compensate for the lack of fat and begin to produce it even more intensively. The smaller the shampoo foams, the one is softer. For this type of hair, the shampoos for greasy hair with nettle extracts, sage, and-stepmother, Aira, wilderness, seaweed, with proteins, vitamins A, C, K, zinc microelements, as well as special healing shampoos are well suited.

❀ Perfectly proven folk remedies for the purification of oily hair: rye bread, dry mustard, oak bark and others. With regular use, they give a good effect: over time, the sickness of the scalp decreases. To wash your heads, use slightly cool water and thoroughly rinse your hair from the shampoo. After washing, rinse the hair with a solution of vinegar or lemon juice, as well as herbal decoction to restore the acid-alkaline balance. The rinsing time must exceed five times the yield time.

❀ If you have an increased saloation, then the scalp massage and frequent hair combing brush is not recommended. Choose brushes from natural materials and, if possible with rounded teeth tips, so that when combing it does not stimulate the head of the head. Watch also so that they are always perfectly clean. Otherwise, when combing, you will immediately take the dirt and fat for purely washed hair.

❀ It is undesirable to also lay fat hair with a hairdryer and wear them long - all this contributes to the strengthening of the salo station. One out of the exits to reduce the fatty hair (the truth is not the best) - chemical curling. The fluid for a chemical curling takes the head and hair of moisture, makes separate hair with rough, due to which they absorb much more fat. If a classic curly chemistry is pretty, make a very large twist or roasting chemistry. In any case, this is the easiest way to solve the problem of oily hair for a long time.

❀ The permissible frequency washing fat hair - 1 time in 2-3 days. Water should not be too hot - in this case, the function of the sebaceous glands will only increase. To dry the hair with hot air should not be kept (however, it is better not to do it with any type of hair).

Homemade shampoos for fatty hair

Birch. Prepare the infusion of birch leaves beard or fluffy (1:10) or in the same proportion of the infusion of the kidneys and wash their hair 2-3 times a week. Course treatment - 12 (15) procedures. If necessary, repeat after 2-3 weeks.

Pomegranate. Within two months, hair needs to wash every third day with a decoction of pomegranate peel (3 tablespoons of peel to peel for 15 minutes in 1 liter of water). In the future, only supportive treatment should be applied, rinsing hair with this decoction after each hygienic wash (1-2 times a week).

Oak. 3 tablespoons of oak bark pour 1 l of water, boil. Wash this decoral hair for two months. In the future, the hair should rinse this decoction after each wash.

Chinese. Flour of pea prepared with a coffee grinder, pour warm water and present in the night. Then apply for 30 minutes. The pea mixture will take all the dirt and fat from the hair. Wash the shampoo mask with warm water.

Netheric. With the oily skin of the head with dandruff head, you need to wash the nettle with a decoction (100 g of 0.5 liters of 6% vinegar) without soap daily within 10 days.

Egg-camphor. Mix 1 yolk, 2 tablespoons of water, ½ teaspoon camphor oil. Apply this mixture on the hair, hold 5-7 minutes and wash off with warm water.

Rinsers for fatty hair. Recipes

Aromatic rinse. 0.5 l warm water add 5-7 drops of tea tree oil, rosemary or cedar. After final rinsing, the hair rinse this water and dry.

Oak. 3 tablespoons of oak bark cook in 1 liter of water 15 minutes. Cool and strain.

Spruce. 4 tablespoons of needles fired boiling water, tomorrow on slow fire for 10 minutes.

Hunting. 5 tablespoons of the Hypericum pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist of half an hour.

Calendulovo-Lopukhova. 1 tablespoon of crushed roots of the burdula Mix with 2 tablespoons of calendula flowers, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil 15-20 minutes, cool p straightening. To rinse the hair after washing. To enhance the effect 2-3 times a week rub in the roots of the hair. This agent is also effective in the treatment of seborrhea.

Lime. 5 tablespoons of linden flowers pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist of half an hour.

Lactic. After washing the shampoo, the hair moisten for several minutes with milk with salt (for 1 cup of milk 1 teaspoon salt). At the end of the procedure, the hair rinse with warm boiled water.

Romashkovo-Limona. Blonde hair is recommended to rinse the infusion of chamomile (2 tablespoons on 2 liters of water) with the addition of lemon juice or citric acid.

Summer. In the water for rinsing, add the variety of alcohol at the rate of 1 teaspoon on 1 liter of water.

Horseful. 5 tablespoons of the plantain pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist of half an hour.

Herbal-1. 2 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs (nettle, hop, horseways, coltsfoot, the root of the burdock, the root of Aira) pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil, let it brew 20 minutes and strain.

Herbal-2.. On 1 tablespoon of AIRA (crushed roots), chamomile and nettle to pour 1 liters of boiling water, boil, let it stand for 20 minutes and strain.

Thousands. 5 tablespoons of yarrow pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, insist of half an hour.