The structure of the skin and its properties. The composition of human skin and its layers

The skin is one of the most multifunctional human organs. It is also subject to numerous factors, which affects the general condition. Knowing the structure of the skin, its functions and features, you can control many processes in your body.

Speaking about human skin and its features, it is worth paying great attention to the cover on the face. The fact is that this part of the body is most discovered, so the skin here is most exposed to external influence. The overall condition of the skin depends on your lifestyle, habits, nutrition, and so on. Thus, you yourself can control, your appearance is saved so well with age.

Important facts about human skin:

  1. This is one of the few organs whose cells die and restore themselves.
  2. Throughout life, about 20 kg of skin resumes.
  3. There are about 5 million hairs on the skin on average.
  4. From 3% to 8% of the weight of the entire body of a person - the mass of the skin.
  5. The skin of an adult contains about 65% moisture; The child is almost 90%.
  6. The fattest and dense skin is on the feet; The thinnest - on the centuries.
  7. Each square millimeter of the skin contains about 10 pores and 20 receptors.
  8. The special structure of human skin makes it the most difficult part throughout the body.

The skin is associated with almost all internal human internal organs. This contributes to the fact that it contains a huge number of veins, arteries, capillaries, nerves and ducts of glands (sebaceous and sweat). That is why the general condition of the human body depends on the state of the skin.

Before proceeding with the basic information, be sure to see a short information video. This will allow you to pre-familiarize yourself with the main structure of the skin and its preliminary functions:

The structure and function of human skin:

  • The epidermis is the outer layer.

The cells of the epidermis are located in several dozen layers. The cells themselves differ greatly with each other, depending on the specific layer. For example, the upper part of the epidermis consists of dead cells, which gradually disappear, and they come to replace new cells from deeper layers.

This process never stops throughout human life. It is noteworthy that the time of cell renewal depends on the specific part of the body. That is, from skin thickness. So, on the elbows the process takes no more than 12 days. You yourself could notice that the elbows are "getting brushing." But in the footsteps, the skin is updated within 30-35 days.

The so-called horny (dead) cells are playing a very important role. It is due to this layer in the body does not penetrate excessive heat, as well as malicious microorganisms. The same function performs a special coating. The acidic mantle located on the uppermost layer of the epidermis, in turn protects the horny cells from the effects of external factors.

Doctors, explaining complex processes in simple language, call this coating with a special cream, which is allocated by the human body. This is an acidic environment, so most bacteria die in it, and not falling into the body.

No less interesting feature of the lowest layer of epidermis. Here the specific pigment melanin is distinguished, from which the human appearance directly depends. The fact is that, the more of this pigment allocates the body, the darker skin.

Tan - a direct example of the work of melanin. This is explained by the fact that melanin stands out much more active under the influence of ultraviolet.

It was the functions and the structure that they answered the question of how the outer layer of the skin is called. From here, the following names went.

  • Derma - second layer.

The second on the account, but not much to significance, the layer has no less useful functions. It is worth starting with the fact that cells responsible for the strength of the skin are located at the bottom of the dermis. These are collagen fibers with a very dense structure. The layer of elastic fibers is slightly above. Thanks to them, human skin is elastic and easily denominates deformation.

In the upper layer of the dermis laid the sebaceous glands. They allocate a special greasy secret that passes through the channels and the peres, after which it forms on the upper layer of the corneal cells of the epidermis another mantle. Bacteria that do not die in the acidic medium can not penetrate the water-fatty gown emitted with saline glands. Therefore, it is important to periodically arrange.

  • Hydrometer - the third layer.

This part responds to a greater degree for protecting the inside of the body. Dense fibers are responsible for additional elasticity, protecting the internal organs from external mechanical impact. Fat layer performs thermal insulation function. Thanks to her inside the body, the temperature is supported for normal functioning.

The number of certain cells and the thickness of the layers depends on the specific part of the body. The average human skin area in adulthood is from 1.5 to 2 m, depending on body dimensions.

Skin layers density

The most dense layer of human skin is mesh. It is this part that is responsible for the elasticity of the skin. The fact is that it contains the largest number of elastic fibers. Also, this layer is the most dense for the reason that it contains the greatest amount of glands. In particular, salted and sweat glands are here. Silent secret and sweat is output from special channels.

Poofing layer is the most tender. This is also explained by the amount of elastic fibers. The top layer has radically other functions, so this part of the cover should not be dense. One of the reasons is that there are channels for which the secret passes from glands to the top covering of the skin.

The density of subcutaneous fatty fiber directly depends on its thickness. In turn, the thickness of the layer depends on the part of the body in which it is located. Like other skin layers, the fat layer performs individual functions. So, for example, on the abdomen, buttocks and palms, this layer is especially well developed. Here the thickness is increased, which, of course, affects the density. The smallest thickness of the subcutaneous fatty fiber is on the ear sinks and lips.

The main function of this skin layer is protective. He assumes all external factors of impact, including strikes and bruises. As a result, internal organs remain safe. Among the additional functions of the fatty fiber should be noted thermal insulation. Due to this layer, the human body is able to hold the stable temperature, regardless of external factors under certain conditions.

What skin layer is spent

You probably noticed that during severe illness, the mass and the appearance of a person change greatly. The first thing that comes to the head is to reduce the weight due to a sharp decline in appetite in illness. In fact, the reason is that the cells of fatty fiber are strongly spent during the fight against pathology and are long restored. It helps the body faster overcome malignant bacteria.


Practice shows that skin covers are much more elastic in thin people. A person with a large mass of fatty fiber is much thicker, which affects the mobility of the whole body. When the body weight decreases, the cells of the lower layer of the skin are burned. As a result, human mobility automatically increases.

This skin layer is most saturated, since glands, blood vessels, nervous endings, lymphatic vessels and hair follicles are placed among fat cells. In this place all the listed bodies are most protected from external influence. Thus, a certain protective function is performed by two upper leather layers.

Main human skin functions


  • Mechanical -all three layers of the skin are somehow protecting the body from external mechanical exposure.
  • Immunological - Certain parts of the sebacing layers contribute to the development of the immune system in the body.
  • Temore regulatory -for this function, the subcutaneous fatty tissue is mainly replied. But the dermis and epidermis also have cells in their composition responsible for the thermal insulation of the body.
  • Regenerator - Skin cells self-dying and restored. This makes the body most reliable throughout the human body.
  • Bactericidal - Bacteria penetrating into healthy skin are eliminated by the second layer.


  • The skin directly participates in the selection of human germ hormones.
  • Synthesis of vitamin D under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
  • Vitamin A is copied in the skin, from where it penetrates further into the body.
  • Muscles and liver are responsible for metabolic processes in the body. But the skin has an equally important function, since it is that it affects water, fat, protein, mineral and carbohydrate processes.

The skin is also the main indicator of the state of the person. According to her appearance, such emotions can be identified as fear, excitement, constraint.

Different emotions provoke abundant sweating in specific areas, pallor, hyperemia (redness), sawmother reflex (manifestation of "goose skin"), the appearance of red spots throughout the body or in a particular area.

It was recorded that the functions and the overall condition of the skin depends on the age of a person. For example, the work of the organ is the least stable during puberty. During this period, the regeneration function practically does not work, the humidity of the skin is highly reduced or increases (sweat glands work much slower or, on the contrary, faster), the body is subject to external negative impact factors.

During this period, doctors recommend to take special preparations to improve the condition of the skin or complexes of vitamins. For example, at this time, the vitamin accumulates in the skin is much worse. Regular use of the drug is roaccutane in this case, allow you to restore and optimize the balance.

Be sure to contact the doctor to get individual instructions for use. If you take tablets in an inappropriate amount, it is quite possible to manifest hypervitaminosa, but that only worsen the condition of your skin.

Man's skin composition elements are closely related. Thus, the slightest violation of one of the layers may affect the performance of the entire organ. For example, if the number of elastic dermis fibers decreases for any reason, the surface of the epidermis becomes a bug. The texture varies almost immediately.

Leather as one of the senses

The nose, eyes, ears and mouth come to mind immediately, as soon as it comes to the organs of human feelings. In this case, the skin is a very underestimated element. The fact is that this particular body is the biggest and sensitive. Skin prevents us about any kind of danger. Thanks to the nervous endings, we feel different types and levels of pain. Thanks to this, the brain recognizes the degree of danger to the body in one situation or another.

This process is explained by the presence of nerve endings in all layers, which in turn are associated with the head and oblique marrow. Due to this, the signal of danger enters the body immediately.

The structure and functions of a person's skin show us that this organ needs to be monitored especially carefully, as it is outdoor. That is why doctors categorically prohibit independently, and also recommends any damage to special means immediately.

It is noteworthy that than younger skin, the more useful functions it performs. See why the skin ages, and how you can slow down the process:

Features of the structure of the skin make it a rather complex organ. And considering the dimensions, it follows that it is necessary to protect the skin especially carefully. Contact professionals, at the first appearance of skin problems. Since further pathologies can lead to more.

The skin is a very complex human body and plays an important role in the life of the body. It participates in metabolic processes, regulates the body temperature, performs a secretory function and helps internal organs. The skin is a barrier from adverse effects: bacteria, harmful chemical compounds, etc. Skin structure and function Everyone has the same, but the appearance depends on many factors. Such as age, belonging to race, floor. It may vary depending on the living conditions and professions, climate.

Skin structure

Skin structure Includes sweat glands, hair follicles, sebaceous glands, nails and skin itself.

Sweet glands Perform a function of controlling the temperature of the body. Most of the sweat glands are located under the mouse, in the groin and around the nipples. Control over the selection of sweat leads the nervous system. The possessing sweat does not smell. It is formed as a result of the action of bacteria that appear on the environment favorable for them - wet clothing.
Hair follicle - This is the root of the hair, which is located in the skin and grows. It is equipped with nerve fibers and blood vessels. Therefore, it hurts us when you pull hair.
Sebum - a fat substance consisting of more than 40 types of organic acids and alcohols. It is distinguished from the gland in the hair follicle, where the hair lubricates. Then, leaving the surface of the skin, forms a fat, slightly acidic film (the so-called sour of the skin). The acidic skin mantle is of great importance to preserve healthy, holistic skin cover, as it has natural antibacterial properties. Skin salo prevents the penetration of harmful substances from the outside and does not allow moisture to leave the body.
Sebaceous glands. They highlight skin fat. Song glands present in the hair follicle. The level of seminal seabling is controlled by androgens - men's sex hormones. With their excess in the output duct of the silo gland, the cells are growing and closed the output. When contacting air, they are subjected to chemical effects (oxidized) and black. Consequently, the eel, formed in this way, is in no way connected with the purity of the skin or with too calorie food. The accumulation of the skin behind the resulting barrier causes a violation of the integrity of the sebaceous gland, and the skin fat penetrates into the deep layers of the skin. In this case, it acts as an irritant, and the resulting acne appears. If ingrees in it, the pimple infection turns into an affectionant. If an affectionant to squeeze, an even greater focus of inflammation is formed.
Nail - It is smooth, slightly convex, translucent horny plate with a solid structure. The main component of the nail protein keratin. The nail plate is growing throughout life. The new fabric is formed in the germinative zone (at the base). Nail is always restored.

Skin structure

Skin structure It is several layers: epidermis, dermis (leather) and hypoderma (subcutaneous fatty tissue).

Epidermisthey divide for five layers: basal (the deepest), grainy, shiny and horny. The basal layer is a plurality of living cells that share, grow, develop, are aging and dying, moving up the layer. Epidermis life cycle is 26-28 days. The top layer of the epidermis, horny, is exfoliated by replacing new cells. The worst horny layer on the feet and palms. The epidermis performs important functions: antibacterial protection (armor) and supporting the humidity level. The basal membrane does not allow to penetrate the harmful substances, and to skip the moisture on top.

- This is the top layer of the skin, its structure from the network of blood vessels and nerve endings. Contains protein collagen that levels skin cells and makes it elastic, smooth and elastic. As a result of age-related skin changes, collagen fibers and communication are destroyed, and the skin loses its elasticity, becomes fine and wrinkles appear.

Hypodermis- subcutaneous fatty tissue. The main function of the hypoderma is to ensure the thermoregulation of the body, that is, control the temperature. Women have a thicker fat stupor than men. Large concentration of hypoderma in the chest area, buttocks and hips. Therefore, women better tolerate the hot rays of the sun, ice cold and can be in water longer.

Approximately twice a day of the cell of the skin of the basal layer bud. The most intense growth occurs in the morning and after noon (time when the level of cortisol hormone is low). Therefore, this is the best skin care time. In the morning it is useful to wash, make a massage and use cream.

From which the skin color depends

The structure and structure of the skin in all people are the same, but color of the skin different. What does skin color depend on? The skin contains a pigment melanin, which is responsible for coloring. What it is more, the same it is darker. Melanin is a granular dark epidermis pigment, hair and iris eye. Gives them a specific color and protects against the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. It contains its special cells - melanocytes in the form of granules located in the basal layer. Not depending on the color of the skin, a person is born with the same number of malanocytes. But the ability of these cells to highlight the melanin of different. Warm rays, penetrating into the skin, provoke the selection of melanin to protect. Tan and freckles - the result of the action of melanin.

Human skin functions

Body Air Conditioner We are constantly carrying on yourself - this is our skin. 36.6 ° - constant body temperature - both in winter, and in summer. This controls our brain, it regulates the impact of heat and sweating. The skin highlights sweat, freeing the body from harmful products of metabolism and poisons that come together with drink, food, air. She also helps us breathe, bringing 800 g of water vapor per day - two times more than the lungs. The skin has a tactile sensitivity, that is, she perceives the slightest touch towards it. Our skin contains a thousand nerve endings in the slightest area. 75 sebaceous glands, 650 sweat, 25 meters of nerve fibers Another 65 hair fibers - and all this is 1 square centimeter of the skin.

Important skin functions

1. Protective (barrier) function. The skin protects the body from harmful microorganisms and chemicals.
2. Exchange function. Specific transformations are carried out in the skin: the formation of keratin, collagen, melanin, skin and sweat. The skin absorbs useful substances, participates in the synthesis of vitamin D. through the blood and lymphatic network of vessels, the skin metabolism is combined with the exchange of substances of the whole organism.
3. Floor function. The skin delays toxic substances, protein metabolites (for example, residual nitrogen during protein diet and certain diseases), so it helps to weaken their effect on other organs and brain.
4. Selective function. The skin helps to be free from toxic and excessive products of the body (salt, water, medicinal substances, metabolites, etc.).
5. Temperature control. It helps maintain a constant body temperature.
6. Sensitive (tactile). Perceives external influences (pain, heat, cold, etc.) than ensuring an adequate response of the body to stimuli. Remember, for example, how quickly we pull out your hand, inadvertently touching the hot iron.
7. Respiratory. The skin is involved in the gas exchange process occurring in the body. The carbon dioxide is distinguished and the oxygen is absorbed, this process is only 2% of the full gas exchange of the body.

To understand how cosmetic drugs and their individual components are functioning, you need to understand well in the basics. The main knowledge in cosmetology is the structure of the skin and its cells. In this article and in the two following we will tell you that it actually is a skin cover which functions are assigned to it, and find out the features of all its layers.

All this is necessary for those who want not just so blind, use cosmetics, but to understand the principle of its action. Despite the fact that this theme is very interesting, it can be called contented complex, and you will not tell you in one article. In this regard, we divided our one topic into three subics.

The first part will introduce you to the notion of "skin", you will learn about its structure and main functions. We will tell you more about the epidermis - we refund the skin layer.

Leather: what is it

From school lessons of biology, we remember how puzzled us information about the fact that tomato is not a very vegetable, and watermelon is not a fruit, but, oddly enough, a real berry. So find out that our skin is an organ, somehow unusual. But meanwhile it really is. In addition, this is not just an organ, and it is considered the largest in the human body.

The skin has a mass together with such a component, as a fiber, called subcutaneous fat, almost 17%, if we take our total weight for 100%. Since it is difficult to submit it, so we give an example. Suppose the weight of a person is 60 kg, and of them as much as 10 kg are solely on the skin.

Another important point: the skin is the second organ in the body after the liver, which is capable of self-restoration. There are no more such organs in our body. Update and revive skin after all kinds of damage is its main feature.

What functions have skin

Functions at the skin, I must say a lot. We will tell you about the main:

* Skin cover is the protection of other organs from all sorts of mechanical damage.

* Skin cover helps protect against the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation and high temperatures.

* Thanks to the skin, the risk of penetration of harmful bacteria and microbes into the body is reduced.

* It is through the skin that surplus water, toxins and side products of intensive metabolic ones.

* Skin cover participates in an important process of regulating the temperature of our body, helps us not overheat and not to translate.

* Leather is an active participant in a vital process, namely water-salt metabolism.

In addition, skin cover has close ties with all the other organism and with each organ separately. It is the skin that gives us a signal if some failures begin inside. Here are some examples:

* Various skin inflammations, excessive solidity can be the symptoms of the disharmony of the hormonal plan.

* Peeling and dryness, snacks (painful scentes ") in the corners of the lips indicate avitaminosis.

* The feeling of itching yellow is unequivocally indicating problems with the liver.

* Burnt minor vasculars may well be associated with the fact that in the pancreas is not all good.

So do not ignore the "eloquent" signals of our skin, and it is necessary to listen to them.

What "Made" leather

The skin is a multi-layer organ. They are numbered three. Now we describe the epidermis describing our main protection.


So, this layer, as we have already understood, is the upper for our skin. In cosmetology, the epidermis is an object of attention, because any cosmetics "works" with it. The deeper layers below the epidermis can only be achieved by those drugs that are entered by holling.

Just the epidermis we call in the usual life of the skin. Its thickness is different on each of the plots: if you keep in mind our soles, it is about 2 mm, if you mean the eyelids in the area of \u200b\u200b0.1 mm, and the average value of the epidermis thickness is 1 mm .


Although the epidermis is a layer of skin, but also it is multi-volume. The levels are exactly five levels. In addition to the cells in these layers, there are many nervous receptors, there are hair channels, swelling and sebaceous glands are present.

It is worth noting that there is no blood vessels in the presence of blood vessels, so it feeds and gets water directly due to the dermis.

5 epidermal layers

So, we will list and analyze in order all 5 layers:

* The topmost called horns. In it from 15 to 20 rows, cornerocides occupy are such non-living cells that have no metabolism. There are only 10% waters, they are very close. Non-surfactant cells, but they have keratin. Keratin is an insoluble solid protein, it is the main component that structuring the upper layer of the epidermis. Due to continuous contacting cells with intercellular fats, the integrity of the layer is preserved. It is when these ties weaken and after they are completely disturbed, and the exfoliation process occurs. The upper epidermal layer is constantly in contact with the external environment. Its function is to determine the degree of penetration into the skin of different substances and protect it from negative impacts. The horny layer thickens with a long contact with the sun, friction or high temperatures, which allows you to talk about the enhancement of skin protection.

* The next layer is called brilliant. It has 2-4 cell rows, all cell-free and flat cells. It must be said that this layer is not present on the whole body, but only in those places where the skin is thicker, that is, in the field of palms and soles. It is needed to ensure enhanced protection against the consequences to which regular friction can lead.

* The third layer is called grainy. 1-4 row of flattened small cells having transparent kernels are very close from each other. In this layer, the number of cell organs (organoids) becomes less, but Keratin's harbingers arise. So referred to Keratogeoline granules. The main function of the granular layer is to highlight the intercellular fats to reinforce the cells of the upper horny layer of the epidermis and protect the skin from the penetration of unnecessary foreign substances and dehydration.

* The fourth layer is called pricked. Here already from 4 to 7 cell rows, all cells have a kernel. They also contain cellular organs, cytoplasm and water (70%). The name of its layer was obtained due to the presence of increasing cells resembling spikes. It is within the limits of this layer begins to synthesize the keratin mentioned above.

* The fifth layer is called basal. It is the last and the lowest. The manner is directly on the border with it. Cells here are located in 1 rods differ in large sizes. All of them have a cytoplasm, and they are nuclear and covered with a shell. There are also cellular organs, substances from the region of inorganic and water order of 70%. At this level, cellular reproduction occurs. After its origin, the cells begin to rise higher and higher, until they reach the horny layer. This is how our skin is healing. And only in the layer, called basal, melanin is produced.

Three of the five layers - from the grainy to the basal - the name of Malpigiyev is given. They contain living cells with a shell, core and cytoplasm.

Types of epidermal cells

Now a few words about the varieties of cells of the epidermal layer. These include keratinocides, cornecides, melanocides.

Keratinocides are cells with the number of corners of more than 4, having small grown. This type of cell is considered the most numerous among all other cells of the epidermis and the most important.

Keratinocides are the basis of all epidermal layers, and the cycle of their lives is programmed. Ceratinocides are formed in the layer called basal and rise gradually before the horror throat. During this path, they lose the water, organs, are applied and ultimately die, turning into their continuation - in the corneocytes.

It is from cornecitis that the top layer of the epidermis consists. 80% in them occupies keratin. From the moment of the birth of the cell until it passes 26-28 days, that is, almost a month. The exfoliation occurs due to the fact that the links between the cornecitis are destroyed. The process of lunching of cornecitis is called desquamation. If the process of the lunch does not pass, as it should, it can carry out cells in the skin and even the formation of malignant tumors.

Sometimes the path of keratinocides may be violated. For example, cells in the basal layer are slower than the usual. It will thin the epidermis, and the skin wear out and fastens. Or cells do not exude in time, which leads to the thickening of the upper layer. And the one and the other problem is solved with the help of appropriate therapeutic drugs.

As for melanocides, they are rather big cells that have additional grown. Melanocyids are in the layer of basal, and the eases "pierce" the following two levels. Thanks to these cells, we get melanin that is responsible for the desired skin color. Melanin is also protected from harmful sunlight. That brighter the sun shines, the more melanin is produced.

In the epidermis there are still cells that are responsible for immunity, cells responsible for feeling the skin, that is, for a tactile function, and cells called stem. They have the ability to rebirth in the tissue of different types.

Summing up, you can say the following. Today we managed to find out that:

* The skin is the human body of the largest size and performs a variety of different, but important functions.

* The epidermal layer is outer, that is, the upper, and is also divided into several layers, namely five.

* The basal layer is a place where all epidermal cells appear on the light.

* After the initiated cells begin to rise up and, moving "from the steps to the step," gradually lose their viability and turn into oroging.

* The first layer of the epidermis is called a horny. Here, all the relationships between the cells are completely violated and they begin to be exhausted. This is a natural skin renewal process.

Knowing how the top layer of the skin is arranged, you will easily understand how cosmetic preparations act. After all, it is on the epidermis that almost all of them are directed. Only with the help of injections can be done deeper.

Therefore, using all sorts of modern cosmetic inventions, you affect your appearance, help our skin cells are faster regenerated and recover. And do not forget that, thanks to the existence of Keratinocide, we have such wonderful and useful procedures as peeling, as well as skin rejuvenation systems and its nutrition.

The usual skin is considered from the point of view of its aesthetic qualities, often forgetting that it is a vital organ with a special structure and a whole complex of functions. Its main purpose is the protection of internal organs and tissues from the impact of negative factors of the external environment.

The histological structure of the skin explains its unique properties. Appearance and condition plays an important role in the diagnosis of various violations. The skin studies not only the section anatomy - histology, but also such directions in medicine, like dermatology and cosmetology.

Soft, elastic tissue is resistant to temperature difference, various liquids, non-concentrated acids and alkalis. It is sensitive, but very durable, has a complex receptor system that convey the brain information about the state of the environment. One of its most important functions is aesthetic.

In the salons offer a wide range of services, with which it becomes possible to extend the youth and beauty. Only knowing the features of the structure of the skin, it is possible to provide it with the right, high-quality care.

Human skin consists of three layers, which are divided into smaller. Surface layer of skin - epidermis. This is a kind of barrier between the body and the outside world. It protects the body from external influence, signals about malfunctions in the functioning of the internal organs, requires a careful relationship and proper care.

Most of the cosmetics presented in the market and cosmetology procedures are aimed at maintaining an attractive appearance of the epidermis. His structure is very complex.

  • The basal layer is located at the very bottom of the epidermis, adjacent to the derma, consists of cells containing 70% of water. Here are new cells, which are then rising into the upper layers. Basal or as it is also called - the sprout layer provides the normal course of regenerative processes in the tissues of the epidermis.
  • The hipped layer is formed from the living cells with the core, which under the microscope look like small spikes. Its main purpose is to launch keratin synthesis processes.
  • Granular layer is the most dense, here small cells are closely pressed to each other. They are responsible for moisturizing the skin, delay some substances, isolated the intercellular fat required for the compound of cornecitis. Granular, hipgy and basal layers together are called a malfeed layer, as they consist of living cells containing the kernel.
  • The brilliant layer protects the skin from friction, wear, it consists of flat cells without a nucleus, available only on palms and soles.
  • The horny layer of the skin consists of a large number of nuclear-free roots, in which metabolic processes do not occur. There is a bond between cells, providing skin-covering reliable protection against the negative effects of external factors.

The topmost layer of the skin is a thin film consisting of small horny scales connected by intercellular lipids. The latter have powerful moisture-repellent properties, protect the skin from dehydration and penetrate fluid from the outside. In the process of development of the corneal cell, organia and kernel have lost, turning into scales.

Cosmetics consist of alien organisms of substances, so when contacting them, the outer layer of the skin weakens, which is fraught with loss of moisture and other unpleasant manifestations. High-quality caring products are able to give the upper layer of the epidermis elasticity and elasticity, moisten it.

Corneocytes or horny flakes throughout their lives are mechanically exposed to friction and other factors that affect them not well, they wear out and replaced by new ones.

Derma features

Derma and there is an actual leather protected by an epidermis. These two large layers connect the basal membrane. The structure of the dermis is organized in a special way. It contains lymphatic and blood vessels that ensure full-fledged cell power.

The average layer of leather is formed from collagen fibers, which provide him with elasticity and necessary rigidity, and elastin fibers - elasticity, the ability to stretch and return to its original position.

Intervoloconte of the dermis is filled with a specific substance resembling gel. Basically, it is hyaluronic acid. She is responsible for holding moisture in cells. Man's skin, that is, the deme itself, consists of two layers.

  • The puffy layer is a loose connective tissue that was formed from elastic, reticular and collagen fibers. Here are the follicles, of which the hairs grow, sweat glands. The distinction of this layer of the dermis is that it has a complex vascular system that resembles a dense grid of small capillaries. They diverge and connect, nourish cells, saturated with their oxygen.
  • The base of the mesh layer is a dense connecting tissue, consisting of fibroblasts and dermal melanocytes, which do not have the ability to synthesize the pigment melanin. This ball of the dermis is designed to ensure the strength of the skin.

The structure of the skin of the face in cosmetology plays an important role, as it allows specialists to develop effective means and techniques to ensure high-quality, full-fledged skin care, slowdown in age and destructive processes in it.

Derma and epidermis cells under the influence of certain factors are damaged and replaced by new ones. Regeneration processes are slowed down, which causes the formation of wrinkles, irregularities, loss of clarity of the contour and other defects.

Changes in the epidermis, dermis and hypoderma changes are due to the age characteristics of the structure and skin functions. The older the person becomes, the slower the skin is updated, damaged cells are accumulated inside, which causes the loss of elasticity and elasticity.

Fat and muscle tissue

A special set of functions is performed by a lipid skin layer consisting of fat cells. It is also called the hypoderma or subcutaneous fatty tissue. This is the stock of useful necessary for normal life-cleaning, nutrients, support for the dermis, storage energy. And this inner skin layer is involved in the synthesis of some genital hormones, softens the mechanical load on the body, gives the forms of elasticity, bulge.

The lipid layer is a fabric that consists of a plurality of small lobes, circulating vessels pass inside it. Due to the irregular nutrition, drinking alcoholic beverages, smoking, flowing in the body of pathological processes This layer suffers dystrophic changes (fat in slices accumulates in excess, the partitions are thickened, inflammation and ethnicity may occur). This necessarily affects the appearance.

The structure of the skin of a person is viewed with the muscular-aponeurotic system. The structure of the skin of the face contains muscles that provide facial expressions (changing the expression, movement of lips, eyebrows, smile). Their feature is that they are not connected to the bone tissue. The muscles are firmly attached to the skin, create a severity, as a result of which the structure of the skin of the skin is changing.

Today, the cosmetology market offers various services providing for the introduction of special drugs to paralysis muscles. It helps to keep the youth of the skin, structure and functions, however, side effects may occur or in time, addiction is developing if they abuse such procedures.

Vascular skin system

Complex not only the skin itself structure, but also the system of blood vessels, which are responsible for the supply of dermis and some layers of epidermis oxygen and useful substances. The effect of different cosmetics is directed to the activation of blood circulation. They are used to tone and strengthen the capillaries that form a complex grid under the skin. With the help of massage, too, you can improve the flow of blood in small vessels.

The rate of blood circulation in the cells from which the skin consists affects regeneration processes. Some scientists argue that the cells of the epidermis and dermis are capable of delaying toxic substances, preventing them from penetration into the bloodstream with which they are distributed throughout the body.

Passive and active skin functions

Another important question: what value is the skin? There is a definition that this is the most extensive and large vital body that ensures reliable protection of the whole body. Skin thickness is different - from 0.5 to 5 mm.

The functions of the epidermis, the middle layer and fiber are distinguished. They can be divided into basic and additional, active and passive. The skin protects the body from the effects of cold and heat, mechanical damage, chemicals, pathogenic microorganisms. These functions can be attributed to passive.

Active skin functions:

  • struggles with pathogens inside the dermis, hypoderm, lower layers of epidermis;
  • maintains the normal temperature due to the release of sweat and receipt through the nerve endings of certain signals from the brain;
  • takes signals from the external environment (touch, pain);
  • some dermis cells and epidermis are capable of recognizing allergens and respond to their action accordingly;
  • takes part in the production of vitamin D;
  • at the expense of melanocytes produces melanin - coloring pigment;
  • regulates water and mineral exchange.

The skin protects the body of man and animals, is a barrier between the body and the external environment. It has a complex structure and performs a variety of features. It forms a separate organ with its blood supply, innervation inherent. An adult skin area is about 2 square meters and is primarily dependent on the growth and mass of the body.

The weight of the skin is equal to 15% of the mass of the human body.

At different parts of the body, the skin thickness varies. Cleaning can have a thickness of 0.5 to 5 mm. It has a specific pattern of triangles and rhombuses forming the grid. It is especially well visible on the fingers, palms, soles.

The human skin is only 70% consists of water, it is more dense of many other organs. In this article, we will tell how the human skin is arranged, what is its functions.

How does skin arranged

The skin has a layered structure. It includes:

  • epidermis;
  • actually skin, or dermis;
  • hydrometer (fatty fiber).

The epidermis is the top cover, it is represented by several layers of epithelial cells. The cells of the lower layer of the epidermis are constantly divided, providing fast restoration and refreshing skin. The closer the cells are located, the less they multiply and the more keratin and other dense proteins in them. On the surface of the epidermis there are burned cells that constantly. So there is a constant refreshing skin.

The epidermis of an adult is fully updated in two months, baby - in three days.

The top, the horn layer of the epidermis protects the skin from damage. It is the finest on the soles and palms. The thinnest epidermis is located on centuries and skin of men's outdoor genitals.

The epidermis does not pass through itself cosmetics based on collagen and elastin due to too large sizes of these molecules.

Derma is the middle layer of the skin consisting of connective tissue. It includes thin beams of elastic tissue, collagen, muscle fibers. In the dermis there are nervous endings. In the same layer there is a large number of arteries, veins and lymphatic capillaries that feed not only this layer itself, but also epidermis, deprived of vessels.

Skin vessels are able to accommodate the third part of the whole blood body.

The hypoderma is represented by a network of fibers, between which there are fat cells. It helps protect organs under the skin, from damage. The thickness of the fatty tissue is different: it is 2 mm on the skin of the head, and, for example, on the buttocks it reaches 10 cm. Many vessels and nerves. Sweet glands and hair follicles are also located here. In the mouth of the hair lows, the swings of the sebaceous glands.

Skin, nails and hair are almost completely formed by 7 months of intrauterine development.

Skin functions


The skin protects the fabrics from bruises, pressure, stretching. The epidermis does not give tissues.

In addition, it does not allow to penetrate the body with various chemicals from the external environment. contained in the skin absorbs the ultraviolet radiation of the Sun. The skin has antimicrobial properties. The epidermis is impenetrable for many diseases of disease. Pot and skin salo create an acidic reaction medium in which many microbes die.

On the surface of the skin there are useful microbes that protect it from pathogenic bacteria, therefore the absolute sterility of the skin is harmful.

Temor regulatory

The skin is actively involved in the heat transfer. If the external environment has a high temperature, leather vessels expand, enhancing heat transfer. At the same time, heat is lost from then. With a low temperature of the environment, the leather vessels is spasked, preventing heat loss. The regulation of this process is involved thermoreceptors - sensitive "temperature sensors", located in the skin.

During the day under normal conditions, a person loses to the liter of sweat, in the heat this amount can reach 5 - 10 liters.


From then through the skin, surplus salts are excess, some toxins, as well as medicinal substances.
Urea, urinary acid, acetone, bile pigments and other metabolic products passes through the skin. Especially these processes are noticeable in diseases of the kidneys and liver, in the normal place of these toxins with urine and bile. At the same time, the patient's skin begins to proceed an unpleasant smell that helps doctors in diagnosis.


In the epidermis there are tactile cells. Their superficial arrangement determines high tactile sensitivity. Special nerve formations provide sensitivity to cold, heat, position in space, pressure and vibration. Pain, burning and perceive free nervous endings located in the upper layer of the skin.

Thermoreceptors perceive the temperature in the range of +20 - + 50 ° C, at lower and higher temperatures, the impact is most often perceived as pain. A person is much better feels cold than heat.


The skin performs the synthesis and accumulation of vitamin D and some hormones.

Vitamin D can be formed only on the surface of the skin, with which the leak of the skin must not be washed away, while it should not be tanned.


Langerhans cells (tissue macrophages) are penetrated into epidermis from bone marrow, capable of mobilizing immune cells (T-lymphocytes) to combat external damage (antigen). Surface layer cells are actively involved in the reactions of humoral immunity, contributing to the production of antibodies. All these mechanisms determine strong skin immunity.

The skin is one of the immune organs along with lymph nodes, bone marrow and a fork iron.


During the day, skin glands are isolated 20 grams of sebum. It ensures the elasticity of the epidermis, and together with then creates a protective environment on the surface layer of the skin.

Most of the sebaceous glands on the skin of the face, the scalp, between the blades, in the center of the chest, as well as in the crotch area. It is these parts that are most often suffering from acne and.

So, human skin is an amazing organ that covers and protects it from an aggressive external environment. Skin care will help not only extend its beauty, but also to preserve the health of the whole organism.