Your yoga unity light love 25 frame. Healthy food. What is the essence of the "25 frame" system

zoya | 13-11-2014, 22:53
I tried it and, as an addition, it’s a great option, I took it on the site on request in Yandex: 25 frame success

www | 18-06-2014, 15:36
The result is excellent when viewed 3 times a day instead of meals.

Elena | 8-06-2014, 02:21
Read here. And it will be clear why the program does not always work.

Victoria | 26-03-2014, 21:14
Dear ladies! I ordered the program 25 frames via the Internet. Maybe my self-hypnosis is too strong, but using it for only 3 days for 45 minutes, I began to feel lighter, more optimistic, for me I started to lose weight) It all depends on you, on your self-hypnosis

Marina | 10-03-2014, 09:19
let's see how this works. downloaded here for free. I just didn’t understand how to correctly set the installation so that it works. what to choose? where do you get the background from?

Marina | 10-03-2014, 09:05
girls bought a program from a fitness trainer. True, I have here it is said that I watch 5-10 minutes three times a day. and probably a little different from what they offer here on the site ... I watch a video with relaxation music and a pleasant background (a rainbow with a waterfall or sprouts sprout ...) and there the figures of beautiful girls and installation phrases flash. maybe I’m very impressionable, but I began to eat less, forget to have dinner, and if my hand reached for a cookie, I put it off (which I didn’t have time before !!)))) but at the same time I do body flex and callanetics. by weight in two months it took only 2.5 kg. but the body tightened up and the dresses somehow hang on me. my hand easily fits into jeans (and before they barely converged ... of course, I attribute all the results to sports, but the brain control over nutrition is a disk with a program. It’s really easier for me to deny myself food, which was not there before

Elenv | 11-02-2014, 01:26
I downloaded via torrent, watched every day for a whole month, the result was 6-7 kg dropped.

Marina | 9-02-2014, 11:40
People! Read Wikipedia before spending money on this program! The man who invented the 25th frame effect in the 1950s later admitted that he falsified the results. And whoever itches, download for free via torrent and try it. It won't be all that embarrassing. Of course, the operators will tell you that only their original disc will have the effect, etc., but the 25th frame is visible to what is called the naked eye. (My result - I watch 2 weeks, the effect is 0. Downloaded via torrent)

Polina | 9-02-2014, 10:15
On this site below offer to download this program for free!!! Who downloaded?

Maria | 7-02-2014, 11:43
Yesterday I ordered SLENDER, read the reviews there, and of course the fool believed it ... and now I read it and understand that it will not work for me. I ordered, they called me and clarified, they said the conversation was being recorded. Now, of course, I don’t even want to go to the post office, who had such a situation and who refused it?

Natalya | 3-02-2014, 13:22
I bought the "Mom's School" program, they sent a gift "Slender +" along with it, probably these are partner companies for pumping money from those who are concerned about losing weight. I don’t see the result yet, because I’ve been looking for 5 days so far. I feel like eating less, but I think that along with watching, you need to take care of yourself. Maintain a certain diet, move and so on. Stupidly looking and losing weight is unrealistic. It also depends on the subconscious mind. Some people are strongly affected, and others may not be at all. I also drink tea with ginger (by the way, another panacea) and twist the hoop.

Inga | 16-12-2013, 21:54
Hello dear readers. I ask you not to fall for this scam. Since you contribute to the swindlers, they will get rich at the expense of you. Their system is simple - send money (of course, before that, the "consultant" is talking to you nicely), and in return you get an empty burnt disk. Calling the number makes no sense to you will not answer. Yes, I have a request to respond to all those who fell for this scam. [email protected]

Aigerim | 4-12-2013, 09:31
complete crap. didn’t help much, I’ve been watching it for 4 months. dear women do not see such divorces

Maria | 22-10-2013, 18:22
For the sake of interest, I ordered a disk 25 frames - complete crap)

Natalia | 18-10-2013, 13:02
Dear people!!! You can lose weight only with the help of a balanced diet and physical activity, and for this a sufficiently long time must pass, at least 1 year! It's all a money scam!

Victoria | 15-10-2013, 07:21
I ordered this technique for my mother, about 4 months ago, I seem to like it, I didn’t say anything bad.

Olga | 15-10-2013, 07:17
Hello! I bought this technique on a site with a picture of a beautiful, thin girl, it became interesting. I won’t say that I was plump, but it didn’t hurt to lose 4-5 kg. I decided to try (the main thing is that it doesn’t get worse) I ordered it, the girl called me kindly and told me about the technique and sent my order. After a couple of weeks, maybe a little more, I took my order at the post office. At home, I downloaded it on a PC and started browsing as the girl from the company told me (15 minutes). And just shocked! I didn’t think that such a good result would be, of course, I didn’t lose 5, but 4 is for sure, even a little more, and this is in 1.2 months. So I realized that the desire and regular viewing of this technique still helps someone ... Too lazy to go to gyms, at least they came up with this way)))

Torba | 13-10-2013, 20:19
I will say one thing, the program not only did not help me, but also aggravated my addiction to food. After watching the videos, I wanted to eat even more!

Olga | 10-10-2013, 12:00
Girls, is someone cheating on you? Is my disc called Slender? There is one disc, there is no advertising on it. There is also a bonus described different diets and exercise complexes. I watch a week, great relaxation, the stories are short, but they go without interruption so that it does not bother. I am a realist, I understood that this is not the magic of Navatsky))) and I won’t wake up like a princess in a day. It works, I felt calmer in the evening, I began to eat less, minus 2 kg, but I still walk a little every day and twist the hoop a little. Everyone will be rewarded according to his faith and efforts, if nothing will help you lying on the couch with a cake.

Alena | 9-10-2013, 19:48
Hello! What kind of naive girls and women we are. I ordered, bought, a month of daily views, no changes happened, but how hard it was for me to make it look three times a day. All this is complete nonsense, one and a half thousand to the wind, it would be better if I bought nail or hair care products. And after all, I initially read the comments, there were both positive and negative ones, I believed the positive ones, of course. As a result, I bought a treadmill, I pump the press 10 times a day, since I don’t have enough willpower for more times, I’m lazy about this. I want to lose weight, but I don’t want to do anything, it doesn’t happen. As for “you need to eat less” and “do not eat after 18:00”, I don’t eat much anyway, but I have always been inclined to be overweight, and after 18:00 it’s impossible not to eat, because I work on a 12-hour night shift on the legs and in the workshop it smells very sweet of sweets, and if you don’t eat, then you start to feel sick. The treadmill saves, not 5-10 kg per month, of course, but I lose 1-2 kg each. Nothing happens without your own efforts. Alena is 19 years old, height 166, weight is currently 71, three months ago she was 75 until she started running at home and pumping up the press. You might think the treadmill is chic, not many people can get it, they can! I bought it on credit and pay 620 rubles a month for 2 years, in theory, these pennies go to the store once and do not buy anything. I feel better, my mood is more fun, my young man rejoices with me :) "Dear girls, tie it up with beer, your stomach will pump up like a ball, and you'll have to sweat to blow it off!" (By the way, constant sex also keeps fit and cheers up;) ) Good luck to everyone, work on yourself!

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about the program 25 frame and its use for programming the subconscious.

Detailed instructions for the program 25 frames are in the archive with the methodology.

How to correctly install the program 25 frame "Rainbow-arc".

The program 25 frame Rainbow arc does not require installation, just copy the folder "25 frame" to the root directory of the disk and run the raduga.exe file. Carefully check all paths to files with affirmations and file names.

The myth that 25 frames is not effective.

Often on the Internet you can see articles that are long and carefully "sprayed" that supposedly the 25 frame technique is not effective, and that all this is the invention of a crazy American who tested his inventions in the cinema, trying to increase sales of cocacola and popcorn. The bottom line is that supposedly these experiments first gave a good effect, but then it turned out that no changes had occurred, and the level of sales of the drink and corn remained unchanged. Hence the conclusion that allegedly the 25th frame does not work and this whole system is a "scam" and a hoax.

If we consider the programming of the subconscious in a cinema, single frames inserted into the film and self-correction using the technique of subliminal impact on the subconscious 25 frame, then the first method is definitely not effective, and will not work. This is a direct consequence of how the brain works.

For the brain, when perceiving information, first of all, emotional evaluation is important. From the mass of objects, the brain selects the brightest, most unusual and noticeable. Of the mass of events, you will remember only those that were most emotionally saturated. And so on.

While watching a movie, a person is practically immersed in another world, experiencing vivid experiences, in addition, this happens with sound. In movies, the brain is completely engrossed in watching the movie. Of course, he continues to control everything that happens around, but it is very difficult to distract him to something. If you show people the 25th frame in a cinema, trying to influence their subconscious, then the result will most likely be "zero". The brain is not interested.

With conscious programming, on the 25th frame, the brain is completely occupied with viewing the program, and you do it CONSCIOUSLY. This is the only way to achieve good results using the 25 frame technique.

How does frame 25 actually work?

A lot can be accomplished with the 25th frame, but understanding the process itself can make it easier to learn and apply the 25th frame technique in your life. As you know, the brain continues to work at night. While the consciousness is sleeping, the subconscious analyzes what happened to you during the day, in other words, at night the subconscious "digests" the past day, and "makes plans" for the future. This is the basis of the principle of suggestion of information. After you view a certain number of affirmations through the program frame 25, this information will be deposited in the subconscious. If the influence through the program is repeated for some time, then the subconscious will gradually begin to lead you to move towards your goal. For example, if you want to lose weight using the 25th frame technique, this does not mean at all that as soon as you start watching the 25th frame program, the fat will begin to disappear by itself, as if by magic. NO. The program provides potential opportunities, and they will have to be realized in life through ordinary situations. In other words, you need to act, then you will definitely be able to notice where the program 25 frame really helped you. But be ready for serious changes, it is not known how the subconscious mind can realize your goal. Be sure to check your affirmations for the frame 25 technique for environmental friendliness. The subconscious understands everything literally, so be careful, and then you will definitely achieve good results in programming the subconscious with the 25th frame.

How many affirmations can be used with the 25 frame program?

With the free subconscious programming technique, you can use no more than 15 affirmations on different topics. If affirmations refer to one goal, there can be many more. The more affirmations you use in one programming session with the program25 frame, the less effective each individual affirmation is, but if all affirmations relate to the same goal, then changing affirmations in the context of this goal is an amplifying factor. The same applies to the Afformations for the 25th frame program.

What should you think about while programming the subconscious in frame 25?

About nothing. Maintain inner silence. Stop the internal dialogue and just look at the center of the screen, or through it. If the eye will "float" on the screen, it's okay too. Abstractly observe what is happening on the screen with a free technique for influencing the subconscious, the twenty-fifth frame.

Remember to engage with the program25 frameyou can 2 times a day for 15 minutes, and it is very important that one of the sessions is just before bedtime. Exercising with 25 frames for more than 15 minutes will not give a stronger effect, you will only waste time and tire your brain. You need to look with a relaxed look, calmly, you don’t need to try to read anything.

75% of the effectiveness of the program on the twenty-fifth frame lies in the fact that you are watching the technique of the 25th frame on a large screen at a distance of no more than 60 cm. The farther the monitor is from you, the lower the effectiveness of the impact on the subconscious of the program 25 frame.

Always follow all the rules described in this article (orFAQ) about how to correctly use the method of programming the subconscious free program 25th frame, and you will get what you want in the best possible way.

Is it possible to watch or listen to anything while watching a program with 25m frame?

No. When working with this method-program based on the action of the 25th frame, you cannot (negatively affects efficiency) listen to or watch any other informative sources (except for the special audio Integration.flac that comes with the program).

In a programme 25th frame you can change the frequency settings, but it is better to leave the default settings - 6.6 Hz - this is the frequency that is most optimal for assimilation of information by the brain.

Remember, for maximum efficiency when using a free technique25 framesyou need to make every effort to keep your attention on the screen, then the impact on the subconscious will be the best.

How to write affirmations for the program frame 25?

Together with the 25 frame program, there is a huge number of affirmations in the kit, including in order to get rid of excess weight, quit smoking, drinking, learn English, affirmations of a rich person (woman), affirmations for attracting money, for general harmonization, etc. d.

Programming the subconscious with the frame 25 technique is a very big topic, and there is no way to pre-compile affirmations for all cases. Do it yourself.

In the initial stages, you can use them, but if you want to compose your own affirmations, then remember: the subconscious mind takes everything literally, so write your affirmation on paper and evaluate it well. Make sure that the subconscious programming technique will work exactly as you need it.

It is advisable to use phrases such as “in the most optimal way”, “beneficial for me and others in the long and short term”, “sooner or later, one way or another” and other similar insured against unexpected troubles.

Read on the Internet and on this site about how to correctly compose affirmations for a free program.25 frame. One of the most important rules when programming the subconscious mind with the25 m overs: use only Affirmative Attitudes and Affirmations. Write what you want, not what you DON'T want. It is very important.

When compiling affirmations for the frame 25 technique, focus on what you want to receive. Try to convey your future state through affirmations, avoid focusing on the problem itself.

How much time do you need to practice with the 25 frame program?

program 25 framecan be used every day. This answer is simple and unambiguous, if in our age of technology there is such a powerful and affordable self-programming tool as a free 25-frame technique, then it should be used as much as possible, namely always.

But, you need to remember an important rule, one list of affirmations for the 25th frame can be used for no more than 21 days. 3 weeks and change of goals. There are a lot of affirmations, 3 weeks use 15 affirmations, then change. You can repeat the block of affirmations with the technique of frame 25 no earlier than after 3 months.

It is better to have several "sets" of affirmations for different occasions, but remember: the effect of the impact of the technique with the 25th frame can manifest itself both in the near future and in the long term, when it seems like they forgot about what they wanted.

The program for programming the subconscious 25th frame can be used continuously, the main thing is the timely change of affirmations.

Therefore: the 25th frame in a movie is ineffective, and the program for self-correction by influencing the subconscious with the 25th frame, if used correctly, is EFFECTIVE.

Program 25 frame slows down. What to do?

Try to set the value of "Phrases" to issue one at a time. The issuance of several phrases at once is used to increase the vocabulary of foreign words. The 25 frame program works fine on most computers. Check the correctness of all settings of the technique of the 25th frame.

I apply frame 25 and wait for the results, but they are not. Why?

Don't wait for the result, just keep using this 25 frame technique for subconscious programming.Release your attention from the problem being solved, let the changes happen. While you keep your attention on the problem, it is very difficult to change something, in other words, let go of the situation.

The 25 frame technique is a very effective method for achieving your goals. Just do subconscious programming sessions every day and the frame 25 technique will do the trick.

How to increase the efficiency of programming the subconscious with the 25th frame?

In order to enhance the assimilation of information during the programming of the subconscious by the methods of frame 25, use a dedicated audio track that comes with the program. This is special music to improve the assimilation of information received from programming25m overs.


The program only supports mp3 files, and if you type integration.flac in the settings as background music, the program will give an error and will not start.

Also, this track can be usedstudents and pupilsto better remember information.

To do this, just listen to it in headphones at a minimum volume while memorizing the material. After class or after you have learned something, listen to this track 1-2 times, but ALWAYS with headphones, as this music is based on binaural beats.

For example, a sound signal with a frequency of 25 Hz is fed into the right ear, and 20 Hz into the left ear, as a result, due to the difference in frequencies, the brain hears a sound of 5 Hz. Well, this is of course in general and greatly simplified.

In this track, the frequencies are selected in such a way that the brain goes into a mode of increased assimilation of information, no matter what. Use the track together with the free 25 frame program and reach your goals much faster.

When listening to audio, the volume should be set to the minimum so that the sound is barely audible. Audio doesn't have the "louder is better" effect.

Believe in the result. If you believe that free software25 framehelp you achieve your goals, then this will enhance its effect, but if you are skeptical about it, it will be a spoke in the wheels on the way to your goals. Just accept a simple truth for yourself: programming the subconscious with frame 25 techniques is effective if you use the program correctly and your goals are harmonious.

Another way to increase the effectiveness of the subconscious programming technique frame 25 is to WRITE ALL AFFIRMATIONS IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

There are many affirmations included with the program, but they are all written in lowercase letters, if you wish, rewrite them in capital letters. If not, don't rewrite. It is impossible to say unequivocally that this will increase the impact, but theoretically it can help. Be guided by your feelings.

How to learn a foreign language using the frame 25 technique?

To study foreign words, you need to use the display of the program on the 25th frame of several phrases. Throw in a free program 25 frame dictionary of foreign words, and look. Words are deposited on the subconscious, and in the future, when you meet these words in the text you read, they are, as it were, automatically activated in the mind.In 3 weeks, you can learn about 2500-3000 words. Dictionaries of foreign words for the subconscious programming technique frame 25 can be found on the Internet. Learning a foreign language with the 25th frame technique can be easier and more interesting.

At what age can the 25 frame method be used?

You can start programming the subconscious from the age of 14. This is the most optimal age to start programming using the free 25 frame method.

Losing weight with 25 frames is a myth or reality?

If you want to lose weight, and you think that just by starting to watch the program with the twenty-fifth frame, the kilograms will go away by themselves - you are mistaken. It just won't work. Only one viewing of the 25th frame will not give a result, although over time this may set you the desired vector of movement in life. If you really want to lose weight, you need to take action.

Losing weight is made up of simple things: a healthy diet, sufficient physical activity, the intention to lose weight, a sufficient amount of pure water, and possibly also a free technique 25 frames. If all these things are present in a person's life, then losing weight becomes very simple and this is achieved, as it were, automatically, without stress.

Of course, a program with a 25-frame technique can provide significant support in losing weight for free, but this is far from the main element in the fight against excess weight. If you decide to lose weight using the 25 frame program, then check out these materials:

What goals can be achieved using the 25 frame program?

With the help of programming the subconscious mind using the 25th frame technique, you can set and achieve absolutely any goals. There are no limits other than your imagination. As a rule, people want to program themselves to lose weight using the 25 frame method, to "quit smoking, drinking", but in addition, you can program yourself to attract money, new friends / girlfriends, change your character, find a new job, improve health in any of its manifestations and so on.
It is very important to correctly set goals and set tasks for your subconscious. If you learn how to do this, then with the help of frame 25 programs you can convey any information to the subconscious and program it to do what you currently need.

Any goal is achievable. With the help of the method of programming the subconscious mind 25 frame, you can do anything, within reasonable limits, naturally. The subconscious mind is wise, and if your goal can harm you in the future, then it may never come true.

The goals for the frame 25 technique should be harmonious and concern only you personally. The right goal setting for programming the subconscious in the 25th frame is half the battle. On the website of the Subconscious Programming Center (SP Center), questions regarding the correct formulation of the desired result are considered.

Statistics say that the largest number of people who are looking for information about the free 25 frame technique are pursuing goals that are somehow related to losing weight and fighting overweight. The issues of losing weight with a 25 m frame are discussed in the article.

What mistakes are made when using programs based on the 25th frame?

Some users of the 25th frame program do not get the desired result, and there is an explanation for this. One of the mistakes is a strong expectation of the fastest result from the 25th frame program. This expectation is especially strong in matters of weight loss and it is inspired by the CRAZY advertising of various weight loss systems such as SLENDER, SLIMMING, NEXT FRAME, MAGIC SLIM, SLIM LINE EXPERT and so on.

Scam sellers claim that if you lose weight using the 25-meter frame method, you can allegedly lose 10 kg in a week. Thow basically now people get acquainted with the technologies of the 25th frame - thanks to advertising slogans, but for obvious reasons, there is no desire to buy (loss of money is felt intuitively), so the search for a free version of the program for programming the subconscious brings visitors to this site in huge numbers.

If you want to lose weight, then of course, programs based on the principle of the twenty-fifth frame can help you, but you should not expect a miraculous effect. Program 25 frame has a very definite effect on the subconscious, and therefore on your behavior and reaction to the world.

It was repeated many times on the site: when achieving goals, one should not wait for the result, but simply do everything to achieve it. The effect of the 25th frame program may not come immediately, but after a month or even several, and people will watch another week, and without waiting for the "long-awaited effect" they are disappointed and write that the 25th frame is a hoax. While you wait very much for the effect, it will be absent.

Frame 25 (presented on this site) is a very effective technique for self-programming. With the correct use of this program, the likelihood of achieving the desired increases.

The same applies to the issues of losing weight with the help of the 25th frame. In order to lose weight, you need LITERALLY composed affirmations + conscious movement in a given direction, towards your goal.

The original file with affirmations contains the following words, which must be entered before each affirmation:

  • Can ...
  • deserve to have...
  • everyone knows that...
  • I feel that ...
  • I see that...
  • understand, what ...
  • I know that ...
  • sure that...
  • I affirm that...
  • I tell myself that...
  • I really appreciate that...

I propose to supplement this list of words for the technique of influencing the subconscious 25th frame:

  • I LIKE THAT...

During the subconscious programming session, keep all your attention on the monitor and maintain inner silence. Avoid any thoughts about anything. The effectiveness of the 25th frame technique depends on this. Maximum attention to the process and everything will work out.

Why is the "starry sky" mode made in the program frame 25?

The starry sky in the program 25 frame is used to distract consciousness. While the left hemisphere of the brain (logical) thinks "what are these stars?" :) , the subconscious calmly perceives information.

This facilitates the process of programming the subconscious mind. When outputting phrases of 9, the starry sky "slows down" - this is a bug of this technique on the 25th frame, but when outputting 1 phrase, everything works fine.

In order to turn off the "starry sky" during the subconscious programming session using the 25th frame technique, you need to uncheck the box next to the "Built-in background" in the upper right corner in the program settings.

The starry sky contains settings with which you can change various parameters of the program 25 frame.

In the first column of settings, the number specifies the total number of stars in motion on the program screen 25 frames. You can choose any value.

Does the 25 frame exposure technique have any side effects?

In rare cases, after watching a program with the twenty-fifth frame, headaches may occur, there may be several reasons for this:

Setting in the program 25 frame of a different frequency;

Lack of water in the body;

Incorrect looking at the screen with the 25th frame;

- ...

How to use Afformations correctly with the Frame 25 technique?

In addition to affirmations, there are AFFORMATIONS in the technique of frame 25.

Afformation is a positive statement in interrogative form, which can also be used to program your own subconscious mind with a 25th frame technique.

For example: why is everything so GOOD with me? Why am I so hardy and hardworking? Why does my income exceed all my expectations? Well, and so on.

Afformations can also be used in the program frame 25, but only uncheck the prefix and names in the program settings.

How safe is it to use the 25 frame technique?

It is dangerous or safe to use the sublime exposure program - it depends only on the user of the program 25 frame. What settings you write down in the program, you will receive, therefore, before you program yourself for something, you must clearly understand why you need it and how it may affect you in later life. The technique of programming the subconscious mind 25 frames is quite effective, so the environmental friendliness of the affirmations offered to the subconscious in the first place. This is the base, all results will depend for the most part on the content of affirmations.

How to download frame 25? Can't find a link.

The answer to the question of how you can download a free technique from this site is given.

Where to buy technique 25 frame? (program for weight loss)

Now there are a lot of offers to buy a subconscious programming method, which is based on the 25 frame technique. Thousands of different sites offer their programs. Of course for money. Usually such techniques are sold on disks, cash on delivery. Their cost is very high (for the quality of the programs). It makes absolutely no sense to buy these methods. If you really believe in advertising on sites where you can buy the 25th frame, then read the reviews on the Internet and on this one and most likely that the desire to buy a weight loss program with the twenty-fifth frame will quickly disappear. The most common techniques 25 frames (weight loss) sell.

The name "25 frames" is different, but the essence is apparently the same. Paid programs with 25 frames: slender, slimming plus, next frame, magic slim, slimline expert, easyweight, "super fast weight loss system", and so on and so forth. Behind each name is a hundred or two beautiful sites, the most incredible promises of miraculous weight loss by 10 kilograms per week, a huge number of reviews from supposedly thinner people. The sites are bright, there are many photos of young beautiful bodies.

Best of all, download the 25 frame technique for free.

What is the difference between free methods 25 frame and paid programs 25 frame?

If we compare the program that can be downloaded on this site and false weight loss methods such as slender, slimming, next frame, slimline expert, easy, golden strategy for rapid weight loss, super-fast weight loss system, and so on, then the differences are fundamental.

It is already known for certain that all of the above weight loss systems are fraudulent, that is, sellers send empty discs that cannot be opened, cannot be read, and even more so do not contain any 25 frame weight loss programs. But even if a program was recorded on them, in any case it would be a very highly specialized product, with the help of which it would be possible to influence the subconscious only in the narrow subject of combating excess weight.

The 25 frame program presented on this site has no restrictions at all. With the help of this technique of programming the subconscious, or as the author calls it "a system for self-correction", a huge range of tasks can be solved. Limitations are only your imagination. With a creative approach to the issue of self-programming, 25 frames can achieve almost any goal.

Where can I download the program twenty-fifth frame?

At the moment, on the Internet, you can download the 25 frame program for free or for money. All programs are different, built on different principles, and made by different people. Therefore, the effectiveness of programming the subconscious with a 25th frame can vary greatly. It cannot be said unequivocally that some programs are ineffective, while others are vice versa. Only long-term use of the 25 frame technique in practice and careful monitoring of the results can give an answer to such a question. One of these techniques, the twenty-fifth frame, is available on this site in a free version.

You can download the program for programming the subconscious mind with 25 frames for free here:

The effect of frame 25 is known to many, although it has not yet been confirmed by scientists. To date, you can read a huge number of articles about the theory of frame 25, which describes the impact and influence on the human brain. If you want to inspire a person with something, then there is no better method than a kind of hypnosis through this method. Of course, this is quite difficult to do, however, a certain effect will always take place. Also, frame 25 can be used when teaching various foreign languages, for example, English. If you succeed, then you can quickly learn a huge number of foreign words, their pronunciation and spelling.

Downloading the free 25 frame program is very simple, and there are a huge number of versions of such an application on the Internet. It is recommended that you download several programs and test them out for yourself to see which software is best for you. At the same time, it is worth remembering that most frame 25 utilities are designed exclusively for the Windows operating system, so you should carefully select the application. If you have a Linux or Mac system installed, then you should give preference to the free software that can be used specifically on your OS. After downloading and installing the application, all that remains is to launch it and move on to learning English.

Naturally, there are not very many functions and opportunities here, because the main purpose of the free 25 frame application is to quickly learn foreign languages. In most programs, there is a choice between ways to display information - text or picture with text. Each user who managed to download the free 25 frame program independently determines what exactly to choose. The best choice is a picture and text, because in this case you will see the name of the word and its visual display, if it is possible to visualize it, of course. For this reason, users with a well-developed visual memory will be able to quickly and easily memorize all the proposed words as quickly as possible.

Popular program 25 frame download for free on a computer

Another important point that all users should remember is the spacing between words. Here you need to be very careful, because if you download frame 25 for free and set the interval too long, then the psychological effect will be minimal. The same will happen in the case of a short time period, since the brain will not have time to absorb all the information provided.

Thus, it remains only to download the free program 25 frame, with it you can learn new languages ​​in the shortest possible time.

A program that implements the effect of 25 frames when viewing video on a computer. The effect of frame 25 has not yet been researched and there is a lot of information on the Internet on this topic. There is an opinion that frame 25 has an effect on the subconscious, but this fact has not been officially proven or refuted. We offer our own version of the program that inserts frame 25 when watching video on a computer.

The "25 frame" program is supported by the Light Alloy player, and viewing frame 25 is possible only in this player. When installing the program, you will be prompted to install the required version of the player.

The "25 frame" program allows you to:

  • insert text as frame 25
  • embed as 25 frame image
  • insert text and image as frame 25
  • control transparency 25 frame
  • control the 25 frame rate

Fig 1. Program settings panel 25 frame

The program does not irritate and does not hurt the eyes, unlike other existing implementations. The settings allow you to set the transparency of frame 25, which can make it virtually invisible to the eye against the background of the main video:

Fig 2. Frame 25 is shown mixed with the current frame of the video

Rice. 3. Demonstrated the original 25th frame without transparency

The program is distributed free of charge.

License key: 0647504620164637

In general, the term itself Slimming frame 25 "is widely known and it makes no sense for me to dwell on this particular phrase.

But, as they say, "although all dogs are dogs, but still a dog is a dog of strife."
Well, paraphrasing this expression in relation to the topic of this article, you can write in the same way:
"All programs weight loss frame 25 similar to each other, but still each of the programs weight loss frame 25 differs from others"

Here I talk about programs " Slimming frame 25 "in my performance. It goes without saying that I, as the author, introduced my own concept, worked out, honed by experience, into them.

Here is one example program weight loss frame 25" on the image

So, to the question "what exactly are my weight loss programs for 25 shots" - I answer.

1. You know that in principle a lot can be put into a coding system. An advertisement for a product, for example. Or worse, something embarrassing. And what? Signals are invisible...

This is where I say: I, a real person, S.N. Tremsin, candidate of medical sciences, stand behind this program. And I guarantee that I have not included anything other than the fight against excess appetite in the "weight loss 25 frame" program.

Do you feel special?

I guarantee! And this is already worth a lot.

2. I called these weight loss programs 25 frames "thinners".

The name is due to the fact that the coding of this series contains small drawings that are easily placed somewhere in the corner while working on the computer.
That is, weight loss programs are "weight loss 25 frame" programs intended for those who, by the nature of their activities, spend a lot of time in front of the monitor screen.

They not for special coding lose weight (for this I have other developments).

Slimming frame 25 in my performance - these programs are for those who sit in front of the monitor for a long time, at least 2 hours a day.
They code "on the job" weight loss, so to speak.

3. Such weight loss programs 25 frame are not yet available. These are the first options.

I mean, they don't take time at all for coding to lose weight. They save the loser time.

Everything that I wrote above creates special requirements for "weight loss 25 frame" programs.

Most importantly, due to the long action, they should in no way have a strong effect.

You probably know that many coding programs (at least of my production), if the optimal exposure time is exceeded, can cause an overdose effect.

An overdose is expressed in a pathological lack of appetite, symptoms of malaise, etc.

But thin people - are deprived of an overdose!

There are no side effects. Sit in front of a screen for days!
This is easily achieved. Just going very soft coding to lose weight.

Soft! Do you hear?

And therefore - for those who are in front of the monitor less than 2 hours a day - thinners are useless.

In such cases weight loss 25 frame in the form of "thinners" - useless . And everything is here.

Well, for the rest - there is soft coding, as I already wrote. As if nothing special is happening. But the appetite, if it used to be excessive, harmful and painful, is significantly weakening.

This is the effect of my weight loss. They won't make you lose weight. They are way too soft.

Their task is very simple.

Slimming frame 25 relieves hunger tension, reduces excess appetite, and allows you to more successfully engage in active weight loss.

That's all they do. It's up to you to decide if it's worth trying it out for yourself.

By the way, without exception, all weight loss products (weight loss 25 frames) are free!
All! Without exception!

The program is intended for long-term daily use.

Ideal for people who spend a lot of time in front of a monitor screen.

The program takes up little space on the monitor screen and does not interfere with work.



Programmed coding to reduce excess appetite.

As a result, overweight individuals begin to lose weight.


After 7-10 days of coding, a person suddenly discovers that he no longer wants to eat something extra.

Therefore, the process of losing weight begins without hungry tension, without constant thoughts about food, easily and effectively.

Mode of application:

After downloading the program is immediately ready to work. Installation is not required.

Just run the program, a small coding window will appear. It is not necessary to look at it. Move the window to a position on the screen where it won't interfere with your work.

The action is very mild and therefore does not cause complications or side effects.

Designed for long, multi-day use.

With prolonged use, the intensity of the coding signals is dulled.

In your set, it is desirable to have at least 5 programs for daily replacement.


Authenticity (counterfeit protection):

Each time, while the thinner opens (this is 7-10 seconds of loading), an Internet page first appears, confirming the authenticity of the program.

How to use slimming

I advise you to display its shortcut in a prominent place so that you can download it with just one click of the mouse.

Slimming is loading slowly - about 10 seconds.
At the same time, the page confirming its authenticity is loaded first, and then the picture of the thin woman itself ..
Be patient and she will thank you with a good effect.

How to move to the right place

How to close

Slimming 25 frame - horizontal orientation